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Meaning of Educational Technology

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Meaning of Educational Technology

The world Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 19

 Educational technology refers to how
Learning Outcomes: people use their inventions and
At the end of the lesson, the students are discoveries to satisfy their
able to: educational needs and desires.
 Determine the concepts of
educational technology with the use David H. Jonassen
of visual presentation in order to  It consists of designs and
apply in teaching-learning process. environments that engage learners
 Analyze the significance of … and reliable technique and method
educational technology using visual for engaging learning such as
presentation in order to make a cognitive learning strategies and
development on their strategies and critical thinking skills.
methods of teaching.  It is a theory about how problems in
human learning are identified and
What is Technology? solved.
 Is a profession like teaching. It is
Technology made up of organized effort to
 Greek word “techne” means craft or implement the theory, intellectual
art. technique and practical application of
 Educational technology refers to the educational technology.
art or craft of responding to our
educational needs. Lucido and Borabo
 It is a "planned, systematic method of  Educational Technology is a field
working to achieve planned study which is concerned with the
outcomes-a process not a product. practice of using educational
methods and resources for the
Dale 1969 ultimate goal of facilitating the
 Technology also refers to any valid learning process.
and reliable process or procedure
that is derived from basic research Michael Spector
using the scientific method.  Educational Technology involves the
disciplined application of knowledge
Eric Ashby for the purpose of improving learning,
 “Any technology, which increases the instruction and/or performance.
rate of learning, would enable the
teacher to teach less and the learner G.O. Leith
to learn more.”  “Educational Technology is the
application of scientific knowledge
Meaning of Educational Technology and learning and the conditions of
learning to improve the effectiveness
1. Educational technology is science on and efficiency of teaching and
the basis of which various strategies training.”
and tactics could be designed for the
realization of specified goals. B.C. Mathis
2. The second meaning of educational  Educational technology refers to the
technology is the mechanization of development of a set of systematic
educational process. methods, practical knowledge for
designing, operating and testing
Three process of human knowledge: schools.
 Preservation of knowledge
 Transmission of knowledge E.E. Hadden
 Advancement of human  “Educational technology is that
knowledge branch of educational theory and
practice which is concerned primarily
3. Educational technology is the with the design and use of message
mediator, necessary for blending the which control the learning process.”
science of learning with the art of
teaching. S.K. Mitra
 “Educational technology can be
conceived as a science of techniques
and methods by which educational References
goal can be realized.” Web link:
 https://www.slideshare.net/muntajeb/
Robert Cox education-technology-meaning-and
 “Educational technology is an definition?
application of scientific process to  https://www.slideshare.net/PrincesDi
man’s learning.” aneCarbonel/educational-
S.S. Kulkarni  https://educationaltechnology.net/def
 Educational technology may be initions-educational-technology/
defined as the application of the laws  http://www.vkmaheshwari.com/WP/?
as well as recent discoveries of p=2358
science and technology to the  https://educationaltechnology.net/ed
process of education. ucational-technology-an-overview/

Educational technology is a field of study that

investigates the process of analyzing, Prepared by: Marylou Astillo
designing, developing, implementing, and
evaluating the instructional environment and
learning materials in order to improve
teaching and learning.

Other terms that are associated with

Educational Technology:
 Technology in education
 Instructional technology
 Technology integration in education
 Educational media

Technology in Education
 “The application of technology to any
of those processes involved in
operating the institutions in which
house the educational enterprise.
 It includes the application of
technology to food, health, finance,
scheduling, grade, reporting and
other processes which support
education within institutions.”

Instructional Technology
 Refers to those aspects of
educational technology that “are
concerned with instruction as
contrasted to designs and operations
of educational institutions.”

Technology Integration
 Means using learning technologies to
introduce, reinforce, supplement and
extend skills.

Educational media
 Are channels or avenues or
instruments of communication.

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