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1403 5179 PDF
1403 5179 PDF
Ph.D. Dissertation
SBS-EM, February 2014
À mon grand-père, parrain Jean
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through
hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger
I, Thomas Bury, declare that this thesis titled, ’Collective behaviours in the stock market’ and
the work presented in it are my own. I confirm that:
• This work was done wholly or mainly to fulfill the requirements for a doctor’s degree at
the Université libre de Bruxelles.
• Where any part of this thesis has previously been submitted for a degree or any other
qualification at this University or any other institution, this has been clearly stated.
• Where I have consulted the published work of others, this is always clearly mentioned.
• Where I have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given. With the excep-
tion of such quotations, this thesis is entirely my own work.
• I have acknowledged all main sources of help.
• Where the thesis is based on work done by myself jointly with others, I have made clear
exactly what was done by others and what I have contributed myself.
This version is the revised version following comments done during the private assess-
Scale invariance, collective behaviours and structural reorganization are crucial for portfolio
management (portfolio composition, hedging, alternative definition of risk, etc.). This lack of
any characteristic scale and such elaborated behaviours find their origin in the theory of com-
plex systems. There are several mechanisms which generate scale invariance but maximum
entropy models are able to explain both scale invariance and collective behaviours. The study
of the structure and collective modes of financial markets attracts more and more attention. It
has been shown that some agent based models are able to reproduce some stylized facts. De-
spite their partial success, there is still the problem of rules design. In this work, we used a
statistical inverse approach to model the structure and co-movements in financial markets. In-
verse models restrict the number of assumptions. We found that a pairwise maximum entropy
model is consistent with the data and is able to describe the complex structure of financial sys-
tems. We considered the existence of a critical state which is linked to how the market processes
information, how it responds to exogenous inputs and how its structure changes. The consid-
ered data sets did not reveal a persistent critical state but rather oscillations between order and
disorder. In this framework, we also showed that the collective modes are mostly dominated by
pairwise co-movements and that univariate models are not good candidates to model crashes.
The analysis also suggests a genuine adaptive process since both the maximum variance of the
log-likelihood and the accuracy of the predictive scheme vary through time. This approach may
provide some clue to crash precursors and may provide highlights on how a shock spreads in
a financial network and if it will lead to a crash. The natural continuation of the present work
could be the study of such a mechanism.
When I was a kid, my grandfather used to say to me that a fellow’s life wasn’t worth mentioning
if he hadn’t shared it with some folks along the way.
Hey kid, what are you gonna do when you grow up? When I grow up, I would like to be a
physicist. Up to now it was my main goal, it still is. Even if the path is not the one I had pictured
and despite several difficulties and mistakes, I had the great opportunity to spend a good time
in studying physics and sciences. It was fun, motivating and challenging. I am deeply grateful
to my advisor Philippe Emplit (aka Flup) for giving me this chance, for his clever advice, his
support and his kindness. I am also indebted to Bram De Rock, my co-advisor, and to Estelle
Cantillon. They joined the project at an early stage and their help was essential. I enjoyed your
different opinions and your expertise.
I thank the jury, Philippe, Bram, Estelle, Davy, David, Yann and Alan, for agreeing to review
this thesis and for their useful comments.
Une moitié de ses sept années a été consacrée à l’enseignement. J’ai là encore beaucoup
appris. Je remercie les professeurs Philippe Emplit, Jean-Claude Dehaes, Philippe Kinet et
Marc Haelterman d’avoir partagé leurs connaissances et leurs visions, chacune différente, de
la physique et des sciences en général. Mes collègues et amis: Cyril l’homme polyvalent, Jon
le magicien des slides, Ourouk le berceau de la civilisation, Lorentz le dynamique, Mehdi la
star, Olivier le sage, Charles l’homme d’affaires, Bertrand l’artiste, Stéphane le coordinateur,
Christophe et Fikri les chimistes. J’ai une pensée amicale pour les étudiants, en espérant que
les quelques minutes (per capita) en séance d’exercices et de laboratoires n’ont pas été trop
pénibles. Pour ma part, l’enseignement a lui aussi été une source d’inspiration grâce à une
nécessaire et constante remise en question des acquis, méthodes et matériels liés aux cours.
Je remercie mes partenaires et adversaires de jeux, je veux dire collègues et amis du labo
pour l’accueil chaleureux du non-opticien (pire, du non-expérimentaliste) que je suis. Je peux
dire sans me tromper que l’ambiance si particulière a fortement contribué à garder ma détermi-
nation intacte. Arrivé en tant que rookie lors du Mercato kicker d’hiver 2006, j’ai essayé de faire
bonne figure devant les joueurs confirmés que sont Sisse, Adrien, et plus tard Bernard, Laurent.
J’attends d’ailleurs encore vos tests d’urine. Concernant les darts, je dois là aussi m’avouer
vaincu devant le tandem de choc Sissadrien et Bernardhood en solo. Je n’oublierai pas non
plus les soirées poker auxquelles Jim nous rejoignait et certaines mains mémorables. J’ai par la
suite profité des discussions sérieuses et moins sérieuses à la cuisine du labo avec François le
Français (MacGyver a son fidèle couteau, le labo a son fidèle Français), Maïté (qui sait désor-
mais que le gaz de ville n’est pas comme l’eau courante), Pascal, Sim-Pi, Ibtissame, Alexandra,
Mika, Quentin, Yvan, Evdokia, Serena, Piotr et Antoine. Ma gratitude à Serge, Anteo et Toon
pour leurs relectures de mes manuscrits et leurs conseils. Les pro-Barça, Akram et Sébastien
et le pro-Real, Jassem (Cricri) et leurs dictons ("si la passe est belle, c’est normal de marquer
un but de chance", "ce sont les buts qu’on ne marque pas qu’on regrette"). Olivier et Steph
qui, après m’avoir laissé une longueur d’avance pour tromper l’ennemi m’en ont mis quelques
unes par la suite. Personne n’oubliera les lay-up d’Olivier, l’adresse légendaire de Steph La
Capuche et son excursion taminoise prénuptiale (5060 represents) ni la prestation d’Anthoni à
son marriage. Enfin, Tchoum avec qui j’ai partagé le bureau mais aussi trop de mal-bouffes,
un nombre incalculable de cinés et de craquages en tout genre (nos nombreux posters et autres
achats compulsifs parlent d’eux-mêmes).
Mais aussi mes collègues du service SMN: Julio, Xavier, Alain, Nicolas, Pierre-Etienne,
Artem, Yvan, Julien, Pierre, Laëtitia.
Je remercie aussi tous ceux pas encore cités avec qui j’ai partagé (et partagerai encore j’espère)
de bons moments. Patti la globe-trotteuse pour qui une longue absence n’est jamais synonyme
de silence gêné, Diako et sa capacité à encaisser des vannes qui n’a d’égale que celle de Rocky
à encaisser les coups, Toon pour son subtil mélange "mr le professeur" le jour et "Rodriguez de
la Vega" la nuit, Marina pour les discussions surréalistes et rafraîchissantes, Laurent et Steph
pour leur style tout en retenue et leur bonne humeur, Amé et Chris dont les repas ont toujours
débouché sur de franches rigolades, Méla dans son Luxembourg lointain, toute la fine équipe
du foot dominical et les ami(e)s des guides que j’ai peu à peu perdus de vue (my fault).
Je pense aussi aux Louvanistes de naissance ou par adoption, Antho et Fleur pour les nom-
breuses soirées jeux, Sarah la Ninjette presque jamais à court d’énergie, Nico (Ramses) et Rosalie
pour les barbecs du dimanche, Kev l’original Ninja-Kiwi, Miche, la famille de Jean-Phi pour leur
accueil sans faille, tous les potes du foot plus ou moins improvisé au Blocry.
Je ne saurais oublier mes proches qui m’ont soutenu et ce bien avant cette aventure, en
particulier ma maman Dominique, ma grand-mère Monique, mon grand-père Jean et ma sœur
Mahé mais aussi le reste de ma famille à qui je n’accorde que trop peu de temps, j’en suis
conscient. Enfin un merci spécial à mon outlaw-brother, Jean-Phi, j’assimile notre tandem à Tango
et Cash (les roles dépendant de la situation) différents mais complémentaires.
Author’s contribution
Some of the results presented in this thesis have been published or submitted to scientific jour-
nals with peer review.
Published papers
[1] T. Bury. “Expansion of the Glauber equation of motion in terms of cumulants powers”.
In: The European Physical Journal B 85.1 (2012), pp. 1–4. DOI: 10 . 1140 / epjb / e2011 -
[2] T. Bury. “Statistical pairwise interaction model of stock market”. In: The European Physical
Journal B 86.3 (2013), pp. 1–7. DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2013- 30598- 1. arXiv:1206.4420
[3] T. Bury. “Market structure explained by pairwise interactions”. In: Physica A: Statistical
Mechanics and its Applications 392 (6 2013), pp. 1375–1385. DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2012.
10.046. arXiv:1210.8380 [q-fin.ST].
[4] T. Bury. “A statistical physics perspective on criticality in financial markets”. In: Journal
of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (Oct. 2013). Forthcoming. arXiv:1310.2446
[5] T. Bury. “Predicting trend reversals using market instantaneous state”. In: Physica A:
Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 404.0 (2014), pp. 79 –91. ISSN: 0378-4371. DOI:
The first paper concerns some technical developments, part of the results are exposed in
sections 1.10 and 1.11. The second paper sets the basis of the pairwise entropy models and the
results are detailed in chapter 2. The third paper explores the market structure, preliminary
results are exposed in chapter 2 and main results are reported in chapter 3. The fourth paper
is a statistical study of the criticality hypothesis and is detailed in chapter 4. The fifth paper
highlights and characterizes the collective co-movements in financial markets, the results are
reported in chapter 5.
Abstract ix
Acknowledgments xi
Nomenclature xix
Foreword 1
Introduction 3
Appendices 33
1.A Large deviations theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.B Laplace approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Appendices 109
5.A Cleaning the data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.B Regularized pseudo-maximum likelihood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.C Confusion matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.D Dichotomized Gaussian model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Bibliography 121
List of Figures
List of Figures
5.1 Cross-correlogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.2 Predicted series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.3 ROC curves for European indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.4 Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.5 Mean ROC curves for the Dow Jones (daily) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.6 Mean ROC curves for the Dow Jones (min) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.7 Accuracy vs system size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.8 Testing the dependence on the testing block length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.9 Accuracy as a function of length of the testing block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.10 Testing the dependence on the distance of the testing block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.11 Accuracy vs the distance between the learning and testing blocks . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.12 Accuracy pmf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.13 Schematic representation of noise level estimation in parameters inference . . . . . . 104
5.14 The distributions of simultaneous trend reversals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.15 Comparison of empirical and theoretical PMF of simultaneous reversals . . . . . . . 107
5.16 Confusion matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
List of Tables
The sciences do not try to explain, they hardly even try to interpret, they mainly make models. By
a model is meant a mathematical construct which, with the addition of certain verbal
interpretations, describes observed phenomena. The justification of such a mathematical construct
is solely and precisely that it is expected to work - that is correctly to describe phenomena from a
reasonably wide area. Furthermore, it must satisfy certain esthetic criteria - that is, in relation to
how much it describes, it must be rather simple.
Through the years, each time I’ve answered the question "what is your thesis about?", people
were mostly surprised that physics and economics could in some way be related. So, even
before introducing my work, I must give some element of answer to this tricky question.
The first two years, I got the opportunity to study economics in a nutshell at the ECARES
center. After a while, similarities clearly emerged from the different lectures. Economics scales
as physics does. Microeconomics deals with fundamental entities trying to describe the be-
haviour at the relevant micro scale and when the number of entities is too large, macroeconomics
takes over at a larger scale trying to describe the average behaviour. This pattern is also used in
physics (chemistry, biology, finance, signal processing, etc.). The tools used to link both scales
are also partially common to these fields.
The most interesting feature of this conception is that a system (composed by many entities)
is more than the sum of its parts. Indeed most of time when the pattern "many entities + inter-
actions" is met, some very special features emerge at the macro scale which are not anticipated
at the micro scale. Lets take the simple example of ants. What can a single or a couple of ants
do? Not much since they are relatively simple beings programmed to perform a couple of tasks.
What can colonies of ants do? They can solve complex problems, build energy efficient habitat,
develop agriculture among other things. Human beings are (roughly) like ants. An ordinary
individual can not do much but many of us can do wonderful (or sadly, awful) things.
These complex systems are met in many disciplines and relevant tools have been developed
to study them. Progressively these tools have been applied to a priori unrelated disciplines.
Nowadays this approach seems pretty natural since the pattern "many entities + interactions"
implies a certain degree of independence to the nature of constituting entities. The most com-
mon example is that the same class of models describes neural networks and magnetic materials
whereas neurons and atoms have nothing in common at the microscopic scale.
One may ask: what are the applications? (implied in everyday life) I believe that before think-
ing of applications, the very nature of the system should be studied and understood. These
tasks are (most of time) spread over several decades. It became clearer that episodic crises are
actually a structural issue. A better understanding of crises formation involves necessarily a
better understanding of the market structure.
Last, in an interdisciplinary approach, one should take the differences between the different
fields into account. The modelling task in economics is considerably harder than in physics.
There are two main reasons to this. First, in economics there is no such thing as equation of
motion. People are not like Newton’s apple (obviously), they do not behave the same way,
they learn, they change. Secondly, the three pillars of natural sciences are: theory, simulations
and experiments (in the order you like). The last pillar is amputated in economics, you simply
can not duplicate the market in thousand of copies and study the ensemble properties. This
is why economics is conceptually harder than physics and also why analogies are somewhat
dangerous. A way to tackle the problem is to rely heavily on statistics. Some methods devel-
oped in physics can be applied to any field dealing with complex systems. However physics
is not called upon to replace the fundamental statements of economics but can instead provide
a different vantage point from which selected topics can be studied. For instance, a natural
choice is the study of the structure of financial systems (the spatial axis). A better understanding
of the market structure may also help in tricky tasks as portfolio and fund managing. Several
strategies coming from recent developments are already used.
Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not
smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line.
Benoît Mandelbrot
A hundred years ago, the Italian economist Pareto introduced the notion of power-law de-
scribing the wealth distribution. It is a major concept related to the notion of scale invariance
which is widely used in finance and economics (fractional Brownian motion, detrended fluctu-
ations analysis, volatility modelling, etc.). This lack of any characteristic scale is surprising at
first glance but finds its foundation in the theory of complex systems. Scale invariance is crucial
in finance because large absolute returns are power-law distributed as illustrated in Fig-0.1 for
the Dow Jones.
Pr[ R > r ]
Figure 0.1: Cumulative distribution of the log-returns for the Dow Jones for the period 1928-2009. The
estimation of the exponent α of the tail x −α is equal to 3.5 ± 0.1 (one standard deviation).
Dramatic events in Nature and in human driven systems are most of the time not outliers
since they are not isolated events, they are part of all the possible occurrences as described
by their distribution. It seems rather sensible to find such a feature in financial markets since
Nature by itself is also driven by a broad class of events from the rainy summer afternoon to
major earthquakes. Markets are like the crust of the Earth, they will undergo quakes almost
surely in a long enough observation range; their magnitude S being distributed following a
power-law: the larger the magnitude, the lower (but significant) the occurrence probability
Pr[S > s] ∼ s−α .
Physics is used to deal with scale invariance and power-laws emerging from the pattern
"many entities + interactions". It is therefore not surprising that famous economists (X. Gabaix,
T. Lux, etc.) and physicists (H. Stanley, J.P. Bouchaud, etc.) worked together and wrote highly
cited papers in prestigious journals (see [1, 2] for instance).
Major concerns for which physics may help are the characterization of economic fluctuations
[1, 3] and their emergence from agent based models [4, 5]. Despite the breakthroughs made by
those models some issues need to be considered. For agent based models, the design of the rules
is not an easy task and different sets of rules can lead to the same stylized facts which raises the
question how to test and asses rigorously the rules? Especially when the rules evolve through time
since more and more robot traders with changing strategies are appearing.
Another important question raised by economists and physicists is a possible critical state
of financial markets. Analogies between stylized facts and critical physical systems are striking
(power-law, scaling, structural reorganization, clustering, data aggregation). These features
have been studied with a wide variety of models ranging from economics [1, 6, 2] to physics
[7] and stochastic processes (multifractal processes) [8]. However the criticality statement is
most of the time phenomenological or, worse, an artifact induced by the choice on a particular
conditioning variable [9, 10] rather than rigourously established as in [11].
Is there any way to simplify the reality and get a qualitative model describing consistently
the market structure and able to reproduce observed collective phenomena leaving aside such
particular kinds of rules as is the case in neuroscience [12]? It is the question that I have tried
to answer through this thesis. In order to avoid rules design, I have followed the inverse for-
mulation: start from the data and try to infer a model and then compare the model to the
empirical facts. I used a further simplification, I only consider the sign of returns. The sign
is believed to contain information about the structure (based on the experience in magnetic
materials, neuronal networks, complex systems, choice theory, etc.). For that purpose, maxi-
mum entropy models are well suited. The use of pairwise maximum entropy (maxent) models
has led to a fruitful description of complex systems, particulary in phase transition and mag-
netic materials (Ising models and spin glasses) [13, 14], but also in neuroscience [12] and agent
based models [5]. They are related to graphical models, Boltzmann machines, error correcting
codes, logistic regression, etc. [15]. Maxent models are much more than models recovering
moments from data, they are powerful effective models describing collective behaviour and
more appropriate than correlations in structure characterization. Moreover their ability to cap-
ture statistical dependencies can be tested with the multi-information criterion [16]. They also
allow a comparison with existing behaviours as noise dressed correlation matrix [17] or struc-
tural reorganization [18, 19]. The remaining results about criticality can also be compared to the
rigourous empirical tests derived from statistical physics [20]. Furthermore, the market collec-
tive dynamics can be highlighted using such a simple model showing clearly periods of larger
Throughout this work, I have shown that the structure of the financial network is well de-
scribed by a maxent model, that it provides a framework well suited to study structural reorga-
nizations and clustering features. A maxent model is also suited to study the criticality which is
important for understanding how the market processes information and how a shock spreads
in the financial network. Last, it is a good candidate to perform spatial guesses of trend re-
versals using instantaneous market information. Therefore, this inverse approach provides an
attractive unified framework to study structural issues and yields interesting perspectives.
Collective behaviour (such as criticality) and structural reorganization are crucial for port-
folio management (portfolio composition, hedging, alternative definition of risk, etc.). This
approach may provide clues about crash precursors and may be able to cast lights on how a
shock spreads and if it will lead to a crash. The natural continuation of the present work could
be the study of such a mechanism.
Chapter 1 introduces concepts and methods used throughout this thesis from a statistical
point of view avoiding as much as possible analogies to physics. First of all, we introduce the
statistical entropy and related concepts such as the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) and the
multi-information. The equivalence of the KLD minimization and the likelihood maximization
is recalled and the statistical modelling using the maximum entropy principle is sketched. Sec-
ondly, one deduces variational methods from the KLD minimization (likelihood maximization).
These variational methods are useful for simulations and for the inverse problem (inferring the
probability distribution from the data) which is briefly presented. Last, a test of the power-law
hypothesis is presented and one introduces the Mantegna-Sornette distance which is used to
study the market structure. A mathematical motivation of the maximum entropy principle is
given in appendix.
Chapters 2 to 5 are organized in the logical order illustrated by the following thought-line
(each step induced the next piece of research)
Highlight the
collective mar-
ket modes in
Study the mar- trend reversals
ket structure process
Chapter 2 sets up the pairwise maximum entropy model of stock market. We show that it is a
statistically consistent model since pairwise co-movements explain almost all statistical depen-
dencies. We detail the differences with the existing pairwise models in other disciplines.
Chapter 3 gives an additional study of the consistency of the pairwise maxent model. We
show that the entropy decreases during periods where the absolute market orientation is the
largest (during crises and large bullish movements). We explain how Lagrange parameters are
related to the market state. In particular, the influence matrix is used to highlight the structural
reorganization of a stock market (indirect evidence of order-disorder transition). Last, we make
the link to the graph-theoretic approach and we build asset trees on the influence matrix rather
than on the correlations. We compare the clustering properties of both approaches.
Chapter 4 concerns the study of criticality in financial markets. We perform tests of criticality
inspired by statistical physics and we check if signatures of criticality are present in the corre-
sponding maxent pairwise model. In particular, we show that financial markets are closer to
the criticality before a crisis. Last, we discuss the interpretation of the criticality in financial
Chapter 5 highlights the role of collective market modes in trend reversals prediction. We
show that the ensemble’s instantaneous state is the most important part for the data studied.
This finding reveals the strength of the collective dynamics underlying the trend reversals.
be interpreted and linked to the optimization process with a minimal set of assumptions. Fur-
thermore, the maxent formulation also provides a convenient framework to discuss the equilib-
ria and their stability. We introduce these notions using methods derived in previous chapters.
Finally, we draw the final conclusion and we give some perspectives.
The contents of this thesis is illustrated by the following tag cloud (the size represents the
number of times that word has been used.)
Figure 0.3: A tag cloud generated from the content of this thesis using the free application Wordle (http:
//www.wordle.net/). The size represents the number of times that word has been used.
Theory and methods
...You should call it entropy, for two reasons. In the first place your uncertainty function has been
used in statistical mechanics under that name, so it already has a name. In the second place, and
more important, no one really knows what entropy really is, so in a debate you will always have
the advantage.
This chapter is dedicated to theoretical developments and methods
used throughout this thesis. The key concepts of entropy, variational
methods and maximum entropy principle are briefly introduced from
a statistical point of view. A simulation scheme and a power-law hy-
pothesis test are detailed. Last, the link between the correlations and
the market structure is explained.
1.1 Introduction
The entropy will be a main tool throughout this thesis. It seems therefore necessary to spend
some time to explain concepts based on this quantity. In the following, we recall its statistical
meaning and define some common tools related to entropy. We explain how it can be used
to infer statistical models consistent with data and to the observed phenomena. It should be
noted that the maximum entropy principle is equivalent to the maximization of the likelihood
of a distribution p closest to the uniform distribution without range restriction and can be used
to find the most likely state(s) of a complex system without any a priori restriction, see (1.13)
and (1.95). We explain how variational methods derive from the minimization of the KullBack-
Leibler discrepancy and their link with the maximum likelihood approach. We present several
approximations based on these methods and how simulations can be performed.
We also present the inverse problem consisting in inferring a statistical model from the data.
We only present some of the most efficient inference methods. We develop a slightly modified
version of a statistical test of the power-law hypothesis.
Last, we sketch how the market topology can be studied through the statistical covariances.
Results found with the so-called Sornette-Mantegna distance will be compared to those of the
pairwise maximum entropy model in Chap-3.
The chapter is organized as follows. In section 1.2, the inverse problem is sketched. In sec-
tion 1.3, a brief description of the data is given. In section 1.4, we present the maximum entropy
principle. In section 1.5, the relation between maximum entropy and graphical models is made,
motivating a topological approach of financial networks. In section 1.6, we define the entropy
and the Kullback-Leibler divergence. In section 1.7, variational methods are derived from the
former concepts. In section 1.8, we briefly describe how to find the most probable utility and
small fluctuations around this state. In section 1.9, a test of the leading order of a maximum
entropy model is depicted. In section 1.10, self-consistent equations for stationary networks are
derived. In section 1.11, Monte Carlo simulations are detailed. In section 1.12, some inference
methods for the inverse problem are detailed. In section 1.13, the consequences of the linearity
of the entropy and its relation to Zipf’s law are sketched. In section 1.14, a statistical test of
the power-law hypothesis is discussed. In section 1.15, the topological approach of financial
networks is introduced.
First of all, we recall the inverse approach, its aims and concepts. Consider a system: a set
of many fundamental entities (like economic agents, ants, neurons, etc.) and the interactions
between entities. Generally, one observes features at macro-scale (characteristic scale of the
system, eg stock exchange) which are unexpected from the observation at micro-scale (charac-
teristic scale of elementary entities, eg individual economic agent). There are basically two ways
to model such a complex system. The direct (deductive) and inverse approaches (inductive), il-
lustrated in Fig-1.1. We note a similarity with the statistical counterpart: the perfect knowledge
of a population allows the characterization of a sample (deductive reasoning) and try to infer
information based on a partial knowledge as a sample, for instance (inductive reasoning).
Axioms Population
Optimization process
direct inverse inference
Features Sample
Stylized facts
Figure 1.1: Schematic representation of the deductive and inductive approaches and the statistical coun-
1.3. Data
In economics, the deductive approach is used in agent based models (ABM). One starts to
enunciate a set of rules and one tries to demonstrate some particular properties. This is partic-
ularly tricky because there are no universal laws like in natural sciences for instance. Further-
more, different sets of rules can eventually lead to the same aggregate (collective) behaviours.
Indeed, in complex systems the relevant feature which drives the emergent behaviours is not
the nature of elementary entities but rather the kind of interactions (meaning their range, their
order and the underlying topology). One can observe similar aggregate features in magnetic
materials and in neural networks even if they are very different at individual scale, for instance
[13]. The second approach is to start from the data (one or many samples) assuming that one
knows nothing about the system. Specialized mathematical tools have been created especially
for this task (eg: the maximum entropy principle).
These two approaches are complementary and models should go back and forth from in-
ductive and deductive approaches until reaching some kind of robust consensus.
Can one truly learn anything from the inverse approach? In fact, one can if the relevant
variables are well sampled. Let’s say that the data are generated by an optimization of an un-
known function U (s) (eg, the social planner’s utility) over a certain number of variables s (eg,
agents binary choices). Assume, without loss of generality, that the configurations (vector of all
relevant variables) s are drawn with probability p(s) = Z ( β)−1 exp βU (s). When the config-
uration are properly sampled (says M configurations are recorded), the empirical distribution
p̂s ≡ M−1 ∑tM=1 δst ,s provides information about the optimization process and the utility func-
tion since U (s) ' Cst + β−1 ln p̂s . For a complete discussion with known and unknown relevant
variables, see [22]. It follows that global maxima of the function U (s) correspond to the most
probable states of the underlying optimization process since ln(·) is a continuous, strictly in-
creasing function. Local maxima correspond to frequently visited configurations. An example
of such utility function is illustrated in Fig-1.2. In this simple example, there are five main con-
figurations. This is an example of a limited number of configurations with noisy movements
driving the system from one to another.
0 50 100 150 200
Figure 1.2: The utility function U (s) ' Cste + ln p̂s for a set of 8 European indices (β is set to 1 for real
data). Almost all configurations are properly sampled (see chap-4 for details).
As the utility landscape is rather complex for only 8 entities, we may expect an even greater
complexity for larger systems. Such a complex utility landscape induces several questions: how
to identify the most probable states? If the system evolves spontaneously towards its equilibria,
are they reached in a reasonable time? can we characterize fluctuations around these states?
These questions are approached in the next sections and next chapters.
1.3 Data
In this work, we consider only the sign of returns and instantaneous information (within the
defined time bin). The timeseries should therefore be synchronous. The stock exchange closing
days, pre-market and after hours trading exchanges are removed. If a time bin is missing for
a particular asset, the same time bin should be deleted from the database. The latter case is
marginal since we consider indices and highly capitalized companies.
We also consider Stock market indices: Dow Jones, Aex, Bel20, Cac40, Dax, Eurostoxx 50,
Ftse, Ibex, Mib. The Dow Jones is the oldest stock market index and is a price-weighted index.
The Dow Jones is proportional to the sum of the prices of its 30 components. So, for each US dol-
lar variation, the Dow Jones varies of a given quantity (expressed in basis point). Higher-priced
stocks are thus the dominant ones although they may correspond to small capitalizations. The
other indices are calculated on the market capitalization of components: number of shares avail-
able for public trading (the so-called float) multiplied by the current price.
The above discussion immediately raises the question of the right mathematical tool to use to
extract information from the data. The method used through this thesis is the maximum en-
tropy principle (MEP) which is a powerful tool for that purpose. It allows to derive the less
structured model consistent with some knowledge of the system. It selects the distribution
which leaves us with the largest remaining uncertainty consistent with our knowledge (con-
straints) of the system. In this way, we do not introduce any additional assumptions. Or quot-
ing Edwin Jaynes (the father of the MEP) the MEP is "maximally non-committal with regard to
the missing information" [23]. Maximizing the entropy can be viewed as a maximization of the
likelihood of the distribution p closest to the uniform distribution U without range restriction
since DKL ( p||U ) = −S[ p] up to a constant (see next sections). This method of probability mass
function estimation is used in many fields: neuroscience [12], econometrics [24], etc.
The general MEP is written as a functional maximization (X is a random variable)
max S[ p( x )] = max − ∑ p( x ) ln p( x ) (1.1)
{ p( x )} { p( x )} {x}
L({ f i }) = − ∑ p( x ) ln p( x ) + λ0 E p [1] − 1 + ∑ λi E p [ f i ( x )] − µi (1.2)
{x} i =1
The first order condition (functional differentiation with respect to p( x )) gives [23]
p( x ) = Z −1 exp ∑ λi f i ( x ) (1.3)
i =1
where Z = exp(1 − λ0 ). Knowing the expected values of some functions of the state of the
system, we are able to derive the probability distribution of the explanatory variable.
The most used distributions are maxent distributions 1 as the Gaussian distribution for in-
stance. Assume that our knowledge is restricted to the empirical mean µ and variance σ2 of the
random variable X. The constraints are p( x ) ≥ 0, E p [1] = 1, E p [ X ] = µ and E p [( X − µ)2 ] = σ2 .
Therefore, we have p( x ) = Z −1 exp λ1 x + λ2 ( x − µ)2 . The constraint E p [ X ] = µ implies
λ1 = 0, the constraint E p [ X − E p [ X ] ] = σ2 implies λ2 = −(2σ2 )−1 and the normalization
E p [1] = 1 implies Z = 2πσ. We emphasize that maxent models are much more that distri-
butions consistent with some moments. They can reproduce complex structures and capture
collective behaviours encountered in complex systems [13, 12], optimization and probability
[25] but also error-correcting codes [26], etc. Last, the MEP finds its foundation in the large
deviation theory [27, 28], indeed (1.4) is derived only using statistical considerations and gives
the most likely way to describe unlikely events given a certain knowledge of the system (see
appendix 1.A).
Throughout this work, we use the MEP to find the distribution of the configurations s ≡
(s1 , . . . , s N ) where each si is a binary variable. If we observe only the first and second moments,
the MEP reads:
1 a maxent distribution is a distribution with maximum entropy which satisfies the constraints reflecting our knowl-
1.4. Maximum entropy principle
max S[ p(s)] = max − ∑ p(s) ln p(s) (1.4)
{ p( x )} { p( x )} {s}
Using Lagrange multipliers method, the resulting two-agent distribution p2 (s) is given by
1 N N
p2 (s) = Z −1 exp ∑
2 i,j
Jij si s j + ∑ hi si ≡
i =1
A + A −
C + C
B + B +
Sample cross-corr
0.6 2
0.2 0
−40 −20 0 20 40 −40 −20 0 20 40
Lag Lag
To see if a pairwise maxent model performs better than simple covariances, we simulate a
binary timeseries of three assets with the true mutual influence matrix:
0 0 2
Jtrue = 0 0 2
2 2 0
The simulation returns (1 × 105 Monte Carlo steps, see sec 1.11) empirical correlations and mu-
tual influence matrices:
1.00 0.94 0.97 0.00 0.00 2.00
Cemp = 0.94 1.00 0.96 Jemp = 0.02 0.00 2.00
0.97 0.96 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00
The Jemp is estimated by a direct minimization of the entropy (see (1.4)), therefore is supposed
to be "exact" at the given numeric precision and finite size sample. For the second case the
simulations are performed with
0 1 −2
Jtrue = 1 0 1
−2 1 0
then it comes
1.00 0.06 −0.87 0.00 0.99 −2.01
Cemp = 0.06 1.00 0.06 Jemp = 0.99 0.00 1.00
−0.87 0.06 1.00 −2.01 1.00 0.00
The parameters of a maxent models are a better measure of statistical dependencies than
the correlation coefficients, or even partial correlations because the entropy also captures non-
monotonic statistical dependencies.
These features could be interesting in assets selection and hedging (positions taken to off-
set losses). We will see in chap-3 that the pairwise maxent model allows the identification of
financial sectors (as clusters in a financial network).
Maxent models are related to other models encountered in many disciplines. Among them,
graphical models and network theory are interesting related approaches. Suppose that one
considers a complicated probabilistic system which is modelled by a Markov random field (a
set of random variables on an undirected graph having a kind of conditional independence).
We label the state of node i by si . The probability of a configuration (s1 , · · · , s N ) is written
without loss of generality
e−H(s1 ,··· ,s N )
p ( s1 , · · · , s N ) = (1.6)
If random variables are believed to be mutually dependent, but only through the combina-
tion of successive local interactions, we can factorize this distribution (1.6) (up to second order)
where (i, j) denotes pair of vertices. Graphically speaking, it means that the network (social,
financial, neural, etc.) is approximated by independent nodes (Vi (si )) and pairwise dependence
(Vij (si , s j )) as illustrated in Fig-1.4. This approach is used in belief propagation, image denois-
ing, magnetic materials, disease spreading, etc.
One recovers the pairwise maxent distribution (1.5) if we set Vi (si ) = hi si and Vij (si , s j ) =
Jij si s j . Therefore, maxent models provide a way to characterize the underlying financial net-
work. This analogy can be useful especially in migration model like the Schelling segregation
Model [29]. The relation between maximum entropy and graphical models motivates a topo-
logical approach of financial networks
1.6. Entropy
V2 V1
2 V1,2 1
V3 3 V2,4 V3,6
2,5 V1,5 6 V6
4 V4,5 5
V4 V5
Figure 1.4: Left: a complete graph approximated by unary and binary potentials. Right: a truly pairwise
Markov network, the size of maximal clique (subset of nodes in which every node is connected to every
other node) is equal to 2. One calls such a network a Markov network because given the blue vertices, the
red vertex is independent of all other nodes (there is no path from the red vertex to a grey vertex avoiding
blue vertices).
1.6 Entropy
Statistical meaning
One encounters the entropy in almost any fields relying on statistics and probability theory
(computer science, physics, neuroscience, communication, finance, economics, etc.). An ex-
tensive discussion about entropy and economic modeling can be found in [30]. To avoid any
misunderstanding, we will always refer to its mathematical definition. The entropy is a func-
tional of probability mass function which is intended to be a measure of the average uncertainty
or average surprise/likelihood. Formally, the entropy of a discrete random variable X with a
probability mass function p( x ) (noted S[ p( x )] or S( X )) is
S[ p( x )] = − ∑ p( x ) ln p( x ) (1.8)
We can rewrite the entropy as the average self-information on the random variable X: E[ln(1/p( x ))]
where ln(1/p( x )) is the measure of self-information (satisfying additivity, monotonicity and
positiveness). A consequence of this definition is that entropy is maximal for uniform distribu-
tions. Moreover, we have S[ p( x )] ≥ 0. The bivariate expression is
S[ X, Y ] = − ∑ p( x, y) ln p( x, y) (1.9)
To illustrate these features, let’s consider a simple example. Suppose that you bet (1 : 1
odds) on a coin toss. If the coin is fair, the probability to get head is p = 0.5. In this situation,
intuitively the uncertainty about the toss result is maximal. You have no propensity to bet on
head rather than on tail. However if the coin is not fair, say that the probability of head event
is p = 0.8, you may want to play forever and always bet on head to make some money on long
term. The uncertainty about the toss result is lower than in the fair toss. It is what entropy
measures, uncertainty about the result of a random experiment. Indeed uncertainty about an
event is null if this event is sure (p = 1) and maximal when all events can occur with the same
probability. The entropy is defined to capture these properties. We illustrate the entropy of a
coin toss in Fig-1.5 for all possible values of p3 .
3 By convention 0 ln 0 ≡ 0
Entropy/Av. uncertainty
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Figure 1.5: Entropy or average uncertainty of a coin toss for each possible value of head probability.
Combinatoric meaning
The entropy can also be thought as a counting function 4 and therefore as a measure of diver-
sity [30]. Indeed, the maximum number of outcomes in a combinatoric problem is equivalent
to the Shannon entropy. Consider N repeats of a random experiment with K outcomes of prob-
ability pk where k = 1, . . . , K. The number of outcomes is Ω = ( N p )!···(
N p )!
. Using Stirling’s
1 K
approximation ln N! ' N ln N − N, one gets ln Ω ' − N ∑iK=1 pi ln pi . In particular, one can
count the number of microstates corresponding to a given value U of the utility function U (s)
(where s is a configuration, eg: a vector of choices): Ω = Ω(U ). If the utility is a continuous
variable, one uses the cumulative counting function: Σ(U ) = ∑{s} θ (U (s) − U ) (the number of
configurations having a utility smaller or equal to a given value U) and the associate density
ρ(U ) = ∑{s} δ(U (s) − U ). In this case S(U ) ' ln ρ(U ). The "function" θ (·) is the Heaviside
function (unit step function) and δ(·) is the Dirac delta, the derivative of the Heaviside function
(as defined in the theory of distributions).
To picture the interpretation of such a counting function, assume that we observe an eco-
nomic system composed of distinguishable agents, say: A, B, C, D. They must make a choice
between two resources: $ or £. There are 24 configurations, each of them being a microstate
corresponding to one of the 5 macrostates (all agents choose $, three agents choose $, etc.). It
is the classical occupancy problem. The 5 macrostates and the corresponding microstates are
depicted in the following table:
4 Historically, the entropy was defined as a counting function. Although useful, this approach is somewhat old
fashioned and the statistical definition is more versatile and more powerful.
1.7. Variational methods
If the configurations are uniformly distributed, the most probable state of such a system is 2
agents choose the first resource and the 2 other agents choose the second resource. It is the most
diversified state since they are 6 ways to get it.
The maximum entropy can thus be thought as a maximization of the economic diversity
subjected to some constraints (resource allocation, capital repartition, etc.). For a complete dis-
cussion of the combinatoric approach, see [30].
Kullback-Leibler divergence
Another related useful quantity is the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD), also called relative
entropy, between two distributions p( x ) and q( x ):
p( x )
DKL ( p||q) = ∑ p(x) ln q(x) (1.10)
This quantity can be thought as a measure of distance in the functional space of distribution
(even if it is not a metric). The KL-divergence is encountered in any field using inference method.
Indeed, the KL-divergence between a continuous parameterized candidate f ( x; θ) and empiri-
cal density pemp ( x ) (N IID samples and regularity conditions assumed) is
Z ∞ N
δ ( x − xi ) N −1 ∑iN=1 δ( x − xi )
DKL ( pemp || f ( x; θ)) = ∑
− ∞ i =1 N
f ( x; θ)
dx (1.11)
1 N
N −1
N ∑ ln f ( xi ; θ)
i =1
= − ln N − ln L(θ) (1.13)
So minimize the KL-divergence is equivalent to maximize the likelihood L(θ) and maximize
the entropy is equivalent to maximize the likelihood of the distribution p closest to the uniform
distribution U without range restriction since DKL ( p||U ) = −S[ p] up to a constant. Further-
more, the Fisher information metric is the Hessian matrix of the KL-divergence, measuring the
curvature of the log-likelihood and thus the information content of the distribution about the
parameter θ. Furthermore, it is possible to show that the Fisher information matrix is the Hes-
sian matrix of the KLD [31].
There are several interpretations of the KLD (geometric, statistical, etc). For our purpose,
we can interpret it as the measure of expected difference between the true and approximated
utility functions. Let’s say that the data are generated by the true distribution (and the true
utility function) p(s) = Z ( β)−1 exp βU (s) and that we infer a model from the data using the
MEP pME (s) = ZME ( β)−1 exp βUME (s). The KLD is rewritten up to a constant as E [U − UME ]
where E [·] is the expectation with respect to the true distribution. The minimization of the KLD
will therefore provide the less misspecified model given a partial knowledge of the system.
For practical use, the maximum likelihood method is not always feasible and it is some-
times easier to deal with DKL ( f ( x; θ)|| ptrue ) than with DKL ( ptrue || f ( x; θ)). The minimization
of the former KLD will provide a tractable approximated distribution. Even if the maximum
likelihood is the best projection, it is not always tractable due to the exponential number of con-
figurations 2 N . As the KLD is a non-symmetric measure of dissimilarity, there are two kinds of
projections on the space of candidate distributions (a parametric family). This idea is illustrated
in Fig-1.6, see [32] for details.
Lower bound
We have seen that the Kullback-Leibler divergence is a useful tool for statistical inference. Here,
we explain that this measure of dissimilarity can also be used to set up variational methods
deriving from the minimization between the true (but sometimes intractable) distribution p and
an approximated tractable distribution q. For a Gibbs distribution p(s) = Z p−1 exp (−H(s)),
KL-divergence is written as
Projection using
minQ DKL (Ptrue ||Q) Projection using
(max Likelihood) minQ DKL (Q||Ptrue )
(variational approx.)
Space of candidate
Projm Ptrue
Proje Ptrue
Figure 1.6: Geometrical view of the KLD minimization. The maximum likelihood method provides the
so-called mixture projection (Projm Ptrue ). The minimization of the KLD with distribution transposed gives
the so-called exponential projection (Proje Ptrue ).
Variational approximation
Unfortunately, most of time ln Z can not be exactly computed except when entities are inde-
pendent (no mutual influences). A possible way to get a tractable approximation is to expand
F = − ln Z "around" the independent model [34, 35]. The trick is to weight
the magnitude or-
der of the co-movement strengths by considering p(s; α) = Z (α)−1 exp α ∑ij Jij si s j + ∑i hi si
(the true distribution p(s) is recovered when α = 1) and then minimize the KL-divergence with
defined values for the first moment Eα [si ] = qi . The independent variables qi are explicitly
introduced by inverting Eα [si ] = qi or equivalently by taking the Legendre transform of the
F -functional. One expands the functional G(α, {qi }) = − ln Z + ∑i hi (α)qi in the domain of
almost independent entities where α is close to zero:
∂G ∂2 G α2
G(α) = G(0) + α+ 2 + O(α3 ) (1.16)
∂α α=0 ∂α α=0 2!
∂ ln Z ∂G
Noting that qi = ∂hi and hi = ∂qi , we have:
1.7. Variational methods
1 1 + qi 1 − qi
G(0) = ( 1 + q i ) ln ( ) + ( 1 − q i ) ln ( ) (1.17)
2 2
∂G 1
= − Jij qi q j (1.18)
∂α α=0 i,j
∂2 G 1
= − Jij2 (1 − q2i )(1 − q2j ) (1.19)
∂α2 α=0 i,j
If the Jij are drawn from the Gaussian distribution, one can show that terms beyond the
second order can be neglected when the size N tends to infinity [35]. So minimize the KL-
divergence between the tractable and true distributions is equivalent to minimize the following
functional (up to second order)
1 1 + qi 1 − qi
G2nd = ∑ (1 + qi ) ln( ) + (1 − qi ) ln( )
2 i 2 2
1 1
− Jij qi q j − ∑ Jij2 (1 − q2i )(1 − q2j ) + O(α3 )
4 i,j
∂3 G
= −2 ∑ Jij3 qi q j (1 − q2i )(1 − q2j ) − ∑ Jij Jjk Jki (1 − q2i )(1 − q2j )(1 − q2k ) (1.21)
∂α3 α=0 ij i,j,k
This expansion can be continued to arbitrary high order, see [34] for explicit derivation of higher
orders and a diagrammatic formulation. This functional is particulary important for the inverse
problem (finding the parameters from data) but also in approximated description of equilibria.
This expansion is valid if the radius of convergence ρ is such that ρ > 1 [35]. To study ρ, we
use the property stating that ∂G /∂α has the same radius of convergence of G(α) which is useful
since one knows an exact relation for the first derivative
∂G 1 1
= − ∑ Jij qi q j − ∑ Jij χij (α) (1.22)
∂α 2 i,j 2β i,j
where the covariances are given by χij (α) = hsi s j iα − qi q j and the expectation h Biα stands for
Z (α)−1 Tr B exp(α ∑ij Jij si s j + ∑i hi si ) .
The radius of convergence is equal to the distance between α = 0 and the closest singularity
of ∂G /∂α. It is then equivalent to study the singular eigenvalues of χ. Following [35], one can
use the resolvent R(z, α) = (χ−1 − zI )−1 . The singularities of R(z, α) correspond to the eigen-
values of χ−1 . We are only interested by the null eigenvalues of χ−1 (z = 0 in the resolvent).
If we take a circle γ0 centered (counter clockwise) in z = 0 but excluding any other singularity,
the functional expansion is valid for any value of α if and only if
zk R(z, α)dz = 0 for all k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1 (1.23)
2πi γ0
because if the resolvent is a holomorphic function in the domain Γ0 bordered by γ0 , this integral
is equal to zero but the converse is not true. Moreover, we must check this feature for all the
possible value of the multiplicity of the null eigenvalue. The Laurent series may include nega-
tive powers equal to the multiplicity m. As γ0 does not encircle any other singularity but z = 0,
zm R(z, α) is a holomorphic function in Γ0 but zm−1 R(z, α) is not.
The expansion of G makes sense if this feature is true for any α ≤ 1. The validity is thus
linked to the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix of the KL-divergence. Last, we note that G is a
convex functional of qi as the covariance matrix χ is a positive semidefinite matrix and is equal
to the inverse of the Hessian matrix (H(G))ij = ∂2 G /∂qi ∂q j .
Another useful maximization principle is the derivation of the most probable state, or the most
probable utility. Up to now, one has the configuration distribution not the utility distribution.
To derive this state, the partition function is rewritten
where S(U ) is the entropy at fixed utility 5 (or the incertitude) ln ρ(U ) and ρ(U ) is the state
density. By analogy with the previous discussion the quantity S(U ) + U is called the F -density.
Taking quantities per agent Ns(u) ≡ S(U ) and Nu = U, the partition function becomes
Z=N du e N (s(u)+u) (1.29)
e N (s(u)+u) e Nu
p(u) = = ρ(u) (1.30)
The most probable utility is the utility maximizing f (u) ≡ s(u) + u: a maximal incertitude s(u)
providing the higher utility u. The most probable state will correspond to the mean utility if
the utility distribution is sharply peaked. Moreover for a Gibbs distribution, the spontaneous
fluctuations are linked to the response function to a shock in the stochasticity level RU ( T ) ≡
−∂hU i/∂T = T −2 var [U ]. It results that the fluctuations around the mean utility value are
given by
p p
var [U ] T 2 RU ( T )
= (1.31)
hU i hU i
Generally, this quantity scales as N −1/2 and fluctuations around the mean utility are negligible
for large systems. However, the latter statement is invalid in the vicinity of a particular value
of the stochasticity level where the response function per capita RU ( T )/N admits a vertical
asymptote when N → ∞ [13]. If the system is large and, loosely speaking, if the system is
strongly ordered (or disordered), one can take the quadratic approximation of f (u) around the
most probable state ū. It comes f (u) ' f (ū) − 2−1 T −2 ru−1 (u − ū)2 where ru = N −1 RU . The
utility pdf is rewritten
− N (u − ū)2
p(u) = p(ū) exp (1.32)
2T 2 ru
1.9. Testing the order of maxent models
S(X, Y )
I(X, Y )
S(X) S(Y )
Figure 1.7: Schematic representation of individual (marginal), joint entropies and mutual information.
To illustrate its power as a measure of statistical dependency, let’s consider a classical exam-
ple. Let X and Y = X 2 be two random variables. Obviously, Y is a function of X and only X.
A good measure of statistical dependencies should return "1" (perfect dependency between the
two random variables). However, the correlation coefficient corr( X, Y ) is theoretically equal to
zero6 . The joint entropy S( X, Y ) measure the information that X and Y share and should there-
fore be zero in this example or the redundancy R( X, Y ) ≡ [S( X ) + S(Y )]−1 I ( X, Y ) should be
equal to one.
For 100 realizations of a Gaussian random variable X and taking Y = X 2 , it returns corr( X, Y ) =
0.11 and R( X, Y ) = 0.83. Therefore the knowledge of X (or Y) is equivalent to the knowledge
of Y (or X) as illustrated in Fig-1.8.
More generally, the multi-variate definition of the multi-information is
I ({ Xi }) = DKL ( p( xi , · · · , x N )|| p( x1 ) · · · p( x N )) = ∑ S ( X i ) − S ( X1 , · · · , X N ) (1.34)
i =1
We note that I ({ Xi }) is greater than or equal to zero since the presence of correlations de-
creases the entropy. The main idea of the multi-information criterion is to decompose the multi-
information (MI) into a sum of the entropies of successive marginals:
I ({ Xi }) = ∑ S ( X i ) − S ( X1 , · · · , X N ) = ∑ ICk ({Xi }) (1.35)
i =1 k =2
where the connected information of order k is the difference between entropies of the k − 1th
and kth order marginals
6 Taking the geometrical interpretation, corr( X, Y ) is the inner product between two vectors. Therefore its is a
measure of the angle between the random variables. The symmetry of the dependence induces the result.
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Figure 1.8: Typical statistical dependency not detected by the correlation coefficient. The correlation
coefficient is equal to 0.11 (very small correlation) and the redundancy is equal to 0.83 (large fraction of
shared information).
1.10 Equilibrium
the right hand side (RHS) is in general untractable [36]. Several approximation schemes have
been derived, some of which are explained hereafter.
7 The trace operator Tr denotes the sum over all configurations ∑{s}
1.10. Equilibrium
Table 1.1: Second order multi-information criterion I2 /IN computed for truly pairwise generated sam-
Variational approximation
One can derive an approximation introducing G in (1.15). At the first order, we get
hsi i = tanh ∑ Jij hs j i + hi (1.39)
For Gaussian influences Jij and for large enough networks, the second order is the leading order
1 00
hth( Xi )i ' th(h Xi i) + th (h Xi i)h( Xi − h Xi i)2 i
2 (1.41)
1 000
+ th (h Xi i)h( Xi − h Xi i)3 i
where the prime stands for the derivative with respect to Xi , h( Xi − h Xi i)2 i = h Xi2 ic and h( Xi −
h Xi i)3 i = h Xi3 ic .
The last two terms in the right hand side (RHS) are respectively the variance of heff i and
a term proportional to the skewness of the distribution. First of all, we note that third and
higher order cumulants are relevant only if the distribution is significantly different from the
Gaussian one. Indeed the normal distribution is the only one with all its cumulants equal to
zero excepted the two first ones [38]. For a general distribution simplifications can occur for
the third and fourth cumulants. If the distribution of Xi is symmetric, the skewness will be
zero. The third cumulant is related to the skewness γ1 of the distribution by the relation γ1 =
κ3 /κ23/2 . Another useful feature is the kurtosis β 2 = µ4 /κ22 . It quantifies the peakedness of the
distribution. For comparison with the normal distribution peakedness, we consider the excess
kurtosis γ2 = κ4 /κ22 . If the effective fields distribution has a peakedness similar to the gaussian
one, the fourth centered moment will be µ4 = 3κ22 .
However for the interesting case where the system is close to an order-disorder transition
(the net mean orientation reaches a bifurcation point like illustrated in Fig-1.11), in a first ap-
proach all the cumulants should be considered. The equilibria are given by, up to second order
for simplicity,
eff 2
qi (t) = thhheff
i i 1 − [h hi i − h hi i ]
eff 2
eff 2
+ th3 hheff
i i h h i i − h h eff 2
i i
qi = thhheff
i i (1.43)
makes sense.
Through the term hheff
i i, equilibria depend on the 2-agents correlations qij ≡ h si s j i. Indeed
if the external inputs hi are zero, (1.42) can be rewritten as
h i
3 eff
mi = thhheff eff
i i + − thh hi i + th h hi i ×
∑ Jij Jik (q jk − q j qk )
1 00
hth( Xi )i = th(h Xi i) + th (h Xi i)κ2
1 000
+ th (h Xi i)κ3 (1.45)
1 0000
+ th (h Xi i)(κ4 + 3κ22 ) + · · ·
Edgeworth series
Another way to get a tractable approximation is to expand the probability density function (pdf)
in Edgeworth series (an algorithm to compute the different terms of this expansion is given in
[39]). The Edgeworth series is an asymptotic expansion of the probability density function of a
random variable in powers of the second cumulant (the variance is taken as the parameter of
the expansion).
Loosely speaking, the Edgeworth series is a reordered Taylor expansion of the logarithm
of the characteristic function. Consider the characteristic function φun (t) of a random variable
with an unknown distribution pun ( x ): φun (t) = D pun ( x )eitx dx = exp ∑k (k!)−1 (it)k κk and
the characteristic function of a reference distribution φref (t) = D pref ( x )eitx dx. The Taylor
expansion of φun (t)/φref (t) (with a Gaussian reference random variable N (0, 1), for instance) is
h c2 i
φun (t) = φref (t) 1 + c1 t + t2 + . . . (1.46)
(k) (k)
using (−it)k φref (t) ⇔ pref ( x ), property of the Fourier transform (where pref ( x ) is the kth deriva-
tive of the reference distribution), we get
1.10. Equilibrium
(1) c 2 (2)
pun ( x ) = pref ( x ) − c1 pref ( x ) + p (x) + . . . (1.47)
2! ref
The coefficients {ck } are determined by the cumulants.
Ordering terms by derivatives order leads to the Gram-Charlier series and ordering terms
by power of the standard deviation leads to the so-called Edgeworth-Petrov series.
The approximated pdf is given by
" #
κ3 κ κ2
p̃( x ) = f ( x ) 1 + He3 ( x ) + 4 He4 ( x ) + 3 He6 ( x ) (1.48)
6 24 72
where Hen are the modified Hermite polynomials, κn the nth cumulants and f ( x ) the normal
pdf N (µ, σ). The average of the hyperbolic tangent is therefore approximated by
Z ∞
hth( x )i ' th( x ) p̃( x )dx (1.49)
Comparison of methods
A straightforward benchmark is the homogeneous pairwise Markov network (also called near-
est neighbours Ising model) illustrated in the right panel of Fig-1.10 with Jij = J for the 4
neighbours and hi = 0 for all i. The exact mean consensus can be analytically computed [36]
and is equal to
0, J < Jc ≡ 2√
ln(1+ 2)
m( J ) = (1.50)
1 − sinh(2J )−4 81 , J > Jc
average consensus
Figure 1.9: Illustration of the second order variational (1.40), the first order κ2 , the first order {κ2 ; κ3 },
the ninth order Edgeworth series approximations and the exact average consensus.
We note that the first order in single agent variance (first order in κ2 ) gives similar results
than the second order variational approximation. Including the first order in κ3 gives better
is given by the following dynamics (the so-called Glauber dynamics [40]). Namely, one takes a
randomly chosen entity i and an attempt to flip the associated binary variable si is performed
with a rate depending on an exponential weight, the other orientations remaining fixed. We
define the reversal operator Fi such that Fi s = Fi (s1 , . . . , si , . . . , s N ) = (s1 , . . . , −si , . . . , s N ). This
asynchronous updating involves that two consecutive configurations only differ by a single
reversal. To find the exponential rate, we consider the evolution of the probability mass function
(PMF) for this dynamics which is given by the master equation
N n o
p(s; t) = ∑ ω (si | − si ) p(Fi s; t) − ω (−si | si ) p(s; t) (1.52)
dt i =1
where ω (si | − si ) is the transition rate from configuration Fi s to configuration s. They are de-
rived from the transition probability P[si,t+τ = −si,t |si,t , s−i,t ] ≡ W (−si |si , 0) = ω (−si | si ) τ +
o ( τ ).
The master equation states that the variation of the PMF is equal to the inward probability
flow minus the outward probability flow [41]. At equilibrium, this dynamics should lead to the
Gibbs distribution (1.51). A sufficient condition to reach equilibrium is
1. Choose an entity uniformly at random.
2. Compute the transition probability (1.54).
3. Generate a uniform random number x ∈ [0, 1], if W (−si |si ) > x, accept the reversal.
4. Parameterize time such that a Monte Carlo step (MCS) corresponds to N reversal at-
5. Wait for equilibration.
6. Store the desired statistics.
A more detailed discussion (equilibration time, proper definition of statistics, etc.) can be
found in [42]. To fix ideas, we consider an idealized city where each agent has exactly 4 neigh-
bours as illustrated in Fig-1.10. Each agent has to make a yes/no choice described by si = ±1,
interacts positively in the same fashion with his neighbours and has no idiosyncratic prefer-
Depending on the strength of the mutual influence J (weight of each of the 4 edges), the
mean consensus hmi = h N −1 ∑i si i can be either equal to zero either non-zero [14]. Moreover
if idiosyncratic preferences hi are set to zero, the Gibbs distribution (1.51) is invariant under
reversal s → −s. Thus, to get the mean consensus from simulations, one should measure the
1.11. Road to equilibrium and Monte Carlo simulations
Figure 1.10: Idealized city where each agent has exactly 4 neighbours. Each agent has to make a yes/no
choice, interacts positively in the same fashion with his neighbours and has no idiosyncratic preferences.
mean absolute value of the consensus h|m|i. The mean value and the variance (χ) of the absolute
value of the consensus are illustrated in Fig-1.11
1 1
0.6 0.5
0.2 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 1.11: The mean value h|m|i and the variance (χ) of the absolute value of the consensus |m| for
the idealized city where each agent has 4 neighbours and where mutual influence J is homogeneous. If
the mutual influence is large enough, the consensus takes a non-zero value. We observe that the variance
is larger at the particular value at which the consensus goes from 0 to 1.
Approximated dynamics
One can derive the exact consensus evolution under the latter dynamical scheme. The exact,
but in general untractable, evolution equation is
dmi (t)
= −mi (t) + th(heff
i ) (1.55)
Using our previous approximation of the average hyperbolic tangent, we get
dmi (t) (n)
= − mi (t) + th(h Xi i) + κ2 A j (h xi (t)i)
dt j =1 (1.56)
+ O(κ2 , κ3 )
1 00
hth( Xi )i ' th(h Xi i) + th (h Xi i)κ2
1 000
+ th (h Xi i)κ3 (1.57)
1 0000
+ th (h Xi i)3κ22
where the assumption κ4 + 3κ22 ' 3κ22 was used. Higher order terms involve higher powers of
κ2 but also products of κ2 powers with higher order cumulants.
The asymptotic value for a homogeneous pairwise Markov network is illustrated in Fig-1.12
and compared to the static solution (1.45).
average consensus
0.2 Asymptotic
0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6
Figure 1.12: Illustration of the static solution at the first order {κ2 ; κ3 }, the asymptotic solution of dy-
namical evolution at the first order {κ2 ; κ3 } and the theoretical equilibrium consensus.
T −1 pτ +1 ({st }τt=+11 ) T −1
p T ({st }tT=1 ) = p1 (s1 ) ∏ τ
pτ ({st }t=1 )
= p1 (s1 ) ∏ pτ +1 (sτ +1 |{st }τt=1 ) (1.58)
τ =1 τ =1
1.12. Inverse problem: parameters estimation
If this distribution is untractable, one can not use directly the maximum likelihood method.
However, one can replace p T ({st }tT=1 ) by an approximated distribution q T ({st }tT=1 ; θ). This
function is referred to as the pseudo-likelihood (noted PL(θ) hereafter). Even if the problem is
now misspecified, one can estimate the parameters θ by minimizing the KL-divergence of the
empirical distribution pemp relative to q. Using (1.13), we get
DKL ( pemp ||q(θ)) = − ln PL(θ) − ln T (1.59)
A convenient choice for the misspecified likelihood function PL(θ) is the product of spatial
conditionals P(si,t |s−i,t ; θ). For a N-dimensional sample of length T, the objective function to
be maximized is
1 1
pl(θ) =
ln PL(θ) =
T ∑ ∑ ln p(si,t |s−i,t ; θ) (1.60)
t =1 i =1
" !#
p(si,t |HtT ; θ) =
1 + si,t tanh ∑ Jij s j,t + hi + ∑ ∑ Kijτ s j,t−τ (1.62)
j 6 =i τ =1 j
= P−1 − C −1
J̃ (1.65)
h̃i 1st
= th−1 (qi ) − ∑ J̃ij1st q j (1.66)
where J̃ii2nd = 0.
Finally, to avoid to compute higher orders (which can be tricky or leads to multi-valued
solutions) one considers the so-called diagonal trick [45]. The idea is that diagonals entries J̃ii1st
are related to the whole second order and a part of third order. Another main improvement of
this method is obtained by inverting (1.39) or (1.40) in each of their basins of attraction [46].
We saw in sec 1.6 that the maximum number of outcomes in a combinatoric problem is equiva-
lent to the Shannon entropy. The entropy can be formally expressed as a function of the utility.
The expansion of the entropy around the mean utility U is written (where U is the notation for
hU i)
1 1
S(U ) ' S(U ) − (U − U ) + 2 (U − U )2 (1.69)
For ranks (ordered states) distributed following a power-law, the quadratic and higher order
terms are sub-intensive; the entropy should be a linear function of the utility [47]. Indeed for a
Zipf’s law p(r ) = Ar −α ≡ Z −1 exp U (r ) where the utility is U (r ) = ln( AZ ) − α ln r and r is the
rank associated to a state, the entropy is exactly a linear function of the utility. The number of
outcomes by units of utility is
dr (U ) dU (r ) r (U )
= =− (1.70)
dU dr α
( AZ )1/α −U /α
= − e (1.71)
taking the logarithm, one has
S(U ) = − + Cst (1.72)
It is a very particular case because the fluctuations are always very large (since RU is propor-
tional to the variance of the utility, see sec 1.8). To illustrate the entropy-utility relation, consider
the Brock and Durlauf model with an homogeneous and complete social network. With rational
expectation (see chap 6 for a detailed presentation), one has U (m(s)) = J (2N )−1 m(s)2 where J
is the strength of social interactions, m(s) = N −1 ∑i si is the consensus associated to the choice
vector s and N the number of agents (the choice of the ith agent is described by si = ±1). The
entropy s(m) ≡ S(m)/N per capita is
1−m 1−m 1+m 1+m
s(m) = − ln − ln (1.73)
2 2 2 2
Writing the entropy as a function of the reduced utility per capita u = m2 , we get
√ √ √ √
1− u 1− u 1+ u 1+ u
s(u) = − ln − ln (1.74)
2 2 2 2
This relation is illustrated in Fig-1.13. The function is close to a linear relation but the curvature
is negative everywhere. We do not expect to observe a Zipf’s law in this system if configurations
are well sampled. For a restricted social network (nearest neighbors), the curvature can be equal
to zero for a particular value of the utility.
Hereafter, we detail a statistical test of power-laws.
Financial markets are a typical example of complex systems exhibiting collective behaviours
and special features such as volatility clustering and power-law. In our application, we will
need to test if some distributions are really power-law or not. A statistical test for power-law
is given in [48]. We adapt this test to discrete power-law with a natural upper bound. Before
considering the discrete case, we note that if the distribution p( x ) ∼ x − β has a finite upper
1.14. Discrete power-law
s( u)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 1.13: Entropy as a function of utility (bold line) for the Brock-Durlauf binary choice model with
an homogeneous complete social network. At first glance, the function is close to a linear relation but the
curvature is negative everywhere. For a restricted social network (nearest neighbors), the curvature can
be equal to zero for a particular value of the utility.
bound xmax , then the cumulative distribution function (CDF) will not be a straight line in a
log-log plot, see Fig-1.14, because
Z xmax
Cst h 1− β i
Pr[ X ≥ x ] = Cst y− β dy = xmax − x1− β (1.75)
x 1−β
where the constant appears to normalize the distribution to 1 and β > 1. Taking the logarithm
of both sides, it comes
1− β
log Pr[ X ≥ x ] = log x1− β − xmax + log (1.76)
The dependent variable log Pr[ X ≥ x ] is a linear function of log x only when xmax → ∞
The statistical test proposed in [48] consists in the following scheme
1. Determine the best fit of the power-law to the data using maximum-likelihood estimator.
2. Calculate the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistics for the goodness-of-fit. The KS statistics
is the maximum absolute value between empirical CDF and the CDF of the estimated
4. Calculate the p-value as the fraction of the KS statistics for the synthetic data sets whose
value exceeds the KS statistics of the real data.
The MLE estimator of a discrete power-law with a natural cut-off xmax is derived from the
first order condition for the log-likelihood based on N observations
N xmax
`( β) = ln L( β) = − β ∑ ln xi − N ln ∑ x−β (1.77)
i =1 x =1
taking the derivative with respect to β leads to the MLE β MLE satisfying
N x − β MLE ln x
1 ∑ xmax
=1 x max
N ∑ ln xi = xmax − β MLE
∑ x =1 x
i =1
The standard deviation of β MLE is obtained by taking the expansion of the likelihood around
1 ∂2 `( β)
`( β) = `( β MLE ) + ( β − β MLE )2 (1.79)
2! ∂β2 βMLE
1 x− β 2
identifying the terms to the Gaussian approximation − ln(σ 2π ) − 2 σ , we get
σβMLE = v " (1.80)
u 0 2 #
u 00
t N ζ ( xmax ,βMLE ) − ζ ( xmax ,βMLE )
ζ (x ,β max ) MLE ζ (x ,β ) max MLE
Synthetic data distributed as a discrete power-law with a finite upper bound are generated
as follows. One generates a realization u of a uniform random variable U in [0, 1], one calculates
x − β and the cumulative sum
∑ xmax
=1 x ∑yx=1 y− β . The smallest integer x such that ∑yx=1 y− β ≥
u ∑ xxmax
=1 x
− β is stored. This process is repeated to generate a sample of desired length. An
example is illustrated in Fig-1.14, the absolute deviation between the theoretical and simulated
CDF is smaller than 10−3 .
Absolute deviation
Pr( X ≥ x )
10−1 10−4
10−2 10−5
Figure 1.14: The theoretical CDF (left panel) for β = 0.750 and xmax = 100. The empirical sample (length
106 ) was generated with the same parameters. The absolute deviation between theoretical and empirical
CDF is illustrated in the right panel.
As an example we run the test on 104 and 105 synthetic data (integers between 1 and 100
simulated with β true = 0.750). The maximum likelihood estimators are respectively β MLE =
0.758(7) and β MLE = 0.750(2). We run the test for 1000 synthetic sets that returns p-values
p = 0.86 and p = 0.35, in both case the power-law is not ruled out. The KS statistics and the
distribution of MLE from the 1000 synthetic sets are illustrated in Fig-1.15.
The Mantegna-Sornette distance (MS-distance) provides a way to study the market topology,
especially using minimal spanning tree (also called asset tree) [49]. This distance between two
assets is defined as
dij = 2(1 − Cij ) (1.81)
where Cij are the correlation coefficients of the log-returns. The motivation is the following. De-
fine the log-return as rt = ln pt − ln pt−1 , where pt is the price at time t. For T + 1 observations,
one defines the temporal vector return r(k) of an asset labelled k as r(k) = (r1 (k ), · · · , r T (k)).
This vector is then normalized as
r(k) − hr(k)i
w(k) = p (1.82)
hr(k)r0 (k)i − hr(k)i2
1.16. Conclusion
KS statistics
Emp. pdf
0.5 20
0 20 40 60 80 100 0.74 0.76 0.78
test number βMLE
KS statistics
Emp. pdf
2 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 0.74 0.74 0.75 0.75
test number βMLE
Figure 1.15: KS statistics and MLE distribution for 104 data assumed to be power-law distributed (top
panels) and for 105 data (bottom panels). Each of the 1000 samples is generated using ranks between 1
and 100 and β true = 0.75. The dashed line stands for the true value of the exponent.
where h·i is the temporal average over the observation period and the prime stands for the
transposition. This definition implies kw(k)k = 1 and hw(k )i = 0, thus the correlation coeffi-
cients are Cij = w(i )w0 ( j) (an inner product). The distance between normalized returns vectors
is then given by dij = kw(i ) − w( j)k = 2(1 − Cij ).
This distance is useful to study the market topology [50, 19], in particular the asset trees build
with the MS-distance are non-random and seem to be scale-free trees (the degree distribution
is a power-law) and they exhibit dynamic reorganization. The minimum spanning tree (MST)
drawn with those weights is illustrated in Fig-1.16 for 29 large capitalization US companies. The
degree distribution and the length of the MST highlight hierarchical structures and dynamic
reorganization [51]. The financial network illustrated in Fig-1.16 clearly shows the existence of
hubs (highly connected companies like UTX).
It was shown that the length (sum of the vertices weights) of the MST decreases during
crises. This feature is illustrated in Fig-1.17 where the length decreases in the interval contain-
ing the Black Monday (October 19, 1987). Some of these features will be studied within the
maximum entropy framework.
1.16 Conclusion
We saw that the entropy is a measure of statistical dependencies. The variational methods have
been introduced in a statistical framework using the Kullback-Leibler discrepancy. The mini-
mization of the KLD is equivalent to the maximization of the likelihood and to minimization of
the F -functional. It follows that the maximum entropy principle is equivalent to maximize the
likelihood of the distribution closest to the uniform distribution without range restriction or to
find the most probable state conditionally our knowledge of the system.
Using these concepts, the inverse problem was set up and approximations of untractable
maxent distributions were detailed. Last, we saw the relation between the correlation of stock
returns and the market structure.
Figure 1.16: The minimum spanning tree based on the Mantegna-Sornette distance. The correlation co-
efficients of 29 large capitalization US companies are computed over 2500 trading days (10 trading years).
The edge length is proportional to the distance between stocks. Companies are denoted by their ticks,
available on Yahoo Finance for instance.
MST length
4 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9
/8 /8 /8 /8 /9 /9 /9 /9 /9
01 01 12 12 12 12 12 11 11
Figure 1.17: The length of the MST through time for 115 large capitalization US companies are com-
puted over 4500 trading days. The distances are computed on a time window of 100 trading days width
translated by 5 days each step. The dashed line stands for the length mean value.
The maximum entropy principle, the entropy and the KLD find their foundations in the large
deviations theory (LDT). The theory of large deviations studies the exponential decay of prob-
abilities in random systems and thus concerns the asymptotic behaviour of tails of sequences
of probability distributions. The former definition may seem somewhat vague but intuitively,
the most interesting events in a random system (the financial markets in our concern) are the
rare or unlikely events like crashes and large returns. The LDT is the natural framework for the
characterization of such events in terms of probability (fluctuations around the most probable
In fact, we already saw heuristically a result of the LDT in Sec-1.7 and Sec-1.8. Hereafter, we
will see a more general version of these statements.
It is possible to show that the LDT is the mathematics of systems of many interacting entities
[27, 28]. Following the modern interpretation, one has a nice probabilistic derivation of the main
variational principles. Namely, one can identify [28]:
It is worth to present (heuristically) these quantities and principles to give a more rigourous
justification to the maximum entropy principle, entropy and Kullback-Leibler discrepancy.
N+ is the number of positive signs and N− is the number of negative signs. The number of
configurations having a given net orientation Mn = m is
Ω(m) = (1.83)
N+ !N− !
where N± = N (1 ± m)/2. Using the Laplace approximation of the factorial function (Stirling
approximation)8 , it comes (m is restricted to the range [−1, 1])
Nh(m) 1−m 1−m 1+m 1+m
Ω(m) ' e where h(m) = − ln − ln (1.84)
2 2 2 2
Ones identifies the entropy h(m) of a Bernouilli distribution. Therefore, the probability p(m) ≡
Pr( Mn = m) to observe a market net orientation m with these assumptions is
where h(m) − ln 2 is negative for each possible value of m, excepted for m = 0. The probability
to observe a net orientation close to 1 is small if the signs are independent and not biased by
external information. The exponential rate h(m) − ln 2 is illustrated Fig-1.18. We observe in this
figure that there is a single point where the probability does not decay exponentially. We will
see that this point corresponds to a law of large numbers (LLN).
h(m) − ln(2)
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
Figure 1.18: The exponential rate characterizing the probability of market net orientation for indepen-
dent signs.
Basic results
In a nutshell, a large deviation principle (LDP) for a random variable An is an asymptotic prop-
erty Pr( An ∈ da) exp(−nI ( a))da where An ∈ da is a shortcut for An ∈ [ a, a + da] and
is the asymptotic equality9 . The rate function (or minus the entropy) I (·) gives the decreasing
exponential rate of the probability density function. There are two main results, known as the
Varadhan and Gärtner-Ellis (GE) theorems.
The Varadhan theorem allows to derive the scaled cumulant generating function from the
knowledge of the rate function I (·). Without mathematical rigour, if An satisfies a LDP with a
R∞ R∞
8 Using the Gamma function Γ( N + 1) = N! for integers, it comes Γ( N + 1) = 0 x N e− x dx = N 0 exp( N ln Ny −
R ∞ √
Ny)dy where y = xN −1 . The Laplace approximation gives 0 exp( N ln y − Ny)dy ' e− N 2π/N. Then ln Γ( N + 1) '
− 1
N ln N − N + 2 ln(2πN ) = N ln N − N + O(ln N ). The use of the Laplace approximation plays a major role in the
LDT, as we will see hereafter.
9 Pr( A
n ∈ da ) exp(− nI ( a ))da means Pr( An ∈ da ) = exp (− nI ( a ) + O (ln n )) da or in other words
limn→∞ −n−1 ln Pr( An = a) = I ( a). So "" means that the dominant part of Pr( An ∈ da) is the decaying exponential
as n → ∞.
1.A. Large deviations theory
rate function I ( a), then the SCGF λ( f ) of a continuous function f (·) of An is given the Legendre-
Fenchel (LF) transform of the rate function: λ( f ) = supa { f ( a) − I ( a)}. In other words, the
rate function characterizing the asymptotic behaviour of a macroscopic variable (utility, etc.) is
given by the Legendre-Fenchel transform of the SCGF. The heuristic proof for a linear function
f ( a) = ka is derived by introducing the LDP in the definition of the SCGF:
1 1
λ(k) ≡ lim ln E[enkAn ] = lim ln enka Pr( An ∈ da) (1.86)
n→∞ n n→∞ n R
= lim ln en(ka− I (a)) da (1.87)
n→∞ n R
= sup{ka − I ( a)} Laplace approximation (1.88)
The GE theorem tells that if the SCGF λ(k) = limn→∞ n1 ln E[enkAn ] is differentiable every-
where then An satisfies the LDP Pr( An ∈ da) exp(−nI ( a))da with a rate function I ( a) =
supk {ka − λ(k )}.
A third useful result is the contraction principle. It states that one can derive a LDP from
another known LDP. If An satisfies a LDP with a rate function I A ( a) and if another random
variable Bn admits a representation Bn = f ( An ), where f (·) is a continuous mapping (possibly
many-to-one) then Bn satisfies a LDP with a rate function IB (b) = infa: f (a)=b I A ( a). We can think
to a utility function (Un ) which could be written as a function of another aggregate variable
(Kn ). Then the contraction principle gives the rate function of the utility Un (Kn ) as a constraint
minimization of the unconstraint rate function of Kn .
As an example, let n IID Gaussian N (µ, σ ) random variables (RV) and Sn be the sample
mean Sn ≡ n−1 ∑in=1 Xi . The SCGF is
1 h −1 n
λ(k) = lim ln E enk(n ∑i=1 Xi )
n→∞ n
1 n h i h i (kσ)2
= lim ln ∏ E ekXi = ln E ekX = µk +
n→∞ n 2
i =1
which is everywhere differentiable with respect to k so the GE theorem applies. The rate func-
tion is therefore I (s) = supk∈R {ks − λ(k)} = supk∈R {ks − µk + 2−1 (kσ)2 } which implies
kmax (s) = (s − µ)/σ. Finally, the rate function is
( s − µ )2
I (s) =
which is illustrated in Fig-1.19. We note that I (s) is quadratic so the fluctuations of the Gaussian
sample mean are Gaussian, as expected.
n = 100
pSn (s) or e−nI ( s)
I ( s)
n = 10
Figure 1.19: The Rate function for a Gaussian sample mean vs the value of a realization of the sample
The large deviation theory is an extension of the law of large numbers (LLN) and of the
central limit theorem (CLT). The law of large numbers is obtained by minimizing the (strictly
convex) rate function and the central limit theorem by taking the second order Taylor expansion
of the rate function. If I ( a) is derived from the GE theorem then I ( a) is strictly convex (the LF
transform yields to convex functions and by assumption, the SCGF is differentiable everywhere)
and I ( a) ≥ 0 (if I ( a) < 0 then Pr( An ∈ da) exp(−nI ( a))da diverges).
LLN: If the rate function has a unique global minimum and is strictly convex, then k( amin ) =
0 = I 0 ( amin ) implying I ( amin ) = 0 = k( amin ) amin − λ(k ( amin )). The expansion of I ( a) to
the zeroth order gives the LLN: limn→∞ Pr( An ∈ [ amin , amin + da]) = exp(−nI ( amin )) =
1. The probability to deviate from the most probable state tends to zero when the system
size tends to infinity.
To illustrate this result, consider again the sample hmeani of n Xi IID random variables
− 1 n kX
{ Xi }: An = n ∑i=1 Xi . The SCGF is λ(k) = ln E e . If λ(k) is differentiable every-
where then k( a) is the unique root of λ0 (k ) = a and a(k) is the unique root of I 0 ( a) = k.
At amin one has amin = λ0 (0) = limn→∞ E[ An ] = µ. Then the previous result gives
limn→∞ Pr(n−1 ∑in=1 Xi ∈ [µ − e, µ + e]) = 1.
CLT: Under the same assumptions, the expansion to the second order around amin gives I ( a) '
I ( amin ) + I 0 ( amin )( a − amin ) + 2−1 I 00 ( amin )( a − amin )2 thus I ( a) ' 2−1 I 00 ( amin )( a − amin )2 .
Around the minimum of the rate function amin , we have the approx of Gaussian fluc-
tuations: Pr( An ∈ [ a, a + da]) ' exp −nI 00 ( amin )( a − amin )2 /2 da. The probability to
observe a realization in an interval close to the most probable state is Gaussian.
Let’s illustrate these results and their limitations. Consider the Brock and Durlauf binary
choice model in presence of social interaction [52]. It is possible to show (See chap-6) that the
deterministic part of the social planer’s utility function for an homogeneous complete social
network (each agent is influenced by all the others with the same social strength) can be written
U (s) =
2n ∑ si + h ∑ si (1.89)
i =1 i
where J is the strength of social interactions, si is the binary choice of the ith agent and h is the
idiosyncratic preference. Then the static mean consensus Mn = n−1 ∑in=1 si is distributed as
The rate function Iβ (m) ≡ βJφ(m) + n−1 ln Z characterizes the mean consensus distribution
meaning that its mathematical properties rule the socio-economic behaviours as illustrated in
Fig-1.20. The minimization of the rate function Iβ (m) gives the self-consistent equation m =
tanh( βJm) which is precisely the equilibria derived by Brock and Durlauf in the binary choice
model for the homogeneous complete social network [52].
This model is interesting because it illustrates two very different regimes: zero and non-zero
spontaneous consensus (respectively disordered and ordered states). In the disordered state,
the LLN holds because Iβ (m) has a single zero which means a single accumulation point. More
and more probability mass is accumulated at m = 0 when the number of agents increases.
The CLT also holds in the disordered state because Iβ (m) is locally quadratic which means
that deviations larger than (says) 3 standard deviations around the mean value m = 0 of the
consensus are very unlikely.
On the other hand, near the transition zero-non/zero spontaneous consensus, the LLN and
the CLT are no longer valid. As described by Brock and Durlauf, this model can have two equi-
libria (depending on the value of the product βJ). The breakdown of the LLN is a consequence
of multiple zeros of the rate function. There are two points where the probability distribution
does not decay exponentially in the Brock and Durlauf model when βJ > 1 [52] as illustrated
in the left panel of Fig-1.20. The CLT is no longer valid because the rate function is not locally
quadratic neither around the mean value m = 0 nor around the accumulation points (dots in the
Fig-1.20). It results to near the transition zero- non zero spontaneous consensus, the fluctuations
around the mean value are larger than Gaussian fluctuations. In such models, the consequence
of collective behaviours is that "unlikely" or "extreme" events could not be so rare. Moreover,
since large deviations are not so rare, the mean value of the consensus could be an irrelevant
aggregate variable for a macroscopic description.
1.A. Large deviations theory
Iβ ( m )
Iβ ( m )
m m
Figure 1.20: The rate function for the binary choice problem in presence of social interactions. The
social network is homogeneous (each agent interacts in the same way with all the others). One makes
the assumption of rational expectations. The left panel illustrates the disordered state (zero spontaneous
consensus) and the right panel illustrates the ordered states (non-zero spontaneous consensus). The zeros
of the rate function are illustrated by dots and the dashed lines stand for the quadratic approximation.
1 n!
Pr(Ln = n−1 k) = n q (1.91)
q ∏ i =1 k i !
because there are n!/ ∏i=1 k i ! ways to have Ln = n−1 k. Using the Laplace approximation of the
factorial function (Stirling approximation), one obtains
−1 k || Pr(ω )
Pr(Ln = n−1 k) e−nDKL (n ) (1.92)
µ( x )
where DKL (µ||ν) = ∑ x µ( x ) ln ν( x) is the relative entropy. As ν(ω) = q−n , the relative entropy
is equal to the opposite of the entropy S[µ( x )] = − ∑ x µ( x ) ln µ( x ) up to a constant (see Sec-1.6).
The rate function is then nothing but the statistical entropy.
Furthermore, if one uses the contraction principle one obtains the maximum entropy princi-
ple [23]. Namely, the contraction principle allows to derive the probability measure maximizing
the unconstrained entropy consistently with a given representation (ie a set of constraints). In
words, the most likely way to describe unlikely events is to minimize the rate function (maxi-
mize the entropy) with respect to some knowledge about the considered system. If a random
variable Bn admits a continuous representation f ( An ) in terms of another random variable An
satisfying a LDP, then one obtains
Pr( Bn ∈ db) = Pr( An ∈ da) (1.93)
{ a: f ( a)∈db}
exp(ns A ( a))da with s A ( a) ≡ − I A ( a) (1.94)
{ a: f ( a)∈db}
exp sup {ns A ( a)} db (1.95)
{ a: f ( a)=b}
We can think to a utility function (Un ) which could be written as a function of another ag-
gregate variable (says Kn ). Then the contraction principle gives the rate function of the utility
Un (Kn ) as a constraint minimization of the unconstraint rate function of Kn .
Formally, one can show [27, 28] that if one considers n random variables { Xi } (with uniform
prior) associated to n entities and if the K observed quantities {E[ f k ( X )]} are functions of X ≡
( X1 ; · · · ; Xn ) then the rate function is given by the following optimization problem
Prβ ( Mn ∈ dm) = Zn−1 ( β) exp(− βHn (m)) Pr(dω) (1.98)
{ω:Mn (ω)∈dm}
= Zn−1 ( β) exp(− βHn (m)) Pr(dω) (1.99)
{ω:Mn (ω)∈dm}
Hn (m)
φ( β) = inf{ β − s(m)} (1.102)
m n
where β Hnn (m) − s(m) is the density of free energy as a function of the realized value m of
Mn . The resulting value of the consensus m has a large utility together with a large economic
diversity [30].
Domain of validity
The Legendre-Fenchel transform λ(k ) = supx {kx − f ( x )} yields to convex functions, the GE
theorem does not allow to calculate non-convex rate functions (the rate function may have sev-
eral minima, for instance). Assuming that the rate function is non-convex, the double Legendre-
Fenchel transform yields to the convex hull of the non-convex function. If the scaled cumulant
generating function is differentiable everywhere then the Legendre-Fenchel transform is an in-
volution (is its own inverse). Furthermore if the SCGF is differentiable everywhere and strictly
convex, then λ0 (k ) is a monotonically increasing function and λ0 (k) = x can be inverted (one-
to-one matching) f 0 ( x ) = k (where the prime stands for the derivative with respect to the inde-
pendent variable).
If the SCGF has a non-differentiable point (e.g. as | x | at x = 0), its Legendre-Fenchel trans-
form has a linear part on the interval [ xl ≡ λ0 (k− 0 +
nondiff ), xr ≡ λ ( k nondiff )].
If f ( x ) is non-convex then the SCGF λ(k) must have a non-differentiable point (the demon-
strations can be found in [53]).
Another restricting condition is the limit of infinitely large system n → ∞. This condition
is required in the Laplace approximation of the integral, which leads to the Legendre-Fenchel
transform. If this condition is not met, the link between the SCGF and the rate function is only
a qualitative one.
1.B. Laplace approximation
The Laplace approximation (or saddle point approximation) is a method to approximate inte-
grals which have a large integrand; this method is illustrated in Fig-1.21. Let f ( x ) a regular
enough function with a single maximum at xmax then f ( x ) ' f ( xmax ) − 2−1 | f 00 ( xmax )| ( x −
xmax )2 . The Laplace approximation is
Z Z n| f 00 ( xmax )|
n f (x) n f ( xmax ) − ( x − xmax )2 n f ( xmax ) 2π
I(n) ≡ e dx ' e e 2 dx = e
R R n| f 00 ( xmax )|
The last equality follows from Gaussian integration. One has: ln I(n) ' n f ( xmax ) for n 1.
f (x)
Statistical pairwise interaction model of the stock
Financial markets are a classical example of complex systems as they
comprise many interdependent stocks. As such, we can obtain a sur-
prisingly good description of their structure by taking into account
only the sign of their variations. Models have been applied and gave
some valuable results but at the price of restrictive assumptions on
the market dynamics or others are agent-based models with rules de-
signed in order to recover some empirical behaviours (power laws,
etc.). Here we show that the pairwise model is actually a statisti-
cally consistent model with observed first and second moments of
the stocks orientation without making such restrictive assumptions.
This is done with an approach based only on empirical data of re-
turns. Our data analysis suggests that the actual interaction structure
may be thought as a pairwise maximum entropy model on a com-
plex network with mutual influences scaling as the inverse of system
size. This has potentially important implications since many prop-
erties of such a model are already known and some techniques can
be straightforwardly applied. Typical behaviours, as multiple equi-
libria or metastable states, different characteristic time scales, spatial
patterns, order-disorder, could find an explanation in this picture.
Highlight the
collective mar-
ket modes in
Study the mar- trend reversals
ket structure process
2.1. Introduction
2.1 Introduction
A very interesting feature of complex systems is that sometimes the microscopic details of inter-
actions are not necessary to explain the observed macroscopic structures (at least qualitatively).
The most famous examples are the Ising and spin glasses models where the interactions are
taken as constant or randomly distributed in a given neighbourhood. In these models, the
complicated interactions between electrons are simply replaced by pairwise interactions with
a dedicated coupling parameter. It is amazing that the pairwise maximum entropy (maxent)
model also describes neural populations [12]. The authors of this paper showed that the activ-
ity time-series of neural populations can be described by such a simple model (however with a
major difference with the physical Ising model).
This suggests that the most relevant properties governing the macroscopic behaviours of
such complex systems are not the nature of the microscopic entities but are the order of in-
teractions, their range and the topology. Moreover these simple rules are able to explain so-
phisticated behaviours such as order-disorder transition, memory, clustering and many more
collective behaviours.
One also finds collective phenomena in finance [54, 55], non-random correlations [17] and
complex structures [49, 50]. The authors of these papers report a certain degree of co-movement
with different tools, especially during crisis. Using the Kuramoto model, they recently showed
[54] that synchronization is observed during crisis. We note that the Kuramoto model is also
used in neuroscience and it is related to a kind of pairwise maximum entropy model used in
the description of phase transition. Moreover, financial correlation matrices are known to be
noise dressed but a market-mode (eigenvector with roughly equal components on all stocks) is
however observed. Using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of correlations matrices of some
main financial market indices, one can reach the conclusion of a probable existence of a global
collective-mode. Last, using tools of graph theory and financial correlations, one can show that
markets are strongly re-organized during successive periods of crisis and "normal" operating
state [49, 50].
Such phenomena can occur in systems composed of many interacting entities (where in-
teraction is taken at the larger sense of mutual influence or simply taken as a measure of co-
movements). Moreover, as recently observed [56], the financial and neural networks have topo-
logical similarities (modular, hierarchical, small-world organization highlighted by an asset tree
based approach). In this view, the pairwise maximum entropy paradigm seems to be an attrac-
tive candidate to explain the market structure. A version of this model was already applied
to finance but with the restricting assumption that the market dynamics follows the soft-spins
Langevin dynamics [57]. There are also Ising like models which are agent-based models with
specific rules such as "do what your neighbours do" or more complex dynamical rules [58, 5, 59].
The latter approach is thus a different one that Rosenow’s (or the present) approach where the
elementary entities are stocks and not traders (the most accessible observables are price returns).
The aim of this work is to show that market behaviour can be explained without such hy-
pothetical rules and that the aforementioned collective phenomena result from the mutual in-
fluences of underlying constitutive entities, the stocks (in the same spirit of the characterization
of collective phenomena in neural networks without using other information than their activity
time series [12]). We emphasize that this approach is a data-based approach. We do not intro-
duce any rules or dynamical restriction. We only require that the model fits first and second
empirical moments. The reason is that underlying microscopic details seem to be unnecessary
for the macroscopic description of such phenomena. Indeed macroscopic behaviours in mag-
netic materials and in neural networks are consistently described by maximum entropy models
even though electrons and neurons are undoubtedly completely different elementary entities at
the individual scale (as well as their microscopic dynamics). Furthermore, agent-based models
can reveal interesting behavioural patterns but since such different dynamics as the neurons
potential activity dynamics and spin dynamics can lead to the same macroscopic patterns, it
seems natural to propose a complementary statistical and data-based approach allowing to re-
lax almost any assumption.
Here, we consider stocks as economic entities influencing each other. The interaction pro-
cess itself is not detailed. Instead, we propose a derivation of the pairwise model only based on
the (incomplete) information embedded in data with no restricting assumption on an underly-
ing dynamics. The only (rough) assumption that we made is binarizing prices to interpret daily
movement as a positive (or negative) orientation. Such a simplification has already shown its
power in neural networks and magnetic materials (at least in structure studies) where the com-
plex interaction process is approximated by a pairwise model and relevant variables (action po-
tential and spin) are binarized. In this work we provide evidence that a pairwise maxent model
on a complex network can accurately describe the stock market. We show that almost all the
interaction strengths are Gaussian random variables, that Gaussian influences are compatible
with non-Gaussian eigenvalues of the returns correlation matrix and that the mean influence
scales as a power close to −1 of the system size. Furthermore frustration seems to be a key
property since approximately half of the interaction strengths are negative. We also propose an
economic interpretation based on the mutual influence scheme developed in [52]. Furthermore
the interaction strengths can be thought as incentive since they are related to the Hessian matrix
of the utility function [60].
With these features, we conclude that the proposed model may fall into the class of the
exact mean field models. We also show that we can reproduce the largest (non-Gaussian) eigen-
value of the returns correlation matrix corresponding to the market-mode [17], making the link
with the random matrix approach. This mapping and the first clue of the reproduction of the
market-mode suggest that a link to critical phenomena can be done in this paradigm. Moreover
the topological similarities between the market and neural networks can find their origin in
this common statistical model. Other properties as the existence of hierarchical structures [49,
50], possibility of the order-disorder transition and synchronization [55, 54] can potentially be
explained by the pairwise paradigm.
The chapter is organized as follows. In section 2.2, we present the model, its economic in-
terpretation and the link between the interaction matrix and the moments. In sections 2.3 and
2.4, we give evidence that the information embedded in the data is mostly explained by pair-
wise but no higher-order interactions. In section 2.5, we study the distribution of the influence
Inferred distribution
Our aim is to set up a model describing the market state and its structure based only on statis-
tical considerations. This requires a way to infer the probability distribution in order to get the
observables (here, the associated moments). The model will also allow the study of the market
structure. All these quantities will be defined below, see Sec-1.4 for details. We consider a set
of N market indices or N stocks with binary states si (si = ±1 for all i = 1, · · · , N). A system
configuration will be described by a vector s = (s1 , · · · , s N ). The binary variables will be equal
to 1 if the associated closing price is larger than (or equal to) the opening one and equal to −1
if not. We choose open-to-close rather than close-to-close returns to avoid the over-night effect
and the weekend gap (Friday-Monday closings). A configuration s is a binary version of stock
returns. Such a simplification of returns is made to study the market structure and will be justi-
fied a posteriori if the results are consistent with the data. One knows that this approximation is
already useful in the description of neural populations [12] and that neural networks are similar
to financial networks [56]. We may thus think that it will also be the case in finance; this will be
justified a posteriori as the model gives consistent results. We may also consider this simplifi-
cation as a study of the return signs. Indeed, stock returns can be rewritten as rt = sgn(rt )|rt |.
Signs of stock returns are sometimes considered as uncorrelated and attract less attention [61].
However correlations may appear in complicated (non-linear) fashion as synchronization dur-
ing crises [55]. It seems interesting to study orientation changes.
A first clue that it is not a too rough an approximation is that it preserves the market eigen-
mode (largest eigen-value of the price-returns covariance matrix) [17] as illustrated in Fig-2.1
Another motivation of this approximation is that the resulting binary pairwise model allows
collective phenomena which are observed in the market. We will discuss the description of the
collective phenomena (structure reorganization, synchronization, etc.) by this pairwise model
in another chapter.
We seek to establish the less structured model explaining only the measured mean orien-
tations qi and instantaneous pairwise correlations qkl in terms of theoretical moments hsi i and
hsk sl i without making any further assumption. The brackets h·i denote the average with respect
to the unknown distribution p(s). As the entropy of a distribution measures the randomness or
2.2. The model
0.3 0.2
P (λ)
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
DJ (min) DJ (daily)
P (λ)
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
λ λ
Figure 2.1: Probability distribution of eigenvalues of the correlation matrix of the binarized returns for 8
European indices (top-left), Bel20 (top-right), Dow Jones at minute sampling (bottom-left) and Dow Jones
daily (bottom-right). The market-mode is pinned.
lack of interaction among binary variables, a way to infer such probability distribution know-
ing the mean orientations and correlations is the maximum entropy principle (MEP). Jaynes
showed how to derive the probability distribution using the maximum entropy principle [23].
It consists in the following constrained maximization (see Sec-1.4 for details and Sec-1.A for
mathematical motivation)
max S(s) = max − ∑ p(s) ln p(s) (2.1)
{ p(s)} { p(s)} {s}
Using Lagrange multipliers method, the resulting two-agent distribution p2 (s) is given by
1 N N
p2 (s) = Z exp ∑
2 i,j
Jij si s j + ∑ hi si ≡
i =1
where Jij and hi are the Lagrange multipliers and Z a normalizing constant (the partition func-
tion). They can be expressed in terms of partial derivatives of the entropy as
∂S(s) ∂S(s)
= − hi = − Jij (2.3)
∂qi ∂qij
Thus preferences are conjugated to mean orientations and pairwise influences to pairwise
correlations. So the parameters Jij can be thought as a measure of co-movements and hi as a
measure of individual movements or as external influences.
Cumulants are obtained from this model and we give their relation to the interaction strengths.
As the statistical model (2.2) is expressed as a Gibbs distribution, we have the relations
where h·ic is the cumulant average [62]. This relation gives the link between J and pairwise
correlations. If the partition function Z cannot be explicitly computed, we can use Plefka series
[35] or a variational cumulant expansion [33] (see Sec-1.7).
Finally, we test if higher order influences should be ruled out (see Sec-1.9 for details). We
proceed by using the multi-information criterion [16, 12]. We sketch hereafter the basic idea of
this criterion. Considering a financial network of N entities, one can obtain maximum entropy
distributions pk (s) which are consistent with kth-order moments (for any k = 1, · · · , N) like in
(2.1). The case k = N is an exact description of the financial network. Thus the entropies Sk ≡
S[ pk ] of these distributions decrease with increasing k toward the true entropy S ≡ S[ p N ] since
more correlation reduces the entropy. The multi-information IN ≡ DKL ( p N || p1 ) is a measure of
the total amount of correlations in the system (where DKL is the Kullback-Leibler divergence).
Thus if the ratio I2 /IN = (S1 − S2 )/(S1 − S N ) is close to 1 then pairwise correlations provide
an effective description of the correlation structure. For a set of 8 European indices, we obtain
I2 /IN = 98.2% which means that pairwise correlations represent most of correlations. For
the Dow Jones (minute sampling time-scale and 3 × 104 points), we obtain I2 /IN = 95.7%
in average. In the latter case we consider 20 sets of 8 randomly chosen stocks and 20 sets of
10 randomly chosen stocks (values for which direct sampling of the distribution gives a good
estimate); the results are illustrated in Fig-2.2.
N=10 N=8
3 4
0 0
0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.99
I2 /IN I2 /IN
Figure 2.2: Multi-information ratio I2 /IN for 20 sets of 8 randomly chosen stocks (right) and for 20 sets
of 10 randomly chosen stocks. Sampling time-scale is the minute, the sample length is 3 × 104 points and
parameters were estimated with a regularized pseudo-maximum likelihood method.
Last we compute the multi-information ratio for groups of different sizes. The values are
computed on 20 randomly chosen groups for each considered system size and the J matrix is
estimated with the regularized pseudo-maximum likelihood method (see Sec-1.12). The results
are illustrated in Fig-2.3.
We observe that the multi-information ratio is close to 1 whatever the size but it decreases
whit increasing size for the Dow Jones while it increases with increasing size for the European
indices set. The pairwise model is thus able to explain almost all the correlation structure (at
least 95% of it).
The Gibbs distribution (2.2) is similar to those given by Brock and Durlauf in the discrete choice
problem [52] and in stochastic models in macroeconomics [30], but also to the Ising model used
in description of magnetic materials and neural networks [57, 12]. This is also a special case
of Markov random fields [63] (see Sec-1.5). We emphasize that the Gibbs distribution and the
concept of information entropy naturally arise from stochastic modelling in economics. This
is discussed at length in [30]. We interpret the objective function H(s) defined by the MEP as
follows. Pairwise interactions between economic entities are modelled by interaction strengths
Jij (which describe how i and j influence each other). They can be thought as a measure of the
degree of co-movement (coherence) of a time-series pair. As possible underlying causes of those
2.2. The model
log(I2 /IN ) −1
4 6 8 10 12
Number of entities
Figure 2.3: Multi-information ratio I2 /IN for the European indices (dots) and for the Dow Jones at minute
time-scale (squares). Each point is the average on 20 randomly chosen groups of size N. Error bars repre-
sent the standard deviation over those groups.
interactions, we may think to the economic background, company management, traders strate-
gies, etc. This should be investigated in an econometrical study. Actually, the causes underlying
the interaction process seem to be unnecessary in the description of emergent macroscopic be-
haviours. Indeed the complicated interactions between magnetic moments or between neurons
are efficiently simplified in their maximum entropy description but one still reproduces the
main macroscopic features observed in these systems. In this description, the crucial features
are the scaling (dependence or independence on the system size) of interaction strengths and
the order of interactions. The interaction matrix J is set to be symmetric in this first approach.
There is disagreement or conflict between entities when the weighted product of their orien-
tations Jij si s j is negative. If two shares are supposed to move together (Jij > 0), a conflicting
situation is the one where they do not have the same orientation (bearish or bullish).
We include idiosyncratic preferences or individual biases of stocks, here the willingness to
be bullish or not. These Lagrange multipliers hi can also be interpreted as external influences
on entities i induced by the macroeconomic background. By example a company can prosper
and make benefits during a crisis period and the associated stock can still fall simultaneously
because investors are negatively influenced by the economic background. The stock will have a
propensity to fall even if profits are made. If the orientation of the stock satisfies its preference,
hi si will be positive. The total conflict of the system is then given by
1 N N N
H(s) = − ∑ ∑
2 i =1 j =1
Jij si s j − ∑ hi si (2.5)
i =1
We interpret H(s) as the opposite of the so-called utility function U (s) = −H(s) with a pairwise
interacting and idiosyncratic parts [52]. Consequently interaction strengths can be viewed as
incentive complementarities. Indeed we have ∂2 U /∂si ∂s j = Jij . The larger Jij si s j , the stronger
the strategic interaction between i and j.
We emphasize that this pairwise maxent model is forced upon us as the statistically consis-
tent model with measured orientations and correlations. It is not an analogy based on specific
hypotheses about the market dynamics and it necessarily implies a multivariate picture of the
markets as it should be.
Lastly, we can ask what happens if some of the pairwise influences are negative. This case
leads to an interesting situation where the number of possible equilibria may explode. Let’s il-
lustrate this phenomenon through a simple example. Assume that we observe 3 stocks { a, b, c}
such that Jab = 1 = Jbc and Jac = −1. There is no way to have no conflict at all and there
are several configurations for the minimal (maximum) value of the conflict/utility. Indeed the
utility function is U (s) = Jab s a sb + Jbc sb sc + Jac s a sc = s a sb + sb sc − s a sc and the following config-
urations (respectively a, b,c) ↑↑↑, ↓↓↓, ↓↓↑, ↑↑↓, ↑↓↓, ↓↑↑ lead to the same total conflict/utility
(iso-utility configurations). This is sometimes called frustration or more preferably, a degener-
ate utility value (since many micro-configurations correspond to the same macro-state, here
U = 1). With many more entities, the conflict/utility landscape may comprise many valleys as
previously illustrated in Fig-1.2.
Parameters estimation
The parameters { Jij , hi } can potentially be exactly computed by performing explicitly the maxi-
mization (2.1) so that the theoretical moments hsi i and hsi s j i match the empirical ones qi and qij .
This method requires the computation of 2 N terms. If this number is too large, the computation
is unfeasible and we can benefit from one of the methods described in [64], see Sec-1.12 for de-
tails. The parameters should be valued such that the constraints are satisfied in (2.1). Generally,
redrawing the parameters from their distribution will lead to wrong values of the first and sec-
ond moments. Therefore knowing only the functional form of the distribution is insufficient, we
must know their exact values. In this section we use a second order mean-field inversion [64].
Generally this inversion method requires ten or so entities and a sample size T larger than the
number of entities N. In the following we have T > 20N and N > 10. This inversion technique,
to infer interaction strengths from data, is based on the following relation (i 6= j)
Mean field
The previous model can be thought as a pairwise maxent model on a complex network [65].
Indeed the objective function of this model can be rewritten as
1 N N N
H(s) = − ∑ ∑
2 i =1 j =1
Jij Aij si s j − ∑ hi si (2.7)
i =1
where Aij are entries of the adjacency matrix, equal to one if the nodes i and j are connected and
equal to zero if they are not. Most of time, this kind of models are not exactly solvable. However
in a particular case (the so-called mean field model), the model is theoretically tractable (see Sec-
1.7 for details).
For a complete graph (Aij = 1 for all pairs) the mean-field solution, described by Thouless-
Anderson-Palmer (TAP) equations, is exact if: the number of nodes tends to infinity and if the
Jij are independent and identically distributed (IID) Gaussian random variables with mean and
variance scaling as N −1 [65, 35]. One knows that it is not the case for neural networks [12]. We
can check if financial networks can be described by the mean-field solution. In this case, the
observed mean orientations should be well approximated by TAP equations
hsi ic = tanh hi + ∑ Jij hs j ic − ∑ Jij2 hsi ic [1 − hs j i2c ] (2.8)
j j
Below, we show that first and second empirical cumulants are indeed well approximated
by TAP mean-field for different market indices and for different system sizes. We consider the
N stocks of the BEL20, AEX, DAX, Dow Jones, CAC40 and S&P100 indices respectively during
T = 1050, T = 1400, T = 1550, T = 2500, T = 1550 and T = 2500 trading days, such that
T N (a trading year is usually about 250 trading days). All these data can be downloaded
from the web site Yahoo! Finance [66]. We compute TAP mean orientations of each stock in this
large time window and we compare them with their empirical mean values. The results are
illustrated in Fig-2.4.
2.4. Beyond mean field mapping
qi × 102
−10 −10
−20 −10 0 −20 −15 −10 −5 0
10 15
−20 −5
−20 −10 0 10 −5 0 5 10 15
−15 −10
−15 −10 −5 0 5 −10 0 10
qidata × 102
Figure 2.4: Comparison of TAP mean orientations (circles) and empirical ones. The straight line shows
equality. Respectively from top left to bottom right (with increasing system size): BEL20, AEX, DAX, DJ,
CAC, S&P100.
TAP mean orientations are indeed a good description of empirical mean orientations, the
typical relative deviation is less than 1%. As a further test, we also compare empirical variances
of orientations to their TAP values. Variances of orientations are hs2i ic = 1 − hsi i2c inserting the
TAP approximation leads to hs2i ic = 1 − tanh2 (hi + ∑ j Jij hs j ic − ∑ j Jij2 hsi ic [1 − hs j i2c ]).
Variances are also well approximated by TAP variances, the typical relative deviation is
about 1%. Using error propagation, one can evaluate the error on the estimation of third order
cumulants hs3i ic = 2(hsi i3c − hsi ic ) and higher order cumulants which are expressed in terms of
TAP orientations. The TAP mean field method is exact, in the so-called thermodynamic limit
N → ∞, for the infinite-range interactions provided that the following condition is satisfied [35]
x ≡ 1 − (1 − 2Q2 + Q4 ) > 0 with Q ν = N −1 ∑ qiν (2.9)
i =1
We checked that this condition is fulfilled for each of the previous data sets and so our use of
TAP equation was justified. We showed that a mean-field version of the maxent model on a
complex graph can accurately describe the stock market for different and typical system sizes
as TAP equations give results consistent with the data.
In the following, we go a step further from the mean field formulation and we perform Monte
Carlo simulations (see Sec-1.11 for details) to compute the different moments (means, covari-
ances and correlations coefficients) and to compare them to the empirical ones.
We apply the pairwise model to a set of six major market indices (AEX, Bel-20, CAC 40,
Xetra Dax, Eurostoxx 50, FTSE 100). We selected only European indices because some financial
issues are specific to Europe and we consider indices because as they are the driving force of the
respective stock markets [67], they will reflect the main properties of the underlying stock set.
We observe 2253 configurations from 6/06/2002 to 14/06/2011 [66], a nine year long time se-
ries including two large crises. Later, we will also analyse the stocks composing the Dow Jones
and the S&P100 indices, and another set of 116 stocks. The small number of entities allows a
direct computation (potentially exact) of Lagrange parameters through the optimization (2.1).
As mentioned above, higher-order interactions can be involved in the interaction structure. In
order to show that pairwise correlations are prevailing, we compute the Kullback-Leibler (KL)
divergence, DKL ( P2 k Pdata ) between the two-agent maximum entropy (ME) distribution P2 and
the empirical one Pdata . The KL divergence is equal to 2.27 × 10−2 for the ME distribution
inferred from 2253 observations. It must be compared to DKL ( P1 k Pdata ) = 1.48 for the inde-
pendent agents model P1 . The closer to zero this quantity is, the closer P2 to Pdata is. Moreover,
the multi-information IN = S( P1 ) − S( PN ) in this application is equal to 98.5%. The pairwise
correlations model is effective since it explains almost all the available information; only 1.5%
of information is due to higher-order interactions.
As a further test of the pairwise model consistency, we compare the average index orien-
tations qi = T −1 ∑tT=1 si,t obtained by simulation to the real ones. We simulate the process by
doing 1 × 105 equilibration Monte Carlo time steps1 (MCS) and we compute the average on
the next 2 × 107 MCS in order to reduce the variance of the estimator. The flipping attempts
are simulated by the so-called Glauber dynamics (see Sec-1.11). Namely, we take an entity i
randomly chosen and the attempt to flip the associated binary variable si is performed with a
rate depending on an exponential weight, the other orientations remaining fixed. We compute
the time average for each index from the data and we compare it to the value obtained with the
simulation; they are illustrated in Fig-2.5.
qisim × 102
−5 0 5 10 15
qidata × 10 2
Figure 2.5: Comparison of simulated orientations and the actual ones. The straight line shows equality.
The circles stand for simulations with exact Lagrange parameters and pentagons stand for approximated
Lagrange parameters (1.65).
The root mean squared error (RMSE) is equal to 7.0 × 10−4 , which represents 1.5% of the
root mean squared (RMS) value of the six arithmetic means (equal to 4.9 × 10−2 ). We reproduce
quantitatively the average orientation of the six indices on the observation period. Moreover,
since we obtained the probability distribution, we can compare the correlation coefficients re-
sulting from the sampling of the proposed probability distribution to the empirical ones. We
sample the probability law with exact Lagrange parameters (superscripts ME) p2 (s, JME , hME )
by a Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC). We take 1.2 × 106 equilibration steps and 1.2 × 104 in-
dependent sampling steps between each sample. Fig-2.6 illustrates the reproduced correlation
coefficients with the maximum entropy estimation versus the empirical ones. The results for
1A Monte Carlo step is a sequence of N iterations, where N is the number of entities in the considered system.
2.4. Beyond mean field mapping
only 130 observations (chosen arbitrarily corresponding to half a year) are conclusive. Indeed
the RMSE represents 8.3% of the RMS value and the correlation coefficient of the empirical and
simulated values is equal to 0.963. Including more observations (2258 trading days) allows us
to reduce the dispersion in the results (correlation coefficient of the empirical and simulated
values equal to 0.997; the RMSE represents 1.8% of the RMS value). We note that it is effective
even with few data.
1 1
Recovered corr. coeff.
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Emp. corr. coeff. Emp. corr. coeff.
Figure 2.6: Reproduced correlation coefficients from MCMC versus empirical ones. The straight line
shows equality. The result based on 130 observations (left) and the result based on 2258 observations
We perform the same work for the Dow Jones and the S&P100 indices (2500 configurations
observed from 10/10/2001 to 02/08/2011). We also consider 116 stocks from the New York
Stock Exchange available on the Onnela’s website 2 extending from the beginning of 1982 to the
end of 2000 (4800 trading days). For these larger stock sets, the exact entropy maximization (2.1)
is not computationally tractable. We use instead an approximated method (in our application
the rPLM method performs best, see Sec-1.12 for details). The results for the first and second
reproduced moments (2 × 106 equilibration MCS, values estimated on 2 × 107 samples recorded
each N iterations) are illustrated in Fig-2.7 and Fig-2.8.
qi × 102
0 10
−5 −10 0
−5 0 5 10 −10 0 10 0 10 20
qidata × 10 2
Figure 2.7: Comparison of simulated orientations and the actual ones. From left to right: DJ, S&P100 and
Onnela’s set. The straight line shows equality.
The correlation coefficient between the reproduced and empirical values is respectively
0.998, 0.996 and 0.997 for the net orientations illustrated in Fig-2.7 and 0.989, 0.964, 0.997 for
the covariances illustrated in Fig-2.8 which shows the strong linear statistical relation between
the empirical and the reproduced values. The relative deviations between the RMSE and the
RMS values are respectively 2%, 7% and 6% for the net orientations and 9%, 17%, 8% for the
We have seen that, in addition of the multi-information criterion, the net orientations and the
covariances are reproduced from this model even with few data. We conclude that the proposed
2 http://jponnela.com/
Figure 2.8: Reproduced covariances versus empirical ones. From left to right: DJ, S&P100 and Onnela’s
set. The straight line shows equality.
pairwise interaction structure is a trustful one; this means that interactions are believed to be
pairwise and symmetric ones and that they cause correlations. However, it is not obvious that
all the entries of the influence matrix should be considered as real information and not noise.
We study the distribution of the pairwise influence hereafter.
The good adequation between empirical and TAP cumulants suggests that the market network
should be like a complete graph, with pairwise influences which should be Gaussian ones and
scale as the inverse of the system size. However, the real financial network may not actually be
a complete graph even if the only null entries of the interaction matrix are the diagonal ones.
Indeed one knows that a part of the correlations is noise [17]. Moreover, the finite size of the
sample also implies errors in the parameters estimation. It would be nice if, in addition, the
interaction matrix entries Jij were actually gaussian random variables as required in the TAP
mean-field approach. This would make the link with the Gaussian spin glass theory [13] used
in physics, information theory, optimization, herd behaviour, etc. We want to emphasize that
one should not confuse the interaction matrix with the covariance matrix of the returns. The
fact that J entries are normally distributed does not mean that there are only noisy movements
in the market. The J matrix describes the pairwise interactions, not directly the correlations.
We illustrated in Fig-2.9 the empirical frequencies of the estimated mutual influences, esti-
mation performed by inverting a second order mean-field approximation of the self consistent
equation as described in Sec-1.12. We consider the Dow Jones index and a set of 116 NYSE
stocks observed during 4800 trading days (available at www.jponnela.com). The frequencies
distribution does not seem to be exactly Gaussian since the upper tail is fatter than in the Gaus-
sian distribution. To formalize this observation, we first use a qualitative normality test. We
compare the empirical 1000-quantiles (permilles) with the theoretical 1000-quantiles. If the Jij
are Gaussian random variables, we should obtain a linear relation between both these quanti-
ties. We illustrated our results in Fig-2.10.
We tested the normality of the interaction strengths for the previous six market indices.
We obtained similar results than those illustrated in Fig-2.10. The upper tail of the empirical
distribution is also found fatter than the Gaussian one but the bulk of the distribution seems
to be Gaussian. Then we use the χ2 and the Jarque-Bera statistical normality tests on the J
upper triangular part amputated of its upper tail. They do not lead to the rejection of the null
hypothesis that the bulk of the underlying distribution is a Gaussian one.
Last, to evaluate the importance of the noise in the estimation, we simulate binary time-
series (for different sizes and sample lengths) with the maximum entropy conditional flipping
probability p(si,t = −si,t−1 |s−i,t ) given the state at time t excluding the ith entity. The influence
matrix was taken homogenous with all entries equal to the empirical mean Jij of the considered
index in those simulations. We then estimate the influence matrix with those artificial data.
Ideally, the standard deviation of estimated artificial influences σnoise should be much smaller
than the one of real influences σJ . The results are reported in Table-2.1. Depending on the
sample length, the noise seems to be significantly but not the dominant part of the estimation
excepted for large system size.
2.5. Distribution of the pairwise influences
101 101
100 100
−0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Figure 2.9: Left: Empirical frequencies of pairwise influences for the DJ (daily time-scale) and right: the
Onnela’s set . The dashed line is a Gaussian fit of the influences frequencies distribution amputated of its
upper tails.
Empirical quant.
−0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 −0.15 −0.1 −5 · 10−2 0 5 · 10−2 0.1 0.15
Theor. Gaussian quant.
Figure 2.10: Comparison of S&P100 empirical 1000-quantiles (circles) and theoretical ones. The straight
line shows equality. Respectively from left to right: all the 4950 entries of the J matrix and the results
without the last 200 entries.
Table 2.1: Quantification of noisy part of the variance of inferred mutual influences.
However it is not obvious if the upper tail can be neglected or not (one knows that one
cannot neglect the non-Gaussian part of the correlation matrix). The non-Gaussian part of the
distribution may also be an inference artefact (since less than 10% of the influences are non-
Gaussian ones). We are tempted to let the door open to the case of Gaussian influences. Indeed,
in addition to the previous evidence of TAP matching, Gaussian interactions are compatible
with the observed market eigen-mode. Consider the simplest situation where Jij are really IID
Gaussian random variables with zero mean (thus including the frustration since half of the
pairwise influences are negative). The largest eigenvalues of the returns covariance matrix are
linked to eigenvalues of the J matrix by the relation [1 − Jλ + J 2 ]−1 in the mean field approach,
where Jλ is an eigenvalue of the J matrix and J 2 ≡ N VAR( Jij ) [13]. This quantity is large when
Jλ lies in the vicinity of 1 + J 2 . When the Jij = Jji are IID Gaussian variables, the largest eigen-
value of the interaction matrix is equal to 2J. A special case is the one where J = 1 which
corresponds to the transition in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. The largest eigenvalue of
the covariance matrix diverges in the limit of infinite number of entities. We illustrated this
behaviour for N = 100 interacting stocks with IID Gaussian interaction strengths in Fig-2.11.
P (λ)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
P (λ)
0.1 market
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Figure 2.11: (Top) Typical probability distribution of the eigenvalues of th returns covariance matrix at
the transition. A critical random market is able to exhibit non-Gaussian covariance matrix. (Bottom) The
empirical probability distribution of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the S&P100 index.
In the present applications entries of the interaction matrix do not seem to have a common
mean and variance; therefore the relation between both kinds of eigenvalues is more complex
than the former one. It is then non-obvious to conclude wether the interaction strengths are ac-
tually Gaussian or whether the right fat-tail of their distribution is a true deviation to the normal
distribution (and not an inference artifact). The possible interpretation of a market behaving as
a critical complex system will be investigated in detail in a dedicated chapter.
The possible normality of interactions has another consequence: the U (s) function defines
a Gaussian process. Our model is thus a random utility model and tools of the random matrix
theory [68] can be useful to study the market structure, as they already are in the study of stock
return correlations [17]. We also checked that a significant part of interaction strengths are nega-
tive (37.2% for the S&P100 and 24.3% for the Dow Jones). Together with the former observation
of a possible market mode even with truly Gaussian Jij , we may think that the frustration is a
main feature of the market interaction structure. We may think the frustration as competitive in-
fluences between cyclic sectors (more correlated to the global health of the worldwide economy
and thus privileged by the investor during a growth period) and the defensive sectors.
2.5. Distribution of the pairwise influences
Another main feature is the scaling of the mean interaction strengths as a function of the
system size, as needed in the TAP mean-field approach. To ensure that the H function (2.5) is
extensive (scaled as H ∝ N), the mean strength Jij should be scaled as Jij ∝ N −1 [69]. Hereafter,
we show that mean interaction strengths exhibit indeed these scaling properties for character-
istic system sizes encountered in stock markets. We infer interaction strengths on a common
time window of 1000 trading days (four years long time series) for the following indices (given
in increasing size): BEL20, AEX, DAX, DJ, CAC40, S&P100 and Onnela’s set. We add a sup-
plementary point by computing the interaction strengths between six major European indices
(adding another order of magnitude to the typical system size). The results are illustrated in
101 102
Figure 2.12: Log-log plot of the mean interaction strengths as a function of the typical system sizes
(circles). The straight line is a non-linear fit (power-law).
We adjust a power law aN −α to the data (illustrated by a straight line in a log-log graphic).
The resulting coefficient of determination R2 = 0.997. The estimation of the slope is α̂ =
0.928 ± 0.030 (mean ± s.d). We conclude from this analysis that the mean strength scales as
Jij ∝ N −α with alpha close to 1, in the interval of characteristic system sizes encountered in
financial markets. This implies that the utility function (2.5) may be an extensive one (propor-
tional to the size of the system) and thus that the quantities which derive from this function may
be correctly scaled. We note this is not the case for neural networks where the typical interaction
strengths seem to be constant for growing N. In a complex system this situation is equivalent to
lowering the stochasticity (sometimes called the temperature by analogy to physical systems)
leading to a frozen state. The scaling Jij ∝ N −1 implies on the contrary that financial systems
will not freeze and will not have the error-correcting property [12], meaning that one can not
recover the entire market state by an observation of a small part of it.
Since interaction strengths can be weak, we may ask if they have actually a predominant
role in the market structure or if the values of interesting quantities are principally determined
by individual bias hi . From the relation (2.2) we conclude that the orientation of each stock
si is subjected to a total bias hi + 2−1 ∑ j Jij s j . Interactions play a key role if the internal bias
i = 2−1 ∑ j Jij s j is significant compared to the individual bias hi . We checked that they are
in average of the same magnitude order. The results for the S&P100 index are illustrated in
Collecting previous results, we gave empirical evidence that the financial market is de-
scribed by a statistical model equivalent to an infinite range (mean-field) pairwise maxent
model. The spin glass theory provides an effective toolbox to study the financial markets struc-
ture as a complex system [57, 69].
i |
5 · 10−2
0 5 · 10−2 0.1
2.6 Conclusion
We provided empirical evidence that the financial network is accurately described by a statisti-
cal model which can be thought as an pairwise maxent model on a complex (possibly complete)
graph with scaled mutual influences. This results lays down the pairwise model as a consistent
paradigm in the study of stock market since first and second order influences are the dominant
ones. In particular, we showed that orientations are accurately inferred by the TAP equation
(in the stability domain) and reproduced by Monte Carlo simulations. Linked to this result,
we checked that almost all the interaction strengths are Gaussian random variables, their av-
erage values scale as N −α with α close to 1. A significant part of the interaction strengths are
negative, leading to multiplication of equilibria and metastable states. Moreover, we showed
that this model with truly Gaussian and scaled (N −1 ) influences is able to reproduce the mar-
ket eigen-mode. Consequently the proposed model may be thought as an exact mean-field one
and the market state cannot be deduced by an observation of a small part of it. Some methods
developed in the spin glasses and neural networks theories could be applied in the study of the
financial network, but we must pay attention to the specificities of each discipline, like the char-
acteristic system size and the scaling of interactions for instance. Some of the consequences are
the existence of metastable states, the emergence of collective phenomena and spatial patterns,
etc. Furthermore, the processes taking place in the stock market should then occur at different
timescales. The finite size of the stock market avoids the thermodynamic limit even as an ap-
proximation. Indeed the characteristic index size is about N = 102 or N = 103 , much smaller
than in physical or biological systems. Even if the relevant variables are correctly
√ scaled, the
fluctuations can be significant because at equilibrium they typically scale as N.
Other potentialities could be the clustering analysis, the characterization of the financial
network (confirming the small-worldness and scale-freeness within this framework), the study
of crises through the interaction matrix and Monte-Carlo simulations. Some of these aspects
will be investigated in other chapters of this work.
Market structure explained by pairwise interactions
Financial markets are a typical example of complex systems where
interactions between constituents lead to many remarkable features.
Here, we show that a pairwise maximum entropy model (or auto-
logistic model) is able to describe switches between ordered (strongly
correlated) and disordered market states. In this framework, the in-
fluence matrix may be thought as a dissimilarity measure and we ex-
plain how it can be used to study market structure. We make the
link with the graph-theoretic description of stock markets reproduc-
ing the non-random and scale-free topology, shrinking length during
crashes and meaningful clustering features as expected. The pairwise
model provides an alternative method to study financial networks
which may be useful for characterization of abnormal market states
(crises and bubbles), in capital allocation or for the design of regula-
tion rules.
Highlight the
collective mar-
ket modes in
Study the mar- trend reversals
ket structure process
3.1. Introduction
3.1 Introduction
Complex systems are particularly interesting because they exhibit very sophisticated behaviours
caused by, a priori, simple rules. Indeed, magnetic materials and neural networks, for instance,
have some striking features such as phase transitions, memory, complicated equilibria struc-
tures and clustering. It is remarkable that these properties are caused by such simple interac-
tions as pairwise ones. In the previous chapter, we gave evidence that the markets are driven
by such simple rules and that the higher-order interactions encountered in financial systems
are the pairwise ones. Typical characteristics of a complex system are numerous entities and
interaction rules (with a degree of non-linearity), all leading to the emergence of collective be-
haviours. These behaviours depend, in general, more on the interactions (e.g their scaling and
their order) and their effects than on the intrinsic nature of the elementary constitutive entities
taken individually. The market can be viewed as such a system. The entities can be stocks or
traders interacting through non-obvious rules. We note that we should interpret interaction at
the larger sense of mutual or reciprocal influence.
What one knows is that the markets exhibit features such as synchronization [54], struc-
tural reorganization [19, 70], power laws [71, 3], hierarchical and non-randomness [56]. What
one does not know is the true market dynamics. Even if trading rules are known, micro-
scopic equations of motion are unknown. This is a fundamental difference between finance
and physics/neuroscience.
A natural approach, given the above considerations, is a statistical modelling collecting and
using at best the available amount of information and allowing (in a certain sense) the emer-
gence of critical properties. This is exactly the purpose of the maximum entropy modelling in
complex systems theory. Indeed the maximum entropy principle (MEP) allows the selection of
the less restricting model on the basis of incomplete information. We choose this data-based
approach to avoid the use of any particular microscopic schemes (e.g. trader-agent-based rules,
a priori unknown) which are difficult to assess experimentally or to avoid any analogy (even
if some of such models are valuable [57]). The reason is that, even if one does not know the
underlying microscopic processes, the macroscopic collective behaviours can still be described
by an effective model. One has long experience of this powerful approach in the description of
phase transitions and magnetic materials [13]. More recently, it has led to valuable results about
the description of real neural networks [12]. Moreover, this approach also has counterparts in
economics. Indeed, in addition to the statistical meaning of the entropy, one can interpret it as
a measure of the economic activity [30] and it is linked to the central concept of utility of many
interacting economic entities [52, 60].
An important outcome of such a modelling is a convenient simplified version of the real
interaction structure that is still consistent with the data and observed collective phenomena.
In the following, we derive the model from this point of view and we study the structural
properties of the resulting complex network. The critical properties will be investigated in
another work.
The chapter is organized as follows. In section 3.2, we briefly recall the model. In section
3.3, we show an order-disorder transition through actual data. In section 3.4, we highlight the
properties of the interaction matrix and its link to the crises. Finally, in section 3.5 we explain
the link with the graph-theoretic approach and the topological evolution of the market network.
The aim is to set up a statistical model describing the market state. This requires a way to infer
the probability distribution in order to get the observables (here, the associated moments). The
model will also allow the study of the market structure. We consider a set of N market indices
or N stocks with binary states si (si = ±1 for all i = 1, · · · , N). A system configuration will be
described by a vector s = (s1 , · · · , s N ). The binary variable will be equal to 1 if the associated
index is bullish and equal to −1 if not. A configuration (s1 , · · · , s N ) is a binary version of the
index returns.
We seek to establish a less structured model explaining only the measured index mean orien-
tation qi = hsi i and instantaneous pairwise correlations qkl = hsk sl i. The brackets h·i denote the
average with respect to the unknown distribution p(s). As the entropy of a distribution mea-
sures the randomness or the lack of interaction among the binary variables, a way to infer such
probability distribution knowing the mean orientations and the correlations is the maximum
entropy principle. It consists in the following constrained maximization:
max S(s) = max − ∑ p(s) ln p(s) (3.1)
{ p(s)} { p(s)} {s}
where Jij and hi are Lagrange multipliers and Z a normalizing constant (the partition function),
see Sec-1.4 for details.
One of the most exciting features of the model is the emergence of collective behaviours even
if the interactions are weak. The aim is to provide quantitative empirical evidence that the
pairwise modelling is a consistent paradigm to describe collective behaviours in markets. In
the following, we apply the pairwise model to a set of six major market indices (AEX, Bel-20,
CAC 40, Xetra Dax, Eurostoxx 50, FTSE 100). We selected only European indices because some
financial issues are specific to Europe and we consider indices because they are the driving
force of the respective market places [67], they will reflect the main properties of the underlying
stock set. We observe 2253 configurations from 6/06/2002 to 14/06/2011 [66]. We take a nine
year long time series including two large crises. The daily sampling is enough since we want
to study large crises, and the two principal peaks of the Fourier transform are centered on
frequencies f 1 = 6 × 10−4 d−1 and f 2 = 1.2 × 10−3 d−1 ; the unit day stands for trading day.
The first frequency f 1 is the crisis occurrence frequency in our time window, the corresponding
period is T1 = 1.7 × 103 d . Later, we will also analyse the stocks composing the Dow Jones and
the S&P100 indices, and another set of 116 stocks. First of all, we give the magnitude order of
the interaction strengths and of the empirical pairwise correlations in Fig-3.1.
5 · 10−2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8
Jij χij
Figure 3.1: Left: maximum entropy distribution of the interaction strengths J̃ME and right: empirical
distribution of the pairwise correlations obtained from the collected data.
The Jij are all positive; we can therefore use the net mean orientation as an order parameter
to describe switches between strongly and weakly correlated states. The mean value of hi is
about 0.0113.
As the previous pairwise model describes market indices quantitatively, we expect to ob-
serve an order-disorder transition in this system; we give below some empirical evidence that
these transitions actually appear. As the interaction strengths are all positive, the system is or-
dered if the net orientation distribution has two modes near the extreme values −1 and 1 and
3.3. Order-disorder transition
disordered if the distribution has a unique mode. Indeed in an ordered situation, each index
tends to have the same orientation as the others. Furthermore, in the absence of external in-
fluences, both extreme values are equivalent (as a consequence of the symmetry under sign
exchange), and the distribution is thus bimodal. One of the extreme values can be favoured
following the values taken by the external influences hi . It will be a first clue that the system
is reorganized if the distribution changes in such a way (having two modes and then a unique
one, and reciprocally). We compute the system net orientation q(τ, ∆t) = (∆t N )−1 ∑i ∑τt=+τ∆t si,t
on successive periods ∆t of 25 trading days (without overlapping), and we show that the net
orientation probability distribution can be bimodal or not on successive time windows. The
resulting empirical distributions for observations from 5 November 2010 to 30 March 2011 are
illustrated in Fig-3.2.
0.3 0.2 0.2
Figure 3.2: Empirical probability distribution of the net orientation on four successive periods, each of 25
trading days. Time goes from left to right. The last time window corresponds to the irregularity induced
by the Fukushima nuclear accident.
In Fig-3.2 we see that the empirical probability distribution has initially two modes at ex-
treme orientation values then has no clear mode, and finally again has two modes. During
this period, initially the indices move in an organized way then in a disorganized fashion, and
finally the Fukushima nuclear accident caused a large global market fall followed by a large
recovery. During this event, the indices were in co-movement. So the system is initially ordered
then disordered for two periods and then again ordered.
A more accurate way to characterize financial irregularities is to study the entropy S(s) on
a sliding window (here, 300 trading days shifted by 1 day). Indeed the entropy is a statistical
measure of the amount of correlations. The stronger the correlations, the lower the entropy.
The main issue is that in general entropy can not be obtained exactly because it requires the
computation of 2 N terms. We compute the zeroth order approximation (see methods) of the
entropy on those time windows (much faster than the exact computation). We saw in Sec-1.7
that the zeroth order approximation of the entropy [69] is
1 + qi 1 + qi 1 − qi 1 − qi
S0 ( s ) = − ∑ ln + ln (3.3)
i =1
2 2 2 2
The entropy is maximal when the average orientations, computed on the corresponding time
window, are equal to zero and is minimal when the indices have the same orientation. During
a disordered period, the entropy should be large and during a synchronized (ordered) period
the entropy should be low. We should thus observe entropy minima simultaneously to orienta-
tion extrema (bubbles or crashes). We check in the results illustrated in Fig-3.3 that orientation
extrema and entropy minima are related to the periods of synchronization described in [54].
We observe large falls of the entropy when the net orientation is much larger than its mean
(the mean is set to zero in Fig-3.3). The shaded portions show the orientation extrema and en-
tropy minima on this time window. They correspond (chronologically) to the end of the growth
period and the end of the collapse. Furthermore the correlation coefficient of the net-orientation
and the financial time series is equal to 0.82 showing a high degree of linear statistical depen-
dency. We conclude that the entropy minima are thus related to financial irregularities (large
upward or downward movements).
This is an empirical evidence that order-disorder transitions occur in markets. This interpre-
tation is supported by the recent results obtained in [54], where the authors showed that market
irregularities present a high degree of synchronization, meaning an ordered state. The economic
consequence is that the whole market is correlated when such transitions occur. It also means
the absence of a characteristic scale for the fluctuations and the emergence of power-laws.
04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
March 09
0 1000
Trading days
Figure 3.3: The normalized sum of indices (full line), the normalized net orientation (dashed-dotted line)
and the normalized mean-field entropy (dashed line). The curves have been smoothed. The last major
crisis is pointed out by an arrow. The shaded portions show orientation extrema and entropy minima.
Linked to the above, such a transition occurs if the stochasticity changes or the interaction
strengths change. A possible interpretation of time-varying interaction strengths is that some
learning or adaptive process takes place through time. This means that the market adjusts the
interactions between its entities in some adaptive processes so the { Jij , hi } are time dependent.
The reason is that the background, namely worldwide economic conditions, changes through
time and goes through economic fluctuations with contractions (recessions) and expansions
(growths). As the correlations are explained by the pairwise interactions, it also means that the
correlations to be do not necessarily match past correlations (non-stationarity).
Following this interpretation, we expect that the temporal behaviours of the interaction
strengths and external influences are related to market evolution. This is indeed true, as we
will see below. First of all, we study the preference evolution of the six previous indices (re-
flecting the current state of the European economy) and its link to the crises. We use a sliding
temporal window of width T = 200 trading days shifted by a constant amount of ∆t = 2 trad-
ing days. We show that the aggregate preference h = ∑i hi is negative during a crisis (or during
a significant contraction) as illustrated in Fig-3.4.
The first negative incursion corresponds to the 2002-2003 crisis and the second one to the
2008-2009 crisis [66]. As expected the external influences are decreasing when the market un-
dergoes a crash.
More interestingly, we will study the spectrum of the interaction matrix. Indeed the spec-
trum evolution is related to the market evolution. The spectrum of the interaction matrix of a
stock set has an interesting feature; we will show it for the Dow Jones index. We collected data
for the Dow Jones index from the 10 October 2001 to 1 August 2011 [66], and we extract the
interaction strengths using the third-order approximation described in [45]. The trace of the in-
teraction matrix, the sum of its eigenvalues, has the following interesting property. It decreases
during a crisis; specifically, the trace minus its temporal average becomes negative if there is a
substantial fall of the index, this feature is illustrated in Fig-3.5.
The trace of the exact interaction matrix should be zero (without self-interactions) but, with
the Tanaka’s diagonal trick detailed in Sec-1.12, the diagonal entries are related to the second-
order term and to a part of the third-order of the Plefka series [45, 35]. The second-order term
of the Plefka series is negative, the sign of the third-order term depends on the product of the
interaction strengths. The temporal variation of the trace reflects the temporal variation of these
second and third order terms. These terms are particularly important near a transition. This
3.4. Dynamics of interactions
March 03 March 09
0 1000 2000
Trading days
Figure 3.4: The aggregate preference (dashed line) and the normalized sum of indices (full line); both
curves have been smoothed. The last two major crises are pointed out by arrows.
March 03 March 09
0 1000 2000
Trading days
Figure 3.5: The normalized Dow Jones index is plotted as a full line; the trace minus its temporal average
is the dashed line. We used a sliding temporal window of width equal to 200 trading days shifted each
time by 5 trading days.
explains why the trace of the interaction matrix is smaller than its mean value during a crisis.
Indeed during a crisis all stocks act in similar way: they fall down. They thus have similar
mean orientation (down) and the resulting system state is an ordered one. Before the crisis,
during a common market growth or steady state, the price of some stocks rises (on average)
and some others fall leading to a dispersion of the mean orientations. This is indirect evidence
of a transition from one regime to another and of coordination. It is consistent with the results
obtained above and in [54, 55]. In appendix, we illustrate in Fig-3.14 a larger version of the
Similarly, the determinant of the J-matrix undergoes a large variation during the crisis pe-
riod, this behaviour is illustrated in Fig-3.6.
March 03 March 09
0 1000 2000
Trading days
Figure 3.6: The normalized Dow Jones index is plotted as a thick line; the thin line illustrates the deter-
minant minus its temporal average. We used a sliding temporal window of width equal to 200 trading
days shifted each time by 5 trading days.
Hereafter, we make the link with the previous spectrum feature and the observation that the
length of the minimum spanning tree (MST) based on the Sornette-Mantegna distance (see Sec-
1.15) decreases during a crash [49, 50], meaning that stocks are highly correlated during these
events (as they should be in an order-disorder transition). We will see that we recover this
feature with the pairwise model with a distance based on interaction strengths in place of cor-
relation coefficients. Indeed the interaction matrix can be thought of as the weight matrix of
an undirected complete graph. Using a modified version of the method proposed in [72] and
computing the minimum spanning tree length L(t) (the sum of the edges weights of the MST),
we also observe that this length decreases during a crash, as expected; the results for the Dow
Jones index are illustrated in Fig-3.7.
Moreover, it also allows cluster identification. Indeed, it is known that the asset tree based
on the Sornette-Mantegna distance allows regrouping some stocks in clusters following their
economic sectors [50]. As correlations are caused by the interactions, it is not surprising that
the MST of the network defined by the interaction matrix also allows cluster identification. This
approach has the advantage of not being limited to linear or monotonic statistical dependencies.
The clustering feature is illustrated in Fig-3.8.
We note that General Electric (GE) is not the most connected node but it is a cental one in
the sense that it appears in three different clusters, as such it is still considered as the root of the
MST and defines the generational direction. This approach provides a different classification
than the one given in [50] or given by Forbes for instance. Indeed, Forbes classification is given
by sector then by industry. Disney and Walmart are classified in the same sector, services; this
category is too vague to be an useful tag. Similarly, General Electric is tagged by Forbes as in-
dustrial goods and then as diversified machinery but this company also provides financial services,
aircraft engines, TV channel broadcasting, etc. It is then clear that this company should be clas-
sified with more than one tag, as does the proposed method. In this point of view, the internal
structure of each company seems to be the crucial information to identify stock clusters.
Another method to visualize clusters is to plot the dendrogram (tree-like diagram). We
illustrated the results obtained by using the correlation matrix and the mutual influence matrix
(J) as dissimilarity matrices in Fig-3.9. The identification is done by using the linkage function 1
with complete standardized euclidian distance between clusters. A stock was removed due to
1 see http://www.mathworks.nl/help/stats/linkage.html, for instance.
3.5. Link to the graph-theoretic approach
March 03 March 09
0 1000 2000
Trading days
Figure 3.7: The normalized Dow Jones index is plotted in full line, the relative difference to the time
average of the length l (t) = [ L(t) − h Li] /h Li is the dashed line (where the brackets denote the temporal
average). We use a sliding window of 100 trading days shifted by 10 trading days each time.
KFT Techn
INTC Pharm.
KO HPQ MRK Heavy Ind.
Telecom DIS
Financial WMT Aviation Ind.
Figure 3.8: The minimum spanning tree based on the interaction matrix J is estimated on 2500 trading
days. The companies are denoted by their ticks; they can be found on any financial website (Google finance
for instance).
lack of data.
The dendrogram obtained with the J-matrix returns the following sectors (the different clus-
ters are shown in different colours): technology (IBM, HPQ, MSFT, INTC, CSCO), general dis-
tribution (WMT, HD), aviation industry (UTX, BA), TV broadcasting (DIS, GE), financial (TRV,
BAC, AXP), chemicals (DD, MMM), heavy industry (CAT, AA), telecom (VZ, T), food and con-
4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1.5 2
0.6 0.8
29 0.7
5 0.5 7
3 29
26 15 0.6
2 20
4 22
10 0.4 16
8 17 0.5
19 24
9 27
25 1 0.4
6 0.3 5
14 8
21 19
13 2 0.3
12 4
11 0.2 9
28 10 0.2
18 3
15 26
20 18
22 11 0.1
0.1 28
23 6
24 21 0
27 13
16 12
Figure 3.9: Left: clusters and the matrix map obtained from the correlation matrix of the Dow Jones.
Right: from the J matrix. The matrices are reordered such that clusters stand on the diagonal (the numbers
show the original ordering position).
sumer goods (KFT, PG, KO), healthcare (PFE, MRK, JNJ) and oil industry (XOM, CVX). These
sectors are consistent with those of the MST analysis and close to the companies profile.
A more explicit example is the clustering of some stocks of the DAX illustrated in Fig-3.10.
The clustering form the J matrix seems more effective than with the correlation matrix.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Figure 3.10: Left: clusters obtained from the correlation matrix of the DAX index. Right: from the J
matrix. The matrices are reordered such that clusters stand on the diagonal.
We perform the same clustering method for a larger set, even with few data points (T =
2500) and large number of entities (N = 95), the different clusters seem to be close to the known
3.5. Link to the graph-theoretic approach
profile of each company. The clusters are illustrated in Fig-3.13. We also note that in general the
J-matrix is more sparse than the correlation matrix. This feature may explain why the clustering
using the J matrix is more efficient than with the correlation matrix. The sparsity is illustrated
in Fig-3.11.
0.6 0.4
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 0.4 60
50 50
0.3 0.15
40 40 0.1
30 0.2 30 0.05
20 20 0
10 10
20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Figure 3.11: Matrix map of the SP100 index. Left: map of the correlation matrix. Right: map of the
J-matrix. The matrices are reordered such that clusters stand on the diagonal.
This clustering method may be useful in portfolio composition and capital allocation. In-
deed, we may look after diversification and cluster identification is then a crucial feature.
We can also study the topological structure of the remaining asset tree during a crash and a
growth period. We will see that, as expected, the degree distribution follows a power law. We
consider the stocks of the S&P100 index on two intervals, from 1/10/2007 to 01/02/2009 (360
trading day crisis period) and from 1/02/2005 to 1/07/2007 (600 trading day growth period).
The occurring frequencies of the vertex degrees are illustrated in Fig-3.12.
F (n) F (n)
2 2
10 10
bC bC
101 bC 101 bC
bC bC bC
bC bC
n 100 n
100 10 1
100 101
Figure 3.12: The degree distributions during a growth period (left) and during a crash (right). The solid
line is a power-law fit; the coefficients of determination are respectively 0.98 and 0.93.
This study reveals that the degree distribution is a power law, f (n) ∼ n−α , and the value of
the exponent is similar for both periods. For the growth period, we obtain α̂ = 1.64 ± 0.17 and
during a crash α̂ = 1.58 ± 0.12. They can be included in the confidence interval of each other,
so they are similar. The maximum degree is n = 8 in the both periods. There are 58 vertices of
degree n = 1 during the crash. This value is slightly larger (about 10%) than the one correspond-
ing to the growth period, 52 vertices of degree n = 1. This explains the difference between both
exponents. The asset tree topology is thus slightly different during a crash. The main change
is the variation of the interaction strengths (the graph weights) rather than the variation of the
vertex degrees. In both regimes, the asset trees are thus scale-free networks. This implies that
the edges are not drawn at random and the asset trees exhibit small-worldness (typical distance
between two randomly chosen is proportional to the logarithm of total number of nodes in the
network), as observed with another method in [56]. Furthermore, the low value of this expo-
nent implies that hubs (high-degree vertices) represent a significant part of the total number
of vertices. The market is thus sensitive to the failure of a hub (a highly connected company)
whereas the failure of a leaf (terminal node) will only slightly affect the market. By example the
hypothetic failure of the American Express Company (AXP) would leave a fragmented market
whereas the bankruptcy of Kraft Food Inc. (KFT) would not change the topology of the asset
tree significantly; see Fig-3.8. This could help in selecting the companies one has to save from
an eventual bankruptcy in order to minimize the impact of such an event. This could also help
to select which companies one has to monitor to prevent a hypothetical dramatic system failure.
3.6 Conclusion
We have seen that, without making assumptions on the market dynamics, the maximum en-
tropy principle provides a rigourous pairwise model which is able to describe the data and
the observed collective behaviours quantitatively. We showed that the collective phenomena
emerge from simple pairwise interactions. The success of the pairwise model implies that mar-
kets exhibit some properties observed in magnetic materials and in neural networks. Indeed,
we showed that an order-disorder transition occurs in such a system, as described by a pair-
wise model equivalent to the Ising model. We showed that the interaction strengths are time
dependent meaning that an adaptive process occurs. Moreover, these Lagrange parameters are
closely related to the orientation of the economic background. Furthermore, the J matrix reveals
itself a good measure of dissimilarity and allows cluster identification. This feature may be use-
ful for capital allocation between different economic sectors (seeking for diversification) or to
study the market structure.
The minimum spanning tree based on the J matrix allows to determine the most connected
economic nodes and may be used to determine which company is the most likely to overcome
a systemic crash or which company may induce major impacts in case of bankruptcy.
In this view the system is more than the sum of its parts, is ruled by its entities pairs, exhibits
collective behaviours and is quantitatively described by a pairwise model. It is surprising that
such sophisticated collective behaviours, emergent structures and underlying complex trading
rules are captured by a simple (a priori) scheme of interdependence involving only pairwise
but no higher-order interactions.
3.6. Conclusion
March 03 March 09
0 1000 2000
Trading days
Figure 3.14: The normalized Dow Jones index is illustrated by the curve A; the trace minus its temporal
average is the gray line (curve B). We used a sliding temporal window of width equal to 200 trading days
translated each time by 1 trading day.
March 09
-0.5 A
0 1000 2000
Trading days
Figure 3.15: The normalized sum of indices (curve A), the normalized net orientation (curve B) and the
normalized mean-field entropy (curve C). The last major crisis is pointed out by an arrow. The shaded
portions show orientation extrema and entropy minima.
A statistical perspective on criticality in financial
Stock markets are complex systems exhibiting collective phenomena
and particular features such as synchronization, fluctuations distributed
as power-laws, non-random structures and similarity to neural net-
works. Such specific properties suggest that markets operate at a
very special point. Financial markets are believed to be critical by
analogy to physical systems but little statistically based evidence has
been provided. Through a data-based methodology and comparison
to simulations inspired by statistical physics of complex systems, we
show that the Dow Jones and indices sets are not rigorously critical.
However, financial systems are significantly closer to criticality before
a crisis.
Highlight the
collective mar-
ket modes in
Study the mar- trend reversals
ket structure process
4.1. Introduction
4.1 Introduction
The notion of scale invariance is widely used in finance and economics (fractional Brownian
motion, detrended fluctuations analysis, volatility modelling, etc.). The scale invariance is cru-
cial in finance because large absolute returns are power-law distributed [61]. This lack of any
characteristic scale is surprising at first glance but finds its foundation in the theory of complex
systems. As complex systems composed of many correlated entities, financial markets exhibit
collective behaviours like synchronization or non-random structure, propensity to self-arrange
in large correlated structures as highlighted in [49, 19, 73], large fluctuations [1] and power-
laws [61]. Moreover it has been shown that financial networks share common properties with
neural networks [56]. One recovers those features in a class of models belonging to statistical
physics, pairwise maximum entropy models which are particulary suited to capture collective
behaviours. One knows that the market may exhibit some of the former features at a critical
state, defined in a precise sense [74] and that maximum entropy models may describe collec-
tive behaviours observed in neural networks [12] and in financial markets [73]. It is therefore
tempting to think that financial markets are critical [75] (in statistical physics sense) as it seems
to be for neural networks [76, 77, 78]. It is not obvious how to validate empirically the presence
of a critical state. Criticality was proposed for the approach of log-periodicity [79]. The phe-
nomenological comparison to critical phenomena was done by substituting the temperature by
the time which becomes therefore the control parameter [80] but it is merely an analogy, log-
periodicity should be understood as a dynamical feature rather than a second order phase tran-
sition. Indeed, several dynamical mechanisms generate log-periodicity [81]. Criticality was also
proposed for agent-based models exhibiting power-laws and volatility clustering at this partic-
ular state [2, 5, 82, 83, 84, 85]. However different rules and models lead to the same qualitative
stylized facts. There is still ambiguity since there are non-critical mechanisms which generate
stylized facts [86]. Furthermore, detecting the criticality is not the same task as modelling com-
plex systems, even if relations obviously exist. A rigourous approach of criticality detecting is
the inverse (or data-based) approach. A transition between scale dependence and scale invari-
ance is highlighted [11] by this means. Here, we also follow an inverse (starting from the data
without initial assumptions) procedure described in [20] and applied in [47]. This procedure is
also inspired by statistical physics and provides several statistical tests of criticality.
We find that the considered financial systems are not strictly critical even if some signatures
are observed. It is more likely that financial systems do not stay in the same regime and are
closer to the criticality when the system gets closer to a crash. The critical scaling parameter (see
hereafter) reaches its maximal value in the vicinity of the beginning of the crash. Namely, the
response function to a shock (a shock can be a modification of exogenous variables or of the level
of stochasticity) has a peak and its position scales with system size towards the operating point
(at which the probability distribution is the empirical one) for European market places. The
operating point of the Dow Jones is far from the critical one but the criticality could be reached
if the size of the index is large enough. The distribution of rank of configurations is not a power-
law if the system is well sampled and the entropy is not a linear function of the log-likelihood.
Moreover, we use a pairwise maximum entropy model [87, 73] to check that the variance of the
log-likelihood and the variance of the overlap parameter reach their maximum at a value in line
with the empirical ones. We compare empirical results to simulations of a multivariate GARCH
process and a Monte Carlo Markov Chain. They corroborate the empirical findings. Last, we
give an interpretation of criticality in financial markets. These findings can be important in a
portfolio optimization which relies on the market structure (through the correlation matrix, for
instance) and to figure out how market processes information which may eventually lead to a
The chapter is organized as follows. In section 4.2, the criticality is briefly presented. In
section 4.3, we sketch the importance of criticality. In section 4.4, we give a practical recipe of
the criticality test. In section 4.5, we recall the signatures of criticality. In section 4.6, we briefly
discuss the sampling issues. In section 4.7, we present the empirical results. In section 4.8, we
present the outcomes of simulations.
4.2 Criticality
Criticality regroups phenomena occurring at a critical state which is a state delimiting the or-
dered and disordered phase, the order-disorder transition being continuous in our concern. At
the boundary between order and disorder, interesting phenomena occur such as power-law,
increase of the correlation length, large fluctuations, slowing down, ergodicity breaking (some
states can not be reached anymore). Strictly speaking, criticality only stands for infinite systems
but for truly critical systems, the main features are qualitatively observed for finite sizes. We
introduce some of these features through an example.
We consider again an idealized city where each agent has exactly 4 neighbours as illustrated
in Fig-1.10 which is related to the Schelling’s model of segregation [88]. Each agent has to make a
choice yes/no described by si = ±1. Lets take as utility function, the Brock and Durlauf’s Social
planner random utility [52] U (s) + e(s) where U (s) = 2−1 ∑ij Jij si s j + ∑i hi si is the deterministic
part and e(s) the extreme-valued stochastic term. The stochasticity level can be handled by
tuning a given parameter T (thought as a common change of all the social influences Jij →
Jij /T). The resulting configuration distribution PT (s) is given by
1 N
1 N
eU (s)/T
PT (s) = Z T−1 exp
2T ∑ Jij si s j + T ∑ hi si ≡
i,j i =1
which is equivalent to the pairwise maxent distribution (1.37). As long as the system is finite,
all the states can be reached and ergodicity is theoretically met but some issues may emerge
following the kind of social influences [13]. As the variables describing the choices are bounded,
interesting features arose from this model (multi equilibria, order-disorder transition, etc.). It
is possible to show that this distribution is unimodal for the high levels of stochasticity and
bimodal for the low levels of stochasticity as illustrated in Fig-4.1.
0 0 0 0
−1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1
consensus consensus consensus consensus
Figure 4.1: Distributions of the net consensus resulting from a variation of the social influence strength.
From left to right: the social interaction strength increases, the system goes through a disordered state to
an ordered state. Each distribution is estimated by a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (1 × 104 equilibration
steps and 1 × 106 recorded steps) for a system of size N = 16. This example stands for the idealized city
with nearest neighbours social interactions illustrated in Fig-1.10.
The distribution goes continuously from unimodal to bimodal passing through a limiting
case at a particular value of T called the critical value of the scaling parameter Tcrit . At this value,
the response functions to a shock in the idiosyncratic preferences (external inputs) ∂hsi/∂h and
in the stochasticity level −∂hU i/∂T reach their maximum values. For a Gibbs distribution, the
response functions can be estimated by a Monte Carlo simulation using the relations
Rm ( T ) = = T −1 var[hsi] (4.2)
∂hU i
RU ( T ) = − = T −2 var[U ] (4.3)
If the number of entities is not too large, one can perform an exact re-sampling of the
probability distribution instead of simulations. For a Gibbs distribution P(s) ∝ exp(U (s)),
the re-sampling is done by introducing the scaling parameter T such that P(s) → PT (s) ∝
exp( T −1 U (s)). Both methods are illustrated in the left panel of Fig-4.2. The maximal value of
4.3. Why criticality is important
MC sim. Resamp. N =4 N =9 N = 16
Rm /N
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 2 4 0 2 4
Figure 4.2: The response functions as a function of the scaling parameter. Left panel: the response to a
shock in the stochasticity level obtained by a Monte Carlo simulation (circles) and by exact re-sampling
(full line) for a system of size N = 16. Right panel: the response function to a shock in idiosyncratic
preference for different system sizes.
the response functions scales as the system size. The finite size scaling is illustrated in the right
panel of Fig-4.2.
For the limiting case of infinite size N → ∞, the response √ functions have an asymptote at
a particular value of the scaling parameter Tcrit = 2/ ln(1 + 2) (Jij = 1 for the four near-
est neighbours) and the mean orientation goes continuously from zero to a non-zero value as
illustrated in Fig-4.3.
Mean orientation
unstable stable
0 2 4
Figure 4.3: The mean orientation as a function of the scaling parameter. The stable solutions are illus-
trated by the full line. The stability is determined by the Hessian matrix of F = − T ln Z with respect to
h s i i.
As we saw in Chap-1, the stability of a solution is determined by the Hessian matrix (H(F ))ij =
∂2 F /∂qi ∂q j (where F = − T ln Z for the scaled distribution and qi = h si i) which is the inverse
of the covariance matrix and should therefore be a positive semidefinite matrix.
Criticality is a very special feature in several ways. As we saw, the response functions reach
their maximum values which implies high reactivity and a global impact on the underlying
network. It also implies a great structural malleability since the deviations to the mean likeli-
hood (or equivalently, of the entropy −E[ln p(s)]) are the largest. An event can potentially affect
the whole network. It has been shown that at criticality pairwise maxent models are prone to
undertake avalanches triggered by external outputs [89] (informally speaking, this feature is
due to the suitable balance between fluctuations and co-movements). This idea is attractive
because its is exactly how the neural networks seems to process information [90]. Qualitatively,
one can understand communication through the network as follows. If the stochasticity level is
to high, the noise is the dominant part and a message can not be passed from hub to hub. If the
level of stochasticity is too low, the coupling is strong but the state of each hub varies slowly.
A proper balance between coordination and fluctuation is met at criticality. Formally, one can
show that the multi-information peaks at the critical point for the former model of idealized
city [91]. This feature is illustrated in Fig-4.4. A market close to the criticality is a market able to
process information efficiently, quickly modify its structure but is also a system prone to crash.
I(T )
N = 16
0 N =9
Figure 4.4: The multi-information I ( T ) as a function of the scaling parameter for the idealized city of
sizes N = 9 and N=16.
Formally, it is also a state where the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem
break down (the rate function of the large deviation principle becomes non-convex) [27].
Before going into further detail, we give the practical recipe for testing the criticality of a com-
plex system. All quantities will be defined in text.
2. Test the statistical significance and determine the corresponding maximum size N.
3. Get the response function RU and find its maximum. Repeat for several (∼ 100) sets of N
randomly chosen entities. For each set:
4.5. Signatures of criticality
A critical state can be thought as a state where the system lies at the threshold between order
and disorder. If there is no uncertainty, markets are perfectly ordered and thus homogeneous
(either positive or negative). In the opposite situation where uncertainty is maximal, markets
are completely random and uncorrelated; the probability to observe a positive or negative re-
turn is equal to 1/2 whatever the returns (positive or negative) of other market exchanges. A
critical state is halfway between these extreme states, letting markets on the edge of disorder
and highly heterogenous.
Strictly, a critical state can be achieved only for infinite size systems. For finite systems, one
will not observe divergences but we will still say critical through abuse of language and we
should compare the empirical results to a finite version of a model which may actually reach
the criticality (the nearest neighbour Ising model in two dimensions for instance) as proposed
in [47].
Statistical physics provides several tests of criticality. The signatures detailed in [20] will
be briefly recalled. First, we define a financial system as a set of stocks (or indices). Relative
stock returns of the ith asset at period t is taken as a random variable ri,t and can be rewritten
as ri,t = sgn(ri,t )|ri,t |. Signs of stock returns are sometimes considered as uncorrelated and
attract less attention. However correlations may appear in complicated (non-linear) fashion as
synchronization during crises [55]. It is interesting to study orientation (sign of returns) changes
since Ising-like models are suited to describe collective behaviours. Moreover the nature of the
relative return sign is more subtle than the one of simple independent random variables and
can render the particular structure of financial markets [87, 73]. The net orientation is defined
as m(t) = N −1 ∑i si,t , if m(t) > 0 the market is bullish for the period t. In order to study
orientation changes, we consider a set of N market indices or N stocks described by binary
variables si,t ≡ sgn(ri,t ) (si,t = ±1 for all i = 1, · · · , N and for all periods t = 1, · · · , M). A
system configuration will be described by a vector st = (s1,t , · · · , s N,t ). The binary variable
will be equal to one if the associated stock is bullish and equal to −1 if not. A configuration
(s1,t , · · · , s N,t ) may also be thought as a binary version of the returns.
One can formally write the probability P(s) of finding the system in state s as a Gibbs distri-
bution P(s) = Z −1 eU (s) and without loss of generality set Z to 1 which leads to the definition of
the utility function (or energy H = −U , potential, etc.) as the log-likelihood: U (s) = ln P(s). The
rank r (s) of a given configuration s is defined as the number of configurations with a higher
utility (more frequent) than the value associated to s.
∂hU i h i ∂S
RU = − = T −2 hU 2 i − hU i2 = T (4.4)
∂T ∂T
where S( T ) is the Shannon entropy − ∑{s} PT (s) ln PT (s) of the rescaled distribution and the
brackets stand for the average with respect to PT (s). In a statistical point of view, this ex-
tremum is the point where the deviation to equiprobability of events is the largest. Operating
at this point involves that the variance of the log-likelihood reaches its largest value whereas
for equiprobable events, the variance of the log-likelihood is equal to zero. A large variance
of the log-likelihood also implies a large deviation from its mean value, the entropy, and thus
large structural changes. The rescaling parameter T can be thought as a randomness measure,
changing this parameter leads to a reweighting of the empirical distribution. For T > 1, the
distribution will be flattened and closer to the uniform distribution as illustrated in Fig-4.5. The
entropy of the remaining distribution will thus be larger than the original one. The closer to the
uniform distribution, the larger the entropy. We note that the expression T∂S /∂T is useful when
direct sampling of probability distribution is feasible and the expression T −2 hU 2 i − hU i2 al-
lows estimation through a Monte Carlo simulation even if direct sampling is unfeasible. When
direct sampling is feasible, one can estimate the empirical distribution as P(s) = M−1 ∑iM =1 δst ,s
where M is the sample length, compute the scaled distribution PT (s) for any value of T and
then use the relation T∂S /∂T for the empirical derivation of the response function.
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
net orientation
Figure 4.5: Schematic illustration of the rescaling of a bimodal distribution as encountered in the Landau
phenomenological theory of phase transition. The original probability density is illustrated by the full line
at an arbitrary temperature T ∗ , the rescaled distributions are illustrated by the dashed line (at T = 0.25T ∗ )
and the dotted line (at T = 10T ∗ ).
We observed opening and closing prices of 8 European indices (AEX, BEL, CAC, DAX, EU-
ROSTOXX, FTSE, IBEX, MIB), the sample length M is 2300 trading days (approximatively nine
trading years englobing two global crises, 2002-2011 period). We consider European stock ex-
changes because some issues (debt crisis, etc.) are specific to these market places and to ensure
the simultaneity of time series. We also observed the stocks of the Dow Jones index during
3 × 104 trading minutes and at daily sampling from 2002 to 2011. We consider two different
time-scales to explore the differences when the correlations decrease. According to the Epps
effect [93], we expect that systems sampled at low frequency (daily sampling) should be closer
4.6. Sampling indices and stock exchanges
to the criticality than the systems sampled at larger frequencies (minute sampling, for instance).
Positive returns are set to 1 and negative returns to −1. The first sample is ten times larger
than the number of possible configurations. Indeed, there are two possible values for each vari-
able si , thus they are 2 N =8 = 256 configurations. The second sample is not large enough for
a satisfactory probability estimation (and thus a direct estimation of entropy). Since entities
may be strongly correlated, it is not obvious to know if the configurations are well sampled
or not. In case of strongly correlated entities, the relevant region in the configurations space is
narrow in comparison to independent entities. If the true configurations distribution is sharply
peaked, there are only few relevant states. In this situation, a small (M < 2 N ) sample is enough
to sample properly the configurations distribution. In the opposite case where entities are in-
dependent, every configuration has the same statistical weight and the sample size must be
large (M 2 N ). It is crucial to identify the maximum number entities one should consider to
avoid undersampling of the configurations distribution P(s) because power-laws occur spon-
taneously in the undersampling regime [22]. In particular, Zipf’s law is only a genuine feature
if P(s) is well sampled. To asses the maximum number of entities to consider in the analysis,
we follow the procedure described in [22]. The limit between proper sampling and undersam-
pling is defined by the coordinates of the maximum of H [K ] in the plane { H [K ], H [s]} where
H [s] is the entropy of the empirical configurations frequencies and H [K ] is the entropy of the
random variable Kt = K (st ) which is the number of times the configuration si is observed in
the sample. Beyond this point, H [K ] decreases when H [s] increases which means that config-
urations are sampled (approximatively) the same number of times. Briefly, given a sample of
M independent configurations (s1 , · · · , s M ), the empirical distribution of the configurations is
p̂s ≡ P(st = s) = M−1 ∑tM=1 δst ,s . The distribution of the random variable Kt , corresponding to
the number of times the configuration st occurs in the sample, is written P(Kt = k) = k mk /M
where mk = ∑{s} δk,M p̂s is the number of configurations that are sampled exactly k times. Their
entropies are
k mk k
H [s] = − ∑ p̂s ln p̂s = − ∑ ln (4.5)
{s} k
kmk k mk k mk
H [K ] = −∑ ln = H [s] − ∑ ln mk (4.6)
M M k
These quantities can be evaluated to obtain the statistical significance of each data set. The
points in Fig-4.6 have been obtained by considering increasing system size. Each point is ob-
tained by this mean and by averaging over several sets of randomly chosen entities (see the
caption). Moreover, the theoretical limit is given by the most informative samples (full lines in
Fig-4.6) which are those maximizing H [K ] with respect to {mk , k > 0} and satisfying the con-
straints H [s] ≤ N, ∑k k mk = M and H [K ] ≤ H [s] since the random variable K is a function of s
(see [22] for the complete discussion and derivation).
The statistical significance is illustrated in Fig-4.6 for each data set and for artificial data
simulated by fitting a pairwise maximum entropy model (see hereafter). We simulate also a
time series of a Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) spin glass of size N = 25 near the criticality.
The European indices set is correctly sampled up to 7 indices, the Dow Jones at minute up
to 8 stocks. Increasing 15 times the sample length M, allows to consider up to N = 11 entities.
A qualitative observation is that if entities are highly correlated (low stochasticity), almost all
observed configurations (words) should be such that the mean orientation m(t) = N −1 ∑i si,t
is non zero. One expects a H [s] significantly lower than the theoretical upper bound N and
H [K ] ' H [s] since few different configurations are observed. On the other hand, nearly inde-
pendent entities do not favour any value of m(t). The configuration distribution P[s] should
be approximatively uniform, H [s] should be close to min( N, log2 M ) for large system sizes and
H [K ] should be small since each configuration is observed approximatively a same number of
times. From pairwise maximum entropy models [13], one knows that criticality is a regime
where no net orientation is observed but where fluctuations are the largest. We expect that the
sampling of a truly critical regime should return a situation halfway between the two previous
extreme cases, as illustrated in Fig-4.6 for the SK-model.
After fitting a pairwise maxent model, we record artificial data for the Dow Jones varying
the stochasticity by 1 third smaller and larger than the actual one. The results are illustrated in
N=7 N=8
6 8
H [K ]
H [K ]
undersampl. undersampl.
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15
H [s] H [s]
N = 11 N = 13
10 10
H [K ]
H [K ]
5 5
undersampl. undersampl.
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
H [s] H [s]
Figure 4.6: Statistical significance of data sets. The configurations distribution P[s] is correctly sampled
in the left part of the plane { H [K ], H [s]}, delimited by the dashed line. The full line stands for theoretical
relation, H [K ] as a function of H [s]. The dots stand for empirical values for each data set, as the system
size increases (from left to right in the plane { H [K ], H [s]}). The right-bottom panel illustrates the results
for a SK spin glass of size N = 25 near the criticality.
Fig-4.7. It seems that the Dow Jones (minute sampling) is rather disordered, we will check this
in detail hereafter.
4.7 Results
In the following, we check if the signatures of criticality are observed in the considered data
sets. The variance of the log-likelihood is illustrated in Fig-4.8.
We can observe that the peak position scales with the system size, moving from left to right
towards the operating point T = 1 and that the maximum value of the variance becomes larger
when the number of entities increases.
For a given and fixed size, one expects a larger value of the critical scaling parameter for sets
(of N randomly chosen entities) with a larger mean correlation coefficient. We consider 100 sets
of N = 6 randomly chosen entities for the Dow Jones (daily and minute samplings) and for the
S&P100. The results illustrated in Fig-4.9 suggest a roughly linear relation between the critical
scaling parameter Tmax and the mean correlation coefficient. Any further results will thus be
averaged over several sets for each considered size.
To formalize the relation Tmax = Tmax ( N ), we compute the value of the scaling parameter at
which response function RU reaches its maximum value for different sets of N randomly chosen
4.7. Results
High stochasticity
Neutral stochasticity
10 Low stochasticity
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 4.7: Statistical significance of the Dow Jones data set for different levels of stochasticity. The full
line stands for theoretical relation, H [K ] as a function of H [s]. The dots stand for artificial data generated
with a pairwise maxent model fitted on the Dow Jones data with 1 third larger stochasticity than actual
one. The squares illustrate artificial data with the same level of stochasticity than the actual one and the
pentagons illustrate data generated with 1 third lower stochasticity.
RU (T )/N
RU (T )/N
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Figure 4.8: Variance of the log-likelihood for the European indices set (left) and for the Dow Jones at
minute sampling (right) vs the rescaling parameter. The peak moves from left to right when we consider
larger sets. For the European set, we plot the variance for sizes N =2,4,5,8. The dashed curve is a Monte
Carlo simulation (see hereafter) for N = 8. For the Dow Jones, we consider N = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, the
last two values are not statistically significant. These curves have been obtained by direct sampling of the
probability (and entropy) and by using the relation T∂S /∂T.
entities. Results are illustrated in Fig-4.10 for the European indices set and in Fig-4.11 for the
Dow Jones (daily and minute samplings).
The power and exponential fits return an asymptotic critical scaling parameter respectively
equal to 1.38 and 0.92.
An exponential fit, on size up to N = 8, of the DJ (min) returns an asymptotical critical
parameter equal to 0.70 and equal to 0.74 if we fit up to N = 12 (but the latter value is not
trustful since the system is undersampled for N > 8). An exponential fit, on size up to N = 6,
of the DJ (daily) returns an asymptotical critical parameter equal to 0.71 and equal to 0.72 if
Figure 4.9: The critical scaling parameter (x-axis coordinate of the maximum of the response function
RU ) versus the mean correlation coefficient of the considered set of N = 6 randomly chosen entities. The
results are illustrated for the Dow Jones at minute (squares, left panel) and daily samplings (triangles,
center panel) and for the S&P100 (circles, right panel). The size N = 6 is chosen consistently with the
latter analysis of statistical significance.
critical scaling parameter
2 4 6 8
Number of entities
Figure 4.10: Value of the scaling parameter at which response function RU reaches its maximum value
vs the number of entities N. Mean values T̄ and error bars (1 standard deviation on T̄) are computed over
( N8 ) samples for European indices set. The full line stands for a power fit and the dashed line stands for an
exponential fit on the 7 first values.
we fit up to N = 10, (but the latter value is not trustful since the system is undersampled for
N > 6). Furthermore, even in the undersampled regime, we observe an increase of the critical
scaling parameter.
Larger correlations measured when size (N) increases may be a spurious effect due to the
consideration of a particular time interval. One can perform to same study by changing size
and scaling sample length simultaneously and considering different time-windows. For the set
of European indices, we chose sample length L( N ) = 2 N +3 such that L(8) ' Lmax = 2300 and
we average the results on 5 different time-windows. Results are illustrated in Fig-4.12. Each
point (square) falls into the confidence interval of the constant size results excepted the last one
(N = 6). Larger correlations for increasing size is thus a genuine feature.
As no inference method have been used, we expect that the Kullback-Leibler divergence
(KLD) DKL ( Pcrit || Pemp ) between the critical distribution P[ T = Tmax ] (such that the maxi-
mum value of RU is reached at Tmax ) and the empirical distribution Pemp should be of the
same order of magnitude than for a truly critical system operating at Tcrit + ∆T. The rela-
tive deviation ∆T/Tcrit and ( Top − Tmax )/Tmax being equal (by definition Top = 1). Follow-
ing [47], a reasonable benchmark is the two dimensional square lattice nearest-neighbours Ising
model with periodic boundaries of size N = 9. The response function RU reaches its max-
imum value at Tcrit = 2.40. We compute the exact distribution Pcrit and the KLD with the
1/(1+ x )
scaled distribution Pscaled = Pcrit where x = ( Tcrit − T )/Tcrit . We found Tmax = 0.88 and
4.7. Results
2 4 6 8 10 12
Number of entities
Figure 4.11: Value of the scaling parameter at which response function RU reaches its maximum value
vs the number of entities N. Mean values are computed over 100 sets of N randomly chosen stocks for the
Dow Jones at daily (triangles) and minute (squares) samplings.
critical scaling parameter
2 4 6 8
Number of entities
Figure 4.12: Value of the scaling parameter at which the response function RU reaches its maximum
value vs the number of entities N. Mean values and error bars (1 standard deviation) are computed over
( N8 ) samples for European indices set (circles). The squares illustrate results for the same sets with scaled
sample length L( N ) = 2 N +3 and averaged over 5 different time-windows.
DKL ( Pcrit || Pemp ) = 0.070 for empirical data (European indices). The results for the Ising model
are illustrated in Fig-4.13.
For both systems, the results are similar. Furthermore, we simulated (see hereafter) artificial
binary returns with a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (1 × 104 equilibrations steps and 2.3 × 103
recorded configurations for N = 8) using a pairwise maximum entropy model fitted on the
data. We obtained an absolute net orientation |m ˆ | = 0.812 ± 0.010 (1 standard deviation). The
empirical value is h|m|i = 0.726, not included in the confidence interval but near a critical state,
a slight change in inferred parameters may leads to significant change of observables estimated
by simulations [92]. To quantify the effect of a small reconstruction error on the estimated ob-
servable, we inferred Lagrange parameters with a regularized pseudo-maximum likelihood and
we shifted slightly√the parameters such that ∆ = 0.015, consistently with [43]. The reconstruc-
tion error is ∆ = N h( Jij − Jijtrue )2 i1/2 and quantifies the ratio between the root mean square
error of the reconstruction and a canonical standard deviation. We obtained 10% of relative
deviation between the two estimations of |m|. The empirical and critical values of |m| are thus
10−2 10−1
∆T /Tcrit
Figure 4.13: Kullback-Leibler divergence between the critical and the scaled distributions for the two
dimensional square lattice nearest-neighbours Ising model N = 9 (light grey circles) and for the set of 8
European indices (square).
The European market places seem to operate near the point corresponding to the maximum
of the variance of the log-likelihood while for the Dow Jones (min and daily), the critical scaling
parameter seems to be far away from the operating point Top = 1 in the range of considered
sizes. In Fig-4.22, we extend this plot for larger sizes by simulating artificial data (see hereafter).
This may be explained by larger correlation coefficients between stock exchanges than between
stocks of the Dow Jones as illustrated in Fig-4.14 and by the Epps effect (decreasing correlation
magnitude with decreasing time-scale) [93].
2 40
1 20
0 0
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.3
Correlation coefficients
Figure 4.14: Frequencies of correlation coefficients between European indices (left) and stocks of the Dow
Jones index at minute sampling (right).
Another observation is that the so-called critical exponent of the variance is equal to zero
for each curve illustrated in the left panel of Fig-4.8 in agreement with the mean-field value of
the Ising model at the critical temperature. The critical exponent can be obtained by taking the
limit lime→0+ ln RU (e)/ ln e where e = ( T − Tmax )/Tmax and Tmax is such that RU ( T ) reaches
its maximum at this point [14].
We also study the distribution of the configuration rank. In order to know if we should
reject or not Zipf’s law, we perform a modified version (discrete power-law with a natural
upper bound due to the finite number of configurations) of the statistical test described in [48].
If the p-value is smaller than 0.05, the power-law hypothesis is ruled out and for p-value close
to one, we can consider it as a good distribution candidate (without guarantee that it is the correct
distribution). The empirical rank distribution is illustrated in Fig-4.15.
Test results for different sets are reported in Table-4.1. The considered size should not exceed
N = 8 for empirical data to have a good estimate of the distribution P(s) by direct sampling.
As expected, the power-law test outcomes depend on the system size. For the Dow Jones,
4.7. Results
N =7 P (rank) ∼ r−0.63 N = 12
−1 −1
10 10
P (rank)
P (s)
P (s)
0 1 2
10 0
10 2
10 10 10 100 102
rank rank rank
Figure 4.15: From left to right: empirical relative frequencies of configurations vs the configurations
rank of the observed time series for a set of 7 randomly chosen stocks of the Dow Jones, artificial rank
distribution for a real power-law and empirical relative frequencies for a set of 12 randomly chosen stocks
of the Dow Jones. The fit (dashed line) is obtained with the maximum likelihood estimator.
the power-law is rejected when the system is properly sampled whereas in the undersampling
regime the power-law is not rejected. As detailed in [22], the power-law is the most informative
distribution when the distribution P(s) is undersampled.
Table 4.1: Statistical test of power-law hypothesis for sets of N randomly chosen stocks of the Dow Jones
(3 × 104 points at minute sampling). We reported the maximum likelihood estimator α̂ of the power-law
exponent α and its standard deviation σα , the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic (D) and the p-value. One does
not reject the power-law hypothesis if the p-value is larger than 0.05.
# of stocks α̂ σα D p-val
6 0.0119 0.00
7 0.0117 0.00
8 0.0194 0.00
9 0.6654 0.0038 0.0147 0.10
10 0.6584 0.0035 0.0164 0.36
11 0.7192 0.0027 0.0210 0.87
12 0.7441 0.0025 0.0292 0.96
13 0.7699 0.0024 0.0290 0.98
The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the exponent is derived by the maximization
of the log-likelihood
N xmax
ln L(α) = −α ∑ ln xi − N ln ∑ x −α
i =1 x =1
where xmax is the upper bound. The standard deviation of this MLE is obtained by taking the
expansion of the likelihood up to second order (Gaussian approximation). It reads
σαMLE = s (4.8)
00 0 2
ζ ( xmax ,αMLE ) ζ ( xmax ,αMLE )
N ζ ( xmax ,αMLE )
− ζ ( xmax ,αMLE )
The empirical probability density function (pdf) of this estimator for N = 13 and 104 tests
and its Gaussian approximation are illustrated in Fig-4.16.
As a complement to the latter analyses, we study the linearity of the entropy expressed as
a function of the utility. The Zipf law induces a linear relation between entropy and the log-
likelihood [20]. The strict linearity can be achieved at a single value of the utility (as for the 2D
nearest neighbour Ising model) or for any value of the entropy if the distribution of the rank is
Prob. density
0.76 0.77 0.77 0.78 0.78
Figure 4.16: Empirical pdf of the MLE estimator for the size N = 13 and 104 tests (circles). The Gaussian
approximation is illustrated by the full line.
a power-law [20]. The expansion of the entropy around the mean utility U is written (where U
is the notation for hU i)
1 1
S(U ) ' S(U ) − (U − U ) + 2 (U − U )2 (4.9)
For ranks distributed following a power-law, the quadratic and higher order terms are sub-
intensive; the entropy should be a linear function of the utility [47].
We check this property for several sets of 7 randomly chosen stocks of the Dow Jones In-
dex. We compute the average entropy-utility relation S(−U ) for 100 sets of 7 randomly chosen
stocks, the results are illustrated in Fig-4.17.
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
−U/N −U/N
Figure 4.17: Left: Shannon entropy vs the opposite of the log-likelihood for several sets of 7 stocks
(randomly chosen) of the Dow Jones index. Right: the average entropy-utility relation S(−U ) for 100
sets of 7 randomly chosen stocks. The dashed line is the best linear fit with slope equal to 0.71 and 0.68
We measured the relative non-linearity [94], the typical value is 0.053 (equal to zero if the
function is exactly linear). The typical value of the slope is 0.71. We also simulate 5 × 105
artificial returns with a multivariate GARCH(2,2) and pairwise maxent processes fitted on the
data. The entropy dependence on the log-likelihood is illustrated in Fig-4.18. The relative non-
linearity is 0.032 and 0.035, the slope is equal to 0.77 and 0.59 respectively. For larger sample
size the entropy is not linear either, however in a restricted utility range ([0.3, 0.4], about 10% of
the possible values of the utility, for instance) the entropy is almost linear (as measured by the
relative non linearity).
4.7. Results
S/N 0.2
0 0.2 0.4
Figure 4.18: Shannon entropy vs the opposite of the log-likelihood for 100 sets of 9 randomly chosen
stocks. Artificial returns are simulated with a multivariate GARCH(2,2) process (light line) and with a
pairwise maxent model (bold line). The dashed lines are a linear fit on a restricted range.
As suggested by the Zip law check, the entropy is not a linear function of the log-likelihood.
However, we can not reject the possibility of linearity in a restricted range or zero curvature in
a single point as for the 2D nearest neighbor Ising model.
Last, as the returns are believed to be non-stationary with volatility clustering (often mod-
eled by a GARCH process), we study the evolution of the critical rescaling parameter Tmax (at
which the variance of the log-likelihood reaches its maximum value). As expected, for fixed
size, Tmax increases just before a crash (when fluctuations are the largest) as illustrated in Fig-
4.19 and gets closer to Top . Just before crises, financial markets undergo criticality outbursts.
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
6/ 6/ 6/ 6/ 6/ 6/ 6/ 6/
Figure 4.19: Critical rescaling parameter Tmax for 6 European indices (black curve, left ordinate) and the
normalized sum of indices (light gray curve, right ordinate). The critical rescaling parameter is empirically
estimated on a sliding window of 2 N +2 trading days translated by 1 trading day each step.
In the following, we use an inference procedure to check if the existence of a critical state is
supported. One can show that the pairwise maximum entropy model is a consistent statistical
model when the aim is to study collective behaviours rather than to give a precise (dynami-
cal) model of the market [87, 73]. Rather than making specific assumptions of the underlying
dynamics, we build a model which is consistent with the recorded data and the observed struc-
ture. This maxent model is directly linked to the former discussion since spin glasses and neural
networks are also represented by pairwise maxent models which actually exhibit critical states.
In this framework the configurations distribution P(s) is rewritten as a Gibbs distribution
1 N N
e U (s)
p2 (s) = Z −1
exp ∑
2 i,j
Jij si s j + ∑ hi si ≡
i =1
where Jij and hi are Lagrange multipliers (chosen to retrieve the first and second empirical
moments). They can be thought as a measure of the pairwise mutual and individual influences.
Another well known application of the pairwise maxent model is the characterization of the
neural network structure [12] where the operating point seems to be a critical one [20, 76]. One
can show that this model is able to generate correlation matrices with non-Gaussian eigenvalues
[87] as observed in real financial time series [17] but also scale-free asset trees and order-disorder
periods [73]. This pairwise model gives more insights about the possibility of a critical operating
point. The rescaling of the Gibbs distribution is then viewed as a rescaling of all the parameters
by a common factor T −1 . This rescaling is an investigation of a slice of the parameters space
which corresponds to a stochasticity variation. A small value of T favoris co-movements and
a large value favoris the randomness. In this work, Lagrange multipliers are estimated with
a regularized pseudo-maximum likelihood [43]. We note that close to T = 1, many models
are distinguishable and a slight change in parameters may lead to a significant change of the
measured observables. One should compare artificial and empirical results.
First, we simulate artificial data with the estimated Lagrange parameters from the real time
series. The Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) is defined as follows (see Sec-1.11 for de-
tails). A randomly chosen orientation is flipped if the conditional flipping probability p(si,t =
−si,t−1 |s−i,t ) is larger than a realization of a uniform law on the interval [0, 1], where s−i,t is the
configuration excluding the ith entity. A configuration is recorded each N flipping attempts,
which defines a Monte Carlo step (MCS). The result of the procedure applied to those artificial
data is illustrated in Fig-4.8 by the dashed curve (1 × 104 equilibration MCS and 1 × 105 recorded
MCS). This is consistent with the empirical variance, both peaks (blue and dashed curves) are
located at the same value of the T-parameter. If Lagrange parameters { Jij } are positive, the
orientation distribution should be unimodal for large value of T and bimodal for small value of
T. As a qualitative test, we check if the empirical distributions are unimodal or bimodal and if
they can become bimodal if we change the stochasticity level T, an order-disorder transition is
then possible. As illustrated in the first row of Fig-4.20, the empirical distribution of the indices
set is bimodal whereas the distributions of stock sets are unimodal as expected from the former
empirical analyses. The second row of Fig-4.20 illustrates the difference between the empirical
orientation distribution and the simulated ones Pm ( T ) at different stochasticity level. The in-
dices set is clearly a rather ordered system, the probability mass peaks at the extremes values
−1, 1 of the net orientation. A disordered state exists for high level of stochasticity (T = 2).
The third row of Fig-4.20 illustrates the continuous deformation of the probability density func-
tion for a stochasticity varying from low level (blue) to high level (red). This deformation is
compared to the one of the 2D nearest neighbour Ising model of corresponding size without
individual biases.
The fitted maxent models allow an order-disorder transition which justifies their use in the
criticality check. As mentioned in [92] such models are prone to accumulate in the vicinity of
the critical point T = 1 but are also highly distinguishable in this neighbourhood. Accordingly,
we check if they return a Tmax in line with the empirical results. One can estimate the variance
(1) (2)
RQ of the overlap parameter q = N −1 ∑i si si and the variance of the log-likelihood. The
overlap parameter measures the correlation between the configurations of two identical systems
denoted by the superscript (1) and (2). The variances RU and RQ are known to peak at the
4.8. Link to maximum entropy models
0.1 0.1
0 0 0 0
−1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1
m m m m
2 3 1.5 8
2 1
1 4
1 0.5 2
0 0 0 0
−1 −0.5 0 −1 −0.5 0 −1 −0.5 0 −1 −0.5 0
m m m m
Figure 4.20: First row: the empirical probability density function (pdf) is illustrated for several data sets.
Second row: comparison of the empirical probability mass function (pmf) of the net orientation to the
artificial distributions resulting from simulations. Third row: 10 values of the stochasticity level T (in the
range [0.8, 2], blue to red respectively) are used to check if the pdf can go continuously from unimodal to
bimodal, the results are compared to a 2D nearest neighbour Ising model without individual biases. The
pdf and the pmf are estimated on 5 × 105 Monte Carlo steps.
critical value of the rescaling parameter [13]. If the operating point is indeed critical, we should
find the peak near the value T = 1. The results are illustrated in Fig-4.21.
We note that the peaks are indeed located near the empirical values. For the indices set,
the relative difference between empirical and simulated Tmax is equal to 2%, slightly underes-
timated. For the Dow Jones (min), the relative difference is equal to 6%, slightly overestimated
and for the Dow Jones (daily), Tmax is overestimated of 14%. The first two fitted models are
consistent with the data and lead to the same conclusion: the indices set is close to the criticality
(1 − Tmax ≤ 10%) and the Dow Jones is far from criticality (1 − Tmax ≥ 25%). The larger devia-
tion between empirical and simulated values for the Dow Jones (daily) may be due to inference
errors in the Lagrange parameters estimation. The ratio M/N (sample length on the number of
entities) is too small, ten times smaller than for the Dow Jones (min). Consequently, one may
expect the same relative error for the critical scaling parameter of the SP100 index.
Since simulations are consistent with empirical results, we simulate data to complete Fig-
4.10 for sizes larger than N = 8. We simulate a binary sample of length 5 × 106 with the previous
MCMC and also artificial returns with a multivariate GARCH process, known to capture the
clustering of the volatility and the fat tail feature. We obtain results consistent with the empirical
ones. The critical value of the rescaling parameter Tcrit is illustrated in Fig-4.22. The critical
value increases with size but is still far from T = 1.
We note that in 2010, 12807 companies (excluding investment funds) have been listed in
stock exchanges (see http://www.world-exchanges.org/). There is thus no obvious reason
to consider the limit N → ∞. The market places system is significantly closer to the criticality
despite its small size. It may be due to information aggregation of an index about the underlying
stocks [67]. A set of indices may operate as a system of larger size.
Furthermore, one can show that the financial network exhibits small-world organization
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5
Eur. indices SP100
1.5 1.5
Tmax = 0.90 Tmax = 1.04 Tmax = 0.96 Tmax = 0.98
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5
Figure 4.21: The variances of the overlap parameter (dashed lines) and of the log-likelihood (full lines)
for the 8 indices set, Dow Jones (daily and minute samplings) and SP100. Each point is computed over
5 × 105 MCS after an equilibration period of 5 × 104 MCS. The coordinate of the maximum is pinned (the
coordinate on the left stands for the variance of the log-likelihood) .
critical scaling parameter
5 10 15
Number of entities
Figure 4.22: Value of T-parameter at which response function RU reaches its maximum value vs the num-
ber of entities. The squares illustrate the real data, the pentagons stand for a multivariate GARCH(2, 2)
process and the dots for the MCMC.
4.9. Discussion
[56] and one knows that the Ising model on a complex network, among other, is a small-world
one only at the critical temperature [76].
4.9 Discussion
Stock markets are embedded in a non-uniform background. They should therefore be hetero-
geneous and go through regular periods interspersed with surprising events. In a complex
economic background, reactiveness is an expected behaviour. In the case of the Fukushima
nuclear accident or the 2008 subprime crisis for instance, the market response was clear and
prompt. All stocks fell quickly in an organized fashion. This behaviour can help to secure the
profit made or prevent excessive losses if the situation goes even worse. Then, when the situa-
tion seems stabilized, or that stocks prices have fallen so dramatically that stocks became cheap
and attractive, the market goes up again in an ordered fashion. These large positive-negative
movements of the stock prices are encountered at any time scale [95]. During such phases, the
market exhibits large correlated structures and ordered state [54, 55, 73] corresponding to an
increase of the correlation strength. Such dramatic events impact globally the market (all eco-
nomic sectors). On the other hand, some events (like the end of a state subsidy for eco-friendly
goods, nuclear energy, etc.) have an impact on a single or few economic sectors. The criticality
is then thought as a competition between global effects inducing homogeneity and local effects
inducing heterogeneity in trades.
We have seen that Shannon entropy has an inflexion point near the operating point T = 1
for the European indices set. We deduce that the micro-states number increases (or decreases)
drastically following a variation of the stochasticity. The entropy is related to the logarithm
of the averaged micro-states number and we can obtain this quantity by a simple integration
of RU ( T )/T. We observe that the largest slope stands approximatively at the actual operating
point T = 1 far from the saturation zones (where the slope is close to zero). In the neighbour-
hood of the operating point, the logarithm of the number of micro-states is almost linear with
a large slope thus a variation of Lagrange parameters will induce a drastic (in an exponential
fashion) change in the micro-structure. It shows that the market network has a great structural
malleability. The entropy also measures the degree of statistical dependency between stocks.
If stocks did not influence each other, the system would be considered as a random one which
implies small covariances and low reactiveness. Thus entropy would reach its largest value. In
the opposite case, if stocks correlations are maximal (implying again low reactiveness), there
would not be any incertitude anymore, the whole market state s would be predictable on the
knowing of a individual state si and the entropy would be zero. So if the slope of the entropy
reaches its maximum value at the operating point, it means that the market is on the edge. Any
variation can tip the market either towards a random (disordered, with independent trades)
either towards a highly interactive (ordered, synchronized trades) state. We expect thus a large
predictability exploiting instantaneous information: using the system configuration amputated
of the ith entity s−i , one should be able to predict the state of this entity si with high accuracy.
This will be the subject of another work.
Last, the fact that the European indices set is closer to the criticality than the Dow Jones may
follow from information aggregation [67]. A set of indices is a weighted average of stock prices.
Considering the stocks as the fundamental hubs of the financial network, the indices represent
super-hubs acting as a system of significantly larger size. The typical relative cluster size is also
larger in the indices set where each cluster contains roughly 30% of the total number of entities
as illustrated in Fig-4.23 [73]. For the Dow Jones, the cluster size is about 10% of the index size.
Correlated structures have thus a larger relative size in the indices set which may match the
right balance between co-movements and fluctuations.
From the data analysis and simulations, we saw that the European market places seem to
operate at a point where the variances of the log-likelihood is close to their largest values. An
exponential empirical fit returns Top = 0.92 as asymptotical value (thus maximum) for Euro-
pean indices and Top = 0.70 for the Dow Jones at minute sampling. The entropy is not a linear
function of the log-likelihood. The estimation of Top with simulated data returns a value close
to one but this value is suspected to be overestimated about 15%. For the Dow Jones, large
simulated samples M = 5 × 106 (using parameters obtained by fitting real data) return a con-
sistent value Top ' 0.65. Moreover, financial systems are closer to the criticality close to the
beginning of a crash, meaning large fluctuation and large deviation from the uniform distri-
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1 1.5 2
Figure 4.23: Illustration of the clusters of each data sets. The clusters of the indices set (left) returns a
partition of the European economy. The clustering of the Dow Jones (right) returns the different economic
sectors (technologies, distribution, aircraft industry, TV broadcasting, finance, chemical and industrial
companies, telecom, consumer goods, health care, oil).
bution of the configurations. This evolution also suggests a process of self-organization. The
market is a highly adaptive system. By self-organization, the market reacts strongly to a change
or unexpected events and by itself does not consider all possible events as equiprobable. How-
ever through the data analysis, the stock exchanges system is not exactly critical and the Dow
Jones seems to be far from criticality. Furthermore, financial systems do not stay in the same
regime and get closer to the criticality just before a crisis. An interesting finding because in such
models, large avalanches occur more likely close to the criticality [89].
Predicting trend reversals using market instantaneous
Collective behaviours taking place in financial markets reveal strongly
correlated states especially during a crisis period. A natural hypoth-
esis is that trend reversals are also driven by mutual influences be-
tween the different stock exchanges. Using a maximum entropy ap-
proach, we find coordinated behaviour during trend reversals domi-
nated by the pairwise component. In particular, these events are pre-
dicted with high significant accuracy by the ensemble’s instantaneous
Highlight the
collective mar-
ket modes in
Study the mar- trend reversals
ket structure process
5.1. Introduction
5.1 Introduction
Despite abundant research focusing on estimating the level of stock returns, there are few stud-
ies examining the predictability of the sign of financial asset movements even though evidence
of predictability of direction of excess return exists (the difference between returns and a defined
benchmark) [96, 97, 98, 99]. The herd behaviours of traders may explain this partial predictabil-
ity [2, 100, 7, 101]. The orientation is an interesting quantity for capital allocation between differ-
ent financial products but also because it allows the study of collective behaviours as in neural
networks and magnetic materials [13, 12, 73].
Existing approaches of trend prediction are based on the connection between return volatil-
ity, skewness, kurtosis and return sign [96]. Autologistic models (logistic models including past
returns in a binary model) [102] and a decomposition of the trade-to-trade price increments
into three components (activity, direction and size) were considered as well as probit models
with various commonly used financial variables as explanatory variables [103]. The problem
with these models may be the use of a particular data generation process or the identifica-
tion of relevant financial variables in the regression model. Moreover, observed collective be-
haviours in financial markets highlight the requirement of a multi-variate approach to capture
co-movements that are a key feature to explain synchronization, order, non-random correlations
and predictability [54, 17, 19, 104, 105]. We believe that any model intended to predict a finan-
cial quantity, like the sign of stock returns, should therefore be multivariate. Here we propose a
statistical data-based model capturing almost all the correlation structure of a financial market,
the so-called pairwise maximum entropy model [87]. This qualitative model does not rely on a
particular data generation dynamics, uses only a data-driven approach based on internal inputs
(present and past returns) and takes into account co-movement.
The use of pairwise maximum entropy (maxent) models has led to a fruitful description of
complex systems, particulary in phase transition and magnetic materials (Ising models and spin
glasses) [13, 14], but also in neuroscience [12]. They are related to graphical models, Boltzmann
machines, error correcting codes, logistic regression, etc. [15]. Maxent models are much more
than models recovering moments from data, they are powerful effective models describing col-
lective behaviours. However, one must pay attention to the scaling of parameters capturing
co-movements (pairwise influences). In real neural networks, they seem to be size indepen-
dent. Increasing the size is equivalent to lowering the temperature and freezing is prevented by
the presence of negative pairwise couplings [12] whereas in financial networks, couplings seem
to scale as the inverse of the network size leading to a mean-field description [73].
The aim of the maxent approach is two-fold: use a statistical framework avoiding as much
as possible any assumption and study the importance of co-movement (necessity of a multi-
variate approach), especially in spatial predicting stock market orientation. We found that in-
stantaneous conditional transitions (spatial predictions) are able to predict in average 83% of
market place reversals which is far better than the individual model, thereby showing the im-
portance of co-movements. Accuracy drops to 73% for the components of the Dow Jones index.
Such deviation may be induced by the lower correlations and the lack of large enough sam-
ples. Furthermore, we showed that history does not seem to improve the accuracy either by
a genuine lack of memory or by a finite size effect in the parameter inference. These results
suggest that some collective dynamics drives the global market trend [17, 105]. They constitute
another evidence of coordinated behaviours in financial markets. Moreover, they show that
these collective modes are partially responsible for predictability of stock market orientation
[51, 104].
We note that if a good approximation of the collective dynamics was known together with
dependencies between economic quantities, it would certainly lead to better predictions than
those obtained by this simple autologistic model as it is the case in the related field of neural
networks [106] and in econometric approaches [102, 103]. We propose that this model serves
as a benchmark with which to compare results of more sophisticated models embedding a real
economic description.
The chapter is organized as follows. In section 5.2, we derive instantaneous conditional
probability of trend reversals. In section 5.3, we present the empirical results. In section 5.4, we
discuss the noise issues and the comparison to artificial networks. In section 5.5, we compare
different models of simultaneous trend reversals.
We consider a set of 8 major European indices of the Eurozone (AEX, BEL, CAC, DAX, EU-
ROSTOXX, FTSE, IBEX, MIB) observed during a ten year long daily time series including two
large crises (2008 subprime and Euro-debt crises). The data were cleaned up to ensure simul-
taneity of the different time series (see appendix). An orientation reversal (or a flip) is a trend
reversal in two consecutive observed trading days. More precisely we consider daily returns
(without the overnight period) defined as ri,t = ( pci,t − poi,t )/poi,t , where pci,t is the closing price
of the ith stock of the period t and poi,t the opening one. The index i = 1, . . . , N labels assets
(N is the total number of assets). The index t = 1, . . . , T labels time periods (T is the total
number observed periods). They can be rewritten as ri,t = si,t |ri,t | where the binary variable
si,t ∈ {−1, 1} is the sign or orientation of the index i at period t. An orientation change occurs
if si,t+1 = −si,t . Such reversals are expressed as a binary variable 1[si,t+1 =−si,t ] . We consider the
binary part of returns, 1 for a positive return and −1 for a negative one. The resulting time
series are strongly correlated, off-diagonal correlation coefficients lie between 0.43 and 0.74. We
consider market orientation reversal as a multivariate stochastic process. This process can be
decomposed in two main components, the instantaneous (influence within the defined time-
bin unit or spatial dependence) and the causal (temporal dependence) statistical dependencies
among different market places. The study of collective state and conditional flipping probabil-
ity, causal and instantaneous, requires estimation of the probability distribution of a potentially
high-dimensional system (∼ N 2 parameters) which is in general intractable without further
constraints. A way to tackle this problem is to use the maximum entropy principle [23, 31]
restricted to second-order moments to infer a statistical model. One obtains a multivariate au-
tologistic model (or Ising-like model). Pairwise statistical dependencies account for 95% of all
statistical dependencies as measured by the multi-information criterion [16, 87] and this model
is suitable for to description of collective behaviors. The resulting pairwise distribution is given
1 N N
2 i,j∑
p2 (s1,t ; · · · ; s N,t ) = Z exp Jij si,t s j,t + ∑ hi si,t (5.1)
=1 i =1
where the binary variables si ∈ {−1, 1} describe the orientation of market places (respectively
bearish or bullish), Z is a normalizing constant. The parameters { hi } and { Jij } are respectively
Lagrange multipliers associated with first and second order constraints. In this framework the
instantaneous dependencies among indices (or stocks) are given in terms of conditional flipping
probabilities of a given index. The flipping rate is given by
exp −si,t−1 ∑ j6=i Jij s j,t − hi si,t−1
p(−si,t−1 = si,t |s−i,t ) = (5.2)
exp − ∑ j6=i Jij s j,t − hi + exp ∑ j6=i Jij s j,t + hi
where s−i,t is the observed market configuration at period t, excluding the ith entity.
One can enquire whether considering past states could help to predict flipping events. The
conditional flipping probability (5.2) can be modified to include some memory and is given by
" !#
p(−si,t−1 = si,t |Ht ) = 1 − si,t−1 tanh ∑ Jij s j,t + hi + ∑ ∑ Kij s j,t−τ
2 j 6 =i τ =1 j
where the history HtT denotes the sequence (s−i,t ; st−1 ; . . . ; st−T ). We expect minor difference
with the memoryless case since sign autocorrelations and pairwise cross-correlations are known
to be insignificant for any lag (except the first one in some case) [61, 107] at the contrary of their
absolute values [108]; cross-correlations between CAC and DAX indices and between CVX and
XOM stocks are illustrated in Fig-5.1, for instance. However cross-correlations measure linear
or monotonic dependencies. More sophisticated statistical relationships may exist. Maxent
models are supposed to capture them as the entropy and related quantities provide a more
general way to capture statistical dependencies [31]. Furthermore, we can check if our model
is able to forecast sign of returns by checking if the predictive power is significantly larger than
50% when we consider only past information (and so, make profit). We will see that it is not
the case. This result is in line with the weak efficient market hypothesis (roughly: one can not
5.2. Collective states
forecast the sign of excess returns using only past returns)[109]. In the following, we restrict
ourself to two time-lags (since more lags means more parameters to estimate and decrease the
prediction power). For higher sampling frequency (here, the minute timescale), specific features
may influence the results. Firstly, prices move discretely (jumps) as they can only vary by 1
cent increment. We have not considered this issue in the analysis but we considered highly
capitalized and very liquid assets which can limit the impact of the so-called market structure
noise. Secondly, the absolute intraday returns draw a concave curve with a minimum reached
at lunch time (intraday seasonality). This deterministic pattern is observed throughout markets
[110]. We looked for such seasonality in the sign of return. The mean over 225 trading days
of the intraday signs (between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm) is illustrated in bottom panels of Fig-
5.1. There is not a clear deterministic pattern neither in the time domain nor in the frequency
domain (not illustrated here), meaning there is not a preferential direction of trades (sell or buy)
at the opening and closing of a trading day.
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
−0.1 −0.1
:00 :00 :00 :00 :0 0 :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 :00
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Figure 5.1: Top: cross-correlogram between orientation of CVX and XOM (left) and between CAC and
DAX indices. CVX and XOM are two main oil companies, 2500 daily returns have been used. Bottom:
The sign as a function of time for intraday data at minute sampling for XOM (left) and CVX (right). The
bar stands for the temporal mean over 225 trading days (between March 2011 and May 2012).
5.3 Results
Indices set
First of all, we perform a preliminary test. We infer Lagrange parameters on a large time-
window (more than 2000 trading days) and we compute flipping probabilities for 50 out-of-
sample consecutive trading days using either instantaneous empirical data s−i,t in (5.2) or em-
pirical sequence HtT in (5.3). The results for CAC and DAX indices are illustrated in Fig-5.2.
Flipping Pr.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Flipping Pr.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 5.2: Predicted series for the CAC (top) and DAX (bottom) indices. The black circles represent the
actual flipping time-series for 50 out-of-samples trading days. The red full line (triangles) illustrates the
memoryless flipping probability and the blue dashed line (squares) the flipping probability including two
Both autologistic models give similar results close to the actual time series. To assess the ef-
ficiency of instantaneous and historical models, we compare the true-positive (predicting a flip
which actually occurs) rate to the false-positive (predicting a flip which does not occur) rate.
Ideally, a good classifier is supposed to have a large accuracy, but also a large true-positive rate
together with a low false-positive rate. To evaluate these quantities, we consider the confusion
matrix for varying detection level. The detection level α is the threshold value such that the flip-
ping is considered as a true event if flipping probability is larger than α. We used the so-called
ROC (receiver operating characteristics) curves to illustrate the predictive power of the classifier
[111]. We used a ten-fold cross-validation scheme to compare the performance of both methods
on out-of-sample events because the fitting may lead to accurate predictions if predicted states
are in the training set (in-sample) but poor predictions on the validation set (out-of-sample).
The sample is divided in learning and testing blocks. Parameters are estimated on 90% of the
total amount of data (learning block). The prediction is performed on the validation sample
(10% of the data set) using empirical orientations s−i,t (or HtT ) belonging to the testing block to
infer si,t . The true-positive, false-positive and accuracy rates are measured for each validation
fold and are averaged over the ten folds. The ROC curves are illustrated in Fig-5.3.
For the memoryless model (5.2), the mean true-positive rate is about 76% for less than 10%
false-positive rate. Another summary quantity is the area under the curve (AUC). The random
guessing produces the diagonal line and thus an AUC= 0.5. A good classifier should have an
AUC close to 1. The AUC may be interpreted as the probability that the model will assign a
larger flipping probability to a randomly chosen sample containing a positive event. The AUC,
illustrated by the shaded area in Fig-5.3, is equal to 0.914 ± 0.042 (mean ± s.d.). The lowest AUC
for the set of 8 indices is equal to 0.849 and the largest to 0.960. We consider also the accuracy
of the prediction as a function of the chosen detection level. The accuracy is the number of
true predictions divided by the total number of events. The mean accuracy versus the detection
level is illustrated in Fig-5.4. The maximum mean accuracy is equal to 83%. In average 83% of
the total number of events were correctly predicted. The lowest value of these maximal rates is
equal to 78% and the largest maximal rate to 89%.
For the historical model (5.3), the mean true-positive rate is about 75% for less than 10%
false-positive rate and the resulting AUC is 0.902 ± 0.050. This mean value is not included in
5.3. Results
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 5.3: Prediction of a single market place trend reversal. The receiver operating characteristics
(ROC) curves for 8 indices (left) and the resulting mean ROC curve (right). The ROC curve illustrates the
true positive rate (TPr) as a function of the false positive rate (FPr). These curves were obtained with a
ten-fold cross-validation scheme on the set of the 8 European indices. The shaded area below the mean
ROC curve illustrates the area under the curve (AUC).
the 96% confidence interval of the memoryless AUC but the relative deviation between both
AUC mean values is only 1.3%. The lowest AUC for the set of 8 indices is equal to 0.849 and the
largest to 0.960 as for the memoryless model. The maximum mean accuracy is equal to 83%. In
average 83% of the total number of events were correctly predicted. The lowest value of these
maximal rates is equal to 78% and the largest maximal rate to 89%.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Detection level α
Figure 5.4: The mean accuracy as a function of the detection level for the set of 8 European indices. The
accuracy of the memoryless case is illustrated by the full line and the causal model by the dashed line.
We note that the independent instantaneous model gives a very poor result and is nearly a
random guessing (AUC = 0.51). The independent model is defined by setting J to zero in the in-
stantaneous model. If we consider the historical model (5.3) without the instantaneous part, the
maximal average accuracy is only 53%. Therefore, we conclude that the most important com-
ponent is the one capturing instantaneous co-movements (here, the intra-day co-movements).
We note that the econometrical model detailed in [103] correctly forecasts 59% of out-of-sample
events showing the importance of the knowledge, even partial, of the fundamental relation-
ships between economic quantities. Last, we note that a drawback of the historical model is the
multiplication of parameters to be estimated. Each added time-step brings ( N 2 − N )/2 more
parameters for each matrix Kτ . However the sum should be truncated at an optimal lag (the
one where the accuracy reaches its maximum value, for instance). We conclude that the most
significant part of the prediction model is the one capturing instantaneous co-movements.
Dow Jones
The Dow Jones is an index regrouping highly capitalized US companies (AA, AXP, BA, BAC,
MSFT, PFE, PG, T, TRV, UTX, VZ, WMT, XOM). We consider two different timescales: daily and
1 minute price sampling rates. The sample size for the daily sampling is about 2500 trading
days and 3 × 104 points for the minute timescale. In this application, there are two main issues.
For a satisfactory parameters estimation, we need large samples. A direct sampling would re-
quire a sample length several times larger than the total number of configurations 2 N , which is
huge for the Dow Jones (∼ 109 points which means 5 thousand trading years at this timescale).
For the rPML method, the reconstruction may be done with fewer points, but still with large
sample lengths 106 to 108 for a system size N = 64 [43]. Secondly, the typical correlation co-
efficients between orientations are smaller than those of market places. The issues are thus
twofold: parameter estimation may be flawed and low correlations may lead to intrinsically
lower predictive power than in indices set analysis.
1 0.8
0 0.4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
FPr Detection level α
Figure 5.5: Mean ROC curves for both models for the Dow Jones daily sampling (left) and the accuracy
as a function of the detection level (right). The full line illustrates the memoryless model and the dashed
line the historical one. These curves were obtained with a ten-fold cross-validation scheme. The shaded
area illustrates the difference between AUC’s.
For the memoryless model, the AUC is equal to (0.797 ± 0.038) and the mean maximum
accuracy is equal to 73%. For the historical model the AUC is equal to (0.740 ± 0.049) and the
mean maximum accuracy is equal to 68%. The difference between both AUC’s is illustrated by
the shaded area in the Fig-5.5. The predictive power is affected by the finite size estimation and
the large number of parameters to be estimated (especially in the historical model).
To know if the timescale affects the predictive power, we performed the same analysis on a
smaller timescale (3 orders of magnitude smaller).
For the memoryless model, the AUC is equal to (0.763 ± 0.029) and the mean maximum
accuracy is equal to 70%. For the historical model the AUC is equal to (0.695 ± 0.037) and the
mean maximum accuracy is equal to 64%. The difference between both AUC’s is illustrated by
the shaded area in the Fig-5.6.
These values are slightly lower than in the daily sampling analysis, the relative difference
between accuracy of both timescales is equal to 4%. Moreover, the independent instantaneous
model has an accuracy equal to 58% significantly larger than for daily sampling results (51%).
These results are consistent with the observed lower correlation between returns at lower timescale
(Epps effect) [93]. The historical model is the least efficient. We conclude that the most signifi-
cant part of the prediction model is the one capturing instantaneous co-movements.
Interestingly, the results are slightly improved if the pairwise influences Jij are set to their
mean value (homogeneous influences) and if individual biases hi are set to zero. Given the rel-
atively small width of the time-window, the reconstruction errors on these parameters induces
biased results. However the improvement is slight, the relative difference with the heteroge-
neous case is about 2%. For the Dow Jones at minute sampling, the resulting accuracy is equal
5.3. Results
1 0.8
0 0.4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
FPr Detection level α
Figure 5.6: Mean ROC curves for the Dow Jones minute sampling (left) and the accuracy as a function of
the detection level (right). The full line illustrates the memoryless model and the dashed line the historical
one. These curves were obtained with a ten-fold cross-validation scheme. The shaded area illustrates the
difference between AUC’s.
to 71%, the AUC is equal to (0.786 ± 0.026). For the Dow Jones at daily sampling, the accuracy
is equal to 73%, the AUC is equal to (0.810 ± 0.030).
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number of entities
Figure 5.7: Accuracy as a function of number of indices. Dots illustrate the accuracy of the instantaneous
model and squares the accuracy of the historical model. The dashed line is an exponential fit.
The accuracy may also depend on the length of the testing sample. To check this feature,
we infer Lagrange parameters with the rPML method on a learning block and we perform
prediction on a testing block of increasing length. This method is illustrated in Fig-5.8.
The accuracy seems to remain constant as the size of the testing block increases as illustrated
in Fig-5.9. If the series was stationary, Lagrange parameters should be the same for the whole
sample and we expect the accuracy to be constant. For a non-stationary time series, Lagrange
parameters may vary through time and so the accuracy. However if significant deviations from
their mean values only occur on small time-windows, the accuracy appears constant when com-
puted on large time-windows. To study this feature, we test the dependency of the accuracy on
the distance between learning and testing blocks. Instead of taking larger and larger testing
Figure 5.8: Schematic description of the method to check accuracy dependence on the length of the
testing block. We divide the sample in blocks. Lagrange parameters are inferred on the learning block. We
use these parameters and empirical data of the testing block to perform flipping prediction.
blocks, we consider testing blocks of fixed length but farther and farther from the learning
block. This procedure allows to compare accuracy on these different time-windows of fixed
length. This method is illustrated in Fig-5.10 and results in Fig-5.11.
Figure 5.9: Accuracy as a function of length of the testing block. Error bars represent the standard
deviation on 8 different testing blocks. Parameters are inferred on a learning block of 500 samples and
accuracy is measured on 8 different testing blocks, each of length increasing from 30 to 500 points (2
trading years) by increment of 10 samples.
Figure 5.10: Schematic description of the method to study the dependence on the distance between
learning and testing blocks. We divide the sample in blocks. Lagrange parameters are inferred on the
learning block. We use these parameters and empirical data of the testing block the perform flipping
prediction. Length of testing blocks is fixed.
5.3. Results
6 7 9 0 2 4 5 7 8
/8 9/8 4/8 1/9 6/9 1/9 8/9 3/9 0/9
02 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Figure 5.11: Accuracy as a function of the distance between the learning and testing blocks for the Dow
Jones index (1982-2000 period). Parameters inference is done on 1000 first points (1982-1985) and the
accuracy is evaluated on 89 blocks of 40 points. The full line illustrates the instantaneous model and the
dashed line the historical model.
Returns exhibit volatility clustering, so we expect the accuracy will differ from its mean
value only on small time windows and we should observe a nearly constant value on a large
time-window for fixed Lagrange parameters. In Fig-5.11, we observe that accuracy reaches its
maximum value in the testing block embedding Black Monday (October 19, 1987). A larger ac-
curacy results from larger correlations during the crash. The difference between the maximum
(0.82) and the minimum (0.55) accuracy is larger than the expected statistical error 40−1/2 '
0.16, the increase of accuracy during crises is thus a genuine feature.
Last, we note that over a time-window of 1000 trading days width, the averaged accuracy
per trading day is rarely equal to zero as illustrated in Fig-5.12. For the European indices
set, the averaged accuracy is equal to zero only for 6 trading days (31/08/2007, 18/10/2007,
22/04/2009, 14/04/2011, 06/02/2010, 23/02/2012). The first two occurrences happened just
before the subprimes crisis, the third occurrence during the 2009 market rebound, the fourth
at the end of the rebound following the Fukushima accident, the fifth and sixth happened dur-
ing the recovery after the debt crisis (high risk periods). There is no obvious periodicity in the
time series of accuracy (no fundamental frequency in the Fourier series). One could expect that
Friday can be a day where accuracy decreases due to the expiration of securities but it is not
observed in this analysis.
Rel. frequencies
0 0
0 0.5 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Accuracy Accuracy
Figure 5.12: Distribution of accuracy (averaged over the N entities) over a time-window of 1000 trading
days width for the European indices (left) and for the Dow Jones at daily sampling (right).
Another possibility is the one given in [112]: few driving forces can lead to a rich structure
even in the bulk of the spectrum of the correlation matrix which is therefore not only due to
noise. Such factors and clusters can also be thought as correlated structure appearing in the
vicinity of the critical state of a pairwise maxent model. Global correlations (correlation length
of the order of the network size) together with fluctuating clusters can coexist near the order-
disorder boundary.
The estimation of the Lagrange parameters may introduce a bias in orientation prediction. Par-
ticularly because of noise due to finite size estimation and limitation of inference methods based
on approximation scheme. Moreover, their values depend on the considered sample since they
are inferred with a constrained regularized pseudo-likelihood, the constraints being the equal-
ity between empirical and theoretical first and second moments.
To quantify the bias, we estimate the noisy part of the standard deviation of the recovered J
matrix. We simulate binary time series (same sample length than the true data) with the max-
imum entropy conditional probability p(si,t = −si,t−1 |s−i,t ), known as the Glauber dynamics
[42]. A product is randomly chosen, a flipping attempt is accepted if the flipping probabilities
2−1 [1 − si tanh(∑ j Jij∗ s j )] is larger than a randomly uniform number on the interval [0, 1]. A
configuration is recorded each Monte Carlo step (MCS). A MCS corresponds to 5N flipping at-
tempts. In this data generation, the artificial J∗ matrix was taken homogeneous with all entries
equal to the empirical mean of mutual influences. Then we estimate the influence matrix with
the rPML method. Ideally, the standard deviation σnoise of the estimated artificial influences
should be much smaller than the one of real influences σJ . Results are reported in Table-5.1.
Depending on the sample length, the noise seems to be significant but not the dominant part of
the estimation except for large system size.
1.5 J∗
Jij −hJij i
1 Jreal
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Jij −hJij i
Figure 5.13: Schematic representation of noise level estimation in parameters inference. Artificial data
are generated with homogeneous influences J∗ (probability density function illustrated by the green Dirac
delta). Then we perform parameters estimation using these artificial data. Ideally the pdf of the estimated
parameter Jest should be close to the pdf of J∗ . Last, we compare the distribution of Jest to the variance of
parameters resulting from real data Jreal using their variance.
Table 5.1: Quantification of the noisy part of the standard deviation of the inferred mutual influences.
We can also generate data with the estimated J matrix from the data, infer the artificial J∗
matrix and compare J∗ to J. The reconstruction is satisfying if estimated Lagrange parameters Jij∗
are close to their true values Jij . To quantify deviation from the real network (defined by J), we
use the reconstruction error ∆ = N h( Jij∗ − Jij )2 i1/2 which represents the ratio between the root
mean square error h( Jij∗ − Jij )2 i1/2 and a canonical standard deviation 1/ N [43]. This definition
of the reconstruction error is believed to be consistent with financial networks [73]. Results are
reported in Table-5.2. These results are consistent with those of [43] where the magnitude order
5.5. Simultaneous trend reversals
of the reconstruction error is 10−2 for a complete network of size N = 64 with Jij drawn from a
Gaussian distribution N (0, N −1 ).
Table 5.2: Quantification of the reconstruction error ∆ with the regularized pseudo-likelihood. Artificial
data are generated with the Glauber dynamics using J inferred from real data as true influences matrix (a
configuration was recorded each 5N flipping attempts).
A useful benchmark to assess exactness of this autologistic model may be the predictive
power computed from artificial data. We compute the mean accuracy and mean AUC for artifi-
cial data truly generated by a pairwise autologistic process and we compare them to the results
obtained from financial data. These values are reported in Table-5.3.
Table 5.3: Comparison of artificial accuracy and AUC to real accuracy and AUC. The artificial values are
computed from data generated with a pairwise maximum entropy model (autologistic) and the real ones
from financial data. Artificial samples are of the same length than the corresponding real samples.
In general, the predictive power is slightly larger for artificial data. The relative difference
between artificial and real data lies between 1% and 5%. This benchmark reveals that sign of
returns can be predicted with similar accuracy than finite size time-series truly generated by
a pairwise instantaneous process. The artificial accuracy and AUC represent the maximum
expected values that the model can return due to the finite size effects.
We also inquire if the pairwise autologistic model is able to estimate the distribution of simul-
taneous trend reversals. The occurrence of a trend reversal is expressed by a binary variable
xi,t = 1[si,t+1 =−si,t ] . Using the maximum entropy principle, we get the following pairwise max-
ent model
p2 ( x1,t ; · · · ; x N,t ) = Z −1 exp ∑ Wij xi,t x j,t (5.4)
where the matrix W has a non null diagonal and can be estimated by the method detailed in
[113]. We also fit an independent trend reversal model (a Poisson distribution, using the maxi-
mum likelihood estimator). We compare the empirical, pairwise and independent distributions
on 20 randomly chosen groups for different sizes (up to N = 12 where direct sampling gives a
good estimate of the distribution). Results are illustrated in Fig-5.14. The most frequent event
is a reversal of approximatively half of the number of considered stocks.
We computed the mean Kullback-Leibler divergence between the empirical distribution and
the pairwise, independent and dichotomized Gaussian models. The results are illustrated in
Fig-5.15. The pairwise model is the closest to the empirical distribution.
The dichotomized Gaussian (DG) model [114, 115] is a threshold multivariate Gaussian
model with mean and covariance matrix inferred to match the empirical first and second mo-
ments of the binary time series. It is an attractive alternative to the pairwise maxent model
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Prob. simult. reversals
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of stocks Number of stocks
Figure 5.14: The distributions of simultaneous trend reversals. The empirical distribution is illustrated
by dots, the pairwise distribution by squares and independent Poissonian model by triangles. The distri-
bution is computed over 20 randomly chosen sets (for N = 4, 6, 8, 10 stocks from top left to bottom right)
of the Dow Jones at minute sampling.
because the parameters are easier to infer and it can be used to characterized higher-order in-
teractions [116]. As illustrated in Fig-5.15, its accuracy of simultaneous reversals prediction is
similar to the one of the pairwise maxent model. Therefore, there is no reason to rule out the
pairwise maxent. This result is consistent with the multi-information criterion which returns
that pairwise statistical dependencies represent 95% of statistical dependencies [87].
5.6 Conclusion
Our results suggest that trend reversals can be predicted using instantaneous collective states of
other market places in the studied samples. This finding also reveals the strength of the collec-
tive dynamics underlying the flipping process since the individual instantaneous model is not
able to make better than random predictions excepted at higher sampling frequency. Another
advantage is that this pairwise maxent model satisfies all the pairwise correlations simultane-
ously which can prevent the overcounting of dependencies using only the pairwise correlation
when more than two entities are involved. Including memory in this model does not improve
the accuracy of prediction. This is a not very surprising result since the pairwise lagged cross-
correlations are close to zero. Moreover, the sign of returns is poorly forecast (53% of accuracy)
when we use only returns past information. This result is inline with the efficient market hy-
pothesis and a profit can not be made using this model. However, the sample length is too
small to estimate so many parameters. The history may be important in more evolved models
including a temporal filtering on the basis of a good approximation of the market dynamics (by
analogy to the treatment of time series, especially in the neuroscience field) or modelling with
exogenous economic variables. An interesting interpretation of the fine structure of the spec-
trum of the correlation matrix [112] is that such models allow global correlations (with charac-
teristic length of the order of the network size) and fluctuating clusters coexist in the vicinity
5.6. Conclusion
DKL (Pmodel ||Pemp )
10−4 10−5
4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12
Number of stocks Number of stocks
Figure 5.15: The average Kullback-Leibler divergence between the empirical distribution of simultane-
ous reversals and the pairwise (squares), independent (triangles) and dichotomized Gaussian (pentagons)
models. The divergence is computed over 10 randomly chosen stock sets of the Dow Jones at daily sam-
pling (left) and at minute sampling (right). Error bars represent the standard deviation over 10 randomly
chosen stock sets.
of the critical state [13]. This may account for the global collective mode, corresponding to the
largest eigenvalue of the correlation matrix, and to the structure of the spectrum bulk which is
not only due to noise but also accounts for clustering properties [112].
It is interesting that such a minimal model returns an accuracy almost as good than the
accuracy of pairwise autologistic models even if the market dynamics is undoubtedly much
more complex than the model; this finding highlights the significant contribution of collective
modes in trend prediction since individual biases are non relevant for the prediction excepted
at higher sampling frequencies.
In this work, we consider instantaneous information (within the defined time bin). The time-
series should therefore be synchronous. The stock exchange closing days, pre-market and after
hours trading exchanges are removed. If a time bin is missing for a particular asset, the same
time bin should be deleted from the database. The latter case is marginal since we consider
indices and highly capitalized companies.
The rPML method is a powerful method for estimation of Lagrange parameters of pairwise
maximum entropy model when common maximum likelihood is untractable [43]. This method
can be thought as an autologistic regression in order to predict binary outcomes. The main
idea is to factorize the distribution and to consider only conditional probabilities. For a N-
dimensional sample of length T, the objective function to maximize is
PL(θ) =
T ∑ ∑ log P(si,t |s−i,t ; θ) (5.5)
t =1 i =1
" !#
p(si,t |HtT ; θ) =
1 + si,t tanh ∑ Jij s j,t + hi + ∑ ∑ Kijτ s j,t−τ (5.7)
j 6 =i τ =1 j
True class
p n
tp rate = P
accuracy= P+N
False True TP
ND negative negative precision= TP+FP
Column totals P N
Figure 5.16: The confusion matrix defining the true positive rate, false positive rate and accuracy (among
µi = Φ ( γi ) (5.9)
Σii = Φ(γi )Φ(−γi ) (5.10)
Σij = Ψ(γi , γ j , Λij ) = Φ2 (γi , γ j , Λij ) − Φ(γi )Φ(γ j ) (5.11)
where Φ is the CDF of a N (0, 1) and Φ2 the normal bivariate CDF with covariance Λij . These
equations can be solved to find the parameters {γ, Λ}.
General conclusion
We present socio-economic models in terms of maximum entropy
models. We address briefly the significance of deviations from the
most probable state and the notion of equilibrium in heterogeneous
systems. Lastly, the final conclusion and perspectives are given.
6.1 Introduction
So far, we have focused on financial networks using the maximum entropy principle which has
led to simple but rich and complex effective models. Actually, the MEP can be used in several
economic settings. Axelrod and Bennett have introduced a theory of aggregation [117] which
is equivalent to a deterministic version of the pairwise maxent model. Each actor has to choose
one of the two possible actions: cooperate or fight. Each pair of actors (i, j) has a propensity Jij to
work together. The coalition is found by minimizing the so-called "energy" E(s) = − ∑i< j Jij si s j .
Such kind of clustering and combinatorial problems were formulated in terms of maximum
entropy models ten years before Axelrod-Bennett [13]. It is interesting that they formulated an
equivalent model as they come from an (a priori) unrelated discipline. This sheds light on the
convergence of models dealing with complexity. These models fall in the branch of mathematics
dealing with combinatorial optimization problems. Is it surprising? Not really since entropy
itself can be thought as a combinatorial object. For the interested reader, an extensive discussion
of the use of the combinatorial and information theoretic entropy approach in economics can
be found in [30]. Several agent-based models use also a binary pairwise component, most often
they are built following the direct approach (starting from plausible economic assumptions to
derive a price dynamics) [58, 5]. It is also possible to show that the Schelling segregation Model
can be rewritten as a maximum entropy model [88].
The main breakthrough done by Brock and Durlauf [52] is the link between the underly-
ing optimization process and the emergence of the Gibbs distribution. A recent paper [22]
details the general derivation of the functional dependence of the configuration probability on
the (a priori unknown) optimized utility function. Moreover, sampling such a complex sys-
tem actually brings information about the utility function. If the configurations {s} are the
outcome of an optimization of an unknown utility function U (s) and if the configuration prob-
ability distribution is accurately sampled, then the utility is proportional to the log-likelihood
U (s) ∝ ln Pemp (s), where Pemp (s) is the empirical configurations distribution. One can thus
extract information about the underlying maximization process by sampling a complex system.
Hereafter, we shortly present how to derive the Brock-Durlauf model [52] (noted: BD model)
in terms of statistical inference over some data set. The task is to model the influence of social
interactions when agents make a binary choice, the agents are not supposed to be rational and
are allowed to make mistakes. Deriving the utility function including a social component on
economic considerations requires several assumptions. The application of the maximum en-
tropy principle provides a useful statistical inverse formulation which can be interpreted and
linked to the optimization process. Furthermore, we will show that the maxent formulation
also provides a convenient framework to discuss the equilibria and their stability. In presence
of heterogeneity, the decision making problem is significantly harder. The time to reach the
equilibrium (relaxation time) can be large in comparison to the characteristic time scale of the
decision process. Lastly, we draw the conclusion of this thesis.
The chapter is organized as follows. In section 6.2, the Brock-Durlauf model is reviewed, we
give a maxent derivation and we consider static collective behaviours. In section 6.3, the final
conclusion is drawn. In section 6.4, we give some perspectives.
The Brock-Durlauf model is a random utility (or payoff) model taking into account the role of
social interactions when economic agents face a binary choice. First, we give a review of this
model [52]. Each individual in a population of N agents must choose a binary action (yes/no,
buy/sell, etc.). Each of these actions are denoted by a binary variable si ∈ {−1, 1}. The pop-
ulation configuration will be described by a vector s = (s1 , · · · , s N ) and the choices of all the
agents other than i will be denoted by s−i = (s1 , · · · , si−1 , si+1 , · · · , s N ). Individual utility V (si )
is assumed to consist in a private utility (payoff) usi , a social component S(si , µie (s−i )) where
µie (s−i ) denotes the conditional probability measure that agent i places on the choices of others
at the time of making his own decision. Last, a random utility term e(si ) independently and
identically distributed (IID) across agents. Regrouping all these term, one gets
6.2. The Brock-Durlauf model
This model is then restricted to parametric representations of the social utility and of the
probability density function of the random utility. The social utility is assumed to exhibit a
constant and totalistic strategic complementarity with intensity J > 0. This assumption leads
to the form
Using linear individual utility u(si ) = hi si , one obtains self-consistent relations for the equilib-
rium mean choices
∑ j 6 =i E[ s j ]
E[si ] = tanh βhi + βJ (6.5)
Stating the invariance E[si ] = E[s j ] and homogeneous individual preferences hi = h, it comes
max S[ p(s)] = max − ∑ p(s) ln p(s) (6.7)
{ p(s)} p (s) {s}
The self-consistent equation of the BD model is exactly the self-consistent equation for a
fully connected social network with homogenous interactions. Indeed, setting Jij = J/N for
i 6= j and hi = h, we get the social planner’s problem of the BD model:
1 1 J
2N ∑
p2 (s) = exp (U (s)) = exp ( si ) + h ∑ si
Z Z i i
where U (s) is the social planner’s utility corresponding to the sum of the deterministic parts
of individual utilities. Using individual or social planner’s utilities, we get the same consistent
equation (6.6) than in BD model if the the social influences are globally rescaled by a control
parameter (β): J → βJ. This control parameter can be thought as the propensity for making
error. For β → ∞, the decision making is deterministic.
The description of non-cooperative decision making is thus the same than in the BD model.
The decision making is non-cooperative because each agent evaluates rationally the social pres-
sure acting on himself heff −1 J
i = N ∑ j6=i s j + h. As long as the expected consensus M\i = ∑ j6=i s j
takes the same value, the equilibrium is unchanged. We conclude that the maxent potential
U (s) is the sum of the deterministic individual utilities. Lagrange parameters Jij and hi are re-
spectively interpreted as social influences and idiosyncratic preferences. As the social influence
matrix J is conjugated to the covariance matrix, it is a symmetric matrix.
Last, we saw in Sec-1.5 that the maximum entropy principle can be thought as a way to
approximated the social network. The pairwise maxent model takes into account only unary
and binary social interactions. The statistical significance of each order can be tested using the
multi-information criterion (see Sec-1.9).
β ≡ β−1 F = − β−1 ln Z
6.2. The Brock-Durlauf model
This first order equilibrium self-consistent equation is equivalent to (6.6) of the BD model if the
invariance E[si ] = E[s j ] is stated and if the idiosyncratic preferences are homogeneous. This
equation is exact if social interactions are homogeneous and properly scaled (∼ N −1 ) and if
the idiosyncratic preferences are homogeneous. For more general social networks, the fluctua-
tions of the mean choice should be considered (see Sec-1.10). To include a part of fluctuations
(one agent fluctuations), we consider the second order variational approximation (one can also
consider an expansion in term of cumulants as in Sec-1.10.)
E[si ] = tanh ∑ βJij E[s j ] − ∑ β2 Jij2 E[si ](1 − E[s j ]2 ) + βhi (6.13)
j j
The stability of these equilibria directly results from (1.14). For the BD model, the cumulant
generating functional has a global maximum for the equilibrium of the same sign of the indi-
vidual preference h meaning a higher expected utility for each agent and thus a larger welfare
as illustrated in Fig-6.1.
h = 0.09
ln ZBD
0.5 h = −0.08
0.4 h = −0.25
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
mean consensus
Figure 6.1: The logarithm of the BD partition function illustrated for different values of idiosyncratic
preferences h and for βJ = 2.
Moreover the cumulant generating function does not have the same curvature for all value
of the stochasticity level β. For a complete social network with influences scaling as N −1 , the
exact relation between the net consensus m and N −1 ln Z is known [36]. The partition function
βJ 2
Z = ∑ exp 2N
N (∑ si )2 + βhN ∑ si (6.14)
{s} i i
r Z ∞
βJN βJ 2
= dm ∑ exp m + βJm(∑ si ) + βh ∑ si (6.15)
2π −∞ {s}
2N i i
The Gaussian (or Hubbard-Stratonovich) transformation leaves us with decoupled agents but
introduces a fluctuating component m [15]. The equilibrium condition ∂ ln Z /∂m = 0 provides
the identification m = N −1 ∑i hsi i. For large systems (N 1) the later integral is well ap-
proximated by the saddle point method. Rearranging the terms, the partition function is given
r Z
βJN ∞
Z= dm exp (− βJNφ(m)) (6.16)
2π −∞
where φ(m) = 2−1 m2 − T J −1 ln 2 cosh T −1 ( Jm + h) , illustrated in the right panel of Fig-6.2.
The probability density function (pdf) to observe a mean consensus equal to m in the BD
model is thus
exp (− βJNφ(m))
p(m) = (6.17)
this pdf is illustrated in Fig-6.2. For high stochasticity, there is only one stable equilibrium
(m = 0) and for low stochasticity level (large β value), there are two stable equilibria (if the id-
iosyncratic preferences are set to zero) as proven in the BD model [52]. One notes the continuous
deformation from a single peak curve to a bimodal curve as β increases.
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
Mean consensus: m Mean consensus: m
Figure 6.2: The mean consensus pdf and φ as a function of m illustrated for different values of the
stochasticity level β. From red to blue, β increases.
Finally, the large deviation theory tells us that the probability of a large
deviation from the
equilibrium consensus meq is given by P[m] ≈ exp NβJ [φ(m) − φ(meq )] . For large systems
(N 1), large deviations are statistically unlikely.
For heterogeneous social networks, the profile of the cumulant generating function ln Z and
of the φ-function can be much more complex as schematically illustrated in Fig-6.3. This feature
implies that for a low stochasticity level, the system dynamics could be very slow depending
on the system size and on the variance of the social influences [13].
Starting point
(metastable state)
Mean consensus
Figure 6.3: Schematic plots of the φ-function for low stochasticity level. Reaching the equilibrium from
the metastable state (quasi-equilibrium) is very unlikely since the system must firstly pass through a high
barrier (which is highly unfavourable).
6.2. The Brock-Durlauf model
The dynamic evolution of the mean choice is given by the master equation (the variation of
the probability is equal to the inward minus outward flows)
p(s; t) = ∑ ω (si | − si ) p(Fi s; t) − ω (−si | si ) p(s; t) (6.18)
dt i =1
where Fi s = Fi (s1 , . . . , si , . . . , s N ) = (s1 , . . . , −si , . . . , s N ) and the transition rates are related to
the transition probability W (−si , e| si , 0) by the golden rule (where e is an infinitesimal time)
In the Markov chain theory, the sojourn times are exponentially distributed [118]. A state sur-
vives at least a time equal to e if there is no transition during this interval: P[ Ti > e] =
W (si , e| si , 0) = eµi e = 1 − µi e + o (e) which implies that the sojourn time is exponentially dis-
tributed with a characteristic time scale equal to the opposite of the rate transition.
The detailed balance condition
ensures the convergence to equilibrium. Several updating schemes satisfying the detailed bal-
ance can be chosen. The dynamic updating defined in [61] is the following. An agent updates
his choice at random time intervals such that there is almost surely no simultaneous updating.
The agent is free to observe other agents in his neighbourhood (agents socially connected to
him) meaning exchange of information (as opposed to synchronous updating). Using the rates
" !#
ω (−si |si ) = 1 − si,t tanh β ∑ Jij s j,t + βhi (6.21)
2τ j
Homogeneous network
For a complete and homogeneous social network (Jij = J/N for i 6= j as in the BD model), the
exact evolution of the mean choice is given by
dm(t) 1
= − [m(t) − tanh( βJm(t) + βh)] (6.23)
dt τ
The discrete time version is
By construction, this dynamics describes the relaxation towards the equilibrium consensus. The
equilibrium consensus is generally quickly reached excepted for the bifurcation case Jβ = 1. It
is possible to show that the autocorrelation time reaches its maximum value at the bifurcation
point [42]. The autocorrelation time τ is the characteristic decay time of the autocorrelation
function R(t) ∝ exp(−t/τ ). The dynamics is illustrated in Fig-6.4.
We note that the dynamics is significantly different at the bifurcation point Jβ = 1. The
Consensus decreases to zero as ∼ t−0.5 instead of in an exponential fashion. The autocorrelation
decreases slower meaning an increase of the autocorrelation time τ and a persistent effect of the
initial condition (memory).
Jβ = 0.9
Sample autocorr.
0.8 1
0.6 10−1
M (t)
M (t)
0.4 0.5
0 10−5 0
0 50 100 10 0
10 1
10 2 0 20 40
t t Lag
Jβ = 1
Sample autocorr.
0.8 1
M (t)
M (t)
0.4 0.5
0.2 10−1
0 0
0 200 400 10 0
10 1
10 2 0 20 40
t t Lag
Jβ = 1.1
Sample autocorr.
0.8 10−0.1 1
M (t)
M (t)
10−0.2 0.5
0.5 10−0.3 0
0 50 100 10 0
10 1
10 2 0 20 40
t t Lag
Figure 6.4: The evolution of the mean consensus M(t) = N −1 ∑i si in the Brock-Durlauf model for three
cases: Jβ < 1 (zero consensus), Jβ = 1 (the bifurcation point) and Jβ > 1 (non zero consensus).
The continuous time version is obtained by substituting mi (t + 1) by mi (t) + dmi (t)/dt. The
former discussion shows that the welfare analysis is a difficult task in case of heterogeneity
and that the optimal state (maximizing the average utility and the entropy) can be reached
very slowly. This feature has potentially an important consequence, the optimal state (or equi-
librium) can never be reached if the lifetime of a metastable state is larger than the order of
magnitude of the characteristic time scale of the decision making. If it is so, a local approach is
better than a global maximization. In place of searching the global optimum state, one should
restrict oneself to the range of states which can be reached in a reasonable time (compared to
the time scale of the process).
6.3. Conclusion
6.3 Conclusion
Through this thesis, we explored the market structure by means of statistical methods avoiding
as much as possible analogies and rules design.
Namely, we showed that pairwise maximum entropy models are good candidates to de-
scribe the market structure. Their statistical formulation is simple but they are rich and com-
plex effective models. They capture collective modes, they do not depend on the nature of the
constituting entities, their order is statistically testable and they allow to perform simulations.
Furthermore they are stated with a minimal set of assumptions and are thought as statistical
(inference) models rather than physical models.
Using these models together with data analysis, we shed light on the relation between col-
lective phenomena and structural changes of financial networks. In particular, we emphasized
that the stock market does not stand in a given regime but goes back and forth through order
and disorder and exhibit a great malleability. These studies also showed that markets do not
stand rigourously at a critical state but get closer to it before a crash. Criticality is an important
concept since complex systems process efficiently information in this regime and it is the state
where the deviation to the equiprobability of events is the largest.
Other applications are found in the economic modelling of social systems. They can be
addressed as such statistical models and several methods, coming from economics and physics,
can be straightforwardly applied. In particular, the link between the underlying optimization
process and the emergence of the Gibbs distribution is another evidence of the convergence of
fields in the background of complex systems.
6.4 Perspectives
These results lead to perspectives, not yet launched. We conclude this thesis with a few clues
for further work. Some of them are in line with the present approach and are straightforward
extensions (series extensions), the others are linked to this work but involve a complete revision
and thus much efforts (parallel extensions), see Fig-6.5.
Highlight the
collective mar- Large deviations
ket modes in characterization
trend reversals within the maxent
Study the mar-
process framework
ket structure
• Large deviations
Perhaps the most interesting issue is the large deviation analysis of stock market. We
could consider the large deviations to the mean orientation in the maxent framework and
check the consistency with empirical results. A starting point could be (6.17), check if the
large deviations are well described or not by such a rate function. This idea is supported
by a recent paper which emphasizes the possibility of emergence of power-laws without
fine tuning (depending on the distribution of external information) [120].
eigenvalues of the bulk (sometimes thought as "noise") could be too rough a filtering. The
first step will be to consider the naive filtering: diagonalize the covariance matrix (which
is possible since it is a real symmetric matrix) Λ = OT CO (where Λ is the diagonal matrix
whose entries are the eigenvalues and the OT stands for the transpose matrix), remove the
eigenvalues corresponding to noise (following the semi-circle law), inverse the change of
basis Cfilt = OΛfilt OT , infer the influence matrix J based on Cfilt , redo the analyses and
compare with the results without filtration.
• Non-extensive formulation
Long range interactions lead to the non-additivity of the entropy, alternative approaches
(as the Tsallis entropy, for instance) could shed light on relaxation, fat tail and other topics.
The additivity is a feature which is a non necessary axiom for a measure of uncertainty.
The Shannon entropy is a particular case of the Tsallis entropy. Therefore, we could con-
sider the Tsallis entropy in place of the Shannon entropy in the maximum entropy prin-
ciple, see [121] and references within. Then we could redo and extend the analyses with
the new two-agent distributions. We note that a new (or a modification of an existing)
inversion method is needed to infer the Lagrange parameters.
• Generalized linear models, point processes and magnitude of returns
The non-stationarity of the financial markets can results from adaptive or learning process
(temporal evolution of the Lagrange parameters). An attractive class of models to tackle
the non-stationarity issue is the class of generalized linear models (not to be confused
with general linear models) and point processes used in neuroscience. A possibility could
be the study of high frequency data or threshold the data such that the occurrence time
is itself stochastic. We could binarize the data using a proper threshold method (a naive
method could be: 0 if the absolute return is smaller than α% and 1 if the return is larger
or equal to α%, with α > 0) and infer the transition probability within the point process
framework, see [122] for instance. Then, we could redo this analysis for different threshold
level α going from moderate to large absolute returns. A further extension could be the
three-state {−1, 0, 1} model (also called the Potts model in the literature). The three-state
variable being set to −1 if the return is negative and smaller than −α%, to 0 if the return is
between −α% and α% and to 1 if the return is larger than α%. We note that the Lagrange
parameters can be inferred with a pseudo-maximum likelihood, as in the binary case.
• Triggered crises
The Barkhausen effect (avalanches in critical systems triggered by exogenous inputs) could
be thought as a crises formation process in the maxent framework. Depending on the ran-
domness of the external information, avalanches could be observed or not, as explained
in [89] for instance.
• Portfolio composition
One could compare portfolios (return and risk) created using the correlation matrix as
usual and the influence matrix. In modern portfolio theory, the portfolio volatility is de-
fined using the correlation coefficients. We saw that the influence matrix J is a better quan-
tification of the statistical dependencies than correlation coefficients. A new definition of
the risk could be derived in this framework. Then, we could compare the performance of
both kinds of portfolios.
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