Sapang Palay National High School Fatima V, Area E, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Sapang Palay National High School Fatima V, Area E, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Sapang Palay National High School Fatima V, Area E, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Lazala, Katrina S.
This study aims to know the extent readiness of Sapang Palay National
This research ought to know what are the common problems did the
also want to know if the school is capable and ready in the implementation of
survey with the used of descriptive method and questionnaires as a primary data
gathering instrument wherein the survey form was validated by the Practical
Research Adviser, Mr. Kay Mark C. Orio, and Science teacher, Ms. Loida A.
Dagami. The respondents are the Senior High School students of Sapang Palay
National High School, School Year 2017-2018. The data gathered are interpreted
researchers found out that the Sapang Palay National High School is almost
the following people, who helped them in conducting and completion of their
Mr. Kay Mark C. Orio, their research adviser, for guiding them in
accomplishing their study. The one who teach them about the ways in
conducting a research.
Ms. Loida A. Dagami, for validating their questionnaire, for the advice,
HUMSS 12-A, their classmate, for helping them and encouraging them to
To their friends, for the support and believed that they can finish their
study. They are one of the reasons in the accomplishment of this study.
Parents and Families, for supporting them financially and for the
To the Senior High School students, that serves as their respondents who
lend their time in answering our questionnaire. This is a big help in the
Table of Content
A. Research Background.............................................................1
B. Research Problem...................................................................3
C. Research Questions................................................................3
D. Conceptual Framework...........................................................5
G. Definition of Terms................................................................7
A. Related Literature..................................................................9
B. Related Study......................................................................14
C. Process................................................................................21
D. Research Instrument...........................................................22
A. Summary............................................................................26
B. Findings..............................................................................26
C. Conclusion..........................................................................27
D. Recommendation................................................................27
List of Tables
Table 1: Respondents………………………………………………………………………….20
Table 2: Findings………………………………………………………………………………..23
Table 3: Results………………………………………………………………………………….24
Chapter 1
Research Background
Given the fact that the Philippines is one of the three countries in the
world (Angola and Djibouti are the other country) and only one in Asia that still
have only 10 years in basic education; this has always been seen as a
disadvantage for the students in who are competing in an increasingly goal job
Year 2016 was the year when K to 12 Program was first implemented.
This new curriculum guide of education requires all the Filipino students to have
Junior High School (from grade 7 to grade 10), and 2 years of Senior High
students sufficient time to master skills and absorb basic competencies. Students
of the new system will graduate at the age of 18 and will be ready for
more on collaboration rather than competition on the old curriculum. It’s just
indicating that this kind of teaching is more on performance, and group activities.
Also in this program, all has given a chance to be honor student. Once you've
But one of the major concerns of the critics is the additional expenses to
to households and would later on translate to higher dropout rates. While the
school supplies, and other schooling expenses are still to be shouldered by the
from the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) the rush
publicly funded. This is because many poor families do not reach beyond the
not yet fully tested, the study also raised concerns about the many reforms the
DepED is trying to implement all at the same time. Including the implementation
of the K to 12 Program which might result in similar reform failures in the past. It
also expressed concern on the fact that DepED might lose administrative
But despite of its good purpose many Filipino is still complaining about
because this is another expenses and another year in staying in High School
before going to College. Thus, many Filipino thinks that this program is another
waste of time for students before being a College student without knowing that
Research Problem
facilities for the K to 12 program, problems that are facing by the new
educational program. This problem that merely affect the study of the students
that results them to think that this program is just a waste of time, and let them
Research Questions
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
2.2 Clinic
2.3 Faculty
2.5 Laboratory
2.6 Library
3.1 Modules
3.2 Books
3.3 Computers
3.4 Projector
3.6 Television
4.3 Well equip
Conceptual Framework
school encounter:
Analysis and
interpretation of
Materials for
Testing of research
Scope and limitation
students and teachers performance. The study considered the schools offer.
The researchers limited the study in 280 Senior High school students,
Sapang Palay National High School, School Year 2017-2018. Each of our
our respondents randomly from grade 11-12 level to avoid being biased.
For Senior High School students, this study will help them to know the
commentary about the K to 12 Program. It will help them to understand the real
For the Government, this research will help them to know the problem of
the new curriculum. It will give them understanding about the needs of the new
Definition of Terms
appearance, or result.
something or someone.
individual employees.
Fundamental- forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.
or similar purpose.
Nudged- to push slightly or gently, especially with the elbow, to get someone's
Strategy- is a high level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of
unified whole.
Teachers- are Senior High School Teachers of Sapang Palay National High School
Chapter 2
Related Literature
Science and Math proficiency as one of his education agenda aimed at rebuilding
infrastructures so the Philippines can produced quality graduates, and ensure the
not recognized as a professional abroad. The reason if this is the short term
duration of the Philippines basic education cycle. The curriculum reforms in the
Neighboring Asian countries if the Philippines have long been prepared in terms
of their educational requirements of their workforce for a job fair at least across
must integrate theory with practice, enabling teachers to make ongoing decisions
about their classroom practice within the context of deeply understood relevant
intellectual workers, rather than treating them as technicians who merely need to
they do it. In any final analysis, true teacher professional learning is human,
social and relational. Teachers, like students, need time to learn and people from
whom to learn. A wide range of possible strategies provide options for learning.
The challenge for school leaders is to bring these together in a meaningful way.
and based on daily classroom practice. It provides training and support for
focused on the schools themselves and based in daily classroom practice (San
procedure starts from a review of assessment results which include both the
previous student learning outcomes and the test items in which they excelled,
fared moderately or failed. From a review of test results at different levels
student responses to different test items which will serve as basis for curriculum
modifications. Sullivan pointed out the need to develop student’s abilities to work
adaptively that is, enabling them to apply previous learning to current and
relevant situations.
individual child, the schools readiness for children, and the ability of the family
educational experience.
children, but also comprises the educational, social, family and personal
resources that support their success at school. The following child attributes
imply school readiness: good physical health, including being well nourished and
having the physical stamina to last a school day; general cognitive skills such as
instructions; working independently and staying on task; social and emotional
The Philippine Online Chronicles (2011) cited in one of its articles that K to
12 has been met with criticism from youth and student groups, teachers, parents
and the academic community. The DepED, for its part, appears determined to
enact the program with its proposed budget catering mostly to preparing the
grounds for its eventual implementation. The article also stressed that it is
arguably one of the most drastic and controversial programs of the Aquino
administration. In the same article, the DepED argues that the K-12 program will
be the solution to yearly basic education woes and the deteriorating quality of
addressed more fundamentally and adding more school years would only
presented in the same article: First, K to 12 will solve the annual growing
political youth group estimates that a student would still need an average of
P20,000 per school year to cover transportation, food, school supplies and other
schooling expenses. Second, the K-12 will address low achievement scores and
poor academic performance of elementary and high school students. Third, the
DepED has enough resources to implement the K-12. Interestingly, countries
whose students got high scores in the TIMSS were the ones whose governments
allotted high public spending for education. Despite nominal increases in the total
education budget, the government has been spending less per capita on
education. Fourth, the K-12 will open doors for more jobs for the youth, even
without a college diploma. DepED says that a K-12 program will improve the
skills through focusing on arts, aquaculture and agriculture, among others. The
K-12, it further states, will ensure that students graduating at the age of 18 will
have jobs, thus making them “employable” even without a college degree. Fifth,
the present 10-year cycle, the DepED argues, the quality of education is
reflected in the inadequate preparation of high school graduates for the world of
12 model by saying that the present short basic education program affects the
model, what the youth and country direly needs is for the development and
youth and the society in general The article concluded that the crisis of the
this case the number of schooling years, but rather on the conditions and
President Benigno Aquino III aims to restructure basic education in the country
primary school, four years in junior high school and two years in senior high
school. Present during the signing were House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr.,
Education chief Bro. Armin Luistro, and senators and House members who
authored the legislation. The legislation also provides for a mother-tongue, multi-
country’s education system. Through this program, people may expect better-
trained citizens who could be competitive with the knowledge and skills of people
intimately intertwined with those of the curriculum. In fact, the curriculum can be
viewed as the very heart of all educational systems. Thus, curriculum decisions
Related Study
map onto the actual policy processes. On one hand, by promoting cultural
identity and instilling values of justice as fairness, mother-language education
minimizes the conditions of inequities that fuel social and political conflicts,
thereby installing “the defenses of peace” in “the minds of men”. On the other,
which signal new waves and forms of multilingualism that invite revisions of
and Nigeria. The study reveals that competitions about ELPs persist partly due to
Hersh (2008) found out that contextual teaching enables learning in which
and out-of-school contexts to solve simulated or real world problems, both alone
and with others. Activities in which teachers use contextual teaching strategies
help students make connections with their roles and responsibilities as family
members, citizens, students, and workers. Learning through and in these kinds
Cheung and Slavin (2011) reported that on the 2009 National Assessment
of Educational Progress only 17% of eighth graders eligible for free lunch scored
at proficient or better, while 45% of middle class students scored this well.
Among African American students, only 12% scored proficient or better, and the
percentages were 17% for Hispanics and 18% for American Indians, compared
to 44% for Whites and 54% for Asian-Americans. All of these scores have been
and the informal mentoring relationships that often result. This is of particular
importance in succession from one career stage to the next. It is through gaining
foregoing. In this study, they concluded that teachers training programs are
of the ability of local professionals to meet the standards and human resource
On the other hand, Magno (2013) cited that teachers are one of the key
elements in any school and effective teaching is one of the key propellers for
effectiveness and what makes an effective teacher. It draws out implications for
schools and universities to cope with new innovations, they should keep at pace
with the tempo of societal changes and technological progress. The schools of
today should participate in the educational and social revolution. Thus, the
changes and the new responsibilities for the new breed of Filipinos. The three
most important sectors of society that give direct input to the improvement of
the curriculum are the academe (institutions), the government, and the
teaching, but its effectiveness depends much on the nature of the learners, the
the teacher’s professional qualities and the classroom climate. While instructional
Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature and Studies
Santos (2012), Garcia (2013), High (2012), Katigbak (2012), Magno (2013),
(2008), Rahman (2011), San Diego Institute for Learning, Slavin (2011), Sullivan
(2011), Tullao (2007), and Webster-Wright (2009) they tackled about the
family and the different officials. Also the readiness to compete internationally.
The teachers and students need time to learn and people whom to learn, and
should provide training and support for the officials. They pointed out the need
citizens who could be competitive with the knowledge and skills of people
Hersh (2008), Philippine Online Chronicles (2011) and Sears (2008) they tackled
beneficial that can get in K-12 program that will be the solution to the basic
Chapter 3
Research Design
describe the data collected regarding to the readiness of Sapang Palay National
High School in implementing K-12 Program. This is the best method to describe
the condition or the situation of the subject. The survey method questioners
were two groups of respondent are involved in this study, Teachers and
Table 1: Respondents
program. Secondly, all data pertinent to the topic in this study were personally
gathered by the researcher, some data were gathered from the internet. Then,
the primary data were conducted from the filled up questionnaires that allocated
to the corresponding respondents for this study. Lastly, the collected data were
Research Instrument
was used as the primary data gathering instrument with focus on school
school facilities, and teacher’s readiness in terms of teaching competencies,
This instrument underwent content validation by Sir Kay Mark C. Orio, our
Senior High School students not covered by the study. They were noted included
an actual respondents but were used only for validation purposes to determine if
In this study we used the statistical tools Mean, Percentage and Sum. We
used mean in getting the average of the readiness of the school. Second, we use
percentage to know how many students think that the school is ready for
implementation of the K-12 Program. Lastly, we used the sum to get the total
Chapter 4
Research Question 1:
Table 2: The findings Readiness of Sapang Palay National High School in terms
teachers are well equipped, teachers are ready for K-12, effectiveness of
Research Question 2:
Table 3: This table shows the percentage in the readiness of Sapang Palay
Yes No
1. Our school is ready because the teachers are 62.14% 37.86%
well equipped.
2. The number of classrooms is enough and 43% 68.57%
that we need.
4. There are enough teachers for every subject. 51.43% 48.58%
Total Percentage 45.8% 54.2%
High School is ready because the teachers are well equipped while 37.86%
disagreed that the school is ready. 43% said that the number of classrooms is
enough and complete in equipment needed while 68.57% don’t agree that the
class is ready. 38.21% of the respondents agreed that they are provided by the
instructional materials that they need, 61.79% disagreed on it. 51.43% of the
respondents concede that there are enough teachers for every subject
Chapter 5
This study aimed to know the extent readiness of Sapang Palay National
This research ought to know what are the common problems did the
also want to know if the school is capable and ready in the implementation of
the new curriculum. Assessed by respondents and if Sapang Palay National High
instrument which was validated by our Practical Research Adviser, Mr. Kay Mark
C. Orio, and Science teacher, Ms. Loida A. Dagami. The data gathered and
The data were analyzed and the following findings were formulated
National High School, aged of 17-19 years old. The school readiness in terms of
facilities got an average of 2.48 which means that the buildings with classrooms,
means, the materials for teaching such as modules and books are almost ready.
The school readiness in terms of teachers got an average of 2.67 which
means that the teachers are ready in the implementation of new curriculum.
Dejarme (2008), De los Santos (2012), Garcia (2013), High (2012), Katigbak
Piamonte (2012), Porter (2008), Rahman (2011), San Diego Institute for
(2009) they tackled about the curriculum reforms in the Philippines K-12 geared
country has been preparation in terms of their education, the facilities, schools,
teachers, students, family and the different officials. Also the readiness to
compete internationally.
12. The teachers who have not yet finished their master’s degree should
committed and dedicated to the calling they are into. The school should maintain
through adopting more innovative trends, improving their facilities and preparing
The Government and DepED should give more focus in the school that
Garcia J.A.S. (2013). "Framework for ASEAN 2015: A Roadmap for Schools".
High, L. (2012). "School Readiness and Teaching and learning in the interactive
McCulla, M. V. (2011). “Improving work processes by making the invisible visit”,
Retrieve From:
Technology Applications for Enhancing Mathematics Achievement in K 12
Sears & Hersh (2008) “Case Study on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) ”,
Appendix A
October 3, 2017
Dear Ma’am/Sir,
Good Day!
The researchers from HUMSS 12-A under the supervision of Mr. Kay Mark C. Orio
are currently undertaking a research study entitled THE READINESS OF
PROGRAM in partial fulfillment on our subject Practical Research 2.
The researchers
Research Adviser
Appendix B
Letter to the Principal
Wilma M. Aquino
Principal IV
Good day!
We, students from HUMSS 12-A of Senior High School is currently conducting a
research regarding the Capability of Sapang Palay National High School Health
Clinic inGiving Immediate Care to its Clients. The respondents that we needed
are students, teachers and staffs of this school.
Attached are the set of questionnaire being given. Thank you and God Bless.
Noted by,
Computer Literate
B-5 L-34 Area H Phase I CSJDM. Bulacan
Zip Code:3024
To obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong
organizational skills and ability to work well with people
Gr. 1 to Gr 2: Tenement Elementary School
Yr. 2006 to 2007
Gr.3 to Gr. 6: San Rafael BBH Elementary School
Yr. 2007 to 2012
High School
Gr. 7 to Gr 12: Sapang Palay National High School
Yr. 2012 to 2018
Work Experience:
Sapang Palay National High
School Student Assistant (2014-2016)
Raiven Haircutter Salon
Cashier (2016-2017)
Seminar/ Training:
HIV Awareness
Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program
Career Choice Seminar
Career Orientation Seminar
Disaster Risk Reduction Management
Lot.1, Blk.7, Road 3, Minuyan 2, CSJDM, Bulacan
Zip Code: 3024
To help others through their psychological, emotional, and mental needs, also to
give a purpose to my skill.
S.P.A Seminar
Personal Background:
Age: 16
To help others through their psychological, emotional, and mental needs, also to
give a purpose to my skill.
Computer Literate
Personal Background:
Age: 17
Name: (Optional)
Rate the readiness of Sapang Palay National High School in implementing K-12
Program by putting a check.
Computer Room
School Canteen
Teacher’s Faculty
Guard House
2. The Board
White number of classrooms is enough and complete in
equipment needed.
3. We are provided by the instructional materials that we need.
Teachers are well equipped
4. There are enough teachers for every subject.
Enough numbers of Teacher
Effectiveness of Teachers
Teaching styles