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Impairment Must Be at Least For 4 Months Not To Exceed 1 Year

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South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles RG-007A

(Rev 11/18)
Application for Placard and/or License Plate for
People who have a Disability
Section 1 Check type of transaction
Original Renewal Replacement Prior Plate/Placard No. Add Parking Authorized ($1.00)
LICENSE PLATE Passenger Vehicle ($20.00) Motorcycle ($10.00)
Purple Heart Wheelchair (Must also meet requirements for Purple Heart; No fee Permanent Plate)
Veteran Wheelchair (Must also meet
requirements for Veteran)
Veteran Wheelchair (HV) (Must also meet requirements for Veteran who has a disability; No fee Permanent Plate)
PLACARD - $1.00 Limit 1 per applicant. Applicant must have a SCDL, BP or ID photo on file with SCDMV.
Temporary (impairment must be at least 4 months not to exceed 1 year) X Permanent (valid for 4 years)
Placard Registration Certificate must remain in the vehicle when the placard is being used.
DECAL (For display on Purple Heart motorcycle, Veteran who has a disability motorcycle, and World War II plates only)
Applications are accepted at SCDMV branches or can be mailed along with a check or money order (no cash accepted) payable to the SCDMV:
SC Department of Motor Vehicles, PO Box 1498, Blythewood, SC 29016-0019
Warning: A person who duplicates, forges, or sells a placard or a person who falsifies information on an application form for a placard or plate is guilty of a
misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned for 30 days and fined not less than $500 and not more than $1,000.

Section 2 Person s Information Required for Placard or Plate (** indicates optional information)
Last Name: Petterson First Name: Randall Middle Name: Harold
Residential Address: 221 Pineview Dr
City: Pelzer State: SC Zip Code: 29669
Mailing Address (if different):
All correspondence will be mailed to the address of the applicant.
City: State: Zip Code:
(Area Code) Telephone Number:** 918-314-9643 Per on SC Dri er Licen e, BP, or ID N mber: 007769529
Date of Birth:** 05/31/81 Social Security No. :** 247-67-3585 Email Address:** Randall.Petterson@icloud.com
I certify that this information is true and correct.

Signature of Person Printed Name of Person Date

Section 3 Vehicle Information Required for Plate Only Gross Vehicle Weight:
Vehicle Identification Number: Make: Year: Current Vehicle Plate Number:
Owners Information
Last Name First Name Middle Name

Street Address:

Mailing Address (if different):

City: State: Zip Code: Email:**

(Area Code) Telephone
Number:** SC Dri er Licen e, BP or ID
YES, I wish to donate $5.00, more or less, to Donate Life SC. Amount of donation $ .00
Under penalties of perjury, I declare this vehicle is insured with ________________________________________ and I will maintain liability insurance throughout the registration
period. (Insurance Company)

Signature of Vehicle Owner Printed Name of Vehicle Owner Date

Section 4 Physician s Statement

A licensed physician or an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) must complete this portion of the application and must indicate the disability and length of disability.
APRNs are nurse practitioners, certified nurse-midwives, clinical nurse specialists, and certified registered nurse anesthetists.
This is to certify that has the following condition(s):
Name of Applicant (Please Print) Date of Birth
an inability to ordinarily walk one hundred feet nonstop without aggravating an existing medical condition, including the increase of pain;
an inability to ordinarily walk without the use of, or assistance from a brace, cane, crutch, another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair, or other assistive device;
a restriction by lung disease to the extent that the person's forced expiratory volume for one second when measured by spirometry is less than one liter, or the arterial oxygen
tension is less than sixty mm/hg on room air at rest;
requires use of portable oxygen;
a cardiac condition to the extent that the person's functional limitations are classified in severity as Class III or Class IV according to standards established by the American
Heart Association. If the person's status improves to a higher level, for example as a result of bypass surgery or transplantation, he no longer meets this criteria;
a substantial limitation in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition, for example, coordination problems and muscle spasticity due to conditions
that include Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, or multiple sclerosis; or

This disability is: Permanent Temporary length of time Physician Office Phone Number:
(impairment must be at least for 4 months not to exceed 1 year)
I certify that I am: a licensed Physician an APRN Professional License No. _________________________

Print Name of Physician or APRN Signature of Physician or APRN Date

Check No. ____________ Amount ____________ Plate No. ____________ Placard No. ____________ Specialist Initials ____________
South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles RG-007A
(Rev 11/18)
Application for Placard and/or License Plate for
People who have a Disability
Instructions for completing the Application for Placard and/or License Plate for
People Who Have a Disability (RG-007A and RG-007B)
Plates are available to people, or their immediate family members, who a licensed physician or Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) have certified as having a
permanent disability for vehicles registered to the person who has a disability or an immediate family member with the same address. APRNs are nurse practitioners,
certified nurse-midwives, clinical nurse specialists, and certified registered nurse anesthetists. A registration certificate, which lists the name of the person who has a
disability, will be issued with each plate and must be maintained in the applicable vehicle. The plate fee is $20.00.
Businesses or organizations that, as a part of their business, routinely transport people who have a disability may be issued plates for vehicles of special design,
equipped to transport certified people who have a disability, and registered in the name of the business organization. To obtain plates for an institution, a representative
for the institution should complete the application for an Organization Placard and License Plate for People Who Have a Disability (SCDMV Form RG-007B). A
ph ician or an ARPN cer ifica ion i no req ired.
Placards are available to people who a licensed physician or an ARPN ha e cer ified a ha ing a di abili . To appl , o m ha e a c rren dri er licen e,
beginner permit, or identification card photo on file with the SCDMV. If a photo is not on file, you must apply for one before a placard can be issued. A registration
certificate will be issued with each placard and must remain with the person who has a disability when the placard is used. The placard fee is $1.00 and only one
placard may be issued per applicant.
Permanent placards may be issued to organizations that transport people who have a disability. Only one placard may be issued for each vehicle registered in the name
of the organization. The organization must submit a completed Organization Placard and License Plate for People who have a Disability (SCDMV Form RG-007B). The
fee is $1.00 per placard and is limited to the number of registered vehicles.
RG-007A Application for Placard and/or License Plate for People Who Have a Disability (Individual)
Complete a separate application form for each person who has a disability.
Section 1 - Check type of transaction
All applicants must complete this section.
Check One: Original For first-time applicants
Renewal To renew placard or license plate
Replacement To replace a lost, stolen or destroyed plate or placard and certificate
Add Person who has a disability To add the name of an individual who has a disability to the Registration Certificate ($1.00)
License Plate To apply for a wheelchair license plate. Purple Heart Wheelchair (applicants must meet requirements for Purple Heart).
Veterans who have a disability (applicants must meet requirements for Veteran who has a disability) Choose type (Passenger Vehicle or
Placard To apply for a placard. Indicate if placard is temporary or permanent
Wheelchair Decal For display on Purple Heart motorcycle, Veteran who has a disability motorcycle, Veteran Motorcycle, and World War II
Section 2 Person who has a disability information (Required for ALL applicants.)
Provide the full legal name, street and mailing address, including city, state and zip code, and the phone number of the person who has a disability. Li he SC dri er
license, beginner permit, or identification card number of the person who has a disability. Signature of person who has a disability or legal guardian required.
Section 3 Vehicle Information (Required if requesting plate only.)
Complete this section only if you are applying for a license plate. License plates may be issued to vehicles used to transport a certified person who has a disability if the
vehicle is owned and titled in the name of the person who has a disability or his/her immediate family member, who resides in the same household. The fee is $20.00
every two years. Indicate Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) for property carrying vehicles.
Indicate if you wish to donate to Donate Life SC. If you would like to make a donation, indicate the amount in the space provided. For more information on Donate Life
SC, visit www.donatelifesc.org.
The vehicle owner must sign to certify that the vehicle is insured and will maintain insurance throughout the registration period. The name of the liability insurance
company should be listed, not the agent.
Section 4 Medical Statement
A licensed physician or an ARPN must complete this portion of the application. The physician must certify the applicant as having a disability by checking the qualifying
conditions. The physician or ARPN must also indicate if the disability is permanent or temporary (impairment must be for at least 4 months not to exceed 1 year) and
state the length of the disability in the space provided.
RG-007B Business/Organization Placard and/or License Plate for People Who Have a Disability
Section 1 - Check type of transaction
Business/Organization must complete this section.
Check One: Original For first-time applicant
Renewal To renew placard or license plate
Replacement To replace a lost, stolen or destroyed plate or placard and certificate
Check One: License Plate Applying for a license plate
Placard Applying for a permanent placard
Section 2 Business/Organi ation s Information (Required for ALL applicants.)
Pro ide he b ine /organi a ion name, ree and mailing addre , incl ding ci , a e and ip code and phone number. The vehicle owner must sign to certify that
the vehicle is insured and will maintain insurance throughout the registration period. The name of the liability insurance company should be listed, not the agent.
Section 3 Vehicle Information - Required if requesting plate only.
List all registered vehicles for which the organization is buying license plates. Plates will be issued to vehicles used to transport a certified person who has a disability if
the vehicle is owned and titled in the name of the business/organization. The fee is $20.00 every two (2) years. Indicate if you wish to donate to Donate Life SC. If you
would like to make a donation, indicate the amount in the space provided. For more information on Donate Life SC, visit www.donatelifesc.org.
Applications are accepted at an SCDMV branch or can be mailed to the following address along with a check or money order (no cash accepted) payable to the
SC Department of Motor Vehicles
P. O. Box 1498
Blythewood, SC 29016-0019

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