Rule 116 - Case Digest
Rule 116 - Case Digest
Rule 116 - Case Digest
1 Kummer vs People offense nor deprive the accused of an opportunity to meet the new averment,
and is not prejudicial to the accused. Further, the defense under the complaint is
Facts: An information was filed against petitioner Leticia Kummer and her son, still available after the amendment, as this was, in fact, the same line of defenses
Johan, a minor, for homicide. According to the prosecution's evidence, on June used by the petitioner. This is also true with respect to the pieces of evidence
19, 1988 Jesus Mallo, the victim, accompanied by Amiel Malana went to the presented by the petitioner. The effected amendment was of this nature and did
house of Kummer. When Kummer opened the door, her son Johan shot Mallo not need a second plea.
Kummer denied the charge and claimed in her defense that she and her children
were already asleep in the evening of June 19, 1988. 2 Gamas vs Oco
The prosecution filed an information for homicide on January 12, 1989 against FACTS: This is a complaint for grave misconduct and gross ignorance of the law
the petitioner and Johan. Both accused were arraigned and pleaded not guilty to filed by complainants Antonio Gamas and Florencio Sobrio ("complainants")
the crime charged. They waived the pre-trial, and the trial on the merits against Judge Orlando A. Oco ("respondent judge"), former Presiding Judge of
accordingly followed. the Municipal Trial Court, Polomolok, South Cotabato ("MTC Polomolok") and
SPO4 Willie Adulacion ("respondent Adulacion"), a "police prosecutor" in the MTC
Meanwhile, the prosecutor made some amendment in the date of the complaint Polomolok.
that was from July 19, 1988 to June 19, 1988, or a difference of only one month.
Complainants allege that they are the accused in a case for theft which was
Both RTC and Court of Appeals found both the petitioner and Johan guilty pending in the sala of respondent judge. According to them, respondent Adulacion
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime charged. Petitioner questioned the enticed them to plead guilty to the charge, apply for probation, and thus avoid
sufficiency of prosecution’s evidence. She claimed that she was not arraigned on imprisonment.
the amended information for which she was convicted.
Respondent Adulacion, who had allegedly prepared a draft decision embodying
Issue: Whether or not the change in the date of commission of crime requires his suggestion, conferred with respondent judge, and handed the draft decision to
formal amendment of complaint respondent judge. After reading the document, respondent judge signed it, told
Ruling: No. The change in the date of the commission of the crime, where the complainants "O, plead guilty man kamo" ("O, you're pleading guilty"), and handed
disparity is not great, is merely a formal amendment, thus, no arraignment is the document to a clerk. Respondent judge told the clerk to read the contents of
required. the decision to complainants and to instruct them on what to do. The clerk read the
contents of the document to complainants and asked them to sign it. Complainants
Section 14, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court permits a formal amendment of a signed the document upon respondent Adulacion's assurance that once the police
complaint even after the plea but only if it is made with leave of court and apprehend the rest of the accused, 3 the police will revive the case and respondent
provided that it can be done without causing prejudice to the rights of the Adulacion will present complainants as "star witnesses." Complainants later found
accused. However, any amendment before plea, which downgrades the nature of out that what they signed was an Order ("3 October 1996 Order") finding them
the offense charged in or excludes any accused from the complaint or guilty of theft and sentencing them each to imprisonment for six (6) months and
information, can be made only upon motion by the prosecutor, with notice to the one (1) day.
offended party and with leave of court. The court shall state its reasons in
resolving the motion and copies of its order shall be furnished all parties, Finding the proceedings highly irregular, complainants sought the assistance of a
especially the offended party. lawyer. Upon motion of complainants' counsel, respondent judge vacated the 3
October 1996 Order, ostensibly on the ground that complainants had entered
Applying these rules and principles to the prevailing case, the records of the case improvident guilty pleas. Respondent judge scheduled complainants' re-
evidently show that the amendment in the complaint was from July 19, 1988 to arraignment on 2 February 1997.
June 19, 1988, or a difference of only one month. It is clear that consistent with
the rule on amendments and the jurisprudence cited above, the change in the In the present complaint, complainants contend that respondent judge is
date of the commission of the crime of homicide is a formal amendment — it administratively liable for rendering judgment against them without the
does not change the nature of the crime, does not affect the essence of the benefit of an arraignment and in violation of their right to be represented by
counsel. their right to counsel prior to their arraignment. Consequently, there was no basis
for complainants' alleged waiver of such right.
Respondent judge maintains that there was no irregularity in the issuance of the 3
October 1996 Order. Respondent judge adds that he decided to set aside his ruling In his Answer, respondent judge does not deny that when he "arraigned"
merely out of compassion for complainants. complainants, no lawyer assisted the complainants. However, respondent judge
asserted that the attendance of a "lawyer was their (complainants') problem."
ISSUE: Whether or not complainants were properly arraigned. NO. Respondent judge stated that before arraigning complainants, he gave a
Respondent Judge Failed to Properly Apprise "discourse [of] their rights as accused." Respondent judge also stated that since
the police caught complainants in flagrante delicto, complainants told him "a lawyer
Complainants of their Right to Counsel. would not have much use." Respondent judge further stated that complainants
"expressed that they have no money to pay for a lawyer." Respondent judge
The Constitution mandates that "[I]n all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall . informed complainants "he can give them a PAO lawyer" if they so desired.
. . enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel." Indeed, the accused has a However, respondent judge did not appoint a PAO lawyer despite being informed
right to representation by counsel from the custodial investigation all the way up to by complainants that they could not afford a lawyer.
the appellate proceedings. At the arraignment stage, Section 6 of Rule 116 of the
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure provides: These do not amount to compliance with Section 6 of Rule 116. Respondent judge
has the duty to insure that there is no violation of the constitutional right of the
SEC. 6. Duty of court to inform accused of his right to counsel. — Before accused to counsel. Respondent judge is grossly mistaken in saying that securing
arraignment, the court shall inform the accused of his right to counsel and ask him a "lawyer was their (complainants') problem." Once the accused informs the judge
if he desires to have one. Unless the accused is allowed to defend himself in that he cannot afford a lawyer and the court has not allowed the accused to
person or has employed counsel of his choice, the court must assign a counsel de represent himself, or the accused is incapable of representing himself, the judge
oficio to defend him. (Emphasis supplied) has the duty to appoint a counsel de oficio to give meaning and substance to the
Section 6 of Rule 116 means that: constitutional right of the accused to counsel.
[W]hen a defendant appears [at the arraignment] without [an] attorney, the court Respondent judge knew that complainants are mere tricycle drivers. Respondent
has four important duties to comply with: 1 — It must inform the defendant that it judge could not have expected complainants to be conversant with the rules on
is his right to have [an] attorney before being arraigned; 2 — After giving him such criminal procedure. 15 Respondent judge should not only have followed Section 6
information the court must ask him if he desires the aid of attorney; 3 — If he of Rule 116 to the letter, but should also have ascertained that complainants
desires and is unable to employ attorney, the court must assign [an] attorney de understood the import of the proceedings. Respondent judge should not have
oficio to defend him; and 4 – If the accused desires to procure an attorney of his proceeded with complainants' arraignment until he had ascertained that
own the court must grant him a reasonable time therefor. complainants' waiver of their right to counsel was made voluntarily, knowingly, and
intelligently and that they were capable of representing themselves.
Compliance with these four duties is mandatory. The only instance when the court
can arraign an accused without the benefit of counsel is if the accused waives such Indeed, by subsequently vacating his 3 October 1996 Order, respondent judge
right and the court, finding the accused capable, allows him to represent himself in tacitly admits that complainants were in no position to represent themselves during
their arraignment, causing them to enter guilty pleas improvidently.
person. However, to be a valid waiver, the accused must make the waiver
voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently. In determining whether the accused can
make a valid waiver, the court must take into account all the relevant
circumstances, including the educational attainment of the accused. In the present Respondent Judge's Arraignment of
case, however, respondent judge contends that complainants waived their right to
counsel and insisted on their immediate arraignment. Complainants Highly Irregular
After reviewing the records and taking into account the circumstances obtaining in Section 1(a), Rule 116 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure states:
this case, we find that respondent judge did not properly apprise complainants of
Arraignment and plea; how made. — The accused must be arraigned before the 5 People vs Pangilinan
court where the complaint or information was filed or assigned for trial. The
arraignment shall be made in open court by the judge or clerk by furnishing the FACTS:
accused with a copy of the complaint or information, reading the same in the Two charges of rape of his own daughter was filed to the accused.
language or dialect known to him, and asking him whether he pleads guilty or not 1st, the testimony of the victim herself and 2nd, by the appellant's
admission that his daughter is below 12 y/o.
guilty. The prosecution may call at the trial witnesses other than those named in
On May 1997, the accused was arrested and he then filed a petition for
the complaint or information.
We have explained the rationale, requirements, and compliance of this rule in this In the hearings the prosecution presented the victim (AAA), BBB (Mother
manner: [S]ection 1(a) of Rule 116 requires that the arraignment should be made of AAA), and Dr. Melinda Layug.
in open court by the judge himself or by the clerk of court [1] furnishing the accused The testimony of the daughter was on the month of Sept. 1995, his father
a copy of the complaint or information with the list of witnesses stated therein, then thru force and intimidation, countlessly raped her while she was sleeping
with her siblings and while she was left at home washing the dishes. His
[2] reading the same in the language or dialect that is known to him, and [3] asking
father warned her that if she report to the authorities she will kill them. It
him what his plea is to the charge.
stopped but continued on Jan. 1997, despite of the fact that her mother
The requirement that the reading be made in a language or dialect that the accused already arrived from Singapore and was sleeping downstairs at the sala.
Before going back to Singapore, DDD, grandmother of AAA, advised BBB
understands and knows is a mandatory requirement, just as the whole of said
not to leave her children because the appellant had been molesting AAA.
Section 1 should be strictly followed by trial courts. This the law affords the accused
Shocked by it, she asked her daughter and the latter confessed
by way of implementation of the all-important constitutional mandate regarding the everything. BBB confronted the appellant but he denied the accusations.
right of an accused to be informed of the precise nature of the accusation leveled She brought her daughter to Dinalupahan District Hospital, and examined
at him and is, therefore, really an avenue for him to be able to hoist the necessary by Dr. Melinda Layug, the results revealed non-parous introitus with an
defense in rebuttal thereof. It is an integral aspect of the due process clause under old healed laceration at 4'oclock position. Thus, the instant case was filed.
the Constitution. The appellant presented his defence as sole witness. Back when he left
for Saudi, his wife was having an affair and that the youngest daughter
Respondent judge similarly failed to comply with the requirements of Section 1(a) was not his own, he lost interest on going to back to work and stayed at
of Rule 116. Complainants deny respondent judge's claim that he arraigned home. He stated that his daughter was sweet to her, she hugs and kiss
complainants by "read[ing] to them [the information] in the dialect they understand him and she even became sweeter. While BBB was in Singapore, he
and inform[ing] them [of] the nature of the evidence arrayed [against them]. claimed that AAA approached him pointing finger at her palm. Now, he
However, there is no disputing that respondent judge failed to furnish complainants claimed that he had no sexual relationship with her although she seduced
a copy of the information with the list of the witnesses. him.
The trial court declared its decision in favour of the victim. It disregarded
The procedural steps laid down in Section 1(a) of Rule 116 are not empty rituals the defence of the accused because it's unbelievable for a ten-year old
that a judge can take lightly. Each step constitutes an integral part of that crucial girl to be as malicious and that minor inconsistencies in private
stage in criminal litigation "where the issues are joined . . . and without which the complainant's testimony did not in any way affect her credibility. The
proceedings cannot advance further." Respondent judge may have genuinely charge was guilty beyond reasonable doubt in both cases and sentencing
desired to spare complainants the travails of being detained in jail, thus the rush in him to suffer the supreme penalty of death.
arraigning them, accepting their guilty pleas, imposing a light sentence, and The trial court forwarded the case to the Supreme Court for review, but it
granting them probation. While well-intentioned, such conduct unjustifiably short- was forwarded to CA for appropriate actions.
circuited the mandatory arraignment procedure in Section 1(a) of Rule 116. The accused filed petition for errors in trial court's decision.
3 People vs Mala 1. WON the trial court gravely erred in finding the accused guilty of 2 counts of
rape, that he was not properly arraigned and was not informed by the nature of the
4 Cabangan vs Concepcion accusation against him?
2. WON the trial court gravely erred in finding the accused guilty beyond reclusion perpetua without eligibility for parole pursuant to Republic Act No. 9346.
reasonable despite the insufficiency of the evidence? And payment for civil, moral and examplary damages to the victim.
reason was presented to justify its approval. Likewise, it denied Daan’s Motion for 2. to require the prosecution to still prove the guilt of the accused and the
Reconsideration. precise degree of his culpability, and
3. to inquire whether or not the accused wishes to present evidence in his
Issue: Whether or not the plea of guilty to a lesser offense is proper in this case behalf and allow him to do so if he desires.
Held: YES. In the present case, the Sandiganbayan rejected petitioner's plea offer The records must show the events that have actually taken place during the
on the ground that petitioner and the prosecution failed to demonstrate that the inquiry, the words spoken and the warnings given, with special attention to the age
proposal would redound to the benefit of the public. of the accused, his educational attainment and socio-economic status, the manner
of his arrest and detention, the attendance of counsel in his behalf during the
Apparently, the Sandiganbayan has proffered valid reasons in rejecting custodial and preliminary investigations, and the opportunity of his defense
petitioner's plea offer. However, subsequent events and higher interests of justice counsel to confer with him. All these matters should be able to provide trustworthy
and fair play dictate that petitioner's plea offer should be accepted. The present indices of his competence to give a free and informed plea of guilt. The trial court
case calls for the judicious exercise of this Court's equity jurisdiction and of its must describe the essential elements of the crimes the accused is charged with
power of control and supervision over the proceedings of lower courts, in order to and their respective penalties and civil liabilities. It should also direct a series of
afford equal justice to petitioner. questions to defense counsel to determine whether or not he has conferred with
the accused and has completely explained to him the legal implications of a plea
Moreover, the lesser offenses of Falsification by Private Individuals and Failure of guilt.
to Render Account by an Accountable Officer are necessarily included in the
crimes of Falsification of Public Documents and Malversation of Public Funds, The process is mandatory and absent any showing that it has been duly observed,
respectively, with which petitioner was originally charged. Given, therefore, that a searching inquiry cannot be said to have been aptly undertaken. The trial court
some of the essential elements of offenses charged in this case likewise constitute must be extra solicitous to see to it that the accused fully understands the meaning
the lesser offenses, then petitioner may plead guilty to such lesser offenses. and importance of his plea. In capital offenses particularly, life being at stake, one
cannot just lean on the presumption that the accused has understood his plea.
IN THIS CASE: While the records of the case are indeed bereft of any indication
7 People vs Oden that the rule has sufficiently been complied with, the evidence for the prosecution
outside of the plea of guilt, nevertheless, would adequately establish the guilt of
Facts: appellant beyond reasonable doubt. The manner by which the plea of guilt is
Mario Oden was charged with twelve counts of rape. made, whether improvidently or not, loses much of great significance where
o The victim, his 15 year old minor daughter, alleged that he had the conviction can be based on independent evidence proving the
carnal knowledge of her “by means of force and intimidation.” commission by the person accused of the offense charged.
On his arraignment, Oden pleaded “guilty” to the charges.
Trial Court found him guilty of rape and sentenced him to death through Dispositive: WHEREFORE, the decision under review is AFFIRMED with
lethal injection for each count of rape. MODIFICATION. Appellant Mario Oden is convicted of twelve (12) counts of
Oden then claimed in the review of his case that he pleaded guilty simple rape and sentenced to reclusion perpetua for each count. Appellant is
because he thought he would be given a lighter penalty with his plea of further ordered to indemnify Anna Liza Oden in the amount of Fifty Thousand
guilt. Pesos (P50,000.00) civil indemnity, Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) moral
damages, and Twenty Thousand Pesos (P25,000.00) exemplary damages for
Issue: Whether or not the procedure on pleading guilty to a capital offense was each count of rape.
properly observed when Oden pleaded guilty? So ordered.
Held: NO! NOTE: The reason why he was given a lighter sentence was because the
prosecution failed to prove that the daughter was a minor at the time of the rape
Procedure to be taken when an accused pleads guilty to a capital offense.—The and NOT the plea of guilt.
trial court is mandated:
1. to conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full
comprehension of the consequences of the plea of guilt, 8 People vs Talusan - PDF