Abundo VS Comelec
Abundo VS Comelec
Abundo VS Comelec
, Petitioner,
In this Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65, petitioner Abelardo Abundo, Sr.
(Abundo) assails and seeks to nullify (1) the February 8, 2012 Resolutionof the
Second Division, Commission on Elections (COMELEC), in EAC (AE) No. A-25-
2010 and (2) the May 10, 2012 Resolution of the COMELEC en banc affirming
that division’s disposition. The assailed issuances, in turn, affirmed the Decision of
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Virac, Catanduanes, Branch 43, dated August 9,
2010, in Election Case No. 55 declaring Abundo as ineligible, under the three-term
limit rule, to run in the 2010 elections for the position of, and necessarily to sit as,
Mayor of Viga, Catanduanes.
Abundo argues that the RTC and the COMELEC erred in uniformly ruling that he
had already served three consecutive terms and is, thus, barred by the
constitutional three-term limit rule to run for the current 2010-2013 term. In gist,
Abundo arguments run thusly:
1. Aldovino, Jr. is not on all fours with the present case as the former dealt
with preventive suspension which does not interrupt the continuity of service
of a term;
5. The COMELEC missed the point when it ruled that there was no
interruption in the service of Abundo since what he considered as an
"interruption" of his 2004-2007 term occurred before his term started; and
6. To rule that the term of the protestee (Torres) whose proclamation was
adjudged invalid was interrupted while that of the protestant (Abundo) who
was eventually proclaimed winner was not so interrupted is at once absurd as
it is illogical.
No. The consecutiveness of what otherwise would have been Abundo’s three
successive, continuous mayorship was effectively broken during the 2004-2007 term
when he was initially deprived of title to, and was veritably disallowed to serve and
occupy, an office to which he, after due proceedings, was eventually declared to
have been the rightful choice of the electorate.
(1) that the official concerned has been elected for three consecutive terms in
the same local government post; and