E-Admit Card: Please Read The Following Important Instructions Carefully
E-Admit Card: Please Read The Following Important Instructions Carefully
E-Admit Card: Please Read The Following Important Instructions Carefully
Date and Time of Examination 30th November 2018 & 08:30 AM - 10:30 AM (Examination Authority)
2 The E-Admit Cards are also made available on AAI website: www.aai.aero for downloading and printing by candidates. In case your E–Admit card is without
photograph, you are advised to bring 02 recent passport/stamp size photographs at the examination centre along with photo identication proof for pasting
in attendance sheet/admit card by the Invigilator.
3. For rough work, candidates should bring at least two normal lead pencil without rubber/eraser attached to it.
5 The candidate is required to reach/report at examination centre as per reporting time given above.
6 The Online Examination will be of 120 Minutes and shall consist of Objective Type 120 Questions with 4 Multiple Choice Responses (Answers) out of which
candidate has to choose one correct response (answer) only. Each question shall carry One Mark. There shall be no negative marking. The computer-
based test will be held as per scheme.
The question paper shall be objective type consisting of 120 multiple choice questions (120 marks) with
the following scheme.
i) General English - 20 marks
ii) General Knowledge - 10 marks
Duration: 120 Minutes
iii) General Intelligence - 15 marks
iv) General Aptitude - 15 marks
v) Discipline related - 60 marks
(Syllabus available on AAI website)
7 Candidates are advised to reach their allotted examination centre on or before reporting time as mentioned in E-Admit Card so that entry formalities i.e.,
Biometric and frisking can be done prior to allotment of computer nodes for appearing in examination. The entry gates of examination centre will be closed
before half an hour before commencement of Computer Based Test. The main gate will be closed half an hour before the commencement of the test. NO
8 The candidates should check the particulars viz., Name, Date of Birth, Category, Sub-category, etc mentioned in E-Admit Card carefully and also eligibility
in all respects as per recruitment in Advertisement No: 02/2018. The registered candidates may log grievances, if any, with Recruitment Help Desk Tel:
18002660793 or Email: aaiatc.helpdesk2018@gmail.com
In case of grievance w. r. t. particulars i.e., Name, Date of Birth, Category, Sub-category, any admit card related query, etc as mentioned in online
application is not resolved, then the candidate is advised to personally report at the ‘Facilitation Counter’ on 28.11.2018 from 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM with
copies of documentary proofs i.e., copy of online application form, certicate, testimonials, etc along with two (2) passport/stamp size photographs and
photo identity card so that necessary corrections are made. The address of the ‘Facilitation Counter’ will be posted on AAI website for information to
9 Your candidature in the whole recruitment/selection process is “PURELY PROVISIONAL” pending scrutiny of your eligibility as mentioned in the
Advertisement No: 02/2018 for the post. In case, it is found at any stage of selection that the candidate does not full the eligibility criteria and any
information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is not in conformity with the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement including Age,
Caste Category, Sub-Category, Application Fee, Educational Qualication, etc the candidature of such a candidate will be rejected at any stage of
selection process and even after appointment.
10 The candidate should bring print out of E-Admit Card, Identity Proof (in original), 2 recent colour passport / stamp size photographs to the
Examination Centre. In case of post marriage change in name, the candidate must bring the original matriculation certicate along with
marriage registration certicate / other documentary proof (in original) to establish the Identity after marriage.
Frisking will be done at entry gates and during examination. Candidates are strictly advised not to bring any electronic devices viz., mobile or cellular
phones, electronic gadgets, earphones or microphones, all type of watches, electronic or non-electronic communication devices, hand bags, purse,
calculator, log tables/pager, digital diary, book/notes, pen and any type of metallic items etc which are strictly prohibited in the examination centre. If any
candidate is found in possession of any of these devices/documents, his/her candidature is liable to be disqualied. Candidates are also advised not to
bring any valuable costly items to the examination centre as arrangement of safe keeping of the same cannot be assured and exam centre will not be
responsible for safe custody, loss or theft.
11 Once the Biometric Attendance Registration and Capturing of Photograph are done at Registration Desk, the Candidate should proceed to the allocated
computer node and should not leave the Examination Hall/Room till the Computer Based Test is over. After the computer-based test is over, the candidates
should appear for bio-metric re-verication before leaving the computer lab. The candidate should ensure that biometric image and photograph are
captured properly during bio-metric verication as your bio-metrics captured during CBT may be veried during the remaining stages of selection process.
12 The User ID and Password for the Computer Based Test (CBT) will be provided to the Candidate 10 minutes before the commencement of examination at
their respective computer terminal. The Candidate will be required to enter Login ID and Password which will be provided at examination centre to appear
for Computer Based Test. Please ensure that your name, photograph appearing on the computer screen are correct after Login.
13 The candidate should retain this E–Admit Card carefully for future records as the same is required to be produced at the time/stage of interview and
verication of documents.
14 Any query/objection related to any question and its option(s)/answer by the candidates will be addressed only through ONLINE ‘Objection Link’ within ve
(05) days from the date, when the details of the said link are provided at AAI website: www.aai.aero . Communication in this regard will be sent to all the
candidates, who have attended the online examination on their registered Email ID and through mobile alerts. Any representation thereafter, in this regard
will not be entertained. Objection/complaint received through any other mode of communication/channel will not be entertained under any circumstances.
15 Anyone found to be disclosing, publishing, reproducing, transmitting, storing or facilitating transmission and storage of test contents in any form or any
information therein in whole or part thereof or by any means i.e., verbal or written, electronic or mechanical or taking away the papers supplied in the
examination centre or found to be in unauthorized possession of test content will be considered as serious misconduct and will be debarred/disqualied
from examination. AAI will take disciplinary and legal action as per rules and such cases will be reported to police, if necessary.
16 The candidates as per government guidelines who has disability of 40% or more may opt for his or her own scribe for marking responses (answers) on their
behalf, if so desired, provided that they produce original medical certicate issued by competent medical authority regarding such disability at the time of
entry to the examination centre. All the candidates with disabilities will be allowed “compensatory time” of 40 minutes (over and above the normal duration
of examination i.e., 2:00 Hrs.). A scribe declaration form will be provided on the AAI website, which is to be downloaded, lled and brought along with admit
card on the day of examination.
17 The candidates should regularly visit AAI website www.aai.aero for latest updates through notications, instructions, circulars related to this recruitment
The Marked for Review status for a question simply indicates that you would like to look at that question again. If a
question is answered and Marked for Review, your answer for that question will be considered in the evaluation.
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