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Caterpillar, Inc. vs.

Samson, NCRPO, sample purchases were made of leather shoes, shoe conditioner,
505 SCRA 704, G.R. No. 164605 October 27, 2006 jeans, shirts, socks, belt, and a wallet from various branches of stores owned
by the respondent. The samples obtained from the sample purchases are
Search Warrants; Where there is no pending criminal and civil case in sufficient to represent the thousands of articles that were seized, making it
connection with articles seized pursuant to a search warrant, the return doubtful that the prosecution would have presented each and every article
of said articles to the party from whom they were seized is, but a matter seized from the respondent’s stores. More likely, the court would not have
of course.—Pending the disposition of this case, the Chief State Prosecutor, allowed the presentation of superfluous evidence. The merchandise was also
in a Joint Resolution dated 18 June 2004, denied the motion for photographed, and more detailed photographs were taken of the particular
reconsideration filed by the petitioner seeking to set aside the Joint parts of the merchandise where the trademarks in dispute were attached or
Resolution issued by the State Prosecutor dated 21 August 2003, dismissing used. These photographs were in fact attached to the aforementioned
the complaints filed against the respondent. The respondent alleged this in affidavits and Motion for Reconsideration, and respondent had not denied
his Comment dated 30 September 2004 and again in his Memorandum, filed that these were items bought from his store. Given the availability of actual
on 4 May 2005. The records, however, show that the petitioner failed to samples, as well as their photographs, there is no need for the court to take
allege that it filed a petition for review before the Secretary of Justice to custody of the countless articles seized.
appeal the aforementioned Joint Resolution, in accordance with the 2000
National Prosecution Service Rules on Appeal. Thus, it may be reasonably Same; There is no law prohibiting the trial court from returning the
concluded that the Joint Resolution of the DOJ has become final, and no articles seized before a case is actually filed in court and even before
criminal case will be filed in connection with the five search warrants that the final determination of the prosecutor or the Department of Justice
were issued by the trial court. Furthermore, no civil case was filed in on whether a case should be filed in court.—It should be noted that there
connection with the articles seized. Since there is no pending criminal and is no law prohibiting the trial court from returning the articles seized before a
civil case in connection with the articles seized, the return of the said articles case is actually filed in court and even before the final determination of the
to the respondent are, but, a matter of course. prosecutor or the DOJ on whether a case should be filed in court. In most
cases, the release of the articles seized would be unjustified. However, in the
Unfair Competition; Words and Phrases; An action for unfair particular circumstances of this case, the return of the items would better
competition is based on the proposition that no dealer in merchandise serve the purposes of justice and expediency.
should be allowed to dress his goods in simulation of the goods of
another dealer, so that purchasers desiring to buy the goods of the Same; In exercising custody over articles seized by virtue of a search
latter would be induced to buy the goods of the former.—An action for warrant, the property rights of the owner should be balanced with the
unfair competition is based on the proposition that no dealer in merchandise social need to preserve evidence, which will be used in the prosecution
should be allowed to dress his goods in simulation of the goods of another of a case; The Constitution does not provide a blanket prohibition
dealer, so that purchasers desiring to buy the goods of the latter would be against all searches and seizures, rather the fundamental protection
induced to buy the goods of the former. The most usual devices employed in accorded by the search and seizure clause is that between persons and
committing this crime are the simulation of labels and the reproduction of the police, there must stand the protective authority of a magistrate
form, color and general appearance of the package used by the pioneer clothed with the power to issue or refuse such search warrant.—There
manufacturer or dealer. exists a constitutional safeguard against unreasonable searches and
seizures, which refers to the immunity of one’s person from interference by
Search Warrants; Given the availability of actual samples, as well as the government, included in which is his residence, his papers and other
their photographs, there is no need for the court to take custody of the possessions. The Constitution, however, does not provide a blanket
countless articles seized.—Should there have been a need to examine the prohibition against all searches and seizures, rather the fundamental
actual merchandise sold by the respondent, sufficient sample has already protection accorded by the search and seizure clause is that between
been obtained by the prosecution. It is alleged in the Affidavits that were persons and the police, there must stand the protective authority of a
executed pursuant to the Application for the Search Warrants Nos. MC-02- magistrate clothed with the power to issue or refuse such search warrant.
044 to MC02-048, and in the Motion for Reconsideration (of the 21 August Yet, the responsibilities of the magistrate do not end with the granting of the
2003 Joint Resolution), filed on 19 September 2003 before the DOJ, warrant, but extends to the custody of the articles seized. In exercising
attached as Annex “J” of the petitioner’s Petitioner for Certiorari before the custody over these articles, the property rights of the owner should be
Court of Appeals, that as part of the investigation was conducted by the RIID-
balanced with the social need to preserve evidence, which will be used in the Prejudicial Questions; A civil action for damages and cancellation of
prosecution of a case. trademark cannot be considered a prejudicial question by which to suspend
the proceedings in the criminal cases for unfair competition.—A civil action
Same; Where the purpose of presenting as evidence the articles seized for damages and cancellation of trademark cannot be considered a
is no longer served, there is no justification for severely curtailing the prejudicial question by which to suspend the proceedings in the criminal
rights of a person to his property.—In the instant case, no criminal action cases for unfair competition. A prejudicial question is that which arises in a
had been prosecuted for almost a year. Thus, the court had been left with the civil case the resolution of which is a logical antecedent of the issues to be
custody of highly depreciable merchandise. More importantly, these highly determined in the criminal case. It must appear not only that the civil case
depreciable articles would have been superfluous if presented as evidence involves facts upon which the criminal action is based, but also that the
for the following reasons: (1) the respondent had already admitted that he is resolution of the issues raised in the civil action will necessarily be
the owner of the merchandise seized, which made use of the trademarks in determinative of the criminal case.
dispute; (2) the court required the respondent to execute an undertaking to
produce the articles seized when the court requires and had already in its Same; The elements of a prejudicial question are provided in Section 7
possession a complete inventory of the items seized as secondary evidence; of Rule 111, Rules of Court, to wit: (a) a previously instituted civil action
(3) actual samples of the respondent’s merchandise are in the possession of involves an issue similar to or intimately related to the issue raised in
the police officers who had applied for the search warrant, and photographs the subsequent criminal action, and (b) the resolution of such issue
thereof had been made part of the records, and respondent did not dispute determines whether or not the criminal action may proceed.—The
that these were obtained from his stores. Where the purpose of presenting elements of a prejudicial question are provided in Section 7 of Rule 111,
as evidence the articles seized is no longer served, there is no justification Rules of Court, to wit: (a) a previously instituted civil action involves an issue
for severely curtailing the rights of a person to his property. similar to or intimately related to the issue raised in the subsequent criminal
action, and (b) the resolution of such issue determines whether or not the
Caterpillar, Inc. vs. Samson, criminal action may proceed.
808 SCRA 309, G.R. No. 205972, G.R. No. 164352 November 9, 2016
Probable Cause; Certiorari; The courts could intervene in the
Criminal Procedure; Probable Cause; The determination of probable determination of probable cause only through the special civil action
cause to charge a person in court for a criminal offense is exclusively for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, not by appeal through
lodged in the Executive Branch of the government, through the the petition for review under Rule 43.—The courts could intervene in the
Department of Justice (DOJ).—The determination of probable cause to determination of probable cause only through the special civil action for
charge a person in court for a criminal offense is exclusively lodged in the certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, not by appeal through the
Executive Branch of the Government, through the Department of Justice. petition for review under Rule 43. Thus, the CA could not reverse or undo the
Initially, the determination is done by the investigating public prosecutor, and findings and conclusions on probable cause by the Secretary of Justice
on review by the Secretary of Justice or his duly authorized subordinate. except upon clear demonstration of grave abuse of discretion amounting to
lack or excess of jurisdiction committed by the Secretary of Justice.
Same; Under Article 33 of the Civil Code, a civil action entirely separate
and distinct from the criminal action may be brought by the injured Same; Probable cause for the purpose of filing an information in court
party in cases of fraud, and such civil action shall proceed consists in such facts and circumstances as would engender a well-
independently of the criminal prosecution.—We note, to begin with, that founded belief that a crime has been committed and the accused may
Civil Case No. Q-00-41446, the civil case filed by Caterpillar in the RTC in probably be guilty thereof.—Probable cause for the purpose of filing an
Quezon City, was for unfair competition, damages and cancellation of information in court consists in such facts and circum stances as would
trademark, while Criminal Cases Nos. Q-02-108043-44 were the criminal engender a well-founded belief that a crime has been committed and the
prosecution of Samson for unfair competition. A common element of all such accused may probably be guilty thereof. The determination of probable
cases for unfair competition — civil and criminal — was fraud. Under Article cause lies solely within the sound discretion of the investigating public
33 of the Civil Code, a civil action entirely separate and distinct from the prosecutor after the conduct of a preliminary investigation.
criminal action may be brought by the injured party in cases of fraud, and
such civil action shall proceed independently of the criminal prosecution. Same; By the nature of his office, the public prosecutor cannot be
compelled to file a criminal information in court if he is not convinced
of the sufficiency of the evidence adduced for a finding of probable Courts; Supreme Court; Jurisdiction; The power to promulgate rules of
cause.—It is a sound judicial policy to refrain from interfering with the pleading, practice and procedure is now the Supreme Court’s (SC’s)
determination of what constitutes sufficient and convincing evidence to exclusive domain and no longer shared with the Executive and
establish probable cause for the prosecution of the accused. Thus, it is Legislative departments.—The power to promulgate rules of pleading,
imperative that by the nature of his office, the public prosecutor cannot be practice and procedure is now Our exclusive domain and no longer shared
compelled to file a criminal information in court if he is not convinced of the with the Executive and Legislative departments. In Echegaray v. Secretary of
sufficiency of the evidence adduced for a finding of probable cause. Neither Justice, 301 SCRA 96 (1999), then Associate Justice (later Chief Justice)
can he be precluded from filing an information if he is convinced of the merits Reynato S. Puna traced the history of the Court’s rulemaking power and
of the case. highlighted its evolution and development.

Estipona, Jr. vs. Lobrigo, Political Law; Separation of Powers; The separation of powers among
837 SCRA 160, G.R. No. 226679 August 15, 2017 the three (3) coequal branches of our government has erected an
impregnable wall that keeps the power to promulgate rules of pleading,
Courts; Supreme Court; Jurisdiction; It is within the Supreme Court’s practice and procedure within the sole province of the Supreme Court
(SC’s) power to make exceptions to the rules of court. Under proper (SC).—The separation of powers among the three coequal branches of our
conditions, it may permit the full and exhaustive ventilation of the government has erected an impregnable wall that keeps the power to
parties’ arguments and positions despite the supposed technical promulgate rules of pleading, practice and procedure within the sole province
infirmities of a petition or its alleged procedural flaws.—On matters of of this Court. The other branches trespass upon this prerogative if they enact
technicality, some points raised by the OSG maybe correct. Nonetheless, laws or issue orders that effectively repeal, alter or modify any of the
without much further ado, it must be underscored that it is within this Court’s procedural rules promulgated by the Court. Viewed from this perspective, We
power to make exceptions to the rules of court. Under proper conditions, We have rejected previous attempts on the part of the Congress, in the exercise
may permit the full and exhaustive ventilation of the parties’ arguments and of its legislative power, to amend the Rules of Court (Rules).
positions despite the supposed technical infirmities of a petition or its alleged
procedural flaws. In discharging its solemn duty as the final arbiter of Remedial Law; Criminal Procedure; Plea Bargaining; Speedy Trial Act
constitutional issues, the Court shall not shirk from its obligation to determine of 1998; Section 2 of Republic Act (RA) No. 8493 (“Speedy Trial Act of
novel issues, or issues of first impression, with far-reaching implications. 1998”) required that plea bargaining and other matters that will promote
a fair and expeditious trial are to be considered during pretrial
Procedural Rules and Technicalities; Matters of procedure and conference in all criminal cases cognizable by the Municipal Trial Court
technicalities normally take a backseat when issues of substantial and (MTC), Municipal Circuit Trial Court (MCTC), Metropolitan Trial Court
transcendental importance are present.—Matters of procedure and (MeTC), Regional Trial Court (RTC), and the Sandiganbayan.—When
technicalities normally take a backseat when issues of substantial and R.A. No. 8493 (“Speedy Trial Act of 1998”) was enacted, Section 2, Rule 118
transcendental importance are present. We have acknowledged that the of the Rules was substantially adopted. Section 2 of the law required that
Philippines’ problem on illegal drugs has reached “epidemic,” “monstrous,” plea bargaining and other matters that will promote a fair and expeditious trial
and “harrowing” proportions, and that its disastrously harmful social, are to be considered during pretrial conference in all criminal cases
economic, and spiritual effects have broken the lives, shattered the hopes, cognizable by the Municipal Trial Court, Municipal Circuit Trial Court,
and destroyed the future of thousands especially our young citizens. At the Metropolitan Trial Court, Regional Trial Court, and the Sandiganbayan.
same time, We have equally noted that “as urgent as the campaign against
the drug problem must be, so must we as urgently, if not more so, be vigilant Procedural Rules and Technicalities; The Supreme Court’s (SC’s) sole
in the protection of the rights of the accused as mandated by the Constitution prerogative to issue, amend, or repeal procedural rules is limited to the
x x x who, because of excessive zeal on the part of the law enforcers, may preservation of substantive rights, i.e., the former should not diminish,
be unjustly accused and convicted.” Fully aware of the gravity of the drug increase or modify the latter.—The Supreme Court’s sole prerogative to
menace that has beset our country and its direct link to certain crimes, the issue, amend, or repeal procedural rules is limited to the preservation of
Court, within its sphere, must do its part to assist in the all-out effort to substantive rights, i.e., the former should not diminish, increase or modify the
lessen, if not totally eradicate, the continued presence of drug lords, pushers latter. “Substantive law is that part of the law which creates, defines and
and users. regulates rights, or which regulates the right and duties which give rise to a
cause of action; that part of the law which courts are established to
administer; as opposed to adjective or remedial law, which prescribes the Same; Same; Same; Under the present Rules, the acceptance of an
method of enforcing rights or obtain redress for their invasions.” offer to plead guilty is not a demandable right but depends on the
consent of the offended party and the prosecutor, which is a condition
Remedial Law; Criminal Procedure; Promulgation of Judgments; precedent to a valid plea of guilty to a lesser offense that is necessarily
Failure to Appear at the Promulgation; The Supreme Court (SC) said in included in the offense charged.—The decision to plead guilty is often
Jaylo, et al. v. Sandiganbayan, et al., 746 SCRA 452 (2015), that Section heavily influenced by the defendant’s appraisal of the prosecution’s case
6, Rule 120 of the Rules, which provides that an accused who failed to against him and by the apparent likelihood of securing leniency should a
appear at the promulgation of the judgment of conviction shall lose the guilty plea be offered and accepted. In any case, whether it be to the offense
remedies available against the judgment, does not take away charged or to a lesser crime, a guilty plea is a “serious and sobering
substantive rights but merely provides the manner through which an occasion” inasmuch as it constitutes a waiver of the fundamental rights to be
existing right may be implemented.—We said in Jaylo, et al. v. presumed innocent until the contrary is proved, to be heard by himself and
Sandiganbayan, et al., 746 SCRA 452 (2015), that Section 6, Rule 120 of the counsel, to meet the witnesses face to face, to bail (except those charged
Rules, which provides that an accused who failed to appear at the with offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is
promulgation of the judgment of conviction shall lose the remedies available strong), to be convicted by proof beyond reasonable doubt, and not to be
against the judgment, does not take away substantive rights but merely compelled to be a witness against himself. Yet a defendant has no
provides the manner through which an existing right may be implemented. constitutional right to plea bargain. No basic rights are infringed by trying him
Section 6, Rule 120, of the Rules of Court, does not take away per se the rather than accepting a plea of guilty; the prosecutor need not do so if he
right of the convicted accused to avail of the remedies under the Rules. It is prefers to go to trial. Under the present Rules, the acceptance of an offer to
the failure of the accused to appear without justifiable cause on the plead guilty is not a demandable right but depends on the consent of the
scheduled date of promulgation of the judgment of conviction that forfeits offended party and the prosecutor, which is a condition precedent to a valid
their right to avail themselves of the remedies against the judgment. It is not plea of guilty to a lesser offense that is necessarily included in the offense
correct to say that Section 6, Rule 120, of the Rules of Court diminishes or charged. The reason for this is that the prosecutor has full control of the
modifies the substantive rights of petitioners. It only works in pursuance of prosecution of criminal actions; his duty is to always prosecute the proper
the power of the Supreme Court to “provide a simplified and inexpensive offense, not any lesser or graver one, based on what the evidence on hand
procedure for the speedy disposition of cases.” This provision protects the can sustain.
courts from delay in the speedy disposition of criminal cases — delay arising
from the simple expediency of nonappearance of the accused on the Same; Same; Same; Trial courts are exhorted to keep in mind that a
scheduled promulgation of the judgment of conviction. plea of guilty for a lighter offense than that actually charged is not
supposed to be allowed as a matter of bargaining or compromise for
Same; Same; Plea Bargaining; In this jurisdiction, plea bargaining has the convenience of the accused.—The plea is further addressed to the
been defined as “a process whereby the accused and the prosecution sound discretion of the trial court, which may allow the accused to plead
work out a mutually satisfactory disposition of the case subject to court guilty to a lesser offense which is necessarily included in the offense
approval.”—In this jurisdiction, plea bargaining has been defined as “a charged. The word may denotes an exercise of discretion upon the trial court
process whereby the accused and the prosecution work out a mutually on whether to allow the accused to make such plea. Trial courts are exhorted
satisfactory disposition of the case subject to court approval.” There is give- to keep in mind that a plea of guilty for a lighter offense than that actually
and-take negotiation common in plea bargaining. The essence of the charged is not supposed to be allowed as a matter of bargaining or
agreement is that both the prosecution and the defense make concessions to compromise for the convenience of the accused.
avoid potential losses. Properly administered, plea bargaining is to be
encouraged because the chief virtues of the system — speed, economy, and Same; Same; Same; Plea bargaining is allowed during the arraignment,
finality — can benefit the accused, the offended party, the prosecution, and the pretrial, or even up to the point when the prosecution already rested
the court. Considering the presence of mutuality of advantage, the rules on its case.—Plea bargaining is allowed during the arraignment, the pretrial, or
plea bargaining neither create a right nor take away a vested right. Instead, it even up to the point when the prosecution already rested its case. As
operates as a means to implement an existing right by regulating the judicial regards plea bargaining during the pretrial stage, the trial court’s exercise of
process for enforcing rights and duties recognized by substantive law and for discretion should not amount to a grave abuse thereof. “Grave abuse of
justly administering remedy and redress for a disregard or infraction of them. discretion” is a capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment so patent and
gross as to amount to an evasion of a positive duty or a virtual refusal to
perform a duty enjoined by law, as where the power is exercised in an decides some point or matter but is not the final decision of the whole
arbitrary and despotic manner because of passion or hostility; it arises when controversy — Section 1 of Rule 41 provides that an appeal cannot be
a court or tribunal violates the Constitution, the law or existing jurisprudence. had. In this instance, a party’s recourse is to file an answer, with the
option to include grounds stated in the motion to dismiss, and proceed
Same; Same; Same; If the accused moved to plead guilty to a lesser to trial. In the event that an adverse judgment is rendered, the party can
offense subsequent to a bail hearing or after the prosecution rested its file an appeal and raise the interlocutory order as an error.—In remedial
case, the rules allow such a plea only when the prosecution does not law, an order denying a motion to dismiss is classified as an interlocutory
have sufficient evidence to establish the guilt of the crime charged.—If order. This classification is vital because the kind of court order determines
the accused moved to plead guilty to a lesser offense subsequent to a bail the particular remedy that a losing party may pursue. In the case of a final
hearing or after the prosecution rested its case, the rules allow such a plea order — one that finally disposes of a case — the proper remedy is an
only when the prosecution does not have sufficient evidence to establish the appeal. On the other hand, when an order is merely interlocutory — one
guilt of the crime charged. The only basis on which the prosecutor and the which refers to something between the commencement and end of the suit
court could rightfully act in allowing change in the former plea of not guilty which decides some point or matter but is not the final decision of the whole
could be nothing more and nothing less than the evidence on record. As controversy — Section 1 of Rule 41 provides that an appeal cannot be had.
soon as the prosecutor has submitted a comment whether for or against said In this instance, a party’s recourse is to file an answer, with the option to
motion, it behooves the trial court to assiduously study the prosecution’s include grounds stated in the motion to dismiss, and proceed to trial. In the
evidence as well as all the circumstances upon which the accused made his event that an adverse judgment is rendered, the party can file an appeal and
change of plea to the end that the interests of justice and of the public will be raise the interlocutory order as an error. This general rule is subject to a
served. The ruling on the motion must disclose the strength or weakness of narrow exception. A party may question an interlocutory order without
the prosecution’s evidence. Absent any finding on the weight of the evidence awaiting judgment after trial if its issuance is tainted with grave abuse of
on hand, the judge’s acceptance of the defendant’s change of plea is discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. In this case, the party
improper and irregular. can file a special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65.

G.V. Florida Transport, Inc. vs. Tiara Commercial Corporation, Same; “Appeal” and “Certiorari,” Distinguished.—A special civil action
842 SCRA 576, G.R. No. 201378 October 18, 2017 for certiorari is an original civil action and not an appeal. An appeal aims to
correct errors in judgment and rectify errors in the appreciation of facts and
Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; Appeals; Petition for Review on law which a lower court may have committed in the proper exercise of its
Certiorari; Motion for Extension of Time; Under the Rules, the period to jurisdiction. A special civil action for certiorari, on the other hand, is used to
file a petition for review on certiorari is fifteen (15) days from receipt of correct errors in jurisdiction. We have defined an error in jurisdiction as “one
the judgment, resolution, or final order appealed from. Nevertheless, on where the officer or tribunal acted without or in excess of its jurisdiction, or
motion of the party filed before the reglementary period, the Supreme with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.”
Court (SC) may grant extension for a period not exceeding thirty (30)
days.—Section 2 of Rule 45 of the Rules of Court governing the procedure Same; Grave Abuse of Discretion; Grave abuse of discretion is not
for filing an appeal through a petition for review on certiorari expressly allows mere abuse of discretion but must be grave “as when the power is
the filing of a motion for extension of time. Under the Rules, the period to file exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner by reason of passion or
a petition for review on certiorari is fifteen (15) days from receipt of the personal hostility, and must be so patent and so gross as to amount to
judgment, resolution, or final order appealed from. Nevertheless, on motion an evasion of a positive duty or to a virtual refusal to perform the duty
of the party filed before the reglementary period, this Court may grant enjoined or to act at all in contemplation of law.”—Grave abuse of
extension for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days. In a Resolution dated discretion has a precise meaning in remedial law. It is not mere abuse of
July 16, 2012, we granted Florida’s motion for extension of time. We thus find discretion but must be grave “as when the power is exercised in an arbitrary
GV Florida’s petition to be timely filed. or despotic manner by reason of passion or personal hostility, and must be
so patent and so gross as to amount to an evasion of a positive duty or to a
Same; Same; Motion to Dismiss; Interlocutory Orders; In remedial law, virtual refusal to perform the duty enjoined or to act at all in contemplation of
an order denying a motion to dismiss is classified as an interlocutory law.” In more concrete terms, not every error committed by a tribunal
order; When an order is merely interlocutory — one which refers to amounts to grave abuse of discretion. A misappreciation of the facts or a
something between the commencement and end of the suit which misapplication of the law does not, by itself, warrant the filing of a special civil
action for certiorari. There must be a clear abuse of the authority vested in a service of summons. The inclusion in a motion to dismiss of other grounds
tribunal. This abuse must be so serious and so grave that it warrants the aside from lack of jurisdiction over the person of the defendant shall not be
interference of the court to nullify or modify the challenged action and to undo deemed a voluntary appearance. There is voluntary appearance when a
the damage done. party, without directly assailing the court’s lack of jurisdiction, seeks
affirmative relief from the court. When a party appears before the court
Same; Civil Procedure; Summons; Service of Summons; Alias without qualification, he or she is deemed to have waived his or her objection
Summons; In cases of improper service of summons, courts should not regarding lack of jurisdiction due to improper service of summons. When a
automatically dismiss the complaint by reason of lack of jurisdiction defendant, however, appears before the court for the specific purpose of
over the person of the defendant. The remedy is to issue alias questioning the court’s jurisdiction over him or her, this is a special
summons and ensure that it is properly served.—We agree that there appearance and does not vest the court with jurisdiction over the person of
was improper service of summons on TCC. We, however, apply the defendant. Section 20 of Rule 14 of the Rules of Court provides that so
jurisprudence and rule that in cases of improper service of summons, courts long as a defendant raises the issue of lack of jurisdiction, he or she is
should not automatically dismiss the complaint by reason of lack of allowed to include other grounds of objection. In such case, there is no
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant. The remedy is to issue alias voluntary appearance.
summons and ensure that it is properly served. Service of summons is the
main mode through which a court acquires jurisdiction over the person of the Same; Same; Same; Same; Improper service of summons and lack of
defendant in a civil case. Through it, the defendant is informed of the action voluntary appearance do not automatically warrant the dismissal of the
against him or her and he or she is able to adequately prepare his or her complaint.—Still, improper service of summons and lack of voluntary
course of action. Rules governing the proper service of summons are not appearance do not automatically warrant the dismissal of the complaint. In
mere matters of procedure. They go into a defendant’s right to due process. Lingner & Fisher GMBH v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 125 SCRA 522
Thus, strict compliance with the rules on service of summons is mandatory. (1983), we held: A case should not be dismissed simply because an original
summons was wrongfully served. It should be difficult to conceive, for
Same; Same; Same; Same; While the former rule allowed service on an example, that when a defendant personally appears before a Court
agent of a corporation, the current rule has provided for a list of complaining that he had not been validly summoned, that the case filed
specific persons to whom service of summons must be made.—Section against him should be dismissed. An alias summons can be actually served
11, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court provides the procedure for the issuance of on said defendant.
summons to a domestic private juridical entity. It states: Sec. 11. Service
upon domestic private juridical entity.—When the defendant is a corporation, Same; Same; Same; Same; Alias Summons; When there is improper
partnership or association organized under the laws of the Philippines with a service of summons and the defendant makes a special appearance to
juridical personality, service may be made on the president, managing question this, the proper and speedy remedy is for the court to issue
partner, general manager, corporate secretary, treasurer, or in-house alias summons.—When there is improper service of summons and the
counsel. This enumeration is exclusive. Section 11 of Rule 14 changed the defendant makes a special appearance to question this, the proper and
old rules pertaining to the service of summons on corporations. While the speedy remedy is for the court to issue alias summons. In the present case,
former rule allowed service on an agent of a corporation, the current rule has the summons was served to Gino-gino, a financial supervisor of TCC. While
provided for a list of specific persons to whom service of summons must be she is not one of the officers enumerated in Section 11 of Rule 14, we find
made. that TCC has voluntarily appeared before (and submitted itself to) the RTC
when it filed its pretrial brief without any reservation as to the court’s
Same; Same; Same; Same; Service of summons is not the only mode jurisdiction over it. At no point in its pretrial brief did TCC raise the issue of
through which a court acquires jurisdiction over the person of the the RTC’s jurisdiction over it. In fact, it even asked the RTC that it be allowed
defendant; When a party appears before the court without qualification, to reserve the presentation of additional evidence through documents and
he or she is deemed to have waived his or her objection regarding lack witnesses. While it is true that TCC initially filed an Answer Ad Cautelam, we
of jurisdiction due to improper service of summons.—Service of rule that TCC waived any objection raised therein as to the jurisdiction of the
summons, however, is not the only mode through which a court court when it subsequently filed its pretrial brief without any reservation and
acquires jurisdiction over the person of the defendant. Section 20 of even prayed to be allowed to present additional evidence. This, to this
Rule 14 of the Rules of Court states: Sec. 20. Voluntary appearance.— Court’s mind, is an unequivocal submission to the jurisdiction of the RTC to
The defendant’s voluntary appearance in the action shall be equivalent to conduct the trial.
Same; Same; Same; In the absence of qualifying or restrictive words,
Same; Same; Dismissal of Actions; Prescription; Prescription is a the stipulation should be deemed as merely an agreement on an
ground for the dismissal of a complaint without going to trial on the additional forum, not as limiting venue to the specified place.—In view
merits; When the issue of prescription requires the determination of of the predilection to view a stipulation on venue as merely permissive, the
evidentiary matters, it cannot be the basis of an outright dismissal parties must therefore employ words in the contract that would clearly evince
without hearing.—Prescription is a ground for the dismissal of a complaint a contrary intention. In Spouses Lantin v. Judge Lantion, 499 SCRA 718
without going to trial on the merits. Under Rule 16 of the Rules of Court, it is (2006), the Court emphasized that “the mere stipulation on the venue of an
raised in a motion to dismiss which is filed before the answer. It may also be action is not enough to preclude parties from bringing a case in other venues.
raised as an affirmative defense in the answer. At the discretion of the court, The parties must be able to show that such stipulation is exclusive. In the
a preliminary hearing on the affirmative defense may be conducted as if a absence of qualifying or restrictive words, the stipulation should be deemed
motion to dismiss was filed. Nevertheless, this is only a general rule. When as merely an agreement on an additional forum, not as limiting venue to the
the issue of prescription requires the determination of evidentiary matters, it specified place.”
cannot be the basis of an outright dismissal without hearing.
Same; Same; Same; Not being contrary to law or public policy, the
Same; Evidence; Admissibility of Evidence; Under the Rules of Court, a stipulation on venue, which Planters Development Bank (PDB) and
party presenting a document as evidence must first establish its due Spouses Ramos freely and willingly agreed upon, has the force of law
execution and authenticity as a preliminary requirement for its between them, and thus, should be complied with in good faith.—In
admissibility.—TCC alleges that GV Florida’s third-party complaint (which it view of the foregoing, the RTC should have granted the Urgent Motion to
argues is essentially an action for implied warranty) has already prescribed. Dismiss filed by PDB on the ground that the venue was improperly laid. The
The Civil Code states that this claim must be made within six months from complaint being one for annulment of real estate mortgages and promissory
the time of the delivery of the thing sold. Without preempting the RTC’s notes is in the nature of a personal action, the venue of which may be fixed
findings on the validity of the argument that this is a warranty claim, a finding by the parties to the contract. In this case, it was agreed that any suit or
that the action has prescribed requires the ascertainment of the delivery date action that may arise from the mortgage contracts or the promissory notes
of the tires in question. This, in turn, requires the presentation of the delivery must be filed and tried in Makati only. Not being contrary to law or public
receipts as well as their identification and authentication. Under the Rules of policy, the stipulation on venue, which PDB and Spouses Ramos freely and
Court, a party presenting a document as evidence must first establish its due willingly agreed upon, has the force of law between them, and thus, should
execution and authenticity as a preliminary requirement for its admissibility. be complied with in good faith.

Planters Development Bank vs. Ramos, Same; Same; Same; The stipulation on the venue was couched in a
840 SCRA 453, G.R. No. 228617 September 20, 2017 language showing the intention of the parties to restrict the filing of any
suit or action to the designated place only. It is crystal clear that the
Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; Venue; Written stipulations as to venue intention was not just to make the said place an additional forum or
may be restrictive in the sense that the suit may be filed only in the venue but the only jurisdiction where any suit or action pertaining to
place agreed upon, or merely permissive in that the parties may file the mortgage contracts may be filed.—In the present case, Spouses
their suit not only in the place agreed upon but also in the places fixed Ramos had validly waived their right to choose the venue for any suit or
by law.—The general rules on venue admit of exceptions in Section 4 action arising from the mortgages or promissory notes when they agreed to
thereof, i.e., where a specific rule or law provides otherwise, or when the limit the same to Makati City only and nowhere else. True enough, the
parties agreed in writing before the filing of the action on the exclusive venue stipulation on the venue was couched in a language showing the intention of
thereof. Stipulations on venue, however, may either be permissive or the parties to restrict the filing of any suit or action to the designated place
restrictive. “Written stipulations as to venue may be restrictive in the sense only. It is crystal clear that the intention was not just to make the said place
that the suit may be filed only in the place agreed upon, or merely permissive an additional forum or venue but the only jurisdiction where any suit or action
in that the parties may file their suit not only in the place agreed upon but pertaining to the mortgage contracts may be filed. There being no showing
also in the places fixed by law. As in any other agreement, what is essential that such waiver was invalid or that the stipulation on venue was against
is the ascertainment of the intention of the parties respecting the matter.” public policy, the agreement of the parties should be upheld. It is therefore a
grave abuse of discretion on the part of the RTC to deny the motion to
dismiss filed by PDB on the ground of improper venue, especially when the
said issue had been raised at the most opportune time, that is, within the the presumption of regularity, and to overcome the same, there must be
time for but before the filing of an answer. The CA should have given this evidence that is clear, convincing and more than merely preponderant;
matter a more serious consideration and not simply brushed it aside. otherwise, the document should be upheld.

Tujan-Militante vs. Nustad, People vs. Go, 719 SCRA 704,

827 SCRA 390, G.R. No. 209518 June 19, 2017 G.R. No. 168539 March 25, 2014

Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; Jurisdiction; A trial court acquires Criminal Law; Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices; Public Officers; Corrupt
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant by service of summons. Practices of Public Officers; Elements of.—Section 3(g) of R.A. 3019
However, it is equally significant that even without valid service of provides: Sec. 3. Corrupt practices of public officers.—In addition to acts
summons, a court may still acquire jurisdiction over the person of the or omissions of public officers already penalized by existing law, the following
defendant, if the latter voluntarily appears before it.—A trial court shall constitute corrupt practices of any public officer and are hereby
acquires jurisdiction over the person of the defendant by service of declared to be unlawful: x x x x (g) Entering, on behalf of the Government,
summons. However, it is equally significant that even without valid service of into any contract or transaction manifestly and grossly disadvantageous to
summons, a court may still acquire jurisdiction over the person of the the same, whether or not the public officer profited or will profit thereby. The
defendant, if the latter voluntarily appears before it. Section 20, Rule 14 of elements of the above provision are: (1) that the accused is a public officer;
the Rules of Court provides: Section 20. Voluntary Appearance.—The (2) that he entered into a contract or transaction on behalf of the government;
defendant’s voluntary appearance in the action shall be equivalent to service and (3) that such contract or transaction is grossly and manifestly
of summons. The inclusion in a motion to dismiss of other grounds of relief disadvantageous to the government.
aside from lack of jurisdiction over the person of the defendant shall not be
deemed a voluntary appearance. Same; Same; Conspiracy; Private persons, when acting in conspiracy
with public officers, may be indicted and, if found guilty, held liable for
Same; Same; Same; A party cannot invoke the jurisdiction of the court the pertinent offenses under Section 3 of Republic Act (R.A.) 3019, in
to secure the affirmative relief against his opponent and after obtaining consonance with the avowed policy of the anti-graft law to repress
or failing to obtain such relief, repudiate or question that same certain acts of public officers and private persons alike constituting
jurisdiction.—By seeking affirmative reliefs from the trial court, the individual graft or corrupt practices act or which may lead thereto.—At the outset,
[petitioner is] deemed to have voluntarily submitted to the jurisdiction of the it bears to reiterate the settled rule that private persons, when acting in
court. A party cannot invoke the jurisdiction of the court to secure the conspiracy with public officers, may be indicted and, if found guilty, held
affirmative relief against his opponent and after obtaining or failing to obtain liable for the pertinent offenses under Section 3 of R.A. 3019, in consonance
such relief, repudiate or question that same jurisdiction. In this case, while with the avowed policy of the anti-graft law to repress certain acts of public
Tujan-Militante’s motion to dismiss challenged the jurisdiction of the court a officers and private persons alike constituting graft or corrupt practices act or
quo on the ground of improper service of summons, the subsequent filing of which may lead thereto. This is the controlling doctrine as enunciated by this
a Motion for Reconsideration which sought for affirmative relief is tantamount Court in previous cases, among which is a case involving herein private
to voluntary appearance and submission to the authority of such court. Such respondent.
affirmative relief is inconsistent with the position that no voluntary
appearance had been made, and to ask for such relief, without the proper Same; Same; Same; It is true that by reason of Secretary Enrile’s death,
objection, necessitates submission to the [court]’s jurisdiction. there is no longer any public officer with whom respondent can be
charged for violation of Republic Act (R.A.) 3019. It does not mean,
Same; Evidence; Notarized Documents; A notarized document has in however, that the allegation of conspiracy between them can no longer
its favor the presumption of regularity, and to overcome the same, be proved or that their alleged conspiracy is already expunged.—It is
there must be evidence that is clear, convincing and more than merely true that by reason of Secretary Enrile’s death, there is no longer any public
preponderant; otherwise, the document should be upheld.—We rule on officer with whom respondent can be charged for violation of R.A. 3019. It
the validity of the subject notarial document. What is important is that does not mean, however, that the allegation of conspiracy between them can
[Nustad] certified before a commissioned officer clothed with powers to no longer be proved or that their alleged conspiracy is already expunged.
administer an oath that she is authorizing Atty. Lucila to institute the petition The only thing extinguished by the death of Secretary Enrile is his criminal
before the court a quo on her behalf. A notarized document has in its favor liability. His death did not extinguish the crime nor did it remove the basis of
the charge of conspiracy between him and private respondent. Stated and the legislative intent to repress “acts of public officers and private
differently, the death of Secretary Enrile does not mean that there was no persons alike, which constitute graft or corrupt practices,” would be frustrated
public officer who allegedly violated Section 3(g) of R.A. 3019. In fact, the if the death of a public officer would bar the prosecution of a private person
Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for Luzon found probable cause to indict who conspired with such public officer in violating the Anti-Graft Law.
Secretary Enrile for infringement of Sections 3(e) and (g) of R.A. 3019. Were
it not for his death, he should have been charged. Same; Same; Same; It is settled that the absence or presence of
conspiracy is factual in nature and involves evidentiary matters.—It is
Same; Same; Same; The requirement before a private person may be settled that the absence or presence of conspiracy is factual in nature and
indicted for violation of Section 3(g) of Republic Act (R.A.) 3019, among involves evidentiary matters. Hence, the allegation of conspiracy against
others, is that such private person must be alleged to have acted in respondent is better left ventilated before the trial court during trial, where
conspiracy with a public officer; If circumstances exist where the public respondent can adduce evidence to prove or disprove its presence.
officer may no longer be charged in court, as in the present case where
the public officer has already died, the private person may be indicted Remedial Law; Criminal Procedure; Jurisdiction; The rule is well settled
alone.—The requirement before a private person may be indicted for that the act of an accused in posting bail or in filing motions seeking
violation of Section 3(g) of R.A. 3019, among others, is that such private affirmative relief is tantamount to submission of his person to the
person must be alleged to have acted in conspiracy with a public officer. The jurisdiction of the court.—Respondent should be reminded that prior to this
law, however, does not require that such person must, in all instances, be Court’s ruling in G.R. No. 168919, he already posted bail for his provisional
indicted together with the public officer. If circumstances exist where the liberty. In fact, he even filed a Motion for Consolidation in Criminal Case No.
public officer may no longer be charged in court, as in the present case 28091. The Court agrees with petitioner’s contention that private
where the public officer has already died, the private person may be indicted respondent’s act of posting bail and filing his Motion for Consolidation vests
alone. the SB with jurisdiction over his person. The rule is well settled that the act of
an accused in posting bail or in filing motions seeking affirmative relief is
Same; Same; Same; The death of one of two or more conspirators does tantamount to submission of his person to the jurisdiction of the court. Thus,
not prevent the conviction of the survivor or survivors.—Indeed, it is not it has been held that: When a defendant in a criminal case is brought before
necessary to join all alleged co-conspirators in an indictment for conspiracy. a competent court by virtue of a warrant of arrest or otherwise, in order to
If two or more persons enter into a conspiracy, any act done by any of them avoid the submission of his body to the jurisdiction of the court he must raise
pursuant to the agreement is, in contemplation of law, the act of each of them the question of the court’s jurisdiction over his person at the very earliest
and they are jointly responsible therefor. This means that everything said, opportunity. If he gives bail, demurs to the complaint or files any dilatory plea
written or done by any of the conspirators in execution or furtherance of the or pleads to the merits, he thereby gives the court jurisdiction over his
common purpose is deemed to have been said, done, or written by each of person. (State ex rel. John Brown vs. Fitzgerald, 51 Minn., 534)
them and it makes no difference whether the actual actor is alive or dead,
sane or insane at the time of trial. The death of one of two or more Same; Same; Same; Courts; Sandiganbayan;The Sandiganbayan is a
conspirators does not prevent the conviction of the survivor or survivors. special criminal court which has exclusive original jurisdiction in all
Thus, this Court held that: x x x [a] conspiracy is in its nature a joint offense. cases involving violations of Republic Act (R.A.) 3019 committed by
One person cannot conspire alone. The crime depends upon the joint act or certain public officers, as enumerated in Presidential Decree (P.D.) 1606
intent of two or more persons. Yet, it does not follow that one person cannot as amended by R.A. 8249. This includes private individuals who are
be convicted of conspiracy. So long as the acquittal or death of a co- charged as co-principals, accomplices or accessories with the said
conspirator does not remove the bases of a charge for conspiracy, one public officers.—The SB is a special criminal court which has exclusive
defendant may be found guilty of the offense. original jurisdiction in all cases involving violations of R.A. 3019 committed by
certain public officers, as enumerated in P.D. 1606 as amended by R.A.
Same; Same; Same; The avowed policy of the State and the legislative 8249. This includes private individuals who are charged as co-principals,
intent to repress “acts of public officers and private persons alike, accomplices or accesso ries with the said public officers. In the instant case,
which constitute graft or corrupt practices,” would be frustrated if the respondent is being charged for violation of Section 3(g) of R.A. 3019, in
death of a public officer would bar the prosecution of a private person conspiracy with then Secretary Enrile. Ideally, under the law, both
who conspired with such public officer in violating the Anti-Graft respondent and Secretary Enrile should have been charged before and tried
Law.—The Court agrees with petitioner that the avowed policy of the State jointly by the Sandiganbayan. However, by reason of the death of the latter,
this can no longer be done. Nonetheless, for reasons already discussed, it failing to object to the testimony on the ground that it was hearsay, counsel
does not follow that the SB is already divested of its jurisdiction over the waived his right to make such objection and, consequently, the evidence
person of and the case involving herein respondent. To rule otherwise would offered may be admitted.”
mean that the power of a court to decide a case would no longer be based
on the law defining its jurisdiction but on other factors, such as the death of Same; Same; Documentary pieces of evidence which have material
one of the alleged offenders. bearing on the credibility of the prosecution witnesses cannot be
cavalierly dismissed as irrelevant.—The documentary pieces of evidence
Cabugao vs. People, cannot be cavalierly dismissed as irrelevant. They have a material bearing on
435 SCRA 624, G.R. No. 158033 July 30, 2004 the credibility of the prosecution witnesses, SPO2 Domingo and SPO1
Lomibao. SPO2 Domingo has been dismissed from the service as of
Evidence; Hearsay Evidence; Certified True Copies; Under the Rules of February 28, 1997. At the time of the incident on March 12, 1999, he was no
Court, when the original of a document is in the custody of a public longer a policeman and yet misrepresented himself as one. On the other
officer or is recorded in a public office, its contents may be proved by a hand, SPO1 Lomibao has been found guilty of drug use. Their credibility as
certified copy issued by the public officer in custody thereof.—The truth tellers leaves much to be desired.
contention of the respondent that the subject documents are uncertified is
erro neous. Under the Rules of Court, when the original of a document is in Criminal Law; Dangerous Drugs Act; Policemen; Buy-Bust Operations;
the custody of a public officer or is recorded in a public office, its contents The participation of a dismissed policeman in the alleged buy-bust
may be proved by a certified copy issued by the public officer in custody operation when he was no longer a member of the police force speaks
thereof. The Rules does not require that the certification should be in a ill of the regularity of the operation.—The participation of SPO2 Domingo
particular form. The four-page Resolution dated December 8, 1997 contains in the alleged buy-bust operation when he was no longer a member of the
a stamped certification signed by Police Inspector David U. Ursua of the police force speaks ill of the regularity of the operation. It is unusual for SPO2
Legal Service, PNP Regional Office I of Parian, San Fernando, La Union. Domingo to be given the role of poseur buyer when he was at the time a
The three-page Decision dated February 28, 1997 has the handwritten dismissed policeman. As a dismissed policeman, he is not entitled to the
authentication of Police Inspector Mario L. Aduan, also from the same office, presumption of regularity in the performance of official duty. Yet this
on each and every page.They ought to satisfy the requirement of the Rules presumption was used as a crutch to convict the petitioner.
on certification.
Same; Same; Same; Same; It is the duty of the prosecution to present a
Same; Same; Where a party fails to object to evidence when offered, he complete picture detailing the buy-bust operation, failing of which, the
is deemed to have waived his objection thereto, and consequently, the buy-bust operation will be greeted with furrowed brows.—In People vs.
evidence offered may be admitted.—The respondent did not raise the Ong, we held that it is the duty of the prosecution to present a complete
hearsay objection when the subject documents were offered in evidence by picture detailing the buy-bust operation—from the initial contact between the
the defense. When the father of the petitioner was asked during direct poseur buyer and the pusher, the offer to purchase, the promise or payment
examination if he had proof that SPO2 Domingo was dismissed from service of the consideration, until the consummation of the sale by the delivery of the
and that SPO1 Lomibao was involved in drug activities, the prosecution illegal subject of sale. Failing in this duty, the buy-bust operation will be
objected on other grounds, i.e., that “the line of questioning is now irrelevant greeted with furrowed brows.
and immaterial” and that “(t)his is not (sic) the character of the complain-ant
which is in issue.” When the subject documents were marked as exhibits, the Same; Same; Witnesses; A witness who manufactures a kind of lie that
prosecution again did not raise any objection. When the documents were could lead to the long time incarceration of the victim does not merit
formally offered in evidence, the respondent once more did not object on the credence.—The records show that the charge for violation of Batas
ground of hearsay. The prosecution objected on the ground that the Pambansa Blg. 6 or illegal possession of dangerous weapon against the
documents are “off-tangent to the issue in this case.” The Rules of Court petitioner was dismissed due to the repeated failure of SPO2 Domingo and
requires that grounds for objection must be specified, whether orally or in SPO1 Lomibao to appear before the court despite due notice. This repeated
writing. The result of violating this rule has been spelled out by this Court in a failure strengthens the impression that the prosecution story about the
number of cases. In Krohn vs. Court of Appeals, the counsel for the petitioner dagger taken from the petitioner is false. The falsity is not of little
objected to the testimony of private respondent on the ground that it was significance. A witness who manufactures that kind of a lie that could lead to
privileged but did not question the testimony as hearsay. We held that “in the long time incarceration of the victim does not merit credence.
accused has exhibited, by his voluntary act without malice, an inexcusable
Same; Same; Same; Prosecution’s evidence, resting mainly on the lack of precaution. It is that which supplies the criminal intent so
testimonies of two police officers whose authority and credibility are indispensable as to bring an act of mere negligence and imprudence under
highly doubtful, cannot sustain the conviction of the accused.—It is the operation of the penal law. This is because a conscious indifference to
well-settled that conviction must rest upon the strength of the evidence of the the consequences of the conduct is all that is required from the standpoint of
prosecution and not on the weakness of the evidence for the defense. The the frame of mind of the accused. Quasi-offenses penalize the mental
prosecution’s evidence, resting mainly on the testimonies of two police attitude or condition behind the act, the dangerous recklessness, the lack of
officers whose authority and credibility are highly doubtful, cannot sustain the care or foresight, the “imprudencia punible,” unlike willful offenses which
conviction of the petitioner. punish the intentional criminal act. This is precisely where this Court found
Dr. Ynzon to be guilty of — his seemingly indifference to the deteriorating
Cabugao vs. People, condition of JR that he as a consequence, failed to exercise lack of
731 SCRA 214, G.R. No. 165805 July 30, 2014 precaution which eventually led to JR’s death.

Criminal Law; Reckless Imprudence; Reckless imprudence consists of Same; Actions; Prosecution of Offenses; Every criminal conviction
voluntarily doing or failing to do, without malice, an act from which requires of the prosecution to prove two things — the fact of the crime,
material damage results by reason of an inexcusable lack of precaution i.e., the presence of all the elements of the crime for which the accused
on the part of the person performing or failing to perform such act.— stands charged, and the fact that the accused is the perpetrator of the
Reckless imprudence consists of voluntarily doing or failing to do, without crime.—Every criminal conviction requires of the prosecution to prove two
malice, an act from which material damage results by reason of an things — the fact of the crime, i.e., the presence of all the elements of the
inexcusable lack of precaution on the part of the person performing or failing crime for which the accused stands charged, and the fact that the accused is
to perform such act. The elements of reckless imprudence are: (1) that the the perpetrator of the crime. Based on the above disquisitions, however, the
offender does or fails to do an act; (2) that the doing or the failure to do that prosecution failed to prove these two things. The Court is not convinced with
act is voluntary; (3) that it be without malice; (4) that material damage results moral certainty that Dr. Cabugao is guilty of reckless imprudence as the
from the reckless imprudence; and (5) that there is inexcusable lack of elements thereof were not proven by the prosecution beyond a reasonable
precaution on the part of the offender, taking into consideration his doubt.
employment or occupation, degree of intelligence, physical condition, and
other circumstances regarding persons, time and place. Same; Death of the Accused; In People v. Bayotas, 236 SCRA 239
(1994), the Supreme Court (SC) laid down the rules in case the accused
Remedial Law; Evidence; Expert Witnesses; Whether a physician or dies prior to final judgment.—While this case is pending appeal, counsel
surgeon has exercised the requisite degree of skill and care in the for petitioner Dr. Ynzon informed the Court that the latter died on December
treatment of his patient is, in the generality of cases, a matter of expert 23, 2011 due to “multi­-organ failure” as evidenced by a copy of death
opinion.—Verily, whether a physician or surgeon has exercised the requisite certificate. Thus, the effect of death, pending appeal of his conviction of
degree of skill and care in the treatment of his patient is, in the generality of petitioner Dr. Ynzon with regard to his criminal and pecuniary liabilities
cases, a matter of expert opinion. The deference of courts to the expert should be in accordance to People v. Bayotas, 236 SCRA 239 (1994),
opinions of qualified physicians stems from its realization that the latter wherein the Court laid down the rules in case the accused dies prior to final
possess unusual technical skills which laymen in most instances are judgment: 1. Death of the accused pending appeal of his conviction
incapable of intelligently evaluating. From the testimonies of the expert extinguishes his criminal liability as well as the civil liability based solely
witnesses presented, it was irrefutably proven that Dr. Ynzon failed to thereon. As opined by Justice Regalado, in this regard, “the death of the
practice that degree of skill and care required in the treatment of his patient. accused prior to final judgment terminates his criminal liability and only the
civil liability directly arising from and based solely on the offense committed,
Criminal Law; Reckless Imprudence; Among the elements constitutive i.e., civil liability ex delicto in senso strictiore.” 2. Corollarily, the claim for civil
of reckless imprudence, what perhaps is most central to a finding of liability survives notwithstanding the death of accused, if the same may also
guilt is the conclusive determination that the accused has exhibited, by be predicated on a source of obligation other than delict. Article 1157 of the
his voluntary act without malice, an inexcusable lack of precaution.— Civil Code enumerates these other sources of obligation from which the civil
Among the elements constitutive of reckless imprudence, what perhaps is liability may arise as a result of the same act or omission: a) Law b)
most central to a finding of guilt is the conclusive determination that the Contracts c) Quasi-contracts d) x x x x x x x x x e) Quasi-delicts 3. Where the
civil liability survives, as explained in Number 2 above, an action for recovery on whether the person to be arrested has committed the crime.—
therefor may be pursued but only by way of filing a separate civil action and Section 5(b), Rule 113 of the 1985 Rules of Criminal Procedure was further
subject to Section 1, Rule 111 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure as amended with the incorporation of the word “probable cause” as the basis of
amended. This separate civil action may be enforced either against the the arresting officer’s determination on whether the person to be arrested has
executor/admin-istrator or the estate of the accused, depending on the committed the crime. Hence, as presently worded, Section 5(b), Rule 113 of
source of obligation upon which the same is based as explained above. 4. the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure provides that: When an offense has
Finally, the private offended party need not fear a forfeiture of his right to file just been committed, and he has probable cause to believe based on
this separate civil action by prescription, in cases where during the personal knowledge of facts or circumstances that the person to be arrested
prosecution of the criminal action and prior to its extinction, the private- has committed it.
offended party instituted together therewith the civil action. In such case, the
statute of limitations on the civil liability is deemed interrupted during the Same; Same; Same; Same; As presently worded, the elements under
pendency of the criminal case, conformably with provisions of Article 1155 of Section 5(b), Rule 113 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure are:
the Civil Code, that should thereby avoid any apprehension on a possible first, an offense has just been committed; and second, the arresting
privation of right by prescription. officer has probable cause to believe based on personal knowledge of
facts or circumstances that the person to be arrested has committed
Same; Same; The death of the accused Dr. Ynzon pending appeal of his it.—From the current phraseology of the rules on warrantless arrest, it
conviction extinguishes his criminal liability.—It is clear that the death of appears that for purposes of Section 5(b), the following are the notable
the accused Dr. Ynzon pending appeal of his conviction extinguishes his changes: first, the contemplated offense was qualified by the word “just,”
criminal liability. However, the recovery of civil liability subsists as the same connoting immediacy; and second, the warrantless arrest of a person sought
is not based on delict but by contract and the reckless imprudence he was to be arrested should be based on probable cause to be determined by the
guilty of under Article 365 of the Revised Penal Code. For this reason, a arresting officer based on his personal knowledge of facts and circumstances
separate civil action may be enforced either against the that the person to be arrested has committed it. It is clear that the present
executor/administrator or the estate of the accused, depending on the source rules have ‘‘objectified” the previously subjective determination of the
of obligation upon which the same is based, and in accordance with Section arresting officer as to the (1) commission of the crime; and (2) whether the
4, Rule 111 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure. person sought to be arrested committed the crime. According to Feria, these
changes were adopted to minimize arrests based on mere suspicion or
Same; Damages; Independent Civil Action; Upon the extinction of the hearsay. As presently worded, the elements under Section 5(b), Rule 113 of
criminal liability and the offended party desires to recover damages the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure are: first, an offense has just been
from the same act or omission complained of, the party may file a committed; and second, the arresting officer has probable cause to believe
separate civil action based on the other sources of obligation in based on personal knowledge of facts or circumstances that the person to be
accordance with Section 4, Rule 111.—Upon the extinction of the criminal arrested has committed it.
liability and the offended party desires to recover damages from the same act
or omission complained of, the party may file a separate civil action based on Same; Same; Same; Same; In determining the existence of probable
the other sources of obligation in accordance with Section 4, Rule 111. If the cause, the arresting officer should make a thorough investigation and
same act or omission complained of arises from quasi-delict, as in this case, exercise reasonable judgment.—In determining the existence of probable
a separate civil action must be filed against the executor or administrator of cause, the arresting officer should make a thorough investigation and
the estate of the accused, pursuant to Section 1, Rule 87 of the Rules of exercise reasonable judgment. The standards for evaluating the factual basis
Court. supporting a probable cause assessment are not less stringent in
warrantless arrest situation than in a case where a warrant is sought from a
Pestilos vs. Generoso, 739 SCRA 337, judicial officer. The probable cause determination of a warrantless arrest is
G.R. No. 182601 November 10, 2014 based on information that the arresting officer possesses at the time of the
arrest and not on the information acquired later. In evaluating probable
Remedial Law; Criminal Procedure; Arrests; Warrantless Arrests; cause, probability and not certainty is the determinant of reasonableness
Probable Cause; Section 5(b), Rule 113 of the 1985 Rules of Criminal under the Fourth Amendment. Probable cause involves probabilities similar
Procedure was further amended with the incorporation of the word to the factual and practical questions of everyday life upon which reasonable
“probable cause” as the basis of the arresting officer’s determination and prudent persons act. It is a pragmatic question to be determined in each
case in light of the particular circumstances and the particular offense evidence submitted by the parties.—It is clear therefore that the standard
involved. for determining “probable cause” is invariable for the officer arresting without
a warrant, the public prosecutor, and the judge issuing a warrant of arrest. It
Same; Same; Preliminary Investigations; The purpose of a preliminary is the existence of such facts and circumstances that would lead a
investigation is to determine whether a crime has been committed and reasonably discreet and prudent person to believe that an offense has been
whether there is probable cause to believe that the accused is guilty of committed by the person sought to be arrested or held for trial, as the case
the crime and should be held for trial.—The purpose of a preliminary may be. However, while the arresting officer, the public prosecutor and the
investigation is to determine whether a crime has been committed and judge all determine “probable cause,” within the spheres of their respective
whether there is probable cause to believe that the accused is guilty of the functions, its existence is influenced heavily by the available facts and
crime and should be held for trial. In Buchanan v. Viuda de Esteban, 32 Phil. circumstance within their possession. In short, although these officers use
363 (1915), we defined probable cause as the existence of facts and the same standard of a reasonable man, they possess dissimilar quantity of
circumstances as would excite the belief in a reasonable mind, acting on the facts or circumstances, as set by the rules, upon which they must determine
facts within the knowledge of the prosecutor, that the person charged was probable cause. Thus, under the present rules and jurisprudence, the
guilty of the crime for which he was prosecuted. arresting officer should base his determination of probable cause on his
personal knowledge of facts and circumstances that the person sought to be
Same; Same; Probable Cause; Warrant of Arrest; Before issuing a arrested has committed the crime; the public prosecutor and the judge must
warrant of arrest, the judge must be satisfied that based on the base their determination on the evidence submitted by the parties. In other
evidence submitted, there is sufficient proof that a crime has been words, the arresting officer operates on the basis of more limited facts,
committed and that the person to be arrested is probably guilty evidence or available information that he must personally gather within a
thereof.—Hence, before issuing a warrant of arrest, the judge must be limited time frame.
satisfied that based on the evidence submitted, there is sufficient proof that a
crime has been committed and that the person to be arrested is probably Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The Supreme Court (SC) holds that
guilty thereof. At this stage of the criminal proceeding, the judge is not yet the following must be present for a valid warrantless arrest: 1) the
tasked to review in detail the evidence submitted during the preliminary crime should have been just committed; and 2) the arresting officer’s
investigation. It is sufficient that he personally evaluates the evidence in exercise of discretion is limited by the standard of probable cause to be
determining probable cause to issue a warrant of arrest. determined from the facts and circumstances within his personal
knowledge.—The clincher in the element of “personal knowledge of facts or
Same; Same; Same; Arrests; Warrantless Arrests; The arresting circumstances” is the required element of immediacy within which these facts
officer’s determination of probable cause under Section 5(b), Rule 113 or circumstances should be gathered. This required time element acts as a
of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure is based on his personal safeguard to ensure that the police officers have gathered the facts or
knowledge of facts or circumstances that the person sought to be perceived the circumstances within a very limited time frame. This
arrested has committed the crime.—In contrast, the arresting officer’s guarantees that the police officers would have no time to base their probable
determination of probable cause under Section 5(b), Rule 113 of the Revised cause finding on facts or circumstances obtained after an exhaustive
Rules of Criminal Procedure is based on his personal knowledge of facts or investigation. The reason for the element of the immediacy is this — as the
circumstances that the person sought to be arrested has committed the time gap from the commission of the crime to the arrest widens, the pieces of
crime. These facts or circumstances pertain to actual facts or raw evidence, information gathered are prone to become contaminated and subjected to
i.e., supported by circumstances sufficiently strong in themselves to create external factors, interpretations and hearsay. On the other hand, with the
the probable cause of guilt of the person to be arrested. A reasonable element of immediacy imposed under Section 5(b), Rule 113 of the Revised
suspicion therefore must be founded on probable cause, coupled with good Rules of Criminal Procedure, the police officer’s determination of probable
faith on the part of the peace officers making the arrest. cause would necessarily be limited to raw or uncontaminated facts or
circumstances, gathered as they were within a very limited period of time.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Under the present rules and The same provision adds another safeguard with the requirement of probable
jurisprudence, the arresting officer should base his determination of cause as the standard for evaluating these facts of circumstances before the
probable cause on his personal knowledge of facts and circumstances police officer could effect a valid warrantless arrest. In light of the discussion
that the person sought to be arrested has committed the crime; the above on the developments of Sec tion 5(b), Rule 113 of the Revised Rules
public prosecutor and the judge must base their determination on the of Criminal Procedure and our jurisprudence on the matter, we hold that the
following must be present for a valid warrantless arrest: 1) the crime should stabbing, particularly the locality where it took place, its occasion, the
have been just committed; and 2) the arresting officer’s exercise of discretion personal circumstances of the parties, and the immediate on-the-spot
is limited by the standard of probable cause to be determined from the facts investigation that took place, the immediate and warrantless arrests of the
and circumstances within his personal knowledge. The requirement of the perpetrators were proper. Consequently, the inquest proceeding that the City
existence of probable cause objectifies the reasonableness of the Prosecutor conducted was appropriate under the circumstances.
warrantless arrest for purposes of compliance with the Constitutional
mandate against unreasonable arrests. Same; Same; Judgments; No less than the Constitution itself provides
that it is the decision that should state clearly and distinctly the facts
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; With these facts and circumstances and the law on which it is based. In resolving a motion, the court is only
that the police officers gathered and which they have personally required to state clearly and distinctly the reasons therefor.—We do not
observed less than one hour from the time that they have arrived at the see any taint of impropriety or grave abuse of discretion in this Order. The
scene of the crime until the time of the arrest of the petitioners, we RTC, in resolving the motion, is not required to state all the facts found in the
deem it reasonable to conclude that the police officers had personal record of the case. Detailed evidentiary matters, as the RTC decreed, is best
knowledge of facts or circumstances justifying the petitioners’ reserved for the full-blown trial of the case, not in the preliminary incidents
warrantless arrests.—To summarize, the arresting officers went to the leading up to the trial. Additionally, no less than the Constitution itself
scene of the crime upon the complaint of Atty. Generoso of his alleged provides that it is the decision that should state clearly and distinctly the facts
mauling; the police officers responded to the scene of the crime less than and the law on which it is based. In resolving a motion, the court is only
one (1) hour after the alleged mauling; the alleged crime transpired in a required to state clearly and distinctly the reasons therefor. A contrary
community where Atty. Generoso and the petitioners reside; Atty. Generoso system would only prolong the proceedings, which was precisely what
positively identified the petitioners as those responsible for his mauling and, happened to this case. Hence, we uphold the validity of the RTC’s order as it
notably, the petitioners and Atty. Generoso lived almost in the same correctly stated the reason for its denial of the petitioners’ Urgent Motion for
neighborhood; more importantly, when the petitioners were confronted by the Regular Preliminary Investigation.
arresting officers, they did not deny their participation in the incident with
Atty. Generoso, although they narrated a different version of what transpired.
With these facts and circumstances that the police officers gathered and
which they have personally observed less than one hour from the time that
they have arrived at the scene of the crime until the time of the arrest of the
petitioners, we deem it reasonable to conclude that the police officers had
personal knowledge of facts or circumstances justifying the petitioners’
warrantless arrests. These circumstances were well within then police
officers’ observation, perception and evaluation at the time of the arrest.
These circumstances qualify as the police officers’ personal observation,
which are within their personal knowledge, prompting them to make the
warrantless arrests.

Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; It is enough that evidence of the

recent commission of the crime is patent (as in this case) and the
police officer has probable cause to believe based on personal
knowledge of facts or circumstances, that the person to be arrested
has recently committed the crime.—To reiterate, personal knowledge of a
crime just committed under the terms of the above cited provision, does not
require actual presence at the scene while a crime was being committed; it is
enough that evidence of the recent commission of the crime is patent (as in
this case) and the police officer has probable cause to believe based on
personal knowledge of facts or circumstances, that the person to be arrested
has recently committed the crime. Considering the circumstances of the

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