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Object-Oriented Systems

Using the Unified Modeling

Chapter 3:
Object-Oriented Systems
Development Life Cycle

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill


• The software development

• Building high-quality software
• Object-oriented systems

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Goals (Con’t)

• Use-case driven systems

• Prototyping
• Rapid application development
• Component-based development
• Continuous testing and reusability

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Software Process
The essence of the software process
is the transformation of
• Users’ needs to
• The application domain into
• A software solution.

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Software Process (Con’t)
Transformation 1
What are the uses
of the system.?
Needs Analysis
Transformation 2

Design System
Implementation Transformation 3 Software
Detail Product

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Traditional Waterfall Approach
to Systems Development
W hat

H ow

D o It

T e st

U se

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Software Quality

• There are two basic approaches to

systems testing.
• We can test a system according to
how it has been built.
• Alternatively, we can test the
system with respect to what it
should do.
Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill
Quality Measures

• Systems can be evaluated in terms

of four quality measures:
– Correspondence
– Correctness
– Verification
– Validation

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Quality Measures (Con’t)
• Correspondence measures how
well the delivered system
corresponds to the needs of the
operational environment.

N eeds R e q u ir e m e n ts D e s ig n S o f tw a r e

C o rresp o n d en c e

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

How would you determine
• It cannot be determined until the
system is in place.

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Quality Measures (Con’t)
• Correctness measures the
consistency of the product
requirements with respect to the
design specification.

N eeds R e q u ir e m e n ts D e s ig n S o f tw a r e

C o rre c tn e s s

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Quality Measures (Con’t)
• Verification - "Am I building the
product right?"
• Validation - "Am I building the
right product?"
V a l i d a ti o n
V e rific a tio n

N eeds R e q u ir e m e n ts D e s ig n S o f tw a r e

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Quality Measures (Con’t)
• Verification is to predict the
• Validation is to predict the

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Object-Oriented Systems
Development Approach
Use-Cases Validate/ Test

O-O Analysis

Iteration and Reuse

User Design classes, Build object Build UI
CASE and/or
OO programing satisfaction define & dynamic and
Usability & attributes and
QA Tests
model prototype
O-O User satisfaction test,
usability test
quality assurance test
Implementation O-O Design

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Object-Oriented Systems
Development activities
• Object-oriented analysis.
• Object-oriented design.
• Prototyping.
• Component-based development.
• Incremental testing.

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Use-case driven systems
• Use Case, is a name for a scenario to
describe the user–computer system
Use case

OOA: Identify OOA: Use case OOA: Courses of

Actors Model action

Object Design
interaction classes
diagram, etc. UI

Dynamic model OOA: Object OOD: Dynamic Testing: Usage

Model model Scenarios

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Object-Oriented Analysis

• OO analysis concerns with

determining the system
requirements and identifying
classes and their relationships that
make up an application.

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Object-Oriented Design

• The goal of object-oriented design

(OOD) is to design:
• The classes identified during the
analysis phase,
• The user interface and
• Data access.

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Object-Oriented Design (Con’t)
• OOD activities include:
– Design and refine classes.
•Design and refine attributes.
•Design and refine methods.
•Design and refine structures.
•Design and refine associations.
– Design User Interface or View
layer classes.
– Design data Access Layer
Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill
• A Prototype enables you to fully
understand how easy or difficult it
will be to implement some of the
features of the system.
• It can also give users a chance to
comment on the usability and
usefulness of the design.

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Types of Prototypes

• A horizontal prototype is a
simulation of the interface.
• A vertical prototype is a subset of
the system features with complete

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Types of Prototypes (Con’t)

• An analysis prototype is an aid for

exploring the problem domain.
• A domain prototype is an aid for
the incremental development of
the ultimate software solution.

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Component-based development
• CBD is an industrialized approach
to the software development
• Application development moves
from custom development to
assembly of pre-built, pre-tested,
reusable software components
that operate with each other.
Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill
Component-based development
(CBD) Con’t)

Component wrapper Component wrapper

Subselect and enter title here

Legacy programs Legacy data

Open Connectivity

Component wrapper Component wrapper

Legacy screens Legacy software packages

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Rapid Application Development
• RAD is a set of tools and
techniques that can be used to
build an application faster than
typically possible with traditional

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Rapid Application Development
(RAD) (Con’t)
• RAD does not replace SDLC but
complements it, since it focuses
more on process description and
can be combined perfectly with
the object-oriented approach.

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Incremental Testing
• Software development and all of
its activities including testing are
an iterative process.
• If you wait until after
development to test an application
for bugs and performance,
you could be wasting
thousands of dollars and
hours of time.
Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill
• A major benefit of object-oriented
systems development is
reusability, and this is the most
difficult promise to deliver on.

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Reuse strategy
• Information hiding
• Conformance to naming
• Creation and administration of an
object repository.

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

Reuse strategy (Con’t)
• Encouragement by strategic
management of reuse as opposed
to constant redevelopment.
• Establishing targets for a
percentage of the objects in the
project to be reused (i.e., 50
percent reuse of objects).

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

• The essence of the software
process is the transformation of
users’ needs into a software
• The O-O SDLC is an iterative
process and is divided into
analysis, design, prototyping/
implementation, and testing.

Object-Oriented Systems Development Bahrami ? Irwin/ McGraw-Hill

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