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Syllabus For Computer Application

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Cabanatuan City, Philippines



Course Code/Catalogue No. ______________

Course Title: Computer Applications
Course Description:

Introduction to Computers is a semester course in which students will learn how to use computers and a variety of software and hardware. This course will cover the following:
History of computer, all about computers, Hardware/Software File Management (working with Windows), Microsoft Office Suite (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint), Internet
Research, E-mail.
MS Office programs are very useful and common programs in order to analyse organize and represent data. It is sure that learners will be able to successfully take advantages
for them during their educational period and work life.
Credit Unit: 5
Contact Hours: 5
Pre-requisite: __________
Intended for: B.S. Criminology and B.S. B.A.
Instructor/Professor: Joseph Reyes
E-mail Address /Contact No. josepfreyes326969@gmail.com

MVGFC shall be among the leading educational institution in In the pursuit of its Vision, MVGFCI shall assure quality and
Nueva Ecija that is known for its accredited academic relevance in its curriculum, instruction, research, extension,
and student services through continuous quality improvement.
programs, high ratings in nationally recognized examinations
and high employment rate of its graduates.


On completion of the degree program, the student is expected to be able to do the following:
1. Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the Create Invitation letter, flyers, and even business cards
computing requirements needed to design an appropriate Resume using (MS Word)
2. Apply computing and other knowledge domains to address Present the Technical and Pedagogical techniques in doing
real-world problems. PowerPoint(PowerPoint Presentation)
3. Design and develop computing solutions using a system- Intended to create a Grading System(MS Excel)
level perspectives
4. Utilize modern computing tools Creation of “Store Management System” (MS Excel)


After completion of the course, the student should be able to:


CO1 Create brochures, flyers, and even business cards using I P P D
(MS Word)
CO2 Create and perform an excellent Power Point I p P D
CO3 Create a grading computation system(MS Excel) I P P D
CO4 Create Store management system with Database P P P D
(MS Access)
LEGEND: I – Introduce; P – Practice; D – Demonstrate


In order to achieve the outcomes of this course, the learners will go through this learning plan:


Knowledge Skills Attitudes
CO1 Enumerate the Identifying  History of Computer Formative: Television/LCD Lecture assessment: Pre-preliminary
importance of the Basic Knowledge all (Introductory projector for
computer in Importance about Computer activity) – Virtual Images
our daily life. of Microsoft Hardware and Software Microsoft and illustration advanced text,
office  Microsoft Office History paragraph, and
Enumerate Draw a layout Company and History document formatting
most for Invitation  Introduction to Whiteboard
commonly Microsoft Word Office Marker and
reasons  Working with online Research
Why we use documents and the
Microsoft office keyboard Paper pencils and
 Navigating through a Rulers
The learner will
Create a word document discuss all the
template for  Text editing interface of MS office
Explain the invitations  Text formatting
interface of MS and letters
 Paragraph formatting Laboratory exercise:
office(word) Think-pair
 Style formatting Create an Invitation
 Page formatting Letter using Word
 Templates
 Working with graphics
and pictures
 Tables
 Technical documents
 Mail merge
 Customizing and
expanding word
CO2 Set up slide Executing the Increase  Microsoft PowerPoint Formative: Television/LCD Preliminary
shows and Pedagogical Power point  Introduction to projector for The learners will going
rehearse techniques presentation Microsoft Word Virtual Images to present their own
timings for Knowledge  The basics of creating Case analysis and illustration Ideas about advance
your slides presentations (audience technology
 Applying themes and behaviors)
layouts to slides
 Working with objects
 Entering, editing, and
formatting text
Design slides  Working in outline view Reference book Quiz: (identifying
Collaborate Pedagogical
using themes, Practice  Proofing presentations
using social techniques)
colors, and adding and  Inserting pictures,
media and special effects creating *Forum: share
Graphics, Shapes, and
PowerPoint unique your work Summative
other things
together design  Inserting tables into assessment
presentations Quiz:
 Charts The learners will
 Adding Sound and identify the right set up
*flipped- Whiteboard for a PowerPoint
Animate Video classroom Marker and
objects on  Adding transitions and presentation for
What is your online Research different audience
slides to bring animation point of view
them to life  Master slides
 Printing and running
slide shows
 Saving, sharing, and
exporting presentations
 Pedagogical

CO3 Microsoft Excel Formative: Summative Midterm

Improve  Introduction to MS *Laboratory Television/LCD Activity:
logical Excel Activity projector for Seatwork:
Enumerate Create thinking in  Navigating Excel (Simple Virtual Images (Creating
the importance formulas and a condition  Worksheets and computation and illustration Spreadsheet)
of MS Excel functions formulas Workbooks for grades)
for a simple  Entering information
business into MS Excel
Introduction to Working
with Cells, Rows, and
 Formatting Data and
 Formatting rows and
columns Quiz:
 Editing Cells, Rows, *Laboratory Whiteboard Identify Arithmetic
Columns, and (grading Marker and operators and creating
Explain the Create charts Worksheets system format online Research formulas
what is and diagrams  Introduction to formulas and formulas) (PEMDAS)
worksheet and for your data and calculations Printed Images
 Working with formulas
and functions
 Maintaining worksheets
 The What-If Analysis
 Adding images and
 Charts and Diagrams
 Printing Worksheets
and Workbooks
 Templates

CO4 Explain all the Create a Builds Microsoft Access: Formative: Television/LCD The learners will be Finals
Importance of database strong  Access Basics projector for able to create a
Database foundation  Design a Database Laboratory: Virtual Images complete database
management for  Build a Database Create a and illustration that is connected to
managing  Work with forms simple the other application
information Database
Identify all the  Sort Retrieve, Analyze with data Whiteboard or system with
database Data related tables Marker and program
Query in  Work with Reports online Research
different  Access with other
methods. applications
 Manage an access


As evidence of attaining the course outcomes, students are required to do and submit the following:
MCO1 3 brochures, flyers, and Creating a unique CO1/CO2 A week before the
business cards Invitation, flyers, preliminary
business card and examination
MCO2 Store management Create an accurate CO3/CO4 A week before the final
system(Excel) Grading Computation examination
System and Store
management System

LABORATORY ACTIVITIES (For subjects with lab)

The following are the activities/exercises to be performed in the laboratory:
1 2 days
2 Create Invitation letter, flyers, and even business cards 2 days
Resume using (MS Word)
3 Create a Power Point presentations for Technical and 3 days
Pedagogical techniques in doing PowerPoint(PPT)
4 Create a grading computation (MS Excel) 2 days

Students practical output will be graded using the criteria below:

Computer Application
Student Name: _____________________________________ Period: ________ Project Name: ________________________________

CATEGORY Exceed Standards At Standards Approaching Standards Below Standard

Graphics/ Pictures Graphics match the topic Graphics go well with the Graphics go well with the text, Graphics do not go with the
(MS Word) and text in section where text, but there are so many but there are too few (less accompanying text or appear
placed. Each section has (more than two per section) than three graphics for entire to be randomly chosen.
no more than two graphics that they distract from the brochure) and the brochure
and there are at least a text. seems "text-heavy".
total of three graphics
Content- Accuracy All facts in the brochure 95-90% of the facts in the 85-90% of the facts in the Fewer than 75-80%
and Information are accurate and match brochure are accurate. brochure are accurate. Of the facts in the brochure
validity cited resources. are accurate.
(MS Word)
PowerPoint Visually appealing, clean Visually attractive, text is Text is sometimes hard to Text is very difficult to read,
Presentation simple layout, text is easy easy to read, colors read, sometimes graphics or layout is cluttered and
(Visual design) to read, graphics enhance enhance readability, special effects distract from confusing
understanding of ideas graphics and special effects understanding
do not distract from
understanding ideas
PowerPoint Well prepared, speaks Engages audience, fluid Clear and understandable, Not clear, not
Presentation clearly, makes eye contact delivery, uses different uses limited delivery understandable
(Oral presentation) with audience, delivers approach other than simply techniques
with ease, invites reading screen, invites
questions questions
Excel Create an Excel grading Create an Excel grading Create an Excel grading Create an Excel grading
(activity) system with at least 95% system with at least 90% of system with at least 80% of system with at least 70% of
of the following: Table with the following: Table with the following: Table with the following: Table with
average of the students average of the students average of the students average of the students
Appropriate formatting, Appropriate formatting, Appropriate formatting, Appropriate formatting,
Accurate computation, Accurate computation, Accurate computation, Accurate computation,
Appropriate file names, Appropriate file names, Appropriate file names, Appropriate file names,
Appropriate header, Appropriate header, Appropriate header, Appropriate header,
Appropriate footer, Appropriate footer, Appropriate footer, Appropriate Appropriate footer,
Appropriate formulas Appropriate formulas formulas Appropriate formulas
Access Activity Created a database . Created a database Created a database Created a database without
completing at least 95% of completing at least 80% of completing at least 70% of the completing at least 70% of
the following: converting to the following: converting to following: converting to the following: converting to
Access, appropriate file Access, appropriate file and Access, appropriate file and Access, appropriate file and
and folder organization, folder organization, folder organization, folder organization,
Appropriate creation of Appropriate creation of Appropriate creation of Appropriate creation of
relationships, table, relationships, appropriate relationships, appropriate relationships, appropriate
appropriate records added relationship options, relationship options, relationship options,
to table, appropriate appropriate indexing used, appropriate indexing used, appropriate indexing used,
column and cell new table created, new table created, appropriate new table created,
formatting. appropriate fields added to fields added to new table, appropriate fields added to
new table, appropriate appropriate records added to new table, appropriate
records added to table, table, appropriate column and records added to table,
appropriate column and cell cell formatting. appropriate column and cell
formatting. formatting.
Grades/performance of students will be evaluated as follows:

Detailed grading criteria will be provided for each deliverable. The following shows how each graded item counts
towards the overall grade for the course:

Written works/Outputs – 30% Attendance – 5% Performance/Practical Task – 25%

End-term Examination – 40%

Terms Percentage
Pre-Prelim 15%
Prelim 15%
Midterm 30%
Finals 40%


Academic Policies Policies on Punctuality/tardiness Class Format

 Academic Integrity: Violations of  Absences (Provide an early
academic integrity, including notification or send a formal excuse
dishonesty in assignments, letter at least 1 day before the
examinations, or other academic schedule or in case of emergency
performances are prohibited. You are and health cases that requires
not allowed to make copies of serious medications kindly provide a
another person’s work and submit it
as your own. All cases of academic medical certification from your
dishonesty will be reported for attending physician)
appropriate sanctions in accordance  Grace Period of:
with the guidelines for handling 10 minutes for 1 hr class
students’ misconduct as spelt out in 15 minutes for 1 ½ and full 3 hrs class
the Students’ Handbook  3 lates = 1 Absent
 2 consecutive lates = Oral reprimand
REFERENCES  Code of Conduct in Lecture Rooms  Late! (You can enter the room but you
and Laboratories: Students should are not entitled to get the
turn off their cell phones during assessment)
lectures. Students are prohibited
from engaging in other activities
(such as texting, watching videos,
etc.) during lectures. Food and drinks
are not permitted in the laboratories.

 If possible (EOP Zone)

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Mr. Joseph Y. Reyes Dr. Arnel A. Sevilla

(Instructor/Professor) (Dean)

Recommending Approval: Approved:

Ms. Soledad M Roguel, Ph. D Dr. Corazon A. Quintana

(VPAA) (EVP/Chief Academic Officer)

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