Conclusion Foundry
Conclusion Foundry
Conclusion Foundry
Foundry process is one of the sand casting process. We can use various metals such as
Aluminium and cast iron in this process. Our group choose to use Aluminium as our metal to be
melted and shaped in foundry process.
We can shape metal by melting them into a liquid, pouring the molten metal into a mold
that we had provided. As it cools, we removed the mold material after the metal has solidified.
Our group used polystyrene to create the mold. So, our shaped metal has some defects such as
the surface of the metal is rough and not smooth.
There are some ways and recommendations to reduce the defects in foundry process.
3. Ramming a mold.
Few inches of sand over the pattern should be carefully rammed and tightly packed. Soft
spots, packets should be rammed properly. The mold should be rammed layer by layer. Besides,
ramming should be done as close to vertical surfaces of pattern.