209-227 Laxamana Vs Laxamana
209-227 Laxamana Vs Laxamana
209-227 Laxamana Vs Laxamana
REYMOND B. LAXAMANA, petitioner, vs. MA. render him unfit to take custody of the children but
there is no evidence to show that he is unfit to provide
LOURDES* D. LAXAMANA, respondent. the children with adequate support, education, as
well as moral and intellectual training and
FACTS: Everything went well for the family until development. While the children were asked as to
petitioner became drug dependent. He was confined whether they like to be with their father but there
and he undergone psychological treatments. was no showing that the court ascertained the
However, respondent claimed petitioner was not fully categorical choice of the children.
rehabilitated. His drug dependence worsened and it
became difficult for respondent and her children to In controversies involving the care, custody, and
live with him being violent and irritable. control of their minor children, the contending parties
stand on equal footing before the court who shall
Respondent and her 3 children abandoned petitioner make a selection according to the best interest of the
and transferred to the house of her relatives. child. The child if over 7 years of age may be
permitted to choose which parent he/she prefers to
The petitioner filed the instant petition for habeas live with, but the court is not bound by such choice if
corpus praying for custody of his three children. the parent chosen is unfit. In all cases, the sole and
Respondent opposed the petition, citing the drug foremost consideration is the physical, educational,
dependence of petitioner. social and moral welfare of the child concerned taking
into account the respective resources as well as the
The results of the psychiatric evaluation submitted to social and moral situations of the opposing parents.
the trial court states that “ Reymond Laxamana is not
yet considered completely cured (of his drug WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the instant
dependency) even though his drug urine test for case is REMANDED to the Regional Trial Court of
“shabu” was negative.” Likewise the children aged 14 Quezon City, Branch 107, for the purpose of receiving
and 15 when asked whether they like to be with their evidence to determine the fitness of petitioner and
father but they said that they entertain fears in their respondent to take custody of their children.
hearts and want to be sure that their father is no
longer a drug dependent. The trial court then
awarded custody of the children to their mother.