Certiorari Sample
Certiorari Sample
Certiorari Sample
H OASAN "#$%i%ion$r&'
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION "r$s#ond$n%&' *UAN DE LA CRUZ' $% al+ "#riva%$ r$s#ond$n%s&' X((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((X PETITION FOR CERTIORARI COMES NO ' #$%i%ion$r XYZ Cor#ora%ion d)l, r$#r$s$n%$d -, A%%,+ Ral#. *arvis Alindo/an %.ro)/. %.$ )nd$rsi/n$d 0o)ns$l in %.$ a-ov$($n%i%l$d 0as$' )n%o %.is Honora-l$ Co)r%' 1os% r$s#$0%2)ll, s%a%$s and all$/$s3 I+ NATURE OF THE PETITION 4+ T.is is a #$%i%ion 2or C$r%iorari )nd$r R)l$ 56 o2 %.$ 4778 R)l$s o2 Civil Pro0$d)r$ assailin/ %.$ r$sol)%ion o2 %.$ Na%ional La-or R$la%ions Co11ission "NLRC 2or -r$vi%,& S$0ond Division da%$d F$-r)ar, 43' 9:4; "<.i0. is r$2$rr$d as Ann$= >A? .$r$o2& #$r%ainin/ %o %.$ d$ni$d Mo%ion 2or R$0onsid$ra%ion o2 i%s #r$vio)s d$0ision@ 9+ T.a% #$%i%ion$r <as a-l$ %o %i1$l, 2il$ %.$ Mo%ion For R$0onsid$ra%ion o2 s)0. r$sol)%ion o2 %.$ Na%ional La-or R$la%ions Co11ission+ Un2or%)na%$l,' %.$ NLRC d$ni$d said 1o%ion on i%s r$sol)%ion da%$d F$-r)ar, 9:' 9:4;@
3+ T.a% #$%i%ion$r is no< assailin/ %.$ #ro#ri$%, o2 %.$ NLRC d$0ision in dis1issin/ %.$ 1o%ion and .$r$-, rais$ #)r$ A)$s%ions o2 la<' 0onsid$rin/ %.a% %.$r$ is no #lain' s#$$d, and ad$A)a%$ r$1$d, availa-l$ in %.$ ordinar, 0o)rs$ o2 la<( .$n0$' %.is #$%i%ion@ II+ TIMELINESS OF THE FILIN! OF THE PETITION 4+ T.a% #$%i%ion$r %.ro)/. i%s #r$sid$n% .ad r$0$iv$d via .is s$0r$%ar, %.$ assail$d NLRC d$0ision d$n,in/ %.$ 1o%ion 2or r$0onsid$ra%ion on F$-r)ar, 98' 9:4;+ T.is #$%i%ion is %i1$l, 2il$d -$0a)s$ i% is s%ill <i%.in %.$ %i1$ 2ra1$ allo<$d -, la<+ III+ ATTACHMENTS 4+ Ann$= >A? ( D$0ision o2 NLRC da%$d F$-r)ar, 43' 9:4;+ 9+ Ann$= >B? ( D$ni$d Mo%ion 2or R$0onsid$ra%ion -, NLRC da%$d F$-r)ar, 9:' 9:4;+ IB+ THE PARTIES 4+ T.a% #$%i%ion$r is a 0or#ora%ion d)l, or/aniC$d and r$/is%$r$d )nd$r %.$ la<s o2 %.$ P.ili##in$s' r$#r$s$n%$d -, i%Ds Pr$sid$n%' ENDELL LEI!H OASAN' o2 l$/al a/$' Fili#ino' sin/l$' <i%. an o22i0$ addr$ss a% E3;' 6%. S%+ Boni2a0io !lo-al Ci%, Ta/)i/ M$%ro Manila' <.$r$ s.$ 1a, -$ s$rv$d %.$ s)11ons and o%.$r #ro0$ss$s o2 %.is Honora-l$ Co)r%@ 9+ T.a% r$s#ond$n% NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION "NLRC& is a A)asi(F)di0ial -od, %asG$d %o #ro1o%$ and 1ain%ain ind)s%rial #$a0$ -, r$solvin/ la-or and 1ana/$1$n% dis#)%$s involvin/ -o%. lo0al and ov$rs$as <orG$rs %.ro)/. 0o1#)lsor, ar-i%ra%ion and al%$rna%iv$ 1od$s o2 dis#)%$ r$sol)%ion+ I% is a%%a0.$d %o %.$ D$#ar%1$n% o2 La-or and E1#lo,1$n% 2or #ro/ra1 and #oli0, 0oordina%ion <i%. d)%i$s and r$s#onsi-ili%i$s #)rs)an% %o la< d)l, r$#r$s$n%$d -, i%s CHAIRMAN
MARH PAUL LOMOD' o2 l$/al a/$' Fili#ino <i%. #os%al addr$ss a% NLRC OFFICE' I)$Con Ci%,' <.$r$ .$ 1a, -$ s$rv$d %.$ s)11ons and o%.$r #ro0$ss$s o2 %.is Honora-l$ Co)r%+ B+ STATEMENT OF MATTERS AND FACTS INBOLBED IN THE CASE 4+ In 9:43' %.$ D$2$ndan%' *)an D$ La Cr)C' Foin$d %.$ rall, o2 %.$ <orG$rs a/ains% %.$ 1ana/$1$n%+ D)$ %o %.is 0.ar/$' %.$, <$r$ s)11aril, dis1iss$d -, %.$ 0o1#an,+ *)an D$ La Cr)C 2il$d a 0o1#lain% 2or ill$/al dis1issal %o %.$ La-or Ar-i%$r+ H$ all$/$d %.a% .$ <as no% a22ord$d d)$ #ro0$ss -$0a)s$ .$ <as no% /iv$n an, no%i0$ in viola%ion o2 %.$ %<o(no%i0$ r)l$ -, %.$ La-or Cod$ and 1ana/$1$n% s.o)ld #a, .i1 a1o)n% $A)ival$n% %o %.$ n)1-$r o2 ,$ars %.a% .$ <orG$d 2or %.$ 0o1#an, <.i0. is %$n ,$ars@ 9+ T.$ La-or Ar-i%$r r)l$d in 2avor o2 %.$ *)an d$ La Cr)C' $% al+ T.$ dis#osi%iv$ #or%ion o2 <.i0. r$ads as 2ollo<s3
HEREFORE' F)d/1$n% is r$nd$r$d in 2avor o2 *)an D$ la Cr)C+ XYZ Cor#ora%ion is .$r$-, ord$r$d %o r$ins%a%$ *)an D$ la Cr)C <i%. 2)ll -a0G<a/$s+ Cos%s ord$r$d a/ains% %.$ r$s#ond$n% XYZ+
3+ T.a% XYZ Cor#ora%ion a##$al$d %o NLRC -)% %.$ la%%$r s)s%ain$d %.$ d$0ision o2 %.$ La-or Ar-i%$r+ T.$ dis#osi%iv$ #or%ion o2 <.i0. r$ads as 2ollo<s3 HEREFORE' %.$ d$0ision o2 %.$ La-or Ar-i%$r is a22ir1$d <i%.o)% 1odi2i0a%ions+
;+ T.a% a %i1$l, Mo%ion 2or R$0onsid$ra%ion <as 2il$d -$2or$ %.$ NLRC -)% <as d$ni$d+
BI+ REASONSJAR!UMENTS RELIED ON FOR THE INSTANT PETITION 4+ T.$ NLRC $rr$d and /rav$l, a-)s$d i%s dis0r$%ion in a 0a#ri0io)s' <.i1si0al ar-i%rar, or d$s#o%i0 1ann$r in %.$ $=$r0is$ o2 %.$ir F)risdi0%ion $A)ival$n% %o la0G o2 F)risdi0%ion 2or XYZ Cor#ora%ion validl, 0arri$d o)% i%s r$%r$n0.1$n% #ro/ra1' <.i0. $22$0%iv$l, s$v$r$d %.$ 0on0$rn$d $1#lo,$$sD $1#lo,1$n% <i%. %.$ 0o1#an,+ For la0G o2 2a0%)al and l$/al -asis' %.$ NLRC s%r)0G do<n i%s d$0ision a/ains% %.$ Cor#ora%ion+ 9+ T.$ NLRC a0%$d <i%. or in $=0$ss o2 i%s F)risdi0%ion <.$n %.$, ov$rs%$##$d %.$ir a)%.ori%, in no% a##r$0ia%in/ %.$ /ro)nd r$li$d )#on in %.$ ar/)1$n%s o2 %.$ #$%i%ion and %.$ Mo%ion For R$0onsid$ra%ion o2 XYZ Cor#ora%ion+
PRAYER HEREFORE' #r$1is$s 0onsid$r$d' #$%i%ion$r r$s#$0%2)ll, #ra,s %.a% an ord$r -$ iss)$d r$v$rsin/ %.$ NLRC d$0ision d$n,in/ %.$ Mo%ion 2or R$0onsid$ra%ion o2 XYZ Cor#+ R$s#$0%2)ll, s)-1i%%$d %.is 43%. da, o2 Mar0.' 9:4; a% Manila Ci%,' P.ili##in$s+ ATTY+ *ARBIS ALINDO!AN Co)ns$l 2or P$%i%ion$r PTR no+ 46398;7(4(6(:7 IBP No+ :;875 "li2$%i1$& ROA No+ ;5863 MCLE Co1#lian0$ No+II(:::54;4 P)roG Da.lia' Lo<$r Ta<a, I#il' Za1-oan/a Si-)/a,
E X P LANAT I O N " P)rs)an% %o S$0%ion 44' R)l$ 43 o2 %.$ 4778 R)l$ o2 %.$ Civil Pro0$d)r$&
T.$ 2or$/oin/ #l$adin/ is -$in/ s$rv$d %.ro)/. r$/is%$r$d 1ail $=0$#% 2or %.$ 2ilin/ o2 %.$ #$%i%ion -$0a)s$ #$rsonal d$liv$r, is i1#ra0%i0al d)$ %o dis%an0$+
Co#, 2)rnis.$d3 !ERARDO NO!RALES C.air1an Na%ional La-or R$la%ions Co11ission I)$Con Ci%,' M$%ro Manila
T.$ Soli0i%or !$n$ral O22i0$ o2 %.$ Soli0i%or !$n$ral 43; A1orsolo S%+' L$/as#i Billa/$ MaGa%i Ci%,
addr$ss a% E3;' 6%. S%+ Boni2a0io !lo-al Ci%, Ta/)i/' MM' P.ili##in$s a2%$r .avin/ -$$n d)l, s<orn %o an oa%. in a00ordan0$ <i%. la<' .$r$-, d$#os$ and sa,3 T.a% I a1 %.$ Pr$sid$n% o2 XYZ Cor#+ <i%. o22i0$ addr$ss a% E3;' 6%. S%+ Boni2a0io !lo-al Ci%, Ta/)i/ MMla' P.ili##in$s@ T.a% I .av$ -$$n %asG$d and a)%.oriC$d -, XYZ Cor#+ %.ro)/. i%s Board R$sol)%ion %o 0a)s$d %o #r$#ar$ and 2il$ %.$ #$%i%ion 2or 0$r%iorari -$2or$ %.$ Co)r% o2 A##$als %.$ assail$d r$sol)%ion o2 %.$ NLRC@ T.a% in 0o1#lian0$ %.$r$o2' I #r$#ar$d andJor 0a)s$d %.$ 2or$/oin/ #$%i%ion@ I .av$ r$ad i%Ds 0on%$n%s and %.$ sa1$ ar$ %r)$ and 0orr$0% -as$d on 1, #$rsonal Gno<l$d/$ and o2 %.$ a)%.$n%i0 r$0ords@ T.a% I .$r$-, 0$r%i2, %.a% %.$r$ is no o%.$r a0%ion or #ro0$$din/ involvin/ %.$ sa1$ s)-F$0% 1a%%$r' iss)$s' and #ar%i$s #$ndin/ in an, o%.$r 0o)r% or %ri-)nal@ and in 0as$' i2 I l$arn$d o2 an, a0%ion or #ro0$$din/ involvin/ %.$ sa1$ s)-F$0% 1a%%$r' iss)$s and #ar%i$s #$ndin/ in an, o%.$r 0o)r% or %ri-)nal' I .$r$-, )nd$r%aG$ %o r$#or% %.$ sa1$ %o %.is Honora-l$ Co)r% <i%.in Fiv$ "6& da,s 2ro1 da%$ o2 Gno<l$d/$ %.$r$o2@
IN ITNESS HEREOF' I .$r$)n%o a22i=$d 1, si/na%)r$ %.is 43%. da, o2 Mar0.' 9:4; a% Manila' P.ili##in$s+
SUBSCRIBED AND S ORN %o -$2or$ 1$ %.is 43%. da, o2 Mar0.' 9:4; a% Manila Ci%,' P.ili##in$s+
Doc No. 678; Page No. 67; Book No. 8; Series of 2014.
I, GERALDINE DEL MUNDO, Filipino, of legal age, and with office address at xyz corporation Building located at E3;' 6%. S%+ Boni2a0io !lo-al Ci%, Ta/)i/ MMla' P.ili##in$s' a2%$r .avin/ d)l, s<orn in a00ordan0$ <i%. la<' .$r$-, 0$r%i2, %.a%3 I am familiar with the facts herein certified and duly authorized to certify the same; At the meeting of Board of Directors of the Corporation duly held and convened on February 21, 2014 at which meeting a quorum was present and acted throughout, the following resolution was approved, and the same has not been annulled, revoked and amended in any way whatsoever and the same is in full force and effect on the date hereof: RESOLVED, That XYZ Corporation authorize as it hereby authorizes Mr. RALPH JARVIS ALINDOGAN to be its true and lawful attorney-in-fact to cause the filing of a PETITION FOR CERTIORARI before the Court of Appeals to declare that the honorable tribunal of the National Labor Relations Commission has gravely abused its discretion amount to lack or excess of jurisdiction. FINALLY RESOLVED, that said RALPH JARVIS ALINDOGAN be authorized and empowered to sign and deliver any and all verification, certification, or agreement, or file any and all pleadings as are relevant to accomplish the purpose of her appointment.
WITNESS THE SIGNATURE of the undersigned as such officer of the Corporation this 13th day of March, 2014 in Manila.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 13th day of March, 2014, affiant exhibited to me her Drivers License issued on October 8, 2013, at LTO Manila.
ATTY. CARLO DY COMMISSION SERIAL NO. 6790 Until December 31, 2014 Roll of Attorney: 9423367 IBP No. 45678, September 2003, Manila PTR No. 34566, November 2004,Manila
Doc. No. 8273; Page No. 89; Book No. 8; Series of 2014.