SB HYDRO Applications
SB HYDRO Applications
SB HYDRO Applications
The ultimate solution
for bolted joints
Hydro power bolting applications can be especially On the following pages you will see example after example
challenging. You need a bolting solution that can be installed of bolting problems solved with Superbolt tensioners from
and removed safely and quickly. One that will keep your the Nord-Lock Group. In addition to Superbolt products,
bolted joints tight through demanding operations and we offer wedge-locking solutions, expansion bolts, studs,
improve your bottom line. That’s exactly what Superbolt and more. We look forward to working with you on your
tensioners have been doing for over 30 years. ciritcal bolting applications.
An old problem:
Bolts larger than 1” in diameter cannot be effectively
torqued to capacity with hand tools. To achieve high Torque vs. Preload Comparison Chart
preload levels, some form of high energy equipment Thread Diameter 2” 3” 6”
is required. Slugging wrenches and crane wrenches Equivalent Hex Nut Torque 5,160 lb•ft 18,925 lb•ft 106,868 lb•ft
are dangerous and thermal tightening can be time Preload (lbs) 175,200 lbs 428,400 lbs 1,209,600 lbs
consuming. Hydraulic wrenching can be expensive, time Superbolt Jackbolt Torque 57 lb•ft 114 lb•ft 189 lb•ft
consuming, inaccurate and it often leads to thread galling
problems. Hydraulic tensioning also shares some of these
problems and adds problems with field retrofit.
How They Work:
The simple solution: The hardened washer is installed
Superbolt Tensioners are designed as direct replacements
first to protect the joint surface.
for standard bolting. They can be threaded onto a new or The Superbolt tensioner is spun on
existing bolt, stud, threaded rod or shaft. With Superbolt
hand tight, for positioning. Easy turn
Tensioners, bolting is fast, safe, easy and accurate - only
hand tools are required! jackbolts “push” the nut body up,
tightening the existing bolt or stud in
Superbolt vs. Hydraulic Wrench: With a hydraulic wrench pure tension.
one would need 18,925 lb•ft of torque to stress a 3”
stud to 428,400 lbs using a hex nut. With a 3” MTX nut
style Superbolt tensioner, only 114 lb•ft on each of the
jackbolts is needed to produce the same bolt load!
Turbine Coupling:
Old Method: The old method of bolting was hours and standard removal required 150 to 250 man
difficult, time consuming, and preload accuracy hours. The last removal required 260 man hours due
was questionable. The old method used a to breakage of tools, galling of the base metal on
combination of specially fabricated components the flange, and a broken and bent hydraulic cylinder
and hydraulic rams to provide the power to turn system.
the large diameter nuts. Manipulation of a very
heavy 50 ton ram, “dead man”, and wrench were Superbolt® Solution: (18) 6-3/16” nut style
required. The “dead man” weighed about 150 tensioners, (18) 6-3/16” Flexnuts. Superbolt JL-M
lbs., the wrench about 250 lbs. Three workers (moly) lubricant was utilized to keep jackbolt torque
were required for the procedure. Potential for to a low 156 ft-lbs. Installation was completed in
back strain injuries, pinch point injuries, and about 2-1/2 hours (about 8 man-hours) utilizing 1/2”
dropping of heavy components. Blocks were air impacts and hand torque wrenches. Bolt stretch
welded to the lower nuts to keep them from was confirmed with a dial indicator. Jackbolt heads
turning. Installation required 150 to 200 man were drilled for safety wire for additional precaution.
Kaplan Turbine -
Operating Rod Piston and Crosshead Nuts:
Initial tightening done with standard 1/2” impact wrench. Final calibration
with hand torque wrench.
A representative of this company
discovered Superbolt at a trade
show just prior to the unit outage. Solution: (30) M60 bolt style Superbolt tensioners,
The individual was very enthusiastic, two o-rings per bolt to provide a seal between oil
stating: “We have been struggling lubrication and water flow through the turbine.
with this problem for years! I can’t Extensometers were used for the first few bolts
believe how simple the answer is!” He installed. The check confirmed .015” stretch achieved
immediately consulted with engineering at 85 lb•ft jackbolt torque. Installation required about
and purchasing to apply Superbolt 35 minutes per blade (6 minutes per bolt).
tensioners to his unit. The bolt style
tensioners were designed by Superbolt
within two days of the initial inquiry
from the trade show and the product
was shipped within a week.
Francis Turbine-Wheel To Shaft:
(left) 1600 MW (4 x 400 MW) pumped
storage plant. 5 1/2” diameter studs.
“ The time
savings over
the previous
method was “
2-3 days...
Pelton Turbine Coupling Bolts:
Pelton Turbine
Wheel-to-hub bolting:
Small head of Superbolt allowed engineers to cut costs Unit shown under construction. (3) 400MW Pelton units, (5) Nozzles/turbine.
by minimizing bolt circle diameter.
This was a very large job for a new to open and close for maintenance. (420) 77mm and (330)
construction project contracted 64mm stainless bolt style Superbolts were used for both the
with a major turbine OEM. The hydro test and the installation of the nozzles.
plant has (3) 400MW Pelton
turbines utilizing 6,200 ft. of By incorporating Superbolt tensioners in the original design,
head from the Valais mountains engineers were able to cut costs with a tight bolt circle and
in Switzerland. A high operating compact injector design. Installation and removal was fast
pressure of 207 bar (3,000 psi) and and easy.
a flow rate of 75 m3/s (2650 ft3/s)
put great demands on injector
Required Torque: Superbolt Jackbolt Torque:
SB-M64-6 x 285/w (Special) 192 lb•ft
236,050 lbs Equivalent Hex Torque: 8,760 ft•lbs
The stainless steel injectors had to
be designed as small as possible to SB-M72-6 x 320/w (Special) 199 lb•ft
minimize cost and had to be easy 305,740 lbs Equivalent Hex Torque:12,760 ft•lbs
When safety really matters
Joining parts together is one of the most critical steps when The engineers behind “Performance Services” add value
Nord-Lock holds decades of documented success in every major Our mission is to safeguard human lives and customer
industry, including oil and gas, energy, transportation and mining. investments by securing the world’s most demanding
Our Production System includes rigorous internal testing and applications. The Nord-Lock Group looks forward to being your
full traceability, and our products hold several certificates from partner in bolting solutions.
independent institutes including AbP, ABS, DIBt, DNV and TÜV.