Electric FAN Generator: Jerson Cacabilos Amos Daniel Tapion
Electric FAN Generator: Jerson Cacabilos Amos Daniel Tapion
Electric FAN Generator: Jerson Cacabilos Amos Daniel Tapion
Jerson cacabilos
Marielle orbong
Amos Daniel tapion
October, 2018
Table of contents
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………1
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Background of the Study …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Statement of the problem ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Hypothesis ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Scope and Limitations ………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Many times, you find yourself walking in a scorching sun. You feel sticky and thinking what
could be the best way to lessen the heat. Philippines weather can be harsh sometime especially
The purpose of this project is to show of an electric fan generator.How it works by just
using a battery-operated switch.How this project gives a significant role in our daily lives.
Heartfelt thanks to all the people who helped in making this project possible.Without them,this
We thank our teacher Mrs. Nellie May P. Ciriaco for giving us the opportunity to investigate on
this wonderful project. Likewise our Parents who helped and guided us and gave all the support
Certainly, we conducted this project not only to make marks but to learn and increase
our knowledge as well.
Most of all to our Lord Almighty whom we are greatly embedded of all our strength and
Chapter I
In today’s modern world, many people opted to a most convenient and easy way of living.This
explains the new technology that improves every now and then.
This study will show how portable fan works on D.C supply and how speed is easier to
control.Electric motor works because of electromagnets inside them thus,making the motor
If we connect the power cord to the motor housing and switch regulator with battery.
This project which is electric fan generator will be a convenient way to cool us wherever
we may go because aside from being handy,this is also a very convenient and easy to use.
In our country where we deal with a hot weather every day,this portable fan gives us the
We can’t get away with summer heat,but there’s a lot of ways to beat it.Something easy
and convenient to use,something affordable,don’t you want to grab an electric fan generator?
Using few materials and conducting testing’s to make this thing work is not that easy.
more useful objects. With the rise in global warming and increasing pollution, with the power
outages that happen unexpectedly for a variety of reasons, especially nowadays many things
comes into a very high amount one of which is the electrical bill and it is always best to be
resourceful and prepared to power interruptions. Marikina is a flood prone area and many
times we are out of powerbecause of the flooding and during these days the weather is
unpredictable is very hot and humid and sleeping is really uncomfortable. The purpose of this
investigation is to introduce and inform everyone that having an Electric fan Generator is very
comfortable and an alternative source of wind. Furnishing an improvised Electric Fan Generator
is not only convenience but a safety precaution. From a scrap to improvised source of wind. A
Our group introduce from scrap to an improvised source of wind device where we only used
limited materials. There will be benefit in making a recycle fan, because it will help our
economy and our nature preservation that will help reduce the risk of global warming
warming by saving the scrap plastic materials. By reducing the use of plastic and reused it by
creating a useful objects. This investigation benefits students, household, and most of all the
durability. Also one of the projects limitations is that whether it would be effective in terms of
Chapter II
during heatwaves, contrary to public health authorities' claims that fans are dangerous when
the mercury rises above 35 degrees Celsius.The landmark study published today in the Journal
of the American Medical Association (JAMA) calls for a rethink of public health advice on coping
with extreme temperatures.Lead researcher Dr Ollie Jay from the Faculty of Health Sciences
said electric fans are a simple and cost-effective tool for preventing heat related illness and
current guidelines are putting the public at risk."Older people in particular are at risk of heat
stress and heart attacks during hot weather and sometimes a fan is the only cooling device they
can afford," Dr Jay said."The current guidelines are based on an outdated theory that fans are
dangerous when air temperatures exceed skin temperature, like the idea of a turkey cooking
faster in a fan assisted oven."This doesn't take into account that airflow created by a fan
increases the evaporation of sweat from the skin, which is one of the key ways in which our
bodies cool down."Using a controlled heat chamber, Dr Jay from the University of Sydney and
colleagues from the University of Ottawa (Canada) and Loughborough University (UK) examined
the effect of fans in conditions that cause rapid increases in heart rate and body core
temperature. 5
They found fans were beneficial at 42 degrees Celsius or 108 degrees Fahrenheit, up to seven
degrees higher that the 35-37 degrees Celsius recommended by the world's major public health
agencies, including the World Health Organization."The participants actually had a lower heart
rate using a fan at 42 degrees than they had without a fan at 36 degrees," said Dr Jay.
The JAMA study evaluated the effects on young healthy men, however in a previous study the
researchers mathematically modelled 10 of the world's most severe heatwaves and predicted
similar results for older people. Further human studies are planned to confirm these results and
investigate the effect of fans in different types of heatwaves, with conditions ranging from dry
hotter and more frequent, Dr Jay said it is important that people know about the protective
benefits of fans."Heatwaves claim lives every year so it's essential that people who can't afford
air-conditioning know that a fan is a good alternative and could even save lives," said Dr Jay.
Chapter III
Materials in making an electric fan generator.
1. Piece of wood and shape it to desired designs
2. Switch regulator
3. Motor housing ( with the supervised of an adult )
4. Fan blade
5. Power cord
6. Glue stick
7. Glue gun
Step 1.Prepare all necessary materials Step 2. Cut the piece of wood to the desired shape
Step 3: Stick together the base and the stand of the fan Step 4: Connect the fan body and base to the scrap plastic
Step 5: Connect the propeller to the base of the fan Step 6: Cut the wirings
Step 7: Connect the wirings to the battery of the fan Step 8: Paint the base of the fan
Step 9.Run-testing after connecting the power cord from housing
motor to switch regulator.
Chapter IV
As a result of our hard work we are able to reuse and made a scrap plastic material to
usable object and able to practice the 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) that helps our
environment to lessen the effect of global warming in our environment and at the same time
able to help other people to feel fresh and cool. Because our product comes from scarp plastic
The method that we used is 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) this is a principle
that been develop more 50 years ago that’s provides the framework of performing a humane
act to our nature. These are the elements that tried to reduce the amount of waste that we
produce, also the best way to help environment. It also helps us to feel cool and be cool.
This presents the result that battery-operated fans are easy to make. Furthermore,it is
economically-friendly,handy and small.They run using AA batteries and being able to take one
As this battery-operated fan is a portable appliance,no fixtures are needed.Also, this unit
To further establish a good result and able to preserve our environment in a more useable way
we strongly recommend to study and investigate more about this product and more scrap