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Chapter 1 Waterhandling

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1.1 Contamination or pollution?

1.2 Contamination of water in fishery harbours
1.3 Suspended solids
1.4 Biodegradable organics
1.5 Pathogens
1.6 Nutrients
1.7 Priority pollutants
1.8 Refractory organics
1.9 Heavy metals
1.10 Dissolved inorganics

1.1 Contamination or pollution?

It is amazing how many people seem to live alongside serious pollution and not notice it. Fishery harbours and
landing places around the world have traditionally been regarded as 'appropriate for insanitary conditions'. Only in
the recent past has it been recognized that it is feasible to maintain clean fishery harbours provided special care is
taken proactively.

Fishery harbours must accommodate the special needs for (a) water supply and (b) management of
solid/liquid wastes. Insanitary conditions not only result in degradation of the environment, but also in
contamination of fish and rapid spoilage. They also pose serious health hazards such as typhoid, cholera, hepatitis-
B, and gastro-enteritis.

What is contamination? What is pollution? These are terms that need a clear definition.

GESAMP (Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution) defines pollution as the introduction
by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy into the marine environment (including estuaries) resulting in
such deleterious effects as harm to living resources, hazards to human health, hindrance to marine activities
including fishing, impairment of quality for use of sea water and reduction of amenities.
Contamination on the other hand is the presence of elevated concentrations of substances in the environment
above the natural background level for the area and for the organism.

Contamination of water by physical and bacteriological agents, be it drinking water, ice water or harbour water, may
be evaluated by laboratory tests. Test results are usually expressed in parts per million (milligrams per litre or
simply ppm) or parts per billion (micrograms per litre or ppb) for physical parameters; and bacterial counts per 100
millilitres for organisms. For both types of contaminant, maximum levels are usually stipulated and these levels may
differ from country to country.

1.2 Contamination of water in fishery harbours

Contaminants in modest quantities are present even in clean aquatic environments. A few metals such as copper,
selenium, iron and zinc are essential nutrients for fish and shellfish. Contamination occurs when there is a significant
increase in their levels. Problems related to chemical contamination of the aquatic environment are nearly all man-
made. Industrial effluents, sludge from sewage treatment plants, agriculture run-offs and raw untreated sewage from
urban populations and industry-all these contribute to chemical contamination of the environment.

The main concern of harbour managers however, is that clean water chemically equivalent to drinking water is
needed for fish washing, ice making and fish processing. Many chemicals present above a certain level in water can
be a public health hazard. Some interfere with water treatment processes, some stain fixtures and plumbing, a few
may cause undesirable scaling and may be aesthetically objectionable.

Due to the acute shortage of potable water in many countries, raw sea water is often utilized during fish handling at
sea or in port. This means that in addition to tap water, harbour basin or estuarine waters could be a potential source
of contamination.

Pollution of harbour waters due to dumping of untreated sewage in contiguous waters and the harbour basin, is often
the most common cause for seafood-related diseases and epidemics.

But it is a matter for concern that harbour water quality is heavily influenced by human activity not only within
the harbour complex but in the surrounding environment as well. Effluents from aquaculture ponds, agriculture
runoff, sewage discharge, toxic effluents from industry into the contiguous water body, all affect the marine
environment through biological, chemical and physical interactions over different temporal and spatial scales. In
addition there may be impacts that arise as a consequence of accidents or failure of normal operations such as oil
spills in coastal waters.

The fishing harbour is the focal point of the fishing effort (and sometimes village life revolves around the activities of
the harbour). It is here that fish is likely to be contaminated. By charting the flow of fish through the fishing harbour
(from the time it is discharged on the quay to the time it leaves the port boundary), points can be identified where
contamination or growth of micro-organisms occurs. Control features can then be implemented, based on the
identified health hazard. This technique is known as a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point programme
or HACCP in short. To the fishing port manager, the three major areas of concern are:

1. Water quality standards of all the water used in the port (potable and sea water);
2. Personal hygiene of the shore-based workers;
3. Standard of cleanliness of the port in general.

Under HACCP, these three areas of concern translate into drastic changes in the long-term. In particular, these

 Minimising and eventually eliminating harbour and coastal pollution from point and non-point sources;

 Improving sanitation and hygiene throughout the fishing harbour;

 Maintaining port and harbour infrastructure in good working order

In order to comply with these directives, a fishing port manager needs to have a good understanding of both the
natural environment existing around the fishing harbour as well as the environment generated within the harbour's
infrastructure. Since water is the underlying link which connects the various fishing activities together, (such as
netting, storing and icing onboard, handling inside a harbour and eventual sale to consumers) and since most water
supplies originate outside the harbour area, the fishery harbour manager must ensure that water entering the
harbour is chemically and biologically fit for human consumption. Unfortunately, this task is rendered more difficult in
countries with a strong indigenous cottage industry, which, through the indiscriminate use of highly toxic chemicals
(chemical dyes, pesticides, paints and solvents), generally leads to problems associated with groundwater pollution.

The major contaminants of concern, in potable water supplies are:

a) Suspended solids;
b) Biodegradable organics (proteins, carbohydrates and fats);
c) Pathogens;
d) Nutrients (Nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon);
e) Priority pollutants (highly toxic chemicals);
f) Refractory organics (pesticides, phenols, surfactants);
g) Heavy metals;
h) Dissolved inorganics (nuisance chemicals).

1.3 Suspended solids

The presence of suspended solids in water gives rise to turbidity. Suspended solids may consist of clay, silt, airborne
particulates, colloidal organic particles, plankton and other microscopic organisms. The presence of particulate
matter in water, whether organic, inorganic or due to higher micro-organisms, can protect bacteria and viruses from
the action of disinfectants. The adsorptive capacity of some suspended particulates can lead to entrapment of
undesirable inorganic and organic compounds present in the water and in this way, turbidity can bear an indirect
relationship to the health aspects of water quality.

Airborne particulate matter is of particular concern to facilities located near mineral stockpiles (coal, iron ore, bauxite,
etc.) or down wind from large power stations (fly ash), timber saw mills (saw dust) or cement factories (cement dust).
Rain water collection systems are particularly sensitive to such airborne particulates because they usually augment
local potable water systems and act as conduits for pollutants to enter potable water systems. Large quantities of
aromatic hydrocarbons are also generated by the combustion of fossil fuel in oil-fired power stations and industrial

1.4 Biodegradable organics

Composed principally of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, biodegradable organics are measured most commonly in
terms of BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand). BOD is the quantity of oxygen required for the oxidation of organic
matter by bacterial action in the presence of oxygen. The higher the demand for oxygen (the more organic the
pollution) the less is the oxygen left to support life. Urban sewage commonly has a BOD of 500 mg/litre. Harbour
basin water should have a BOD in the range of 50 to 150 mg/litre.

1.5 Pathogens

1.5.1 Bacteria
1.5.2 Viruses
1.5.3 Protozoa
1.5.4 Helminths
1.5.5 Special note on Malaria and Dengue
The most common and widespread danger associated with drinking water is contamination, either directly or
indirectly, by sewage, by other wastes, or by human or animal excrement. If such contamination is recent, and if
among the contributors there are carriers of communicable enteric diseases, some of the living causal agents may
be present. The drinking of water so contaminated or its use in the preparation of certain foods may result in further
cases of infection. Natural and treated waters vary in microbiological quality. Ideally, drinking water should not
contain any microorganisms known to be pathogenic to man. In practice, this means that it should not be possible to
demonstrate the presence of any coliform organism in any sample of 100 ml.

Pathogenic organisms found in contaminated water may be discharged by human beings who are infected with
disease or who are carriers of a particular disease. The principal categories of pathogenic organisms are, as shown
in Table 1.1, bacteria, viruses, protozoa and helminths.

1.5.1 Bacteria

Faecal pollution of drinking water may introduce a variety of intestinal pathogens - bacterial, viral, and parasitic - their
presence being related to microbial diseases and carriers present at that moment in the community. Intestinal
bacterial pathogens are widely distributed throughout the world. Those known to have occurred in contaminated
drinking water include strains of Salmonella, Shigella, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Yersinia
enterocolitica, and Campylobacter fetus. These organisms may cause diseases that vary in severity from mild
gastro-enteritis to severe and sometimes fatal dysentery, cholera, or typhoid.

The modes of transmission of bacterial pathogens include ingestion of contaminated water and food. The
significance of the water route in the spread of intestinal bacterial infections varies considerably, both with the
disease and with local circumstances. Among the various waterborne pathogens, there exists a wide range of
minimum infectious dose levels necessary to cause a human infection. With Salmonella typhi, ingestion of relatively
few organisms can cause disease; with Shigella flexneri, several hundred cells may be needed, whereas many
millions of cells of Salmonella serotypes are usually required to cause gastroenteritis. Similarly, with toxigenic
organisms such as enteropathogenic E. coli and V. cholerae as many as 108 organisms may be necessary to cause
illness. The size of the infective dose also varies in different persons with age, nutritional status, and general health
at the time of exposure.



Escherichia coli (enteropathogenic) Gastroenteritis Diarrhoea
Legionella pneumophila Legionellosis Acute respiratory illness
Leptospira (150 spp.) Leptospirosis Jaundice, fever
Salmonella typhi Typhoid fever High fever, diarrhoea
Salmonella (~1700 spp.) Salmonellosis Food poisoning
Shigella (4 spp.) Shigellosis Bacillary dysentery
Vibrio cholerae Cholera Extremely heavy diarrhoea,
Yersinia enterocolitica Yersinosis Diarrhoea
Adenovirus (31 types) Respiratory disease
Enteroviruses (67 types, e.g., polio, echo, and Gastroenteritis, heart anomalies,
Coxsackie viruses) meningitis
Hepatitis A Infectious hepatitis Jaundice, fever
Norwalk agent Gastroenteritis Vomiting
Reovirus Gastroenteritis
Rotavirus Gastroenteritis
Balantidium coli Balantidiasis Diarrhoea, dysentery
Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidiosis Diarrhoea
Entamoeba histolytica Amoebic dysentery Prolonged diarrhoea with
Giardia lamblia Giardiasis Mild to severe diarrhoea, nausea
Fasciola hepatica Fasciolasis Sheep liver fluke
Dracunculus medinensis Dracunculosis Guinea worm
Ascaris lumbricoides Ascariasis Roundworm
Enterobius vericularis Enterobiasis Pinworm
Hymenolepis nana Hymenolepiasis Dwarf tapeworm
Taenia saginata Taeniasis Beef tapeworm
Taenia solium Taeniasis Pork tapeworm
Trichuris Trichiura Trichuriasis Whipworm

The significance of routes of transmission other than drinking water should not be underestimated as the
provision of a safe potable supply by itself will not necessarily prevent infection without accompanying
improvements in sanitation and personal habits. Education in simple applied and personal hygiene is

Surveillance of the bacterial quality of water is also important, not only in the assessment of the degree of pollution,
but also in the choice of the best source and the treatment needed. Bacteriological examination offers the most
sensitive test for the detection of recent and therefore potentially dangerous faecal pollution, thereby providing a
hygienic assessment of water quality with a sensitivity and specificity that is absent from routine chemical analysis. It
is essential that water is examined regularly and frequently as contamination may be intermittent and may not be
detected by the examination of a single sample. For this reason, it is important that drinking water is examined
frequently by a simple test rather than infrequently by a more complicated test or series of tests.

Priority must always be given to ensuring that routine bacterial examination is maintained whenever
manpower and facilities are limited.

1.5.2 Viruses

Viruses of major concern in relation to waterborne transmission of infectious disease are essentially those that
multiply in the intestine and are excreted in large numbers in the faeces of infected individuals. Concentrations as
high as 108 viral units per gram of faeces have been reported. Even though replication does not occur outside living
hosts, enteric viruses have considerable ability to survive in the aquatic environment and may remain viable for days
or months. Viruses enter the water environment primarily by way of sewage discharges. With the methods at present
available, wide fluctuations in the number of viruses in sewage have been found. On any given day, many of the 100
or so known enteric viruses can be isolated from sewage, the specific types being those prevalent in the community
at that time. Procedures for the isolation of every virus type that may be present in sewage are not yet available. As
sewage comes into contact with drinking water, viruses are carried on and remain viable for varying periods of time
depending upon temperature and a number of other less well-defined factors. It is generally believed that the primary
route of exposure to enteric viruses is by direct contact with infected persons or by contact with faecally
contaminated objects. However, because of the ability of viruses to survive and because of the low infective dose,
exposure and consequent infections may occur by less obvious means, including ingestion of contaminated water.
Explosive outbreaks of viral hepatitis and gastroenteritis resulting from sewage contamination of water supplies have
been well documented epidemiologically. In contrast, the transmission of low levels of virus through drinking water of
potable quality, although suspected of contributing to the maintenance of endemic enteric viral disease within
communities, has not yet been demonstrated.

In some developing areas, water sources may be heavily polluted and the water-treatment processes may be less
sophisticated and reliable.

Because of these factors, as well as the large number of persons at risk, drinking water must be regarded as having
a very significant potential as a vehicle for the environmental transmission of enteric viruses. As with other microbial
infections, enteric viruses may also be transmitted by contaminated food. Enteric viruses are capable of producing a
wide variety of syndromes, including rashes, fever, gastroenteritis, myocarditis, meningitis, respiratory disease, and
hepatitis. In general, asymptomatic infections are common and the more serious manifestations are rare. However,
when drinking water is contaminated with sewage, two diseases may occur in epidemic proportions - gastro-enteritis
and infectious hepatitis. Apart from these infections, there is little, if any, epidemiological evidence to show that
adequately treated drinking-water is concerned in the transmission of virus infections. Gastroenteritis of viral origin
may be associated with a variety of agents. Many of these have been identified only recently occurring as small
particles with a diameter of 270-350 microns in stools of infected individuals with diarrhea.

Viral gastroenteritis, usually of 24-72 hours' duration with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, occurs in susceptible
individuals of all ages. It is most serious in the very young or very old where dehydration and electrolyte imbalance
can occur rapidly and threaten life if not corrected without delay. Hepatitis, if mild, may require only rest and
restricted activities for a week or two, but when severe it may cause death from liver failure, or may result in chronic
disease of the liver. Severe hepatitis is tolerated less well with increasing age and the fatality rate increases sharply
beyond middle age. The mortality rate is higher among those with pre-existing malignancy and cirrhosis.

1.5.3 Protozoa

Protozoa are single-celled eucaryotic micro-organisms without cell walls. The majority of protozoa are aerobic.
Protozoa feed on bacteria and other microscopic microorganisms. Of the intestinal protozoa pathogenic for man,
three may be transmitted by drinking water: Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia spp., and Balantidium coli. These
organisms are the etiological agents of amoebic dysentery, giardiasis and balantidiasis, respectively, and have all
been associated with drinking water outbreaks. All three have worldwide distribution. As a group, the intestinal
pathogenic protozoa occur in large numbers in the faeces of infected individuals in man and a wide variety of
domestic and wild animals. Coliform organisms do not appear to be a good indicator of Giardia or E. histolytica in
treated water because of the increased resistance of these protozoans to inactivation by disinfection.

Figure 7 - Inadequate fencing around many fishery harbours allows domestic animals (dogs, cats, cattle and
goats) free access to handling and processing areas where infected faeces may be deposited, causing a
health hazard

1.5.4 Helminths

A great variety of helminth eggs and larvae have been detected in drinking water and it is clear that all those infective
to man should be absent if the water supply is to be safe.

However, the majority of helminths are not waterborne and it is neither feasible nor necessary to monitor water for
them on a routine basis. Two groups of helminths are more directly related to water supplies: those transmitted
wholly by the ingestion of infected copepod intermediate hosts and those whose cercariae are directly infective to
man. A third category groups the remainder of the species.

The first group (Dracunculus, Spirometra) comprises Helminths that develop in aquatic copepods and are acquired
by man ingesting water containing the intermediate host crustacea. The most important member in this group is the
guinea-worm (Dracunculus medinensis), a filarial parasite of man.

Tapeworms of the genus Spirometra, though much rarer in man, also have a stage in aquatic copepods. Adult
worms are found in the small intestine of cats. Eggs pass out in the faeces and hatch in water where they may be
ingested by copepods.

The second group (Schistosoma, Ancylostoma, Necator) comprises a miscellaneous group of flukes and
roundworms whose infective larvae are able to penetrate the human skin and mucous membranes.

The human hookworms Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus, both with a wide tropical and sub-tropical
distribution, have eggs that hatch and develop in the soil to the third stage larvae, which then reinfect man by
penetrating the skin. Hookworms of domestic animals may also invade man.

The third group of Helminths has resistant eggs or cysts infective to man. If these gain access to drinking water and
are ingested, man becomes infected. The most widespread intestinal Helminths are Ascaris
lumbricoides (roundworm) and Trichuris trichuria (whipworm). The human tapeworms of the genera Hymenolepis,
with a direct life cycle, and Echinococcus, where man is infected by ingesting eggs usually acquired from dogs, have
the potential for spread in drinking water.

1.5.5 Special note on Malaria and Dengue

Both Malaria and Dengue are not transmitted directly by drinking water but by vectors or carriers that breed in water,
in this case mosquitoes. In order to prevent the spread of these diseases, it is of the utmost importance that in all
endemic areas, drinking water reservoirs within the port area be adequately covered to prevent mosquitoes from
gaining access to the free water surface, where they can breed unhindered.

These reservoirs comprise:

 Elevated water distribution tanks (access manholes);

 Reinforced concrete reservoirs (access manholes);
 Header tanks, whatever size;
 Water cisterns in all toilets.

All manholes should be covered with purpose-made manhole covers and all vents should be equipped with filters or
mosquitoe nets.

1.6 Nutrients

1.6.1 Nitrates and nitrites

Nitrates and nitrites are considered together because conversion from one form to another occurs in the
environment. The health effects of nitrate are generally a consequence of its ready conversion to nitrite in the body.

1.6.1 Nitrates and nitrites

Nitrates are widely present in substantial quantities in soil, in most waters, and in plants, including vegetables.
Nitrites also occur fairly widely, but generally at very much lower levels than nitrates. Nitrates are products of
oxidation of organic nitrogen by the bacteria present in soils and in water where sufficient oxygen is present. Nitrites
are formed by incomplete bacterial oxidation of organic nitrogen. One of the principal uses of nitrate is as fertilizer.
Nitrates are also used in explosives, as oxidizing agents in the chemical industry and as food preservatives. Its
occurrence in water is brought about by indiscriminate fertilizer use, decaying vegetable and animal matter, sewage
effluents, industrial discharges and last but not least, leachates from refuse dumps. Nitrates in the water are limited
to 10 ppm.

1.7 Priority pollutants

1.7.1 Arsenic
1.7.2 Asbestos
1.7.3 Barium
1.7.4 Beryllium
1.7.5 Selenium
1.7.6 Silver
These are organic or inorganic compounds selected on the basis of their known or suspected carcinogenicity,
mutagenicity, teratogenicity or high acute toxicity.

1.7.1 Arsenic

Arsenic is notorious as a toxic element. Its toxicity, however, depends on the chemical (valency) and physical form of
the compound, the route by which it enters the body, the dose and duration of exposure and several other biological
parameters. It is recommended that, when water is found to contain arsenic at levels of 0.05 ppm, an attempt should
be made to ascertain the valency and chemical forms of the element. Arsenic is commonly associated as an alloying
additive with lead solder, lead shot, battery grids, cable sheaths and boiler piping. Nowadays, most arsenic
originates from paints or pharmaceuticals and is commonly found in sewage. The concentration of arsenic in sea
water is around 0.002 ppm. The primary concerns are carcinogenicity and mutagenicity.

1.7.2 Asbestos

Asbestos is a general term for fibrous silicate minerals of the amphibole and serpentine mineral groups. Six minerals
have been characterized as asbestos: chrysotile, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, actinolite and amosite.
Asbestos is commonly found in domestic water supplies. The use of asbestos cement (170 g of asbestos per kg -
80% chrysotile and 20% crocidolite) for pipes in distribution systems could contribute to the asbestos content of
drinking water. Background levels are reported to be in the range of less than 1 million to 10 million fibres per litre.
The primary concern is carcinogenicity.

1.7.3 Barium

Barium is present in the earth's crust in a concentration of 0.50 g/Kg and the mineral barytes, barium sulphate, is the
commonest source. Traces of barium are present in most soils.

Barium is also present in traces in many foodstuffs, such as brazil nuts. Barium is also used in various industrial
processes, such as in vacuum tubes, spark-plug alloys, Getter alloys, Fray's metal and as a lubricant for anode
rotors in X-ray machines. Drinking water should not contain more 0.050 ppm.

1.7.4 Beryllium

Beryllium is commonly found as part of feldspar mineral deposits and may exist as the mineral beryl in small
localised deposits. The primary source of beryllium in the environment is the burning of fossil fuels, although
contamination is normally light. Beryllium can enter the water system through weathering of rocks in ground
acquifers, atmospheric fallout on rain water collection systems and industrial and municipal discharges. Beryllium is
used in metal alloys and certain electrical components. Not all countries have set standards for limits of beryllium in
drinking water. Those that have, limit its presence to 0.20 ppb.

1.7.5 Selenium

As a result of geochemical differences, levels of selenium in soil and vegetation vary within broad limits. The
chemical form of selenium, and thus its solubility, is another decisive factor as regards its presence in drinking water.
Selenium has been identified as an essential nutrient in several animal species, including man. Dietary selenium
levels of 5 mg/kg of food or more may cause chronic intoxication, and in seleniferous areas this value has been
considered as the dividing line between toxic and non-toxic feeds. Drinking water in general does not represent the
only or main source of selenium exposure for the resident population in seleniferous areas. There is a range of
selenium intake by humans that is consistent with health, and outside this range deficiency or toxicity can occur.
Selenium in drinking water is limited to 0.01 ppm. Selenium is widely used in the electronics industry, TV cameras,
solar batteries, computer cores, rectifiers, xerographic plates and ceramics as a colourant for glass. It is also used as
a trace element for animal feeds.

1.7.6 Silver
Silver occurs naturally in elemental form and as various ores. It is also associated with lead, copper and zinc ores.
Because some metals such as lead and zinc are used in distribution systems and also because in some countries
silver oxide is used to disinfect water supplies, silver levels in tap water may sometimes be elevated. The levels of
silver in drinking water should not exceed 1 ppb.

In industry, silver is used in the manufacture of silver nitrate, silver bromide and other photographic chemicals, water
distillation equipment, mirrors, silver plating equipment, special batteries, table cutlery, jewelry, dental medical and
scientific equipment including amalgams.

1.8 Refractory organics

1.8.1 Chlorinated Alkanes

1.8.2 Chlorinated Ethanes
1.8.3 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
1.8.4 Pesticides
1.8.5 Mono-Dichlorobenzenes
1.8.6 Benzenes
1.8.7 Phenols and chlorophenols
1.8.8 Trihalomethanes

This group of contaminants is wide ranging and consists of chlorinated alkanes (carbon tetrachloride), chlorinated
ethenes (polyvinyl chloride or PVC), polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (naphtalene, coal tar), pesticides, herbicides
and fumigants (DDT, Endrin, Aldrin, Lindane, Methoxychlor, Toxaphene and Silvex), Mono-Dichlorobenzenes
(solvents), Benzenes (Benzene, Toluene), Phenols and Chlorophenols and Trihalomethanes (Chloroform,

1.8.1 Chlorinated Alkanes

One of the major uses of chlorinated alkanes in the chemical industry is as an intermediate in the production of other
organochlorine compounds. They are therefore produced in large quantities and consequently many are found in raw
and finished drinking water. Carbon Tetrachloride is a haloalkane with a wide range of industrial and chemical
applications. It has been found to be an occasional contaminant of chlorine used in the disinfection of drinking water
but is not produced in drinking water as a result of the chlorination process itself. Carbon Tetrachloride was
extensively used as a propellant for aerosols. This chemical has been found to be a carcinogen to laboratory animals
The guideline limits this chemical to 3 ppb.

1.8.2 Chlorinated Ethanes

This group of compounds is used widely in a variety of industrial processes as solvents, softeners, paint thinners,
dry-cleaning fluids, intermediates, etc. Because of their wide use, they are often found in raw and treated drinking
water. Because of their high volatility, they are usually lost to the atmosphere from surface water and therefore
generally occur at lower concentrations. Vinyl chloride is mainly used for the production of PVC resins which, in turn,
form the most widely used plastics in the world. Low concentrations of PVC have been detected in effluents
discharged by chemical and latex manufacturing plants and in drinking water as a result of leaching from
substandard (improperly cured) PVC pipes used in water distribution systems. Vinyl chloride is associated with
cancer and is mutagenic in a number of biological systems, including Salmonella and E. Coli. Other chlorinated
ethenes include 1,1-dichloroethane (used in the packaging industry), trichloroethane (used as a dry-cleaning
solvent) and tetrachloroethane (used in dry-cleaning and as a degreasing agent in metal industries). The guideline
limit for PVC is 20 ppb.

1.8.3 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

PAH are a large group of organic compounds present in the environment from both natural and industrial sources.
PAH are rarely encountered singly in the environment and many interactions can occur with mixtures of PAH
whereby the potency of known carcinogenic PAH may be enhanced. These systems are not well understood,
however, and their significance as regards environmental exposure to PAH is not yet clear. Contact with coal-tar
based linings during distribution is known in some instances to lead to an increase in PAH concentration in water.
Because of the close association of PAH with suspended solids, the application of treatment to achieve an
acceptable level of turbidity will ensure that minimum PAH levels are achieved. Aromatic hydrocarbons may enter
the aquatic environment of the harbour basin from discharges from vessels as ballast water, bilge pumping, engine
exhaust, effluents from coastal refineries, crude oil power stations, terrestrial run-off (particularly from urban storm
water containing road asphalt particles) and leaching (creosoted components from jetties and wharves). A guideline
of 0.01 ppb is recommended.

1.8.4 Pesticides

Pesticides that may be of importance to water quality include chlorinated hydrocarbons and their derivatives,
persistent herbicides, soil insecticides, pesticides that are easily leached out from the soil, and pesticides
systematically added to water supplies to control disease vectors, such as mosquito larvae (Malaria and Dengue
fever). Of these compounds, only the chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides occur frequently and these are very
persistent in the environment where they have become ubiquitous. Typical pesticides include:

DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane), a persistent insecticide, stable under most environmental conditions and
resistant to complete breakdown by enzymes present in the soil microorganisms.

Aldrin and Dieldrin, two related and very persistent pesticides which accumulate in the food chain. Currently may
be used for termite control around the roots of fruit trees.

Chlordane, a broad-spectrum insecticide also used for termite control and for homes and gardens.

HCB or hexachlorobenzene, produced commercially for use as a fungicide.

Heptachlor, another broad-spectrum insecticide used to control agricultural soil insects. Heptachlor is very

Lindane, a wide-spectrum insecticide of the group called organochlorine insecticides and used in a wide range of
applications, including treatment of animals, buildings, water (for mosquitoes), plants, seeds and soil.

Methoxychlor, an insecticide used for the treatment of agricultural crops and livestock.

Guidelines for refractory organics limit total "drins" to 0.03 ppb and total "ddt" to 1.0 ppb.

1.8.5 Mono-Dichlorobenzenes

Monochlorobenzene is widely used as a solvent and in the manufacture of several chemicals, such as insecticides
and phenols. Dichlorobenzenes are important intermediates for dyes, moth repellants, deodorants, dielectric fluids,
heat transfer fluids and insecticides.

1.8.6 Benzenes

Benzene and Toluene are produced mainly from petroleum or as a by-product in the manufacture of gas. Both
chemicals are widely used in the chemical industry both as intermediates and for the production of styrene, phenol,
acetone and cyclohexene (used in manufacturing nylon).

Significant quantities of Toluene are used in the manufacture of plastics, paints, detergents and as petrol additives.
The guideline for benzene in water is 10 ppb.

1.8.7 Phenols and chlorophenols

Chlorphenols are used as biocides and are found in water as a result of chlorinating water supplies containing
phenol. Chlorophenols are well known for their low taste and odour thresholds. For aesthetic reasons, therefore,
individual phenols should not, as a general rule, be present in drinking water above 0.1 ppb. The best approach to
controlling pollution by Chlorophenols is to prevent the contamination of the source water by phenol (from
petrochemical industries) and chlorinated phenolic pesticides (agriculture).

1.8.8 Trihalomethanes

Trihalomethanes (chloroform and bromoform) in drinking water occur principally as products of reaction of chemicals
used in oxidative treatment reacting with naturally occurring materials present in the water. Their formation is
particularly associated with the use of chlorine for disinfecting water supplies. Notwithstanding this, it is important to
recognise the fact that chlorine is an effective water disinfectant and the hazards of disease arising from
microbiological contaminants resulting from incomplete disinfection are substantial. Trihalomethanes have several
adverse effects on health and the guideline value limits chloroform in drinking water to 30 ppb.

1.9 Heavy metals

1.9.1 Cadmium
1.9.2 Chromium
1.9.3 Lead
1.9.4 Mercury
1.9.5 Nickel
1.9.6. Tin

Trace quantities of many metals are important constituents of most waters. Many of these metals are also classified
as pollutants. The presence of any of these metals in excessive quantities will interfere with many beneficial uses of
the water because of their toxicity.

1.9.1 Cadmium

Cadmium is widely distributed in the Earth's crust, but is particularly associated with zinc and copper and is produced
commercially only as a by-product of zinc smelting. Cadmium shows no signs of being an essential trace element in
biological processes; on the contrary, it is highly toxic to the human organism. Like mercury, cadmium and its
compounds enter the environment only from geological or human activities (metal mining, smelting and fossil fuel
combustion). Cadmium and its compounds are black-listed materials, which by international agreement may not be
discharged or dumped into the environment. Cadmium is a cumulative poison and a maximum level of 0.005 ppm is
permitted for drinking water.

1.9.2 Chromium

Most rocks and soils contain small amounts of chromium. Chromium in its naturally occurring state is in a highly
insoluble form; however, most of the more common soluble forms found in soils are mainly the result of
contamination by industrial emissions. The major uses of chromium are for chrome alloys, chrome plating, oxidising
agents, corrosion inhibitors, pigments for the textile glass and ceramic industries as well as in photography.
Hexavalent chromium compounds (soluble) are carcinogenic and the guideline value is 0.05 ppm.

1.9.3 Lead

Lead is not only the most abundant of heavy metals occurring in nature, it was also one of the first metals used on a
large scale by man. Although it is not a nutritionally essential element, its monitoring is important because of its
toxicity to human health. Lead is a cumulative poison. Most of the lead produced in metallic form, in batteries, cable
sheathing, sheets and pipes, etc., is recovered and recycled, but most lead used in compound form, like paints and
petrol additives is lost to the environment, eventually ending up in the aquatic environment. Lead compounds, similar
to the ones used in petrol additives are reportedly being used in the production of mercurial fungicides. The presence
of lead in drinking water is limited to 0.01 ppm.

1.9.4 Mercury

Although a comparatively rare element, mercury is ubiquitous in the environment, the result of natural geological
activity and man-made pollution. Mercury from natural sources can enter the aquatic environment via weathering,
dissolution and biological processes. Although extremely useful to man, mercury is also highly toxic to the human
organism, especially in the form of methyl mercury, because it cannot be excreted and therefore acts as a
cumulative poison.

The potential for long-term human health hazards from ingesting mercury-contaminated fish has led several nations
to establish regulations and guidelines for allowable sea-food mercury levels. Nearly all levels above 1 ppb in water
are due to industrial effluents connected with chlorine and caustic soda production, pharmaceuticals, mirror coatings,
mercury lamps and certain fungicides.

1.9.5 Nickel

Nickel is ubiquitous in the environment. Nickel is almost certainly essential for animal nutrition, and consequently it is
probably essential to man. Nickel is a relatively non-toxic element; however, certain nickel compounds have been
shown to be carcinogenic in animal experiments.

1.9.6. Tin

Tin and its compounds are significant and controversial chemicals in the environment. As is the case with other
elements, not all chemical forms of tin are equally biologically active. In contrast to the low toxicity of inorganic tin
(derived from eating canned foods), some organic tin compounds, also known as organotins, are toxic. Tributyltin
and Triphenyltin, constituents of anti-fouling paints, are highly toxic and their presence in harbour waters is limited
generally to 0.002 and 0.008 ppb respectively. In many countries, organotin anti-fouling paints are not allowed on
vessels less than 25 metres long, and the start of a fishing season generally sees an increase of this compound in
the water as freshly painted vessels are launched back into the water.

1.10 Dissolved inorganics

1.10.1 Aluminium
1.10.2 Chlorides
1.10.3 Colour
1.10.4 Copper
1.10.5 Hardness
1.10.6 Hydrogen Sulphide
1.10.7 Iron
1.10.8 Manganese
1.10.9 pH
1.10.10 Sodium
1.10.11 Sulphates
1.10.12 Zinc
1.10.13 Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Dissolved inorganic compounds are generally associated with the aesthetic and organoleptic (taste and odour)
characteristics of drinking water. For health-related contaminants, what is unsafe for one is unsafe for all, while
aesthetic and organoleptic characteristics are subject to social, economic and cultural considerations. Since the
majority of consumer complaints regarding water quality relate to its colour, taste or odour, the quality of drinking
water, as perceived by the senses, largely determines the acceptability of a particular water.

1.10.1 Aluminium

Aluminium does not appear to be an essential nutrient to man. Compared with the aluminium intake from food, that
from water is small. The incidence of discoloration in drinking water in distribution systems increases if the aluminium
level exceeds 0.1 ppm.

1.10.2 Chlorides

Chlorides are widely distributed in nature and are present in mineral deposits, in sea water and some industrial
processes. The taste threshold for chloride in drinking water is dependent upon the associated cation, but is usually
within the range 200-300 ppm of chloride. Based on organoleptic considerations, the guideline value for chloride is
250 ppm.

1.10.3 Colour

Colour in drinking water may be due to the presence of: coloured organic substances, such as humics (decay of
vegetation in the water); metals such as iron and manganese; or highly coloured industrial wastes, of which pulp,
paper and textile wastes are the most common. Chlorine from the chlorination process is likely to give rise to high
levels of trihalomethanes due to the reaction of chlorine with dissolved humic substances.

1.10.4 Copper

The presence of Copper in the water supply, although not constituting a hazard to health, may interfere with the
intended domestic uses of water. Copper enhances corrosion of aluminium and zinc fittings, stains clothes and
plumbing fixtures. Copper is used in alloys, as a catalyst, in anti-fouling paints and as a wood preservative. Urban
sewage contains substantial amounts of copper. The human taste threshold for copper is low, 5.0 - 7.0 ppm, and the
taste is repulsive. The limit for drinking water is 1.0 ppm.

1.10.5 Hardness

Water hardness is the traditional measure of the capacity of water to react with soap, hard water requiring a
considerable amount of soap to produce a lather. The degree of hardness of drinking water has been classified in
terms of its equivalent CaCO3 concentration as follows:

soft 0 to 60 ppm
medium hard 60 to 120 ppm
hard 120 to 180 ppm
very hard 180 to and above

Soft water has a greater tendency to cause corrosion of pipes and consequently, certain heavy metals such as
copper, zinc, lead and Cadmium may be present in the water.

Very hard water, on the other hand, can cause considerable incrustations in pipes and fittings, especially in fish
processing plants.

1.10.6 Hydrogen Sulphide

Hydrogen sulphide occurs as a by-product in septic tanks when proteins in sewage are attacked by certain bacteria.
Traces in water in excess of 0.05 ppm cause taste and odour problems.

1.10.7 Iron
The presence of Iron in drinking water is objectionable for a number of reasons unrelated to health. Under the pH
conditions existing in drinking water supplies, ferrous salts are unstable and precipitate as insoluble ferric hydroxide,
which settles out as rusty silt. Such water tastes unpalatable, promotes the growth of "iron bacteria" and the silt
gradually reduces the flow of water in the piping. The recommended guideline level of iron in water is 0.3 ppm.

1.10.8 Manganese

Anaerobic groundwater often contains elevated levels of dissolved manganese. The presence of Manganese in
drinking water is objectionable for a number of reasons unrelated to health. At concentrations exceeding 0.15 ppm
Manganese imparts an undesirable taste to beverages and stains plumbing fixtures. The recommended value is 0.1

1.10.9 pH

The value of the pH, expressed as a value ranging between 1 and 10, is a good indicator of the state of the water.
Values of 9.5 and above are alkaline in taste. Values of 3 and below are acidic in taste. Values lower than 6 cause
problems with corrosion. Values below 4 support little life in a marine environment. Drinking water should have a pH
in the range 6.5 to 8.5. Harbour water should have a pH of between 6 and 9.

1.10.10 Sodium

The sodium ion is ubiquitous in water owing to the high solubility of its salts and the abundance of mineral deposits.
Near coastal areas, windborne sea spray can make an important contribution, either by fallout on to land surfaces
where it drains to the water source or from washout by rain. Domestic, commercial and industrial discharges are
another source of sodium in water. In general, sodium salts are not acutely toxic substances because of the
efficiency with which mature kidneys excrete sodium. The effects on infants, in contrast to adults, are different
because of the immaturity of infant kidneys. A maximum of 200 ppm is allowed in drinking water.

1.10.11 Sulphates

Sulphates are widely distributed in nature and excessive amounts of dissolved sulphates in drinking water lead to
problems with hardness. Taste threshold concentrations for the most prevalent sulphate salts are: 200 to 500 ppm
for sodium sulphate; 250 to 900 ppm for calcium sulphate; and 400 to 600 ppm for magnesium sulphate. In drinking
water, dissolved sulphates are limited to 400 ppm.

1.10.12 Zinc

The concentration of zinc in tap water can be considerably higher than that in surface water owing to the leaching
action of zinc from galvanised pipes, brass and other zinc alloys. Zinc imparts to water an undesirable astringent
taste and in concentrations in excess of 5 ppm. The water may appear opalescent and develop a greasy film on
boiling. Levels of zinc should be kept well below this value.

1.10.13 Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Humans have a very low taste threshold for petroleum hydrocarbons, whose taste is particularly repulsive. All
components of crude oil are degradable by bacteria, though at varying rates, and a variety of yeasts and fungi can
also metabolize petroleum hydrocarbons. Water-soluble components of crude oils and refined products include a
variety of compounds that are toxic. High-molecular-weight tars are less damaging in the water than medium-
molecular-weight compounds such as diesel. Low-molecular-weight compounds are generally unimportant because
they are very volatile and rapidly evaporate. Therefore, diesel spillage at sea is more damaging than crude oil (very
tarry) or petrol spillage. For harbour basin water, the limit for dissolved hydrocarbons should not exceed 0.30 ppm.
Polluted harbour water can impart an unpleasant flavor to fish if used for washing. Commercial fishermen may also
risk tainting a whole catch if their nets have been fouled by diesel or oil.

2.1 Water sampling

2.2 Testing procedures
2.3 Investigative analysis
2.4 Water treatment methods

2.1 Water sampling

2.1.1 Borewells
2.1.2 Municipal mains
2.1.3 Water tanks and reservoirs
2.1.4 Harbour basin water

Water used for processing fish, washing fish or making ice is supposed to meet drinking water standards if it is to be
considered safe. Reason: contaminated water is the main cause for pathogen-loading of fish, posing a serious health
hazard to its consumer.

WHO has issued guidelines for drinking water quality, a report in three volumes. Vol. 1 deals with guideline values,
Vol. 2 deals with each contaminant and Vol. 3 gives information on how to handle water supplies in small rural
communities. WHO recognizes that very stringent standards cannot be used universally and so a range of guideline
values for more than 60 parameters have been elaborated. Most nations have their own guidelines or standards. The
control exerted by local regulatory authorities may differ from place to place depending on the local situation. So how
can acceptable water quality be defined? What can the harbour-master do to ensure quality? Ensuring the quality of
the harbour basin when it is contiguous with estuarine or coastal waters is perhaps beyond the scope of the harbour-
master except to ensure that activities in his harbour do not add to the pollution. However, he is duty-bound to
ensure that the water used for drinking, cleaning fish, ice making and fish processing meets standards of potability
set in his country.

Qualitative and quantitative measurements are needed from time to time to constantly monitor the quality of
water from the various sources of supply. The harbour-master should then ensure appropriate water
treatment within the fishery harbour complex as well as initiate remedial measures with the suppliers when
water supply from outside is polluted.

Water sampling and analysis should be done by ISO-certified laboratories. Wherever laboratories available locally
are not ISO-certified, it is advisable to get their quality assessed by an ISO-certified laboratory by carrying out
collaborative tests to ensure that variation in the accuracy of results is sufficiently small. Unreliable results
exacerbate problems of pollution when corrective action cannot be taken in time. Sampling and monitoring tests
should be carried out by qualified technicians.

Depending on the actual state of the fishing harbour infrastructure and environmental conditions in and around the
harbour, monitoring should be carried out according to a specific programme for each source of water supply.

2.1.1 Borewells

Contamination may arise from pollutants entering the water table some distance from the port or from sewage
entering the borehole itself in the port area through cracked or corroded casings. In cases where overdrawing is
evident (water is brackish), tests should be conducted at least monthly.

2.1.2 Municipal mains

Supply could be contaminated at source or through corroded pipelines leading to the fishery harbour. Mixing with
sewage lines due to defective piping has been known to occur often. Complete tests should be carried out every half
year, and the authorities should be informed when results indicate contamination.

2.1.3 Water tanks and reservoirs

Both types of structure are prone to bacterial growth if the residual chlorine levels in them are low or non-existent.
Testing may not be necessary if periodic scrubbing is carried out. Bacteriological tests should be done at least half-

2.1.4 Harbour basin water

Typically, harbour basins are tested yearly. However, in areas where monsoons are very active, it may be advisable
to test at the peak of the dry season when effluent point discharges tend to remain concentrated in the water body
and again during the wet season when agriculture run-off may be considerable. Another critical period for harbours is
the peak of the fishing season when the harbour is at its busiest and vessel-generated pollution is likely to be at its

2.2 Testing procedures

2.2.1 Physical tests

2.2.2 Chemical tests
2.2.3 Bacteriological tests
While the details of sampling, testing and analysis are beyond the scope of this handbook, what follows is a general
description of the significance of water quality tests usually made.

Testing procedures and parameters may be grouped into physical, chemical, bacteriological and microscopic

 Physical tests indicate properties detectable by the senses.

 Chemical tests determine the amounts of mineral and organic substances that affect water quality.

 Bacteriological tests show the presence of bacteria, characteristic of faecal pollution.

2.2.1 Physical tests

Colour, turbidity, total solids, dissolved solids, suspended solids, odour and taste are recorded.

Colour in water may be caused by the presence of minerals such as iron and manganese or by substances of
vegetable origin such as algae and weeds. Colour tests indicate the efficacy of the water treatment system.

Turbidity in water is because of suspended solids and colloidal matter. It may be due to eroded soil caused by
dredging or due to the growth of micro-organisms. High turbidity makes filtration expensive. If sewage solids are
present, pathogens may be encased in the particles and escape the action of chlorine during disinfection.

Odour and taste are associated with the presence of living microscopic organisms; or decaying organic matter
including weeds, algae; or industrial wastes containing ammonia, phenols, halogens, hydrocarbons. This taste is
imparted to fish, rendering them unpalatable. While chlorination dilutes odour and taste caused by some
contaminants, it generates a foul odour itself when added to waters polluted with detergents, algae and some other

2.2.2 Chemical tests

pH, hardness, presence of a selected group of chemical parameters, biocides, highly toxic chemicals, and B.O.D are

pH is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration. It is an indicator of relative acidity or alkalinity of water. Values of 9.5
and above indicate high alkalinity while values of 3 and below indicate acidity. Low pH values help in effective
chlorination but cause problems with corrosion. Values below 4 generally do not support living organisms in the
marine environment. Drinking water should have a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. Harbour basin water can vary between 6
and 9.

B.O.D.: It denotes the amount of oxygen needed by micro-organisms for stabilization of decomposable organic
matter under aerobic conditions. High B.O.D. means that there is less of oxygen to support life and indicates organic

2.2.3 Bacteriological tests

For technical and economic reasons, analytical procedures for the detection of harmful organisms are impractical for
routine water quality surveillance. It must be appreciated that all that bacteriological analysis can prove is that, at the
time of examination, contamination or bacteria indicative of faecal pollution, could or could not be demonstrated in a
given sample of water using specified culture methods. In addition, the results of routine bacteriological examination
must always be interpreted in the light of a thorough knowledge of the water supplies, including their source,
treatment, and distribution.

Whenever changes in conditions lead to deterioration in the quality of the water supplied, or even if they should
suggest an increased possibility of contamination, the frequency of bacteriological examination should be increased,
so that a series of samples from well chosen locations may identify the hazard and allow remedial action to be taken.
Whenever a sanitary survey, including visual inspection, indicates that a water supply is obviously subject to
pollution, remedial action must be taken, irrespective of the results of bacteriological examination. For unpiped rural
supplies, sanitary surveys may often be the only form of examination that can be undertaken regularly.

The recognition that microbial infections can be waterborne has led to the development of methods for routine
examination to ensure that water intended for human consumption is free from excremental pollution. Although it is
now possible to detect the presence of many pathogens in water, the methods of isolation and enumeration are often
complex and time-consuming. It is therefore impractical to monitor drinking water for every possible microbial
pathogen that might occur with contamination. A more logical approach is the detection of organisms normally
present in the faeces of man and other warm-blooded animals as indicators of excremental pollution, as well as of
the efficacy of water treatment and disinfection. The presence of such organisms indicates the presence of faecal
material and thus of intestinal pathogens. (The intestinal tract of man contains countless rod-shaped bacteria known
as coliform organisms and each person discharges from 100 to 400 billion coliform organisms per day in addition to
other kinds of bacteria). Conversely, the absence of faecal commensal organisms indicates that pathogens are
probably also absent. Search for such indicators of faecal pollution thus provides a means of quality control. The use
of normal intestinal organisms as indicators of faecal pollution rather than the pathogens themselves is a universally
accepted principle for monitoring and assessing the microbial safety of water supplies. Ideally, the finding of such
indicator bacteria should denote the possible presence of all relevant pathogens.

Indicator organisms should be abundant in excrement but absent, or present only in small numbers, in other sources;
they should be easily isolated, identified and enumerated and should be unable to grow in water. They should also
survive longer than pathogens in water and be more resistant to disinfectants, such as chlorine. In practice, these
criteria cannot all be met by any one organism, although many of them are fulfilled by coliform organisms,
especially Escherichia coli as the essential indicator of pollution by faecal material of human or animal origin.

2.3 Investigative analysis

2.3.1 Test case

A harbour master's knowledge of the state of the environment in and around the fishing harbour goes a long way
toward preventing outbreaks of contamination or disease with subsequent loss of resources and income. This is
particularly so for the many small-to-medium fishing ports scattered around coastlines in developing countries,
where, more often than not, environmental help and support from central bodies is meagre and very time-consuming.

The following is a true-life example of an investigative analysis carried out in an ASEAN country in a harbour that
was experiencing problems with hygiene (coliform contaminated fish).

2.3.1 Test case

The port in question is situated in the mouth of an estuary. The town's water supply cannot provide the port with
potable water and the port draws groundwater from a series of boreholes in and around the port area. The port's
storage infrastructure consists of only one elevated concrete tank which cannot be taken out of service for cleaning.
Ice is supplied by outside contractors.

Current laboratory test results were examined and found to be too consistent to reflect natural changes in the
environment, pointing a finger of suspicion at the laboratory's Quality Assurance. A new laboratory with I.S.O.
certification was selected to carry out the new tests.

Water samples were taken by external technicians from the port's borehole, the auction hall's water taps, each and
every one of the external ice suppliers and the harbour basin.

A sample report from the laboratory is shown in Table 2-1.

In this table, the first column indicates the test parameter and the last column indicates the method used to
determine the test result (sometimes, more than one method may be used to determine residuals).

The second column indicates how the parameters are measured, the third column gives the actual test result which
may then be compared to the values in the fourth column. The values in the fourth column are national standards or
limits set by Governments and may differ from country to country. The values in the third column should not exceed
those in the fourth column.

Table 2-2 shows the recommended WHO standard limits for potable water.


Parameter Unit Test Remarks Requirement Methods

Physical & Chemical *):
 Colour Pt. Co scale 3 15 Colorimetric
 Odour Pt. Co scale negative odourless Organoleptic
 pH Pt. Co scale 6.50 6.5-8.5 Electrometric
 Taste Pt. Co scale normal tasteless Organoleptic
 Turbity FTU 1 5 Turbidity
 Aluminum mg/l below 0.20 0.2 AAS
 Copper mg/l below 0.03 1.0 AAS
 Iron Total mg/l below 0.04 0.3 AAS
 Manganese mg/l 0.06 0.1 AAS
 Sodium mg/l 96.93 200 AAS
 Zinc mg/l 0.047 5 AAS
 Chloride mg/l 140.41 250 Argentometric
 Flouride mg/l 0.09 1.5 Colorimetric
 Nitrate mg/l below 0.11 10 Colorimetric
 Nitrite mg/l 0.96 1 Colorimetric
 Sulphate mg/l below 0.94 400 Turbidimetric
 Arsenic mg/l below 0.001 0.05 AAS
 Barium mg/l below 0.10 1 AAS
 Cadmium mg/l below 0.005 0.005 AAS
 Cyanide mg/l below 0.01 0.1 Colorimetric
 Chrom Hexavalent mg/l below 0.006 0.05 Colorimetric
 Lead mg/l below 0.01 0.05 AAS
 Mercury mg/l below 0.001 0.001 AAS
 Selenium mg/l below 0.007 0.01 AAS
 Organic Matter by KMnO4 mg/l 3.06 10 Permanganantometric
 Dissolved Solid mg/l 431 1000 Gravimetric
 Hydrogen Sulphide as H2S mg/l below 0.01 0.05 Colorimetric
 Total Hardness mg CaCO3 95.49 500 AAS
 Total Bacteria per ml 6.9 x 102 1.0 x 102 Pour Plate
 Coliform per 100 ml nil nil Filtration
 E. Coli per 100 ml nil nil Filtration
 Salmonella sp per 100 ml negative negative Filtration
Standard Methods

A. Examination of the port's deep borehole test report revealed that whereas the iron and manganese levels were
over the limit, indicating vegetable matter in the acquifer, the sodium and chloride levels were low, indicating that the
pump was not overdrawing. Both the nitrate and nitrite levels were low indicating that sewage intrusion into the
borehole casing was not a problem. The total bacterial count, however, was very high, indicating that the water has
to be chlorinated to lower the count.

B. Examination of the auction hall's tap water test report (comparing them to the borehole water) indicates that the
bacterial count is slightly lower but not enough to be considered sanitary and fit for drinking. The turbidity also
dropped dramatically between borehole and tap, indicating deposition of solids inside the port's only storage tank.
The nitrate level also drops as the nitrates are further converted to nitrites indicating bacteriological activity inside the
overhead tank as well. As it turned out, chlorinating equipment was not installed.

C. Examination of the ice test reports reveals that both sodium and chlorides are over the limit indicating either
leaking cans at the ice plants (dirty brine water enters the ice water during the chilling operation) or overdrawing at
the plant's borehole. Closer examination also revealed that the nitrite levels are very high (indicating decomposed
sewage) and that coliforms were present in the ice. This pointed a finger at the borehole of one particular plant,
which in fact was found to be overdrawing water to meet an increase in demand. The presence of the coliforms also
indicated that the ice plant's own chlorinating equipment was not functioning properly.

D. A close look at the river basin water indicated heavy contamination by sewage of the water course.

The conclusions to be drawn from the above exercise are that:

a) The most likely source of contamination was the ice supplied to the fishermen, which in turn contaminated the fish
in the holds;

b) The port's own water supply and storage system was in need of an overhaul;

c) The port's river water was not to be used in any of the fish handling processes.

Table 2-3 gives the EU recommendations for harbour waters in general.

Harbour water is never suitable for use in fish handling processes destined for human consumption.



Aluminium mg Al/l 0.2
Arsenic mg As/l 0.05
Barium mg Ba/l 0.05
Berylium ug Be/l 0.2
Cadmium ug Cd/l 5.0
Calcium mg Ca/l 200.0
Chromium mg Cr/l 0.05
Copper mg Cu/l 1.0
Iron Total mg Fe/l 0.3
Lead mg Pb/l 0.01
Magnesium mg Mg/l 150.0
Manganese mg Mn/l 0.1
Mercury ug Hg/l 1.0
Selenium mg Se/l 0.01
Sodium mg Na/l 200.0
Zinc mg Zn/l 5.0
Chlorides mg Cl/l 250.0
Cyanide mg Cn/l 0.1
Fluorides mg F/l 1.5
Nitrates mg NO3/l 10.0
Nitrites mg NO2/l -
Sulphates mg SO4/l 400.0
Suphides mg H2S/l 0
TOTAL "drins" ug/l 0.03
TOTAL "ddt" ug/l 1.0
Hydrocarbons mg/l 0.1
Anionic Detergents mg/l 0
pH 9.2
Total dissolved solids mg/l 1500
Total hardness mg/l 500
Alkalinity mg/l 500
Total Bacteria Count/ml 100
Coliform Count/100ml 0
E. Coli Count/100ml 0
Salmonella Count/100ml 0
ug = microgram or ppb
mg = milligram or ppm



Mercury ug Hg/l 0.50 (D)
Cadmium ug Cd/l 5.00 (D)
Arsenic mg As/l 0.50 (G)
Chromium mg Cr/l 0.50 (G)
Copper mg Cu/l 0.50 (G)
Iron mg Fe/l 3.00 (G)
Lead mg Pb/l 0.50 (G)
Nickel mg Ni/l 0.50 (G)
Zinc mg Zn/l 50.00 (G)
Tributyltin ug/l 0.002
Triphenyltin ug/l 0.008
Aldrin ug/l 0.01
Dieldrin ug/l 0.01
Endrin ug/l 0.005
Isodrin ug/l 0.005
TOTAL "drins" ug/l 0.03
TOTAL "ddt" all 4 isomers ug/l 0.025
para-ddt ug/l 0.01
Hexachloro-cyclohexane ug/l 0.02
Carbon tetrachloride ug/l 12.0
Pentachlorophenol ug/l 2.0
Hexachlorobenzene ug/l 0.03
Hexachlorobutadiene ug/l 0.10
Chloroform ug/l 12.0
Ethylene Dichloride ug/l 10.0
Perchloroethylene ug/l 10.0
Trichlorobenzene ug/l 0.40
Trichloroethylene ug/l 10.0
Hydrocarbons ug/l 300.0 (G)
Phenols ug/l 50.0
Surfactants ug/l 300.0 (G)
Dissolved Oxygen % Saturation 80-120 (G)
pH 6-9
Sulphide mg/l 0.04 (S)
Faecal conforms per 100ml 2000
Total coliforms per 100ml 10000
Salmonella 0
Entero viruses 0
ug = microgram
G = Guideline
mg = milligram
S = Suggested
D = Dissolved

2.4 Water treatment methods

2.4.1 Primary treatment

2.4.2 Secondary treatment
2.4.3 Complete treatment

Treatment of raw water to produce water of potable quality can be expensive. It is advisable to determine the
quantity of water needing treatment, as not all water used in a fishery harbour or processing plant needs to be
of potable quality. Sizing of the equipment is crucial to produce acceptable water at reasonable cost. The main
point to remember is that separate systems and pipelines are required for potable and non-potable water to avoid
cross contamination. Each system must be clearly identified by contrasting coloured pipelines.

Water used for drinking, cleaning fish and ice-making must be free from pathogenic bacteria and may require
secondary treatment or even complete treatment depending on chemical elements that need to be removed. Water
for other needs like general cleaning may perhaps need only primary treatment.

2.4.1 Primary treatment

There are four methods of primary treatment: chlorination; ozone treatment; ultraviolet treatment; and membrane

Chlorination: Fresh or sea water can be chlorinated using either chlorine gas or hypochlorites. Chlorinated water
minimizes slime development on working surfaces and helps control odour.


The main advantages of using chlorine gas are:

 It is the most efficient method of making free chlorine available to raw water.
 It lowers the pH of the water slightly.
 Control is simple; testing simple; and it is not an expensive method.

The main disadvantages are:

 Chlorine gas is toxic and can combine with other chemicals to form combustible and explosive materials.

 Automatic control systems are expensive.

 Chlorine cylinders may not be readily available at small centres.

 Chlorine expands rapidly on heating and hence the cylinders must have fusible plugs set at 70°C. It also reacts
with water, releasing heat. Water should not therefore be sprayed on a leaking cylinder.



Chlorine gas Cl2 100.0
Monochloramine NH2Cl 138.0
Diochloramine NH4Cl2 165.0
Hypochlorous Acid HOCl 135.4
Calcium hypochlorite Ca(OCl2) 99.2

Hypochlorites are generally available in two forms - sodium hypochlorite solution normally available at 10%
concentration and calcium hypochlorite available as a powder.

The main disadvantages of using hypochlorites are:

 Calcium hypochlorite is not stable and must be stored in air-tight drums.

 Sodium hypochlorite is quite corrosive and cannot be stored in metal containers
 Sodium hypochlorite must be stored in light proof containers.
 It is difficult to control the rate of addition of hypochlorites in proportion to water flow.
 Hypochlorites raise the pH in water.
 They are more expensive than chlorine gas.

It is important to understand the manner in which chlorine or chlorine-releasing substances behave when added to
water, depending on other substances present.
 When water contains reducing substances like ferrous salts or hydrogen sulphide, these will reduce part of the
added chlorine to chloride ions.

 When water contains ammonia, organic matter, bacteria and other substances capable of reacting with chlorine,
the level of free chlorine will be reduced.

 If the quantity of chlorine added is sufficiently large to ensure that it is not all reduced or combined, a portion of it
will remain free in the water. This is termed as residual free chlorine or free chlorine.

When chlorine reacts chemically as in the first two cases, it loses its oxidising power and consequently its
disinfecting properties. Some ammoniacal chlorides however still retain some disinfecting properties. Chlorine
present in this form is termed residual combined chlorine or combined chlorine.

From the standpoint of disinfection, the most important form is free chlorine. Routine analysis always aims at
determining at least the free chlorine level.

Ozone treatment: Though the principle is relatively simple, this method needs special equipment, supply of pure
oxygen and trained operators. Ozone is generated by passing pure oxygen through an ozone generator. It is then
bubbled through a gas diffuser at the bottom of an absorption column, in a direction opposite to the flow of raw water.
Retention or contact time is critical and the size of the absorption column depends on the water flow.


The main advantages of ozone treatment are:

 Ozone is a much more powerful germicide than chlorine especially for faecal bacteria.
 It reduces turbidity of water by breaking down organic constituents.
 The process is easily controlled.

The disadvantages are:

 Pure oxygen may not be readily available locally.

 Ozonized water is corrosive to metal piping.
 Ozone decomposes rapidly into oxygen.
 Water has to be aerated prior to use to remove the ozone.
Ultraviolet irradiation treatment: This method is often used to treat drinking water. Successful commercial
installations have been made to purify sea water in large fish processing plants.


The main advantages of U-V treatment are:

 U-V rays in the range of 2500-2600 Angstrom units are lethal to all types of bacteria.
 There is no organoleptic, chemical or physical change to the water quality.
 Overexposure does not have any ill effects.

The main disadvantages are:

 Electricity supply should be reliable.

 Turbidity reduces efficiency.
 Water may require prior treatment like filtration.
 The unit requires regular inspection and maintenance.
 Thickness of the water film should not exceed 7.5 cm.

Membrane filtration: Osmotic membrane treatment methods are generally expensive for commercial scale
installations. Combinations of membrane treatment with U-V treatment units are available for domestic use.

2.4.2 Secondary treatment

Secondary treatment of water consists of sedimentation and filtration followed by chlorination. Sedimentation can be
carried out by holding the raw water in ponds or tanks. The four basic types of filtration are cartridge filtration, rapid
sand filtration, multimedia sand filtration, and up-flow filtration.

Cartridge filtration: This system is designed to handle waters of low turbidity and will remove solids in the 5 to 100
micron range.

The main advantages are:

 Low cost and 'in-line' installation.
 Change of cartridge is simple.
 Operation is fool-proof. Once the cartridge is clogged, flow simply stops.

The main disadvantages are:

 Sudden increase in turbidity overloads the system.

 Cartridges may not be readily available and large stocks may be required.

Rapid sand filtration: This system consists of a layer of gravel with layers of sand of decreasing coarseness above
the gravel. As solids build up on top, flow decreases until it stops. This is corrected by back-flushing the system to
remove the solid build up on top, Figure 12.

The main advantages are:

 Cost of filtration media is negligible.

 Operation is simple.

The main disadvantages are:

 A holding tank for filtered water is required to provide clear water back flushing.
 Pumping loads increase as sediments build up.



Multimedia sand filtration: This system is similar to the rapid sand filtration method.


Up-flow filtration: Filtration can be at atmospheric pressure or by using a pressurised system, Figures 15a and 15b.

The main advantages are:

 High flow rates are easily attained.

 Water with turbidity up to 1500 ppm can be handled.
 Degree of filtration can be easily adjusted.
 The filter bed can be easily cleaned using the filtered water.



The main disadvantage is:

 Close supervision is necessary to ensure that the filter bed does not rupture.

2.4.3 Complete treatment

Complete treatment consists of flocculation, coagulation, sedimentation and filtration followed by disinfection.
Flocculation and coagulation will assist in removing contaminants in the water, causing turbidity, colour odour and
taste which cannot be removed by sedimentation alone. This can be achieved by the addition of lime to make the
water slightly alkaline, followed by the addition of coagulants like Alum (aluminium sulphate), ferric sulphate or ferric
chloride. The resultant precipitate can be removed by sedimentation and filtration.

Chemical treatment may be required to reduce excessive levels of iron, manganese, chalk, and organic matter. Such
treatment is usually followed by clarification. Iron may be removed by aeration or chlorination to produce a flocculant
which can be removed by filtration. Manganese may be removed by aeration followed by adjustment of pH and up-
flow filtration. Most colours can be removed by treatment with ferric sulphate to precipitate the colours.

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