Methodology: Seminar
Methodology: Seminar
Methodology: Seminar
A Seminar on:
Dr.Omar Ilyas
Historical Background
Why do we study methodology
Introducing methods, approaches , techniques
Mechanism of formulating methods to language teaching
Relationship between applied linguistics and language teaching
First of all , methodology is an interdisciplinary area and multi
dimensional . In order to know what is methodology we have to look to some
definitions such as a definition by ( Richard & Schmidt 2000 . p:363 ) which is
"The study of the practices and procedures used in teaching , and the principles
and beliefs that underlie them" . Methodology includes the study of the
preparation of lesson plans , materials, and textbooks for teaching language. It is
the study of nature of language skills such as listening, reading ,etc. Methodology
means also the evaluation and comparison of language teaching method.
GTM (1800-1900)
Reading M (1920-1950)
Structural M (1930-1960)
ALM (1950-1970)
CLT (1970-present)
And others as we have mentioned above .
2 - Teachers can choose to teach differently from the way they were
taught. They are able to see why they are attracted to certain methods and
repelled by others. They are able to make choice that are informed, not
conditioned. They may be able to resist, or at least argue against, the imposition
of a particular method by authorities. In situations where a method is not being
imposed, different methods offer teachers alternatives to what they currently
think and do.
Approaches :
Cognitive model: based on idea that language reflects properties of the mind.A
method which embodies this model is GTM which reflects the idea that the
learner has built up knowledge of principles of language by abstracting its rules
through study of grammar and through translation based activities.
Lexical model: based on the idea that language gives importance to the roles of
lexis and lexical chunks or phrases in language, and highlights the
interrelatedness of grammar and vocabulary.Method which embodies this
model is Lexical approach.
Genre model:based on the idea that there are norms of language usage such as
science,some concepts are summarized in (Feez 1998:5) as language is a
source of making system and this source consists of interrelated systems
.Methods which embody this model are CBI and Text-Based Instruction.
Objectives :
Methods vary on what are their focus. Some methods ought to teach
oral skills and give priority to oral than to skills of reading and writing .others
emphasis on communicative skills and how a learner can express meanings ,
while others give more priority to vocabulary and grammar or to grammar and
pronunciation .So the outcome of method is based of it's goal or objective.
The Syllabus:
All methods have their way in selection , in organization the content of
the material to be taught , and in selection the language items such as words,
sentences, patterns, etc .Syllabus means the contents of subject matter (what to
talk ) and the linguistic matter (how to talk).Methods vary in the way they
organize the content according to the learners level such as for adult course
give more priority to immediate needs subject matter while for younger
concrete topics are prior to abstract topics.
Furthermore each method of language teaching that we have introduced earlier
underlies its syllabus , for example ALM consists of list of grammatical items
and constructions, and together associated with the lists of vocabulary items.
Teachers role:
Teacher role is also important and both roles of teacher and learner are
related to assumptions of language and language learning at the level of
approach. Teachers role involve the following :the functions that are expected
to do, their control of learning process, the degree of their determining of
content to be taught ,or their role as dominator, guider, model, director ,etc .For
some tradition methods such as ALM teacher is a source of language while for
others such as recent methods as TBLT teacher has a direct role. The relations
between teachers and learners can be symmetrical such as friend to friend or
can be asymmetrical such as that of therapist and patient. Finally the role of
teacher is important and the success in language teaching & learning can
depend on him if he provides with successful learning conditions.