Petcab Research Paper
Petcab Research Paper
Petcab Research Paper
A gradual increase of heat in the surroundings that caused by the Global warming
have been experienced by most of the people nowadays, that is why studies about
reducing the heat in a specific place has been made. With this, researchers came up
with the idea in making PeTCAB to reduce the temperature entering in a target area
using some waste plastic bottles. The product was made up of 50 half cut plastic
bottles that were attached in a lengthwise plywood, which serves as the body of the
product. The developed PeTCAB was place in a specific area and room for the
investigation and as a result, the temperature of a room with the ventilated PETCAB
stays the same and increased in the whole hour. This process was because of the
Joule Thompson effect that helps the flow of the air and the temperature of the air
to change as it pass through the valve of the bottle. This means that with the help
of the product by just using some recycled materials will help to reduce the heat in
a specific room or house, and also the problem of the society about the growth of
plastic bottles everywhere will be decrease. With this, PeTCAB can be a convenient
eco-air cooler that can be used by most of the people, especially to those who do
not have enough electric source in their houses and far from the city.
One of the major problem of the world now, compare from the past few
pollutants that has a big impact in the Earth’s environment and thru of this, a gradual
countries, especially to those tropical places including the Philippines. For this
surroundings warms-up, the body of a human tends to warm-up as well, that is why
people tend to feel unstable, and this also might cause dehydration, heat stress, and
Another major problem of the world now is the plastic bottles. This waste
bottles can be seen dispersed everywhere. If the growth of this bottles cannot be
stop as soon as possible, the countries will not just suffer in the heat situation in
their areas, but also the increase growth of plastic bottles everywhere.
These problems cannot be stop anymore, but people can prevent the growth
of them. With the problems that were stated above, the researchers came up with
Bottles), which has said on its title, will make the air cool. The product will help to
lessen the suffer of the people from the increase heat in a specific area or room and
also, it will help to reduce the increase growth of the plastic bottles everywhere.
The physics concept of the product was describe in this literature. In the
article of Dr. John Weisend, Winter 2010 issue of Cold Facts as part of his series,
that occurs when a fluid expands from high pressure to low pressure at constant
enthalpy (an isenthalpic process). Such a process can be approximated in the real
world by expanding a fluid from high pressure to low pressure across a valve. Under
the right conditions, this can cause cooling of the fluid. This effect was first
which they flowed high pressure air through a small porous plug causing the
pressure to drop. Joule and Thomson noted that the air was cooled by this procedure
also the effect that is responsible for a tire valve getting cold when you let out the
air from a bicycle tire. This is adiabatic throttling process. No heat or mechanical
This study aims to deal with the increase of heat in a specific room or area
which can be use by the citizens, especially to those people that lacks electric source
in their houses or to those far from the urban that experience much heat in their
homes or classrooms. While dealing with the main problem of this study, this study
also helps with the waste management in which reduces the amount of plastic
bottles that causes pollutions in the environment by the means of recycling usable
plastic bottles to make the product possible. Also, the PeTCAB does not need any
electricity or other sources, “and this product was made portable and foldable so
that the PeTCAB will be a handy product and can be remove and place from one
place to another.”
will help to reduce the heat in a target area or in a specific room by just using and
recycling the waste plastic bottles that can be seen around, this study will also show
the process of how does the product will do its job. Also, the goal of this study is
to make a product which will have an environmental characteristic and also, will
be cheap and made by using recycled materials that can be seen everywhere.
By giving the people a hope for dealing with this worldwide problem, the
researchers would like to introduce a product that might change the perspective
outlook about this problem. The PeTCAB or the air conditioning unit made from
plastic bottles, this will help the environment in a specific room or house to produce
cooler air and at the same time helps the environment to reduce the plastic bottles
in the surroundings.
give benefits to the people. This study's objectives are to know the effects of using
this product which the study needed to answer the following questions:
2.1. Durability
2.2 Affordability
2.3 Weight
2.4 Portability
5.Does the product needs any of the following sources of energy to make
5.1. Electricity
6.Will this product ensure the safeties of the user while in the area of use?
7Is this product efficient and convenient to everyone so that it won't cost too
much to produce?
8. What will be the best time to test the product to see its best performance
and capability?
9.How much heat or temperature can this product decrease within a time
The aim of the researchers in this study is to create something useful and
efficient that can help everyone in which by the means of recycling and small
effort, they can do a product that will provide comfort whenever they need, with
the use of PeTCAB or Air cooling bottles made from PeT bottles itself. This study
To the researchers, they will benefit and practice the use of air cooling
bottles. The researcher can form a design and samples that will manifest the
To the students, they can learn to do or create something trough trash into a
useful and eco-friendly product. They can also adopt the importance of a piece of
To Sto. Cristo Integrated School, this study can give a use for the school
specifically to the SCIS High School department teachers, major in TLE, and
Science. They will also have a remedy for reducing and recycling the recyclable
To Tarlac City, this research study can help to reduce the growth of heat
in the specific rooms, houses or areas in the said city, as the air goes hotter, the
city also gets hard time in managing to provide enough cool air in every places,
that is why this study can help in attaining this kind of achievement or goal.
alternative cooling system that can help the community in Tarlac City.
Additionally, the materials needed for this study are can be seen around, and they
Related Studies
Foreign Studies
conditioning isn’t a choice especially to those who live in remote areas. This study
doesn’t need any electricity; it’s built from waste materials like plastic bottles, for
just months of making the developer Ashis Paul and his team helped to install their
The zero electricity cooler is just simple to construct and build. A board is
cut to fit the target window, and holes are made in a grid pattern that are sized to fit
the bottle neck. Plastic bottles’ bottom are cut out and disposed, funnel-shaped
bottlenecks that are placed on the board will remain. Except for installing it in place
of the regular window. When installed, the wider part of the bottles faces outside
and catches the passing wind, cooling air into the targeted room.
cooling the air by just using recycled plastic bottles. Given example is the zero
wastes: empty plastic soda bottles, both of the researchers purposes were just the
same which is to keep the air cool as much as possible but PeTCAB was not created
just to copy ideas from the one existed already. The product of the researchers was
made to be multi-functional. First the PeTCAB is made portable in which will come
in handy so placing it on other areas will not be so difficult, it also comes with
According to Huynh Thi Minh Thu (2014) on its study entitled “A Study on
system that does not fatigue due to the heat of the environment. The researchers
express the leaves of trees by evapotranspiration that can keep the temperature
cooler while absorbing solar insolation. Also, this study proposed system that the
study can reduce up to 30% of energy consumption and by this, the study can save
energy consumption. Figuring out, the study can help the urban residents to lessen
The existing air conditioning system with water cooled condenser and
used as the researchers’ guideline. Also, the ability to reduce condenser temperature
with the process of gas contractions and air ventilation, there's another product
created in a unique and also efficient way. A high performance cooling system
ecofriendly cooling system that can keep the temperature cooler while absorbing
solar insolation. When it comes to the purpose, the goals that needed to be reached
were equal and the products have the same efficiency, easy to make and use.
Local Study
(2017) it's stated there that Rubbish on the beaches has been getting much worse in
the last 30 years. In the rainy season there’s so much plastic on the beaches and in
the water because all of the trash washes down the rivers and into the ocean. It’s
affecting sea life, too. The researcher's used plastic bottles and other plastic wastes.
Research Design
research questions into a “testing project" or " experimental study". It may also
be defined as a set of advance decisions that make up the master plan specifying
the methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed
The type of research used in this study is to test the feasibility of the
The researchers used the experimental type since the researchers aimed to
add new knowledge about recyclable materials to create a new product, not just
a product but a useful one. Also, this research can resolve or lessen the heat that
the society is facing. Thus, it can help the society especially in remote areas or
with PeTCAB
The study was done in Sto. Cristo Integrated School Tarlac, City. The study
area was chosen as it has a temperature with the average to high degrees Celsius
which is 33° /24° as of September 2018. With this, it is a convenient place for the
2. 2 Product Preparation
Experimental Design
First, the researchers looked for 50 pieces used 1 liter bottles but still in
good condition, which was used as the main material of the PeTCAB (Polyethylene
Terephthalate Conditioning Air Bottles). The plastic bottles that was used by the
researchers was the bottles of the Coca-Cola, because according to the global brand
audit report of 2018, Coca-Cola produces the most plastic bottles worldwide and
Philippines in this year. That is why, researchers used the Coca-Cola plastic bottles
Researchers also look for a convenient board that serves as the body of the
PeTCAB, which were the used plastic bottles were placed and also a board which
On the other hand, researchers also looked for some boxes that was still in
good condition. The boxes that the researchers looked for was the unused or thrown
boxes form the grocery stores or in junkshops. This material will be used for the
making of miniature house but this houses was just for a closer investigation of the
product and to see if the product really works when doing the testing process.
Researchers also looked for the scrap but still in good condition plywood
from school for the making of the case of PeTCAB and also some small unused
Recycled 1-liter plastic bottles were cut into half, which the cut lead part
was used. A used but still in good condition plywood was chose as the main body
of the PeTCAB and it was with the size 22.5 x 43.75 inches. The chosen plywood
was pierced according on how many bottles does the PeTCAB (Polyethylene
Terephthalate Conditioning Air Bottles) required and on how many bottles that
The recycled plastic bottles that were cut was put into the pierced board. As
the recycled bottles were put into the long and flat plank, the cap of the bottles was
also cut and used as the main lock for the bottles so that the recycled bottles will
not fall down when attached on the board. After this, paint was also put on the
The thrown and unused boxes from the junkshops and grocery stores was
cut to form a house-shape-like box. Researchers made two miniature houses and
add made some basic parts of a house on the two miniscule boxes so that it will
look good and will look like real but small a house. Also, they put a square shape
hole both on the box where researchers can put the thermometer inside of the
miniature house.
In addition, researchers made 20 holes on the left side of the other box where
they can put the bottles for the closer and more focused observation for the testing
With the help of School Staff, the scrap plywood from school was cut into
the back and front size of 28.5 x 33 inches and with the side size of 17.5 x 33
inches was also assembled with the same shape of the product so that the PeTCAB
can be put and be fit on the case. After the case was assembled, the wheels were
put underneath the case so that people will not lift them anymore but instead, they
will just push the case for it to move to their desired place. This case was made so
that people will not carry the PeTCAB from place to place and also, so that the
On the other hand, the 20 bottles on the product was remove and
placed on the holes of the miniature house for the next investigation. The bottles
from the product was remove temporarily for the investigation, but after that, they
can simply put them back again on the product because the plastic bottles were
There were three treatments and no replicates giving a total of just one
eco cooling unit. A plywood is used as a “body” in order to maintain the durability
material used was 22.5 x 43.75 inches in measurement that sufficed the space
needed for a portrait rectangular window. The treatment of this product were: (1)
The changes in temperature, (2) how long will the product can be used, (3)
decided to conduct the observation in a room while the window and the door
was closed.
The room preparation and in this kind of preparation were just the same,
but they only differ in some ways. The room is much wider than this, which
means that the researchers conducted the testing process for a closer
observation with also the use of thermometer. And also, so that it can be
In order to gather information or data using the product, the eco cooling unit
was tested in a classroom with closed doors, windows and other passage of air
through the designated room, ensuring that the temperature within the area stays
normal, and it was just the same with miniature houses measuring the temperature
using the thermometer and this process was done from 7:30 am to 4: 30 pm.
11:30 am 29 11:30 am 32
12:30 pm 29 12:30 pm 32
1:30 pm 30 1:30 pm 33
2:30 pm 31 2:30 pm 34
3:30 pm 31 3:30 pm 33
4:30 pm 31 4:30 pm 33
11:30 am 30 11:30 am 32
12:30 pm 30 12:30 pm 32
1:30 pm 32 1:30 pm 33
2:30 pm 32 2:30 pm 34
3:30 pm 32 3:30 pm 33
4:30 pm 31 4:30 pm 33
The data collected was analyzed by the researchers by referring to the test
results and by redoing the process to make sure that the product can maintain its
The product which was the air conditioning plastic bottles was made to
keep the temperature of rooms or houses into a normal state. Here, the researchers
discussed about the results made after testing the product on different platforms to
A. In a room
Statistical Treatment
Statistical Tool
Degree of Freedom / df = 6
Considered Temperature from 10:30 – 4:30 due to the sun’s heat is concentrated
Room Form n = 7
Test Point ℃ ℃
1 29 27
2 32 29
3 32 29
4 33 30
5 34 31
6 33 31
7 33 31
𝑥̅ 1 = 32.28 𝑥̅ 2 = 29.71
Variance1 = 1.40
Variance2 = 1.91
T- Value = 2.16
Mean1 = 𝑥̅ = 𝑛
Where n = 7
∑(𝑥−𝑥̅ )²
Variance = 𝑛
𝑥̅ 1− 𝑥̅ 2
T- Value = (𝑆𝑝) 1 1
√ +
n1 n2
The researchers used two rooms to be tested with the product, the first
room was the room with the ventilated PeTCAB and the second room was with a
non-ventilated PeTCAB the first room was observed using a thermometer to know
the temperature of the area throughout the whole day, it was tested while classes
are going on, a better time for the investigation to see how much the temperature
will change with a much amount of students which was known that the more a space
was occupied, the more heat can be emitted from them. It was observed that as time
passes by, the only increase of temperature that occurred was only 1°C, up to 2°C
upon reaching 3:30 pm and then the temperature stays the same at 4:30 pm where
the sun already started setting. Going with the unventilated room, it was observed
that the temperature was gradually increasing in a great amount reaching up to 3°C
increase in every 2-3 hours that will even increase as the temperature rises because
of the sun. Which means, with the use of PeTCAB, it will help to maintain or
decrease the temperature from the hot condition that experienced by the people in
a specific room or area, but without the use or presence of PeTCAB in the room,
the temperature of a specific place will just stay or increased by 2 to 3°C, this was
because that there was no PeTCAB which will help to ventilate the hot air coming
B. In a miniature room
Statistical Treatment
Statistical Tool
Degree of Freedom / df = 6
Considered Temperature from 10:30 – 4:30 due to the sun’s heat is concentrated
Miniature Form n = 7
Test Point ℃ ℃
1 30 29
2 32 30
3 32 30
4 33 32
5 34 32
6 33 32
7 33 31
𝑥̅ 1 = 32.42 𝑥̅ 2 = 30.85
Variance1 = 1.38
Variance2 = 1.28
T- Value = 2.22
Mean1 = 𝑥̅ = 𝑛
Where n = 7
∑(𝑥−𝑥̅ )²
Variance = 𝑛
𝑥̅ 1− 𝑥̅ 2
T- Value = (𝑆𝑝) 1 1
√ +
n1 n2
thermometer. At 10:30 am, the temperature of the first room which is the room with
ventilated PeTCAB stays the same, but the second room without the ventilated
different Celsius. The temperature of the room with ventilated PeTCAB was
increased by 2°C, while the temperature in the other miniature room without the
was increased by 3°C. At 12:30 pm, the temperature of the first room was increased
by 1°C but the temperature on the second miniature room stays the same, but it can
be seen that the temperature of the room without the ventilated room was still higher
At 1:30 pm, the temperature in both room were increased by 1°C, but the
temperature in miniature room with ventilated PeTCAB stays the same at 2:30 pm,
while the miniature room without the ventilated PeTCAB was increased by 1°C,
giving the total of 34°C. At 3:30 pm, the temperature in the first miniature room
still stays the same while the temperature in the second room wasdecreased by 1°C,
but it can still be seen that the temperature of the second room was still higher than
At 4:30 pm, the temperature of the miniature room with the ventilated
PetCAB was decreased by 1°C, while the temperature on the second miniature
The observations that was stated above was just the same with the real room
investigation but the purpose of the miniature house was created for the closer
To sum up, with the use of PeTCAB in a miniature room helps to maintain
the temperature inside so that it will not reach the higher level of temperature and
also, it helps to control the flow of the hot air and making it cool like what was
happened on the room investigation. On the other hand, the temperature of the
miniature room without the ventilated PeTCAB was increased because there was
no product which helps to control hot air coming inside of the miniature room. The
its quality. The PeTCAB was not created just to provide the cool effect of air in a
designated area. The air cooling system was made to sustain its quality, its
situations. The product can maintain the importance and the benefits it can give, no
The PeTCAB consist of plywood and used plastic bottles. Plywood was
commonly known in using for the construction of houses and other staffs, this thin
plank was made up of thin plies of hardwood or soft wood that glued together,
which gives its strength and durability. The lifespan of the plywood last for about
20 years and up and it depends on what quality does the factory use for making
and its durability depends on the quality that was used in making the plastic bottles,
but the lifespan of the plastic bottles will last up to 450 years.
Therefore, the lifespan of the product will last long because traditional PeT
bottles and plywood was used in making the product, but if the product was hit by
something, it will not be easily destroy because the product has its own main lock
for the plastic bottles in the board, and if its accidentally wreck or destroy by
something or if the bottles are not in good condition anymore, it can be change by
looking for another thrown pet bottles, and so the plywood too.
A. Discussion
In the result above, it can be seen that the room temperature of the air
without the PeTCAB has been increased from time to time, while the
temperature of the room with the PeTCAB maintains and didn’t increased or
surpass the degree temperature of a room without the product. This means that
with the help of the product, it helps to maintain the air in a specific room or
place, and it helps the air to not increased higher than the temperature without
the PeTCAB.
atmosphere within the area of range that can eventually make a person to be
stable without the feel of being dehydrated, the process in which the ventilation
occurs is called the Joule-Thomson effect, this Joule-Thomson effect was found
by James Prescott Joule and William Thomson which are both British
pressure change over the neck of the plastic bottles which makes the air cooler.
As the expanded air passes through the valve of the bottle it compresses making
the air passing became cold. That is why its process is also the same on how an
B. Hypothesis Conclusion
The null hypothesis that was made by the researchers has been rejected
and the accepted one was the alternative hypothesis for the reason that there was
which makes it true and that the product really made the air cooler after some
investigations. The study presented that the air ventilated within the bottles on
the product or the air conditioning bottles became cooler or more comfortable. It
also states that the greater number of bottles inserted on the body of the product,
more air will also be conditioned or cooled which drops the temperature of a
specific area in a good amount, in addition, the user will get the benefits at the
same time, will not be sacrificial to the environment. Thus, the efficiency of the
product is well fitted even for those who cannot afford an electronic air cooling
the full function of the air conditioning bottles, it should be placed on areas wherein
there are higher temperature in the area so more air will be ventilated and will
For the future proponents, researchers also recommend a much bigger board
or plywood so that more bottles can be put on the body of the product. With that, if
more bottles are present on the board, more air passages of air will it be. Also,
researchers recommend other shapes of the board, depending on the area where
people will put the PeTCAB or add some designs for the aesthetic style of the
product. If possible, fill up the remaining space of the board with plastic bottles
also, it can be the 1-liter bottles or even the small one can do.
Pratima Patel., Akash Shah.; ‘Sub stainable development using waste PET
bottles as construction element’
Fig. 16 & 17
Value 1: 33°c
Value 2:31°c
(𝑽𝟏+𝑽𝟐) x 100
= (𝟑𝟑+𝟑𝟏) x 100
= 𝟔𝟒 x 100
=𝟑𝟐 x 100
=0.0625 x 100
=6.25% difference
𝟏 =0.06060606 x 100 𝟏
=𝟑𝟐.𝟓 x 100 =𝟑𝟐.𝟓 x 100
=6.060606% difference
=0.03076923x 100 =0.03076923x 100
=3.076923% difference =3.076923% difference
Value 1: 33°c
Value 2: 31°c
(𝑽𝟏+𝑽𝟐) x 100
= (𝟑𝟑+𝟑𝟏) x 100
= 𝟔𝟒 x 100
=𝟑𝟐 x 100
=0.0625x 100
=6.25% difference
Material Materials:
• Pencil
• Tape measure
• Philip screw
• Philip screwdriver
• Rip Saw
• Claw hammer
• Flat iron
• Cutter
• Scissors
• Electric drill
• Paint brush
• 3 pcs. Hook
• 1 pc. of lock
• Wheels 4 pcs.
• Room thermometer
• Glue gun
• Packaging tape
• Cartons 4 pcs.
Pratima Patel., Akash Shah.; ‘Sub stainable development using waste PET
bottles as construction element’
of efforts had been done by doing this study with full support of those who are
concerned about us and our work. This time, it is now our turn to give back our
appreciation and gratitude to those people who helped us to achieve this success in
our research. With boundless love and appreciation, we would like to extend our
heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the people who helped us bring this study
into reality.
First of all, we would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our
responsible principal of our school who gave support on doing this kind of project.
Also a big thanks to our very hardworking teacher and adviser of this research
which is Ms. Sarah G. Candelaria who gave us the golden opportunity to do this
wonderful project on the topic PeTCAB which also helped us in doing a lot of
research and we came to know so many new things and for helping us to finish this
study and led us to the right way of direction on doing our work, for supporting us,
giving us the best instructions and suggestions on what will be our next move, she
is also the major contributor of the completion of this project. Then our parents and
friends who also gave us the full support and helped us a lot in finalizing this project
within the limited time frame. That’s the reason why we continued this study and
reached our goal in the end, with all their heart and effort to help us finish this
research we would like to give them our deepest appreciation. And of course to our
Lastly, we would like to thank God who is the key for this progress and
accomplishment and making the success of our project possible and for everyday
guiding us.
-The researchers
Research Adviser
This is to certify Ms. Sarah G. Candelaria, a Science Teacher
Project Coordinator.