Note: Page Reference Numbers are given from Padhuka’s Direct Taxes – A Ready Referencer – For CA Final
All questions pertaining to Income Tax have been solved based on the Law applicable for Assessment Year 2018–2019.
Nov 2018.1
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2018 CA Final Direct Taxes Exam – New Syllabus
Particulars `
Provision for Wages [W.N. 1] Nil
Sale of import entitlements [W.N. 2] Nil
Penalty on Late filing of GST Returns [W.N. 3] 5,300
Interest on Late Payment of GST [W.N. 4] Nil
Value of Free Air Tickets given by the Supplier [W.N. 5] 2,00,000
Interest paid to X representing HUF [W.N. 6] Nil
Cost of Constructions of New Building [W.N. 7] Nil
Speculative Loss [W.N. 8] 3,00,000
Repayment of Interest [W.N. 9] 1,60,000
Payment of Audit Fees which was disallowed earlier [W.N. 10] 75,000
Profit from Warehouse for Storage of Edible Oil [W.N. 11] 3,80,000
Profit from Warehouse for Storage of Agricultural Produce [W.N. 11] Nil
Sub Total (2,35,000) 37,60,300
Profits and Gains from Business or Profession 35,25,300
Income from Other Sources: Dividend Income [W.N. 12] 1,00,000
Gross Total Income 36,25,300
Less: Deductions under Chapter VI–A Nil
Total Income 36,25,300
1. Payment for Wages: As per Section 37 read with ICDS X, in computing Business Income, any provision which
result in outflow of resources with reasonable certainty, such provisions shall be allowed as deduction in computing
Business Income. Here, the provision is based on agreement to be entered with workers union and there is a
reasonable certainty of wage revision to employees. Therefore, deduction is allowable.
2. Sale of Import Entitlements: U/s 28, any income arising on Export incentives and Import entitlements are
chargeable under the Head “PGBP”. Hence, ` 1,00,000 which credited to P&L is taxable under Income Tax also.
Therefore, it does not require any adjustment.
3. Penalty on Late filing of GST: U/s 37 Explanation 1, any sum incurred which is Penal in nature or in violation of any
law the same is disallowed. Hence, the Penalty on Late Filing of GST is disallowed.
4. Interest on Late Payment of GST: Interest on Late Payment of GST is compensatory is in nature and it is not penal
in Nature. Hence, the same shall be allowed as deduction.
5. Value of Free Air Tickets given by the Supplier: U/s 28(iv), any perquisite received in the course of business or
profession is chargeable under the head “PGBP”. Income under the head is chargeable as per the Method of
Accounting. It is assumed that the Assessee follows accrual method and the same is taxable in the Current Year.
6. Interest to X in representative capacity: As per Explanation to Sec.40(b), where an individual is a Partner in his
personal capacity and he receives Interest in representative capacity, then provisions of Sec.40(b) will not be applicable
for such interest receipt. Hence, interest of ` 20,000 paid to Mr.X is deductible. It is assumed that Tax has been
deducted on this ` 20,000 u/s 194A. Hence, disallowance u/s 40 (a) (ia) is not applicable.
7. Cost of Constructions of New Building in the place of Leased Building: As per Madras Auto Service Private
Limited 238 ITR 468 (SC), Cost of Construction of New Building in place of Old Building which is taken on Lease shall be fully
allowed as Deduction and treated as Revenue Expenditure.
8. Speculative Loss: Loss from Speculative Transactions shall be treated separately and it shall not be adjusted with
profits from Non–speculative Business u/s 70. Hence, the same shall be added from the Net Profits.
9. Repayment of Interest: U/s 43B, interest on Loan taken from Scheduled Bank shall be allowed as Deduction only if
the same is paid during the Previous Year or before 139 (1) time limit. In the given case, arrears of interest relating to
earlier years amounting ` 8,00,000 would have been disallowed earlier. Post conversion of this interest as a separate
loan, any repayment of this converted loan amounting to repayment of Interest. The outstanding interest of ` 8,00,000
has been converted to 10 equal installments by the Bank. During the Previous Year, 2 installments (` 8,00,000/10 X 2)
`1,60,000 is paid. Hence, the same is allowable as deduction.
Nov 2018.2
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2018 CA Final Direct Taxes Exam – New Syllabus
10. Payment of Audit Fees which was disallowed earlier: U/s 40 (a) (ia), any expenditure which is disallowed earlier,
the same will be allowed during the year in which tax has been deducted and remitted. In the given case, TDS on Audit
Fees for the year 2016–17 was remitted after 139 (1) time limit (i.e., after 30.09.2017). Since, the TDS has been
remitted on 07.10.2017 (i.e., during current year), 30% of the Audit Fee amounting ` 75,000 is allowable in current
year (30% of the Audit Fee `2,50,000 would have been disallowed in last year).
11. Profit from Warehouse for Storage of Edible Oil and Agricultural Produce:
Activity of constructing and maintaining warehouses for storage of Agricultural Produce is a Specified Business u/s
35AD. This business is entitled to deduction on all Capital Expenditure except Land, Goodwill and Financial Instruments
u/s 35AD. Constructing and Maintaining warehouses for Edible Oil storage is not a Specified Business. Hence, not
entitled to 35AD deductions. If 35AD deduction is claimed, depreciation is not allowed. The Income from both the
business is computed as below :–
Particulars Edible Oil Agricultural Produce
1. Profit from Business `5,00,000 `15,00,000
2. Less: Depreciation `1,20,000 Nil
(`12,00,000 X 10%)
3. Less: Deduction u/s 35AD NA `23,00,000
4. Business Income `3,80,000 (`8,00,000)
5. Tax Implication Added to Net Profits Carried Forwarded to next year since Loss from
Specified Business cannot be set–off with Normal
Business Income.
12. Dividend Income: Any dividend received from Domestic Company by Specified Assessees, in excess of `10,00,000 is
not exempted u/s 10(34) and the same is taxable u/s 115BBDA.
Note: Since, the question is silent on Partners’ interest and remuneration, the same is not provided in computing Business Income of the Firm.
Nov 2018.3
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2018 CA Final Direct Taxes Exam – New Syllabus
Note: It is assumed that the Debentures are listed in recognized Stock Exchange and the Capital Gain is computed after giving effects
of Proviso 1 to Section 48 but without giving Indexation benefit. U/s 112, such Long Term Capital Gains are chargeable @ 10% on
such gains.
Assessee: Anustup Chandra Flour Mills Ltd Previous Year: 2018–2019 Assessment Year: 2019–2020
1. Computation of Total Income and Tax thereon
Particulars `
Deducn from Addition to Amount
Profits and Gains of Business or Profession:
Pft Pft
Net Profit as per Profit and Loss A/c 77,00,000
Share Income from AOP [Refer Note 1] 8,10,000
Income Tax and Interest thereof [Refer Note 2] 3,00,000
Provision for Losses of Subsidiary Company [Refer Note 3] 5,00,000
Non Payment of Interest to Financial Institutions [Refer Note 4] 8,00,000
Regularization Charges [Refer Note 5] 1,00,000
Fee on Late Filing of TDS [Refer Note 6] Nil
Credit on Revaluation Surplus under Ind AS 16 & 38 [Refer Note 7] Nil
Amount Credited to OCI on Equity Instruments designated at Fair Nil
Value [Refer Note 8]
Sub–Total (8,10,000) 17,00,000
Profits and Gains of Business 85,90,000
TOTAL INCOME 85,90,000
Tax on Total Income @ 25% 21,47,500
Nov 2018.4
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2018 CA Final Direct Taxes Exam – New Syllabus
1. Share Income from AOP whose profits suffered tax u/s 167B is allowed as deduction in the hands of the members u/s
86. Correspondingly, expenses incurred for earning such income is also not allowed as deduction. Hence, `9,00,000 –
`90,000 is deducted from the Net Profits.
2. U/s 40 (a) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, any taxes on Profits or Gains from Business or Profession is disallowed.
Further, any interest levied under Income Tax Act u/s 234A/ 234B / 234C is also disallowed u/s 37.
3. Provisions relating to losses some another entity (though it may be a subsidiary) is not allowed as deduction u/s 37.
4. U/s 43B, interest on Loan taken from Financial Institutions shall be allowed as Deduction only if the same is paid during
the Previous Year or before 139 (1) time limit. Since, only `4,00,000 is paid out of `12,00,000 debited to P&L, the
unpaid interest of `8,00,000 is disallowed.
5. Regularization Charges or Compounding Fees are in the nature of Penalty and the same shall be disallowed u/s 37.
6. Fee on Late Filing of TDS is compensatory in nature and it is not penal in Nature. Hence, the same shall be allowed as deduction.
7. Credit on Revaluation Surplus under Ind AS 16 & 38 are not Real Income. Hence, it is not taxable at the time of Credit.
Upon disposal of the Assets, the actual gain/loss shall be considered in computing Total Income.
8. Any Amount Credited to OCI on Equity Instruments designated at Fair Value shall not be considered at the time of
credit. Upon disposal of such Equity Instruments, the same shall be considered in computing Total Income.
Nov 2018.5
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2018 CA Final Direct Taxes Exam – New Syllabus
Nov 2018.6
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2018 CA Final Direct Taxes Exam – New Syllabus
Compute the Total Income of the Trust for the Assessment Year 2019–2020 in order to avail maximum benefits within the four
corners of Law.
Assessee: Mani Foundations Previous Year: 2018–2019 Assessment Year: 2019–2020
Computation of Total Income
Particulars `(Lakhs) `(Lakhs)
Gross Receipt from Students
(towards Admission Fees, Tuition Fees, Development Fees ) 200
Less: Amount applied for the purpose of School – (90 – 15) (75) 125
(Excluding application for the benefit of Prohibited Person) (Note 2)
Donations received (excluding anonymous donations) (Refer W. N.) 21.25
Grants from Government 8
Income available for Application 154.2500
Less: Maximum Permissible Accumulation at 15% of Gross Receipts 23.1375
Amount to be applied 131.1125
Less: Deemed Application u/s 11(1) 55
Excess of Expenditure over Income in the Previous Year 2017–2018 (Note 3) 25 80.0000
Income of the Trust (Taxable at Normal Rates) 51.1125
Add: Taxable Anonymous Donation (Note 1) 3.7500
Add: Income applied for the benefit of Prohibited Person (Founder) 15.0000
Total Taxable Income 69.8625
Tax Liability
–on Anonymous Donation u/s 115BBC (` 3,75,000 × 30%) (Note 1) 1,12,500
–on Money applied for the benefit of Prohibited Person (` 15,00,000 × 30%) 4,50,000
–on Other Income at Normal Rate (` 51,12,500) (`1,12,500 + `41,12,500 X 30%) 13,46,250
Total Tax as above 19,08,750
Add: Surcharge @ 10% 1,90,875
Total Tax (including Surcharge) 20,99,625
Add: Health and Education Cess @ 4% 83,985
Total Tax Payable (Rounded off) 21,83,610
1. Computation of Taxable Anonymous Donation:
Particulars ` `
Anonymous Donation received 5,00,000
Less: Higher of the following –
• 5% of Total Donations received = 25,00,000 × 5% (or) 1,25,000
• ` 1,00,000 1,00,000 (1,25,000)
Taxable Anonymous Donation 3,75,000
2. Amount spent for the benefit of the Prohibited Person shall be taxed at Maximum Marginal Rate of 30%.
3. Excess of application of income of a prior year can be set off against shortage of current year (Matriseva
Trust 158 CTR 433).
Nov 2018.7
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2018 CA Final Direct Taxes Exam – New Syllabus
Case No Provisions of the Act Conclusion
1 A Loan advanced by one Enterprise to the other Enterprise constitutes Since, Loan of `53 crores constitute
not less than 51% of the Book Value of the Total Assets of the other > 50% of Book Value of Total Assets
Enterprise, then the enterprises are associated – Sec. 92A (2) (c) on the date of Loan, both enterprises
are associated.
2 More than half of the Board of Directors or Members of the Since, Netlon LLC has not appointed
Governing Board of the Governing Board of one enterprise, are > ½ of Board of Directors of Brigge
appointed by the other Enterprise, then the enterprises are associated. Ltd, the Enterprises are not
– Sec. 92A (2) (e) associated.
3 90% or more of the Raw Materials and Consumables required for Even though, purchases of Netlon
the manufacture or processing of goods or articles carried out by one LLC from Brigge Ltd constitutes >
Enterprise, are supplied by the other Enterprise, or by persons 90% of the Total Purchase, the Price
specified by the other Enterprise, and the prices and other conditions and other conditions relating to
relating to the supply are influenced by such other Enterprise, then supply are not influenced by Brigge
the enterprises are associated. – Sec. 92A (2) (h) Ltd. Hence, they are not associated.
Also, Where products obtained in course of ship breaking activity are usable as such, they do not fall within the definition of
scrap for purposes of TCS on their sale. [Priya Blue Industries (P) Ltd (2016) 65 taxmann 206 (Guj)(HC)]
As per the above decision, the action of the Assessing Officer is Incorrect.
Payment to Partner M: [Refer Page 41.32 Para 41.3.8 Point 1 –TDS provisions u/s 195]
Conclusion: For Payment of Interest to a non resident, the payer is liable to deduct TDS u/s 195. Exemption u/s 194A is
applicable only to Interest paid to Partners who are resident in India.
Nov 2018.8
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2018 CA Final Direct Taxes Exam – New Syllabus
Solution: Refer: Sec. 2 (22) (e) in Page 8.13, Para 8.3.1 Point (e) in Direct Taxes Ready Referencer – AY 2019–2020
• Lumunous Pvt Ltd (a company in which Public are not substantially interested) has given a Loan to Mrs. Nisha, a
Resident Shareholder holding 20% of the Equity Shareholding
• Since, the Shareholder holds more than 10% of the Shareholding of the said company, the amount given as “Loans”
has to be treated as “Dividends” u/s 2(22)(e)
• However, Dividend amount u/s 2 (22) (e) is limited to the amount of Accumulated Profits available.
• Hence, Dividend u/s 2(22)(e) in the given case = Rs. 20,00,000/–
If Lumunous Pvt Ltd gives loan to the Shareholder, then to the extent of `20,00,000 shall be treated as Deemed Dividends. The
Company is liable to pay DDT u/s 115–O @ 30% on `20,00,000. This dividend is exempted to the shareholder u/s 10(34).
Solution: Refer: Chapter 41, Page 41.25 Illustration – Applicability of TDS u/s 194 J – N 13 – Point 1
Nov 2018.9
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2018 CA Final Direct Taxes Exam – New Syllabus
Solution: Refer: Chapter 45, Page 45.6, Point 4 Below the Table
Computation of Proportion of Passive Income:
1. Passive Income of the Assessee (Income from Investments – 30+13) 43
2. Total Income [Income from trading operations(15+42) + Income on Investments (30+13)] 100
3. Percentage of Passive Income out of Total Income (1 / 2) 43%
Computation of Proportion of Assets in India:
1. Assets in India (Fixed Assets – 90 + Intangible Assets – 40 + Other Assets – 30 ) 160
2. Total Assets of the Company (Assets Outside India – 70+180+90 = 340+ Assets in India – 160) 500
3. Percentage of Assets in India out of Total Assets (1 / 2) 32%
Nov 2018.10
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2018 CA Final Direct Taxes Exam – New Syllabus
Conclusion: Since, all the conditions for classifying a company as “Company having active business outside India” is
satisfied, the Company is having active business outside India as per Place of Effective Management Guidelines.
Case 2: If the Company employs 30 additional employees in India, then the Percentage of Employees in India out of Total
Employees of the company will be 53.85% (i.e., 70/130). In such situation, the company will not be satisfying the conditions
for “ABOA”. Hence, it is advisable to outsource the additional manpower requirement.
Solution: Refer Chapter 45, Page 45.21, Para 45.4 in Ready Referencer – AY 2019–2020
Case 1: Penalty u/s 269ST is applicable in the hands of Mr. S. In the hands of Mr. B, disallowance u/s 40A(3) will be attracted.
Case 2: Penalty u/s 269ST is not applicable in the hands of Mr. S. In the hands of Mr. B, disallowance u/s 40A(3) will be attracted.
Solution: Refer Chapter 7 Page 7.58, Para 7.4.7 and Page 11.30 Para 11.5.3 in Ready Referencer – AY 2019–2020
Particulars Amount
Sale Consideration 3,00,00,000
Less: Expenses on Transfer NIL
Net Sale Consideration 3,00,00,000
Less: Indexed Cost of Acquisition: Original Cost (70,00,000)
Less: Exemption already claimed u/s 54GB (Since Net Consideration to be invested in Eligible Start–up (2,30,00,000)
as referred in Sec. 80–IAC)
Taxable Long Term Capital Gain Nil
The Assessee can avail benefit if capital gain exemption u/s 54GB if he invest the entire net consideration in an eligible
startup as defined u/s 80IAC and satisfy other conditions mentioned in 54GB. By investing in eligible startup, the startup will
be entitled to deduction in accordance with 80IAC. For funding is concerned, both equity or debt finding will not affect the
eligibility in availing 54GB exemptions.
Nov 2018.11
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2018 CA Final Direct Taxes Exam – New Syllabus
1. Analysis:
(a) DTAA between India and Mauritius says that the tax rate applicable for Permanent Establishment of Mauritius
Company shall not be less favorable than those applicable for Indian Company.
(b) As per Sec.90(5) the charge of tax for a Foreign Company at a rate higher than the rate at which Domestic
Company is chargeable , shall not be regarded as less favorable charge or levy of tax in respect of such
Foreign Company.
2. Conclusion: Tax Rate applicable for PE of Mauritius Company as computed by A.O is correct as charging of Higher rate
than an Indian company shall not be regarded as less favorable..
Nov 2018.12