Trust Deed
Trust Deed
Trust Deed
This indenture of trust is made on this day FIRST October 2011 by: N.Dhanaraj s/o. K.Nesaiah aged about 60 years, residing at Door No.56, South Ambedhkar street, Alangiyam road, Dharapuram638656, Tiruppur District herein called the Settler of the trust which term shall where the context so admits be deemed to include his heirs, executors, administrators, legel representatives and assigns of the ONE part, settling an amount of Rs.1, 000/[Rupees one Thousand only] in favour of: 1. 2. 3. 4. Mrs.P.Inbarubi Jayakumari, w/o N.Dhanaraj, Door No.56, South AmbedhkarStreet, Alangiyam Road, Dharapuram-638656, Tiruppur District. Mr. N.Sam jebakumar,s/o.T.Nallamuthu,Door No.33/1, South AmbedhkarStreet, Alangiyam Road, Dharapuram638656, Tiruppur District. Mr.Y.James Karunakaran, s/o.Yesadian, Door No.33/1, South AmbedhkarStreet, Alangiyam Road, Dharapuram-638656, Tiruppur District. Mr.P.Stephan,s/o.Paramanantham,Door No.5, South AmbedhkarStreet, Alangiyam Road, Dharapuram-638656, Tiruppur District.
5. 6.
Mr.R.Dennisraj,s/o.R.Rajasekaran,Door No.5, South AmbedhkarStreet, Alangiyam Road, Dharapuram-638656, Tiruppur District. Mr.J.nelson,s/o.Y.jeyapal,door no.33, South AmbedhkarStreet, Alangiyam Road, Dharapuram638656, Tiruppur District.
Origin: This Trust is created as a remembrance of Late.Mr.Edwin Paul who has inspired many youth during his life time in and around Dharapuram and other places while studying. He has immense support and inspired youth for their education, sports and games, entertainment and Christian faith and values and led them to become good citizen and effective leaders. As the inspired youth requested the trust has been named after him as EDDY TRUST on his pet name. I. Name:
Registered Office:
The Registered Office of the Trust at present shall be located in Door No.56, South Ambedhkar Street, Alangiyam Road, Dharapuram-638656, and Tiruppur District, Tamil Nadu State or such other address as
may be decided by the Board of trustees from time to time. 3. Jurisdiction: The trust shall operate anywhere in India, but for legal purposes only the courts at DHARAPURAM shall have jurisdiction.
4. I.
Educate, assist, guide and support and provide scholarship, fees etc to poor youth, students for their school, college studies. II. To provide support and assistantance to senior citizen for their welfare, food, cloth, shelter and medical expenses. III. To provide food, cloth, shelter for their poor in need. IV. To impart formal and Non-formal education including social, physical, moral, value and environment education. To establish,maintain,run,improve,develop,extend grant for setting up of pre-schools, elementary schools, high and higher secondary schools, teacher training institutions, V. To establish and run health centers clinics, hospitals, labs etc for giving treatment to the poor and needy. Also to give health education and awareness, conduct health camps, preventive education on STD/HIV/AIDS, care and support to HIV/AIDS infected persons, health
check up, treatment and follow up to chronic sick persons such as TB, cancer, leprosy, malaria. VI. To observe and celebrate important National days such as Independence day, Republic day, Education day etc., VII. To conduct sports and games and provide prizes and support sports and youth clubs for their Sports and games including Community play in rural areas. VIII. To Support for maintenance of churches in terms of its renovation, Construction, Conduct and Celebration of Christmas , Easter , New Year festivals, support for the Spread of Christian faith and values etc., IX. To organize and support Tamil language development ,literary association,libraries,etc., for conducting activities,cultural programme etc., X. To construct and run homes for the disabled, disadvantaged,disabled,orphane ,widows ,Street children, Senior citizens, children and women in distress and the like without any religious ,caste,creed,linguistic and gender discrimination . XI. To undertake activate and programmes to preserve, conserve, promote environment, energy and ecology and to educate people in this line such as environmental awareness educational, nursery raising, tree plantation. XII. To organize exchange programmes for ,professionals youth,trainers,Staff,volunteers ,Adults etc.,
1. 2. 3.
Powers,Duties and Responsbilities of the President, Secretary and Treasurer. a) President: The President is the Head of the Trust and presides over all meetings of the Board of Trustees. 2. Mr.N.Dhanaraj in his individual capacitiy functions as president and holds the office for his lifetime. 3. May appoint staff including Secretaries, Experts, Consultants, project personal workmen. Dealers, Agents, professionals and others by whatever designation they are called for proper functioning of the trust, including their removel, suspension, awardal of fines, diciplinary action against any staff and other employees and volunteers.
1. b) 1.
Incur expenditure relating to the affairs and conduct of the trust, in line with the budget approved and as per directions issued by the board of trusties . 3. Shall operate the bank accounts of the trust jointly with the any other office bearers or trusties or person(s) approved by the board of trusties from time to time. 4. Shall represent the trust for any legal proceedings . 5. Carry out such other functions /Duties as the board of trusties may decide from time to time .
2. c)
Treasurer : 1. The custodian of all records and documents related to accounts of the trust and shall produce the same for audit and inspection by any authority and he/she shall represent the trust for any legal proceedings. 2. Shall operate the bank accounts of the trust jointly with the any other office bearers or trusties or person(s) approved by the board of trusties from time to time. 3. Carry out such other functions /Duties as the board of trusties may decide from time to time .
Auditor and audit of Accounts: The board of trustees of the Trust shall appoint an auditor and fix his remuneration. The auditor shall audit the accounts of the trust and submit his
report along with the audited accounts to the trustees for being placed before the trustees for consideration and approval. Accounting Year: The financial year commencing from 1st April to 31st March of the following year shall be the accounting year.
Investment: The funds of the trust shall be invested in the modes specified under the provisions of Sec 13(1) (d) read with Sec 11(5) of the Income Tax Act 1961, as amended from time to time. Dissolution: In the event of dissolution of the trust, the net assets of the trust remaining on the date of dissolution, after meeting liabilities if any, shall under no circumstances be distributed among the trustees/members of the board of trustees, but the same shall be transferred to another charitable trust/society whose objects are similar to those of this trust and which enjoys recognition under sec
12(A) of the Income Tax Act 1961, as amended from time to time. Irrevocability: The trust is irrevocable.