Chapter 1 of Research
Chapter 1 of Research
Chapter 1 of Research
Climat R., Xhaferi R. & Devlieghere F., 2014). There were many
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enters the food and the customer eats it (FDA,ND). In the US,
The economic costs and the full health effects of unsafe food
There are laws around the world that safeguard consumers from
for example, food vendors were only concerned with profit making
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depth and find out the unknown and unexplored areas. The earlier
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The main types of foods are snacks, meals and beverages. The
movable rig, insulated box for ice storage, a stove for heating
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sneeze, the same shall be done away from food, covering the
mouth and the nose with hand and then wash hands
immediately).(24)All articles of food stored or intended to be
sold shall be in covered containers well protected from any
contamination and shall be fit for consumption.(25)The vehicles
used for transportation of food shall be clean and well
maintained.(26)Quantity to be cooked shall be for the day’s
requirement only so that leftovers can be minimized. Consumables
left over after use shall be protected from any contamination
and stored well for next day’s use. (27)Hot food shall be
transported in hot condition in a thermocol container or warmer
and sold in hot condition. As far as possible, it shall be
ensured that cooked ready to eat food shall be sold within 2 to
3 hours time from the time of cooking, so that food does not
remain in temperature danger zone for more than 2 to 3 hours.If
excess is prepared, the same shall be in chilled condition and
before serving, the chilled food can be re heated and served to
ensure safety. (28)Under no condition, food once re heated shall
not be again stored in chiller and reheated again and
served.(29)Handling of ready to eat food shall be minimum and as
far as possible, handling and serving of cooked foods shall be
using tongs.Wearing gloves is never a substitute for keeping
hands clean and sanitized as gloves can also get infected from
surroundings and cross contaminate the food.(30)It is ideal to
use disposable gloves and sanitize them every 2 hours while
handling cooked foods or replace with a new one.(31)All left
overs shall be disposed after the designated time and never be
used for sale or consumption.(32)Rubbish, waste water, open
toilet facilities and stray animals shall not be near the
area.(33)In case a platform or cart is used, the surface shall
be corrosion free and easily cleanable. When not in use, the top
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Theoretical Framework
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1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
in terms of:
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Research Paradigm
Figure 1
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that the researcher will utilized in gathering the data and the
the street food they are consuming for them to know the safety
Street food Vendors. The conduct of the study will provide them
the same topic with broader scope may use this as reference or
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Definition of terms
or female.
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Street Food Vendors. Person who prepare ,cook and sell street
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