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American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2016, Vol. 4, No.

4, 133-141
Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ajcea/4/4/4
©Science and Education Publishing

Physical, Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of

Limestone High Performance Concrete
R. Chaid1,*, A. Bali2, A. PERROT3, M. Mansour1
Unity of research: Materials - Processes and Environment, Boumerdes University, Algeria
Laboratory of Construction & Environment, ENP- Algiers, Algeria
Laboratory of Materials Engineering of Brittany, UBS, French
*Corresponding author: chaidr@yahoo.fr

Abstract The production of a high performance concrete (HPC) has expanded the scope use of concrete exposed
to aggressive environments, thanks to the limited porosity, the durability, the rheological, physical and mechanical
properties with the respect remarkable to a conventional concrete. The objective of this study is to develop a HPC
incorporating finely ground limestone. The results show that the substitution of one part of cement by limestone
contributes more to the improvement of physical, mechanical and microstructural properties of concrete. The couple
cement/limestone contributes significantly to a densification of the matrix unlike when the cement is not substituted
by addition. The survey also shows that the limestone does not fall into any chemical reaction. However, the
development of resistance (physical phenomenon), obviously depends on the quality of hydrates supplied by the
hydration, but also how these hydrates are assembled, their arrangement in space and their connections.
Keywords: limestone, HPC, microstructure, creep, shrinkage
Cite This Article: R. Chaid, A. Bali, A. PERROT, and M. Mansour, “Physical, Mechanical and
Microstructural Properties of Limestone High Performance Concrete.” American Journal of Civil Engineering
and Architecture, vol. 4, no. 4 (2016): 133-141. doi: 10.12691/ajcea-4-4-4.

These long term deformations and their consequences,

when taken into account, may be considered as a basic
1. Introduction loading design phase.
For this purpose, the study of the characterization of
In the perspective of developing high performance these concretes has been carried out. It has consisted of
concretes "HPC" based on local raw materials, so we following the evolution of mechanical strengths and
proceeded with the introduction of limestone mineral damage as well as instantaneous and deferred
addition can meet some of the same performance than deformations. To better identify the effect of limestone in
those conferred by imported products such as: silica fume elaborated concrete, the hydration of concrete mixtures
and others. have been analyzed by X-ray diffraction. A scanning
In previous studies, the durability of these concretes electron microscope microanalysis of the minerals has
preserved in various aggressive environments was confirmed their chemical composition.
investigated. On the microstructural, it had been shown
that the limestone was an inert cementitious addition
playing a dual role: it had the effect of filler characterized 2. Materials Used
by a high grinding which facilitated the penetration
between cement grains. Then, a physical effect called 2.1. Cement
"heterogeneous nucleation" or the germination of calcium
silicate hydrate occurred more easily in contact with The used Portland cement was CEM I 52.5 of the Saint
calcite crystals. Some authors even talk of epitaxially Pierre Lacour factory whose X-ray diffraction diagram
germination on calcite [1,2]. (Figure 1), performed on the anhydrous cement shows the
Upon limestone addition, hydration products of cement presence of the different crystalline phases: the four
were accumulated around limestone particles [3]. The essential minerals (C3S, βC2S, C3A and C4AF) responsible
limestone powder prevents the transformation of ettringite for the setting and hardening of cement and gypsum
to sulphoaluminates (monosulphate, hemisulphate and (CaSO4.2H2O) considered as setting regulator.
solid solutions) [4]. The particle size analysis was performed using a laser
Structures are designed according to the load granulometer (Cilas 1180), working in multitask under
combinations (dead loads, imposed loads and wind loads). Windows, allowing combining power processing and
In addition, in the case of viscoelastic concrete elements, simplification of use.
they undergo deformations induced by the application of On partial and cumulative anhydrous cement grading
constant maintained load (creep phenomenon) and gradual curves (Figure 2), it can be observed a continuous graded
drying of concrete (shrinkage). average particle size of between 0.3 and 60 microns.
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 134

Figure 1. X-ray diffraction analysis of anhydrous cement CEM I 52,5 (λCu kα filtre Ni)

Figure 2. Grading distribution of anhydrous cement CEM I 52.5

Table 1. Strength evolution of normal mortar (CEM I 52.5)

air-conditioned room (20 °C, 50% RH) until the age of
Age - days 02 07 28 testing. The test results of specimens subjected to bending
Flexural strength (MPa) 4.8 6.8 7.7 and compressive loading are given in Table 1.
Compressive strength (MPa) 30 45 61
To select the concrete mix design proportions, it is 2.2. Limestone
necessary to determine the true strength of the used The limestone used is from Meftah quarry (Algeria):
cement (CEM I 52.5). Normal mortar tested is designed Title 95.80 and a Blaine specific surface of 16 600 cm2/g.
according to NF P 15-403 with a water/cement ratio (W/C) According to the XRD analysis (Figure 3), limestone is
of 0.5. The mortar specimens (4 x 4 x 16 cm3) are cured in composed of calcite (CaCO3).
humid room (20°C, 95% RH) for 7days, and then stored in

Figure 3. X-ray diffraction analysis of limestone (Cu Kα filtered)

135 American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture

A scanning electron micrograph of limestone (Figure 4): An overall microanalysis spread over a range (x 2000) and
a) x 5000 and b) x 20000 shows that particles are in the various points confirms the chemical composition of
form of rosettes, consisting of several interlocking plates. calcite (CaCO3).

Figure 4. Scanning electron micrograph of ground limestone

Figure 5. Grading distribution of limestone

The particle size of the used limestone is thinner than The mixing procedure for making concrete specimens
that of the cement (Figure 2). The dimensions of its is:
particles hardly exceed 16 microns (Figure 5). 1 - Aggregates and binder (cement + lime) are dry
mixed for one minute.
2.3. Aggregates 2 - The mixing water is added together with a third of
the volume of superplasticizer and mixing is continued for
The required characteristics for concrete necessarily involve 2.5 minutes.
the selecting of optimal compositions of different aggregates. 3 - The remaining superplasticizer is added and the
These aggregates are largely rounded: quaternary final mixing lasts one minute.
deposit of the Vilaine River (Ille et Vilaine, French), The concrete specimens are preserved in their mold in a
which are mainly siliceous under the form of quartz and wet room (θ = 20 ± 1 °C, RH = 90 ± 10%) for 24 hours.
for a small part, crushed: corneal and meta-quartzite. In They then undergo an appropriate curing depending on the
this work, after preliminary tests on both the rheology of type of test:
concrete mixes and its crushing as hardened material, the - For mechanical testing and speed of sound, they are
choice was made on the aggregate Classes of 3/8 and 8/15. immersed in ordinary water at 20°C until the testing time.
A normal river whose fineness modulus is 2.47 has - For creep and shrinkage tests, they are placed
been used for the purpose of this investigation. unprotected in an air conditioned room (θ = 20 ± 1°C, RH
= 50 ± 10%).
2.4. Admixture
The admixture used is a water-reducing plasticizer for Table 2. Mix proportions for the elaborated concretes
high performance concretes in accordance with the NF EN Mix proportioning
934-2 provided by SIKA industry. RC LC
The FF Sikament 86 admixture allows making concrete Cement kg/m3 475 427.5
with a very low W/C ratio leading to very high mechanical Sand kg/m3 573 573
strengths in particular at early ages. 3
Gravel (3/8) kg/m 130 130
Gravel (8/15) kg/m3 915 915
3. Experimental Program Water l/m3
150 150
The concrete physical, mechanical and microstructural Plasticiser l/m3 8 8
characteristics with and without limestone addition are Limestone kg/m 3
- 47.5
studied and the results are compared.
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 136

The mix proportions of high performance concretes 4. Results and Analysis

with limestone fines and without any cementitious
addition, after optimization, are shown in Table 2. The
water / binder ratio for both types of concrete is 0.32.
4.1. Mechanical Strength
The following legend has been adopted throughout the According to the graphs showing the evolution of the
paper: mechanical strength of the two tested concretes, it can be
- LC: Concrete with limestone fines. noticed a significant improvement as well in compressive
- RC: Reference Concrete (without addition). strength (Figure 6) as in tensile strength (Figure 7) of
limestone concrete with respect to concrete reference.

Figure 6. Influence of curing time on the specimen compressive strength

Figure 7. Flexural stress – displacement curves evolution after 3 months hardening

After 365day curing, an increase in compressive created by hydration of the cement and paste - aggregate
strength of about 51% has been recorded whereas tensile interface transition zone.
strength increased by 25% after three month curing. This - The addition of CaCO3 accelerates the hydration of
was expected due to the beneficial role of the the C3S at the early age by modifying the surface of the
simultaneous use of limestone and a water reducer latter and by its nucleating effect [8].
superplasticizer [5].
This improvement is attributed to the good quality of 4.2. Densities and Propagation Velocity of
the materials mainly coarse aggregates and cement. It Sound Waves
should be noted that, even for the reference concrete, the
reached mechanical strengths have been very satisfactory. The evolution of the densities of the different tested
On the other hand, the incorporation of limestone leads to concretes is presented in Figure 8. The density of
a significant increase in strength. This is obviously due to limestone concrete is systematically higher than that of the
its dual role [6, 7]: reference concrete: it is thus confirmed that the high
- The densification of the matrix by filler effect, thanks fineness of limestone contributes to the increase in the
to its ultrafine particles which are inserted into the pores compactness of the cement matrix.
137 American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Figure 8. Influence of curing time on concrete density

Indeed, the incorporation of limestone with fineness of the concrete skeleton. Non-destructive ultrasonic pulse
greater than that of the used cement is inserted into the velocity test is one of the most appropriate methods to
capillary pores and voids. This leads to the densification assess the mechanical properties of a material.

Figure 9. Influence of curing time on sound wave velocity through the elaborated concretes

It should be noted, from the results obtained (Figure 9), high tensile stresses [9]. These tensile stresses develop at a
that the older the concrete, the greater is the velocity of time when the strength of the hydrated cement paste is low,
sound for both concrete compositions, which is coherent which can cause a concrete cracking. Jensen et al. [10]
with the evolution of compactness over time. A significant have shown that the cement paste with a w/c ratio of 0.36
difference has been observed between the reference which hydrates in the presence of an external source of
concrete and limestone concrete. The velocity is greater at water undergoes small shrinkage and once all the grains of
all maturity ages, which is a result of the densification of cement have hydrated does not show any porosity.
the structure. The total shrinkage of concrete containing limestone
addition, measured on 28 x 7 x 7 cm3 test specimens is
4.3. Shrinkage and Creep less than that measured on the reference concrete (Figure 10).
The initial shrinkage of limestone HPC is directly
Any concrete which is not stored in water undergoes proportional to the amount of cement, which here is lower
the endogenous shrinkage which is a consequence of than that of reference HPC, it will thus be reduced.
chemical contraction developed during the hydration of Deferred behaviour is mainly controlled by the gradual
Portland cement. The absolute volume of hydrates formed moisture movements in the hydrated cement paste which
is less than the absolute sum of the volume of cement and are influenced by various factors. The first parameter is
the initial water. The shrinkage is also a phenomenon that the hydration process which is considered as a consumer
significantly influences cracking of concrete and, on the of the water introduced during the preparation of concrete.
other hand, certainly influences too tensile strength. Next, environmental conditions introduce a water gradient
In concrete with very low w/c ratio, when the cement starts within the heart of the material. Finally, there is also in the
to hydrate, fine capillaries begin to dry quickly creating case of creep, the influence of the load, its intensity and
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 138

the age of concrete at loading, the materials and mix-proportions, temperature as well as the time and humidity.

Figure 10. Influence of curing time on shrinkage of the different concretes

Mechanisms of shrinkage (spontaneous strain) and shear stresses in hydrated gel, and thus to a release of
creep (time-dependant strain under steady load) are stored energy. In the case of shrinkage only the potential
similar to the point that shrinkage can be referred to as energy may not be sufficient. On the opposite, it should be
creep under water loading. noted that creep specimens have sufficient energy to
The three phases of creep phenomenon can be dislocate the C-S-H layers.
explained by the following mechanisms: Phase 3: In this particular case, the energy level is
Phase 1: It is associated with a short-term deformation. higher and can potentially increase the number of sites
The reversible nature of this part of deformation was likely to be affected by micro shear stresses. The possible
highlighted by Jensen et al. [10]. This phase is probably existence of this phase reflects the existence of a threshold
due to a redistribution of water to areas of lower pressure below which there is no possible movement within the
by microdiffusion. microstructure. It could be assumed that the energy
Phase 2: This illustrates the linearity between dissipation is such that no other failure can occur. It
shrinkage and creep. This puts forward the idea that should be noted that this third phase is not assimilated to
shrinkage is similar to water flow behaviour under load. tertiary creep leading to the ruin of the material [11].
This phase is irreversible and can be attributed to micro

Figure 11. Creep evolution of the different concretes

A low total creep deformation of high-performance Fine limestone particles, owing to their higher surface
limestone concrete results from low W/B. The water area on the order of 16 600 cm2/g, agglomerate around
movement between the layers of hydrates is leading to the anhydrous cement grains and prevent hydration at the
activation of concrete creep. The substitution of 10% early ages after manufacture. The barrier they form, leads
cement by limestone with finesse, greater than that of to an expansion under load (dilatancy) limiting creep
cement, should lead to a higher densification. Thus, if which, at long term, is lower than that of reference
creep was mainly due to the moisture movement between concrete (Figure 11).
the layers of C-S-H, its amplitude should be thus reduced.
139 American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture

4.4. Microstructure structure or morphology of the solid phases resulting from

hydration. The morphology of C-S-H has been widely
4.4.1. Internal Microstructure studied by Transmission Electron Microscopy. Viehland
The cement is one of the most complex systems to et al. [12,13] have shown the existence of two
describe in terms of chemical composition, crystalline morphological profiles in the tobermorite, described as an
amorphous region and a nanocrystalline isotropic region.

Figure 12. Scanning electron micrograph of different concrete specimen microstructure

High magnification electron micrographs on concrete point of concrete because it is considered as a zone of
after 365 days of curing (Figure 12) have been performed reduced cohesion in which cracks propagate and the strength
to highlight the morphological aspects. It should be noted is considerably limited. Several authors have reported that
that the microstructure of limestone concrete has been in this area the portlandite (CH) is formed in large quantities
slightly improved with relatively denser interfaces and at the expense of the rest of the cement paste [16].
containing more C-S-H, which characterize HPC incorporating On the behaviour of concretes submitted to indirect
cementitious materials. The calcium silicate hydrate tensile tests, rupture occurs along the aggregate, this
(C-S-H) appears to be in a cellular form (honeycomb) and interfacial area called interfacial transition zone which
more particularly showing dense morphology [14]. seems to be the most stressed and the most susceptible to
These observations confirm the measurement results of failure in a concrete under a tensile loading.
ultrasonic wave velocity from which the densification of The rupture maps cross differently the aggregates and
the cement matrix with the introduction of limestone is the paste- aggregate bond. This leads to think that the
shown evident. This explains the high mechanical strength applied force is distributed over the interfacial transition
and the higher densities previously noticed [15]. zone and aggregates. When the failure occurs at the
However, in reference concrete at an age of 365 days, transition zone, this may happen as a result of the good
an important presence of lime in the form of Ca (OH)2 strength of aggregates whereas the interfacial transition
crystallized in piled hexagonal layers has been noticed. zone is considered as mechanically weak. When the
fracture is intergranular, this means that aggregates are not
4.4.2. Interfacial Transition Zone strong enough [17].
The study of aggregates - cement paste bond has been The examinations of the interfacial transition zone in
the subject of a lot of work and all authors agree that these reference concrete (Figure 13) show that this area is more
bonds account for the acquisition of the mechanical crystalline, more porous and softer than the bulk cement
properties of concrete. paste due to excessive ettringite. Cracks bypass the
In the interfacial transition zone that forms between the aggregates then spread into the matrix, while in the case of
cement paste and the aggregate in concrete, the hydrate calcareous concrete the interfacial transition zone is
crystallization is different from the bulk hydrated cement denser and more compact because of the incorporation of
paste. This interfacial transition zone is generally the weakest limestone [1].

Figure 13. Scanning electron micrograph of the interfacial transition zone of different concrete specimens
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 140

4.4.3. Analysis by X-ray Diffraction. in nature but of very different amounts. The calcium
Figure 14 illustrates the influence of the addition of silicate hydrates of general formula xCaO.ySiO2.zH2O
limestone on the different mineral formations. Crystalline have a nanometric local structural order that makes them
phases of both reference and limestone concretes are identical difficult to identify by X-ray diffraction [18].

Figure 14. X-ray diffraction analysis of concrete specimens after 365 days of hardening

For a given cement, the amount of formed C-S-H and mechanical and microstructural properties of elaborated
Ca (OH)2 mainly depends on the water / cement ratio and high performance concretes.
reaction time. In a completely hydrated cement paste, the At 365 days of conservation, an increase in the
calcium silicate hydrates occupy 50 to 65% by volume of compressive strength of about 51% and in tensile strength
solids, whereas the calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) by 25% has been noted. This was expected due to the
constitutes 25 to 27% of the latter volume. The C-S-H beneficial role of the simultaneous use of limestone and
phase is therefore the predominant phase on which depend water reducer superplasticizer.
the evolution of physical characteristics, particularly the Indeed, the limestone addition with a higher fineness
mechanical properties of the material. The structure of C- than that of the used cement is inserted into voids and
S-H is not well defined, but all observations indicate that capillary pores and leads to the densification of the
it forms a pseudo gel poorly crystallized [19]. concrete skeleton. The ultrasonic propagation velocity
Ettringite crystallizes in the form of needles (with which is high enough in limestone concrete confirms this
hexagonal base), often radiating around anhydrous cement result.
grains (not expansive). The shape and size of the ettringite The total shrinkage of concrete with addition of
depend directly on the nature of the ions in the interstitial limestone is lower than that measured on the reference
phase, the concentration of Ca (OH)2 and ambient concrete. This occurs as a result of cement amount
temperature [17,20]. It should be noted that in the reduction and the sufficiently rigid cementitious skeleton
limestone concrete, the presence of ettringite is lower that opposes deformations caused by the removal of
compared to reference concrete. adsorbed water. It is assumed that creep is mainly due to
the moisture movement between the C-S-H layers. The
amplitude is here reduced, probably because of the new
5. Conclusion hydrated compounds which create a barrier to the latter
The results of this investigation show that the addition It has been shown that the finely ground limestone
of limestone contributes to improve the physical, improves the microstructure with significantly denser
141 American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture

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