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This spreadsheet is provided to assist you in collecting data for quality control testing

of a radiographic x-ray unit.

The tab following this Instruction sheet is the sheet on which you will paste the
generator test data from your Rapidose system. To simplify the analysis, it is
recommended that the template as presented by followed as closely as possible. If
a generator does not have one of the indicated settings and that row is not used,
do not delete the row from the spreadsheet; rather, just clear the cells of that row
of any entries.

The cells on the Data sheet are color coded as follows:

Green cells are for import of data from your Rapidose system.
Yellow cells are where you enter information specific to your testing session
Blue cells are automatically calculated; no user entry is required

The Report sheet is calculated and completed automatically. Except for pasting the
waveform, your intervention should not be required.

Export settings
This spreadsheet makes certain assumptions about the data arrangement, as
discussed above, and the options used for exporting the data. Illustrations are
provided below to help make this spreadsheet as useful as possible.

IMPORTANT: When you import your data be sure to select the following
items in the Rapidose export dialog boxes:
NOTE: If you what other units (Gy, etc), you can of course change the units to match
your preferences provided you change the Data and Report sheets to coincide.

To copy the waveform, click on the "Wave" button, then on the "Screen" button. This
will put a copy of the waveform on the clipboard, which may be then pasted into
the worksheet where indicated.

Please Note ---

These templates are provided with the compliments of Radcal Corporation as samples and
are available for modification by the user. Certain cells are locked and protected but may be
unlocked without a password. (Use Tools/Protection/Unprotect Workbook/[enter])
Radcal assumes no responsibility or liability for any unintentional errors.
It remains the user's responsibility to validate the calculations and to confirm suitability for the particular purpose.
particular purpose.
Place cursor in upper left cell of this box for import
Rapidose by Radcal

Profile Name Table
Export Date 10/28/2010
Export Time 10:03:24 AM
Export Culture en-US

Index kVp Exp. Time Dose Dose Rate HVL Est. Filt. Filter
- kV s mR mR/ms mm mm -
1 0 0.1962 29.29 149.3 0 2 n.a.
2 45.9 0.1934 52.16 269.7 1.5 2 n.a.
3 48.5 0.2035 90.19 443.2 1.6 2 n.a.
4 78.4 0.1946 128.2 658.8 2.3 2 n.a.
5 74.7 0.1941 217.9 1123 2.3 2 n.a.
6 76.6 0.1941 220 1133 2.3 2 n.a.
7 94.5 0.2049 125.8 613.8 2.8 2 n.a.
8 75 0.2041 225.1 1103 2.3 2 n.a.
9 62.9 0.0143 10.3 720.3 2.1 2 n.a.
10 52.1 0.0338 23.63 699 1.7 2 n.a.
11 62.8 0.0743 43.05 579.5 2.1 2 n.a.
12 53.7 0.1137 71.7 630.6 1.8 2 n.a.
13 64.2 0.1944 102.7 528.3 2.1 2 n.a.
14 54.5 0.2936 186.4 634.8 1.8 2 n.a.
15 62.7 0.2944 164.1 557.3 2.1 2 n.a.
16 54.6 0.2937 187.6 638.8 1.8 2 n.a.
17 63 0.2943 163.5 555.6 2.1 2 n.a.
18 54.5 0.4934 311.3 630.6 1.8 2 n.a.
19 62.1 0.8037 457.8 569.6 2 2 n.a.
20 54.2 11,942 747.3 625.8 1.8 2 n.a.
21 54.2 20,042 1242 619.5 1.8 2.0 n.a.
Anode/Filter Tube Failure
- - -
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
n.a. n.a. 0
A line is left open at row 148 of the Report tab to paste this waveform for the report.
Radiographic Unit Performance Report
Facility Identification System Identification
Outpatient Center Room 1
Registration ID 42 Radiographic
Community Hospital Unique ID 24
Main Campus Control Manufacturer 0
1000 Wormwood Drive Control Model 0
Somewhere, Else 00001 Control S/N 0
Dr. Smith Control Date 0
(888) 555-1212 Tube Manufacturer 0
Tube Model 0
Tube S/N 0
Tube Date 0

Test Date 40611

Tested by John Doe


Summary of the results of this performance survey

(N/A = not applicable, N/M = not measured)

Pass Radiation output

FAIL Beam quality
FAIL Reproducibility of radiation exposures
FAIL kVp accuracy
N/A Timer accuracy
N/A Timer reproducibility
Pass mA station radiation output linearity

General Comments:
X-Ray Machine Performance

Pass Radiation Output

Measurement distance = 30 inches

Set kVp mR/mAs Std. Values

50 2.9 f(x) = 0.0018040578 x^1.9605712772
60 5.2 5.1 20.0 R² = 0.8371995139

70 9.0 15.0
80 11.7 9.6
90 12.8 10.0

100 21.8 15.4 5.0

110 22.0
120 12.6 21.9 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
130 22.5

Comment: Radiation output is typical.

FAIL kVp Accuracy

M e a s ure d % E rror

Set kVp kVp kVp error
50 0.0 -100.0% 40 10%
60 45.9 -23.5% 140 10%
70 48.5 -30.7% 20% 40 -10%
80 58.7 -26.6% 0%
140 -10%
90 78.4 -12.9% -40%
100 74.7 -25.3% -60%

110 76.6 -30.4% -80%

120 94.5 -21.3% -120%
130 75.0 -42.3% 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Nominal kVp
The kVp error limit is 10%.

Comment: kVp accuracy does not meet standards.

FAIL Beam Quality

HVL (m m Al)

Measured Measured
Set kVp kVp HVL HVL limit
50 0 0.0 0.38
60 45.9 1.5 1.10
70 48.5 1.6 1.15
80 58.7 1.9 1.76
90 78.4 2.3 2.24 1.0

100 74.7 2.3 2.15 0.5

110 76.6 2.3 2.19 0.0

40 60 80 100 120 140
120 94.5 2.8 2.63 Nominal kVp
130 75 2.3 2.15
Measured HVL must exceed the stated limit.
Comment: X-ray beam filtration does not meet standards.
FAIL Exposure & Timer Reproducibility
Measured Measured
Exposure mR Exposure msec
#1 186.4 #1 293.6
#2 164.1 #2 294.4
#3 187.6 #3 293.7
#4 163.5 #4 294.3
Average 175.4 Average 294.0
Std. Dev 13.406 Range 0.8
CV 7.64%
CV must be less than 5x the range must be
5%. less than the average.

Comment: Output reproducibility is acceptable. Timer reproducibility is acceptable.

N/A Timer Accuracy:

Set msec msec Error Error (%)
#VALUE! 14.3 #VALUE! 10%
#VALUE! 33.8 #VALUE! 8% 0.0000001 0%
#VALUE! 74.3 #VALUE! 6% 10000 0%
#VALUE! 113.7 #VALUE! 4%
#VALUE! 274.1 #VALUE! 2%
#VALUE! 493.4 #VALUE! 0%
#VALUE! 803.7 #VALUE! -2% E! E! E! E! E! E! E! E! E!
#V #V #V #V #V #V #V #V #V
#VALUE! ### #VALUE! Set Time (msec)

Timer error must be less than 10% or the manufacturer specification.

Comment: mAs generator

Pass mAs Linearity

L in e a rit y C o e f f ic ie n t

Focal Linearity
mA Spot mR/mAs Coeff.
1 S 10.30
2 S 11.82 0.07 0 0.1
4 S 10.76 0.05 1000.00 0.1
6 S 11.95 0.05
10 S 10.27 0.08
15 L 11.69 0.06
25 L 12.45 0.03 0.00
40 L 11.45 0.04 -0.02
2 4 6 10 15 25 40 60 100

60 L 12.46 0.04 Set mA

100 L 12.42 0.00
Linearity coefficient must be less than 0,10.
Comment: Radiation output linearity between different stations meets standards.

Pass Radiation and kV Waveforms

Paste waveform in this


Comment: Waveform is typical.

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