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Primary Surveillance

Radar Systems

• High performance fail-soft transmitter

• Extended range up to 120 NM

Advanced S-Band •

Field proven wind-farm effect mitigation
4G networks interference mitigation
Solid-State Primary • CAP 670 approval
Surveillance Radar
Easat’s Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) System is intended for ATC
surveillance of airport terminal control areas; the extended range
feature also allows use for en-route applications.

With its fully solid-state technology this PSR is highly reliable. The
Easat Radar Systems Ltd was founded integrated comprehensive built in test equipment BITE and modular
in 1987 as an independent specialist design ensure that it is cost-effective to operate and maintain. Easat’s
Company to design and build high- PSR offers improved system stability, effective clutter attenuation and
performance radar antennas. Since elimination of false targets with high probability of target detection
out to 120 NM.
then the Company, a subsidiary of
Goodwin PLC, has established itself as
Advanced beam switching and algorithms mitigate dynamic high-
market leader in the manufacture of
speed clutter such as road traffic, wind turbines and railway trains.
complete radar systems.
Easat’s PSR also includes an independent high-resolution weather
Easat offers a full range of radar channel providing precise information on weather conditions
antennas, pedestals, towers and (US-NWS 6 level).
complete radar systems for Air
Traffic Control (ATC) and Coastal Easat’s PSR radar system can be easily integrated with a MSSR, ADS-B
Surveillance (CS) applications. or MLAT system.

Easat’s radar equipment is in service Main Features

in over 60 countries worldwide, with
more than 500 installations. • Advanced solid state S band PSR
• High performance fail-soft
Products include: transmitter with extra-long
• ATC using permanent or pulse feature
transportable radar systems, • Extended range up to 120 NM
Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR)
& Monopulse Secondary • 4G networks
Surveillance Radar (MSSR). interference mitigation

• Air defence ATC using permanent • Advanced moving target

or transportable systems. detection algorithms
• Airport Surface Movement • Field proven wind-farm
Radar (SMR) and Advanced-Surface effect mitigation
Movement Guidance and Control • Independent 6 level
System (A-SMGCS). weather channel
• Automatic Dependent Surveillance - • Advanced CMS with remote
Broadcast (ADS-B) Systems. support capabilities
• Precision Approach Radar
• CAP 670 approval
upgrades (PAR).
• Offshore and Coastal Surveillance
radar systems.

Easat is able to deliver complete

turn-key packages, from site survey
to final installation safety case
approval of installed system. Scope
of supply can include complete radar
systems, civil engineering works,
project management and long-
term equipment support, ensuring
the highest levels of support and
Antenna System Signal and Data Processor
• Double-curvature antenna reflector with two beams • Adaptive MTD with digital NLFM pulse compression.
provides cosec² coverage diagram. • Doppler signal and CFAR adaptive filtering.
• Dual polarizers with linear and circular polarization. • US-NWS 6 level high-precision weather maps.
• EP1643 dual drive turning unit with dual azimuth • Multiple input tracking and data combining.
• The EP1643 has a comprehensive BITE system with Control and Monitoring System
numerous sensors (oil level, vibration, temperature • Fully redundant system.
etc.) displayed on the CMS.
• Any number of local and remote CMS terminals.
• Supports communication such as serial, optic, LAN,
radio links etc.
• Fully solid-state, highly modular system with 12/24
amplifying units, allowing uninterrupted operation • Information archiving, replay and analysis.
during maintenance procedures. • Factory remote service support capability.
• Very long pulses up to 300 µs.
• Distributed BITE system with detailed diagnostics Receiver
and online performance calculation. • Super-heterodyne receiver with double frequency
• Fail-soft architecture with air cooling. conversion.
• Target detection characteristics guaranteed with • IF analogue-to-digital conversion provides extended
one or two failed amplifiers. dynamic range.
• Automated digital gain control guarantees high
Radar Data Display dynamic range stability.
• Multiple data (plots and/or tracks) input display
• Digital sensitivity time control for expanding
including PSR, MSSR, ADS-B and MLAT.
dynamic range in high-clutter regions.
• Weather maps display with up to 256 levels.
• One set of local oscillators for generating and
• Raw video display, geographical maps and air receiving signals guarantees high phase stability.
navigation charts.
• Receiver parameters are monitored by sophisticated
• Surveillance data archiving and replay. BITE system.
Frequency band S-band, 2700 – 2900 MHz

Frequency diversity and Full frequency diversity; frequency

agility agility with 1 MHz step
Peak RF output 16/28 kW
power(12/24 modules)
Pulse width Short pulse: 1 µs
Long pulse: adjustable, 40-300 µs
Antenna Low/high beam gain: 34 / 33 dB
Polarization: linear/circular
Elevation 0.3° – 45°

Rotation rate 6-15 RPM

Minimal range 0.5 NM

Instrumental 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 NM

detection range
Accuracy 50m / 0.1°

Resolution 230m / 2°

Signal processor A-MTD, MTAC and MTAT

suppression, advanced beam
switching and combining,
interference suppression,
advanced dynamic clutter maps
Sub-clutter visibility > 55 dB

Post processor Plot processing using

weight-based algorithms and high
precision maps
Tracking system Multiple input processing
supports more than 1000 tracks
Output format ASTERIX or any other
by request

Easat Radar Systems Ltd.

Unit 1 Jubilee Site, Ivy House Road, Hanley, Stoke-On-Trent, ST1 3NR, England
Telephone: +44 (0)1782 208028 Fax: +44 (0)1782 208060
Email: info@easat.com Website: www.easat.com
Easat Radar Systems Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with the number: 2044226.
Registered Office: Ivy House Foundry, Ivy House Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST1 3NR

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