Criminal Law Questions & Answrs
Criminal Law Questions & Answrs
Criminal Law Questions & Answrs
Question 1:
b) The effect of s. 34 Crime and Disorder Act 1998 is that all children aged 10
and above are
c) Section 34 Crime and Disorder Act 1998 provides that if D raises his capacity
as an issue, the
prosecution must prove D was aware that what he was doing was seriously
Question 2:
c) Insanity is satisfied where D was laboring under such a defect of reason, from
the disease of
the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing, or, if he
did know it, that
d) Insanity is where D's state of mind is so different from that of ordinary human
beings that the
Criminal Law Questions
reasonable man would term it abnormal. It is wide enough to cover the mind's
activities in all its
aspects, not only the perception of physical acts and matters, and the ability to
form a rational
judgment as to whether an act is right or wrong, but also the ability to exercise
will-power to
Question 3:
The defendant has a defect of the reason for the purposes of the defense of
insanity if
c) He lacks willpower.
d) He was absent-minded.
Question 4:
a) an internal bodily cause affecting D's mental faculties of reason, memory, and
b) an external bodily cause affecting D's mental faculties of reason, memory, and
c) a state of mind is so different from that of ordinary human beings that the
reasonable man
Question 5:
a) In Quick (1973) D had taken insulin but had not eaten. The Court of Appeal
held that
b) Hennessey (1989) D had not taken insulin and had also not eaten. The Court
of Appeal held
d) In Kemp (1957) D's arteriosclerosis was a disease of the heart, not a disease
of the mind.
Question 6:
Question 7:
b) The defect of reason must have been caused by a disease of the mind.
Question 8:
c) If the offense is the basic intent, whether D was Bailey reckless in becoming
an automaton
Question 9:
Criminal Law Questions
If D is involuntarily intoxicated at the time of the crime, which of the following
statements is
d) If D was not 'at fault' informing the men's rea he is not guilty.
Question 10:
Which is the best description of the rule governing voluntary intoxication from
Majewski (1977)
a) D is not guilty of a crime of specific intent if he did not form men's rea.