Catalogo ICad3D English
Catalogo ICad3D English
Catalogo ICad3D English
Having a good idea is great,
but it is even better
if you know how
to carry it out.
3D footwear design and pattern engineering
ICad3d+ is the first software for footwear design and pattern engineering that integrates into a single
program two different environments, virtual 3D and technical 2D, which work in parallel and
simultaneously. This way, ICad3d+ is presented as the best virtual alternative to the traditional
process of design and pattern engineering, reducing the time spent as well as the material and
human resources of the company.
Design, create and modify footwear models, and their patterns, in parallel and
simultaneously in 3D or 2D with total reliability and precision.
Flatten lasts for all types of footwear, including boots and ankle boots, with total accuracy.
Modify the flattening with a single “click”, avoiding repeating the processes that should be
carried out when such modifications are made manually.
Create, or import, soles, heels, decorations or accessories quickly and easily, thanks to its
intuitive interface.
Customise and get images as hyper-realistic as photographs taken from real footwear
Simulate the appearance of shoes after last slipping adding realism to your models.
From sketch
to virtual design
Export the patterns to any cutting device, with no need for further adaptation and without
ever losing the 3D-2D correlation.
Recalculate the yield without having to re-flatten. Thus, you can modify the model parts to
maximise material yield.
Grade the footwear sizes in a completely customisable way and in just one "click".
Create fully customisable technical spec sheets, adapted to your company's production
process, by adding any kind of information, photographs and even 3D objects.
Work in a simple and intuitive environment, very easy to use, where any change is
automatically recalculated in both software environments (3D and 2D).
Get regular software updates and enjoy the most advanced technology at any time.
Increase the competitiveness and the productivity by reducing the time and the costs of
human and material resources, and achieving a faster production.
ICad3d+ has been developed by the “Footwear Technology Institute (INESCOP)”. INESCOP has more
than 30 years experience in the development of CAD-CAM products and works closely with the
companies in the sector. This has allowed them to develop software systems adapted to their
customers’ needs and always oriented towards continuous improvement.
ICad3d+ can be obtained through the Spanish company “Red 21 S.L.”, which is the exclusive dealer of
INESCOP’s CAD-CAM programs with over 20 years experience in sales, distribution and technical
Design any
footwear type
Virtual 3D Soles and Pieces and Details and Materials and Virtual last Rendering
heels thicknesses decorations variations slipping
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening grading technical spec sheets
Preparing engineering and cutting
the last
Technical 2D
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
original last
modified last
z z
x x
Cage deformation
Rotation deformation
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
Last in
3 surfaces
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
Photorealistic materials
ICad3d+ is conceived to speed up the creation of any kind of material (leather,
rubber, patent leather, metal, gemstones, rhinestones, etc.) in any colour.
The materials can be created directly in the software using the wizard for material
creation, or importing scanned textures that are easily editable with ICad3d+.
Created materials can be saved to your own library to use them later.
Apply materials on any part of the model with just one "click", creating countless
material combinations in different colours of the same shoe design instantly.
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
Cage deformation
Adaptations that bring more realism
ICad3d+ can provide models with added realism, and can
simulate the real process of slipping the last from the
shoe, when certain changes in tension are produced on Curve deformation
some materials and shoe pieces.
Thus, it is possible to make numerous deformations, such
as changing tongues, altering upper lines, deforming Rotation deformation
counters and toes (lifting them up), widening quarters or
even simulating wrinkles.
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
Predefined scenes
of details
ixel 1
Real scale p
Photorealistic image
Designed and rendered with ICad3d+
Insert laces automatically.
ixel 1
Real scale p
Real scale p
ixel 1
:1 realism
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
Total accuracy
Get any 2D flattened last with total reliability
and precision, and use it as the basis for the Accurate and simple flattening of any kind
creation of your patterns. of last: women’s, men’s, children’s, etc.
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening grading technical spec sheets
Preparing engineering and cutting
the last
Distribution of customised
Allowances Oxford punch holes
shapes on a line
Size grading
Soles and Pieces and Details and Materials and Virtual last Rendering
heels thicknesses decorations variations slipping
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
Size grouping
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
Material consumption, technical spec
sheets and cutting
Soles and Pieces and Details and Materials and Virtual last Rendering
heels thicknesses decorations variations slipping
Importing Drawing
a digital last on the last 3D/2D pattern Size Material consumption,
Flattening engineering grading technical spec sheets
Preparing and cutting
the last
Calculate in real time the material consumption of your model Grading: standard 3mm Grading: standard 3mm
Upper 2 Upper 8
and minimise waste. Description: Upper part
Material: Ante - Kukileather
Color: Kaki 638
Description: Lining
Material: Piel de cabra
Color: Nude
Grading: standard 3mm Grading: standard 3mm
Thanks to the 2D/3D connection, with ICad3d+ you can modify any Upper 3
Description: Upper part
Upper 9
Description: Plantilla con logo grabado a fuego
line and update consumption values instantly without the need to Material: Ante - Kukileather
Color: Kaki 638
Grading: standard 3mm
Material: Piel de cabra
Color: Nude
Grading: standard 3mm
re-flatten. Thus, you can modify the model parts to maximise Upper 4
Description: Lining
Upper 5
Description: Lining
Material: Piel de cabra - Kukileather 2
Color: Nude
Grading: standard 3mm
Upper 6
Description: Lining
Material: Piel de cabra - Kukileather
Color: Nude
Grading: standard 3mm
Download ShoeViewer
free of charge
ShoeCombiner is an application that allows 3D footwear models to be viewed and different
materials, colours and textures to be combined in a quick and easy way. Optionally, you can also
view the rendered image of the model created.
Customise the software interface adding your logo as well as choosing the colour combination that
best suits your corporate image.
3D last preparation
Last and boot flattening
3D sole and heel design
Drawing lines on a 3D last
3D piece editor
2D piece editor
3D accessory design
Creation of rendering materials
3D last slipping simulation
2D pattern engineering
Size grading
Consumption calculation
Technical spec sheets
Photorealistic 3D render
Model viewer and render
Model combiner
Contact our sales department and we will advise you on the product that
best suits your business.
ICad3d+ Versions
Aimed at footwear professionals and technicians who want to create virtual prototypes, or
transfer handmade sketches to a virtual 3D environment, with high definition, quality and
realism. It is also intended to obtain flattened lasts and 2D-3D patterns with total accuracy
and 2D-3D correlation, as well as to generate complete technical information in order to send
the model to the manufacturing stage.
Furthermore, the integrated rendering software makes it especially useful to provide
hyperrealism to the models created, allowing designers to make decisions without physically
producing all the footwear models. Rendered images can also be used to give greater visibility
ICad3d+ Pro to catalogues, adds, websites or presentations.
(Design + Patterns)
Aimed at footwear professionals and technicians who want to create virtual prototypes, or
transfer handmade sketches to a virtual 3D environment, with high definition detail, quality
and realism.
A render software is integrated to allows a greater realism to created models and speed up
the decision making, avoiding the physical production of all the models and use the images for
a greater visibility of catalogues, advertisements, web or presentations.
ICad3d+ Design
Aimed at footwear professionals and technicians who want to get 2D patterns with pinpoint
accuracy from 3D lasts. This way, the model can be designed by directly drawing onto a 3D last
and get a perfect 2D flattened last.
ICad3d+ Patterns
Intended for users who do not have the ICad3d+ software and wish to view the 3D models
created with this software.
Aimed at footwear professionals and technicians who want to view easily, quickly and
realistically, the different possibilities of materials and colours that can be applied on the
virtual models created with ICad3d+. It is then easier and faster to make decisions about the
different model variations to be manufactured, without physically producing them.
Our software around the world
France Sweden
United Kingdom Poland Japan
Mexico Greece Korea
USA Romania
Venezuela Taiwan
Portugal India
Guatemala China
El Salvador Tunisia Thailand
Ecuador Malaysia
Peru Vietnam
Colombia Egypt
Dominican 1 - 10
Republic 11 - 50
Chile Iran
51 - 100
Argentina 101 - 500
501 - 1000
For more information and sales enquiry, please visit our website or contact us directly.