3 Rayo VS Cfi
3 Rayo VS Cfi
3 Rayo VS Cfi
FACTS: On October 26, 1978, typhoon “Kading” struck Bulacan. Due to this,
the National Power Corporation (NPC), through its plant superintendent
Benjamin Chavez, simultaneously opened 3 floodgates of Angat Dam.
The opening of the floodgates caused several towns to be inundated (the town
of Norzagaray was the most affected one). It resulted to a hundred deaths and
damage to properties that were worth over a million pesos.
Petitioners (victims) filed a complaint for damages against NPC, including plant
superintendent Benjamin Chavez.
Petitioners oppose the defense, contending that the NPC is not performing
governmental but merely proprietary functions and that under its own organic
act, Section 3 (d) of Republic Act No. 6395, it can sue and be sued in any court.
CFI dropped the NPC from the complaint and left Chavez as the sole
CFI RULING: Upon a motion for reconsideration, the CFI ruled that petitioners’
reliance on Sec. 3 of RA 6395 is not tenable since the same refer to such
matters that are only within the scope of the other corporate powers of said
defendant and not matters of tort as in the instant cases.