Catalog CA.G5HHP.01 G5HHP Drives For Industrial Automation: Date: 9/15/09
Catalog CA.G5HHP.01 G5HHP Drives For Industrial Automation: Date: 9/15/09
Catalog CA.G5HHP.01 G5HHP Drives For Industrial Automation: Date: 9/15/09
G5HHP Drives for Industrial Automation
Date: 9/15/09
Table of Contents
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Page 1 Yaskawa Electric America, Inc.
This catalog may describe trademarked equipment, which is the property of other companies. These trademarks
are the property of the registered owner companies and may include the following:
Other Documents and Manuals are available to support special use or installation of this product. These
documents may be provided with the product or upon request. Contact Yaskawa Electric America, Inc. or visit, as required. Documents may include the following:
Change Page
Changed revision date all pages
Deleted Dual Encoder (PG) Feedback option 7
Added Line Regeneration option 9
Revised model numbers 10
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Yaskawa Electric America, Inc. Page 2
350-1750HP G5HHP
The G5HHP drive is a high performance product that produces an output of adjustable voltage and
frequency to control the speed of a squirrel cage induction motor. These modular design units have
separate converter and inverter sections installed in a common enclosure. Sections can be paralleled to
increase capacity. This PWM design provides high starting torque by use of IGBT transistors. The drive
provides 3 modes of control and speed accuracy to suit application requirements; V/Hz (2%), sensorless
vector (0.1%), or flux vector control (0.01% / motor-mounted PG and drive-mounted PG-X2 card required).
Programmability, network capability, and flexibility are outstanding.
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Page 3 Yaskawa Electric America, Inc.
Standard Drives
G5HHP Drives - 350-1750HP, 460 and 600V, 3-phase input, NEMA 12, FVFF enclosure. Model numbers
define non-regenerative diode converter or fully regenerative IGBT converter; with or without circuit breaker;
Constant Torque (CT) or Variable Torque (VT) ratings (150% or 120% overload respectively for 60 secs).
BB0400 414 450 350/400
BB0800 800 900 700/800
BB1200 1200 1350 1000/1000
BB1600 1600 1800 1250/1500
BB0400PC 414 350
BB0800PC Diode 800 700
BB1200PC Non-Regen 1200 1000
BB1600PC 1600 1250
BB0450PC 450 400
BB0900PC 900 800
BB1350PC 1350 1000
BB1800PC 1800 1500
BB0400PZ 414 450 350/400
BB0800PZ 800 900 700/800
BB1200PZ 1200 1350 1000/1000
BB1600PZ 1600 1800 1250/1500
BB0400PCZ 414 350
BB0800PCZ IGBT 800 700
BB1200PCZ Regen 1200 1000
BB1600PCZ 1600 1250
BB0450PCZ 450 400
BB0900PCZ 900 800
BB1350PCZ 1350 1000
BB1800PCZ 1800 1500
(1) Horsepower rating is based on standard NEMA B 4-pole motor design as represented in NEC table 430.150 Full-Load Current,
Three-Phase Alternating Current Motors
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Standard Drives
BC0400 414 450 400/450
BC0800 800 900 800/900
BC1200 1200 1350 1250/1250
BC1600 1600 1800 1500/1750
BC0400PC 414 400
BC0800PC Diode 800 800
BC1200PC Non-Regen 1200 1250
BC1600PC 1600 1500
BC0450PC 450 450
BC0900PC 900 900
BC1350PC 1350 1250
BC1800PC 1800 1750
BC0400PZ 414 450 450
BC0800PZ 800 900 900
BC1200PZ 1200 1350 1250
BC1600PZ 1600 1800 1750
BC0400PCZ 414 400/450
BC0800PCZ IGBT 800 800/900
BC1200PCZ Regen 1200 1250/1250
BC1600PCZ 1600 1500/1750
BC0450PCZ 450 450
BC0900PCZ 900 900
BC1350PCZ 1350 1250
BC1800PCZ 1800 1750
(1) Horsepower rating is based on standard NEMA B 4-pole motor design as represented in NEC table 430.150 Full-Load Current,
Three-Phase Alternating Current Motors
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Page 5 Yaskawa Electric America, Inc.
Control Options
Control Options - These cards, cables and devices add control functionality to the standard drive. Items are factory
mounted and wired.
Analog Input (14 Bit). This option provides for the interface of 2 Analog Output (8 Bit). This option provides 2 signals for remote
high resolution analog inputs to the drive. metering of any two of the drive’s “U1” monitors. These are in
Signal levels (fixed): addition to the two standard analog outputs.
1 channel, 0 to 10VDC (20kOhm) Signal levels (fixed):
1 channel, 4 to 20mADC (250Ohm) 0 to 10VDC (20kOhm)
Mounts at option connector 2CN Mounts at option connector 3CN
Model No. AI-14U................................................. List $ Model No. AO-08 .................................................. List $
Analog Input (13 Bit + Sign). This option provides for the interface Analog Output (11 Bit + Sign). This option provides 2 signals for
of 3 high resolution analog inputs to the drive. remote metering of any two of the drive’s “U1” monitors. These are
Signal levels (individually selectable): in addition to the two standard analog outputs.
0 to ±10VDC (20kOhm), Signal levels (individually selectable):
4 to 20mADC (250Ohm) 0 to ±10VDC (20kOhm)
Mounts at option connector 2CN Mounts at option connector 3CN
Model No. AI-14B................................................. List $ Model No. AO-12 .................................................. List $
Digital Input (12 or 16 Bit). This option provides for the interface of
a 12 or 16 bit digital input (binary or BCD) to the drive.
Mounts at option connector 2CN
Model No. DI-16H2 ............................................... List $
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Control Options
Digital Output (2 Channel). This option provides 2 additional Single Encoder (PG) Feedback - Line Driver. This option
digital outputs for use in monitoring the status outputs of the drive. provides velocity and direction feedback from an encoder. This is
Signal levels: primarily used for motor speed feedback in closed loop flux vector
2 channels, Form C, 250VAC, 30VDC, 1A control. A 5VDC buffered output is also included.
Mounts at option connector 3CN Signal levels:
Model No. DO-02C................................................List $ 5 or 12VDC differential line driver with compliments
Maximum input frequency: 300kHz
Phases A and B (Z required with some custom software)
Digital Output (8 Channel). This option provides 8 additional Mounts at option connector 4CN
digital outputs for use in monitoring the status outputs of the drive. Model No. PG-X2.................................................. List $
Signal levels:
2 channels, Form A, 250VAC, 30VDC, 1A
6 channels, PHC, 48VDC, 50mA, Shared Common Single Encoder (PG) Feedback - Open Collector. This option
Mounts at option connector 3CN provides velocity and direction feedback from an encoder. This is
Model No. DO-08 ..................................................List $ primarily used for motor speed feedback in closed loop flux vector
control. A 24DC buffered output (open collector) is also included.
Signal levels:
12VDC differential open collector with compliments
Maximum input frequency: 32kHz
Phases A and B (No marker pulse capability)
Mounts at option connector 4CN
Model No. PG-B2.................................................. List $
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Page 7 Yaskawa Electric America, Inc.
Communications Options
Communications Options - These communications options are provided mounted and wired. Network
communications are available for most popular protocols.
Profibus DP. This option complies with the Profibus DP protocol Modbus TCP/IP. This option complies with the Modbus TCP/IP
specification. All parameters, diagnostics and operational protocol specification. This allows for communication over 10/100
commands are accessible via Profibus. The option board provides Mbps Ethernet networks. This option has the ability to configure the
convenient Phoenix-type teminations for landing the shielded, IP Address from a user specified IP address, from a DHCP host or
twisted-pair wiring. Each Profibus network supports up to 99 drives. from a BootP host. All parameters, diagnostics and operational
This option supports all of the Profibus data rates from 9.6 Kbps to commands are accessible via Modbus TCP/IP. Auto-tuning the
12 Mbps. Up to 32 bytes of input data and 32 bytes of output data motor is also possible through this option using the DriveWizard PC
are provided per message transaction. GSD files may be program. This option supports up to 10 simultaneous PLC/PC
downloaded from to assist with network connections.
configuration and drive setup. Mounts at option connector 2CN.
Mounts at option connector 2CN. Model No. CM090 ................................................. List $
Model No. CM061 ................................................ List $
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Custom Options
Custom Options - The following items can be engineered to add value to the drive. Contact Factory for price
and impact on package size.
Input Fusing: Input fuses are 600 V rated and are of the current
limiting, time delay type, rated at 300,000 RMS amps, symmetrical,
interrupting capacity. Fuses are provided for protection of
semiconductor devices.
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Page 9 Yaskawa Electric America, Inc.
Dimensions and Data
(1) These dimensions are for reference only. Contact factory for exact dimensions.
(2) This data represents the drive weight only, not shipping weight.
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Page 11 Yaskawa Electric America, Inc.
Software, Drawings, Manuals
Software Drawings
DriveWizard Software Kit. This software package allows Approval/Special Drawings. Pricing for drives and options is
uploading and downloading of parameters via a PC for data storage based on standard documentation, which consists of one Technical
and for programming of a drive. The software includes graphing and Manual, standard Instruction Sheets, Wiring Diagrams and Outline
monitoring tools. It is a Windows-based program designed to make Drawings. When approval or special drawings must be prepared
startup, commisioning, and troubleshooting of Yaskawa drives as and submitted to the customer, a Drawing Price Addition must be
simple as possible. Refer to our website at for made for each different drive being offered. Material procurement
more information, including minimum system requirements. This kit and manufacture will not commence until written drawing approval
includes the DriveWizard program on CD and a PC interface is received by the factory.
Model No. DWST616-C4 ............................................. $
DriveWizard Software. Software CD only. The software can also
Technical Manuals. One manual is included with each drive at no
be downloaded for free on our website
charge when shipped from the factory.
Model No. CD.DW.01
Additional copies of Manual:
Part No. TM.G5HHP.01 ........................................ $
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Yaskawa Electric America, Inc. Page 12
Technical Training
In today's world of global competition, it is impossible for a company to survive without “state-of-the-art”
technically trained associates and customers. Yaskawa Technical Training Services (TTS) is comprised of
engineers who are specialists in their field.
Yaskawa Electric America has three training facilities in the United States. The primary training facility is in
Yaskawa Electric America’s North American Headquarters in Waukegan, Illinois (45 miles north of Chicago,
50 miles south of Milwaukee). This facility has six training rooms; two lecture halls, two training rooms and two
training labs.
Besides the possibility of attending training classes in Waukegan and Los Angeles, Yaskawa Electric America
can also bring training to the customer. On-site classes are available in two varieties. The first is to duplicate the
official training classes at the customer’s location. Full functioning demo units, data projector, computer and
documentation can be shipped to recreate the official class on-site. The second variety is road show training.
Road show training is a one-day training class that is specifically tailored to the students’ needs and questions.
Only basic demos are used and the topics covered in class are generated by the students in attendance.
The Yaskawa Virtual Training Room is another training option. All you need is an Internet connection and a
telephone. This is a live, interactive training class, which gives you the ability to talk to the instructor as well as
other students. The Internet connection allows us to show slides and demonstrate software packages. The
telephone is for the audio portion of the training class. Web classes can be found on the Yaskawa formal training
schedule and can also be done on-demand, per the time and preference of the customer.
Check out the latest class schedule and cut sheets at
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Page 13 Yaskawa Electric America, Inc.
Terms and Conditions
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Terms and Conditions
(d) YEA's quoted prices are firm for thirty (30) days from the date of Before returning products, a Return Merchandise Authorization
YEA's written proposal. Thereafter, the applicable prices are those ("R.M.A.") number must be obtained from YEA. Products returned
in effect at the time Buyer's Order is placed with YEA. YEA will without an R.M.A. number clearly marked on the outside of the
notify Buyer of any price changes for incorporation into a revised shipping carton will be refused. Except for approved warranty
Order prior to acceptance by YEA. Pricing based on volume returns, YEA will only accept for return and credit new, unused,
discounts is subject to adjustment by YEA if actual shipping current stock items, in the original packaging and undamaged.
volumes do not meet minimum volume requirements of agreement. Buyer shall be responsible for all freight charges, import/export
Clerical errors in any element of a proposal, purchase order, invoice charges, duties, tariffs, taxes, insurance and risk of loss/damage
or contract are subject to correction by YEA. regarding return shipment to YEA.
(e) (1) Buyer agrees to accept delivery within fifteen (15) days
following the anticipated date of delivery. If Buyer refuses to take 9. SECURITY INTEREST:
delivery within the fifteen (15) day period, YEA reserves the right to To secure any indebtedness due and owing from Buyer from time to
charge Buyer for storage charges plus interest. time, Buyer hereby grants to YEA, and YEA hereby reserves, a
(f) (2) All shipments are F.O.B. YEA's (or its suppliers') continuing purchase money security interest in all Yaskawa-brand
manufacturing plant or warehouse. YEA will, at Buyer's expense, and other products heretofore or hereafter sold and delivered to
arrange for the transportation of the products from the Buyer by YEA, and all related parts, components and accessories
manufacturing plant or warehouse designated by YEA. Buyer is therefor, and all proceeds arising from the sale or other disposition
responsible to timely procure all necessary export and import of the foregoing, including, but not limited to, cash, accounts,
licenses and all permits required for the consummation of the contract rights, accounts receivable, instruments and chattel paper.
transaction. Buyer shall at no time grant any security interest that conflicts with
that granted to YEA herein. Buyer shall cooperate with YEA, and
6. TERMS OF PAYMENT: hereby appoints YEA as its attorney-in-fact, to execute and file, on
(a) All payments are due within thirty (30) days of YEA's invoice. Buyer's behalf, any documents necessary to evidence and perfect
YEA reserves the right to require payment in advance, or YEA's security interest.
satisfactory security, for any shipment or sale. YEA may cancel any
shipment or Order for any Buyer which has failed to make payment 10. GOVERNING LAW, FORUM AND JURY WAIVER:
or comply with any other provision of these Standard Terms. YEA These Standard Terms and the relationship of the parties hereto
reserves the right to seek any other remedy available at law or shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of Illinois, U.S.A.,
equity. Payment shall be made at the agreed time, to the place without regard to its choice of law rules. For all claims or disputes
specified, and in the currency indicated on YEA's invoice. Buyer's arising out of or relating to the sale of products or services by YEA
failure to pay at the agreed time and place constitutes a waiver of and/or the relationship of Buyer and YEA, Buyer shall file any and
Buyer's right to demand YEA's performance under the contract. all lawsuits or claims exclusively in the state or federal courts
(b) When an account becomes past due according to its payment located in Cook County, Illinois. Buyer hereby submits to the
terms, Buyer shall pay interest on the balance due, at the greater of personal jurisdiction of said courts and waives any claim of
1.50% per month (18% per annum) or the maximum permitted by improper or inconvenient venue. To the fullest extent permitted by
law, until paid in full. law, Buyer hereby agrees to waive the right to trial by jury for all
(c) If delivery and/or payment in installments are accepted by YEA, claims or disputes arising out of or relating to the sale of products or
Buyer's failure to pay any installment when due shall give YEA the services by YEA and/or the relationship of Buyer and YEA. The
right to suspend work or delivery until such payment is made. In the parties agree that U.N. Convention of Contracts for the International
event that any such default by Buyer continues for more than fifteen Sale of Goods shall not apply to their relationship or the sale of
(15) days, YEA may then cancel the contract by written notice to products by YEA.
Buyer. Upon cancellation of an installment contract, all items 11. MISCELLANEOUS:
already delivered to and paid for in full by Buyer will be transferred (a) Failure on the part of YEA to enforce any of its rights derived
to Buyer "AS IS, WHERE IS," without any warranty. from this contract shall never be construed as a waiver of any of
(d) All duties, tariffs, fees, costs and other charges connected with YEA's rights.
shipment, insurance, exportation and importation of the products (b) The invalidity of one or more of the clauses herein shall not
are the responsibility of Buyer, and, if paid by YEA, such expenses affect the validity of the other clauses, which for this purpose are
may be recovered by YEA from Buyer, and Buyer shall indemnify considered severable.
YEA against claims for the same. Buyer is responsible for all taxes (c) Any use by Buyer of any YEA trademark must be approved by
applicable or related to this transaction, including all sales, use and YEA in writing.
excise taxes. (d) Buyer may not delegate its performance or assign its rights
7. RISK OF LOSS: under this Agreement except upon the express written consent of
Risk of loss and/or damage to the products shall pass to Buyer YEA. In any case, these Standard Terms shall be binding upon the
upon delivery thereof to Buyer or its representative, or to a carrier successors and legal representatives of Buyer.
for shipment to Buyer or its designated customer, as the case may (e) Buyer shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations
be, at the manufacturing plant or warehouse of YEA or its supplier. regarding the use, import and export of the products sold
Buyer is responsible to obtain insurance coverage on all shipments hereunder. The products and services to be sold hereunder are not
of products supplied by YEA. intended for use in any nuclear, chemical or weapons production or
environmental damage. If Buyer uses the products or services for
8. RETURNS/CANCELLATION CHARGES: such or other impermissible purposes, it shall indemnify, hold
Buyer shall not return any product to YEA without the written harmless and defend YEA, all parent and affiliated companies of
consent of, and upon terms agreed to, by YEA. If Buyer refuses to YEA, from and against all related claims and damages.
accept delivery, or improperly revokes acceptance of product, Buyer (f) All rights and remedies available to YEA under the Uniform
shall be responsible for YEA's cancellation charges and expenses. Commercial Code and other applicable law are reserved to YEA as
remedies in the event of Buyer's default.
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Page 15 Yaskawa Electric America, Inc.
G5HHP Drives Catalog