Work Instruction For Straightness Testing: To Cover CDT TUBE
Work Instruction For Straightness Testing: To Cover CDT TUBE
Work Instruction For Straightness Testing: To Cover CDT TUBE
: WI-QA-13
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1 Check the straightness of the tube at the time of machine set up approval QF/QA/CD/03 QA SUPERVISOR
2 After machine set up approval, check the straightness after every two hrs. QA CHECKER
3.1 Select the randam sample of 600 mm length from centre of length of tube - QA CHECKER
3.2 Deburing the ends of tube or remove the burs from ends by emery paper - QA CHECKER
3.3 The total tolerance (maximum curvature )of any point in total length of - QA CHECKER
tube is determined by rolling the tube on surface plate and measuring
the curvature with feeler gauge
3.4 Take three readings of curvature deviation with feeler gauge at zero degree - QA CHECKER
and three readings at 90 rotation of tube on surface plate
1 st reading - at 10 mm from one end
2 nd reading - at 10 mm from 2nd end
3 rd reading - at centre of tube
3.5 Record the maximum value of six reading taken for curvature deviation in QF/QA/CD/03 QA CHECKER
tube inspection report
4.2 Accept the lot of observed deviation less than =1 mm (1000 microns) - QA CHECKER
5 Monitor data recorded in tube inspection report and tube inspection report QF/QA/CD/03 QA SUPERVISOR
to be signed
Prepared By Approved By