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CB Series and Super CB Series CB-2 To CB-10: Troubleshooting Guide

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CB Series and Super CB Series

CB-2 to CB-10
Troubleshooting Guide
Failure to follow these
Introduction and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 instructions may result in product damage,
Mounting and Installation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 equipment damage, and serious or fatal injury
Stop Collar Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 to personnel.
Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Troubleshooting the Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Troubleshooting the Clutch/Brake . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Spring Differential Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Dust Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . back cover
• Starts and stops within ±1/2° in a 360°
1. Introduction revolution, with no cumulative error
• Preassembled, packaged product
Warner Electric’s CB and Super CB Wrap Spring
• May be cycled or run continuously
products incorporate all the necessary components
to accurately start and stop a load driven by a • Operates on a single AC or DC pulse
continuously rotating input. Each unit has been • Maximum operating speeds from 300 to
engineered to be a preassembled package, 1,800 RPM
consisting of a clutch and a brake with a stop • Maximum torque ratings from 25 to 2,500 lb. in.
collar and solenoid actuator affixed to a backing • Incrementally adjustable collar for positioning
plate. Both the CB and Super CB are capable of output
locking the load in both directions so no external • Sintered metal, oil impregnated components
anti-back or overtravel mechanism is required to provide permanent lubrication, and long life
maintain registration.

Backing plate supports

entire assembly

Anti-rotation slot Solenoids available for

AC or DC input


1, 2 and 4 stop collars

standard-multiple stop
collars available


Shaft output

Hub input

2 Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406

2. Mounting and Installation Maximum Radial Bearing Load at
Maximum Speed
Warner Electric wrap spring clutches and clutch/
CB-2 = 7.5 lbs.
brakes are factory assembled, requiring no
CB-4 = 14 lbs.
adjustments during installation.
CB-5/Super CB-5 = 32 lbs.
Each clutch/brake backing plate assembly has CB-6/Super CB-6 = 63 lbs.
three or four mounting holes plus an anti-rotation CB-8/Super CB-8 = 300 lbs.
slot, and is designed to serve as a torque arm CB-10/Super CB-10 = 500 lbs.
rather than as a rigid mounting plate. The plate
CB and Super CB style clutch/brakes are
should be restrained from rotating by a pin or
designed for horizontal shaft mounting. Therefore,
shoulder bolt, while allowing it to float axially.
horizontal mounting is the preferred method. While
The anti-rotation device must be capable of
it is possible to mount units vertically, vertically
withstanding the braking torque required by the
mounted units will see lower life than those
mounted horizontally due to the wear between
hubs resulting from gravity.


Input hub thread engagement requirements.
Just a reminder. . .While mounting a sprocket
Potential Potential
Mounting Mounting or pulley to the input hub of your CB-2, CB-4,
Holes Holes CB-5, CB-6, or CB-8, the screws/bolts used must

not protrude through the flange or hub. This will

interfere or jam the control collar assembly, thereby

causing the clutch to malfunction by failing to

Anti-Rotation “drive” or causing the clutch to “slip.”

Maximum Thread Engagement

Clockwise Rotation Shown
Clockwise Rotation Shown
CB-2 = .150 in.
CB-4 = .280 in.
Important: Do not rigidly mount unit. Plate
must be allowed to “float” axially. CB-5/Super CB-5 = .350 in.
CB-6/Super CB-6 = .312 in.
All Warner Electric wrap spring products CB-8/Super CB-8 = .360 in.
are designed to be installed in parallel shaft CB-10/Super CB-10 = .500 in.
applications where they are fully supported by the
shaft on which they are mounted. Connecting the thread
unit to the parallel shaft may be accomplished by engagement
specified by
pinning (for sizes 2, 4, and 5) or by key and set factory
screw (for sizes 6 and 8).

When connecting the parallel shaft to the CB by

using a belt, chain, or gear drive, the input hub’s
radial bearing load capacity must not be exceeded
(see following chart). It may be necessary to
counter bore or bearing mount the input pulley
sprocket or gear.

Correct Thread Engagement

Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406 3

In cases where easy access to the input is
Thread engagement
exceeds factory specifications. desirable, the clutch/brake can be mounted on
This causes interference a stub shaft. However, the unit must still be fully
which results in clutch
malfunction. supported, while overhung loads on the input
member must be avoided to maintain the life of the
radial bearing.

Figures 2 and 3 illustrate alternate mounting

configurations for achieving proper support.
Inputs are usually face-mounted to the input
hub of the CB unit as shown in Figure 1. This
type of mounting is facilitated by the drilled and
tapped holes provided in the free hub flange. The
Incorrect Thread Engagement configuration shown in Figure 2 is a possibility, if
the radial load on the inputhub of the CB is small
compared to the specified load.
Horizontal Mounting
Figure 1 illustrates an ideal clutch/brake mounting
Customer's Bearing-
application. The unit is attached to the output Mounted Pulley
shaft with both a key and set screws. The plate
Set Collar
is restrained from rotating, but not from axial
movement, reducing the side load on the CB’s
internal plate bearing.

Double Bearing Support

Customer's Input member for Stub Shaft
counterbored to center mass
over clutch bearing Pin Drive
Clutch fully supported by Not Bolted
the shaft with bearing to Input
support on both ends Secure Pulley
to Hub

Figure 2 – Acceptable Mounting

If the application contains a substantial radial
bearing load, arrange the pulley over the centerline
of the clutch free hub as illustrated in Figure 3.
Place one support bearing as close to the pulley as
possible, using a torque arm for anti-rotation.

Plate restrained from rotating by pin

or shoulder bolt. No axial binding

Figure 1 - Ideal Mounting

4 Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406

Double Bearing Support Stop Collar Adjustment
for Stub Shaft
Input Member Inboard Each CB Series unit has an incrementally
adjustable collar, allowing for changes to the
output orientation.

Retaining Stop Sleeve

Ring Cam
Figure 3 – Acceptable Mounting
The smaller CB units (sizes 2, 4 and 5) have pilot To adjust the stop collar output orientation:
holes in the output shaft, which guide drilling
through the machine shaft for attaching the unit 1. Remove the retaining ring from its groove and
with a pin. slide it forward on the sleeve.
2. Hold the actuator clear while sliding the cam off
Vertical Mounting the sleeve. Rotate the cam to the desired stop
When it is necessary to mount a unit vertically, position, and slide it back onto the sleeve. (The
mount it so the input hub is oriented in the upward brake should be fully wrapped down to ensure
position as illustrated in Figure 4. setting the proper stop point).

Set Collar

Pin drive mounted
not bolted pulley
to input

Note: Simply rotating the input hub until the

actuator hits the cam will not fully wrap down
the brake spring.

Figure 4 Wrapping the brake spring down completely

can be accomplished by rotating the output
shaft in driving direction until it cannot travel any

3. Slide the retaining ring back into position.

Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406 5

Adjustment Increments with Standard
Stop Collars:

CB-2 Infinitely Adjustable

CB-4 2.4° Adjustable
CB-5/Super CB-5 1.8° Adjustable
CB-6/Super CB-6 1.8° Adjustable
CB-8/Super CB-8 1.6° Adjustable
CB-10/Super CB-10 1.5° Adjustable

All CB Series clutch/brakes are manufactured
with oil impregnated, sintered metal components.
A properly applied and installed Warner Electric
wrap spring clutch/brake requires no lubrication
throughout the life of the unit. Adding lubrication
may result in a mis-match of lubricants which may
lead to premature spring failure.

3. Troubleshooting the Actuator

Apply light pressure to

the collar assembly
opposite the actuator.


Coil Energized

Figure 5

6 Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406

Troubleshooting Checklist
The actuator is simply a mechanical linkage. When the actuator does not function, the following inspection
should be made.

Possible Problem Recommended Action

1. No power going to the coil (check w/ A. Check all wiring and switching in the system that supplies power to the
voltmeter). clutch coil, and ensure its continuity.

B. If wiring is correct, inspect to see if power is coming from the power

supply. If there is no power from the power supply, check switching or
programming and/or replace power supply as necessary.

2. Lack of continuity in coil windings Check the continuity of the clutch coil windings by using an ohmmeter, and
(check w/ohmmeter). replace the coil if necessary. After the coil is replaced, ensure it is properly
aligned as described in Step 3A below.

3. Mechanical binding of plunger. A. Realign coil. As shown in Figure 5, with the coil energized, apply light
pressure to the opposite side of the control collar, and set the actuator/
cam tip clearance (airgap) at .010’’ to .030’’. Note: For AC coils with
an actuator limit stop (ALS) option, the actuator should hit the ALS and
bottom simultaneously.

B. If Step 3A fails to resolve the problem, replace the coil assembly and
perform Step 3A again to realign the coil.

4. Actuator does not clear the cam stop Realign coil as in Step 3A above.

5. Collar pushes so hard on the actuator A. Actuator loading can be caused by the braking force exceeding the
that the coil is unable to pull in. capacity of the brake spring. Confirm the application criteria and
re-evaluate the unit size for this application.

B. If the spring differential setting is too large, the clutch spring could be
opening into the control collar and acting as a brake. In this case, the
spring differential must be reset (See Section 5 “CB Spring Differential

C. If the coil has been replaced with an air cylinder, ensure that the cylinder
is square to the collar and that the actuator has the proper travel. Inspect
the air source and supply to ensure the cylinder is receiving air when

Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406 7

4. Troubleshooting the Clutch/Brake Unit
When the brake spring is engaged, i.e., fully wrapped down, the input should be free to rotate by hand. Wrapping the
brake spring down completely can be accomplished by rotating the output shaft in the driving direction until it cannot
travel any further. Please note that units with anti-overrun springs (most units) will allow the input hub to turn only in the
direction of rotation.

Troubleshooting Checklist
Possible Problem Recommended Action

1. Continuous driving (input and output hubs locked A. The spring differential setting is too small. Reset differential
together - unit continues to drive even with collar (see Section 5 “CB Spring Differential Adjustment”).
blocked) B. The endplay (axial clearance between hubs) setting is too
close. Reset the endplay by moving the output sleeve on the
shaft until a minimum of .003” to .006” clearance is achieved.
Input Output CAUTION: Use a brass hammer to avoid shaft damage.
C. The hubs are necked down (worn at the spring crossover
point) and the spring is caught between the two hubs and
cannot release. This could be a result of excess torque being
applied to the unit. Re-evaluate sizing. Replace unit or rebuild
with “Heavy Repair Kit” and then reset endplay.
Hub Hub
Note: On Rebuilding Units: As a general rule, when springs
Crossover point is are replaced, the hubs should be as well. Given that the
where the spring crosses springs and hubs are the majority of the cost of
over from one hub to the unit, it is often not economically feasible to rebuild units
the other. when replacement of the springs and hubs is required.
D. The bearing surface between the input and output hubs
is galled and the unit should be replaced. If galling was
Figure 6 caused by contaminants, add a dust cover to reduce
contamination (See Section 6). If galling was caused by
excessive radial side loading or an overhung load, correct
this condition by mounting the input member properly
(See Section 2).

2. Input is free, but the clutch won’t engage when A. The spring differential setting is too loose. Reset
actuated. the differential (see Section 5 “CB Spring Differential
B. Check the clutch spring for damage. Replace as necessary
with “Light Repair Kit.”
C. The control collar cannot move because foreign matter is
blocking it. Clean the unit and add a dust cover to reduce
contamination (See Section 6).
D. The actuator/cam tip clearance is inadequate. Reset the
airgap by realigning the coil (See Section 3, Step 3A).
E. The coil has failed. Replace coil and realign to set airgap.
(See Section 3, Step 3A).

3. Clutch/Brake stalls motor when engaged. A. See solutions to Problem 1, “Continuous driving.”

4. Control collar tang slot ripped out. A. The spring differential setting was incorrect or altered.
Replace the collar and reset the spring differential (See
Section 5).
B. Unit was rotated in reverse direction. Replace broken parts
with “Light Repair Kit.” Do not reverse unit.
C. The torque or inertia of the application is too large for the
unit. Re-evaluate unit size.

8 Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406

Troubleshooting Checklist (continued)

Possible Problem Recommended Action

5. Lubrication has been added to the unit. Added A. Disassemble the unit. Using a clean rag, wipe excess material
lubrication can result in a mis-match of lubricants from the hubs, springs and collar. Do not use solvent. (If the
which can cause a soapy appearing viscous material added lubricant was due to spray from a chain lubricator, take
around the collar and springs. This can cause the steps to guard against reoccurrence.) When re-assembling
springs to slide on the hubs rather than grab them. the unit ensure that the spring differential is set properly. See
The result is a loss of accuracy. Section 5 “CB Spring Differential Adjustment.”

6. Output does not repeat stopping point A. There is not enough RPM or inertia to fully disengage the
clutch spring and fully engage the brake spring. Add inertia by
either increasing RPM or adding weight to the output (such as
a sprocket or flywheel). To calculate the inertia required, use
the following table and formula:

Minimum Inertia Calculation

l = Minimum inertia required to fully activate the

Clutch/Brake - lb.in.2

Clutch Tc t lc t = Time – Seconds

CB-2 1.65 0.003 0.0116 TC= Torque required to fully activate the Clutch/Brake – in.lb.
CB-4 4.40 0.004 0.0450
CB-5 6.88 0.004 0.1663 TO= Frictional Torque – in.lb.
CB-6 8.75 0.005 1.221 (0.75 in. bore) RPM = Revolutions per minute
1.138 (1.0 in. bore)
CB-8 20 0.005 9.43 (.075 in. bore) lC = Inertia at the output side of the clutch – lb. in.2
9.32 (1.0 in. bore) Example:
8.15 (1.5 in. bore) CB-5 in a system running at 300 RPM with 10 in. lb.
CB-10 50 0.006 30 (1.5 in. bore) drag. What inertia is required to fully activate the Clutch/

I = (0.004) (6.88 + 10) (3700) - 0.1663 = 0.6664 lb. in.2

I = (t) (TC + TO) (3700) - IC B. There is too much system friction (drag) to allow the output
RPM inertia to fully disengage the clutch spring and engage the
brake spring. Reduce system friction. Also, see Section A
How to determine maximum inertia load. above on minimum inertia.
T x 3700 x t = WR2
RPM C. The control tang is broken on the brake spring. Replace the
spring, using the “Light Repair Kit.”

D. There is binding caused by rigid mounting. (See Section 2).

Unit must not be rigidly mounted. The plate must be allowed
to “float” axially.

E. There is insufficient anti-back holding capability, or the unit

has been reversed. See technical ratings for anti-back holding
capabilities and re-evaluate sizing.
Important: Do not reverse unit!

F. An overhauling load is causing misregistration. Verify the unit

has anti-overrun feature.

G. The anti-overrun holding capacity has been exceeded. See

technical ratings and re-evaluate unit sizing.

Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406 9

Troubleshooting Checklist (continued)

Possible Problem Recommended Action

7. Poor Overall Life A. Rigid Mounting

Rigid mounting of the rectangular backing plate will cause
binding between the hubs and the shaft/output assembly. The
backing plate is designed to serve as a torque arm and should
not be rigidly mounted. Re-mount the unit to allow for some
axial play between the mounting plate and mounting pin. (See
Section 2)
B. Incorrect Bearing Support
Incorrect bearing support or sideloading of the input hub can
cause excess wear. (See Section 2)
C. Excessive side loading
See incorrect bearing support above. (See Section 2)

10 Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406

5. CB Spring Differential Adjustment The amount of overtravel varies with the size
of the unit:
All CB and Super CB Series clutch/brakes are
shipped from the factory with the proper spring CB-2 .09 to .19”
differential overtravel setting. If the spring differential CB-4 .09 to .19”
is incorrectly set, the clutch or brake spring may CB-5/Super CB-5 .09 to .19”
fail to engage or disengage properly. When units CB-6/Super CB-6 .22 to .38”
are assembled at the factory, and after the proper CB-8/Super CB-8 .39 to .60”
spring differential is set, for both the clutch and the CB-10/Super CB-10 .60 to .75”
brake springs, a punch mark is placed on either
side of the slot where the spring tang is located Note: If the unit’s overtravel falls within these
(see Figure 7). If the unit must be disassembled, specifications, then the spring differential setting
and the collar and springs are to be reused, is correct. If the overtravel falls outside these
ensure these marks are prevalent. Then, when specifications, then follow the steps outlined below
reassembling the unit, place the spring tangs in the for “Setting the Spring Differential.”

collar slots where the marks are and the differential

setting will be returned to its original position.


Punch Mark Punch Mark

Slot with Spring

Tang Collar Overtravel/Differential
Figure 7 Figure 8
Measuring the Differential Setting
Setting the Spring Differential
Rotate the clutch so the brake spring is fully
wrapped down by rotating the output shaft in the
driving direction until it cannot travel any farther.
With the brake fully engaged (wrapped down), hold
the output shaft with one hand and release the
actuator. The stop collar will rotate forward as the
brake is released and the clutch engages.

To determine the overtravel, use a scale to

measure the distance between the tip of the
actuator and the tip of the cam. (See Figure 8)

If the differential setting is lost and the slots are

unmarked, or if the collar or springs must be
replaced, use the following procedure to reset the
spring differential.

Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406 11

4. The clutch spring should come to rest between
1. Using a retaining ring pliers, remove the two slots. Unwrap the spring and push it
retaining ring from the input hub. backwards into the nearest slot.
5. Push the input hub back into place, release the
actuator and rotate the clutch until the brake
spring is again fully wrapped down. With the
brake fully engaged, hold the output shaft with
one hand and release the actuator. The stop
collar will rotate forward as the brake is released
and the clutch engages.
6. To determine the overtravel, use a scale to
measure the distance between the tip of the
actuator and the tip of the cam.
The amount of overtravel varies with the
size of the unit:
2. Rotate the clutch so the brake spring is fully
CB-2 .09 to .19”
wrapped down by rotating the output shaft in
CB-4 .09 to .19”
the driving direction until it cannot travel any
CB-5/Super CB-5 .09 to .19”
CB-6/Super CB-6 .22 to .38”
CB-8/Super CB-8 .39 to .60”
CB-10/Super CB-10 .60 to .75”
7. If the overtravel measurement is within these
specified limits, reinstall the retaining ring and
the unit’s overtravel is reset.
8. A. If the overtravel exceeds the specified limit,
move the brake spring backwards one slot
(against the direction of rotation) and repeat
steps two through six.

3. With the brake spring fully engaged (per step 2),

pull the input hub assembly out, and use a small
screwdriver to push the clutch spring out of its
slot, allowing it to move to wherever it naturally
comes to rest.

12 Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406

B. If the overtravel is less than the specified Features:
limit, move the brake spring forward one slot
• Protects models CB-4 through CB-8 and
(in the direction of rotation), and repeat steps
SCB-5 through SCB-8, from dirt and
two through six.
Note: If the unit is disassembled and the
• Made of a durable, flexible, soft plastic material
drive and/or brake springs do not need to
be replaced, and the original tang slots were • Simple to install and remove
marked proceed as follows:
• Low cost
• Reposition the clutch and brake springs into Model Number Part Number
their original positions onto the output shaft Dust Cover for CB-4 287-4-0002
assembly. Dust Cover for CB-5/Super CB-5 287-5-0007
Dust Cover for CB-6/Super CB-6 287-6-0007
• Reassemble the clutch, and position the spring
Dust Cover for CB-8/Super CB-8 287-8-0003
tangs of the clutch and brake springs in the
factory marked locations on the control collar
assembly (on the control collar, the designated
tang slots are indicated with punch marks on
either side of the slot).
• After the unit is completely reassembled, the
differential setting should be returned to its
factory setting.

6. Dust Covers

Dust covers for CB and Super CB models have

been designed to protect the clutch/brake units
from abrasives, corrosion, contaminants, and other
harsh environmental elements.

Warner Electric • 800-825-9050 P-258-WE • 819-0406 13


Warner Electric LLC warrants that it will repair or replace (whichever it deems advisable) any product
manufactured and sold by it which proves to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one (1)
year from the date of original purchase for consumer, commercial or industrial use.

This warranty extends only to the original purchaser and is not transferable or assignable without Warner Electric
LLC’s prior consent.

Warranty service can be obtained in the U.S.A. by returning any defective product, transportation charges
prepaid, to the appropriate Warner Electric LLC factory. Additional warranty information may be obtained by
writing the Customer Satisfaction Department, Warner Electric LLC, 449 Gardner Street, South Beloit, Illinois
61080, or by calling 815-389-3771.

A purchase receipt or other proof of original purchase will be required before warranty service is rendered. If
found defective under the terms of this warranty, repair or replacement will be made, without charge, together
with a refund for transportation costs. If found not to be defective, you will be notified and, with your consent, the
item will be repaired or replaced and returned to you at your expense.

This warranty covers normal use and does not cover damage or defect which results from alteration, accident,
neglect, or improper installation, operation, or maintenance.

Some states do not allow limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply
to you.

Warner Electric LLC’s obligation under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of the defective
product and in no event shall Warner Electric LLC be liable for consequential, indirect, or incidental damages of
any kind incurred by reason of the manufacture, sale or use of any defective product. Warner Electric LLC neither
assumes nor authorizes any other person to give any other warranty or to assume any other obligation or liability
on its behalf.


Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have
other rights which vary from state to state.

Changes in Dimensions and Specifications

All dimensions and specifications shown in Warner Electric catalogs are subject to change without notice.
Weights do not include weight of boxing for shipment. Certified prints will be furnished without charge on request
to Warner Electric.

31 Industrial Park Road
New Hartford, CT 06057 - USA
Fax: 815-389-2582

P-258-WE • 819-0406 8/17

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