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A Hands on Introduction to NMR

Lecture #1
Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Resonance

Introduction - The aim of this short course is to present a physical picture of the basic
principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and imaging, along with
a brief introduction to selected experimental details. To accomplish this a semi-classical
model of magnetic resonance will be discussed. While a complete and concise
description of NMR requires a quantum mechanical description, the semi-classical
approach provides the correct result in simple cases and provides the bases for an
intuitive understanding of magnetic resonance. The quantum mechanical details are better
appreciated after an intuition is developed for the field.

Organization of the course - There are three very closely connected portions of this

1. the lecture, and lecture notes that serve as an introduction to the material,

2. the laboratory experience that permits students to explore in some detail both the NMR
phenomena, and practical aspects,


3. a Mathematica notebook that provides simulations of all of the experiments to be

discussed. This notebook is designed to provide a visual guide to important aspects of
spin dynamics. It goes beyond the laboratory experiments, both is showing all
components of the spin magnetization (including those which are not detectable
experimentally), and permitting the students to explore these at their own pace and over a
wider range of conditions. The basis of these simulations is an engine that numerical
integrates the Bloch Equations, so experiments of some complexity may be explored.

The nuclear spin - Most elements have at least one isotope with a non-zero spin angular
momentum, I, and an associated magnetic moment, µ, which are related by the
gyromagnetic ratio, γ,

I is a quantized characteristic of the nucleus, and its value describes the symmetry of the
nuclear charge distribution. In this course we will limit the discussion to spin=1/2 nuclei
for which the nuclear charge distribution is spherically symmetric. The nucleus then has
the properties of a magnetic dipole (essentially a bar-magnet), whose strength is given
above. All of the interaction of spin=1/2 nuclei are purely magnetic.
Spin =1/2 nuclei are the most often studied by NMR since they generally have both
higher resolution and higher sensitivity spectra (therefore, it is perhaps easier to extract
chemical information from these nuclei). Some representative examples are,

Table of commonly observed, spin=1/2 nuclei:

ω0 (MHz)
ω0 (MHz)

nucleus γ (Hz/G)

9.6 T

1H 99.99 4,250 400 125

19F 100 3,995 376 118
31P 100 1,721 162 50.6
13C 1.1 1,069 100.6 31.4
15N 0.37 431 40.56 12.68

In the laboratory portion of this course we will restrict our attention to 1H which is the
most widely studied in both spectroscopy and imaging. It is also the most sensitive stable

Quantum mechanics tells us a few important points about nuclear spins,

1. the projection of the nuclear magnetic moment along any direction is quantized and for
spin=1/2 nuclear is restricted to the to values of +/- .

2. the uncertainty principle applies and places a limit on the amount of information we
can know about the orientation of a nuclear magnetic moment. At any time, we can only
know the magnitude of the vector and its projection along one axis. The projections along
the other two axis are indeterminate (they are in a superposition state).

The Zeeman interaction - In an NMR experiment we are interested in exploring the

interaction of the nuclear magnetic moment and an external magnetic field. The energy of
this magnetic dipole-dipole interaction is given classically as,

where Bo is the strength of the external magnetic field. This external field has a direction
and so this provides a coordinate system for the NMR experiment. From here on, we will
work in coordinate systems where the applied magnetic field is oriented along the z-axis.

We can now see that for a spin=1/2 nuclei the two values of the spin along the z-
direction, Iz= +/- 1/2, correspond to the nuclear magnetic moment oriented along and
against the magnetic field. Classically we may compare this to the two stable positions of
a compass needle in the earth's magnetic field, a low energy configuration with the needle
aligned with the earth's field, and a higher energy (unstable equilibrium point) with the
needle aligned against the earth's field. In the case of the nuclear spins, the nuclear
moment can not be aligned exactly along the applied field, since this would violate the
uncertainty principle, and so there are two states, both of which are represented by cones.

The nuclear spin is restricted to being on these two cones oriented along the z-axis.

In NMR the measured signal is the result of transitions between the above two nuclear
spin energy levels, and this energy difference is dependent on the magnetic field strength,

For obtainable magnetic fields, (1 - 17 T) the characteristic frequency of this interaction

is in the radio frequency regime, 1-600 MHz. We will characterize all of the interactions
from here on simply in terms of a angular frequency and set the reduced Plank's constant
to unity. For protons, the gryomagnetic ratio is 4,250 Hz/G, or 42.5 MHz/T, so at 9.6 T
the resonance signal is 400 MHz.

Since the energy difference between these two levels so small, then the NMR
measurement is by nature very noisy, and we will need to observe a large number of spin
to have a detectable signal ( on the order of 10^18 spins). Or in other terms, the photon
energy associated with an NMR transition is very low, and therefore the detection
efficiency of that photon is poor. We need to record the response of many such photons
to achieve an observable signal. Consider a sample of water, then we have

and each of these spins has a nuclear magnetic moment which may be either aligned with
or against the applied magnetic field. In thermal equilibrium, we expect the relative
populations of these two states to be in accordance with Boltzman's statistics,

and at room temperature, the excess population in the lower state corresponds to about 1
spin in 106. It is this excess polarization that will lead to the NMR signal. The aligned
nuclear magnetic moments provide a bulk magnetic moment to the sample and thus can
be described by a magnetic susceptibility.

Looking back at our picture of the nuclear magnetic moments of isolated spins, if there is
a collection of a large number of nuclear spins, then the superposition of these leads to a
bulk magnetic moment aligned along the z-axis. This bulk magnetization (at equilibrium)
represents to detectable NMR magnetization, and we will only describe the dynamics of
this portion of the magnetization.

We can break the spin dynamics down into two types of motions,

1. the Larmor precession, a rotation about an applied magnetic field. This is consistent
with the classical interaction or two magnets which is described as a torque,

dM/dt = M x B

2. a damping or relaxation behavior that drives the system back to equilibrium.

Let us explore the torque first, in the presence of an applied magnetic field, then the
Larmor precession states that the bulk magnetic moment will revolve about the applied
field direction. If the bulk magnetization is along the field direction, as it is at
equilibrium, then there is no torque and hence no motion. As we expect, at equilibrium
the system is stationary. Note, this is true of the detectable bulk magnetization, this is not
true at the microscopic level. The dynamics of single spins can not be discussed in the
classical terms that we are using.

If the system is away from equilibrium, if the bulk magnetization vector is oriented other
than along the z-axis, then the magnetization presesses (rotates) about the z-axis with a
angular velocity given by the energy separation of the two states (γ B0). Notice that this
torque will not change the length of the magnetization vector, it only varries its
This rotation can not be the only motion, sine then the system would never return to
equilibrium. So along with the rotation, there is a relaxation of the vector to bring it back
along the z-axis. Therefore the x and y-components of the nuclear magnetization decay
towards zero, and the z-component decays towards the equilibrium value (typically called

Animation 1-3 - Found in Animations Section

The above is a "quick-time" movie that shows the motion of the bulk magnetization
vector starting from a position along the x-axis and then evolving towards its equilibrium
position along the z-axis. The movie was created in Mathematica (see appendix 1-3) and
may be run by double clicking on the figure. The red bar progressing across the figure is
meant to represent the flow of time.

Latter we will show how a pulse of radio frequency radiation will tilt the bulk
magnetization vector away from the z-axis and creat this non-equilibrium magnetization.
For now, we are only interested in the spin's return to equilibrium as shown in the above

The NMR signal is detected as an induced voltage in a resonant RF coil. The rotating
magnetic moment of the collection of spins acts as a macroscopic rotating magnetic
dipole, and if placed inside a coil, this will give rise to an oscillating voltage across the
coil's terminals. The induced electro-motive force is given as,

and so we see that the field lines of the RF coil must be perpendicular to the z-axis, since
the rotation is about the z-axis, and what we will measure is the time varying x or y-
component of the nuclear magnetization. This signal typically looks like a damped

The time variation in the indicidual components of the bulk magnetization vector
corresponding to the evolution shown in the quick time movie.
The resonance frequency (or Larmor frequency, ω0) may be extracted from this free
induction decay (FID) by a Fourier Transformation.

There are both real and imaginary components, or absorbtive and dispersive components.
In general we are interested in the absorbtive lineshape.

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