Bangladesh University of Professionals Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals Faculty of Business Studies
Course Mapping:
Md. Mominul Hoq
Lecturer (Finance)
Room No # 412
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to give the students a glimpse of the financial management process highlighting the principles and procedures encompassed
by financial practices. After successful completion of this course a students would be able to harness the followings:
An introductory idea of the financial context and the players in its encompassments,
Breakdown & scrutiny of financial statements,
Basic concepts of time values of money, risk & return, bond & stock valuation,
How to budget a firm’s capital by means of tools like NPV & IRR.
How to Structure a company’s capital with the help of leverage and cost of capital concept.
How to Manage accounts payables / receivables, short-term loans, usage of collaterals against short-term loans.
Suggested texts:
1. Ross S.A., Westerfield R.W., and Jaffe, J.F., “Corporate Finance”, McGraw-Hill
2. Fundamentals of Financial Management, J. Van Horne & John M Wachowicz
3. Gitman, Lawrence J., Roger Juchau, and Jack Flanagan. Principles of managerial finance. Pearson Higher Education AU, 2010.
4. CFA Level 1 Schweser Notes Package- Financial Reporting and Analysis - Kaplan Schweser
5. Reilly, Frank, and Keith Brown. Investment analysis and portfolio management. Cengage Learning, 2011.
6. Brigham F. Eugene, and Besley S., “Essentials of Managerial Finance”, Harcourt College Publishers. Block S.B., and Hirt G.A.,
“Foundations of Financial Management”, Irwin McGraw-Hill
7. Pandey, I. M. Essentials Of Financial Management, 1E. Vikas publishing house PVT ltd, 2009
8. Articles will be provided time to time.
Points to be noted:
Text Book: Since this course depends heavily on text materials of different authors, students are advised to carry text book of respective
authors as suggested in the outline, calculator and study materials from the second class of this course.
Exam Policy: There will be two Mid-terms. Students will also face 4-5 quizzes / class tests in between the semester final & Mid-term.
Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. All the quizzes / class tests will be counted and averaged. Students should anticipate
unannounced quiz after the completion of every chapter.
Exam Makeup: If a student misses a quiz, there will be no makeup for that.
Class Makeup: If a class is missed due to unavoidable situation, makeup class would be held after consulting BBA program coordinator.
Other points: Students are expected to come to class having completed an initial pre-reading of the text book materials and are expected
to be actively engaged in class discussion and problem solving of the in-class problem materials.
All students are required to keep a copy of their assignment item. Where this is not possible students should, at least, keep rough notes used
in the preparation of the assignment.
Submission of dishonest assignments/ term paper is strictly prohibited and subject to deduction of marks.
"Dishonest assignment" includes:
deliberate copying or attempting to copy the work of other students;
use of or attempting to use information prohibited from use in that form of assessment;
submitting the work of another as your own;
plagiarism (i.e. taking and using as your own, the thoughts and writings of another with the intent to claim the work as your own);
Any student found knowingly to have helped another student to produce an assignment dishonestly will incur the same penalty awarded to
that student.
Full and detailed acknowledgment (e.g. notation, and/or bibliography) must be provided if contributions are drawn from the literature in
preparation of reports and assignments.
The responsibility for submitting assignment items by the due date rests with the student. Any assignment received after the appropriate
due date will be considered "late" and will be penalized by the deduction of marks.
All the mobile phones must be in a silent mode and no one can receive phone calls during the class
Course Mapping:
The Cost of Understand the key assumptions that underlie cost of capital, the 2 Understanding Ross S.A., Westerfield
R.W., and Jaffe, J.F.,
Capital basic concept of cost of capital, and the specific sources of capital of cost of
“Corporate Finance”,
that it includes. Determine the cost of long-term debt and the cost different McGraw-Hill
of preferred stock. Calculate the cost of common stock equity and sources of fund.
convert it into the cost of retained earnings and the cost of new
issues of common stock.
Leverage & Discuss the role of breakeven analysis, the operating breakeven 3 Bangladeshi Brigham F. Eugene, and
Capital point, and the effect of changing costs on it. Understand operating, firm scenario on Besley S., “Essentials of
Structure financial, and total lever-age and the relationships among them. Leverage Managerial Finance”,
Describe the types of capital, external assessment of capital Capital Harcourt College
structure, the capital structure of non-U.S. firms, and capital structure Publishers. Block S.B.,
structure theory. Explain the optimal capital structure using a and Hirt G.A.,
graphical view of the firm’s cost-of-capital functions and a zero- “Foundations of
growth valuation model. Discuss the EBIT–EPS approach to Financial Management”,
capital structure. Review the return and risk of alternative capital Irwin McGraw-Hill
structures, their linkage to market value, and other important
considerations related to capital structure.
Current Review the key components of a firm’s credit terms and the 3 Pandey, I. M. Essentials
Liabilities procedures for analyzing them. Understand the effects of Of Financial
Management stretching accounts payable on their cost, and the use of accruals. Management, 1E. Vikas
Describe the interest rates and basic types of unsecured bank publishing house PVT
sources of short-term loans. Discuss the basic features of ltd, 2009.
commercial paper and the key aspects of international short-term
loans. Explain the characteristics of secured short-term loans and
the use of accounts receivable as short-term-loan collateral.
Describe the various ways in which inventory can be used as short-
term-loan collateral.
Good Luck