I Plan
I Plan
I Plan
Instructional Planning is the process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating, and managing the
instructional process by using principles of teaching and learning (DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016).
iPlan No.: Learning Grade Level: Quarter: Duration: __mins.
Learning Competency/ies: Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum
Key Concepts /
Understandings to be
E n a b l e r s
Domain/ Behavioral Curriculum Learning Styles Gender and Learner Instructions for
Categories Verbs Contextualizat Characteristics Diverse
ion Visual Auditory Kinestheti Boys Girls Learners
Modality Modality c/Tactile
C Rememb identify, 1. Local Heritage - Learner - Learner’s - Learner - Show more - Generally
Theme/s can be remembers papers and starts a areas in the demonstrat
ering retrieve, used to information notebooks project brain e a focus
O recognize, contextualize the better if always seem before dedicated to on verbal-
duplicate, lesson: he/she messy. reading the spatial- emotive
G list, writes it - When directions. mechanical processing
A. Annual Rites down. Iearner - Learner - Girls are
memorize, - Often
(Festivals, and - Learner reads, hates to sit generally
N repeat, Rituals looking at he/she at a desk for misdiagnose hardwired
d with
describe, (Historical/Religio the person needs to use long periods learning to be less
I reproduce us Festivals, Local helps keep his/her index of time. disabilities impulsive,
Understa interpret, Cultural Festivals, him/her finger to - Learner and enabling
Local focused. track the prefers first attention- them to sit
T nding exemplify, Delicacies/Produc - Learner place on the to see deficit issues still, focus,
classify, ts Festivals, needs a line. something - Boys’ read, and
I summarize, Rituals, Wedding quiet place - Learner done and brains need write at an
Ritual, Palihi to get my doesn’t then to do it more rest earlier age
infer, Ritual, Burial work done. follow him/herself. times during - Girls’
V compare, Ritual) - When a written - Learner a day of hardwiring
explain, B. Literary learner directions uses the trial learning. demonstrat
E paraphrase, Anthologies takes a well. and error - Boys are es strength
Written In Local test, - If learner approach to hardwired to in
Applying execute, Language he/she can hears problem- be single- multitaskin
(BALITAW, BALAK, see the something, solving. task focused g
implement, Folktales/ Short textbook he/she will - Learner - Many boys - Girls, on
demonstrat Stories, Local page in remembers likes to read have a the other
e, Heroes) his/her it. his/her difficult time hands, are
C. Historical head. - Writing has textbook sitting still to
dramatize, hear the
Events - Learner always been while riding predispose d
interpret, (Indigenous needs to difficult for an exercise
story, as they to
solve, use, Materials, write down the learner. bike. cooperativ e
illustrate, Indigenous directions, - Learner - Learner movement- negotiation ,
convert, Cultural not just often takes driven have a much
Communities/ take them misreads frequent (kinesthetic)
discover Indigenous verbally. words from study
easier time
in their with impulse
Analyzing differentiate People, - Music or the text- breaks. learning
control, and
, distinguish, Indigenous background (i.e.,“them” - Learner has process
can sit “criss-
compare, Games) noise for “then”). a difficult - “Boys do
their best cross-apple-
D. Topography, distracts - Learner time giving
contrast, Flora/ Fauna learner would rather step-by-step work when sauce” in
organize, (Falls, Mountains, attention listens and instructions. teachers the reading
outline, River, Cave, Trees, from the learns than - Learner establish circle with
Flower, Fauna) task at reads and enjoys sports authentic ease
attribute, purpose and
E. Food & Local hand. learns. and does
deconstruct products - Learner - Learner is well at
Evaluatin coordinate, G. Role Model doesn’t not very several connections.
g measure, Family always get good at different ” (Gurian, - Girls tend
the interpreting types of 2006). to verbalize
detect, during
2. Core/enduring meaning of an sports. - Topics of
defend, values that can be a joke. individual’s - Learner learning problem
judge, used to - Learner body uses his/her particularly solving via
argue, contextualize the doodles language. hands when interesting to cooperatio
curriculum: and draws - Pages with describing boys include n and
debate, ideas they interactive
A. Maka-Diyos pictures on small print things.
describe, Love of God, the margins or poor - Learner has can directly learning
critique, Faith, Trusting, of his/her quality to rewrite or apply to their
Spirituality, Inner notebook copies are type his/her lives
appraise, (science
Peace, Love of pages. difficult for class notes
evaluate projects
truth, Kindness, - Learner learner to to reinforce
P Perceptio choose, Humble has trouble read. the material. involving the
n describe, B. Maka-tao following - Learner’s
of a seed,
Sdetect, Concern for lectures. eyes tire
Others, Respect - Learner quickly, even
differentiate for human rights, reacts very though - Allow boys
Y , distinguish, Gender equality, strongly to his/her to choose
identify, Family Solidarity, colors. vision check- topics in
C isolate, Generosity, up is always reading that
Helping, Oneness fine. appeal to
relate, C. them
H select Makakalikasan (superheroe
Set begin, Care of the s, nonfiction
environment, works, etc.).
O display,
Disaster Risk
explain, Management,
M move, Protection of the
proceed, Environment,
O react, show,
state, Cleanliness,
T volunteer Orderliness,
Guided copy, trace, Saving the
O Response follow,
react, sustainability
R reproduce, D. Makabansa
Peace and order,
Mechanis assemble,
Heroism and
m construct, Appreciation of
dismantle, Heroes, National
display, Unity, Civic
fasten, fix,
heat, responsibility,
manipulate, Harmony,
measure, Patriotism,
mend, mix,
organize, 3. Community
sketch situations can be
Complex Skills used to
contextualize the
overt demonstrat curriculum:
response ed are the a) weather
same with condition/climate
mechanism. b) traditions
c) beliefs
However, d) livelihood
adjective e) advancement
must be of technology
added to
quicker, and
Adaptati alter,
on change,
revise, vary,
A Receiving ask, choose,
Phenome describe,
F na erect,
follow, give,
F hold,
E locate,
name, point
C to, reply,
select, sit,
T study, use
Receiving ask, choose,
I Phenome describe,
na erect,
V follow, give,
E identify,
name, point
to, reply,
select, sit,
study, use
Respondi aid, answer,
ng to assist,
Phenome comply,
na conform,
greet, help,
read, recite,
select, tell,
Valuing work,
, explain,
invite, join,
read, report,
share, study
Organizat adhere,
ion alter,
3. Analysis (__minutes). Essential questions are included to serve as a guide for the teacher in clarifying key understandings about the topic at hand. Critical
points are organized to structure the discussions allowing the learners to maximize interactions and sharing of ideas and opinions about expected issues. Affective
questions are included to elicit the feelings of the learners about the activity or the topic. The last questions or points taken should lead the learners to understand the
new concepts or skills that are to be presented in the next part of the lesson.
E n a b l e r s
Domain/Categories Behavioral Verbs Curriculum Essential/Main Questions
Contextualization (Aligned with content and
performance standards)
C Remembering identify, retrieve, recognize, duplicate, list, 1. What Local Heritage
memorize, repeat, describe, reproduce Theme/s that can be used
to contextualize the lesson?
2. Let the learners (Add here the objective for Knowledge) using the (state here what you will use: activity sheet, template,
table, etc.) with clear instructions provided.
3. When applicable, Let the learners (Add here the objective for Attitude) using the (state here what you will use: activity
sheet, template, table, etc.) with clear instructions provided.
4. When applicable, Let the learners (Add here the objective for Values) using the (state here what you will use: activity sheet,
template, table, etc.) with clear instructions provided.
5. Application (__minutes). This part is structured to ensure the commitment of the learners to do something to apply their new learning in their own
1. Let the learners (Add here the objective for Skill) using the (state here what you will use: activity sheet, template, table, etc.)
with clear instructions provided.
2. When applicable, Let the learners (Add here the objective for Attitude) using the (state here what you will use: activity sheet,
template, table, etc.) with clear instructions provided.
3. When applicable, Let the learners (Add here the objective for Values) using the (state here what you will use: activity
sheet, template, table, etc.) with clear instructions provided.
6. Assessment (__minutes). Assessment is for the Teacher to: a) Assess whether learning objectives have been met for a specified duration, b) Remediate
and/or enrich with appropriate strategies as needed, and c) Evaluate whether learning intentions and success criteria have been met.
(Reminder: Formative Assessment may be given before, during, or after the lesson). The Teacher may choose any from the Assessment
Methods below:
Assessment Methods Sample Assessment Specific Instructions
Are the ways you gather evidence of a Activities
learner’s progress over time. The four
assessment methods commonly used
to find out what learners know and
understand (knowledge) and what they
can do (skills) are:
a) Observation Investigative activities,
(Teachers make formal and informal Role Play, Oral
observations of learners’ performance Presentations, Dances,
or behaviors based on assessment Musical Performances,
criteria) Skill Demonstrations,
Group Activities (e.g.
Choral Reading),
Debates, Motor &
Psychomotor Games,
Simulation Activities,
Science Experiments
b) Talking to Learners / Hands-on Math Activities,
Conferencing Written Work and Essays,
Picture Analyses, Comic
(Teachers talk to and question learners
Strips, Panel Discussions,
to gain insights on their understanding
Interviews, Think-Pair-
and progress and to clarify their
thinking; often referred to as Share Activities, Reading
c) Analysis of Learners’ Worksheets for all
Products learning areas, Essays,
Concept Maps/Graphic
(Teachers judge the quality of products
Organizers, Projects,
created by learners according to
Models, Artworks, Multi-
agreed criteria) media Presentations,
Products made in
learning areas
d) Tests Skills Performance Tests,
(Teachers set quizzes to determine Practicum, Pen and
learners’ ability to demonstrate Paper Tests, Pre and Post
mastery of a skill or knowledge and Test, Diagnostic Tests,
understanding of content) Oral Tests
7. Assignment (__minutes). Fill-in below any of the four purposes of the assignment:
VI. Reflections -
(Note: This part is accomplished after lesson presentation.)
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be
done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
Indicate below whichever is/are appropriate.
(Note: This part is accomplished after lesson presentation.)
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my learning
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
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