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Heat P1P2

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When an uncalibrated mercury-in-glass thermometer is dipped

into ice (0oC), the length of the mercury column is 18 mm.
Understanding Thermal Equilibrium When it is put into steam (100oC), the length of the mercury
1. The length of mercury thread in an uncalibrated thermometer column is 138mm. What is the length of the mercury column
at ice point and steam point are 5 cm and 25 cm respectively. when the thermometer is dipped into a hot liquid of 50oC?
When the thermometer is used to measure the temperature of
an unknown liquid, the length of the mercury thread is 20 cm.
What is the temperature of the liquid?

2. A student dips an uncalibrated alcohol-in-glass thermometer in 4. The resistance of the resistance thermometer iss 100 Ω at
melting ice, then in the steam of boiling water and lastly in sea 100oC and 240 Ω at 300oC. If the resistance of the resistance
water. Each time the student marks the height of the alcohol thermometer is directly proportional to the temperature,
column reached as shown in diagram 1. What is the a. What is the temperature in 0C when the resistance of the
temperature of the sea water in oC thermometer is 350 Ω?
b. What is the resistance of the resistance thermometer if the
temperature recorded is 160 0C?
Understanding Specific Heat Capacity 4. An aluminium blocks of mass 750 g at 120 0C is left to cool
until the temperature becomes 45 0C. What is the amount of
1. Calculate the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of heat energy lost?
5 kg of aluminium from 20 0C to 100 0C. [specific heat capacity [specific heat capacity of aluminium is 900 J kg-1 0C-1]
of aluminium is 900 J kg-1 0C-1]

2. A spherical lead ball is released from a height of 455 m to the

surface of the earth. If the specific heat capacity of lead is 130 J 5. If the heat energy needed to raise the temperature of a steel
kg-1 0C-1., estimate the rise of the temperature of the lead ball block of mass 800 g from 20 oC to 220 oC is 5.4 x 104 J, what is
when it reaches the surface of the earth. its specific heat capacity?

3. What is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 6. If the heat energy supplied to raise the temperature of a 40 kg
2.5 kg of water from 32 0C to 82 0C ? lead block is 7.8 x 105 J, what is the change of temperature of
[specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J kg-1 0C-1] the lead block?
[specific heat capacity of lead is 130 J kg-1 0C-1.]
7. If the quantity of the heat energy needed to heat up a certain 10. An electric heater which has a power of 700 W is used to heat
amount of water from 30oC to its boiling point is 2.94 x 106 J, up 2 kg of water. If the specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J
what is the mass of water? kg-1 0C-1 , what is the time taken to raise the temperature of the
[Specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 x 103 J kg-1 0C-1.] water from 28 oC to 53 oC? ( Assume that all the electrical
energy is used to heat the water)

11. A metal block P of mass 5 kg is heated with an electric heater

8. A lead block has a specific heat capacity of 130 J kg-1 0C-1 , is
of 240 V, 300 W. It is known that the temperature of the block
under free fall from a building of height 52 m. Assuming that
increases by 10 oC when the heater is used for 1 minute and 30
all gravitational potential energy of the lead block is converted
seconds. If the heat loss is neglected, what is the specific heat
into heat energy upon reaching the ground, what is the increase
capacity of the metal block P in J kg-1 0C-1 ?
in temperature of the lead block?

12. When an immersion heater of power 2.5 kW is used to heat up

9. A liquid of mass m kg is cooled from 70 0C to 300C. The total
1.7 kg of water, the temperature rises by 40 oC in 2 minutes.
heat energy lost is 8400 J. What is the value of m if the specific
Assuming that there is no heat loss to the surroundings, what is
heat capacity of the liquid is 4200 J kg-1 0C-1 ?
the time taken for the heater of 5 kW to heat up 170 kg of water
by the same amount of temperature?
13. A cooler is connected to a container which holds 2kg of water 16. A metal block X with a mass of 300 g is heated in boiling water
at 50 oC. If the cooler absorbs heat at a rate of 600 J s-1, what is for 10 minutes. The metal block is then immediately transferred
the time taken to cool the water from 50 oC to 0 oC? Assume to a water of 30 oC in a polystyrene container. The maximum
that there is no heat loss to the surrounding. [Specific heat temperature reached is 60 oC. If the mass of water in the
capacity of water is 4200 J kg-1 0C-1.] polystyrene container is 200 g, calculate the specific heat
capacity of metal X? [Specific heat capacity of water =4200 J

14. When 1 g of alcohol is heated, it produces 1.5 kJ of heat energy. 17. An immersion heater which has a power of 300 W, is inserted
What is the mass of alcohol needed to heat up 2.5 kg of olive oil into a metal block. The metal block has a mass of 1.5 kg and its
from 30 0C to 90 0C. Assume that all the heat produced by the specific heat capacity is 400 J Kg-1 oC-1 . What is the increase in
alcohol is absorbed by the olive oil? temperature in every 5 s when the heater is on? Assume there is
[Specific heat capacity of olive oil = 2000 J Kg-1 oC-1] no heat loss to the surroundings during heating.

18. A 300 g stone ,which has temperature of 6oC, is inserted into

600 g of water with temperature 28oC. Assuming that there is
15. 800 g of liquid X at 30 0C is mixed with the same liquid of mass no heat loss the surroundings and the heat lost by the water is
M at 80 0C. The final temperature after mixing is 60 0C. What is equal to the heat absorbed by the stone, determine the final
the value of M? temperature of the stone.
[Specific heat capacity of stone =840 J Kg-1oC-1,Specific heat
capacity of water =4200 J Kg-1oC-1]

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