Civil Attorney Assisted Fee Agree
Civil Attorney Assisted Fee Agree
Civil Attorney Assisted Fee Agree
(Limited Representation)
Note: The following Attorney Fee Agreement form is a sample only and
provides for document preparation in California civil cases plus 2 hours of
attorney time for consultation with client, document review, and legal
research if necessary for a flat fee of $1,000.
Eugene E. Kinsey
Attorney at Law
323 Main St., Second Floor
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Phone: (562) 596-8177 Fax: (562) 596-0298
Client Information:
Client #1 Client #2
Note: If Attorneys represent more than one client, each must date and sign the waiver of potential
conflicts of interest contained in paragraph 9 of this Agreement.
Name: ____________________________________ Name: ____________________________________
Address: ____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Zip: ____________ Zip: ____________
Phones: Bus: (___) _________ Cell: (___) _________ Phones: Bus: (___) _________ Cell: (___) _________
Hm: (___) _________ Fax: (___) _________ Hm: (___) _________ Fax: (___) _________
A. Client is requesting consulting and document preparation services from Attorneys in connection with the
following matter:
____ Other Describe: _____________________________________
B. Client desires to retain Attorney to prepare the documents specified below and to provide Client with two
(2) hours of attorney legal research and consultation time Client regarding legal issues in Client’s case and procedures
to file and serve those documents but not to appear in court in client’s case as attorney for Client.
C. Client desires to take responsibility for representation in the case and all necessary court appearances in
connection with all issues not undertaken by the terms of this Agreement by Attorneys.
1. CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONTROL: Client intends to retain control over all aspects
of the case except those specifically assigned to Attorney by the express written terms of this Agreement and
understands that he/she will remain in control of the case and be responsible for all decisions made in the course of the
case. Client agrees to:
a. Cooperate with Attorneys by complying with all reasonable requests for information in connection
with the matter for which Client is requesting services;
b. Keep Attorneys advised of Client’s concerns and any information that is pertinent to Client’s case;
c. Provide Attorneys with copies of all pleadings and correspondence to and from Client regarding
the case;
d. Immediately provide Attorneys with any new pleadings or motions received from the other party;
e. Keep all documents related to the case in a file for review for Attorneys.
4. CLIENT’S RIGHT TO SEEK ADVICE OF OTHER COUNSEL: Client is advised of the right
to seek the advice and professional services of other counsel with respect to those services in Exhibit A and successor
exhibits detailing the scope of representation that are identified with the word “Client” at any time during or following this
Limited Representation Agreement.
described above includes preparation of the documents described in Exhibit A plus two (2) hours of document review
and attorney consultation time Client regarding legal issues in Client’s case and procedures to file and serve those
documents. Without a specific written agreement, Attorneys have no obligation to provide any services other than those
described herein and Client has no obligation to pay no more than the flat fee described in Paragraph 6 unless the
parties sign a separate written agreement providing for additional services. However, should Client desire more than two
(2) hours of consultation time, the parties will execute a separate written agreement providing for payment to Attorneys at
a rate of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per hour.
Client #1 Client #2
Card (Visa, Amex, Etc.): ____________________ Card (Visa, Amex, Etc.): ____________________
Holder (Name on Card): ____________________ Holder (Name on Card): ____________________
Number: ____________________ Number: ____________________
Expiration Date: ____________________ Expiration Date: ____________________
Pin (back of card): __________ Pin (back of card): __________
Billing Address: ________________________ Billing Address: ________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Rule 3-310 of the California Rules of Professional Conduct provides that Attorneys may not jointly
represent clients with actual or potential conflicts of interests unless they first waive such conflicts in writing.
Clients acknowledge that they have been advised of the Rule and of the potential conflicts associated with their
respective interests and that they nevertheless desire Attorneys to jointly represent them in connection with the
matters described above.
Each party remains completely free to seek other counsel at any time even if he/she signs the
consent set forth below. Should either party have any questions concerning this disclosure or the consent below
they are urged to discuss them with their own counsel before signing the consent and waiver.
Each of the undersigned nevertheless desires representation by Attorney to the extent described
above and, therefore, consents and gives approval to such representation.
. 10. DISCLAIMER OF GUARANTEE: Nothing in this Contract and nothing in Attorneys' statements to
Client will be construed as a promise or guarantee about the outcome of Client's matter. Attorneys make no such
promises or guarantees. Attorneys' comments about the outcome of Client's matter are expressions of opinion only.
11. ARBITRATION: Any dispute between the parties as to attorney fees and/or costs charged
under this Contract shall be resolved as follows: If a fees and/or costs dispute arises, Attorney will provide Client
with written notice of Client's right to arbitrate under the California State Bar Act (Bus.&Prof.C. §6200 et seq.).
Client and Attorney may thereafter agree that the arbitration will be binding or that the dispute will ultimately be
resolved by another form of binding arbitration. Any other dispute arising under this Contract or in connection
with the provision of legal services by Attorney, including, without limitation, any claim for breach of contract,
professional negligence or breach of fiduciary duty, shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with
the rules of the American Arbitration Association.
12. EFFECTIVE DATE: This agreement will not take effect and Attorneys shall have no obligation to
provide legal services until Client both 1) returns to Attorneys a signed copy of this agreement and, 2) makes the entire
advance payment specified in Paragraph 6 herein.
13. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Client acknowledges that he/she has carefully read this agreement and
understands all of its provisions. Client signifies his/her agreement with the following statements by initialing each one:
____ Client understands and accepts the limitations on the scope of Attorneys’ responsibilities
identified in Exhibit A to this agreement and understands that Attorney will not be responsible
for Client’s conduct in handling his/her] own case.
____ Client will pay Attorneys for services in the manner described in this Agreement.
____ Client understands and agrees that he/she has agreed to pay a minimum nonrefundable fee
to attorney of Six Hundred Dollars ($600), all of which is earned upon receipt by Attorney.
____ Client understands and agrees that any disputes between Client and Attorney will be resolved
in arbitration and not by court action.
____ Client understands and agrees that any amendments to this agreement must be in writing.
____ Client acknowledges that he/she has been advised by Attorney that he/she has the right to
consult with another independent attorney to review this agreement and to advise Client on
his/her rights as a client before signing this agreement.