Radar Systems
Advanced S-Band •
Field proven wind-farm effect mitigation
4G networks interference mitigation
Solid-State Primary • CAP 670 approval
Surveillance Radar
Easat’s Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) System is intended for ATC
surveillance of airport terminal control areas; the extended range
feature also allows use for en-route applications.
With its fully solid-state technology this PSR is highly reliable. The
Easat Radar Systems Ltd was founded integrated comprehensive built in test equipment BITE and modular
in 1987 as an independent specialist design ensure that it is cost-effective to operate and maintain. Easat’s
Company to design and build high- PSR offers improved system stability, effective clutter attenuation and
performance radar antennas. Since elimination of false targets with high probability of target detection
out to 120 NM.
then the Company, a subsidiary of
Goodwin PLC, has established itself as
Advanced beam switching and algorithms mitigate dynamic high-
market leader in the manufacture of
speed clutter such as road traffic, wind turbines and railway trains.
complete radar systems.
Easat’s PSR also includes an independent high-resolution weather
Easat offers a full range of radar channel providing precise information on weather conditions
antennas, pedestals, towers and (US-NWS 6 level).
complete radar systems for Air
Traffic Control (ATC) and Coastal Easat’s PSR radar system can be easily integrated with a MSSR, ADS-B
Surveillance (CS) applications. or MLAT system.
Resolution 230m / 2°