Ps6sol v2 PDF
Ps6sol v2 PDF
Ps6sol v2 PDF
a) G(s) = s − 1
D(s)G(s) = 2(s − 1). The open-loop system has no poles, so P = 0.
Once feedback is added (k = D(s)), from the Nyquist diagram, the point − k1 = −0.5 is inside the
contour and is encircled once CW, therefore N = −1 and Z = P − N = 0 − (−1) = 1. So there is one
zero of the characteristic equation in the RHP, the closed-loop system has one pole in the RHP, and
the system is unstable.
To verify, ∆(s) = 2(s − 1) + 1 = 2s − 1. So the closed loop pole is at 12 , in the RHP.
b) G(s) = s + 1
D(s)G(s) = 2(s + 1). The open-loop system has no poles in the RHP, so P = 0.
Once feedback is added (k = D(s)), the point − k1 = −0.5 is not inside the contour, therefore N = 0 =
Z = P . So there are no zeros of the characteristic equation in the RHP, and no poles of the system in
the RHP.
To verify, ∆(s) = 2(s + 1) + 1 = s + 3. One pole at -3. No poles or zeros in the RHP, thus N = 0.
This corresponds to the Nyquist diagram where −1 lies outside the contour.
c) G(s) = s+1
Case 1: If we took the left (dotted) path, then there are zero crossings at −∞ and (infinitesimally
close to) 0. P = 2 since there we placed the two poles in the Nyquist contour. Between 0 and
−∞ there are two CCW encirclements where N = 2 and thus Z = 0 and the system is stable.
On the positive real axis, there is only one CCW encirclement and thus the closed-loop system
has an unstable pole for k < 0. Therefore, the stable range of k is between 0 and ∞.
Case 2: If we took the right (solid) path, then there is one zero crossing infinitesimally close to 0.
P = 0 since there are no open loop poles in the Nyquist contour. If − k1 ≤ 0, then there are
no encirclements and N = Z = 0, and the system is stable. If − k1 > 0 then there is one CW
encirclement, N = −1, Z = 1, and the system is unstable. These are the same ranges as the first
case, and the range of stable k is between 0 and ∞.
d) Verify sketches with MATLAB and hand in.
The Nyquist plot from MATLAB is misleading since it doesn’t include the behavior close to the zero
This answer shows that G(j4) isn’t really that close to the real axis. Our approximation of the
intersection is −0.00892.
• Start with ω = 4 and use trial and error to dial it in.
Isolate the terms with j and force them to cancel. Ignore the terms without j.
0 = j ω 7 − 3ω 5 − 64ω 3 − 160ω
0 = ω ω 6 − 3ω 4 − 64ω 2 − 160
One solution is ω = 0, but we already knew about that one (it’s on the positive real axis).
There’s another solution that we have to find! Since this polynomial is even it’s really a cubic.
Unfortunately, cubics are pretty hard. We can use MATLAB’s roots command to find:
ω = 3.2442357
G(jω) = −0.013996
In summary: depending on the method you use, your value for the intersection on the negative real
axis should be something like −0.014.
Now we need to interpret the Nyquist diagram in these two regions (marked with a square and a
triangle on the diagram above).
Triangle region: − k1 < −0.014:
P = Open loop poles in the RHP = 0
N = CCW encirclements of − k1 = 0
Z = Closed loop poles in the RHP = P − N = 0
Square region: 0 > − k1 > −0.014:
P = Open loop poles in the RHP = 0
N = CCW encirclements of − k1 = −2
Z = Closed loop poles in the RHP = P − N = 2
Solving for k, we find that
k ∈ (0, 71.45) ⇒ stable
k ∈ (71.45, +∞) ⇒ unstable
Normally we only consider positive k. If you searched for stability conditions on negative k, you would
find that N = 1 on the real axis before s = 0.25, and N = 0 afterwards. Therefore:
k ∈ (−∞, −4) ⇒ unstable
k ∈ (−4, 0) ⇒ stable
However, this is not a required part of the solution.
d) Verify sketches with MATLAB and hand in.
Bode Diagram
Nyquist Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Imaginary Axis
−150 0
Phase (deg)
−270 −0.2
−1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 −0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Frequency (rad/s) Real Axis
125(s + 1)
G(s) =
(s + 5)(s2 + 4s + 25)
a) Plot the Bode magnitude and phase plots for the open loop system (MATLAB ok).
Bode Diagram
Gm = Inf dB (at Inf rad/s) , Pm = 42.1 deg (at 11.4 rad/s)
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
−2 −1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/s)
b) Determine the gain and phase margin.
MATLAB’s margin command provides these values, or they can be determined graphically from the
Bode plot.
Gain margin: +∞
Phase margin: 42.1◦
c) Assuming a second order approximation for the closed loop system, estimate the transient response for
a step input from the phase margin and gain margin. (That is estimate ξ, overshoot, peak time, and
settling time.)
Our approach is to find an open-loop second-order system whose phase and gain margins match those
found in part (b), and then estimate the transient response parameters for the closed-loop system from
this approximation. The OL second-order system is characterized by ξol and ωn ol, so our first step is
to estimate those two parameters.
We will examine two approximation methods for the second order system.
So when we close the loop around our second order approximation, we get another canonical
second order system, but the DC gain is 0.5 and the ωn and ξ parameters have been changed.
Now we can estimate the transient response parameters from this system. (values in brackets come
from the -6dB BW and Φ100 approximation).
ξ = 0.12 [0.44]
√ 2
OS = e−(ξπ/ 1−ξ ) × 100% = 68% [21%]
tpeak = p = 0.36 s [0.22 s]
ωn 1 − ξ 2
− ln 0.02 1 − ξ 2
tsettle = = 3.7 s [0.6 s]
d) Compare the actual closed loop step response from MATLAB with the estimates from c).
Remember to find the closed loop step response of the original system.
1 + G(s)
125(s + 1)
125(s + 1) + (s + 5)(s2 + 4s + 25)
125s + 125
= 3
s + 9s2 + 170s + 250
Step Response
True system
Example 10.13
1.2 Second−order approx
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (seconds)
From the simulated step response, we can make the following observations:
• The true system and the approximated system have the same steady state behavior
• The peak time is approximately 0.254 s
• The overshoot is approximately 102%
• The settling time is approximately 2.16 s
The true system seems faster than the second-order approximation system; its peak time is significantly
earlier and its overshoot is greater. The second order approximation is not going to be very accurate,
since the phase margin is not small, implying that the 2nd order poles are not that close to the jω
axis, and hence the first order pole and zero are affecting the response.