Fluid Machines: Turbines: Marcelino N. Lunag JR
Fluid Machines: Turbines: Marcelino N. Lunag JR
Fluid Machines: Turbines: Marcelino N. Lunag JR
Marcelino N. Lunag Jr.
Topic Level Outcomes (TLO’s)
• TLO 14: Study of hydraulic turbines and hydro-electric power plants.
Minimum essential requirements of a water power system. Calculation of
head, power and efficiency
• TLO 15: Performance of reaction turbines with emphasis on Francis
wheels. Specific speed of reaction turbines
• TLO 16: Kinds of draft tubes and tube settings. Prevention of cavitation and
pitting on turbine runners with proper setting
• TLO 17: Performance of impulse wheels. Effects if nozzle diameter/number.
Effective head, water horsepower, brake horsepower, overall turbine
efficiency, head developed by jets
• TLO 18: Generator specifications coupled to turbines
Objective of this Topic
• 1. To pump water
• 2. To grind grains
• 3. To generate electricity (Power Generation)
• Hydroelectric Power
• (1) “Hydroelectric power” shall refer to electric
power produced by utilizing the kinetic energy
of falling or running water to turn a turbine
World Electricity Generation,
Other** includes geothermal, solar, wind, biofuels and waste, and heat
Philippine Power Generation by
Source, 2010
Operating Principles of H.T
Classification of H.T
1. Impulse Turbine
-available potential energy (head) of the water is
converted into kinetic energy with the help of a
contracting nozzle provided at the delivery end of the
pipeline (penstock)
-water discharges freely (at atmospheric pressure)
into the downstream channel (called the tail race)
-Pelton wheel
-large units may have two or more jets impinging at
different locations around the wheel
The Impulse Turbine (Pelton
The Impulse Turbine
Dynamic Turbines
2. Reaction Turbine
-only a part of the available energy of the water is converted
into kinetic energy at the entrance to the runner, and a
substantial part remains in the form of pressure energy
-runner casing (called the scroll case) has to be completely
airtight and filled with water throughout the operation of the
-water enters the scroll case and moves into the runner
through a series of guide vanes, called wicket gates
-the water enters a draft tube which delivers the flow to the tail
-the Francis and the propeller (also known as Kaplan)
The Reaction Turbine
The Reaction Turbine
Propeller type turbine
Francis turbine (Kaplan)