Arts Appreciation Group 1
Arts Appreciation Group 1
Arts Appreciation Group 1
Learning Outcomes
It takes an Artist to make an art, one may perceive beauty on a daily basis. However, not
every beautiful thing that can be seen or experienced may truly be called a work of art. Art is a
product of man's Imagination, Creativity, and Expression. No matter how perfectly blended the
colors of a sunset are and no matter how extraordinarily formed mountains are, nature is not
considered art simply because it is not made by man. Not even photographs or sketches of
nature, though captured or drawn by man, are works of art, but mere recordings of the beauty
in nature (COLLINS & RILEY 1931).
Jean-Paul Sartre, a famous French Philosopher of the 20th century, described the role of
art as a creative work that depicts the world in a completely different light and perspective, and
the source is due to human freedom (Greene, 1995). Each artwork behold beauty of its own
kind, the kind that the artists sees and wants the viewers to perceive. (Collins & Riley, 1931)
Hence, refining one's ability to appreciate art allows him to deeply understand the purpose of
an artwork and recognize the beauty it possesses.
In cultivating an appreciation of art, one should also exercise and develop his taste for
things they are fine and beautiful. This allows individuals to make intelligent choices and
decisions in acquiring necessities and luxuries, knowing what gives better value for time or
money while taking into consideration the aesthetic and practical value (Collins & Riley, 1931).
The Role of Creativity in Art Making
A creative artists does not simply copy or imitate another artist's work. He does not
imitate the lines, flaws, colors and patterns in recreating nature. He embraces originally, put his
own flavor into his work, and Creativity requires thinking outside the box. It is often used 1. To
solve problems that have been never occurred before 2.Conflate function and style, and
3.Simply make life a more unique and enjoyable experience. In art, Creativity is what sets apart
one artwork from another. Calls it his own creative piece. Yet being creative now a days can be
quite challenging. What you thought was your own unique and creative idea may not what it
seems to be after extensive research and that someone else has coincidentally devised before
the idea in another part of the world. "It's more fun in the Philippines". Used by the Department
of the Tourism (DOT) boorned popularity in 2011, but later on it was found that it was allegedly
plagiarized from Switzerland's tourism slogan “It’s more fun in Switzerland". Back in 1951.
Where do you think famous writer, painters and musicians get their ideas? Where do
ideas in making creative solution begin? It all starts in the human mind, and it begins with
Imagination. German Physicist (Albert Einstien) who had made significant and major
contribution in science and humanity demonstrated that knowledge is actually derived from
imagination. He emphasized this idea through his word. “Imagination is more important than
Knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination
embraces the entire world, and all there will be to know and understand.
(COLLINGWOOD 1938) An artwork does not need to be a real thing, but can be
something that is imaginary. Artists use their imagination that gives birth to reality through
Visual Arts
Creation that fall under category are those that appeal to the sense of sight and are
mainly visual in nature. Artists produce visual arts driven but their desires to reproduce things
that they have seen in the way that they perceived them. (COLLINGWOOD & RILEY, 1931).
Mediums of Visual Arts:
Film refers to the art of putting together successions of still images in order to create an
illusion of movement. Filming focuses on its aesthetic, cultural and social value is considered as
both an art and an industry. Film can be created by using one or a combination of some or all of
these techniques; Motion-picture camera (also known as more camera), animation, techniques,
Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) and more.
It refer to the art of putting together successions of still images in order to create an
illusion of movement. Ex:
1. Stimulate Experiences.
Performance Art - is a live art and the artist's medium is mainly the human body which ge or
she uses to perform, but also employs other kind of art such as visual art, props or sound. It
usually consists of four important elements. Time, where the performance took place, the
performer's or performer's body, and the relationship between the audience and the
performer(s) (Momma Learning, n. d). The facts that performance art is live makes it
intangible,which means it cannot be bought for traded as a commodity, unlike the previously
discussed art expression.
Poetry Performance
Poetry is an art form where the artist expresses his emotions not by using paint
charcoal, or camera, but expresses them through words. These words are carefully selected to
exhibit clarity and beauty and to stimulate strong emotions of joy, anger, love, sorrow, and the
list goes on. Poetry that is specifically composed for or during a performance before an audience.
As discussed, art is the pursuit and creation of beautiful things while architecture is the
making of beautiful buildings. However not all buildings are beautiful. Some buildings only
embody the functionality they need, but the structure, lines, forms, and colors are not
beautifully expressed. Thus not all building can be considered as architecture. Buildings should
embody these three important elements-
Plan, construction, and design-if they wish
to merit the title architecture (Collins &
Riley, 1931)
Dance - Is a series of movements that follows the rhythm of the music accompaniment. It has
been an age-old debate whether dance can be really be considered an art form, but here we
primarily describe dance as a form of expression. Dancing is a creative form that allows people
to freely express themselves. It has no rules. You may say that choreography does not allow this,
but in art expression, dancers are not confined to set steps and rules but are free to create and
invent their own movements as long as they dome them graceful and beautiful.
Literary Art
Artists who practice literary arts use words-not paint, musical instrument or chisels-to
express themselves and communicate emotions to the readers. However, simply becoming a
writer does not make one a literary artists.
It may include both fiction and non-fiction such as novels, biographies, and poems.
Examples of famous literary artists and their works include The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-
Exupery and Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
Uses live performers’ to present accounts or imaginary events before a live audience.
Theater art performances usually follow a script, though they should not be confused with
literary arts. Much like in filmmaking, theater also considers several elements such us acting,
gestures, lighting, sounds effects, musical score, scenery, and props. The combination of these
elements is what gives the strongest impression on the audience and the script thus becomes a
minor element. Similar to performance art since theater is also a live performance, the
participation of the viewer is an important element in theater arts. Some genres of theater
include drama, musical, tragedy, comedy, and improvising.
Art is a product of man's creativity, imagination and expression. An artwork may be inspired by
nature or other works of art, but an artist’s invents his own forms and patterns due to what he
perceive as beautiful and incorporates them in in creating his masterpiece. Perhaps not
everyone can be considered an artist, but surely, all are spectators of art, which gives us all a
role in the field of art appreciation. Refining one's ability to appreciate art allows him to deeply
understand the purpose of an artwork and recognize the beauty it possesses.
Creativity is what sets apart one artwork from another. A creative Artist does not simply
copy or imitate another artist's artwork. He does not imitate the lines, flaws, colors and patterns
in recreating nature. While trough imagination, an artist is able to craft something bold,
something new, and something better in the hopes of creating something that will stimulate
change. In the same way that imagination produces art, art also inspires imagination. Lastly
through expression, an artist is able to explore his own emotions while at the same time, create
something beautiful out of it.
ROBIN GEORGE COLLINGWOOD - An English philosopher, said that expressing emotions is
something different from describing it. He is also best known for his Aesthetic.
ALBERT EINSTIEN - German Physicist who had made significant and major contribution in
science and humanity demonstrated that knowledge is actually derived from imagination. He
emphasized this idea through his word. “IMAGINATION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN
KNOWLEDGE.” For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination
embraces the entire world, and all there will be to know and understand.