MAE 112 Propulsion Final
MAE 112 Propulsion Final
MAE 112 Propulsion Final
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Problem 1: Answer the following questions (30 points total, 2 points each):
1. Fuel and air are mixed and burned in specially designed primary zones in a jet engine combustor
(a) we want to keep the fuel and air ratio close to stoichiometric in the burning zone.
(b) we want to cool the burner.
(c) we want to reduce the production of N Ox .
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2. In a turbine engine, one stage of turbine can be used to drive several stages of compressor because
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(a) the temperature in the turbine is high.
(b) the turbine blades are larger than the compressor blades.
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(c) pressure drops in the turbine and thus the flow is less likely to separate.
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3. Explain why compressor blades in a multi-stage machine are shorter in the back stages than in the
front stages.
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4. The reason to create low speed recirculating zones in a jet engine combustor is
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5. For a multi-stage compressor initially working at its design condition, increasing the mass flow rate
(a) both stagnation temperature T0 and stagnation pressure p0 remain constant.
(b) only T0 remains constant.
(c) only p0 remains constant.
(d) neither of them are constant
9. Across an ideal compressor rotor blade row, in the absolute reference frame,
(c) the pressure rise in the stator is equal to that in the rotor.
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11. In an ideal ramjet engine, increasing the maximum temperature in the combustor T04
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(a) increases the overall engine efficiency η0 .
(b) increases specific thrust ST.
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(c) increases both η0 and ST.
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(d) has no effect on either of them.
12. For a gas-turbine eninge with maximum turbine inlet temperature T04 and freestream flow
temperature Ta , what is the maximum thermal efficiency of the engine? ηt,max =
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13. Increasing the compressor pressure ratio of an ideal turbojet engine while keeping all other design
parameters unchanged will
14. In order to start a converging-diverging supersonic inlet with the ideal fixed area ratio we need to
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(a) fly at a lower Mach number than the design Mach number;
(b) fly at a higher Mach number than the design Mach number and then slow down;
(c) increase the engine RPM.
15. In a turbojet engine use of an afterburner will increase the stagnation temperature of the exhaust jet
and thus its velocity for the same exit Mach number. Many engines have nozzles with adjustable
cross-sectional area. Suppose there is a 100% increase in total temperature at the entrance of the
nozzle when the afterburner is turned on compared to the case when the afterburner is off. In order
to maintain the same mass flow rate, by what percentage should the cross-sectional area of the nozzle
be increased or decreased?
Problem 2: (10 points)
You are the chief engineer for the construction of a continuous closed-circuit wind tunnel. Assume that you
need a test section that has a 1 m × 1 m cross-section. Assume also that the design condition of the flow in
the test section is Mach number M = 0.8, (static) pressure p = 2.0atm, and (static) temperature
T = 300K. The flow in the wind-tunnel is driven by a compressor which must provide a total pressure
ratio of π = 2. The compressor that has been custom made for you has a polytropic efficiency of 0.90.
You need to purchase a motor to drive the compressor. What power rating do you need for this motor?
What is the equivalent adiabatic efficiency of the compressor? Assume the gas constant is R = 287
J/kg · K and γ = 1.4.
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Problem 3: (Total 25 points)
At the design operating condition the mid-radius velocity triangles for an axial compressor stage are as
shown in the figure below. At the design condition, the inlet Mach number, total temperature, total
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pressure, and absolute flow angle are M = 0.3, T01 = 300K, p01 = 1.0 × 105 pascals, and α1 = 35◦ ,
respectively. The relative flow angle at the exit of the rotor is β2 = 40◦ . The radius of the mean line of the
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blade is rm = 0.5m. The rotor spins at an RPM (revolutions per minute) = 6,000. The stage has an
adiabatic efficiency of ηst = 0.90.
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Assume the gas constant is R = 287 J/kg · K and γ = 1.4. Also assume α3 = α1 and c3z = c2z = 1.2 ∗ c1z .
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Note the non-constant axial flow velocity and be sure your equations are valid for that situation.
1. (5 points) Calculate the torque needed to drive the rotor per unit mass flow.
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2. (5 points) Calculate the power needed to drive the rotor per unit mass flow.
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3. (5 points) Calculate the pressure ratio of the stage πst = p01
h2 −h1
4. (10 points) Calculate the degree of reaction R = h03 −h01 .
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