Oet RT3
Oet RT3
Oet RT3
Complete the following summary using the information in the four texts
You do not need to read each text from beginning to end to complete the
task. You should
You should write your answers next to the appropriate number in the right-
hand column.
Text 1
Those who are at risk include: Babies (usually premature) who have had
surgery for NEC and Patients who have had surgery for volvulus (twisting of
the intestines), Patients born with narrowing or obstruction of their intestine,
Patients with intestinal pseudo-obstruction or abnormal motility of the
bowel, Patients after having parts of the intestine removed for other reasons
(e.g. tumors, abnormal blood supply, strictures, etc.), Patients with damage
to their intestines from radiation therapy and Patients born with abnormally
short small intestine.
Text 2
• Bloating
• Heartburn
• Fatigue
• Weakness
• Bacterial infections
• Food sensitivities
Text 3
Kidney stones: Decreased absorption of fats, calcium, and bile salts in the
bowel can cause kidney stones, which are known to decrease urine flow from
the kidneys to the bladder, impair kidney function, and cause pain.
Text 4
One of the major complications that take part in SBS is listed down:
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies: Short bowel syndrome can affect the
amount of vitamins that the body absorbs, sometimes with serious
consequences. For instance, a lack of vitamin B12 can result in damage to
the brain and nerves in the spinal cord, while a deficiency in vitamin E can
cause swelling and poor muscle coordination. Too little vitamin C can lead to
problems with the gums and skin. Reduced absorption of vitamin D and
calcium can cause osteoporosis and lead to fractures. In addition, the
diarrhea commonly associated with short bowel syndrome can result in low
mineral levels such as zinc and magnesium, sometimes leading to skin
rashes, muscle cramping, and irregular heart rhythms.
9………or weight loss, 10……., Poor appetite, increased gas, foul smelling
stools, 11………., pallor, 12………. etc. There are complications too which are
closely associated with 13………. which can well be summarized as: Failure to
thrive, the child does not gain 14……..according to the growth curve, 15……..,
Vitamin 16………. as a result of poor absorption in the 17…………, 18……. from
excess stomach acid, 19…….overgrowth in areas of dilated intestine, Kidney
20……. or 21….. due to poor absorption of calcium or bile etc.
Reading Test
Reading Passage 1
Classification of Seizures
Paragraph 1
automatisms. Those who do not simply stop stare and blank out for a few
seconds to minutes
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Seizures that begin focally can spread to the entire brain, in which case a
tonic-clonic seizure ensues. It is important, however, to distinguish those
that are true grand mal, generalized from the start, from those that start
focally and secondarily generalize. Secondarily generalized seizures arise
from a part of the brain that is focally abnormal.
Paragraph 4
Seizure surgery is discussed below.
Atonic Seizures
Atonic seizures are epileptic drop attacks. Atonic seizures typically occur in
children or adults with widespread brain injuries. People with Atonic seizures
suddenly become limp and may fall to the ground. Football helmets are
sometimes required to protect against serious injuries.
Myoclonic Seizures
Tonic Seizures
Patients can have more than one seizure type. One seizure type may
progress into another as the electrical activity spreads throughout the brain.
A typical progression is from a simple partial seizure, to a complex partial
seizure (when the patient becomes confused), to a secondarily generalized
tonic-clonic seizure (when the electrical activity has spread throughout the
entire brain). The brain has control mechanisms to keep seizures localized.
Anti- epileptic medications enhance the ability of the brain to limit spread of
a seizure.
B Partial seizures
C Complex seizures
A simple partial
B Complex seizures
A fumbling
B lip smacking
C speaking leisurely
D none
B tonic-clonic seizures
C absence seizures
D none
5 According to paragraph 3, which type of seizure occurs in
childhood and may persist in adulthood
C both A and B
D none
D Both B and C
D Both B and C
9 According to paragraph 4, which of the following statements is
A rhythmic jerking
B stiffening of muscles
C loss of consciousness
D none
Reading Passage 2
Fascioliasis Infection
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Infected people don't start passing eggs until they have been infected for
several months; people don't pass eggs during the acute phase of the
infection. Therefore, early on, the infection has to be diagnosed in other
ways than by examining stool. Even during the chronic phase of infection, it
can be difficult to find eggs in stool specimens from people who have light
Paragraph 3
Fasciola parasites develop into adult flukes in the bile ducts of infected
mammals, which pass immature Fasciola eggs in their feces. The next part
of the life cycle occurs in freshwater. After several weeks, the eggs hatch,
producing a parasite form known as the miracidium, which then infects a
snail host. Under optimal conditions, the development process in the snail
may be completed in 5 to 7 weeks; cercariae are then shed in the water
around the snail. The cercariae lose their tails when they encyst as
metacercariae (infective larvae) on water plants. In contrast to cercariae,
metacercariae have a hard outer cyst wall and can survive for prolonged
periods in wet environments.
Paragraph 4
Immature Fasciola eggs are discharged in the biliary ducts and in the stool.
Eggs become embryonated in water; eggs release miracidia, which invade a
suitable snail intermediate host, including the genera Galba,
Fossaria and Pseudosuccinea. In the snail the parasites undergo several
developmental stages (sporocysts, rediae, and cercariae ). The cercariae are
released from the snail and encyst as metacercariae on aquatic vegetation or
other surfaces. Mammals acquire the infection by eating vegetation
containing metacercariae. Humans can become infected by ingesting
metacercariae-containing freshwater plants, especially watercress. After
ingestion, the metacercariae excyst in the duodenum and migrate through
the intestinal wall, the peritoneal cavity, and the liver parenchyma into the
biliary ducts, where they develop into adult flukes.
Paragraph 5
Individual people can protect themselves by not eating raw watercress and
other water plants, especially from endemic grazing areas. As always,
travelers to areas with poor sanitation should avoid food and water that
might be contaminated (tainted). Vegetables grown in fields that might have
been irrigated with polluted water should be thoroughly cooked, as should
viscera from potentially infected animals.
Paragraph 6
In the early (acute) phase, symptoms can occur as a result of the parasite's
migration from the intestine to and through the liver. Symptoms can include
gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal
pain/tenderness. Fever, rash, and difficulty breathing may occur.
During the chronic phase (after the parasite settles in the bile ducts), the
clinical manifestations may be similar or more discrete, reflecting
inflammation and blockage of bile ducts, which can be intermittent.
Inflammation of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas also can occur.
A diagnosis
B treatment
C spread of infection
D none
A chronic phase
B infective phase
C acute phase
D A and B
D complete life cycle
A cercariae
B metacercariae
C miracidia,
D Fasciola eggs
A Intestinal wall
B Duodenum
C peritoneal cavity
D liver
C drugs to be used
D A and C
A special programs shall be organized for the controlling of the disease
D none