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Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

Comprehensive Guide

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 1 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC


1. Presentation of the Socata Aircraft Company

Historical background
Socata Today

2. Aircraft presentation

TB range and general benefits

Description of the components
Operating costs

3. Terms & Conditions

Training for the pilots

Training for the mechanic
Delivery terms Payment
terms Warranty

4. Services

Maintenance concept
Training Customer support
Technical documentation

5. Description of the Limited Warranty

Administration of the warranty

Limited Warranty

6. Contacts

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 2 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

Presentation of Socata Aircraft

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 3 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

The History of the Socata Aircraft Company and


October 10, 1911, Leon MORANE and Raymond SAULNIER

privately founded the company MORANE SAULNIER, the
beginning of today’s SOCATA. From humble beginnings, they
were able to set new world speed record, by breaking the
100km/hr mark and obtaining the world speed record of 108
km/h in their Bleriot.

In 1912, MORANE SAULNIER changed aviation history; by

introducing the monoplane. This design improved performance and cost effectiveness
over the industry design favorite, the biplane.

In 1913, Roland GARROS became the first to cross the Mediterranean Sea in a MORANE
H type. It took 7 hours and 53 minutes.

In April 1914, Raymond SAULNIER took out a patent for a machine gun
through-the-propeller firing system, giving birth to the first fighter aircraft. The first
fighter squadrons in history were equipped with MORANE-SAULNIER aircraft.

In 1930, the MS 230 was incorporated into the French Air Force. In 1935, the MS 406
became the first aircraft fitted with a sliding and releasable canopy.

In 1941, MORANE-SAULNIER's design office relocated in Tarbes, France. After replacing

the former tenant, a company called Dewoitine, the roots became set for the SOCATA
plant of today.

In 1949, MS 733 ALCYON rolled out and started a legacy which would last for more than
30 years. In January 1953, it evolved into the twinjet MS 755 FLEURET. By 1954, the
design had developed to become the MS 760 PARIS, the first four-seat jet in the world.
The Paris also became the first jet aircraft used as a military transport unit, and remained
in service until 1997.

In 1959, the general aviation market was in full expansion. The MS 880 RALLYE, as a
response to demand, came into production. The 90 horsepower aircraft could seat 2 to 3
people, and it was the first aircraft to incorporate automated leading edge slats. Over a
twenty-year period, the MS 880 RALLYE design was the first general aviation aircraft to
sell more than 3,500 units in 65 countries.

At the end of 1962, MORAINE SAULNIER came under management of the company
SUD-AVIATION. Under new management, MORANE SAULNIER officially becomes
SOCATA, in July 25, 1966, incorporating the knowledge and tradition at the time of 55

Today, the production center in Tarbes covers a span of 16.5 acres (66.000-m2). The
SOCATA manufacturing plant incorporates a large 137.5 acres (55 hectares) area.

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 4 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

SOCATA currently is a 100%-owned subsidiary of AEROSPATIALE MATRA, and has two
production objectives: General Aviation and sub-contracting.

General Aviation: SOCATA designs, manufactures, and markets a complete range of

general aviation aircraft. SOCATA aircraft are utilized for private use, corporate missions and
transport, as well as training for civilian and military pilots.

Sub-contracting: SOCATA knowledge and experience is employed by major aeronautic

AIR FRANCE. Aeronautical programs contracting SOCATA insight include: AIRBUS (including
the A 340-600 project), MYSTERE, FALCON, ATR, LOCKHEED C 130, and the CFM 56. In
the helicopter industry, SOCATA know how is incorporated in the SUPER PUMA, DAUPHIN,
and the ECUREUIL. SOCATA uses the most up to date methods of production, and are
considered leaders in manufacturing of composite technology. The factory employs modern
techniques in the manufacturing process, and has updated the machinery used to perform
these tasks to the most modern and advanced available

AEROSPATIALE designed and built the first Supersonic Airliner the Concord. In fact
components of the fuselage for the Concord were manufactured in Tarbes at the SOCATA

The labor force employed in the manufacturing process in Tarbes are proud of their
heritage. Many employees are second and third generation employees of SOCATA, and this
European craftsmanship is evident in the final product. All employees have undergone
rigorous training in the areas of their expertise, and are governed by the extremely high
standard of the French DGAC, which is the regulatory body overseeing General Aviation
Certification in France.

SOCATA, being a subsidiary of AEROSPATIALE MATRA, is one of the largest Aerospace

Companies in the world. This gives SOCATA access to product development techniques that
can only be afforded by manufacturers of Transport Category of aircraft.

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 5 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

Presentation of the TB-20/21GT

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 6 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

The Trinidad TB-20 and TB21

The TB 20 Trinidad and the TB 21 TRINIDAD TC, share the following benefits and


The airframes are built from alloy panels, which form a sturdy monocoque structure.
The whole metallic structure integrates components such as:

A main wing spar, milled from one piece of alloy, that gives it a remarkable structural
strength and makes, and makes it easy to maintain

Controls (aileron, rudder, and elevator) operated by push rods as opposed to cables,
eliminating needs for frequent settings and adjustments. Rods are easily maintained
and not as susceptible to seasonal climate changes, like cables. This ensures the
aircraft a predictable behavior and handling.

A gear designed to absorb rough shocks during landings. Moreover, its high simplicity
facilitates checks and maintenance.

The corrosion proof consists of three successive treatments. The base includes an
alodine coat and epoxy zinc chromate as primer coat, and two acrylic polyurethane
coat components for gloss and finishing. The first two coats are laid individually on
each part of the airframe before assembly.

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 7 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC


The TB 20 TRINIDAD and TB 21 Turbo are powered by the
time-proven LYCOMING IO 540 and TIO 540 respectively. With a
TBO of 2, 000 hours, these engines are used to power a wide range
of general aviation aircraft in the world today.

Socata Aircraft are fitted with BENDIX KING Silver Crown radio
avionics package. The avionics suite includes the KMD-550 IHAS
system. The KMD-550 will interface with KDR-510 providing data
link capability, as well as provide an onboard TIS (Traffic
Information System). One of the excellent enhancements that
come standard with the KMD-550 is topographical Shading. The
standard instrument package includes the King KFC-225 digital
autopilot with the KI-256 Flight Director. This autopilot is the
new generation auto pilot from Bendix King, that has altitude pre
select built in, and has other features such as a voice command.

All TB aircraft cockpits offer:
- A modern and functionally laid out cockpit.
- A large variety of optional equipment allows a great flexibility in matching specific individual
requirements. These include the installation of dual instruments facing the co-pilot, instructor, or
friend just there for the ride.
- A clear ergonomic presentation of the instruments allow that allows the pilot to scan critical
instruments with ease. This is done by placing all engine instruments, radios, and navigation
equipment and switches in a professional layout that is easy to scan and administer.
- Controls functionally positioned on an airline-like central console, providing an easy management of
engine and fuel operations, as well as a layout for easy access to the secondary flight control
systems: flaps, gear, electrical, etc.
- A large cabin: the widest in its category, up to 2 inches wider than the Saratoga, and 9 inches wider
than the Mooney.
- The large cabin, with the increased headroom in the TB-20/21GT gives the passengers the
impression of being in a large plane. The windows in the aircraft are large providing for excellent
visibility. This feature is not only a feature enjoyed by the passengers, but also provides the pilot
maximum visibility, an important feature in busy airspace.
- The front seats are ergonomically designed to provide maximum comfort on long flights. The seats
are contoured and fit the pilot very well. The seats are adjustable providing adequate forward and aft
movement for even the tallest of pilots.
- Entry to the plane is through 2 Gull Wing doors, providing an easy egress in and out of the plane.
- The Trinidad TB-20/21 have one of the larges floor areas of any of the aircraft in its class, 23.7 sq. ft.
(2.1 m2). The back seats are easily removed to change the back area into cargo configuration should
the need arise. The baggage compartment is also easily accessible from the rear seats.
- All seats have fresh air vents, and the environmental system on the plane enables the pilot to ensure
that his passengers are always comfortable.
- The high wing loading on the aircraft provides for excellent rough air penetration, resulting in a
smoother ride than our competitors with lower wing loadings.

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 8 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

Two gull wing doors allow entrance to the aircraft from both sides. Unique in design, they
combine efficiency with a distinct European look.
The wing is a cantilever type, constant chord low wing. In turns, visibility remains excellent,
Allowing for comfortable operation in traffic patterns. While on the ground, visibility remains
excellent for taxi operations, as well as takeoffs and landings. During preflight checks, it
makes inspection of the wing surface and fuel quantity an easy task.

Tank caps are fitted with a safety lock. A fuel quantity measuring scale is labeled inside the
tanks and is readable through the fuel filler port, allowing the pilot to fuel more accurately
according to weight and balance calculations.

The baggage compartment is roomy and spacious. A tow bar is provided in the baggage
compartment; along with a fuel sampler and an extra oil supply, which are stored in a
convenient shelf inside the storage compartment.

The TB aircraft feature the RA 16-3C3-wing profile. This profile demonstrates excellent
aerodynamic characteristics, at both high and low speeds, combining excellent lift and cruise

The high wing capabilities of the TB 20 and TB21 (loading of 24.1 lbs. per sq. ft.) contribute
to the aircraft's stability. This is advantageous to pilots when assuming a slow flight
configuration, as well as in turbulent conditions, as demonstrated in a 25-knot crosswind

Except for fixed gear models, the landing gear of the Trinidad feature a nose gear as well as
main gears equipped with trailing link landing gear system. These characteristics enhance
passenger's comfort and are instrumental in smooth landings.


The Trinidad line has been designed to keep maintenance to a minimum. Fewer parts and advanced
design allow for superior product support. The Trinidad Series of aircraft have a lower component
count than any of their competitors; this means fewer parts to break, less down time and lower
operating costs.

Mechanics enjoy working on the Trinidad for a number of reasons; - the engine compartment is easily
accessible, there are an abundance of access panels on the aircraft to ensure easy access for
maintenance, the instrument panel of the aircraft can be easily tilted, making access to the instruments
located in the rear section simple and easy. They also like the fact that the components used on the
Trinidad are all of superior quality available from leading and internationally known aviation product
suppliers, adding to the overall reliability of the aircraft.

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 9 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

Avionics technicians like the fact that there are two large removable access panels in front of the
windshield to allow quick access to the avionics compartment.

There is an extensive network of Distributors worldwide. SOCATA and its distributors are committed to
ensuring that SOCATA owners enjoy the best support possible for their products, and to this end are
deploying more product support people into the field, and opening more authorized Service Centers as


Safety is the priority at SOCATA. The Trinidad has been designed to ensure a flight safety standard
that aircraft users demand and expect:

- The wing profile provides positive controllability at low speeds and gentle stall

- Excellent visibility on the ground and in flight,

- Excellent stability in turbulence, due to the high wing loading, which is the highest in this
category of aircraft, creating a safe and comfortable instrument flight platform.

- Mild pitch changes associated with changes in power settings and flaps positioning,
essential for safe instrument approach flying.

- A certification for 25-knot crosswind component landings, allowing for operations on

shorter, and infamously windy airfields.

- An Annunciator panel allowing a quick and easy identification of equipment or pilot error.

- Dual controls providing flight accessibility to both pilots.

The Trinidad large gull wing door design provides an easy escape, and kick out emergency exits at the
rear seats allow for a quick emergency evacuation.

The Trinidad meets all the FAR Part 23 regulations, including amendments 1 through 16. These regulations were
designed with safety in mind.

The size of the cabin allows the fitting of a life raft, as well as life jackets. An extinguisher is also available as an

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 10 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC


The Trinidad’s design integrates the latest innovations in construction technology. These innovations result in
lower maintenance costs by better reliability on the components, and lowering the labor input cost.

The choice of modern materials, renown for their high reliability, guarantees the airframe a long life, with limited
maintenance constraints.


- Engineered to criteria like simplicity, performance, and comfort, the Trinidad has again raised the
standard on the competition. No other aircraft can match their comfort.

- The ergonomic cabin configuration is designed for the purpose of simplifying the pilot’s workload.

- Designed to have low operating costs, the TB aircraft are the most cost-efficient aircraft currently

- The in-flight characteristics of its high loaded wing are similar too much larger aircraft.

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 11 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC


Manufacturer: Lycoming
Type: I0 540 C4 D5D/Tl0 540 AB1 AD 6 cylinders
Power rating: 250 BHP at 2, 575 RPM
Recommended TBO: 2, 000 hours
Manufacturer: Hartzell
Type: HG C2YK 1 BF / F7666 A-2 constant speed
Blades: Optional, 2 and 3 blade available
Max.: 80 in (2.03 m) - Mm.: 78 in (1. 98 m)
Type: 100 LL Grade Aviation Fuel (Blue) or
100 formerly 100/1 30 Grade Aviation Fuel
Total tank capacity: 88.8 US gal (336 L)
Total capacity each tank: 44.4 US gal (168 L)
Usable fuel: 86.2 US gal (326 L)

Total capacity: 13.3 US quarts (12.6 L)
Max. Oil consumption: 0.8 quarts per hour

Overall length: 25. 26 ft (7. 70 m)

Overall height: 9.91 ft(3.02m)
Wing span: 32. 05 ft (9, 77 m)
128.1 sq.ft
Wing area:
4. 20 ft (1. 28 m)
Cabin width: 8. 30 ft (2. 53 m)
Cabin length: 3. 67 ft (1. 12 m)
Cabin height: 4. l0 ft(1,25m)
Baggage space width: 2. 95 ft (0. 90 m)
Baggage space length: 2. 03 ft (0. 62 m)
3. 45 ft (1. 05 m)
Baggage space height:
2. 30 ft (0. 70 m)
Cabin entry width:
Cabin entry height:

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 12 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC


Average empty weight: 1,764/ 1860 lbs. (800/844 kg)

Max. take-off weight: 3,086 lbs. (1,400 kg)
Max. landing weight: 3,086 lbs. (1,400 kg)
Max. useful load: 1,323 lbs/ 1,226 lbs (600/ 556 kg)
Max. luggage weight: 143 lbs. (65 kg)


Maximum speed - 8, 500 ft: 163 KTAS (186 KTAS at 25,000’ TB21)
Economical cruising speed: 157 KTAS (169 in TB21)
Max. speed flaps extended: 95 KCAS

Stalling speed
(Landing +flaps ext.): 59 KCAS

Rate of Climb
(max. weight –sea level): 1200’/ 1126’ per minute
Climb to 8,000 feet: 9 min. / 15 min to 15,000 at ISA

Service Ceiling: 20,000’ (TB20), 25,000’ (TB21)

Take-off distance over 50’ obstacle (Max Gross): 2,150’/ 1,953’

Landing over 50’ obstacle (Max Gross): 1,750’/ 1,770’

Max. Range: 1,108/ 1,110 NM (2,053/ 2,056 km.)

Demonstrated Crosswind Component: 25 Knots

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 13 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

TB 20 Trinidad
US Definition & Option List

Airframe Powerplant
Metal structure and skin paneling Engine: Lycoming IO 540 C4 D5D 6 cylinders
Complete protection treatment Dynafocal suspension
Electrically operated flaps HARTZELL constant speed propeller
Retractable gear with electro- hydraulic De-icing System, Propeller (TKS) *
Control Spinner
Hydraulic disc brakes Electric starter
2 lockable cabin doors Oil cooler
1 lockable baggage hold access door Oil quick drain
Retracting footsteps Air filter, engine, reinforced *
3 Tie-down attachments Exhaust system
3 Jacking points Vacuum pump capability
Tow bar Radio shielding
Complete painting Water trap filter on fuel circuit
3 Navigation lights
2 Landing and taxiing lights Instrument Panel

Electrical Equipment Antiglare integral instrument panel

Avionics panel, Raised *
Battery 24 V/10 Ah Instrument panel lighting
Alternator 28 V/70 A Airspeed indicator (TAS)
Regulator with over-voltage relay Sensitive altimeter
Circuit breakers Rate of climb indicator
Electrical power receptacle, external (APU) * Electronic tachometer with hour meter
Strobe Light, wing-tips * Combined manifold pressure/fuel flow indicator
VHF-VOR feeder Stall warning indicator
Two rigid VHF antenna with fairings * Warning lights
Fuel Equipment Oil pressure indicator
Oil temperature indicator
2 wing fuel tanks Fuel quantity indicator (2)
Tank draining glass Voltmeter
Electrical pump Ammeter *
Fuel drains Vacuum circuit warning light *
Fuel selector with filter and decanting tank Gear position indicator
Fuel Flow Shadin, digital connected to GPS * Landing Gear Hydraulic Pump Warning Light *
Fuel Low Level Warning *

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 14 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

Cabin Fittings Basic Navigation Package *

Carpeted floor and woven velvet upholstery Artificial horizon *

Sound proofing Artificial horizon, Standby, electrical on RH *
Cabin heating and windscreen demisting Directional gyro with vacuum pump *
4 individual cabin air vents Electrical turn and bank indicator with flag *
Individual lights (3) Dual indicator EGT-CHT *
Cabin light connected to left door operation Outside thermometer *
2 Sun visors COM/NAV capability (loud speaker, jacks, control
Deluxe genuine leather option: includes adjustable on wheels, radio master switch, microphone)
and reclinable front seats with 3-point reel-type belts
and adjustable head-rests & lumbar support * Operational Complement *
Deluxe genuine leather w/head-rest & Exec. Rear
seats with two 3-point reel-type Belts * Heated Pitot head *
Side arm rests for front and rear seats Emergency static vent *
Ashtrays Elements for VFR or IFR classification *
Cigarette lighter Tinted windows and windscreen *
Chronometer on Yoke, Digital * Window on LH transparent door panel *
Map bags
Map light on RH and LH control wheels * Radio Navigation *
Flight manual storage compartment
Baggage hold equipped with strap and pegs for KING SILVER CROWN equipment including:
clothes and spare oil container storage - Stereo Audio control panel PMA 7000/M-S with
Protection for Pitot head and static pressure Antennas Music input and with marker *
Rear seat forced ventilation * - VHF/VOR/ILS 1 KX 165.25 with KCS 55A *
- VHF 2 / VOR / LOC 2 KX 155.39 with KI 203
VOR/LOC indicator *
Controls - DME KN 62A *
- KR 87 ADF with KI 227.01 slaved indicator *
Dual control by wheels with locking system - Transponder KT 76A with KEA 130A encoding
Central control console including: altimeter*
- switches - IHAS 550 with components
- Pre-selection electric flaps control - HSI KCS 55A, ADI *
- Throttle control - 2 axis autopilot KFC 150 with Flight Director and
- Propeller control altitude pre-selector KAS 297B *
- Mixture control Emergency Locator Transmitter *
- Trim pitch control
- Rudder trim control GPS Navigation Equipment *
Landing gear control
Steer able front wheel GPS KLN 90B with switching to the HSI display unit *
Foot brake on the left & right *
Parking brake North American Delivery Package *
Alternate air
Fire Extinguisher, Parking Protection Kit
Two Bose series 10 headsets (ANR) *
Ferry Flight, FAA filings and Registration, custom « N »
number selection *

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 15 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

TB20 GT and TB21 GT Option List

(options available on request to Socata Aircraft)

Instruments (left Hand)

Electrical Artificial Horizon $2,713.00
Radio Magnetic Indicator KA 229 $4,257.00
Avidyne FSD (CPU display CD Rom Charts Lightning Navigator) $19 050.00

Instruments (Right Hand)

Airspeed Indicator $411.00
Insight GEM 610 $2,950.00
Avionics Innovation CD Player $1,850.00

Weather Avoidance Equipment

WX 900 Stormscope weather mapping system $4,500.00
WX 500 Stormscope for the Avidyne FSD $5,995.00
WX 950 Stormscope weather mapping system $6,995.00
WX 1000+ Stormscope weather mapping system $11,585.00
BF Goodrich Skywatch (requires WX 1000+) $26,000.00
Complete TKS de-ice system $38,947.00

Interior Equipment
Deluxe genuine leather w/head-rest & Exec. rear seat option $3,104.00
Center armrest for rear seat $103.00
Executive rear seat w/armrest glove compartment & headrest $320.00
Keith Air Conditioning System $20,500.00

Vacuum System standby electrical $3,390.00
Cabin cover (exterior) for environmental protection $315.00
Custom paint scheme $6,000.00
Oxygen system (74.9 cu. Ft.) W/ pilot microphone $8,197.00
Mask and 3 passenger masks. Masks for TB21 only.

* Some items on the option list may be specific to the US market and require an STC or form 337 to install.

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 16 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

Direct operating costs


These direct operating costs are based upon the average flight fuel consumption rate of 14.0 Gph, and
an altitude of 6,000 ft. These figures are estimates only, and may vary according to the individual
operator. Labor rate and other expenses are computed on a cost basis, not including allowance for
overhead and insurance.
1) Fuel $26.60
2) Oil & Filters $4.40
3) Annual/ 100 hr inspection $16.00
Hourly cost of operation: $47.00
4) Engine 8.83
5) Propeller .66
6) Avionics .67
7) Major Interval Inspections $8.67
Hourly cost of reserves: $18.83
Total Hourly Costs: $65.83


1) Cost computed at a consumption rate of 14.0 Gph @ $1.90 per gallon.

2) Oil: Includes oil and filter change every 50 hours. Oil cost $4.00 per quart, filter estimate at
$20.00, two hour labors at $40.00 per hour. Includes consumption of one quart every 3 hours.

3) Annual/100 hour inspection: Estimated 20 hours labor at $40.00 per hour. Includes four hours
labor for discrepancies, with a parts allowance of $800.

4) Engine Reserves: Lycoming 10-540 C4 D5D recommended TBO is 2,000 hours.

Overhaul exchange with a one-year warranty on parts and labor plus accessories is
$16,500. Removal and installation cost is $1000.00 (25 hours labor @ $40.00 per
hour). Shipping allowance is $150.00.

5) Prop reserves: Hartzell prop recommended TBO is 2,000 hours. Manufacturer’s overhaul cost is
$1,057 plus 3 hours removal and installation at $40.00 per hour. Shipping allowance is $150.00.

6) Avionics reserves: Estimated at five hours labor at $40.00 per hour, and $.67 per hour for

7) Major Interval Inspection reserves: Estimated at $2.00 per flight hour for labor and $6.67 per
flight hour for parts.


Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 17 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC


These direct operating costs are based upon the following flight conditions: 17,000 ft., 65%
power, 2400 RPM, leaned to 15.0 Gph fuel burn but not to exceed max TIT of 1650°. These
figures are estimates only, and may vary according to the individual operator. Labor rate and
other expenses computed on a cost basis, not including allowances for overhead and
1) Fuel $28.50
2) Oil $4.40
3) Annual/100 hr inspection $18.00
Hourly operational costs: $50.90
4) Engine $12.08
5) Propeller .66
6) Avionics .67
7) Major Interval Inspections $8.67
Hourly cost of reserves: $22.08
Total hourly cost: $72.98


1) Fuel Consumption: Cost computed at a consumption rate of 15.0 Gph (65% power) ©
$1.90 per gallon.

2) Oil Consumption: Includes oil and filter change every 50 hours. Oil cost $4.00 per quart,
filter $20.00, two hours labor © $40.00 per hour. Includes consumption of one quart per
3.0 hours.

3) Annual/100 hour inspection: Estimated 20 hours labor @ $40.00 per hour. Includes four
hours labor for discrepancies and a parts allowance of $1000.00.

4) Engine Reserves: Lycoming TIO-540-AB1AD recommended TBO is 2,000 hours. Overhaul

exchange with a one-year warranty on parts and labor plus accessories is $23,000.
Removal and installation cost is $1000.00 (25 hours labor © $40.00 per Hour). Shipping
allowance is $150.00.

5) Prop reserves: Hartzell prop recommended TBO is 2,000 hours. Manufacturer’s overhaul
cost is $1,057 plus 3 hours removal and installation © $40.00 per hour. Shipping
allowance is $150.00.

6) Avionics reserves: $.67 per flight hour for certification, repair and replacement.

7) Major Interval Inspection reserves: Estimated at $2.00 per flight hour for labor and $6.67
per flight hour for parts.


Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 18 January 2000

Socata Aircraft TB 20 & 21 TC

Your Contacts at
Socata Aircraft

Telephone Directory
Phone Number Fax Number
Secretary/ Receptionist (954) 893-1400 (954) 893-1402
Toll Free Fax (800) 999-1110

Executive Office
Ste’phane Bernard (954) 893-1410 (954) 893-5292

Sales and Marketing

Nicolas Chabbert (954) 893-1414 (954) 964-0805

Parts Department
Andrew Claverie (954) 893-1160 (954) 964-4141

Avex- Socata Distributor

Terry Winson (President) (805) 389-1188 (805) 389-3323
Michel Adam de Villiers (sales) (805) 389-1188

Socata Aircraft
North Perry Airport
7501 Pembroke Road
Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33023

Phone: (800) 893-1400

Fax: (800) 964-0805

Trinidad Comprehensive Guide 19 January 2000

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