FIN 3000 Principles of Finance: Credits: 3
FIN 3000 Principles of Finance: Credits: 3
FIN 3000 Principles of Finance: Credits: 3
FIN 3000
Principles of Finance
This course provides students with a rigorous introduction to the
fundamental principles of finance. The primary concepts covered
include the time value of money, principles of valuation and risk, and
the nature and characteristics of domestic and international financial
securities and markets. Specific applications include the valuation of
Course Description
debt and equity securities and capital budgeting analysis.
Prerequisite: ECO 1001, ECO 1002, STA 2000, and ACC 2101
Credits: 3
Classroom: VC 10-180
Office: VC 10-285
Phone: 646-312-3480
Assurance of Learning
Analytical Skills Students will possess the analytical and critical thinking skills to
evaluate issues faced in business and professional careers.
Technological Skills Students will possess the necessary technological skills to analyze
problems, develop solutions and convey information.
Communication Skills: Students will have the necessary oral communication skills to convey
Oral ideas and information effectively and persuasively.
Communication Skills: Students will have the necessary written communication skills to
Written convey ideas and information effectively and persuasively.
Civic Awareness and Students will have the knowledge base and analytical skill to guide
Ethical Decision- them when faced with ethical dilemmas in business. Students will have
making an awareness of political, civic and public policy issues affecting
Global Awareness Students will know how differences in perspectives and cultures affect
business practices around the world.
Proficiency in a Single Students will possess a deep understanding of and intellectual
Discipline competence in at least one business discipline.
Required Materials
Text Book (Baruch College) Principles Finance FIN 3000 Selected Chapters
Connect 1st edition. The book is available at:
The bookstore also carries the custom edition. This edition is around $80
after tax. You do not need the “fancy” $180 complete version.
The book contains an activation code to Connect, the online tool that we
will be using throughout the semester. The register link for this class is:
Registration will be open on Jan 6, 2018. Copy and paste this address to
your web browser. You should see a large “Welcome” sign on the left.
On the right, there should be (from top to bottom) book name, instructor
(make sure it is me, Xiaoyu Zhu), book image and information
(remember this book looks a little different than the one you will
purchase). Then you should see “Enter your email to join this class:”.
Simply input your email address (Baruch email accounts are preferred)
and hit “BEGIN” to proceed to the create account step. Please create the
account based on your true information (I need this information to upload
your grade on Blackboard). Without the activation code, you can use this
website for a short period of time. After you have received the text book,
you can input the activation code and you will have access to this course
for the whole semester.
Calculator A financial calculator is necessary for this class. We will have
quantitative financial questions that require the use of a financial
calculator. Texas Instruments BA II Plus is the best choice (You do not
need to buy the professional version). I will show you how to use this
calculator in class. You MUST bring your own financial calculator to
exams. If you are not willing to purchase a financial calculator or you
forget it on an exam day, remember that the calculators are available to
borrow from the library. I will not lend you a calculator on an exam
Baruch College Section: NFA
The City University of New York Principles of Finance
Grading Policies
Homework 10%
Excel Project 5%
Attendance 5%
Midterm 1 25%
Midterm 2 25%
Final Exam 30%
Total 100%
Grading Criteria
Grades Grades Percentage GPA
A 93% – 100% 4.00
A- 90% – 92.9% 3.67
B+ 87.1% – 89.9% 3.33
B 83% – 87% 3.00
B- 80% – 82.9% 2.67
C+ 77.1% – 79.9% 2.33
C 73% – 77% 2.00
C- 70% – 72.9% 1.67
D+ 67.1% – 69.9% 1.33
D 60% – 67% 1.00
F 59.9% and below 0.00
Baruch College Section: NFA
The City University of New York Principles of Finance
Chapters Covered
Chapter 1 Goals and Governance of the Corporation
Chapter 2 Financial Markets and Institutions
Chapter 3 Accounting and Finance
Chapter 4 Measuring Corporate Performance
Chapter 5 The Time Value of Money
Chapter 6 Valuing Bonds
Chapter 7 Valuing Stocks
Chapter 11 Introduction to Risk, Return, and the Opportunity Cost of Capital
Chapter 12 Risk, Return and Capital Budgeting
Academic Integrity
The Department of Economics and Finance fully supports Baruch College's policy on Academic
Honesty, which states, in part:
Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery,
plagiarism and collusion in dishonest acts undermine the college's educational mission
and the students' personal and intellectual growth. Baruch students are expected to bear
individual responsibility for their work and to uphold the ideal of academic integrity.
Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic process will be
Additional information can be found here.
Any infringement of this rule will be treated as a serious violation of Academic Integrity. Any
suspected academic dishonesty in this regard will result in a grade of F on the exams and most
likely an F in the course as well. Students should also understand that a report of suspected
academic dishonesty will be sent to the Dean of Students’ office and becomes a permanent part
of the student’s file.
The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities exists to provide reasonable
accommodations to students with disabilities to ensure they have equal access to the
college’s programs and services. Through student intake, faculty consultation, and
outreach to the community, students can develop interpersonal, social, vocational and
emotional growth.
Students who feel that they may need a reasonable accommodation based on a disability should
contact the staff at the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities, Newman Vertical
Campus, Room 2-271, or by phone at (646) 312-4590. More information is available on their
website here.
Baruch College Section: NFA
The City University of New York Principles of Finance
Analytical Skills
Technological Skills
Global Awareness
Assignment Mapping
Assignments Course Learning Goals BBA Learning Goals
The Excel Project consists of 4 projects to be completed via the SAM online platform.
These projects are intended to improve your Excel skills and familiarize you with
business spreadsheet applications.
The last submission date for ALL projects is May 6th, 2019. No extension will be
given after May 6th, 2019.
Grading Rules. Successful completion of the 4 projects will constitute 5% of your final
FIN 3000 grade. The projects are self-graded and you’ll have 3 trials to complete each
one of them. Assignments submitted with scores of 80% and above will receive full
credit for the assignment (i.e. 100/100 points). On-time assignments that score less than
80% will receive the exact credit earned (i.e. a score of 75% on an assignment submitted
on time will be recorded as 75/100 points). Late submissions are now allowed; students
will lose 1 point per day that the assignment is late. Also, late assignments will receive
the exact credit earned if the adjusted total falls below 80% (e.g. a late assignment with a
score of 84% and 5 days late will be recorded as [79=84-5]/100 points).
Please note: Windows Excel 2016 is the best version to work on all the SAM
assignments as we are using SAM 2016, which was developed around Windows Excel
2016. You can choose to use Mac or other Windows Excel versions, but we will not be
responsible for the possible grading errors that are caused by using versions other than
Windows Excel 2016. You can find Windows Excel 2016 on all PCs in Baruch students
Due dates. Late Submissions are allowed, with points deducted accordingly as
explained in Grading Rules. The last submission date for ALL projects is May 6th,
2019. No extension will be given after May 6th, 2019.
1. Go to
2. Enter your username and password, and then click “Log In”. (If you have forgotten
your password, click “Forgot your password?” and enter your username. You will be
asked to answer your secret security question and a reset password link will be sent to
your email address).
1. Join a Section. If not already enrolled in a section, click the “Sections” tab at the top
of the screen. Click “Join a Section”, and locate your section (FIN 3000) and term
(Spring 2019), then click the blue arrow icon in the “Join Section” column on the
right. You MUST join the section to see your assignments.
2. Access your Assignments. Click on Activity List on the top navigation bar to retrieve
the assignments (“Projects”) scheduled for your section. You can access the Excel
Tutorials (“Training”) for help in completing the assignments. You also have access to
21 voluntary projects with no deadlines. (“Projects”).
3. You must have the latest Flash Player installed to see assignments. If necessary, go
here to download and install:
Baruch College Section: NFA
The City University of New York Principles of Finance
4. You must have pop-up windows ENABLED for the SAM site in order to see your
Viewing the SAM tutorials before doing the projects increases your chances of a
successful and quicker project completion. Completing the voluntary projects will
significantly improve your Excel skills which are invaluable both in your future
academic and professional career.
Academic Integrity. SAM detects files shared with other students and generates a report
for the instructors with the names of plagiarizing students and all parties involved. Students
caught cheating will be reported to the Office of the Dean of Students for disciplinary
Troubleshooting. Several resources are available to you should you encounter any
Blackboard. As a student enrolled in this class, you also have an access to the
Excel Project’s dedicated Blackboard Spring 2019 Excel Module for FIN 3000
(Baruch). This website contains additional materials and links that will help you
navigate the SAM website and complete your projects. We will also post the
answers to students’ questions there and remind you about the assignment
SAM Help Desk. Students with questions about SAM can access the help desk
either of two ways: through Blackboard (content: "Excelhelp") or at The help desk is supported by PhD
students familiar with SAM and the SAM projects. Emails will be answered daily,
Monday-Friday. If many inquiries arise about a common issue, then responses will
be posted on Blackboard.
Technical Support. For any problems accessing or using SAM contact Technical
Support at:
Phone: 1-800-354-9706 (Mon-Thurs, 8:30am to 9:00pm EST & Friday, 8:30am to
6:00pm EST) or Chat (24/7) or E-mail (24/7):
Excel tutors. Student Academic Consulting Center (SACC) will provide tutors
who are trained in your assigned SAM projects and can help you learn how to use
Excel. To schedule an appointment, visit To
sign up for a tutoring session, enter your SACC login information if you have
already created an account otherwise follow the step to register with SACC. Select
the SAM Software Projects Tutoring.
Walk-in workshops. The SACC tutoring center will offer workshops on using
Excel with SAM the week BEFORE every project is due. We will send reminders
as to the date, time and place of each workshop via Blackboard. To sign up for a
Baruch College Section: NFA
The City University of New York Principles of Finance
workshop, go to Enter your SACC login
information if you have already created an account; otherwise follow the steps to
register with SACC. Select the SAM Software Projects Workshop from the drop-
down list and choose the session that you would like to sign up for from the
Internet browsers. It is recommended that you use Chrome, Safari or Firefox with
SAM. Avoid Internet Explorer.
65 portfolio N stocks
66 risk premium given R and Rf
market risk
67 premium given Rm and Rf
68 R capm
69 risk premium capm - given , Rm, Rf
70 capm - given R, Rm, Rf
71 Rm capm - given R, , Rf
72 Rf capm - given R, , Rm
73 questions TVM
74 questions stocks
75 questions bonds
conceptual risk and return, including but not limited to: expected return, required
76 questions return, types of risk, diversification, portfolio risk and return, etc.