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AICTE Degree Pay, Qualifications and Promotions

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New Delhi, the 1st March, 2019



F. No. 61-1/RIFD/7th CPC/2016-17.—In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (1) of
Section 23 read with Section 10(g), (h) and (i) of the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52
of 1987) and after approval of the Government of India vide No. 1 - 37 / 2016 – TS.II, Dated 18th January,
2019 followed by letters of even No. dated 29th January, 2019 and 12th February, 2019, the All India Council
for Technical Education makes the following regulations; namely:

1.0 Short Title, Application and Commencement

1.1 Short Title

These regulations may be called the All India Council for Technical Education Pay Scales, Service
Conditions and Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and Other Academic Staff such
as Library, Physical Education and Training & Placement Personnel in Technical Institutions and
Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Technical Education – (Degree) Regulation, 2019.
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1.2 Categories of Institutions to whom the regulations apply

These shall apply to all degree level technical institutions and universities including deemed to be
universities imparting technical education and such other courses / programs approved by AICTE and
areas as notified by the council from time to time.
1.3 Date of Effect
a) Pay Scales and DA: The revised pay-scales shall be effective from 1.1.2016.
b) Other Allowances: Allowances such as Leave Travel Concession, Special Compensatory
Allowances, Children's Education Allowance, Transport Allowance, House Rent Allowance,
Deputation Allowance, House Building Allowance, Travelling Allowance etc. shall be applicable
from the date as notified by the Central Government / respective State and UT Government from
time to time.
1.4 Effective date of application of Service Conditions
a) All other service conditions including Qualifications, Experience, Recruitment, Promotions
publications, training and course requirements etc. shall come into force with effect from the date
of this Gazette Notification.
b) The Qualifications, Experience, Recruitment and Promotions etc. during 01-01-2016 till the issue
of this Gazette Notification shall be governed by All India Council for Technical Education Pay
Scales, Service Conditions and Qualifications for the Teachers and other Academic Staff in
Technical Institutions (Degree) Regulation, 2010 dated 5th March 2010 and subsequent
notifications issued from time to time.
c) Those who are eligible for promotions after the date of publication of this gazette, shall have to
meet the necessary conditions such as additional qualification, undergoing industrial training,
pedagogical training, faculty induction program, publishing research papers etc. However, these
requirements shall be permitted to be fulfilled till 31st July, 2022 so as to enable faculty members
in equipping them for requisite mandatory requirements of this gazette to avail the benefit of
promotion retrospectively from the date of eligibility.
d) For incumbent faculty members, the date of eligibility up to 31st July, 2022 shall be allowed to be
according to the 6th CPC Gazette notification published on 8th November, 2012. All the benefit of
promotion to such candidates be permitted retrospectively on the date when he/she became
e) It may be noted that, no further extension would be given beyond 31st July, 2022 and those who
do not meet the essential criteria despite the above grace period, shall lose an opportunity for
getting promotion retrospectively. However, they will be eligible for promotion from the date
they meet these criteria thereafter.
f) In cases, wherein interviews are already conducted either for direct recruitment or for promotions
but candidates did not join, such candidates may be allowed to join. Their further up-gradation
will be governed by this notification.
g) In cases, where advertisement was published, applications invited but interviews have not been
conducted till publication of this notification, the institutes / employers are required to publish
corrigendum and processing of applications must be done in accordance with the provisions
given in this notification.
2.0 General
2.1 Revised Designations and Mode of Appointments
There shall be only three designations in respect of teachers in degree level technical institutions as
far as cadre structure is concerned, namely Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor
as given below in Table 1. Also there shall be no change in the present designations in respect of
Library, Physical Education and Training & Placement Personnel at various levels.
Following mode of appointment shall henceforth be used:

Table 1: Cadre Structure and Mode of Appointment

Sr. Designations of Teaching Entry Level Mode of Appointment
No. Faculty Pay
1 Assistant Professor 57700 10 Direct Recruitment
2 Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) 68900 11 Promotion
3 Assistant Professor (Selection 79800 12 Promotion
4 Associate Professor 131400 13A1 Promotion / Direct Recruitment
5 Professor 144200 14 Promotion / Direct Recruitment
6 Senior Professor 182200 15 Promotion
7 Principal / Director 144200 14 Direct Recruitment

2.2 New Pay Structure

The new pay structure shall involve a pay matrix with an ascending series of levels and ascending
cells in each level. The new pay matrix shall subsume the pay band and grade pay in one simple chart
as given in Annexure - I. The pay matrix shall comprise of two dimensions – a horizontal range of
levels starting from the lowest level in the hierarchy and ascending to the highest level, with the levels
being numbered from 10 to 15 covering the entire gamut of Teachers and other Academic Staff.
Within each level, the salary increases as one goes down vertically, with each progression of going
down represented by a “Cell”. Each Cell within that level represents the steps of annual financial
progression of 3%. On recruitment / promotion, an employee shall join at a particular level and
progress within the level as per the vertical range. The movement shall be based on annual
increments till the time of his /her next promotion. When the employee will receive a promotion,
he/she will progress to the next level in the horizontal range till it exhausts.
2.3 Levels and Cells
The method followed by the 7th CPC shall be adopted in the academic pay structure also, moving
from the concept of Pay Band and Academic Grade Pay to that of Levels and Cells. The changes will
appear only due to the existing difference between the two streams in terms of Academic Grade Pay
vis-à-vis the corresponding Grade Pay. The levels for academic pay shall be numbered as per the
corresponding non-academic level. Thus, the levels are numbered as 10, 11, 12, 13A1, 14, & 15
corresponding to the present AGP of Rs. 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000 and 12000 respectively.
2.4 Pay Matrix and Fixation of Revised Pay
For Fixation of pay of an Employee in the Pay Matrix as on 1st January 2016, the existing pay (Pay in
Pay Band plus Academic Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31st December, 2015 shall be
multiplied by a factor of 2.57, rounded off to the nearest Rupee, and the figure so arrived at, will be
located in that level in the Pay Matrix and if such an identical figure corresponds to any cell in the
applicable level of the Pay Matrix, the same shall be the pay, and if no such cell is available in the
applicable level, the pay shall be fixed at the immediate next higher cell in that applicable level of the
Pay Matrix. If the figure arrived at in this manner is less than the first cell in that level, then the pay
shall be fixed at the first cell of that level of Pay Matrix.
If more than two stages are bunched together, one additional increment equal to 3% may be given for
every two stages bunched, and pay fixed in the subsequent cell in the pay matrix.
2.5 Pay Bands with AGP and IOR (Index of Rationalization)
Based on the above, the various levels of pay with its Academic Grade Pay (AGP) are as per
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2.6 Entry Pay

The Entry Pay for Academic Pay Structures and Levels shall be as per Table 1.
2.7 Pay Fixation in case of Direct Recruitment / Promotion
The pay of employees appointed by direct recruitment on or after 1st day of January 2016 shall be
fixed at the minimum pay or the first cell in the level, applicable to the post to which such employee is
appointed. In case of promotion, candidate would be given a notional increment in his existing Level
of Pay, by moving him/her to the next higher cell at that level. The pay shown in this cell would now
be located in the new level corresponding to the post to which candidate has been promoted. If a cell
identical with that pay is available in the new level, that cell shall be the new pay; otherwise the next
higher cell at that level shall be the new pay of the employee. If the pay arrived at in this manner is
less than the first cell in the new level, then the pay shall be fixed at the first cell of that level.
2.8 Date of Increment
(i) Annual increment is given in the Pay Matrix at 3%, with each cell being higher by 3% over the
previous cell in the same level, rounded off to nearest 100. Annual increments to each employee
would move up in the same academic level, with an employee moving from the existing cell in
the academic level to the immediate next cell in the same academic level.
(ii) There shall be two dates of increment i.e. 1st January and 1st July of every year, provided that an
employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment on either one of these two dates
depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial upgradation.
(iii) The increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted during the period between the
2nd day of January and 1st day of July (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of January and
the increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted during the period between the 2nd
day of July and 1st day of January (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of July.
2.9 Annual Process of Promotion
Every University / College / DTE shall ensure that the selection process for direct recruitment for
various positions is carried out annually so as to maintain required faculty numbers and cadre ratio as
per AICTE norms so that no loss is caused to students. Interviews for the promotions of the faculty
members shall be carried out at a regular span annually to avoid any stagnation in career growth of
faculty members.
Candidates who do not fulfill the minimum requirement proposed in the Regulation, will have to be
re-assessed after a period of one year. The date of promotion shall be the date on which he / she
satisfies all the minimum requirements and successfully reassessed.
The constitution of the selection committee as applicable to these appointments / promotions of the
Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and Associate Professor to Professor or Professor to Senior
Professor is enumerated in Annexure-II. Various stages of promotions/ direct recruitment and mode
of selection are given in Table 2.
A teacher who wishes to be considered for promotion may submit in writing in the prescribed
proforma as evolved by the concerned University / College duly supported by all credentials to the
Principal / Director of the College, within three months in advance of the due date, that he / she fulfils
all requisite qualifications.
The entry level and consecutive stages of promotions are shown in Table 2
Table 2: Stages of Promotion/ Direct Recruitment and mode of selection
Stage Designation
Entry Level, Stage-I Assistant Professor
Stage-II Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)
Stage-III Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)

Stage-IV Associate Professor

Stage-V Professor
Stage-VI Senior Professor

2.10 Research Promotion Grant

The thrust has to be given for improving quality of research and development in the Universities /
Institutions, therefore, all the AICTE recognized Institutions shall create a separate budget and
provide financial assistance to their faculty members for strengthening research activities.
2.11 Financial Assistance from Government of India for implementation of 7th CPC scale.
The Central Government shall provide by way of financial assistance, 50% of the additional
expenditure (arrears from 01.01.2016 till 31.03.2019) on implementing the revised scales of pay for
faculty and other staff such as Library, Physical Education and Training Placement Personnel in State
Government/Government Aided /State Government Autonomous institutions/State University
a) Financial assistance from the Central Government to State / UT Governments for revising pay
scales of teachers and other staff such as Library, Physical Education and Training Placement
Personnel under the scheme shall be limited, by way of reimbursement, to the extent of 50%
(fifty percent) of the additional expenditure involved after payment of arrears to eligible faculty
members in the implementation of the revision, for the Universities, colleges and other technical
education institutions funded by the State / UT Government. For this, State / UT Governments
shall submit the claim to the Central Government. All such claims must be submitted to the
Central Government by the state / UT on or before 31.03.2020. No claim of the State / UT
Government shall be condidered for financial assistance after 31.03.2020.
b) Financial assistance referred to in sub-clause (a) above shall be provided for the period from
01.01.2016 to 31.03.2019 only.
c) The entire liability on account of revision of pay scales etc. with effect from 01.04.2019 shall be
taken over by the State / UT Government opting for revision of pay scales.
d) Financial assistance from the Central Government shall be restricted to revision of pay scales and
not for any other allowances and in respect of only those posts which were in existence and had
been filled up on regular basis as on 01.01.2016.
e) State / UT Governments, taking into consideration other local conditions, may also decide at their
discretion, to introduce pay higher than those mentioned in this Scheme, and shall give effect to
the revised scales of pay from 01.01.2016; however, in such cases, the details of modifications
proposed shall be furnished to the Central Government and Central assistance shall be restricted
to the Pay as approved by the Central Government and not to any higher pay fixed by the State /
UT Government(s).
f) Payment of Central assistance for implementing this Scheme is also subject to the condition that
the entire Scheme of revision of pay scales together with all the conditions laid down by the
AICTE by way of Regulations and other guidelines shall be implemented by State / UT
Governments and technical institutions coming under their jurisdiction as a composite scheme.
g) An undertaking shall be taken from every beneficiary under this Scheme to the effect that any
excess payment made on account of incorrect fixation of pay or due to any other reason shall be
adjusted against the future payments due or otherwise to the beneficiary in the same manner as
provided in this HRD Ministry’s O.M. No. F.23-7/2008-IFD dated 23.01.2008, read with
Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M. No. F.1-1/2CQ8-IC dated 30.08.2008.
The revised pay including arrears of salary and applicable allowances from the date of
application as mentioned above shall be paid to all eligible beneficiaries under this scheme.
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2.12 Age of Superannuation

The age of superannuation of all faculty members and Principals / Directors of institutions shall be 65
years. An extension of 5 years (till the attainment of 70 years of age) may be given to those faculty
members who are physically fit, have written technical books, published papers and has average 360o
feedback of more than 8 out of 10 indicating them being active during last 3 preceding years of
2.13 Health Insurance Scheme
Wherever full health coverage for self and family is not provided for by the Government, individual
institutions shall implement Contributory Group Health Insurance Scheme for faculty members and
other academic staff to extend social security to them and to help attract and retain them for longer
association with respective institutions. The Group Health Insurance option shall also be extended to
the retired faculty members.
2.14 Pension, Gratuity, Family Pension, GPF, Leave Encashment and Other Pensionary Benefits
All pensionary benefits including leave encashment shall be extended to faculty members and other
staff such as Library, Physical Education and Training & Placement Personnel as per the revised
norms recommended by the 7th CPC and implemented by the Government of India / State and UT
2.15 Industrial Training
Since a requirement of industrial training has been stipulated for vertical movement of faculty
members, the AICTE, State / UT Government/ DTEs, in consultation with the Confederation of
Indian Idustries (CII), FICCI, NASSCOM and other such industry bodies, devise a suitable
mechanism for facilitating all faculty members to undergo industrial training.
2.16 Teaching Engagement
The faculty members working in technical institutions under the purview of AICTE shall have an
engagement of not less than 40 hours per week including teaching contact hours and other activities.
The work of tutorial / project / research / administration may be distributed among the faculty
members as per the need and availability of staff. The laboratory engagement will also be counted
towards teaching hours. The minimum teaching contact hours for various positions shall be as given
in Table 3 below.
Table 3: Teaching Engagement of Faculty Members in Degree Level Institutions

Designation (Teaching / Laboratory hours) / week

Assistant Professor 16

Associate Professor 14

Professor / Senior Professor 14

Director / Principal 6

Relaxation of 2 hours per week in teaching contact hours shall be granted to faculty members
handling additional responsibilities like HOD / Dean.
2.17 Incentives for New Entrants
New entrants as well as existing faculty members of degree level institutions should be provided with
a desktop computer / laptop / office furniture and a printer with internet connectivity in their office so
as to make a faculty member computer savvy and to enable them to have access to the latest

2.18 Grant for Professional Development

All teachers may be given a grant up to Rs.75,000/- per year on a reimbursement basis, which may be
permitted to be accumulated up to 3 years towards acquiring the membership of Professional Societies
and for participating in national / international conferences/workshops etc.
2.19 Consultancy
(i) Consultancy work may be undertaken by members of the faculty to generate resources, either for
institutions or for themselves.
(ii) Not only the faculty members should be encouraged to undertake consultancy work, but also an
appropriate environment be created by the state governments / managements of institutions to
facilitate faculty members to undertake such work.
(iii) Suitable parameters for sharing the generated resources between the institution and individual
faculty member may be evolved and adopted by the universities and institutions where
consultancy work is undertaken by faculty members.
The faculty members engaged in consultancy/ industry interaction / research / start-up activities /
community services may be allowed some adjustment in teaching time table without
compromising their teaching engagement hours.
2.20 Sabbatical Leave for faculty
To encourage interface between technical education and industry, the faculty members shall be
entitled to sabbatical leave of six months for working in industry / professional development, subject
to the condition that the faculty has a teaching experience of minimum five years. Such leave,
however, shall be available to a teacher only twice in his / her teaching career.
2.21 Start-up
Presently, the institutions are ranked based on academic performance and placement of students. In
future, it may also be based on a number of start-ups and entrepreneurs created by the institute.
Therefore, technology incubation centres shall be established and frequent interactions between
entrepreneurs / industrialists / alumni and students shall be arranged for motivating students to initiate
2.22 Incentives for Ph. D. and other Higher Qualification
(i) Five non-compounded advance increments shall be admissible at the entry level of a recruitee as
an Assistant Professor possessing a Ph.D. awarded in a relevant discipline by the recognized
University following the due process of admission test, course work and external evaluation as
prescribed by the UGC or the admission process adopted by the institutes established under the
Act of Parliament or students having valid GATE / GPAT score for admission to Ph.D. or
students selected for Ph.D. program under National Doctoral Fellowship program of AICTE /
Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship program.
(ii) Those possessing Post-graduate degree in M.Tech. / M. Arch. / M. Plan. / M. E./ M. Pharm. / M.
Des. / M. S. etc. recognized by the relevant statutory body / council shall be entitled to two non-
compounded advance increments at the entry level.
Teachers who complete their Ph.D. degree while in service as Assistant Professor shall be
entitled to three non-compounded increments fixed at increment applicable at entry level as
Assistant Professor only if such Ph.D. is in a relevant discipline of the discipline of employment
and has been awarded by a recognized University following the due process of admission test,
course work and external evaluation as prescribed by the UGC or the admission process adopted
by the institutes established under the Act of Parliament or students having valid GATE / GPAT
score for admission to Ph.D. or students selected for Ph.D. program under Quality Improvement
Program (QIP) / Teacher Research Fellowship (TRF).
2.23 Statutory Reservation
The statutory reservation policy for recruitment and promotion of SC / ST / OBC / EBC / PWD /
Women candidates must be adhered to as per the central / respective state / UT government rules.
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2.24 Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) / Teaching Research Fellowship (TRF) Schemes
With a view to improve the quality of technical education, all DTEs and Secretaries of higher
education of all the states are directed to implement QIP / TRF scheme for all the eligible teachers
working in technical institutions. Managements of self-financing institutions are also directed to
encourage their faculty members to participate in QIP / TRF / QIP (Foreign University).
2.25 Counting of Past Service for Direct Recruitment and Promotion
Previous regular service, whether national or international, as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
or Professor or equivalent in a University, College, National Laboratories or other scientific /
professional organizations such as the CSIR, ICAR, DRDO, UGC, ICSSR, ICHR, ICMR, DBT or
state PSUs etc., should be counted for direct recruitment as an Assistant Professor / Associate
Professor / Professor provided that:
a) The qualifications for the post held are not lower than the qualifications prescribed by the AICTE
for Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor as the case may be.
b) The post is / was in an equivalent grade or of the pre-revised scale of pay as the post of Assistant
Professor / Associate Professor / Reader and Professor.
c) The candidate for direct recruitment has applied through proper channel.
d) The concerned Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor should possess the same
minimum qualifications as prescribed by the AICTE for appointment to the post of Assistant
Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, as the case may be.
e) The post was filled in accordance with the prescribed selection procedure as laid down in the
Regulations of University / State Government / Central Government / concerned institutions, for
such appointments.
f) The previous appointment was not as guest faculty for any duration or ad-hoc or in a leave
vacancy of less than one year duration. Ad-hoc or temporary service of more than one year
duration can be counted provided that:
(i) The period of service was of more than one year.
(ii) The incumbent was appointed on the recommendation of the duly constituted Selection
(iii) The incumbent was selected for the permanent post in continuation to the ad-hoc or
temporary service;
(iv) An artificial break in service shall not be used to the prejudice of employee, appointed on
permanent basis. The person appointed on a permanent basis shall be given the benefit of
the entire service rendered by him with effect from the date of initial appointment
(temporary / contract / ad-hoc) notwithstanding the artificial break / breaks in service.
(v) The incumbent was drawing total gross emoluments not less than the monthly gross salary
at the initial stage of a regularly appointed Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and
Professor, as the case may be; and
At the time of selection, the negotiated terms and conditions clearly mention the period of
experience, nature of experience and same has been consented by the employer.
No distinction should be made with reference to the nature of the management (Private /Local Body/
Government) of the institution where previous services were rendered while counting past services
under this clause.
2.26. Equivalence of Experience of Diploma Level Institutions and Degree Level Institutions
Experience at Diploma Level Polytechnic shall be considered equivalent to experience in the degree
level institutions at appropriate level, as applicable provided, scale of pay, qualifications, experience
and research contribution are same for the post under consideration as per the present notification.

3.0 Cadre Structure

3.1 Minimum Cadre Ratio
(i) The minimum 1 : 2 : 6 of cadre ratio be maintained for Professor : Associate Professor: Assistant
Professor respectively.
(ii) Minimum number of faculty requirements for an approved institute shall be calculated on the
basis of faculty : student ratio prescribed by AICTE.
(iii) Faculty: student ratio would be applicable as per the approval process handbook published by
AICTE from time to time.
(iv) For the purposes of this cadre ratio, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor (Senior Scale),
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) shall be grouped together and be termed as Assistant
(v) Similarly, Professors and Senior Professors will be grouped together and be termed as Professors.
Principal / Director shall be outside the purview of cadre ratio.
3.2 Flexible Cadre Structure
While promoting the incumbent, flexible cadre structure be followed as below:
(i) Incumbent faculty members be upgraded to higher positions, after being eligible, through a
process of promotion to be held annually, irrespective of availability of vacancy in that cadre.
(ii) The incumbent so upgraded to a higher position shall be re-designated as Assistant Professor
(Senior Scale) / Assistant Professors (Selection Grade) / Associate Professor / Professor as
the case may be.
(iii) With this cadre structure, more faculty members may become Professors / Associate Professors
at some point of time as a result of which, cadre ratio as an example may become skewed such
as 9:0:0 or 8:1:0 or 5:1:3 etc. but in any case it should not be 0:0:9 or 0:1:8 or 0:2:7.
(iv) The total numbers of minimum faculty positions remain the same as calculated from faculty :
student ratio, though the cadre ratio is improving with these promotions.
(v) The lower post can be treated vacant once the incumbent moves on higher post through
promotions or through direct selection by keeping total sanctioned posts of all cadres put
together as fixed.
(vi) This vacant post will be filled by suitable eligible incumbent possessing required qualifications.
(vii) If a suitable candidate is not available, the post shall be filled by open selection.
(viii) The open selection / promotion shall be made by a committee constituted as per norms
published in this gazette.
The candidate shall be promoted from lower cadre to higher cadre as and when they complete
eligibility criteria for the higher cadre, irrespective of availability of post in that cadre.
3.3 Inter-se seniority between the directly recruited teachers and promoted
The inter-se seniority of a directly recruited teacher shall be determined with reference to the date of
joining and for the teachers promoted with reference to the date of eligibility as indicated in the
recommendations of the selection committee of the respective candidates. The rules and regulations of
the respective Central / State Government/ UT Government shall apply for all other matters of
seniority. Similar issues of seniority between directly selected and under CAS in the past, if any, be
fixed on the same basis. The seniority list thus prepared be posted on the institute website.
3.4 Position of Principal / Director
Principal / Director of AICTE approved institution has to be a full time faculty selected in
accordance with the due process of selection to be adopted by the concerned university / State
Government / Public Service Commission / Respective Board of Governors / Board of
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Management by taking into consideration the qualifications and other requirements as laid down
In an institution where several programmes under technical education approved by AICTE are
running, the Principal / Director shall be from one of the programmes preferably from a
programme with maximum student strength.
4.0 Mandatory Teacher Trainings
(i) Every teacher appointed / promoted to any position here onwards with effect from the publication
of this gazette shall have to mandatorily undergo 8 online modules of MOOCs in SWAYAM as
per the AICTE teacher training policy preferably within first year of service.
(ii) No newly appointed faculty member shall be completing the probation without getting the
certification of completion of these 8 modules. The teacher training policy document may be
downloaded from AICTE website.
(iii) The requirement of completing these modules as envisioned in this gazette is applicable to all the
incumbent teachers also while applying for promotion / selection to next higher cadre only once
in the career.
Those who are eligible for promotions after the date of publication of this gazette, shall have to
meet the necessary conditions such as additional qualification, undergoing industrial training,
pedagogical training, faculty induction program, publishing research papers etc. However, these
requirements shall be permitted to be fulfilled till 31st July, 2022 so as to enable faculty members
in equipping them for requisite mandatory requirements of this gazette to avail the benefit of
promotion retrospectively from the date of eligibility.
5.0 Minimum Qualification for Recruitments
Minimum qualification, experience, research contributions, feedback and requisite training
requirements for different levels for direct recruitment and promotions for the faculty members are as
5.1 Minimum Qualifications for direct recruitment as an Assistant Professor (Level – 10, Entry Pay
(a) Engineering / Technology
B. E. / B. Tech. / B. S. and M. E. / M. Tech. / M. S. or Integrated M. Tech. in relevant branch
with first class or equivalent in any one of the degrees.
(b) Management
Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline and Master’s Degree in Business Administration / PGDM /
C. A. / ICWA/ M. Com. with First Class or equivalent and two years of professional experience
after acquiring the degree of Master’s degree.
(c) Pharmacy
B. Pharm. and M. Pharm. in the relevant specialization with First Class or equivalent in any one
of the two degrees.
(d) MCA
B. E. / B. Tech. / B. S. and M.E. / M. Tech. / M. S. or Integrated M. Tech. in relevant branch with
First Class or equivalent in any one of the degrees.
B. E., B. Tech. and MCA with First Class or equivalent in any one of the two degrees.
Graduation of three years’ duration with Mathematics as a compulsory subject and MCA with
First Class or equivalent with 2 years of relevant experience after acquiring degree of MCA.

(e) Hotel Management and Catering Technology

Minimum 4 years Bachelor’s Degree in HMCT and Master’s Degree in HMCT or in relevant
disciplines with First Class or equivalent in any one of the two degrees.
Minimum 4 years Bachelor’s Degree in HMCT with First Class or equivalent and minimum of 5
years of relevant experience at a managerial level not less than Assistant Manager in a 4 - star
Hotel or in a similar position in the hospitality industry/ tourism industry.
(f) Architecture
B. Arch. and M. Arch. or equivalent Master’s degree in an allied field with First Class in any one
of the two degrees, and minimum 2 years’ experience in the Architecture profession.
B. Arch. with First class or equivalent and minimum of 5 years’ experience in the Architecture
(g) Town Planning
Bachelor’s degree in Architecture / Planning / Civil Engineering or Master’s degree in
Geography / Economics / Sociology or equivalent AND Master of Planning or equivalent with
First class or equivalent in either in Master of Planning or any above degrees with 2 years of
relevant experience
(h) Design
Bachelor’s Degree or minimum 4 year Diploma in any one of the streams of Design, Fine Arts,
Applied Arts and Architecture or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering with First class or equivalent
Master’s degree or equivalent Post Graduate Diploma in relevant disciplines with First Class or
equivalent in a concerned / relevant /allied subject of Industrial Design / Visual Communication /
Fine Arts / Applied Arts / Architecture / Interaction Design / New Media Studies / Design
Management / Ergonomics / Human Factors Engineering / Indian Craft Studies and related fields
of Engineering or Design.
Minimum 2 years of professional design experience in Industry / research organization / Design
(i) Fine Arts
Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in the relevant branch with First Class or equivalent in any one
of the two degrees and minimum 2 years of relevant professional experience.
(j) Qualifications for Faculties in Science and Humanities:
The qualifications for recruitment and promotions for faculty in the disciplines of Basic Sciences,
Social Science and Humanities shall be as per the UGC Notification No. F.1-2/2017(EC/PS)
Dated 18th July, 2018 and UGC guidelines issued from time to time.
Note: Candidates who have done Ph.D. after the Bachelor’s Degree from institution of National
importance with GATE/ GPAT/ CEED shall be eligible for the post of Assistant Professor.
5.2 Minimum Qualification Norms for Direct Recruitments / Promotions for Stage –II to Stage –VI
(a) Qualification for Assistant Professor (Senior Scale, Level – 11, Entry Pay 68900/-)
For Promotion of Incumbents
a. Qualifications prescribed for the post of Assistant Professor
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 35

b. Should have completed minimum training requirements as per Annexure - III.
c. Should have satisfied any one of the below mentioned set of requirements.

Set Additional To have acquired in the cadre of Assistant Professor

No. Qualificatio
Experience Research publications in SCI Avg. 360o feedback
(Years) journals /UGC /AICTE score (out of 10)
approved list of journals
1 - 4 2 8 to 10
2 - 5 1 8 to 10
3 - 5 2 5 to < 8

(b) Qualifications for Assistant Professor (Selection Grade, Level – 12, Entry Pay 79800/-)
For Promotion of Incumbents
a. Qualifications as prescribed for the post of Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)
b. Should have completed minimum training requirements as per Annexure - III.
c. Should have satisfied any one of the below mentioned set of requirements.
Set No. To have acquired in the cadre of Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)
Additional Experience Research publications in Avg. 360o
Qualification (Years) SCI journals /UGC / feedback score
AICTE approved list of (out of 10)
1 - 4 1 8 to 10
2 - 4 2 5 to < 8

(c) Qualifications for Associate Professor (Level – 13A1, Entry Pay 131400/-)
i. For Direct Recruitment
a. Ph.D. degree in the relevant field and First class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s
level in the relevant branch
b. At least total 6 research publications in SCI journals / UGC / AICTE approved list of journals.
Minimum of 8 years of experience in teaching / research / industry out of which at least 2 years
shall be Post Ph.D. experience.
Note:In case of HMCT, 8 years of industry experience at a managerial level not below the position of
Head of Department handling a team of 20 persons or more in a 4 star hotel or above category or
in a similar position in the hospitality industry / tourism industry.

ii For Promotion of Incumbents

a. Ph. D. degree in relevant field and First class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level
in the relevant branch.
b. Should have completed minimum training requirements as per Annexure – III.
c. Should have satisfied any one of the below mentioned set of requirements.

Set No. To have acquired in the cadre of Assistant Professor (Selection Grade).
Experience Research publications in SCI Avg. 360o feedback
journals UGC AICTE approved score (out of 10)
list of journals
1 3 2 5 to < 8
2 3 1 8 to 10

(d) Qualifications for Professor (Level – 14, Entry Pay 144200/-)

(i) Direct Recruitment
a. Ph. D. degree in relevant field and First class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level
in the relevant branch.
b. Minimum of 10 years of experience in teaching / research / industry out of which at least 3 years
shall be at a post equivalent to that of an Associate Professor.
c. At least 6 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI journals / UGC /
AICTE approved list of journals and at least 2 successful Ph.D. guided as Supervisor / Co-
supervisor till the date of eligibility of promotion.
At least 10 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI journals / UGC /
AICTE approved list of journals till the date of eligibility of promotion.
(ii) For Promotion of the Incumbents
a. Ph. D. degree in relevant field and First Class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level
in the relevant branch.
b. Should have satisfied any one of the below mentioned set of requirements.
Set No. Ph.D. guided Total To have acquired in the cadre of Associate Professor.
Experience Research Avg. 360o
(Years) publications in SCI feedback score
journals /UGC / (out of 10)
AICTE approved
list of journals
1 1 15 3 6 8 to 10
2 2 15 3 6 5 to < 8
3 - 16 3 4 8 to 10
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 37

Note: 360° Feedback

The feedback obtained every year, till the date of eligibility of next stage, shall be taken as an
average of all the preceding years added together required for promotions.
In case the candidate fails to achieve the maximum feedback score, the subsequent year’s may be
taken into consideration while dropping the lowest feedback score in any one of the year.
(e) Qualifications for Promotion to Senior Professor (Level –15, Entry Pay 182200/-)
a. Ph. D. degree in the relevant field
b. Minimum ten years of experience in the cadre of Professor
c. At least 8 research publications in SCI journals / UGC / AICTE approved list of journals, should
have at least 2 successful Ph. D. guided as Supervisor / Co-Supervisor as a Professor.
c. At least 8 research publications in SCI journals / UGC / AICTE approved list of journals, should
have provided academic leadership as institution head at least for 3 years at the level of Professor.
At least 8 research publications in SCI journals / UGC / AICTE approved list of journals, should
have provided educational leadership at state / national level at least for 3 years at the level of
d. At least one patent awarded
Development of one MOOC course applicable at national platform
1. The selection of Senior Professor shall also be based on academic achievements, favorable review
of academic, research and administrative work from three eminent subject experts not below the
post of Senior Professor or a Professor of at least ten years of experience.
2. The selection shall be based on ten best publications and award of Ph. D. degrees to at least two
candidates under his / her supervision during the last 10 years and interaction with the Selection
Committee constituted as per this regulation.
(f) Qualifications for Direct Recruitment of Principal / Director
(Level – 14, Entry Pay 144200/- with the special allowance of Rs. 6750/- per month)
a. Ph. D. degree and First Class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the relevant
b. At least two successful Ph.D. guided as supervisor / Co-Supervisor and minimum 8 research
publications in SCI journals / UGC / AICTE approved list of journals.
c. Minimum 15 years of experience in teaching / research/ industry, out of which at least 3 years
shall be at the post equivalent to that of Professor.
1. This position shall be of contractual in nature for 5 years and can be extended for one more term
depending upon the performance.

2. Performance assessment shall be carried out through a committee appointed by the affiliating
After completing the final term, the incumbent shall join back his / her parent organization in the
previous designation from where he / she has proceeded with the designation as Professor /
Senior Professor as the case may be.
6.0 Minimum Qualifications for Direct Recruitment and promotion of other staff
6.1 Workshop Superintendent
Initial recruitment of Workshop Superintendent shall be at par with Assistant Professor with the
qualification as prescribed for the Assistant Professor in Mechanical/ Production Engineering.
Upward movement and designations shall be as per stage I to stage V of the present notification
indicated in Table 3.
Table 3: Stages of Promotion and Designations for Workshop Superintendent
Stage Designation
Entry Level, Stage-I Workshop Superintendent
Stage-II Workshop Superintendent (Senior Scale)
Stage-III Workshop Superintendent (Selection Grade)
Stage-IV Associate Professor (Workshop)
Stage-V Professor (Workshop)

6.2 Qualifications for Training and Placement Officer

a. Qualifications, service conditions and Pay scales of Training and Placement Officer shall be
same as Professor in Engineering & Technology or concerned Technical Program.
b. One of the Professors in the Institute shall be entrusted with additional responsibility of Training
and Placement Officer on rotation basis.
If Professor is not available, Associate Professor / Assistant Professor may be identified for this
6.3 Minimum Qualifications for direct recruitment of Assistant Librarian
(Level – 10, Entry Pay 57700/-)
a. Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Science/ Documentation Science or an
Equivalent Professional Degree with at least First Class or equivalent and a consistently good
academic record with knowledge of computerization of library.
b. Qualifying in the National Level Test conducted for the purpose by UGC or other equivalent test
as approved by the UGC.
6.4 Minimum Qualifications for direct recruitment of Assistant Director-Physical Education
(Level – 10, Entry Pay 57700/-)
a. Master's Degree in Physical Education or Master's Degree in Sports Science or equivalent degree
with at least First Class or its equivalent with good academic record from a recognized
University/ Institute.
b. Record of having represented the University / College at the inter-University / Inter-collegiate
competitions or the state and / or national championships;
c. Qualifying in the National-Level Test conducted for the purpose by the UGC or any other agency
approved by the UGC and passed the physical fitness test conducted in accordance with these
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 39

d. Record of strong involvement and proven track record of participation in sports, drama, music,
films, painting, photography, journalism event management or other student / event management
activities during college / University studies.
Record of organizing such events as student’s convener or in later part of life.
6.5 Methodology of Promotion for Assistant Librarians and Assistant Director-Physical Education
The qualifications for promotions for Assistant Librarians and Assistant Director-Physical Education
shall be as per the UGC Notification No. F.1-2/2017(EC/PS) Dated 18th July, 2018.
7.0 Additional Requirements
7.1 Research Publications
In order to ensure quality of publications for promotions, a minimum standard would be ensured
through the following.
a) For the purpose of promotions, candidates must have published research papers in SCI journals
OR UGC approved Journals OR AICTE approved list of journals OR jointly approved by AICTE
with respective councils / institute such as Council of Architecture / Pharmacy Council of India /
Institute of Town Planners, India.
b) In case of HMCT, 1 live case study or 1 live industry project as research / consultancy having
credential of very high standing would be recognized as equivalent to 1 publication.
c) In case of Design, Architecture and Town Planning, 1 live case study, 1 live industry project as
research / consultancy or 1 exceptional design having credential of very high standing / obtained
high level recognition would be recognized as equivalent to 1 publication.
7.2 Equivalence for Ph.D.
Equivalence for PhD is based on publication of 5 International Journal papers, each Journal having a
cumulative impact index of not less than 2.0, with incumbent as the main author and all 5 publications
being in the authors’ area of specialization. Alternatively, the person should have obtained at least two
patents or contributed to the increased productivity in the place of work recognized at state or national
level or elected as a Fellow of any of the national academies. However, the procedure of providing
equivalence shall be devised by concerned affiliating university.
7.2.1 Eligibility of direct Ph.D. after B.E./ B.Tech
The qualification of Ph.D acquired for the various level of posts directly after B.E/ B.Tech. is
applicable in Technical Institutions, provided degree of Ph. D awarded is in relevant discipline by a
recognised University following the process of registration, course work and evaluation etc. as
prescribed by UGC or has been awarded by the Institutes of national importance (i.e. IITs/IISc/ NITs
etc.), duly recognized by the MHRD. Further, candidate should have obtained at least first class at
Bachelor’s level in Engineering /Technology.
7.3 Class / Division
If a class / division is not awarded, minimum of 60% marks in aggregate shall be considered
equivalent to first class / division. If a Grade Point System is adopted the CGPA will be converted
into equivalent marks as below.
Grade Point Equivalent Percentage
6.25 55 %
6.75 60 %
7.25 65 %
7.75 70 %
8.25 75 %

7.4 Nomenclature of relevant degrees

The qualifications for various faculty posts specify that the degree shall be in the appropriate /
relevant branch of specialization. Many IITs, NITs, Central Universities start interdisciplinary
programs of new nomenclatures. In view of the increasing importance of interdisciplinary nature of
engineering, the inter-disciplinary courses for both UG and PG specializations may be considered.
The selection committee may take a final decision in this regard depending on the requirement of the
program of study and institution. AICTE has already clarified this issue vide Government of India
Gazette F. No. 27/RIFD/Pay/01/2017-18 dated 28.04.2017. If any specialization is not available in the
AICTE basket, the Board / University shall decide the equivalence based on the curriculum of the
program. Hence, incumbent faculty recruited in the past based on their qualifications / specializations
acquired will continue to be eligible for promotion as well as direct recruitment in the same or other
institutions, subject to fulfilment of other eligibility criteria and higher qualifications as prescribed, if
any, for various teaching posts.
7.5 Incumbent faculty Members with previous qualifications
Existing incumbents recruited as a Faculty with the basic minimum qualifications such as M.Sc.
(Mathematics), M.Sc. (Biotechnology), M.Sc. (Electronics), M.Sc. (Computer Science & allied
subjects), M.Sc. (Physics), M.Sc. (Chemistry), MCA, PGDM, AMIE / M. Com and any other similar
qualifications which were considered eligible at the time of recruitment or taken admission in such
courses before publication of the AICTE Gazette dated 13th March 2010 are to be considered as
eligible for promotion as well as direct recruitment in the same or other institutions, subject to
fulfilment of other eligibility criteria and higher qualifications as prescribed, if any, for various
teaching posts.
7.6 Faculty Members on deputation
Any Faculty Member on deputation to some Government Organization / Autonomous Bodies such as
DTE / AICTE / UGC / MHRD / DST etc. on academic / administrative positions shall be deemed to
have experience of academics and academic administration and be exempted from the requirement of
FDP, Industrial Training and 360o feedback. If the faculty has secured at least Very Good rating, it
shall be considered equivalent to 8 points on a 10 point scale of 360o feedback in reference to this
notification for the period of deputation.
Disclaimer: Notification Language
The notification is published in English and Hindi languages. Utmost care is taken to translate
notification from English to Hindi. However, in case of any kind of discrepancy in interpretation,
English version shall prevail.
Prof. M. P. POONIA, Vice Chairman
Pay Matrix Table for Degree Level Technical Institutions
(All figures are in Rupees (•))
Pay Band in VI CPC 15600 – 39100 37400 - 67000 67000-79000
Associate Senior
Cadre Title Assistant Professor Professor
Professor Professor
Grade Pay in VI
6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0
Entry Pay 21600 25790 29900 49200 53000 67000
Cell No. Level 10 11 12 13A1 14 15
1 57700 68900 79800 131400 144200 182200
2 59400 71000 82200 135300 148500 187700
3 61200 73100 84700 139400 153000 193300
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 41

4 63000 75300 87200 143600 157600 199100

5 64900 77600 89800 147900 162300 205100
6 66800 79900 92500 152300 167200 211300
7 68800 82300 95300 156900 172200 217600
8 70900 84800 98200 161600 177400 224100
9 73000 87300 101100 166400 182700
10 75200 89900 104100 171400 188200
11 77500 92600 107200 176500 193800
12 79800 95400 110400 181800 199600
13 82200 98300 113700 187300 205600
14 84700 101200 117100 192900 211800
15 87200 104200 120600 198700 218200
16 89800 107300 124200 204700
17 92500 110500 127900 210800
18 95300 113800 131700 217100
19 98200 117200 135700
20 101100 120700 139800
21 104100 124300 144000
22 107200 128000 148300
23 110400 131800 152700
24 113700 135800 157300
25 117100 139900 162000
26 120600 144100 166900
27 124200 148400 171900
28 127900 152900 177100
29 131700 157500 182400
30 135700 162200 187900
31 139800 167100 193500
32 144000 172100 199300
33 148300 177300 205300
34 152700 182600 211500
35 157300 188100
36 162000 193700
37 166900 199500
38 171900 205500
39 177100
40 182400

Note: The end-points of any column do not signify the end points of the pay received at that level. As was the
case in the earlier provision of traditional pay scales, the last point does not represent the maximum pay of
that level for calculation purposes. The end-points of the column should not be treated as the maximum and
minimum of a pay scale to calculate the average pay for any level.
Annexure –II
Constitution of Screening cum Evaluation / Selection Committee
The AICTE has evolved following guidelines on:
(a) Constitution of Selection Committees for selection of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor,
Professor for direct recruitment and for promotions.
(b) Specified selection procedures for direct recruitment and promotions for Teachers in Universities
and Colleges.
Selection Proceedings:
All the selection procedures of the selection committee shall be completed immediately after the
selection committee meeting itself, wherein, minutes are recorded along with the scoring Proforma
and recommendation made on the basis of merit with the list of selected and waitlisted candidates /
Panel of names in order of merit, duly signed by all members of the selection committee.
Selection Committee Composition for Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor both for
Direct Recruitment and Promotion:
I. For University Faculty Members:
(a) The Selection Committee for the post of Assistant Professor in the University shall have the
following composition:
(i) The Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice-Chancellor to be the Chairperson of the Selection
(ii) Three experts in the concerned subject nominated by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice-
Chancellor out of the panel of names approved by the relevant statutory body of the
university concerned.
(iii) Dean of the concerned Faculty, wherever applicable.
(iv) Head / Chairperson of the Department/School
(v) An academician nominated by the Visitor / Chancellor, wherever applicable.
(vi) An academician representing SC / ST / OBC / Minority / Women / Differently-abled
categories to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice-Chancellor, if any of the
candidates representing these categories is the applicant and if any of the above members of
the selection committee does not belong to that category.
(b) To constitute the quorum for the meeting, five minimum members out of which at least two must
be from the total three subject-experts.
II. For Faculty Members in Technical Institutions:
(a) The Selection Committee for the post of Assistant Professor /Associate Professor and Professor in
Colleges, including Private Colleges shall have the following composition:
(i) Chairperson of the Governing Body of the college or his/her nominee from among the
members of the Governing body to be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee.
(ii) The Principal/ Director of the College.
(iii) Head of the Department of the concerned subject in the College.
(iv) Two nominees of the Vice-Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor of the affiliating university
of whom one should be a subject-expert. In case of colleges notified / declared as a minority
educational institution, two nominees of the Chairperson of the college from out of a panel of
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 43

five names, preferably from the minority communities, recommended by the Vice-Chancellor
or Acting Vice-Chancellor of the affiliating university from the list of experts suggested by
the relevant statutory body of the college, of whom one should be a subject-expert.
v) Two subject-experts not connected with the college to be nominated by the Chairperson of
the governing body of the College out of a panel of five names recommended by the Vice
Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor from the list of subject experts approved by the
relevant statutory body of the University concerned.
(vii) An academician representing SC / ST / OBC / Minority / Women / Differently-abled
categories, if any of candidates representing these categories is the applicant, to be nominated
by the Vice-Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor, if any of the above members of the
selection committee does not belong to that category.
(b) To constitute the quorum for the meeting, five of which at least two must be from out of the three
subject experts shall be present.
(c) For all levels of teaching positions for Government / Government Aided Colleges / Government
Autonomous Colleges, the State Public Services Commission / Teacher Recruitment Boards
wherever applicable must invite three subject experts, for which the concerned University be
involved in the selection process, by respective appointing authority. The states, where selection in
autonomous institutes have been authorized to respective Board of Governors, shall continue but
constitution of committee shall be same as directed by AICTE.
III. Senior Professor
(a) The Selection Committee for the post of Senior Professor shall consist of the following persons:
(i) Vice Chancellor who shall be the Chairperson of the Committee.
(ii) An academician not below the rank of Senior Professor/Professor with minimum ten years
experience who is the nominee of the Visitor/Chancellor, wherever applicable.
(iii) Three experts not below the rank of a Senior Professor/Professor with a minimum of ten years’
experience in the subject/field concerned nominated by the Vice-Chancellor out of the panel of
names approved by the relevant statutory body of the university.
(iv) Dean (not below the rank of Senior Professor/Professor with minimum ten years experience) of
the faculty, wherever applicable.
(v) Head/Chairperson (not below the rank of Senior Professor/Professor with minimum ten years
experience) or Senior-most Professor (not below the rank of Senior Professor/Professor, with a
minimum of ten years’ experience) of the Department/School, in case Head/ Chairperson does
not fulfil the above requirement, if any.
(vi) An academician (not below the rank of a Senior Professor/Professor with minimum ten years
experience) representing SC/ST/OBC/ Minority / Women / Differently-abled categories, if any
of candidates representing these categories as the applicant, to be nominated by the Vice
Chancellor, if any of the above members of the selection committee do not belong to that
(b) Four members, including two outside subject experts, shall constitute the quorum.
IV. Technical Institution Principal / Director
(a) The Selection Committee for the post of College Principal shall have the following composition:
i) Chairperson of the Governing Body as Chairperson.
ii) Two members of the Governing Body of the college to be nominated by the Chairperson of
whom one shall be an expert in academic administration.
iii) One nominee of the Vice-Chancellor who shall be an expert in Management of Higher

iv) Three experts consisting of the Principal/ Director of a college, a Professor and an
accomplished educationist not below the rank of a Professor (to be nominated by the
Governing Body of the College) out of a panel of six experts approved b0y the relevant
statutory body of the affiliating University concerned.
v) An academician representing SC/ST/OBC/Minority/Women/Differently-abled categories,
if any of candidates representing these categories is the applicant, to be nominated by the
Vice-Chancellor of the affiliating University.
(b) To constitute the quorum for the meeting, five of which at least two must be from out of the three
subject-experts shall be present.
Training Requirements for Promotions of Teachers from all the Disciplines
For Assistant Professor (Senior Scale): Completion of following training requirements at the level of
Assistant Professor.
Two weeks of Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in the relevant area out of which at least one
of the FDP shall be in advanced pedagogy recognised by AICTE / UGC / TEQIP / NITTTR /
PMMMNMTT / IISc / IIT / University / Government / DTE / Board of Technical Education / CoA /
IIA / SPA / ITPI / NRCs / ARPIT research organization / other institute of National Importance /
Design Studio.
One week faculty development programme as above and one eight weeks duration MOOCS course
with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE
Completed two such eight weeks duration MOOCS courses with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE.
Completed minimum two weeks of relevant Industrial Training / Professional Training.
For Assistant Professor (Selection Grade): Completion of following training requirements at the level of
Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)
Two weeks of Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in the relevant area recognised by AICTE /
UGC / TEQIP / NITTTR / PMMMNMTT / IISc / IIT / University / Government / DTE / Board of
Technical Education / CoA / IIA / SPA / ITPI / NRCs / ARPIT / research organization / other institute
of National Importance / Design Studio.
One week faculty development programme as above and one eight weeks duration MOOCS course
with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE
Completed two such eight weeks duration MOOCS courses with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE.
Completed minimum two weeks of relevant Industrial Training / Professional Training
For Associate Professor: Completion of following training requirements at the level of Assistant Professor
(Selection Grade)
Two weeks of Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in the relevant area recognised by AICTE /
UGC / TEQIP / NITTTR / PMMMNMTT / IISc / IIT / University / Government / DTE / Board of
Technical Education / CoA / IIA / SPA / ITPI / NRCs / ARPIT / research organization / other
institute of National Importance / Design Studio.
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 45

One week faculty development programme as above and one eight weeks duration MOOCS course
with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE
Completed two such eight weeks duration MOOCS courses with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE.
Completed minimum two weeks of relevant Industrial Training / Professional Training.
Annexure - IV
The 360 Degree Score shall be determined on the basis of following parameters.
a. Teaching Process (Maximum Point 25)
b. Students’ Feedback (Maximum Point 25)
c. Departmental Activities (Maximum Point 20)
d. Institute Activity (Maximum Point 10)
e. ACR (Maximum Point 10)
f. Contribution to Society (Maximum Point 10)
The candidate shall submit calculation sheet for each academic year to be considered and a summary sheet
exhibiting his score on a 10 point scale
a. Teaching - Process (Maximum Points 25)
The calculation shall be presented in a table as presented in this Annexure. The table will have the details of
courses taught in the academic year in consideration, like Semester, course Code / Name, No. of scheduled
classes, actually held classes. The total shall be reduced on 25 point scale.
b. Students’ Feedback (Maximum Points 25)
The candidate shall submit average score for each course taught during academic year under consideration on
a scale of 25. The average of total of all such score shall be used.
c. Departmental Activities (Maximum Points 20)
This section summarizes all the responsibilities assigned by Head of the Department to a teacher during
academic year under consideration through a proper office order. This may include responsibilities like Lab
I/C, Time Table I/C, NBA - AICTE work, sponsored projects, departmental newsletter etc. The candidate will
earn 3 points per semester for each activity up to a maximum of 20.
d. Institute Activity (Maximum Points 10)
This section summaries all the responsibilities assigned by Head of the institute to the candidate during
academic year under consideration through a proper office order. This may include responsibilities like Head
of Department, Coordinator, Warden, Training and Placement officer, Estate Officer etc. The candidate will
earn 5 points per semester for each activity up to a maximum of 10.
e. ACR (Maximum points 10)
ACR maintained at institute level shall have 10 points based on grading.
f. Contribution to Society (Maximum Points 10)
The candidate involved in different initiatives by AICTE. The candidate will earn 5 points per semester for
each activity. The claim should be supported by an office order/ official communication from Head of
The grand total of points for all academic years shall be converted to a 10 points scale.

Note: The activities mentioned in above criterion are indicative. Principal / Director / HoD may add or
remove some of the activities at department and institute level as per the requirements of the institute.
Weightage of 10 Marks may be given for ACRs maintained at institute level out of 20 Marks as per
following grading.
Calculation of Credit Points
(Sample Calculations Page-1)
Present Position
Academic Year
Teaching Process

A. Teaching Process (Max Point 25)

S. Course Code/ No. of Scheduled No. of actually Points Enclosu
No. Semester Name Classes held classes earned re No.
1 1/ 2018-19 CET-100 42 39
2 1/ 2018-19 CET-200 39 38
3 2/ 2018-19 MED-100 41 39
4 2/ 2018-19 BSE-100 42 41
Total 164 157 23.93

B. Students’ feedback (Max Point 25)

S. No. Semester Course Code/ Name Average Student feedback Enclosure No.
on the scale of 25
1/ 2018-19 CET-100 22.3
1/ 2018-19 CET-200 21.8
2/ 2018-19 MED-100 19.6
2/ 2018-19 BSE-100 22.8
Total 86.5

C. Departmental Activities (Max credit 20)

S. No. Semester Activity Credit Point Criteria Enclosure No.
1 1/ 2018-19 Lab I/C 3 3 Point/ semester
2 1/ 2018-19 Consultancy 3 3 Point/ semester
3 1/ 2018-19 Timetable I/C 3 3 Point/ semester
4 2/ 2018-19 Timetable I/C 3 3 Point/ semester
5 2/ 2018-19 NBA work 3 3 Point/ event
6 2/ 2018-19 Lab I/C 3 3 Point/ event
7 2/ 2018-19 Consultancy 3 3 Point/ semester
Total 21
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 47

Calculation of Credit Points

(Sample Calculations Page-2)
D. Institute Activities (Max Credit 10)
S. Credit Enclosure
No Semester Activity Point Criteria No.
1 1/ 2018-19 HoD /Dean 4 4 Point/semester
Coordinator appointed by
2 2/ 2018-19 Head of Institute 2 2 Point/semester
3 2/ 2018-19 Organized Conference 2 2 Point/event
1 point /event, to be divided
4 2/ 2018-19 FDP/Conference 2
between all co-coordinators

E. ACR maintained at institute level (Max Credit 10)

Extraordinary Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory
10 9 8 7 5

S.No. Year Activity Credit Point Criteria Enclosure

1 2018-19 ACR 10 Extraordinary
2 ACR 8 Very Good
3 ACR 9 Excellent
4 ACR 10 Extraordinary
Average 37/4=9.25

F. Contribution to Society (Max Credit 10)

S. No. Semester Activity Credit Point Criteria No.
1 Induction Program 5
2 Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 5
3 Yoga Classes 5
4 Blood Donation 5

Calculation of Credit Points

(Blank Format)
Present Position
Academic Year
Teaching- Process

A. Teaching Process (Max Points 25)

S. No. Semester Course Code/ No. of Scheduled No. of actually Point Enclosure no.
Name Classes held classes

B. Students’ feedback (Max Points 25)

S. No. Semester Course Code/ Name Average Student feedback on Enclosure no.
the scale of 25

C. Departmental Activities (Max Points 20)

S. No. Semester Activity Credit Point Criteria Enclosure no.

D. Institute Activities (Max Points 10)

S. No. Semester Activity Credit Point Criteria Enclosure no.

E. ACR maintained at institute level (Maximum Points 10)

S. No. Year Activity Credit Point Criteria Enclosure no.

F. Contribution to Society ( Maximum Points 10)

S. No. Semester Activity Credit Point Criteria Enclosure no.


Academic Year Academic Year Academic Year

1 2 3
A. Teaching Process (Max Points 25)
B. Students’ feedback (Max Points 25)
C. Departmental Activities (Max Points 20)
D. Institute Activities (Max Points 10)
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 49

E. ACR (Max Points 10)

F. Contribution to Society (Max Points 10)
Total (Max Points 100)
Total on 10 Point scale
(To be used by institutions)
Academic Year: Name of the Faculty
Course Semester
Date of the feedback

For getting filled in through student

S. Description Very Poor Good Very Excellent
No. Poor Good
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Has the Teacher covered entire Syllabus
as prescribed by University/ College/
2 Has the Teacher covered relevant topics
beyond syllabus
3 Effectiveness of Teacher in terms of:
(a) Technical content/course content
(b) Communication skills
(c) Use of teaching aids
4 Pace on which contents were covered
5 Motivation and inspiration for students to
6 Support for the development of Students’
(i) Practical demonstration
(ii) Hands on training
7 Clarity of expectations of students
8 Feedback provided on Students’ progress
9 Willingness to offer help and advice to

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