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TCS Ninja - Verbal Ability - 4

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FACE TCS Ninja - Verbal Ability_4


Verbal Ability_4
Total number of question : 10
Test duration (min) : 10 min
Correct attempt (mark) :1
Wrong attempt (mark) : Nil

VERBAL ABILITY b. is growing, inflation is easing and the trade surplus is

Question 1 c. has grown, inflation eased, and the trade surplus has
In the following sentences, there may be some errors swelled
in the parts which are marked as A, B, C, D. Identify the d. has grown, inflation eased, and the trade surplus is
part which has errors. swelling
1. The University has announced that (A)/ everyone
will take the examination now (B)/ will receive their Answer: B
results within (C)/ eight weeks at the latest. (D)
a. A b. B c. C d. D Explanation:
As the sentence has to be constructed in continuous
Answer: C tense, the only plausible option is 'is growing, inflation
is easing and the trade surplus is swelling'
Correction: The University has announced that Questions 4 to 5
everyone who takes the examination now will receive For each sentence, choose the most appropriate
their results within eight weeks at the latest. option that best completes the given sentence.
There needs to be a connection between the subject 4. The refugee's poor grasp of English is hardly an ____
and the verb which is provided by replacing 'will' by problem; she can attend classes and improve within a
'who'. matter of months.
a. implausible b. insuperable
Questions 2 to 3 c. inconsequential d. evocative
Choose the most appropriate sentence which can
replace the ‘Underlined’ sentence. Answer: B
2. It is probable that the prototype cellular motor
might be ready for testing around the end of next year. Explanation:
a. might be ready for testing around the end of next The word has to mean 'impossible to be overcome.'
year The word for it is 'insuperable'
b. may be ready for testing about the end of next year Implausible: not plausible, unlikely.
c. might be ready for testing toward next year’s end Inconsequential: having no consequence. Not
d. will be ready for testing toward the end of next year consequential.
Evocative: that evokes a memory, mood, feeling or
Answer: D image.

Explanation: 5. The cricket match seemed ____ to our guests; they

As the end of the year is the time being mentioned were used to watching sports in which the action is
and as it is in the future the most appropriate word to over in a couple of hours at the most.
use will be 'toward'. Thus the answer is 'will be ready a. unintelligible b. inconsequential
for testing toward the end of next year'. c. interminable d. implausible

3. China’s economy continues to flourish this year: Answer: C

industrial production grew, inflation has eased, and the
trade surplus swelled. Explanation:
a. grew, inflation has eased, and the trade surplus The word has to mean too long or ceaseless.
swelled Interminable means existing without interruption or
end. Thus the answer is interminable.
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FACE TCS Ninja - Verbal Ability_4
Unintelligible: unable to be understood.
Inconsequential: having no consequence. not
Implausible: not plausible, unlikely. Question 8
Select the lettered pair that best expresses a
Question 6 relationship similar to that expressed by the original
Choose the most logical order of sentences among the pair.
given choices to construct a coherent paragraph. 8. TRIPTYCH: PANEL::
6. A. Right to Equality provides for equal access to a. triangle : hypotenuse b. circle : arc
public places like shops, hotels, places of c. cathedral : nave d. blossom : sepal
entertainment, wells, bathing Ghats and places of
worship. Answer: A
B. This right is very important because our society did
not practice equal access in the past. Explanation:
C. There cannot be any discrimination in this access on A triptych is a hinged set of pictures or carvings with
the basis of caste, creed, colour, sex, religion, or place three panels. The
of birth. Hypotenuse is one of three sides of a triangle.
D. It also prohibits any discrimination in public
employment on any of the above mentioned basis. Question 9
a. ACDB b. BCDA c. DBCA d. ACBD In each of the questions given below from the given
options select the word which is closest in meaning to
Answer: A the word given in the question.
9. Egregious
Explanation: a. Outrageous b. Minor
The sentence A is the opening sentence. Sentence C c. Secondary d. Wonderful
follows sentence A by elaborating on the freedom to
access certain places. D follows C by referring to the Answer: A
differences mentioned in C. B concludes the paragraph.
Thus the answer is ACDB. Explanation:
Egregious means outrageously bad or shocking. Thus
Question 7 outrageous is the synonymous word.
In each of the questions given below from the given
options select the word which is farthest in meaning to QUESTION 10
the word given in the question. Choose the alternative to replace the underlined part.
7. Yoke 10. Great entrepreneurs always follow the carrot and
a. mar b. Fell c. Pervert d. split stick policy.
a. far-seeking b. reward and punish
Answer: D c. profit-oriented d. adaptable

Explanation: Answer: B
The word yoke means to unite or join together. Two
oxen are yoked if they are tied together to pull a Explanation:
wagon. The opposite of yoke is separate. Because split "Carrot and Stick" is an idiom that refers to a policy of
means to divide or separate, 'split' is the answer. offering a combination of rewards and punishment to
'mar' means to damage. This is not the opposite of induce behaviour. It is named in reference to a cart
yoke. driver dangling a carrot in front of a mule and holding a
'fell' means to chop down. This is not the opposite of stick behind it. The mule would move towards the
yoke. carrot because it wants the reward of food, while also
'pervert ' means to misuse. This is not the opposite of moving away from the stick behind it, since it does not
yoke. want the punishment of pain, thus drawing the cart.

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