Rule 112 Cases
Rule 112 Cases
Rule 112 Cases
On March 2002, Verzano former district manager of On October 14, 2004 a TRO was issued by CA enjoining the
Wyeth Philippines, Inc. for the islands of Panay and Negros public respondent chief prosecutor from acting on the
was dismissed from service upon administrative assailed order issued by the regional state prosecutor for
complaint filed against him. a period of 60 days from receipt. In light of the TRO,
respondents filed with MTCC a manifestation and urgent
The complaint was founded on petitioner's alleged motion to suspend proceedings which was granted by the
violation of company policy on prohibited sale of drug MTCC.
samples given for free to doctors and for the unauthorized
act of transferring of the stocks within the same area On July 28, 2005 CA ruled in favor of the respondents,
falsely creating an impression that there was a sale. After granting the petition of the respondents. That the regional
conducting its own investigation and giving petitioner an state prosecutor committed grave abuse of discretion
opportunity to explain his side, wyeth resolved to dismiss when he directed the filing of the information for perjury
petitioner tendering him a Notice of Termination. on the reason of no counter-affidavits were submitted by
respondents. Verzano petitioned for a motion for
Aggrieved, Verzano filed a complaint for illegal dismissal reconsideration but was denied by CA.
with Regional Labor Arbitration Board, NLRC, Bacolod City
against Wyeth. Attached were the affidavits of Issue:
respondents Paro and Florencio alleging that the
respondents' testimony are false and incriminatory (1) Petition filed by respondents with CA had been
machination. The affidavits of the respondents contained rendered moot and academic by the filing of the cases in
falsehood particularly on the material date of the alleged court.
sale of products which are to be given free to doctors.
(2) Regional state prosecutor did not commit grave abuse
Subpoenas were issued by the City Prosecutor against of discretion in reversing the resolution of the city
respondents for the submission of their respective prosecutor.
counter-affidavits; however, the return of the subpoenas (3) Petition for certiorari filed by herein private
showed that respondents could not be located at their respondents with the CA is not the proper remedy.
given addresses.In a resolution, the city prosecutors
resolved to dismiss Verzano's complaint finding no
probable cause and insufficiency of evidence. Ruling: Petition has no merit.
Verzano filed a motion for reconsideration, which was (1) The rule therefore in this jurisdiction is that once a
denied by the city prosecutor in a resolution. Verzano complaint or information is filed in Court any disposition
appealed the resolution oof the city prosecutor to the of the case as its dismissal or the conviction or acquittal of
office of regional state prosecutor via petition for review, the accused rests in the sound discretion of the Court.
but regional state prosecutor finding merit in Verzano's Although the fiscal retains the direction and control of the
petition reversed and directed the prosecutor's office to prosecution of criminal cases even while the case is
file information for perjury against Paro, Florencio. already in Court he cannot impose his opinion on the trial
court. The Court is the best and sole judge on what to do
Aggrieved, the respondents filed a motion for with the case before it. The determination of the case is
reconsideration which was denied by the Regional State within its exclusive jurisdiction and competence. A motion
Prosecutor. to dismiss the case filed by the fiscal should be addressed
to the Court who has the option to grant or deny the same.
On September 2004 respondents filed a petition for It does not matter if this is done before or after the
certiorari before the CA assailing the resolutions of the arraignment of the accused or that the motion was filed
regional state prosecutor which reversed the earlier after a reinvestigation or upon instructions of the
resolution of the city prosecutor and prayed for a TRO Secretary of Justice who reviewed the records of the
from CA. investigation.
(2) The justice secretary's power of review may still be August 11, 2000 around 10am, 61 year-old Gonzalez was
availed of despite the filing of an information in court. The driving his car along the right outermost lane of the south-
case record will show that your Office, in the luzon expressway on his way to makati city. Atty Alcaraz a
determination of probable cause vis-à-vis the attending customs collector of the Bureau of Customs, Batangas port
set of facts and circumstances, failed to consider the was driving his car in the middle lane of south-luzon
application of the procedure laid down under Section 3 expressway between sucat and bicutan interchange on his
paragraph (d) of Rule 112 of the Revised Rules of way to manila from batangas city. He was armed with a 38
Procedure which provides: caliber pistol and had a mission order to expire on August
21, 2000. Since Alcarez intended to use the Skyway, he
If the respondent cannot be subpoenaed, or if signaled and proceeded to the right-most lane reserved
subpoenaed, does not submit counter-affidavits within for the vehicles taking skyway.
the ten (10)-day period, the investigating officer shall
resolve the complaint based on the evidence presented by Gonzalez was then forced to swerve his car to avoid
the complainant.In the instant case, the Investigating collision with Alcarez and nearly hit the concrete island.
Prosecutor found ground to continue with the inquiry Angree, Gonzalez chased after Alcaraz and shouted to
which is why he issued subpoenas to the respondents to Alcaraz through the open window. Alcaraz then raised his
submit their counter affidavit within the 10-day period, pistol to Gonzalez and fired twice hitting some parts of the
since he could have dismissed it initially if indeed there car. Alcaraz hurriedly drove away but was intercepted by
was really no evidence to serve as a ground for continuing the PNCC guards of the Skyway toll gate and confiscated
with the inquiry. For failure of the respondents to file their his pistol. Gonzalez reported the matter to the Paranaque
respective counter-affidavits, they are deemed to have city police station where he gave his statement to the
forfeited their right to preliminary investigation as due police investigator and filed a criminal complaint for
process only requires that the respondent be given the attemted homicide against Alcaraz. PNP examined
opportunity to submit counter-affidavit, if he is so minded. Gonzalez's car then filed the criminal complaint later.
The conclusion reached by the Regional State Prosecutor
is manifestly wrong as the CA was correct when it After the conducted inquest, an information was filed by
observed that the issuance of a subpoena would become the prosecutor's office with the MTC of Paranaque. On
unceremoniously clothed with the untoward implication motion, the MTC ordered the city prosecutor to conduct
that probable cause is necessarily extant. PI.
(3) CA found that the Regional State Prosecutor acted with In his counter affidavit, Alcaraz admitted firing his gun
grave abuse of discretion when he ordered the City however alleged that Gonzalez opened his car window
Prosecutor to file the Informations for perjury against and prompted him to take his firearm. He also claimed
respondents. It was because of the CA Decision that the that he had no intention to hit Gonzalez that's why he
City Prosecutor eventually filed two Motions for Leave to didn't aimed his gun to him.
Withdraw Informations. The court may deny or grant a
motion to withdraw an information, not out of In his reply-affidavit, Gonzalez insisted that Alcaraz
subservience to the (Special) Prosecutor, but in faithful attempted to kill him. Gonzalez pointed it out that firing
exercise of judicial discretion and prerogative. The his gun is in effect an admission of intent to kill him.
dismissal of the two informations against respondents
were subject to the MTCC’s jurisdiction and discretion in The investigating prosecutor maintained his finding of a
view of the circumstances of the case at bar. Such probable cause and retain the information. Alcaraz filed a
dismissal ultimately renders the case moot and academic. motion of reconsideration but was denied, he then filed
with DOJ, alleging that (1) the investigating prosecutor
erred in giving serious considerations on complainant's
Alcaraz vs Gonzales : GR No. 164715 (Sept. 20, 2006) theory on the trajectory of the bullet (2) investigating
prosecutor erred in holding that he had the intent to kill
Facts: the complainant (3) investigating prosecutor erred in
giving wieght and credence on the allegations of
This is a petition for review of the decision of CA granting complainant relative to the material points of the incident.
the petition for review of the resolution of the secretary On November 2001, DJ granted the petition and ordered
of justice for attempted homicide as well as the resolution the prosecutor to withdraw the information. On the
denying the motion for reconsideration. grounds that Gonzalez failed to prove that Alcaraz has the
intention to kill him, provided that Gonzalez has provoked respondent in all his needs in the construction.
Alcaraz. Specifically, respondent was permitted to tap into BPTI’s
electricity and water supply.
Gonzalez filed a motion for reconsideration but was
denied. So, he filed a petition for review before CA, Respondent’s father died and was succeeded by Emily
claiming that the DOj secretary acted beyond his authority Dodson De Leon (De Leon) as President of UM. UM,
in finding no probabale cause to charge and ordering to represented by De Leon, filed a criminal complaint against
withdraw the information. He insisted that by invoking respondent for the qualified theft of the electricity and
self-defense, Alcaraz thereby admitted his intention to kill water supply of BPTI for the period 2007 to 2011, with a
him. total value of P3,000,000.00 more or less, before the
Office of the City Prosecutor of Baguio City.
In his comment, Alcaraz averred that CA had no appellate
jurisdiction over the petition and that Ginzalez had no In his defense, respondent argued:
legal standing to file the petition under Rule 43 of the rules 1. that his family aggregately owns 98.79% of UM
of court; that justice secretary is not a quasi-judicial officer 2. that he was explicitly allowed by his father to use
that may be reviewed by CA. On march 2004, CA granted the electricity and water supply of BPTI for the
the petition and reversing the assailed resolutions of the construction of the CTTL Building for which no
secretary of justice; based on the evidence on record, opposition was aired by anyone;
there was a probabale cause to file an information. 3. that the complaint was filed as a result of his own
opposition to the probate of his father’s alleged
Ruling: Petition is meritorious. holographic will, which was initiated by his sister,
Maria Corazon Ramona Llamas De Los Santos,
(1) we agree with the petitioner's contention that whom respondent claims is the live-in partner of
respondent resorted to an improper remedy when he filed De Leon.
a petition for review under rule 43, instead of filing a
petition for certiorari under rule 65. the determination of
The investigating prosecutor dismissed the complaint in
the probable cause during PI is in the executive branch has
view of the absence of the element of “lack of consent or
full discretionary authority.The courts are not empowered
knowledge of the owner” considering that Virgilio, while
to substitute the judgement of the secretary of justice or
being the President and Chairman of the BOT of UM,
the prosecutor.
explicitly allowed respondent to use the electricity and
water supply of BPTI.
(2) The resolution of the Investigating Prosecutor is
subject to appeal to the Justice Secretary who, under the
However, Assistant City Prosecutor Rolando T. Vergara:
Revised Administrative Code, exercises the power of
control and supervision over said Investigating
1. sufficient evidence to establish probable cause
Prosecutor; and who may affirm, nullify, reverse, or
for qualified theft (attended by the qualifying
modify the ruling of such prosecutor.Thus, while the CA
circumstance of grave abuse of confidence),
may review the resolution of the Justice Secretary, it may
pointing out that respondent’s defense of being
do so only in a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the
expressly allowed by his father is barred under
Rules of Court, solely on the ground that the Secretary of
the Dead Man’s Statute.
Justice committed grave abuse of his discretion
2. that the express consent of Virgilio, if there was
amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction.
any, was only limited to the period of the
construction of the CTTL Building. However, even
after the completion thereof, respondent did not
People vs Delos Santos
disconnect the electrical and water connections
to the damage and prejudice of UM.
Respondent undertook the construction of the CTTL
Building in Baguio City, adjacent to the Benguet Pines Respondent was charged with qualified theft before the
Tourist Inn (BPTI) which is a business establishment RTC. Thereafter, respondent was arrested.
owned and operated by the University of Manila (UM). At
that time, respondent’s father, Virgilio Delos Santos Eventually, respondent filed before the RTC an Urgent
(Virgilio), allegedly ordered the employees of BPTI to assist Omnibus Motion:
(1) For Judicial Determination of Probable Cause; Upon her request, the petitioner was furnished with a
(2) To Lift/Quash Warrant of Arrest; and
certified copy of the Information, the resolution and the
(3) To Suspend/Defer Arraignment and/or any
Proceeding, criminal complaint which formed part of the records of the
alleging that the Information filed against him and the said case. Petitioner twice left the Philippines but
documents appended thereto failed to show proof returned. The prosecution moved for the issuance of a
sufficient to warrant the finding of probable cause for the hold departure order to hold and prevent any attempt on
crime of qualified theft.
the part of the petitioner to depart from the Philippines.
RTC found probable cause Petitioner filed a Very Urgent Motion To Lift/Recall Hold
Departure Order and/or allow her to regularly travel to
CA affirmed in toto but amended its decision setting aside Japan. Petitioner filed a motion for the postponement of
the Orders of the RTC, and thereby, dismissing the her arraignment alleging that, in case the trial court ruled
complaint for qualified theft and quashing the warrant of
arrest against respondent. adversely thereon, she would refuse to enter a plea and
seek relief from the appellate court. The court denied the
ISSUE: Whether or not there exists a probable cause petitioner’s motions on the ground that when the
against respondent for the crime of qualified theft. petitioner posted a personal bail bond for her provisional
liberty, she thereby waived her right to question the
court’s finding of the existence of probable cause for her
arrest and submitted herself to the jurisdiction of the
There was no probable cause against herein respondent
for the crime of qualified theft, considering the glaring court, more so when she filed the motion for the lifting of
absence of certain key elements thereof. Notably, “for the the hold departure order the court issued, and the motion
public prosecutor to determine if there exists a well- to defer the proceedings and her arraignment.
founded belief that a crime has been committed, and that
the suspect is probably guilty of the same, the elements of
the crime charged should, in all reasonable likelihood, be Issue:
Is the application for or filing of bail bond a waiver of one’s
The elements of lack of owner’s consent and intent to gain right to assail the warrant issued for his arrest?
are evidently absent in this case. Records disclose that
respondent was permitted by Virgilio to tap into BPTI’s
electricity and water supply. As such, respondent had no Ruling: NO, there is no waiver in application for or filing of
criminal intent · as he, in fact, acted on the faith of his a bail.
father’s authority, on behalf of UM · to appropriate said
personal property. It bears stressing that Section 26, Rule 114 of the Revised
Rules on Criminal Procedure is a new one, intended to
Okabe vs Guttierez : GR No. 150185 (May 27, 2004)
modify previous rulings of this Court that an application
Facts: for bail or the admission to bail by the accused shall be
considered as a waiver of his right to assail the warrant
Maruyama charged Okabe of Estafa. After the preliminary issued for his arrest on the legalities or irregularities
investigation, an Information was filed and a warrant of thereon. The new rule has reverted to the ruling of this
arrest was issued. Petitioner posted a personal bail bond Court in People v. Red. The new rule is curative in nature
in the said amount, duly approved by Judge Demetrio B. because precisely, it was designed to supply defects and
Macapagal, the Presiding Judge of Branch 79 of the RTC of curb evils in procedural rules. Hence, the rules governing
Quezon City, who forthwith recalled the said warrant. The curative statutes are applicable. Curative statutes are by
approved personal bail bond of the petitioner was their essence retroactive in application. Besides,
transmitted to the RTC of Pasig City on June 21, 2000. procedural rules as a general rule operate retroactively,
even without express provisions to that effect, to cases Domingo eked out a living as a jeepney driver, while
Marilou sold quail eggs at a nearby church.
pending at the time of their effectivity, in other words to
actions yet undetermined at the time of their Adjacent to their house was that of Teofisto Bucud, a
effectivity. Before the appellate court rendered its barbecue vendor who would usually start selling at 6:30
p.m. Next to Teofisto's residence was a vacant house.
decision on January 31, 2001, the Revised Rules on
Debbielyn testified that on September 24, 2002, she
Criminal Procedure was already in effect. It behooved the arrived home at past 6:00 p.m. She changed her clothes
appellate court to have applied the same in resolving the and proceeded to her mother's store. Marilou asked her
petitioner’s petition for certiorari and her motion for daughter to bring home the container with the unsold
quail eggs.
partial reconsideration.
Debbielyn did as told and went on her way. As she neared
Moreover, considering the conduct of the petitioner after the vacant house, she saw petitioner, who suddenly pulled
her behind a pile of hollow blocks which was in front of
posting her personal bail bond, it cannot be argued that
the vacant house. There was a little light from the lamp
she waived her right to question the finding of probable post.
cause and to assail the warrant of arrest issued against her
She resisted to no avail. Petitioner ordered her to lie down
by the respondent judge. There must be clear and
on the cement. Petrified, she complied. He removed her
convincing proof that the petitioner had an actual shorts and underwear then removed his own. He got on
intention to relinquish her right to question the existence top of her.She felt his penis being inserted into her vagina.
of probable cause. When the only proof of intention rests He kissed her. She felt pain and cried. She was sure there
were passersby on the street near the vacant house at the
on what a party does, his act should be so manifestly
time. It was then that Teofisto came out of their house and
consistent with, and indicative of, an intent to voluntarily heard the girl's cries. He rushed to the place and saw
and unequivocally relinquish the particular right that no petitioner on top of Debbielyn, naked from the waist
other explanation of his conduct is possible. In this case, down. Teofisto shouted at petitioner, and the latter fled
the records show that a warrant was issued by the from the scene. Teofisto told Debbielyn to inform her
parents about what happened. She told her father about
respondent judge in Pasay City for the arrest of the
the incident. Her parents later reported what happened to
petitioner, a resident of Guiguinto, Bulacan. When the the police authorities. Debbielyn told the police that
petitioner learned of the issuance of the said warrant, she petitioner was a bad boy because he was a rapist.
posted a personal bail bond to avert her arrest and secure He rushed to the place and saw petitioner, naked from
her provisional liberty. Judge Demetrio B. Macapagal of waist down, on top of Debbielyn, making pumping
the RTC of Quezon City approved the bond and issued an motions on her anus. Petitioner hurriedly put his shorts on
order recalling the warrant of arrest against the petitioner. and fled. Petitioner testified and declared that he was a
freshman at the Pasay City South High School. He had
Thus, the posting of a personal bail bond was a matter of
been one of the three outstanding students in grade
imperative necessity to avert her incarceration; it should school and received awards such as Best in Mathematics.
not be deemed as a waiver of her right to assail her arrest. He also met his father, who asked him what he had done
to their neighbor. He was also told that the victim's father
was so angry that the latter wanted to kill him. He did not
Llave vs People : GR No. 166040 (April 26, 2006)
ask his father for the name of the angry neighbor. He was
also told to pass by Cadena de Amor Street in going to his
Facts: aunt's house. Petitioner also declared that his mother
prodded him to go to his aunt's house.
The spouses Domingo and Marilou Santos were residents
He did not know of any reason why Debbielyn and her
of Pasay City. One of their children, Debbielyn, was born
parents would charge him with rape crediting him with the
on December 8, 1994. In 2002, she was a Grade II student
special mitigating circumstance of minority. He denied
at the Villamor Air Base Elementary School in Pasay City
having raped the private complainant. He declared that at
and attended classes from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m. on September 24, 2002, he was outside of their prevailing party in Civil Case No. 4047 filed a
house to buy rice in the carinderia
complaint for rescission of the sale of the car by
Issues: Juanito Ang to private respondent Leticia
Whether he acted with discernment in perpetrating the Acosta-Ang for being allegedly in fraud of creditors;
this was docketed as Civil Case No. 5307. On the
same day, petitioners filed a motion for
Article 12, paragraph 3 of the Revised Penal Code provides
reinvestigation in the Tanod bayan; it was
that a person over nine years of age and under fifteen is
exempt from criminal liability, unless he acted with granted.
discernment. The basic reason behind the exempting
In the reinvestigation, the Tanodbayan found
circumstance is complete absence of intelligence,
freedom of action of the offender which is an essential evidence tending to show that:
element of a felony either by dolus or by culpa.
o thesale of said car to the complainant
Intelligence is the power necessary to determine the
morality of human acts to distinguish a licit from an illicit by Juanito Ang, the judgment debtor,
was a sham intended to defraud his
On the other hand, discernment is the mental capacity to creditors;
understand the difference between right and wrong. The
prosecution is burdened to prove that the accused acted o the deed of absolute sale which
with discernment by evidence of physical appearance, ostensibly was executed before a
attitude or deportment not only before and during the
commission of the act, but also after and during the trial. notary public on June 18, 1983
Balgos, Jr., a public officer, was the acting Clerk of date, that is, 7 days after Juanito Ang
Court of the RTC in Bayombong and his co- accused received copy of the adverse decision in
were Deputy Provincial Sheriffs. Petitioners were Civil Case No. 4047 on June 8, 1984;
Act No. 3019 (Anti-Graft and CorruptPracticeAct) the car was found in the possession
in an information that was filed with the of Alvin, the son of Juanita Ang, who
Sandiganbayan by the Special Prosecutor. They admitted that the car belonged to
enforced a Writ of Execution against a Mustang car his father by showing the receipt of
registered in the name of Leticia Acosta-Ang, its repair in the name of Juanita
owner is not the judgment debtor in Civil Case April 22, 1988 – based on the above, the
No. 4047. Antonio Uy Lim, the plaintiff and Tanodbayan filed w/ the Sandiganbayan a
motion to withdraw the information against recognized that the prosecution of offenses is his exclusive
domain which resulted then and again in a clash or conflict
petitioners; this was denied by the
of opinion between the prosecutors and the courts to the
Sandiganbayan. detriment of the administration of justice. Such a situation
may no longer be possible since Crespo. It is the court that
o Sandiganbayan declared that the issue
has now the final say on any subsequent disposition or
in the criminal case was not so much action once the case is brought before it.
whether the car was owned by
Ejercito vs Comelec
Juanito Ang or Leticia Ang but FACTS:
whether it was rightly seized, that is, Three days prior to the May 13, 2013 National and Local
Elections, a petition for disqualification was filed by San
whether or not it was attended with Luis before the Office of the COMELEC Clerk in Manila
partiality as to extend unwarranted against Ejercito, who was a fellow gubernatorial
candidate and, at the time, the incumbent Governor of
benefits to the judgment creditor.
the Province of Laguna.
September 1, 1988 - Petitioners filed a motion to suspend
proceedings in the criminal case against them on the ground 1. Ejercito distributed to the electorates of the province
of the existence of a prejudicial question in Civil Case No. 5307; of Laguna the so-called "Orange Card" with an
this was denied intent to influence, induce or corrupt the voters in
voting for his favor. Province of Laguna has a total
Issues: of 1,525,522 registered electorate. The authorized
WON the Sandiganbayan committed a grave abuse expenses of candidates (aggregate amount) is
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in three pesos (P3.00) for every voter currently
denying the aforestated motions. registered in the constituency where the candidate
filed his certificate of candidacy.
Held: 2. A candidate for the position of Provincial Governor
In the case of Crespo vs. Mogul, this Court laid down the of Laguna is only authorized to incur an election
ground rules and the parameters pertaining to the expense amounting to FOUR MILLION FIVE
direction and control of the prosecution of a criminal HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIX THOUSAND FIVE
action by the fiscal or government prosecutor as provided HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX (P4,576,566.00) PESOS.
for in the rules in relation to the jurisdiction of the 3. However, in total disregard and violation of the afore-
competent courts over such cases. We ruled that while the
quoted provision of law, [Ejercito] exceeded his
public prosecutor has the sole direction and control in the
expenditures in relation to his campaign for the
prosecution of offenses, once the complaint or
information is filed in court, the court thereby acquires 2013 election. For television campaign
jurisdiction over the case and all subsequent actions that commercials alone, [Ejercito] already spent the sum
may be taken by the public prosecutor in relation to the of PhP23,730.784 based on our party's official
disposition of the case must be subject to the approval of monitoring. Ejercito argues that the conduct of
the said court. preliminary investigation is not required in the
resolution of the electoral aspect of a
In such an instance, before a re-investigation of the case disqualification case
may be conducted by the public prosecutor, the
permission or consent of the court must be secured. And Issue: WON whether the acts enumerated under Section
if after such reinvestigation the prosecution finds a cogent 68 of the OEC were indeed committed is a requirement
basis to withdraw the information or otherwise cause the prior to actual disqualification
dismissal of the case, such proposed course of action must
be addressed to the sound discretion of the court. Held:
It is expected that COMELEC Resolution No. 9523 is silent
In the past, a government prosecutor could practically on the conduct of preliminary investigation because it
impose his judgment or opinion on the court as it was merely amended, among others, Rule 25 of the COMELEC
Rules of Procedure, which deals with disqualification of What is the quantum of evidence necessary during
candidates. In disqualification cases, the COMELEC may preliminary investigation?
designate any of its officials, who are members of the
Philippine Bar, to hear the case and to receive evidence RULING:
only in cases involving barangay officials.59 As
aforementioned, the present rules of procedure in the First, there is no law or rule which requires the
investigation and prosecution of election offenses in the Ombudsman to furnish a respondent with copies of the
COMELEC, which requires preliminary investigation, is counter-affidavits of his co-respondents. The Rules of
governed by COMELEC Resolution No. 9386. Under said Criminal Procedure, as well as the Rules of Procedure of
Resolution, all lawyers in the COMELEC who are Election the Office of the Ombudsman do not provide for the relief
Officers in the National Capital Region ("NCR"), Provincial sought by Sen. Estrada in his Request.
Election Supervisors, Regional Election Attorneys,
Assistant Regional Election Directors, Regional Election It should be underscored that the conduct of a preliminary
Directors and lawyers of the Law Department are investigation is only for the determination of probable
authorized to conduct preliminary investigation of cause, and “probable cause merely implies probability of
complaints involving election offenses under the election guilt and should be determined in a summary manner. A
lawswhich may be filed directly with them, or which may preliminary investigation is not a part of the trial and it is
be indorsed to them by the COMELEC. only in a trial where an accused can demand the full
exercise of his rights, such as the right to confront and
ESTRADA v. OMBUDSMAN cross-examine his accusers to establish his innocence.”
Facts: Thus, the rights of a respondent in a preliminary
The Ombudsman served on Sen. Estrada copies of the two investigation are limited to those granted by procedural
criminal complaints for plunder against him. Eighteen of law.
Sen. Estrada’s co-respondents in the two complaints filed
their counter-affidavits. A preliminary investigation is defined as an inquiry or
proceeding for the purpose of determining whether there
On 20 March 2014, Sen. Estrada filed his “Request to be is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief that
Furnished with Copies of Counter-Affidavits of the Other a crime cognizable by the Regional Trial Court has been
Respondents, Affidavits of New Witnesses and Other committed and that the respondent is probably guilty
Filings” (“Request”). thereof, and should be held for trial. The quantum of
evidence now required in preliminary investigation is such
Sen. Estrada’s request was made “[p]ursuant to the right evidence sufficient to “engender a well-founded belief” as
of a respondent ‘to examine the evidence submitted by to the fact of the commission of a crime and the
the complainant which he may not have been furnished’ respondent’s probable guilt thereof.
(Section 3[b], Rule 112 of the Rules of Court) and to ‘have
access to the evidence on record’ (Section 4[c], Rule II of A preliminary investigation is not the occasion for the full
the Rules of Procedure of the Office of the Ombudsman).” and exhaustive display of the parties’ evidence; it is for the
presentation of such evidence only as may engender a
The Ombudsman issued a Joint Resolution which found well-grounded belief that an offense has been committed
probable cause to indict Sen. Estrada and his co- and that the accused is probably guilty thereof.
respondents with plunder and violation of Sec. 3(e) of RA
No. 3019. Futhermore, the technical rules on evidence are not
binding on the fiscal who has jurisdiction and control over
Sen. Estrada filed a Motion for Reconsideration praying for the conduct of a preliminary investigation.
the issuance of a new resolution dismissing the charges
against him. Without filing a Motion for Reconsideration Thus, probable cause can be established with hearsay
of the Ombudsman’s Order denying his Request, Sen. evidence, as long as there is substantial basis for crediting
Estrada filed the present Petition for Certiorari under Rule the hearsay. Hearsay evidence is admissible in
65 and sought to annul and set aside the latter Order. determining probable cause in a preliminary investigation
because such investigation is merely preliminary, and
ISSUE: does not finally adjudicate rights and obligations of
Public respondent issued an Order directing the issuance
FACTS: of a warrant of arrest against Aguinaldo and the setting of
the case for arraignment.
Claiming to be business partners in financing casino
players, private respondents alleged that sometime in Public respondent granted petitioners' urgent motion to
March and April 2002, petitioners connived in convincing cancel arraignment and suspend proceedings, and motion
them to part with their (P260,000.00) Pesos in for reconsideration.
consideration of a pledge of two motor vehicles which the
latter had misrepresented to be owned by Aguinaldo, but Levita De Castro, through the Law Firm of Lapeña and
turned out to be owned by one Levita De Castro, Associates, filed a Motion to Reinstate Case and to Issue
manager/operator of LEDC Rent-A-Car. Prespondents Warrant of Arrest. De Castro alleged that she was the
Reynaldo P. Ventus and Jojo B. Joson filed a Complaint- private complainant in the estafa case that had been
Affidavit for estafa against petitioners Aguinaldo and ordered archived. Petitioners filed an Opposition alleging
Perez before the Office of the City Prosecutor (OCP) of that De Castro is not a party to the said case, which is in
Manila. active file, awaiting the resolution of their petition for
review before the DOJ.
Perez filed his Counter-Affidavit, denying the accusation
against him, and claiming that his only participation in the The public respondent issued an Order granting the
transaction between private respondents and Aguinaldo Motion to Reinstate Case and to Issue Warrant of Arrest,
was limited to having initially introduced them to each thus:
Pending with this Court are (1) Motion to Reinstate Case
Assistant City Prosecutor issued a Resolution and to Issue Warrant of Arrest against accused Aguinaldo
recommending both petitioners to be indicted in court filed by private prosecutor with conformity of the public
for estafa under Article 315, paragraph (2) of the Revised prosecutor
Penal Code (RPC). He also noted that Aguinaldo failed to
appear and to submit any controverting evidence despite Petitioners filed with the CA a Petition for Certiorari. CA
the subpoena. dismissed the petition for lack of merit.
On January 18, 1991 at Brgy. Mandaragat, Pureto
Princesa City, the accused dis then willfully, unlawfully
and feloniously possess illegally caught assorted fish with
the use of explosives weighing more or less eight thousand
(8,000) kilos. The complainant filed thereafter Criminal
Cases No. 9210(Illegal Possession of Explosives
Intended for Fishing) and 9211 (Illegal Possession of
Illegally Caught Fish) against the accused. The cases were
consolidated for trial at the sala of the Honorable
respondent. The accused then moved to quash Criminal
Case No. 9210 on the ground that the evidence of the
prosecution was a product of a warrantless and illegal
search and seizure and also moved to quash Criminal Case
Criminal case 9211 on the ground that the information
failed to charge the offense of illegal possession of fish
caught by explosives for its failure to allege the element of