Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
This chapter is about the research methodology that will guide the proponents on
developing the desired outcome of the study. Using a systematic process to achieve the solution
to the problems, considering the impacts to the students’ learning and achievement in school.
The researchers have developed their own data gathering procedures which are
divided into 7 parts, namely the research design, respondents and sampling procedures,
instrument of the study, validation of instrument, data gathering procedure, statistical treatment,
and lastly, the data analysis. This procedure will help maintain a systemic way of enduring the
proper understanding of data in the research.
Research Design
As the first step in problem analysis, this provided the foundation for a solution.
The researchers came up with a topic that is relatable to the students, as well as having a
significance to public. The study aimed to produce data and provide a general support for the
claim that various academic emotions influence grade 12 students’ self-regulated learning and
After identifying the problem, preparation and collection of data took place. In
order to have an in-depth understanding and on-point information of the research, the
researchers gathered basic information of the focus of the study. The researchers used survey as
the approach. Specifically, the study utilized the cross-sectional survey in conducting a research.
Through this method, the researchers were able to give data that can be interpreted. Also,
this method helped the researchers determine the factors of academic emotions that influence
the participants’ self-regulated learning and achievement.
The researchers will conduct the survey among the junior and senior high school students
The researchers will use purposive sampling technique to pick students 25 students, each
from grades 7 – 12 in North Fairview High School academic year 2018- 2019 as the respondents
Data Generation
In order for the research to be possible, data gathering about the constraints and
prerequisites of the proposed study. Majority of the data needed for the research study is
gathered through interviews and surveys conducted within the school premises with the chosen
students as the participants.
Research Instrument
The researchers will use survey to gather information which is the required instrument
for the research. It is to make sure that the objectives of the study will be answered in order
After data generation has been made, organization of these are needed in order to
properly evaluate and test the identified problem and justify the formulation of the proposal. The
organized data will be the basis of the problems that need to be given solutions to, as well as the
aspirations of the project.
After gathering materials and data needed for the research from different
sources and studies, the researchers will analyze the acquired data and will formulate a
preliminary solution to the problem. Data gathered from the participants are presented
through descriptive method.
After all the procedures and synthesis of the researchers, all the gathered
information will be executed in the formulation of the final output of the study. All the data and
information gathered throughout the process of research will be used and presented to create an
innovative, functional, and interactive development of the research study.