Course Outline On Torts and Damages (1718 - 1)
Course Outline On Torts and Damages (1718 - 1)
Course Outline On Torts and Damages (1718 - 1)
REFERENCES: RA 386 (New Civil Code of the Philippines)
EO 209 (Family Code of the Philippines)
RA 7394 (Consumer Act)
Paras, E.L., Civil Code: Annotated, Book V (Rex)
Aquino, T.B., Torts and Damages (Rex)
I. Torts
A. Definition (Case Nos. 1 to 2)
B. Elements (3 to 5)
C. Quasi-Delict (6 to 9)
1.Quasi-Delict vs. Delict (10)
2.Culpa Acquiliana vs. Culpa Contractual (11 to 15)
D. Negligence
2.Diligence Required (16)
3.Degrees of Negligence (17 and 18)
4.Standard of Conduct (19 to 27)
a. In motor vehicle mishaps (28)
b. Possessions of dangerous weapons or substance
c. Common carriers
d. Res ipsa loquitor (29 to 33)
a. Plaintiff’s negligence (34 and 35)
b. Contributory negligence (36 and 37)
c. Fortuitous event (38)
d. Assumption of risk (39 and 40)
e. Prescription (41)
E. The Cause
a. Proximate (42)
b. Concurrent (43)
c. Remote (44)
d. Intervening
2.Tests (45 to 47)
F. Persons Vicariously Liable
1.Persons Exercising Parental Authority (48 to 49)
2.Teachers and Schools (50 to 52)
3.Owners/Managers of Establishments/Employers (53 to 57)
4.State (58 and 59)
G. Persons Specifically Liable (60 to 66)
1.Possessor or User of Animals
2.Owner of Motor Vehicles
3.Local Governments
TORTS AND DAMAGES – Arellano University School of Law
4.Proprietors of Buildings
6.Head of a Family
7.Owners of Enterprises
9.Those who Interfere with Contractual Relations
H. Human Relations (67)
1.Abuse of Rights (68 to 70)
2.Illegal Acts
3.Acts Contra Bonos Mores (71 to 75)
4.Violation of Human Dignity (76)
5.Dereliction of Duty
6.Unfair Competition (77)
I. Independent Civil Actions
1.Violation of Civil and Political Rights (78)
2.Defamation, Fraud and Physical Injuries (79 to 83)
3.Neglect of Duty
II. Damages
A. When Allowed (84)
B. Classification
C. Apportionment (85)
D. Actual and Compensatory Damages
1.Definition and Purpose
2.Proof (86)
a. In general (87 and 88)
b. In contracts and quasi-contracts (89)
c. In crimes and quasi-delicts (87, 90 and 91)
d. Earning capacity (86)
e. Death (92 to 95)
f. Rape (96 and 97)
g. Attorney’s fees (98 to 102)
h. Interest (103 and 104)
4.Mitigation (105 to 107)
E. Moral Damages
1.Definition and Purpose (108)
2.Recoverability (109 to 123)
3.Who may Recover (124 to 128)
4.Factors (129)
F. Nominal Damages
1.Definition and Purpose
2.Recoverability (130 to 135)
3.Nature and Determination (136 to 139)
G. Temperate or Moderate Damages
1.When Awarded (140 to 142)
Grading System:
Ground Rules:
- Students who earned any final grade lower than 70 shall be given a final grade of 70.
- If a student fails to take the Prelims or Midterms with valid reason, he/she will not be given a
special exam but his/her grades will be less 10% of the succeeding major exam (Midterms for
missed Prelims and Finals for missed Midterms).
- If a student fails to take the Prelims or Midterms without any valid reason, he/she shall earn a
grade of zero (0).
“The practice of law, despite its many, many flaws, can still be a very noble thing and I like to
think that it’s just a little more noble with me in it.”
-Harriet Korn, Harry’s Law