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Personal Case Study: in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For GE1: Understanding The Self

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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For GE1: Understanding the Self

Submitted by:

Presented to:
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Science Discipline
The University of Mindanao

August 2019

Self a person’s essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as
the object of introspection or reflexive action that is at least according to the dictionary. In my
own notion, “Self” is your own perception towards reality, There are two factors that will have
a significant contribution of what kind of individual you are going to be. The first one is
experience, or define as the basis of identity, it is the blueprint of your persona. Once a
character is fully hone that human being is either polished or scratched.

My analogy on this is, lets say you bought a car a red one to be particular and for a lengthy
amount of time you have been using it. You may have repaired it a hundred times over the
years, replacing paint job, car accessories, and other vehicle modifications , until one day,
you realized that the car you have bought is nowhere to be found. So is that still your car? if
you have a license plate did it change? Of course it’s illegal to alter it but that’s not the point.
Yourself is the car the license plate is your name, in this way what and who you are is not up
for debate. Experience is your progress, a theme of what’s inside, like a room with a bunch
of decor some old, some new, some you’re aware of, some you aren’t but the room is
always changing, never exactly the same from week to week.

Second is the biological aspect of “self”, the scientific side of this particular discussion.
Biological composition of an individual is as significant as self experience, if experience can
be accumulated throughout the duration of a person’s life. The biological attribute of oneself
can limit, stop or hinder a person’s goal towards life experiences by a medical diagnosis. For
example a cerebral palsy patient, cerebral palsy is a condition that affects muscle tone,
movement, and motor skills. It hinders the body’s ability to move in a coordinated and
purposely way. The most notable characteristic of a person who is suffering from this
congenital condition is having involuntary movement, and impaired speech. This will not stop
a person from accumulating experience, but his social interactions will be limited and it is
one of the requirement to gain experience, if a person that suffers from this congenital
disease cannot develop self confidence then that person will be limited because of his
biological disability. In conclusion experience and biological aspect of an individual is
necessary to know and develop the true nature of oneself.

(100 to 150 words) State significant past experiences, especially during childhood,
which you think have a great psychological effect on who you are now as a person.
When I was six I asked my mother what does a mall owner do for a living, and she answered
that, they simply sell products and goods that are found in the mall and that’s what business
man do. I was fascinated by the idea of owning such a very large place with a lot of cool
stuffs. So at that moment I have decided that I will become a businessman and own a mall.
Now there was this one time, I remembered that we had this family gathering, as I could
recall I think it was Christmas eve and it’s still fresh in my mind. My uncle announced that all
children in our family fall in line, he then proceeded to ask each and one of us, my cousins,
my brother and everyone else, of what do we want to become when we grow up particularly
our dream jobs. Some of my cousins wanted to become teachers others a police officer, and
when it’s time for me to answer the question, I answered that I wanted to become a
businessman and own a Mall. They all bursted into laughter, I was so confused at the time I
have no idea what were they laughing about, did I say something stupid? to be ridiculed that
much. As years gone by I could never forget that moment, all I could think of is my own
family doubting me of what I want to become. Moving on thirteen years later I am still young,
still naive, but I consider myself as an adult. I have now finally understand what my relatives
we’re doing at that moment. They did not laugh to insult me or doubt me, they laugh
because honestly my dream is a little bit farfetched. As I grow up I no longer wanted to
become a businessman or at least a mall owner, I have come to a realization that dreams
are things that vanishes when you understand how this world really works.

(100 to 150 words) Explain how society affects you? How does it help shape who you are
Society influenced and shaped me as an individual it created a lot of exploration within
myself. I seem to do better in groups (society), I am more efficient in cooperation than in
isolation. The better I cooperate the more goals I achieve, but there is always a downside to
things the moment I cooperate with groups is the moment I become dependent or lazy. Also
I am more of a follower than a leader, I can’t handle responsibility properly. Society taught
me the more obedient I am, the more things get less complicated and run smoothly. Overall
society is like my third parent

(100 to 150 words) Explain how culture affects you? How does it help shape who you are

The Physical Self

(100 to 150 words) Explain who you are in this aspect.

The Sexual Self

(100 to 150 words) Explain who you are in this aspect.

The Spiritual Self

(100 to 150 words) Explain who you are in this aspect.

The Digital Self

(100 to 150 words) Explain who you are in this aspect.
State a certain theory about self (could be from the book or not as long as it’s a reliable
source) that you can relate the most and expound it by stating example on why you believe
that theory, and state the insights you have learned throughout the whole course. DO NOT
copy-paste any information from the book; reiterating facts from the lessons is not a
Arial, 11, 1.5 Spacing, A4 size
Deadline for Submission: August 5, 2019; Friday
AGAIN, DO NOT reiterate anything from the book. Give your OWN take on the subject
ENJOY rediscovering yourself!

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