Theology - Faith (Pananampalataya)
Theology - Faith (Pananampalataya)
Theology - Faith (Pananampalataya)
c. Thus faith and reason are both indispensable partners in the task
of doing theology, interacting in creative tension towards the
truth that is God:
“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human
spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed
in the human heart a desire to know the truth – in a word to
know himself or herself – so that, by knowing and loving God,
men and women may also come to a fullness of truth about
themselves.” - Pope John Paul II, Fides et Ratio 1
Experience is defined as the encounter between man and reality.
Experience with Reflection = Meaningful
Types of Experience:
a. Ordinary
b. Religious
Religious Experience – Faith + Transcendence
Transcendence – to go beyond
AHA/Eureka Experience
AHA Experience – the life changing experience.
William James
4 Characteristics of Religious/Mytical Experiences:
1. Passivity – A strong sense of being taken over.
2. Ineffibility – The experience cannot be adequately put into words.
3. Noetic – Experience reveal insights that are began human reason and
4. Transient – Experience don’t last long and are imperfectly
Tradition – A way of thinking, behaving or doing something that has been
used by people un a particular group, family, society and etc. for a long
2 Poles of Theology
1. Judeo Christian Tradition
2. Human Experience
Passover – the name given to the chief of the three great historical annual
festivals of the Jews. It was kept in remembrance of the Lord's passing
over the houses of the Israelites ( Exodus 12:13 ) when the first born of all
the Egyptians were destroyed. It is called also the "feast of unleavened
bread" ( Exodus 23:15 ; Mark 14:1 ; Acts 12:3 ), because during its
celebration no leavened bread was to be eaten or even kept in the
household ( Exodus 12:15 ). The word afterwards came to denote the lamb
that was slain at the feast ( Mark 14:12-14 ; 1 Corinthians 5:7 ).
The last supper - also known as the Passover meal is the final meal that,