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NSCA Coach Volume 1.2

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DEVELOPING ATHLETICISM activity (2). Coaches must be aware of this in order to incorporate

thleticism is much more than being an athlete. appropriate levels of physical conditioning leading to the
Athleticism refers more to the ability to execute recommended amount of physical activity. For those times when
fundamental movements, in either a specific or organized sport is the choice, all youth need to be prepared for
unpredictable movement pattern at optimum speed with participation by developing the physical attributes of athleticism
precision, with applicability across sports and physical activities. prior to participation in the organized program (i.e., youth need
To develop athleticism, proper strength and conditioning is to get in shape to play a sport, not play a sport to get in shape).
essential. A properly planned and implemented strength and Participation in a properly designed strength and conditioning
conditioning program is the core of successful movement, program has been shown to improve performance and reduce the
whether for athletics, recreation, or physical activity. risk of injury for youth (3).

Each special population has unique program needs. The youth RECOGNITION
population is no exception. To develop athleticism for youth we Coaches need to be mindful of the physical attributes as
must understand these C.O.R.E. principles: described by Whitehead and that the trainability of fitness
attributes extends across childhood and adolescence (4). While
• Context in which to apply movement patterns it is certainly advantageous to begin developing physical literacy
• Opportunities to develop proper movement at an early age, it is important not to give up on a child that has
not yet learned fundamental motor skills, movement patterns,
• Recognition of the physical attributes that youth require or physical literacy. Coaches also need to be sure to include all
• Environments in which youth explore movement fitness attributes across childhood and adolescence, specifically
health-fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility,
cardiorespiratory endurance, and body composition) and skills-
The context in which youth, especially children, need to apply
fitness (agility, balance, coordination, power, and speed). As
movement patterns should be developmentally appropriate.
outlined in the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s
In proper context, therefore, movement patterns need to be
(NSCA) Position Statement on Youth Resistance Training, coaches
fundamental in nature as opposed to sport-specific. This means
should incorporate a variety of exercises, a variety of training
that emphasis remains on developing and practicing proper
modalities, and variety itself (3). Coaches need to understand
movement patterns that lead to physical literacy. Margaret
how specific training methodologies, such as core training, fit
Whitehead is credited with creating the concept of physical
into the development of fitness attributes and fundamental
literacy and she postulates that without development of the
motor skills. Core training is one factor in the prescription for
physical capacities (e.g., balance, coordination, flexibility,
properly developing fitness attributes and needs to be considered
agility, control, precision, strength, power, endurance, and the
in the broader context of general physical preparation in youth
ability to move at different speeds and distances) the ability
program design.
to interact with the world (i.e., positive youth development)
would be restricted (7). The aforementioned physical capacities ENVIRONMENTS
comprise the definition of athleticism for youngsters. As each The environment that has become the standard of youth physical
child develops their general athleticism within their given level movement is organized youth sport. Youth sport was not created
of endowment, which is nonlinear and develops at different as a youth-centric model of athleticism for all youth, however.
rates for each child, coaches need to be prepared to engage all Our current athletic development model is a watered-down adult
children in developmentally appropriate, individualized strength sports model, with considerations for field size, pitch count, and
and conditioning programs to fully develop athleticism for all size of equipment. Data indicates that 70% of youth drop out of
participants. As aspiring athletes reach physical maturity, the youth sports by age 13 (6). The reason for this it that the main
context will change to sport-specific physical attributes in order to reason youth play sports is fun and the primary reason they drop
develop long-term athletic development (5). out is that the sport is no longer fun (6). This also attributes to
a downward trend in participation in our most popular sports
(basketball, football, baseball, and soccer) but the data also shows
To develop the physical attributes of athleticism fully, all youth
that 25% of youth never participate in youth sports (1). Based
need to be provided multiple opportunities to reach their
on this data, it seems that it is important to create the proper
potential. For children, this necessitates introducing them to
environment for youth to develop athleticism while continuing to
a variety of movements on a multitude of surfaces in various
have fun.
settings. These settings should be a healthy mixture of structured
and non-structured movement opportunities. All youth should Emphasizing context, opportunities, and recognition within a
be encouraged to reach the recommended daily amount of 60 youth-centered environment creates the proper pathway to
min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, and quite often the development of athleticism that will help youth achieve
sports serve as a vehicle for kids to engage in this physical physical and psychosocial well-being throughout childhood and



adolescence. Positive youth development has been shown to lead

to positive adult development, with physical activity tracking into ABOUT THE AUTHOR
adulthood, psychosocial adjustment, and positive contributions Rick Howard helped start the National Strength and Conditioning
to society, and setting a positive example for the next generation Association (NSCA) Youth Special Interest Group (SIG) and served
of youth. this year as Immediate Past Chair. In addition, Howard serves on
the NSCA Membership Committee and is the NSCA State/Provincial
WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP ALL YOUTH Program Regional Coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic Region. Howard
DEVELOP ATHLETICISM is involved in many pursuits that advance knowledge, skills, and
This article focused on athleticism as a key physical asset
coaching education to help all children enjoy lifelong physical
with strong influence on the psychosocial assets, such as self-
activity and sports participation.
efficacy, self-determined motivation toward sport and physical
activity, and support from significant adults and peers. Since
sport is multifactorial and includes access to and opportunity
for participation in a wide variety of sports and activities, it is
incumbent on coaches to recognize the impact they have in not
only the physical domain but also in the psychological and social
domains. Designing and implementing evidence-based strength
and conditioning programs specific to the youth population
ensures that all youth will develop athleticism at their given level
of endowment and be able to continue to participate in sports and
physical activity throughout their life course. That is the C.O.R.E. of
positive youth development and our primary mission as coaches
of youth.

1. ESPN: The Magazine. Hey, data data—swing. The hidden
demographics of youth sports. Accessed January 2014
from, http://espn.go.com/espn/story/_/id/9469252/hidden-
demographics-youth-sports-espn-magazine. 2013.
2. Faigenbaum, A. Youth strength training: Facts and fallacies.
American College of Sports Medicine – Access Public Information
Articles. Accessed from http://www.acsm.org/access-public-
and-fallacies. 2012.
3. Faigenbaum, A, Kraemer, W, Blimkie, C, Jeffreys, I, Micheli,
L, Nitka, M, and Rowland, T. Youth resistance training: Updated
position paper from the National Strength and Conditioning
Association. J Strength Cond Res 23: S60-S79, 2009.
4. Lloyd, R, and Oliver, J. The youth physical development
model: A new approach to long-term athletic development.
Strength and Conditioning Journal 34(3): 61-72, 2013.
5. Meadors, L. Practical application for long-term athletic
development. Accessed March 2014 from, http://www.nsca.com/
Development/. 2013.
6. Seefeldt, VD, and Ewing, ME. Patterns of participation in
American agency-sponsored youth sports. In Smoll, FL, and
Smith, RE (Eds). Children and youth in sport: A biopsychosocial
perspective. (2nd ed.) Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt; 39-56, 2002.
7. Whitehead, M. The concept of physical literacy. European
Journal of Physical Education 6: 127-138, 2001.




uspension bodyweight training has been a part of traditional • Body angles
calisthenics for many years. Until recently, coaches, trainers, • Lever systems—height of the anchor and/or length of the
and performance fitness centers had limited awareness and straps or ropes
understanding of how to implement this training. Products such as
the TRX™ and Jungle Gym™ have helped bring this form of training • Gravitational load or mass/weight of the athlete
to the forefront of the sports performance and fitness industries. • Foot or hand positioning
However, many fitness professionals still do not fully understand
Most suspension bodyweight trainers have one common element—
the benefits of rotation in suspension bodyweight training.
most have locked or static anchor points. This means the anchor
It has been shown that suspended bodyweight training exercises point either is individually locked/attached (e.g., gym rings,
can increase core muscle activation compared to similar core Jungle Gym™) or attached at a central anchor/pivot point with
exercises performed on a supported, stable surface (2). Due to the little to no movement (e.g., TRX™). This locked or static anchor
nature of the exercises/movements that suspended bodyweight point can restrict the length that the handles will have during
training exercises are performed, they often require full kinetic exercise movements.
chain involvement. It has also been suggested that suspension
With a static or locked anchor point, most exercise movements
training devices can provide improvement in balance, muscle
move the body around the handle, rather than the handle moving
size, strength, power, and flexibility. Thus, suspension bodyweight
around the body. This means the body must actively move
training implements appear to be functional training tools.
around a set focal point to enable the athlete to perform the
COMPARISON exercise movements (e.g., biceps curls, chest presses, or lat rows).
To understand how the inclusion of rotation differs from traditional Furthermore, most movements with static or locked anchors are
suspension bodyweight training, we first have to understand how performed primarily in the sagittal plane, while movements with a
suspension bodyweight training works. All suspension bodyweight free moving/unstable anchor can occur in one or all three planes
training exercises are based on several common factors: of motion during a single exercise movement (e.g., lat rows with
partial rotation or chest presses with rotation).

With an unstable, centrally located anchor point, an environment

that is potentially capable of constantly challenging one’s center
of gravity can be created. Meaning, stabilization would be more



difficult than with a static or locked anchor point. Due to the The transverse plane is often associated with rotational movement
instability of a free moving anchor point, the movement and like swinging a baseball bat, golf club, or hockey stick, passing
length of the cable constantly changes which increases the need a basketball, or kicking a soccer ball. In addition, the transverse
to stabilize not only the actively engaged joint(s) and musculature plane is where we see most injuries occur in daily activities such
but also the entire core and kinetic chain. as reaching or bending movements, (e.g., getting out of the car,
shoveling snow, picking up dropped keys, etc.). However, the
To clarify, the addition of “rotation” to suspension bodyweight ability to transition efficiently from one plane to another is of
training refers to the rotational nature of the anchor, and thus key importance.
the ability to add rotation to suspended bodyweight movements.
An example of a suspension bodyweight training tool that has Core stability is the ability to resist movement in the lumbar
an unstable, centrally located anchor point is the Rotational spine or anti-rotation (1). The primary goal is to stabilize the
Bodyweight Training™ device by CrossCore®. Introducing this type core, protect the lower back, and allow one to transfer lower
of rotational bodyweight training may be an asset to developing body power from the ground upwards through the kinetic chain
functional core stability and strength beyond what is provided (1). Trainers and coaches have also come to the realization that
through traditional suspension bodyweight training with a locked increasing strength just for the sake of increasing strength in
anchor point. the abdominals and back musculature may not be the answer to
developing core strength or stability; nor is rotation for simply
FUNCTIONAL TRAINING the sake of rotation. By placing emphasis on thoracic rotation and
Functional training can be thought of as training designed promoting lumbar stabilization, rotational suspension bodyweight
to help supporting/adjacent muscle groups work together training may be a valuable asset to developing functional core
synergistically by increasing motor unit recruitment. This process stability and strength.
is often achieved by introducing challenges to balance, controlled
instability, and proprioceptive training. The better trained our BENEFITS OF INCLUDING ROTATION
motor unit recruitment patterns become, the greater our ability Suspension bodyweight training exercises have been shown to
to stabilize the joints dynamically, thus, providing the potential to increase core muscle activation (2). These exercises may also
improve athletic performance, decrease injury risk, and promote improve balance, muscle size, strength, power, and flexibility. A
overall physical well-being. basic understanding of performance and training would suggest
that by adding an increased range of motion, controlled rotation,
Traditional suspension bodyweight training is potentially a and instability to traditional suspended bodyweight training
functional training tool. When discussing multiplanar movements, exercises, rotational suspension bodyweight training could
the conversation should involve rotation. However, movement possibly create greater integration of the kinetic chain
within the transverse plane does not happen without rotation. by increasing:
Since functional movements are often viewed as multiplanar or
triplanar, they should include rotational movements. • Core activation/engagement

Experts in the fields of sports performance, fitness, and tactical • Balance and proprioception
conditioning will agree to disagree on the inclusion of rotation into • Motor unit activation and muscle recruitment
their performance programs. Should spinal rotation be avoided
As is the case with most new training methodologies, products,
completely? Should spinal rotation be performed as component
and protocols, it takes time for formalized research on the
of conditioning? Regardless of what side of the fence one stands,
method to catch up with the practice. Rotational suspension
one thing remains clear—movement in the transverse plane will
bodyweight training introduces instability stimuli that may not
incorporate spinal rotation. The lumbar spine is designed for
be present in than traditional variations. How much instability is
anti-rotational movements while the thoracic spine is capable
enough, or too much? Strength and conditioning professionals
of dynamic rotational movements. Rotational movements of the
should understand the limitations of their athletes and never
thoracic spine may be preferred rather than training that allows
jeopardize form and safety for the ability to perform a movement
excess rotation of the lumbar spine.
no matter what modality is practiced. With that being said,
Training modalities such as medicine balls, sandbags, etc. all indications are that rotational suspension bodyweight training
have the ability to incorporate spinal rotation and multiplanar adopts the characteristics of traditional suspension bodyweight
movements. Because of the nature of the products themselves, training and provides ancillary stimuli to challenge instability and
they provide dynamic load resistance, which can easily move proprioceptive feedback; thus offering another valuable training
through space and multiple planes. Alternatively, cable-based tool for industry professionals to consider when designing their
exercises can provide movements with continuous load and the training and conditioning programs.
ability to concentrate on rotational movements that occur in the
transverse plane.




sing the plank as an exercise to train the core, both in exercise performed. The strength gained when using isometric
fitness and when training to improve athlete performance, exercises is limited to the angle of the muscle being exercised.
has become commonplace. In reviewing training programs, Training to increase isometric strength at one specific joint angle
we find this exercise, and its training variations (e.g., long-lever is not a good use of time for most athletes because most sports
posterior-tilt plank, the reverse side plank bridge, etc.), shows require the athlete to be strong through a more complete range of
up frequently. Despite this widespread popularity, some aspects motion rather than only being strong at one specific position.
of this exercise cause me to question its placement in a training
program meant to assist a healthy athlete that is training to Additionally, if improving trunk stabilization is a goal of training,
improve athletic performance. performing a traditional barbell squat or front squat has been
found to be an effective exercise at achieving this goal (2).
Before looking at the possible limitations of the exercise when Researchers found that squatting with a moderate external load
the goal of training is enhanced athletic performance, it is first was an effective method to cause trunk muscle activation. The
important to describe the exercise to enhance clarification. other benefit of a squat, as compared to performing a plank, is
According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s that it is performed in a sport-specific position (i.e., standing)
“Developing the Core” book, the plank is performed in the using a sport-specific movement pattern (i.e., flexion and
following manner (6): extension at the ankles, knees, and hips).

1. Lie on your abdomen with your palms on the floor, feet Another limitation of prolonged planks has to do with the concept
together, and spine in a neutral position of progression. One of the basic principles of resistance training is
the concept of progression. For a training program to continue to
2. Lift your body up on your elbows and toes, keeping your
produce higher levels of performance, the intensity of the training
head, torso, and legs in a straight line
program must be progressively increased (1). Therefore, for
3. Contract your abdominals and gluteals to prevent your example, if I want to increase my squat one-repetition maximum I
midsection from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle have to increase the load on the bar gradually. The problem with
4. Maintain this position for the prescribed time this, in relationship to the plank, is that the plank is a bodyweight
exercise; no external resistance is typically used when performing
The primary limitations of the plank are provided in the exercise
this exercise. As a result, in terms of progression, when performing
description above. First, the exercise is performed in a prone
the plank the ability to apply the concept of progression is limited
position with the body supported on the toes and elbows. As
to either changing the position in which the plank is performed
explained by Gamble, biomechanical specificity includes such
(e.g., long-lever plank) or increasing the duration in which the
things as posture and limb position (5). As a result, an exercise
plank position is maintained (e.g., progressing from 30 s to 45
performed in a standing position (e.g., medicine ball twisting
s and so on). While I agree that changing the position in which
throws) will transfer more effectively to improving athlete
the plank is performed can make the exercise more challenging,
performance than performing an exercise in a seated or supine
eventually the athlete will reach a point where the exercise is
position (e.g., twisting crunches). Craig and Judge agree that it
performed in the most challenging position possible and no
can be argued that the most effective way to enhance strength
further progression is possible in terms of positioning.
or power for a specific sport comes from selecting exercises or
activities that have mechanical specificity to the chosen sport and At that point, the only other method to provide overload is to
replicating those movement patterns in training (3). Because few, increase the duration of the exercise. However, as we have already
if any, sports involve competing in the prone position required established, performing an isometric contraction in a non-sport-
when performing a plank, and because few, if any, sports involve specific position is of little value to most athletes. As a result,
the prolonged isometric contractions used when performing increasing the length in which the plank is held simply increases
a plank, it can be said that the degree of specificity when the time the athlete is performing an exercise that has limited
performing a plank is quite low for the vast majority of sports. benefit in terms of improving performance, which is obviously
not a decision most strength and conditioning coaches would
As stated, the plank exercise involves holding a prone position in
knowingly choose to make. As a result, it makes sense that
an extended isometric action. Isometric muscle actions involve the
when working with healthy athletes whose main goal is to
production of force without movement of the joint or shortening/
improve athletic performance, the plank has limited value in
lengthening of the muscle fibers (4).
most situations.
Further, isometric training produces joint angle-specific increases
in strength, meaning the increases in strength occur primarily
in the position(s) trained. Isotonic exercises (i.e., exercise that
involves both concentric and eccentric muscular contractions)
strengthen the muscle throughout the range of motion of the




hen people in the fitness industry hear the term “core,” COMMON CATEGORIES
often they think about the abdominal muscles within When programming for the core there are several parameters to
the human body. However, the core is much more than consider. Common categories strength and conditioning coaches
just the abdominal muscles; it includes the posterior muscles should be aware of include strength, endurance, stability, and
as well. The core can be defined as the surrounding muscles power. Laying the foundation of core strength is critical when
that support the spine to provide stability and generate power developing an athlete through training.
during athletic movements (1). Some of these muscles include
the rectus abdominis, internal oblique, external oblique, erector The ability of an athlete to transfer force from the feet, through
spinae, latissimus dorsi, transverse abdominis, iliocostalis, and the the legs, to the midsection, and all the way to the upper body is
multifidus (6). Since so many muscles are involved with the core, important for athletic performance and strength development (3).
strength and conditioning coaches should focus on developing Heavy resistance and low repetitions can help increase strength
all core muscles around a multi-joint exercise and/or movement and power of the core musculature (5). An example of this transfer
strength and conditioning program. of force would be the deadlift exercise, which traditionally involves
a slow, yet methodical vertical pull that requires a transfer of force.
Core exercises, when included in training, should focus on all A progression would be the power clean variation from the floor,
planes of motion, and not place excessive stress on the lumbar which will use the deadlift motion and then switch gears for the
spine. Choosing specific exercises should be a point of emphasis second pull to generate more force production.
because the core musculature has a stabilizing role when an
athlete sprints, jumps, cuts, lifts, or moves in general or in Endurance is integral to all sports because it also helps lay the
competitions. Core exercises may help increase the rigidity foundation to increase the work capacity of the athlete. Higher
and strength of the stabilizers of the spine under external repetition sets assist to help develop aerobic fitness levels with
loads, helping muscles transfer force and overcome resistance the individual. According to Buddy Morris, the Head Strength and
of the functioning limbs (4). Core muscles, like all muscles, Conditioning Coach for the Arizona Cardinals National Football
should be stressed to the point where they must adapt to the League (NFL) football team, core training for football should be
unaccustomed demands (1). In order to adapt to the demands done in circuit style for 150 – 500 repetitions to enhance aerobic
and produce the desired physiological response, the goals of the fitness, work capacity, and endurance in the muscles trained (4).
athletes should be considered when selecting core exercises to Obviously, this example applies specifically to the football athletes
include in programming. trained by Morris. However, this can also be an effective recovery



method if programmed properly with the intention to enhance upper and lower extremity activation progressions can be put
proper blood flow circulation, remove metabolic wastes, and together by bringing the arms up and legs up at the same time to
enhance nutrient transfer (4). The core exercises utilized by Morris’ perform a V-up.
athletes included Russian twists, wood choppers, and stir the pot
to help increase the plasticity of their core (4). MEDICINE BALLS
Medicine balls are one of the most underused pieces of gym
Power training involves full dynamic contractions, which relate equipment. They can be used to develop power and work capacity,
directly to sports. Transferring kinetic energy from the lower but the weight of the medicine balls must match the abilities of
and upper extremities for sports can be improved by exercises each athlete and the desired goals of the program. Some examples
with variations in jumps, hops, and skips; explosive and maximal of these exercises include standing chest throws, overhead throws,
strength movements; Olympic-style lifts; and sprints. Having an underhand throws, and lateral throws. For power development,
underdeveloped core makes it virtually impossible to correctly and throws should be prescribed to a maximal effort per throw with no
effectively execute these types of movements if a solid foundation more than 20 – 30 total repetitions. Work capacity or endurance
is not created. medicine ball training should include higher repetitions (i.e., 200
or more reps), utilizing lighter weights. Some examples of work
Stability training works very well for the injured and recovering capacity exercises are overhead taps, chest taps, lateral taps,
athletes in a rehabilitation setting. These exercises should be underhand taps, floor chest pass taps, around the world, figure 8s
intended to improve segmental, spinal, and whole body stability (vertical and horizontal), and bus drivers.
to increase the sensorimotor input to the central nervous system.
Performing any type of single-limb work can help increase the MEDICINE BALL “AROUND THE WORLD” EXERCISE
brain’s response to auditory and visual cues (2). Description: Hold the medicine ball with two hands, keep the
elbows unlocked, and bring the medicine ball across the face
DEAD BUG SERIES and then behind the head clockwise and counterclockwise while
A valuable exercise for core muscle activation is the dead bug maintaining a neutral spine.
series. This technique can effectively teach athletes how to engage
their core properly to complete a specific movement pattern. Coaching Cues: Bring the ball close to the body; lift the elbow to
To begin, athletes should lay supine with their legs and arms increase range of motion and mobility for the shoulder.
straightened. The athletes should engage their core by finding
their iliopsoas muscle, and focus on “sucking in their abdominals Variations: Extend the arms overhead and bring the medicine ball
as if they are preparing to inflate a balloon” to learn how to clockwise and counterclockwise in big circles. This can be from top
maintain a neutral lumbar spine. to bottom or bottom to top. Other variations include moving the
ball around the hips or below the knees.
The next step is to bring both arms overhead to activate the
oblique muscles and keep the lower back and diaphragm down MEDICINE BALL “FIGURE 8 (VERTICAL AND
and tight. Before any lower extremities are used, it is important HORIZONTAL)” EXERCISE
that the athletes be able to engage their upper core. Other Description: Extend the arms out in front of the chest while
variations involve slowly moving the arms to 90 degrees for a holding a medicine ball. Retract the scapulae and traps “down and
specific number of repetitions, or holding at angles of 180, 90, and back” to lock the shoulders in place. Move the ball up and down to
45 degrees. make a vertical figure 8 pattern, or move it left to right to make a
horizontal figure 8 pattern.
When approaching the activation of the lower extremities,
instructions include pulling the ribs down and keeping the back Coaching Cues: Push the chest out and pull the shoulders “down
flat. Arms may be put underneath the glutes to help support and back.” Stay tight through the entire body.
the lower back if an athlete complains of pain. This pain may be
Variations: Reverse the directions of the figure 8, or perform
a result of not engaging all their core muscles actively. For the
utilizing resistance bands attached to an anchor point.
next cue, the athletes are told to bring their legs straight up to
90 degrees, hold and engage, then bring them down to various MEDICINE BALL “BUS DRIVERS” EXERCISE
angles for specific repetitions while keeping their core engaged Description: Extend the arms out in front while holding a medicine
the whole time. After they perform the repetitions with variations ball. Retract the scapulae and traps “down and back” to lock the
they can then lower their legs and relax. shoulders in place. While holding the ball out in front, turn it from
top to bottom like turning a doorknob with both hands.
Several variations can be used such as the 6 in., 45-degree hold,
or these can be done with resistance. Other progressions include Coaching Cues: Push the chest out and pull the shoulder “down
holding the hands out, or on their head, and keeping their chin and back.” Stay tight through the entire body.
up to maintain focus and control. Tempo can be added for an
eccentric focus by lowering extremities at certain paces. Lastly, a Variations: Reverse directions, or include holding protocols after
contralateral approach can be added by reaching dynamically or each turn.
holding with the opposite arm in line with the opposite leg. The


The posterior chain includes the erector spinae, glutes, and When it comes to developing an athlete’s core, it is up to the
hamstrings. These muscle groups are equally important for strength and conditioning professional to know their athletes
optimal performance as the abdominal muscles listed previously. and their goals. A good strength and conditioning coach should
Exercises should concentrate on developing the back extensors know when and how to progress or regress their athletes. They
while minimizing loads on the spine to control body positions. should also know that training the core is not something that
Exercises that develop the posterior chain include band walks, should be overlooked in any athlete’s program. Not only can a
monster walks, clamshells, quadruped/bird dog variations, hip strong core potentially reduce injury, but it may even improve
bridges, groin planks/hip taps, slideboard multidirectional lunges, sports performance.
slideboard leg curls, and good mornings. The posterior chain
should not be avoided when designing a strength and conditioning REFERENCES
program as a weakness in either the abdominal or posterior 1. Brown, K. Touch your core with light load/high velocity
muscle groups can negatively affect performance. resistance training. NSCA Performance Training Journal 8(5): 6-7,
“CLAMSHELLS” EXERCISE 2. Kutz, MR. Evidence for core training: What works and for
Description: Place a mini band around both legs just above the who? NSCA Performance Training Journal 8(5): 10-12, 2009.
knees, lay on your side with yours knees bent to approximately
90 degrees, and place one foot on top of the other. Keeping the 3. McNamara, J. Building an exercise program that includes core
bottom leg on the ground, lift the top leg away from the body by training. NSCA Performance Training Journal 10(5): 17-19, 2011.
contracting your glutes. 4. Morris, B, and Williams, R. American Football Physical
Preparation 2013.
Coaching Cues: Keep the bottom leg on the ground. The legs
should remain at 90 degrees to help prevent injury. 5. Schoenfeld, B. Strategies for optimal core training program
design. NSCA Performance Training Journal 10(5): 20-24, 2011.
Variations: Perform sitting on a bench, or place the band around 6. Szelog, M. Core exercises: What is the core and how do you
the ankle or below knee. activate it? NSCA Performance Training Journal 11(5), 11-12, 2012.
Description: Get down on the ground on your hands and knees ABOUT THE AUTHOR
with your arms fully extended. Be sure to keep your hands flat Matthew Crawley is the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for
on the ground and your neck and spine in a neutral position. men’s basketball at Webber International University, FL. Previously,
Keep the core tight, back flat, and lift one leg out to the side. Crawley served as a Performance Center coach at the National
Return to the starting position and perform the same action Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Headquarters in
with the opposite leg. 2013. He has extensive experience working in the private sector
with youth, high school, college, professional, tactical, and Olympic
Coaching Cues: Keep the core tight, back flat, and do not dip or
athletes. Crawley holds a Master of Science degree in Health and
rotate the hips when performing the movements.
Human Performance from Canisius College, and is certified as a
Variations: Legs bent at 90 degrees; leg straight out at 180 Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®) through
degrees; move the leg in circles in/out; move the legs in circles the NSCA.
kicking back; or reach out with arm and leg opposite of one
another kicking back through the heel.


Description: Begin on the ground in a side plank position. Keep
the top leg straight and the bottom knee and hip both flexed to
approximately 90 degrees. Keep the top arm straight on your side,
make sure your body is in a straight line with the neck neutral, and
then touch the hips lightly on ground then back up.

Coaching Cues: Keep the body in a straight line and squeeze

the glutes. You will likely feel a slight stretch/contraction in the
adductor muscles.

Variations: Turn it into groin plank holds by bringing the bottom

leg straight out in front on the body.




thletes are required to jump, bend, twist, push, and pull FLAG POLE (FIGURES 1 AND 2)
all while performing sport-specific motions. Many sports Start in a wide, athletic stance with a straight bar attached to an
require execution of these motions from a standing anchor point to the side above the head. The arms are extended
position. While training the core, it would make sense to overhead, but not locked, with the straight bar parallel to the
incorporate these motions while the athletes are on their feet. floor and attached to the high anchor point (e.g., a cable pulley).
Training from a standing position may place demands on the While staying in place, rotate the feet, hips, and shoulders at a
body in terms of efficiency and coordination while simultaneously 90-degree angle, keeping the arms straight and bringing the bar
strengthening the core musculature in a similar manner in which it down to the midline of the body. This exercise involves pulling
will be used on the field or court. and rotation in multiple planes of motion using a horizontal line
of force. This exercise is great for throwing motions and rotational
An athlete’s core strength can be a major factor that influences
strength and stability.
performance. It can dictate their ability to control movements,
make adjustments sharper and quicker, and transfer power from SAMURAI (FIGURES 3 AND 4)
the lower body to upper body, and vice versa. If the body is Start in a wide, athletic stance with a straight bar attached to
thought of as a chain, and the core is a weak link in that chain, an anchor point to the side at hip-height. The arms are down in
then it can adversely affect an athlete in all of the movements they front and straight, but not locked. Rotate the back foot, hips, and
are required to perform. shoulders in a direction away from the anchor point, bringing the
middle of the bar to chest level, while shifting weight to the back
More importantly, in the training setting, the athlete needs to train
foot. This exercise involves pushing and rotation in multiple planes
not only their core but also their entire body in the ways that they
of motion using a horizontal line of force. This exercise is great for
are going to use it on the field. Considerations also have to be
swinging motions and rotational strength and stability.
taken into account so the movement patterns are specific for
the athlete in regards to how the body is put together. Most TWIST TO PRESS (FIGURES 5 AND 6)
traditional methods to train the core are piecemeal in fashion, Start in a wide, athletic stance with a straight bar attached to
targeting various aspects of the core musculature, but doing so an anchor point to the side at chest-height. Grip the bar with
separately. Oftentimes, athletes may focus on one exercise for an overhand grip with the elbows at the same level of the bar.
stability, one for trunk flexion, one for trunk extension, and one for Press with the arm nearest to the anchor point while rotating the
rotation. This is not a very efficient strategy. The body is designed back foot, hips, and shoulders and keeping the line of resistance
to work together, and balance all of the demands at the same straight. This exercise involves pushing and rotation.
time, in motion.
Kneeling medicine ball throws, Russian twists, leg raises, and Start with a wide, athletic stance with the cable handle facing the
various floor supine core exercises (V-ups, bicycles, etc.) are low anchor point. The arms are extended high and to the right.
exercises that may be effective, but may be performed in ways Rotate 90 degrees, turning the hips, shoulders, and back foot
that are not sport specific. A more specific way to train the core down and to the left while keeping the eyes on the anchor point.
for many athletes would be on their feet to provide stability of Repeat the movement in the opposite direction. This exercise is
the spine for optimal power transfer. Using a cable machine, great for throwers, as it uses eccentric loading.
bands, or different tools will open up many different variations
and applications for a wide range of athletes. These tools should WAX-ON/WAX-OFF (FIGURES 9 AND 10)
also incorporate stability into the movement, rather than having Start with a wide, athletic stance with the cable handle at chest
separate stability-focused exercises. Training in this fashion will be height and the anchor point to the side. The handle should be
more in line with how the athlete uses their body on the field or vertical to the ground at chest level with wrists straight and
court, thus increasing the carryover from the weight room to the elbows up. Perform a vertical circle from head level down to waist
field or court. level clockwise or counterclockwise. Complete the circle and then
repeat the movement while maintaining a stable, athletic position.
As athletes train on their feet and produce horizontal rotational This exercise is great for shoulder range of motion and stability.
forces, for example, the athletes will learn to use their entire body
to generate force. This may synchronize the accessory musculature
(links in the chain from the ground up) throughout the body that
contribute to performing a particular movement on the field or
court that the exercise was designed to simulate. To help produce
a dynamic core that can be evident on the field or court, the
following exercises are recommended for dynamic stability of
the core:



PULL TO 180 TWIST (FIGURES 11, 12, AND 13)

Start with a wide, lunge stance facing the anchor point. The arms ABOUT THE AUTHOR
are extended holding the cable handle vertical at chest level. Travis Brown has led a career as a strength and conditioning coach
Pull the handle to the chest, and then rotate the feet, hips, and for over 14 years in Atlanta, GA and at the University of Tennessee,
shoulders away from anchor point. While rotating, simultaneously Knoxville. He currently works for Pinnacle Athletics, which is a
extend the handle away from the anchor point. Finish with the sports performance company that trains professional, college, and
arms extended and reverse the order to return to start. Repeat the high school athletes. He has trained, or played next to, over 120
movement in the opposite direction. This exercise incorporates National Football League (NFL) starters, including dozens of Pro
pushing, pulling, rotation, and coordination. Bowlers and first round NFL draft picks. Throughout his career,
he has trained a number of athletes ranging from youth to elite
THROW DOWNS (FIGURES 14 AND 15) professionals, which include several Major League Baseball (MLB)
Start with a wide, staggered stance with one arm across the chest players, National Basketball Association (NBA) athletes, and two
holding a rope attached to a pulley with a high anchor point (both Olympic Medal winners. Brown is currently working towards his
hands with overhand grip). Rotate the torso downward away from PurMotion Master Trainer certification and is a Certified Strength
the anchor point, keeping the arms straight but not locked. Bring and Conditioning Specialist® with Distinction (CSCS,*D®) through
the hands down to about knee-level of the front leg. the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

Incorporating exercises that encompass pushing, pulling, and
rotation in multiple planes of motion while on one’s feet may
benefit athletic performance in sports that require movements
from a standing position. This will increase the carryover of having
everything in line, and firing the right muscles at the right time.
The recommended exercises will increase specificity in exercises
performed by the athletes, which may translate directly to the field
or court.

The author would like to acknowledge Jeff Flagg’s contribution
to this article, both with imagery and content. Jeff Flagg is the
Director of Training/Education at PurMotion.

















n a recent study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2. The transverse abdominis inserts at the linea alba, terminates
in the United States Department of Labor, back injuries at the iliac crest, and runs along the lower six ribs. This muscle
accounted for 36% of work-related injuries (3). One way to is responsible for stabilizing the core.
prevent these injuries is to educate individuals on the importance 3. The external oblique is the largest and outermost flat muscle
of the core musculature. During physical work, strenuous activity of the lateral anterior abdomen. It begins at the anterolateral
can often subject the spine to strain and duress. As stressed by portion of the lower seven ribs and inserts in the linea alba,
many strength and conditioning experts, the core muscles are pubic tubercle, and the anterior portion of the iliac crest.
important to spinal health and can help support the spinal column. These muscles are responsible for the side bending of the
Furthermore, learning proper training techniques may help torso. Flexion of the torso towards the side contracts the
prevent future injuries from occurring. muscle and aides in the rotation of the torso towards the
opposite side.
When asked what muscles contribute to the core, many name
only the abdominal and oblique muscles. Although these muscles 4. The internal oblique muscle runs from the thoracolumbar
are a main aspect of the core musculature, there are numerous fascia, inguinal ligament, and anterior iliac crest, and ends
other essential muscles. Learning more about the core will assist in the linea alba, near the lower four ribs. This muscle
strength and conditioning professionals in understanding proper provides stability of the spine and aides in flexion and
strength training and development of the muscles that support rotation of the torso.
the spine. It is essential to learn the major muscles of the core and
their functions (1).

1. The rectus abdominis is located in the outermost layer of

the abdominal wall. It spans from the xiphoid process and
costal cartilages of ribs downward to the pubic symphysis,
pubic crest, and pubic tubercle on top of the pubic bone.
The primary roles of this muscle are to assist with breathing,
protect internal organs against external forces, assist with
posture, and help maintain spinal integrity.



With knowledge of the major muscles of the core and their REFERENCES
primary functions, it is easier to understand the movements of the 1. Desjardins, L. Functional anatomy part 6 – Abdominal muscles.
exercises for the core musculature. Knowing how these muscles Lyndseydesjardins.com. 2012. Retrieved January 2014 from http://
work will help the individual develop a stronger core to work the lyndseydesjardins.com/functional-anatomy-part-6-abdominal-
spine appropriately. It is important to remember these key tips muscles.
when executing core exercises:
2. International Association of Fire Fighters. Back injuries and the
1. Control of breathing: As a basic rule, in order to achieve a full fire fighter. Occupational Medicine IAFF. 2014. Retrieved January
contraction of the core muscles, exhale during the concentric 2014 from https://www.iaff.org/hs/Resi/BackPain.asp.
motion and inhale during the eccentric motion to create intra-
abdominal pressure 3. United States Department of Labor. Nonfatal occupational
injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work, 2012. United
2. Do not bend or flex the abdomen to the point of feeling a
States Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2013. Retrieved January 2014
strain in the back muscles
from http://www.bls.gov/news.release/osh2.nr0.htm.
3. Execute the concentric motion quickly but controlled
4. Execute the eccentric motion slowly while inhaling
5. Limit core training to 3 – 4 times per week to help prevent Alex Hughes is a firefighter for the Grand Ledge Area Emergency
overtraining Service Authority and is an avid weightlifter. He holds the Tactical
A proper training routine for the core musculature requires Strength and Conditioning Facilitator® (TSAC-F™) certification
multiple movements in order to recruit all of the different muscles through the National Strength and Conditioning Association
properly. By incorporating all of the different core muscle groups, (NSCA). Hughes also holds two degrees with honors in Fire Science
it provides a good balance in strength across the entire core. For and Paramedic Technology and is currently working toward earning
example, a routine that consists solely of sit-ups and crunches may his Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®) through
engage some abdominal muscles but may neglect many others. the NSCA. He has also proctored the Candidate Physical Ability Test
This can cause muscle imbalance. A successful training routine (CPAT) testing for the Lansing Regional Fire Training Academy.
will effectively use balance, weight, and isometric contraction to
work the entirety of the core musculature. For example, beginning
a workout with balance movements that incorporate BOSU™ balls,
exercise balls, or suspension training engages the core and helps
to stabilize the muscles.

Once the balanced movements have been addressed, an individual

can progress to the proverbial “meat and potatoes” of core
training with weighted, resistance exercises. These include, but
are not limited to sit-ups, crunches, side bends, and leg lifts. It is
important to not forgo rotation exercises from the workout; these
include Russian twists, wood choppers, and tornado ball rotations.
Finally, the routine may conclude with isometric contractions
to strengthen the core musculature. Isometric exercises include
planks, Pallof presses/holds (using a cable pulley or resistance
band), and farmer’s walks/holds.

No matter which method of core training is used, always

remember that good form is crucial. When muscles are trained
improperly, their performance may be compromised in day-to-day
situations. If the core muscles are trained correctly, it can help
provide support to the spine and back, and make the body less
susceptible to injury.




coach once said that deep squats cure anything. Though the body to use all muscles available will help transfer specific
obviously not completely true, squats can do much more movements to the field or court.
than one would imagine if proper loading and mechanics
are followed. The primary objective of this article is to present To utilize the entire body to perform the squat, the core
information about the back squat and examine the muscle groups musculature should receive attention during execution. Without a
involved in the exercise to provide tips for effective execution. strong stable core, one cannot likely increase weight in the squat
without increasing the risk of injury. While the squat increases
A squat is a multi-joint movement that encompasses the entire core rigidity, it should not be the sole means used to strengthen
body. The muscle groups primarily utilized in the squat— the core. Because the squat can be done with high intensity,
quadriceps and posterior chain (hamstrings, gluteals, and spinal increasing the core’s ability to withstand resistance may develop
erectors) —are some of the largest in the body. The posterior strength, power, speed, and control. Having a strong core may also
chain muscle group may be a main contributor to the success of lead to improvements in other areas of athletics and everyday life.
the squatting movement. Though the posterior chain is a main
contributor, the quadriceps muscles may not be appropriately Here are some tips for the beginning position of a back squat:
utilized when proper form is not followed. Both poor form and
• Spread the floor apart with your feet. This will activate the
weakness in the posterior chain may lead to overcompensation
hamstrings and gluteals requiring the production of torque.
of the quadriceps.
Torque is the rotation of an object about an axis. In this
However, many may not know how to utilize their entire body in case, the axis is the acetabulofemoral joints (hips) and the
the back squat. Many lifters may unknowingly deactivate a part tibiofemoral joint (knees), and the object is the upper and/
of the body (e.g., upper back or the core) by relaxing when they or lower body. The primary objective of the hamstrings and
should be contracting. Using the entire body increases the amount gluteals is to extend the hip. Spreading the floor apart with
of weight lifted while maintaining proper form. Injuries may your feet forces a slight external rotation in the hip and
also be prevented further if the whole body is used to support pushes the head of the femur to the anterior causing an
the weight and execute the movement. The back squat may be extension in the hip joint; thus, this has engaged both the
beneficial for athletes in every sport since athletic movements hamstrings and the gluteals.
require control and coordination of the entire body. Training



• Squeeze the bar. Squeezing the bar helps to recruit the upper • Push through the heels. Pushing through the heels will help
body into the lift. Having a strong upper back and activated keep the knees behind the toes. When looking at a profile of
triceps supports the weight and helps protect the spine. a body, the heel supports the rest of the body because it is at
Squeezing the bar allows for more muscle activation. the base of the frontal plane and the easiest transfer of force
to the ground.
• Set the core (using the Valsalva maneuver). Setting the
core is important for spinal protection and maximal muscle • Hips and shoulders rise at the same time. Ensuring that the
activation. This is accomplished by taking a deep breath and back stays neutral is important to help prevent injuries while
forcing pressure on the diaphragm in the downward phase of performing the squat. The back will have the most potential
the squat. Inhalation until the core is tight should occur before to flex as the bar moves upward. To prevent this flexion, the
loading, should be held, and then expired once past the shoulders must rise in unison with the hips. This is achieved
“sticking point.” This is more commonly known as the Valsalva by allowing the hips to get underneath the bar. Another
maneuver. In this maneuver air is kept from escaping the helpful tool in this regard is to drive the elbows under the
lungs, and the muscles of the abdomen and rib cage contract bar as well. This will push the shoulders up while activating a
to create rigid compartments of liquid in the lower torso and strong scapular platform.
air in the upper torso. An advantage of the Valsalva maneuver The back squat is a total body movement that requires activation
is that it increases the rigidity of the entire torso, making it of all the muscles in the body in order to execute properly. Never
easier to support heavy loads (1). compromise proper form and execution in the quest for additional
Now, here are some additional tips for squatting mechanics: weight. By properly activating all the muscles in the body, one
may reach higher weight lifts and the coinciding muscle growth
• Sit back and down. Begin the squat by lowering the body as with less risk of injury. Increased transfer of strength and power to
if sitting down on a chair or a bench (Figure 1). Preventing the athletic field or court are also among the rewards of utilizing
the knees from moving over the toes may be important for the back squat properly.
activating the posterior chain.
• Sit at least parallel. Partial squats only reap partial rewards. REFERENCES
Squatting to a depth that is at least parallel to floor may 1. Harman, E. Biomechanics of resistance exercise. In: Baechle,
be beneficial in increasing activation of the posterior chain TR, and Earle, RW (Eds.), NSCA’s Essentials of Strength Training
muscles (Figure 2). The term parallel refers to the axis line and Conditioning. (3rd ed.) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 85,
of the knee and hip joints in relation to the ground. Sitting 2008.
parallel means that the top of the hip joint must sink below
the top of the kneecap, or at least even (parallel). ABOUT THE AUTHOR
• Keep a neutral spinal alignment. Neutral spinal alignment Luke Beasley is a co-owner of Relentless Training Corps, a personal
is the natural alignment of the spine from the coccyx to and team training business since September 2013. He graduated
the base of the skull. A common mistake is the tendency summa cum laude at the top of his class from Limestone College
to not maintain a “flat back.” Spinal flexion can be a sign of with a Bachelor of Science degree in Strength and Conditioning. He
loading too much weight or because a weak core prevents has also interned at Progressive Sports Physical Therapy and the
spinal stabilization. A flat or slightly arched lower back can Edge of Columbia, SC.
help produce more power than if the spine is overly flexed.
Also, looking forward instead of up with the head will help
neutralize the cervical spine.
• Push the hips through. When at the bottom of the squat,
standing up properly is the next objective. The job of the
gluteals in this exercise is to move the hip anteroposteriorly
(extending along a direction or axis from front to back or
from anterior to posterior). This means they move the hips
back to front instead of up and down. The gluteals must fire
and allow the hips to “pop” up and forward. Trying to push
the hips underneath the bar is the goal. The faster the hips
pop the more power may be generated. Proper alignment
and maximum strength and power may be achieved if this
movement is done properly.


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